The Goderich Star, 1923-06-07, Page 7INV 4L 06M. #A0 APAP THLIRSDAY. JUNE: 7. 1921 NOW i pi M i 0i 00 0-1000 MONSOON_ W 0000 1 _u_ -z ADMN rAigkt v"ily rawo a pank and sead ,&Vft far Wyoiw that, You Can Learn More t wilt a& P"ition, A)A4 it was OUR CAN QUECOLUMN well known lit Cw0vaercial tikvlft� --I- fie had that tke increase N a make Jaw Jow so from a teapot test of of sowing, in the Contin"tut *.*an- NOW 21 Y= (?�Iestimjj *nd Asswen on AU SW* of 1%Wi!041 tries of Europe stimulated by higher price% Wai *a intich as front A to 40P Par* Cosaiaa per coat,. so that, a i far at they could V=k�Awkk 041' set by the turn of 1wxt year thft* of iihould be ehealwr world sugar and 4 31111311wr Of W-UTAI when that came it would be the time LAB, 0 3I,,AVEpy In. ttpm vANADAI'the vWld in the XW.C*^ Q.—When was Auvery abolished in tfloakarps per vapita­-one for every ta reduct, utthe T­tWioiulatiov- 'a �e (Ministotial Vile ro to reduce r Ca You melt 00 ave 'was first abolished im CANAD.VS BEST� TRADE CVST- theeluty in this b et, the whole of the ritish EmPire, ift Uprr Cismsda, OMER that rediktion wo:11 go straight to oao laiyuWs bollist. tlkus'r*A H�.QA in 1 3. sed on ws act 10 Itbo Lexis- Q,Wbkh is vaasda!* best irade New York And he WAR not going to the full Uvor of Igor ftit. V is PWVA�tkl issuir" ior sub - 33 W&I do it. (Vinixterial ebeers). It Vr jol. hit 0 in 1793 uwkr which "tion Icustomor? Would be a vory easy thin $llant* Of fral to. T"r IV Iwas to owe effleetive in tw*aty- 4%. g Wig, 6 ;d move . W for bial I* wal keep pwootly. five years, thus givivs waster* 00W W have propo" this reduction, and ni, Than wit ft* UM you In, a Poo of a4vortisemoont a t Unt States th Wo AN"lot at loop* witv ilaves ample time in wl*h to adjust Ig 4" any said in publie that sugar was eheap coo It r -edgetiork of th skmount of the I TRY IT T0 -DAY. Let these members who might themselves to the now conditlow country to the extent of $304'. _er by when slavery Was declared to be LOUIS JOLIET dut Us. "forever invonsisteat With the laws of beliy,�-e that to be true say it; but he 4k 4" vow In Canada Q.—Who w*% Louis, Joliet T d I . not believe it to be true,, and SHIPPING 'GUAM VIA VAXCOU- AIOR X fore 17, 1673, Louis J ct he was not Xoinl to say VER - WA4 sent outoly Fronttage to find nte FACIle dutleo, on tea and, sugar VIA IRAN Mississippi. Joliet was born in Que- $200.0W.Q0 peiannuni into the Id Q.—To wlat extent is grain being bft in 1645, the son of a wagon m0k- Countrk treasurT. Every half cent shipped front Vancouver? er who was the first native libra Can. How to MA* Dslic6w ft* 'Sunday,Atterno- on 1: grain per pound taken off the Old Country I a adian to malwhis name in Canadian sugar duties reduces the revenue by Select **&It of romot4a a qukkor 3* thus Jr, $60b Is A.—Shipawmts Qf CanWhAll _W W1 Q from the v6rt Of Vancouver are history. Wit Itarquatto he diseov. approximate14 U5,00,000 Per 4111- fully v1po bit #14ts6vull 11% tko_ iWy 1W,6L ffANXTON, GadtHch, Od- 14 steadily increasing to the United ered the Mississip The 0 Country sugar duty is , Aftor hifli0iln, ho.truit Is w4igh out 1.1 lbs. berries. goasure'7 J%a Kingdom via the Panama Canal, and .1,1, later exploring num -a Bay and t ie Labrador coast tour and three-quarter cents per into small Lot #AarA av4ir *41*. Or at 104 & to the Orient.' During April, 19231 Itudso lovol cup4 (3 IN.) $ *r and was rewarded with the jslan4 vi pound, The'BrItish Chancellor of separate n. Sprez about ono� Morq, so Out port ofAbo sugar w01 A Lesson Learned should'. Her deposition and the 3,000,000 bwshON Were shipped. Anticosti, where he died In 1701. the Exchequer refused to take the Thou. hast Jed me through Ways o*er, chooslug of Esther as her successor - THE HAIDA INDIANS fraction of a cent per POU44 or the quarter o the bworries on their sidoa be disaolvod and lal AXADAS MILLING INDUSTRY pnf lish duties because Mr. in slugle layer on a platter and stirrod'aad cookod yNk"t erwhbg rough to got *ro graphically described Then fol Q. aIdA Indians C Q.—What is the extent of Canada' gellitly prtsii vatit b*rry to a thick. frult. U** kottest fift xnA our tfii. 's Ta dwib "The whole of that re. ties$ of �j inch with bottom of ViTto stslitly bqfg WW who* bon And mid storms of blinding fear; Iowa an account of Mordecai falling ­Wh`re art,' tho H a d But now I 1�ave found that the path- under the Aisfavor of Ramen, the in Canadaffl a ro A,�_The Ifaida ItMiana of Canada milling jpdustry? duetion. go strai glit to Now bottle. (This l"ves skins'nexrly in- SWI Mit for tbnw *W4140, vwov* way twined king's'ehief attendant, and him plot-, contred around Prlaft, Rupert A.—Canada's milliog Industry is York."' Hon. W. S. Fielding takes tilet, but ruptures. fruit inside and from, fit* and otir in % WWI* (Ne"t 'Neath skies, that were fall, aid ting, to . pualsh, Mordecai by obtaining its basic ones, valued At over one-half averit per pound off the Can* lear. from the king An edict against the 11Z the queen Charlotte Islands in one of an e a qugvter of a. billion, rankinc fourth a4lan duty on sugar. The whole of makes it hollow, allowing bollin % cup) Corto. From time :*Vt W I bad 0 N whole Jewish race, -Today's lesson the Pacific. They are Among augAr to soturat* tissues qulek'I�Y'! +Akta otf firt allow to $414 "t over vgt6ed the shadowed and " most intelligent and purest of r in the 'world, with exports in 19,22,of that reduction of $.2,600,000 In sugar � to pressed berries to lafto 4 valaut^ ky #JW f&4 b4oro pot. Drn-spfaad Toad gives the efforts made by Mordecai C equal to duties will go - strit lit to New York Twin r 5" 110 thl to rescue his people from such a fate, 01004 tb6 coast. They are very ar� 'nearly. 1%000,904barrels or, ttle, mnd cover with la�er of 411- 11W.;In tho nsoa*0x% aklm Instead of the light"above put tistle and, their handiwork is in great 4g.000,000L bushels of`yheat. 44midthe loud plau%lts of the follow. ar,,Ropmt thii opor*tforl wit C4401 31184(ty. I had looked at the Hand 31ch. held He wOn"u"UtO the city),hav'"g - demand'. Ing aw4roitles froul the Globe: h,all 000410a4ur to th on sackcloth with ashes, and, cried CANADIAN AIRPLANES Ever a friend of.the taxpayer and the berrie placing 14yors of,'prisood p itickly. It Is a%$** , . out Lq e rod BEC t1QUOR PROFITS Q.—To what extent were airplanes tonsuiner, of the man who tolls. and berries an su ar altera.001y lu Ut�- imir14"Ifi at oom It in "0. at t in the Face of Love. with a lond bitter cry. This was , QUE tie, bs ance of augar on top. *Acc, and lovort I And no � told to Esther who although raised to Q.—What are Queliec's Profits. used ln.Canada in 1992? the wonian who kceDs the home, the tho puttin 11 0 WOO" to.*w. hadow . r, J1 . . Otto 11omon, or IV* Us* t. 0 - The pathway is Just as a y still, the pQsItion'of Queen 6till retained ;, from -its'43overnment, Liquor Com- A.—C*nadian air pilots; flow -in veteran Minister of Finance (tran, add J. IC4 of P0. 'dancing kindly Interest in him who had been.1hissio 9 1 ferxhly I teaspoon of vowdo"d tAr. or oru otawbWry But the light comes. 1922 nearly 300,000 miles carrying slated -4s -pal equatiorilt Into the ternih ;W tarle or, CIO 'This booklot through; her ivardlan-when she was left 4 A in 1922 to Quebec 1 91503 passengers aud.bandlinir 77,900 of–Rirvday life, into the laXiSuageof 10 acid. addi �ft co 0 And atorins, are sudden and just as orplian. She sent clothes to him but ut liquor Corquils- . aAld f A—itTNt, � A pounds of freight the k0len and the cupboard, re refused to pulp. them on. - Men Es- UT, i0a,oWtv V, er and "white collar man," housewife, Sunday, connecting at Toront th night 6411, But I know Thy Hand is true Ued one of her attendants and o with Iftio'do t 'Toronto Wi (Anna B. Blp�el).. ther eft FIRST HORSES IN. CANADA, 'PAIN IN THE JOINTS factory, hand and growing children— 'The Capitol City" leaving Toronto leavi ' �tawa 10-40�p, tn. Train had him inquire of Mordecai "what It t, all had -a place In. his r6membrance at 12:10 p. Tn. god the 4 ad why it was." This 4ttend- 94—When were the first. horses 'Ottawa Ex- leaves oronto 0'.50 a. m. and ar. PRAYER was a used in Canada? and a share In his carefullymeasur. leaving Toronto* 1000 p, m. riveii at at 11,40 m. daily Unt brought back a full account of all nded in Is An Intlication That the Blood -is e4 bounty. "I'll , Is except Sunday. Most gracious God,. our Heavenly A.—Twelve horses were Is $44 Watery rtletlu;inc excellent conotection. 'U Father, source' of ever� blessing, trouble; how Human became incensed Quebec on. May 6, 1665. They gra- giverof every good %ind perledt gift, because Mordecai could not oonseleu,I duall-, multiplied untit DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO OT- ti6iisly and, therefore, would notlbow y the animal be- �Tha first sicn' of rheumatism Js TAWA- VIA CANADIAN . NA- 01 we -adore Thee- we praise Thee;,we erence, Came 8, great help to the infant and 00 9, ; Every before him nud"do him rey frequently a pain and, sweiiing of one TIONA4 RAILWAYS magnify Thy Ifoly Name - how Human intrigued,,494in9t him by struggling colony. The Indiana look� of the joints, It this Is not treatOd day'.wo receive new proofs of Thy qd ,, with- ;amazement on the, to them With the new train service ar. saying, "There is A certain people through the blood, Which* I$ the WAt ratigements which werw.put into ef- care over us, now pledges of Thy love, unilsual creatures. And faver, Help us to" be truly scattered s0broad and dispersed a,I of the alsease, the polson�qpreads,:af- �rect May 13th, on the lines of the grateful for all te ral blessings. mong the people in all the rovinces ONTARIO'S NORTHLAND. fecting other joints and tissues -;7- Canadian National Ri 'In l0ways, improv. Help up to be u6 thankful for pf thy kingdom; and. their aws. . are . vice in being'operated between lesps" MINERAL WIEALTFI =iMe8 rheMallIti5m, Attacks thd ed a er V INV A SAW% F FMC -1 I I nil EP IFOR $ 'f " that "bread which came down out of diverse from all people; neither k Q.�,_What is the pi and. is tatal. r eept, -oduetive, woa Goderich, Toronto, Smith Falls and Al rA,. ILtIjAWA MI�R� laws; therefore it is 'of Canada's mineral northlana A, rcynedy thit has L I 1 0 0 . _ _ ', oAF1 Y 1) heaverr,!' for the eviqr-flowing foun"- they the king's', iorrected =say Trains leave -Gode 'at� ottawa� rich ot for the -king% profit to suffer � A.­Accoi our Dr. Wlillfta� 0 00 a. al. -and g:20. P. -wj.daily vxcept taints - of living water, for that home n ding to 0. V . Corless, cases of rh sm is tiot�made with handsi--for that Frien 4 These pills enrich and V ­t.4 thcm.'� Mordecai sent, Esther also a mining., oixp�rt, the total nkk6l' pro� Pink Pills -olyy of the ediet'that she might see 19oa so that the potii6n­ that - stickoth Closer than a brother, c ductio, of S db 'the silvef of Co- Puryy the* bl f who -that ab n .In' the Name of Hird loved us for herself thq ftnger le and balt and tl�eug(loffysf porcupine totals ous rheumatic matter is driven out �of and gave -His life1or us. Amen. he eople were in.. He charged him� over hilin billion since the start of the system as. nature intended. Miss (P. W� Snyder, D. D.), torill her she should make an appeal mining operationg- there. Gertle Denne, Wasbato, Ont., was.,St- . I I I` N?5 E to the king, putting the matter'in a NOVA SCOTIAIS FINANCES tacked with rheumutism . and found WHYDR4 ELECTRIC McLEW SP CIALS.." SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Von ielief throllgh -Dr. Williams? ;Pink JUNE 17th, 1923 proper light and get him to ilter the decree. This the attendant did and Q� What - is the financial . stand Pills. She tilys:­61'About a year � a resson, Title --Esther*. the Patriot Ing f N vii Scotia? -go 71 is sent badk with Vsth�rls reply. It , 'o 0 1 was attacked by rheumatism and for Lesson Passage --Rather.. 4,13 to is a ve simDle matter to tell her to M.I-An expenditure of .$4,767,67 two weeks was confined to my bed. The, People a Power, appear efoto the k I ing but . she re- and a revenue. of'0,70i,207 showing Bova' Lo011 Ded, spoeW I The trouble -was so painful,. affecting %, er MittA, Ii. Golden Tixb�-Eithvr 4,1C. minds Mordecai of the penalty that 4 surplus, of *2035. was Nova Sco- the joints of my limbsrso that 1,6001d, COOK 11Y -ELECTRICITY athe Mitts, Ill tied,. 404 psi r. Youths' L,0 for appea tia's record foriast year. not stand alone. Mother hid a box ihe might have to pay ring CHUR WASN, � IV ELECTRICITY When Cyrus 4king of Persia give uncalledin the. inner court.. She puts. CH UNION of Dr,. 'Williams' Pink Pills in the Ive Jews. liberty. to return to ..Afen'si LeAlior Mitts; wlth: fore fioger sep:arote, the cripti it'.very plailily, "All the kirig-'s serv- Q.—Whatis Church Union? e and fboukht they might bolp 11181111 BY ELECTRICITY Palestine many chose to remain, pre- houll ferrin Ants, and the people of the king's A.—Church Union is.the. roposed 'line. I begiiii taking them, and�whon g:their present condition io the provinces, do know, tha� whosoever, union of the Presbyterian, 216thodiat I had taken these pills. ot a further 'Ven's, Leather Work Glo"s, lined, special 500, unknown diffieulties on the journey, whether ma , n or woman, shall come and Congregational bodies as the Un� �supOly, wit,h-the resgl� Alat the iheu- and the -deprivations they might'have unto -the king into the iliher, , court, ited.Church ot,Canada. 'Clean Vleeco * Lined Uuderwea� for both inell and bo�m at ��ood 11ricos'. to face on reaching -the home -land, Acts of par- matiam, vanished and I'was a well who 16 not called, there is one law of liameat and logislitures- will be� aieda! girl, I may add that my � mother �nd 'Vool Underwo4i, to ale%r at 0,1080 prices. Among these Was. Motdecal who rose his to put him to death, except such ed to bring it into eftect. two of ray sisters have, also used the Quick Men'a. Heavy N to be an- important person, at Aha-. to whom the king ohall'bold �Qut th� pills for various ailments With equal A 'TZZ Ml colors Factory yarli at 250,14kelu. suerus' Court;, SASKATCHEWAN AS: -Who wrote: the Book of 'Esther is golden sceptre; that he may live; but IONE PROVINCE success; and now we� are 'never with - I ha e not been Called to Come in -an-, PI out them in the house." cheaper thin -000 of not definitely stated but tbis Mord&, n41-liewa ( W601 141a, kots loth.to eloar at intet,04ing pri ea. to g6 hys'.01 Q.-�­Where does Saskatchewa A few pairs o king these thi d If you are' suffering from ally Con - cal *r�te at least apftvt of it (Cha�'. e province Wood 20).* It is the, complete story of a. Verse 13w-Esther's inessageg to Atand as a telephou , T dition due topeor, watery blood, or 9. Mordecai were given as commands I A,—Saskatchowan stands first in wdiik nerve% begin teLklnir Dr. Wil.- we. aro 01 flug out Our _806- of DOW, ftesters at 61090 plo . t to deatroy the Jewish nation, -reply takes ad note how one entidove-tailod.,into and fiow we see how Win Pills n6V4 a prices. of hQw ev on A similat t6no� Shev must make your. strength . and . health will - im- An Electric Vicuum1lainer another until the plot wig entirely this caust:.her own. He, G. - have first Esther's liold approach to . . ....... ing in prove. You � can got these. ..Pills "Movel the dust*, over4hTowri, and many of those who an- the,kilig. , The fast being elided sh through any -derdev. in medicine, or by sought .1 own. the palace and wearing a crown, c� in arraying -herself in A Brain just Inew the' �heir lives lost their not revoke the decree on* her behalf— lost no "time, nihil. at 60 cents a box from The Dr. The name of God! is not mentioned in iSLa JA her royal robes so -the better to re- 'WeSS. . ms' Medicine Co., Brockv ihe Willia ille, �dnat. the Book but. the hand of Pi%Vidence --1 Verse 14—The Jews. were. Go&s conimend hers6lf� and'therefore her A P01119 Ont. HAO is easily traced throughout. chosen people-and-ffe will not desert cause, to the king. :There she stood _. I i , !17 The story opens with the, de- them, so Mordecai tells EAV6r it sh in the inner court of the Xing's THAT SUGAR DUTY REDUCTION scription of a feast given by the king e house. What hope, what fear would of plays the, Coward's part then there Walk, in and seo at which the queen V"hti refused posse h oul! Next we notice the, will be some.other -Way of escape, but favor "" le or goods at to appear whcii calledi it being Con e she� will itb reception the king gave heif Whole, of, the Reduction. In Sugar trary to all p.�eViOdg Custom that all , reap, the fr�it of her -own Her aptdarance c . aught his eye and, Duties Will Go. Straight to New sowing an d �he cannot suffer alone 'York for no'one ever'does,' "Thou and thy involuntarily it would seem, his scep EWE N tre went out to her and 4he, trelft- STOREO fatherV house shall be destroyed THE HV0R0 when the'rest of the families of the blingly, no doubt, went forward,and (Toronto Telegram) 0 0 0 H* IZA I W tm�M 0 Jews are prcserve&�' Having stirred touched the toP-,6f it, showing to him Fielding bud.get'presentsibe bosses North-.81do'st 4are 409014" phone, 46: We.deliver thie�000ds Collie as ;m'%humble *- f the sugar rinx, with the proceeds . !, 0 her spirit'by these. harsh sayings. lie that she had 0 _0 adds this healing balm, "And who titioner�_ He did not, howe4er, regard, (of tit,! wiz -half cent removed froTo 0=0' J I her as tin offender but rather as one, tho,, Canadian duty on imported su- 1_0===69202=zz== I . I . knoweth Whether. thoil art come to "What gar, men effantior the kingdom. for such a thiie ai whom he was pleased to seK '!The Everyday Folk" are, this?" She 'a'humbli Jewess raised wIltj6ti, Queen Esther, and what is tioned by the.G.lobe as the objects of God thy request?" Such gracious wordo. Ron. W. S.'. Fielding16 loving care ..to 'the throne by the planning of , would.not be likely to,fall from the and unceasing devotion., These 114y. f6r the.saving of His I f M a 1;-s:of-one a—ry at having been au-lervdav Folk" ara -rint-Inall-i th- New ureagi -4atej.. jbureX oves rib! are ncler y a wap, His wonders to proached unheralded. He who had York sugar barons into whose pock - t ie 0 'o divorced Vashti for noteomin - g 'when .6ts: the Fielding, budget will pour. the Ill 11 mys' r, I iunish - Esther :for tr%000,000 per annual .-proceeds that ;.Pitt. 01r^, cgr4ful cooditiotols pqlfo called could also r Vo;r:;`e15_117. Having made up Coming uncalled. God had, however, formerly went into the Canadian -r inind to i1sk her life she seekh an tO n1ake it safe' he Kings .Of prepared the way for her and she is ticasury. and ke�p its Interview � first with the , now on pleading ground for he says, Who says that duty removed tr . om Kings -for she requesWall her friends richnes� _!�What_xs thy-potition--and- what -is. Canadian importo. of sugar - b.V-: the t -nd their 4xiendii,to.fast'hud 96 Seek a thy request 7 , t shall be given thee Fielding budget will go into increas- fayot from the God of her people; to the half of the kingdom," She ed profits for the American. augar and then with renewed courage,she §howed her wisdo.ta by merely paving pro(lucer or distributor, not into de - a will 'go in and Intercede for them. the.wpy for li�rgreat request, by in- 'creas4d prices - for the Canadian su- CHARLES -MILI She reasons as did the lepers in him and Raman to a banquetI gar . conau I mer? Kingg 7.4—"If I sit still I die; if I Write %dn. a Caq, Vhteilhopcd at the, banquet to have a Ift. Ron. Stanley Baldwin, Chan- Ui. ,.tv : - venture rmak live, and be; the life of favorable opportunity of pre - Limited. More ellor of the Exchequer in the 116nar my people; if the worst comes to� the Law government, -says so in tht�sv senting her peti worA,1' at we sa "I shall but die." From this 'narrative many lessono words: Chap. 5:1-3. these versds, we. for present day living can be gather- - When it became obvious that the ed such as.* Cuban sugar crq- was going to be (1) No one 'Who receives Proa10- far below the estimateo prices began 6�yff ti should cease to t4ike an interest to move up strongly, w6ek by.week, AL in friends of 'former daya, nor when until on Tuesday last the price was need ariges, fail to show that intereilt, 30s; 3d 'per cwt or three times more (2) When the way is dark and the than in January, 1922. This rise was 40 outcome uncertain communion with caiiied'vntirely because. so far . as "Everytime, �-for the wash after the ghave, it wotheg the sWw God by prayer and, fasting, will bring can be geen, thbre-was actually going Ayourhge to go forward. to be a shortaigei bf sugar this year (3) Whatever I test InCre4Se In de God Intends us; to and the gligh manJ be or do He will bring it to pass. re WORLD MISSIONS A. F actory Girl With st World Vision Wit file Amity U016; i -Z I have two pictures to.. showyou night. One is of a street0ri Dundee, Scotland. It is nikht and dark. A A PURE, w ELEC T RIC' mere slip of a girl walks down the street on her way to a meeting In a mission hall, where she helps with zi the boys and girls. In ft-ofit of her, blocking the path, stands A gang of WIPJNG tough laft of the street who 'are ig-! -11 doing their bemt to break up her meet- We Apeeialize in Wiring of ing-4. Their leader carries a piece of All kinilq- TAt us give you an lead f4stened at the end of a string R. slid, as his companies close aronfid estimate for Wiring your bouse her, he swings his -weapon around or garage. her head, coming nearer and nearer until it xrazes her forehead, but she PRIVATE TELENIONES, stands her ground And does not flinch. The foea arm falls and the MOTORS" 0YRAMO$0 4 weight comes to the sround. "She's game, boya," he says, and, ELECTRIC SELLS W xamilne the &ams to show thOr Mmiration, they all go Aeeting and becoihe. 1014LAR ALARM SYSTEMS 'With her t6i the r ivILET SOAP Aftvy cleans' Ment or' her orderly and devoted followers. ALL WORt GUARANTEED Ing ally gar Theother picture is of a but In tho hot country, of West Africia. The material with SURPRISE, ex- walls tit* of mud, and in it sits thel Cox, IRON 41111A TOAST Ily onl es. Th y white person for many rail nu e person is A growlt womano once, ELECTRICITY sminO tho—t8minig. YOU will fill' the mipsion girl of Dundee, and on,71 hpr wall hangs the picture ot a man. We bave an assortt"C"t of that ;SURFIR31SE � has done its his Wife and children. Ile is the ]ad tlif3 beot Blectrio Irons and who threatened her life in the Ion &-th lyt tnd the i i ago and who on getting well sottle work thorou Toftstora toade in C had gent her the picture as a momen. is truly 4010*n. to -of the str(et geow that had We" X tho turnft;j point in M8 life. ]ROBTO JA JOHN TAYLOK CO.. L144000 Between my two Pieturtn there Res a fasellistilol? rtory or one or tve ttritka Well St. TORONTO faeft remarkable women of ouvdayi 1%zo $2 6r 2541 Marp Slowtor, of Calabar. (Percy, R. Hayward). 1 0�' V ­ ­