The Goderich Star, 1923-03-22, Page 16I ONO" �t y THM-0 lXi't'll '-'Vtb. Mn- YP*" 111,411tol your ot spol IIEUT AND MVES A dow oven will It w;3CC's 1 CV0 49;07, 14isps, Cis 1;;,; 1:14 Ltwll CX when you use -s �# i. 2k I? Llo L, LiL Polo 'Ur. x AM It %R'4 e7 1wart wtites­_�'i wa sk,",;%ted to let , ol h4vt17) I RX=Vy, quit. hilt rfu W9, aay gal vi:s k tq, I gati� you cowlag 1)21 Ma a N" pjAlp vrid Cain awt flevow-rd V;inq (�;"o 'here!* the Olen mow Vcayt W _n 0-3 1 LUM "t wauted to I'ay dil *kOlt t'� � - -Iwf 0.1 Aith L-cavt rar-ki m-qe tr�;tip 005 was if nx vr)u 51, -Well. roy 4kllr�` izz.1741AEd -*C'S, N1017�h &!) clx- D"�Oat tZ.-a LTz-3 C -4"u L%'Itt, I jnz,1,6ry T -n!, volls as the'v Sat bef"i-v tUo CZ -4, lizat even min f:w gtr;vzI2 ­Ims Itj vjy old fit. I 4# very oft, -I. fwn'� at-4,r/j, antl 61W, 210194, iritritip, Bobby Evere-tt", WnW)OP GROCER '? w;zgon.. %� U3. tiors*iould cerix zc tit grza W. 111 dowt linow." LC44 . 'llary W a 11 ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGH xerlit;."Ice. alt"I flilliug my ilkily "mev; do t4o fayras oTelt. jii(3 all a?)oui It." said the 0141 I allo my. vMex TTW $D c:�l lk%dy tenderly. as ste saw ]lot leaj-�, I at be u6*10Y jurip out of Was aza T;11.�3 coxr�Alcd I -If your h4,nd3 VA1111 Us see to It that we 40 not Btu ,;, 7_ I foiling ou the anclour reellie book. $0, lar jcgfow 7. could scttlo UZIEVI'd to tho cultivation 0 t9 w4j�: tho 29 I;anL,.v Put the buw.; ill the, wrinkled to ", 0,--tO- -40( 9 1your mind? ax.lbam's hands and U(!r owls b0gitt ))call Ill tAlug a few bole, L lottler"s alalkle lap. and Sobbed gad Rme rins I c."a lionestly Soy I `gtandu REX reuma rl=. x itow,icel ill tit* out tile -,VUOIQ foollsh story. Is for SUCCUS When she had finish(. d Mrs. 41= anit laid it �Ijvppsro for 4 151MAICH t beat of Itc3hlk, 13 ;f' let, th'i) 1K - -L b*TO lie brown booli., WHY BDTHERi��Ij TRAIN. Is JI)Ccil $a for Llkree yeup, aia can do 4UYI loatted t! , df,31her uso tovoll elassit of work vith pl?aSare, whore.1xi- aRlde, "your grzin that e elpe'fitr 'Copy1rialItt 191v'j W H*rFWr 4 Ofilth4fil- fore, tW319 10='Pills lifo wo a 1buir(tra ,aka reelpe 101W 1'e lie* oQj;, lit) quaintly. 4'110 n 4 elose, at 4,1444113 the 030;tdor madW Price 50e a 110,% at AU 4'abr,3 or elqred t;hat the Muir and eo W T'H COAL 40HAPTXR IV. - 1140n. trouble to) W, ?)Dt isf pri(Wily butter -were tb(- ?leb foundation of lisp, o. 13or presence '14044AVIT!, Idlell airi-let Oil I'm atop ned COOK. . Ile T. Milburn Co., a H�w 0 4iourtoy CWA at Hops. T Limited, Tpi:a bjeadedL.'JUjjjfjjIIT-jjnd comb[ in herself MUM. $110 61144 4 1. � v0pbleal. C41)il- bQy oreotittg 0 for sweeti;u1n. ill the WAY 0, ELECTRIGRY T %t.1% owing to topo, OW -0 OVOrl The V4111 �*O% oat. IvItIt "gar '41tiouil Abiolt C*QVIOZ had t1rC'" '(,�era'dk OtOrtealL.thep starod. t1jorlujifig Alons: nod - thotigh 'Viviltv o.rumb, of h A wr t �+h. 1111tj and other lit ­fttnu _& U-niArov 1n%nm initividuat lisbod as the point or cast tirtim iiat anapparspon. Sue oitruke v interior of Alatit.a. It uats, W.101100 A groping 11.1114 to'exorao". Who 'stood fruit '14 WbWlk and 11JOUP" 914 It frOM 10 111% 040,0. we.ro of thew that she , h. lothed. with; her 'her 910TI1111s. 0oxelt remalkleA ill the backvOund. WSM a, i A Rimpe for� the 00 bridegroom. con, i Opens Wasua 0241 e4 , oil litaka wbell t.tils-mory 9 a invaawlitler of t arcliTitgoot jj�g — ­ - 'I W 'WhOWF. 311-OV00". Tio:A4110 .,,g,,4, of._e0j ,(hi e W. a too it JaU4 WltletbV W1101' 4114 4'ercultoua lit la;t hl$ Prol-egee wilosced.to gaho it I t jud the (lot Ill More or legii c0beyell InIA', y of Bering sex, hair, inlet. by. wa. racta -of the AhIpwrect YOU eroolt.ed Talifou In 40111100" WOW 110 ner 010 -Inglu I rd ITM - 10, V . T lya%, � ol v -Of 0� ppit lwr #,"Ou , ber4elopon, Go QX# 'ay Ron MgREP joo;er suitielear, There no .,Vli fAtrittid . 0 abruptly altere& It CI permonout route by Itiegas or - lie 0 .,you Pao r sylAtileme.) W151 *lit Anight �eow mets slid fro , 0, T lye" through .411 the yolir. 110 VIM be e1cfe"llated. found Nancy COPling a T North pass, an4 yquon rattiva"'. 00t, 0,,-. .he Nabruelia I" the lesststard, afoNed trail I siloruttlit . it #$yV4,I,, -yes, xes!" cried NOtalIV. Yeelpe fl -ow an old -brown book. She boll nalilqu let, lifeboois,%tu boo a t iter own, des* 1.4 aeorneV and to, I)Itwxou City 4od the ("A t oX ,Ind left 'no- lill Alone Was t k,! d S library kind obe rose to tile fillip sinklog! of, her fixthee. prinell Itself bl-Ph a '—In 00 44o'k—Wilb s -and I . r J, r -,It -nqw ,gtl� 'tilt 000 11101 with olitsteett -'ritoo � CA" t. 6-gell xayo me. Ite'tootc,2110 -01) "I'Vit boo" orowing poly --fro y bed hand ss,tbjkt, mild jqx�ped just as thosbip, vank, anti for ovelt, fivo Min" 'Ing color Idlier for elieel;fo- two Own? mot to 1001;* for a btlrbar More to I IRV vvst.. #04 were *U Ul.-bt 10 the, freczIng W"- "Afle YOU YOPY-1111VI" honsUed.l.witil will, ward. train whieb thoy ecold tull, tile W�a, tooll wout ilia," $11c I begon IQ paelV! at WttfAut. I Than It waq let-, We atoly died, didn't we? tle Orbit, speaker dangl(iij - his pilptly tilled mock allilety. stir ted, and sq, did L titurrionle, dear— A' -sotl 11es, Ind, not too bu8V to be, , luniii oven Leaf. bit that Coftoz ismotte vile inne0lion ti) lind t1kift tit tv.xr Vag ItK evillenee. inus 4)f a it wa% so coltiL Ile held the UP on - tr tone Ile junrinured- 1%thl thot just glad to see you" Thows 0ii. telepbone� 6erself -i;Q10,0ted 014 tht 10111 wero, nuo"ed, tlkotoob,� And then . oluent.. DOW' va* title. Other ralliway 010 1 alli't hao .4 ilay"s lueL since Lto. Excow ioti a M for liot. 1440. minute I get kk Slle 11itled 'Oepo&s tbe roonx to 06 followed, 111W,4�v proknot,f)o t,(qloljloN there woonitt room 110 the lifeboat � e4jin was s o"t the"s tWl, botit,or o,si *,Bat he made Wom talle, all. $%long Foil come nod spoll It." t6lept twicl6w ul�oi the old .3 )one aud BAL , . 1— for Abe ku"Jt,lnart� but Athoog 0' white he stayea. "'d j belpe:. 'lye that had more than ii;kper oud ­11jit zleta, just tbo'sutu "I dowt want Soil", louglied vNell. brown book and rs'ad tte ri 8 be onished and it Is oqo O,t t1lese, wo� lit tito water, 1le Vas 1100115001is Uut Slater Vaq not convifoced.. U0 jarlos'seake." Just a 14 ule* 110111al 4 reliettedthesbore, Ob,,ftw# 4 own Narkey 4111110 wbjeb )ad Whelk bo laid the. book gently ' . bacize(I -by the topper trustt, Von ot2 her checks scaro yol 'Iontlo herivv valollik invomqlssxjts� 121(10 �vkn dot lrolj�ve gu� si)mo, lying iteross the to ijulitWt b6 borm Vve let and her gray ayQS'sf0tfiy,- fillies Ittla4d, MON ONeils Idoutit'v being 0WOU9110 A- IV tile, Other by (� #. '"king no or you froto yo W 044 th� uAtore of Ids oervlO, ll� Dow tor ly. %I It'shoilld not 100U., at thitt!" bo olaimed, 11 ). wen drawim" Pay -cought. 410n, a proloorer D-440OU his 10,94 at ,.She vork 41 blq birthplace quill ilia World apparent, Curtis (;Ord, over 11to Itiltintes""; she cried. IVA—Per"A , slo rUlng grip and thanked, h1m, In 0.,�NL.jt made a-gg4titee of lvapatienee. up tke hook lkn(l, her eopy'of thereelpe a Oro w-,oq.bls residence. n w, M."t in way Allsit, 34141tt bave warifted the "No. tit): In tho Ilrs.t 1,04ee. I lukve and1lirust- them I tOi 4 dmWer, which b Ooydon had 11001" OneAf jitons ggrgoylo� -The Won. 119thint.jor. you to) doi, I n the 11forond the -closed and locked With R vigor' In!- uilltl 116 heart of voters, In the T., au voill, 110d d now -that be U44tv. eouldIft , #frora. qlp spired by. Au$0r.-' lrelii�ried. 4 f0ilot, proArIpet WO ftaustormt eta.. Ila"%. probstblv told. olso P1 too(L 116 bt!cAmo, ci. gelser of , . 0 . . djjlolt� realIze th yj�wwthe I-sw frook CorloZ. 0 1. k6nes 0aidon is llaylog 3,011. at you would care. Ito vourod. forth It% Appree dicUen, 0 doul .4 of lti �gjoetujj$ _sitd, oil N4'6oy, darling, �y 0 where, be -bad starret). A Own Whiell. lip quellee. Wen- **Tbat!$ the -to my (IQ. Itopt.. There Wore 60wo who. kitlon to fdua4eiI sentexim. all; I 0appy, Tom, "Whom' tire voor luean to Say that voti object [je�j jtnosv� did jousloil -#oleo softatic-d n44 swelled (-Olftd I theal." I —Wilyj I tboukht—this Very` daY er Ing leads ovd §01 kod: t.rlps? r1l Wto bj carrying it slit,4 their 1 -0 that sail broUt, wltb. 104016"At 4 ' ell,t apy, i,;Te been t$hjpjvrc(-k, I come to ask You— to thoy $Pokii I f WAs toat t000bb: , Throush: It 411 (At- Natiev W45 PsIle.n6w, and Qne could W eiiaotloo;� L ' jwts�batn60nedQJ1W, (1101t 1 1. mforti, I have Ito W, Iterribltnieb Of a 1. Irish eOtkAySctOV 4xl4vohatkked UtkCO is stornly as�uottic The 011twtrd P tbilikik. Wr you." S�etlie Mdeo fear bollind 0. A mine =Aep tie bw 1111"t. for bo �otlld not bet Ve olao. Who As Tile- iop6tltloti at thissiAtewcot m4di 0Yes—that Is, jkoy-� one $a wbort, Ink thalt. this fulsome out�prst w� oil tile her, �,Rob D, vor0tt amW 9aiy that at Ud, epeeted A line Rllbttlk� kor by the jo"� who bad not di iiiii1list ltiiprewdoll Uri loved e gIrI,he ;moo' rott Ike had mortally o0nd0d th toikiket with bulldlxkgfm� bU_lkk M�al*; �Jkrll rf ukolit, th*A h%tret, the 'Iyuge the 14ortb -Pwss, *Ad y . 0 , Otte S60fi ejlouglj�" be I e all others., What woka and � spaciou%, vestattloo, for 'T60!1I oved abu� OrVys;.,Qer&td1a 40gh-, m, of dobvIs by the rescuer 10t; hitrill1o.118 Arld1fig'ber With 0.10 colsy' ohim"It" and'aally� Wit P1101 i*pjj0dP,thcA, with A touch of SP lit -W elpe tot bride's eake-11111 $. ork. let, 030- lanhol, eAttlex to t for blio'gum ,Do. Y�u thilsk tot this roily- -Of it to ped OVUM Gordon 4 XOSM e eoukitjry?�� . Ajsfa�e whitened,.too, suit be step 4no arei*., 116 paid hWh Watts. 110 � ' walked UP, this dock, dasber, if �ou Vrere 14 th hkil4tilit, And be bad A. JACtetlitd oll 0010' Oausb!'* O'N*011 4CR glagoe, over 84 of 0ouk 1"jjy,'%-jtlk f0t W0ft *07 biA 100 'MilPf"ate jjj Ahs, lyny. how '46 1 oam�, What rdolpe you, p )m tho growd W14011 Mid' Slkth� bl��'Xboaloer. dnig"', Ito .4*xzW .*,A4 'to to. be bete? I tbOU94t $610 wore, eOPN, fightelit 'tilit, out 0( oil bapp. ji*ld W, WAVOU MO ithwo; trTlyal $let) - of cortt%� wbitri tie be- V This follow were in Vgvrsou." 4011loo froxii, vour illsplea"re that ovie otlb tOM004- tit$ -working oth 4ski -inter -sted—" he floundered r �*w work Qn, rAttroid '01104 wag dit it with olse% 1*1 flolslf�tl that 16b, t M e tbio interior IthOt h0iidll, W001 to 1 by, go bilek to . in* lifia'Allf, child" 4 to releb far In wikiA *no ooklis, havewt see wtbcnk.10�. of Mo 1144—now standing., atid, us trlt� Ij thInk i0ordon IS afalsettlarliM freezhig, "I ara:116teogaged to marry ot. *AV$ isatioxtauttes. otiorrIng :L0- you, ji'U, verett I" lico sooek* out 4own as reiiahobts who ixeler Aid' Itappy Turn spot with Bo lgiWit him. their *Wts, sometutux the a deellk"4 I litretelled out grWy curajv 'Id "ItAsill I Uta4�rAck,thejjsa ; "That Is not lay fatilt'" It to flip %w, new Tillag* Ot for QoT40t6 oul tip with, . Ilroadal 41 CA a todaj, Nancy dar It Wit* UP tkilking railroads' Ra eagerly. i its odor 'of tmh cut tkr Ikou Ithdr fafta ushuns [*Ve. 96-t a box back lo. the 19 Ac�epl:44 tk* 005WIP Why, I vatutoL that , 'the "frelobt :0 AAA callia tfiilkl� -lot hrallio "W,bO gave Vu permission to: ad I kad- 14the WIM 06oul" 01"Su'rii, dress we WfIvAt Way?" 'A$kOd NA'Aey witu iiatA116 Girard, I ana 'Irlab A*nw 0*41.0 came tiogo07 bo, 04" soa. Mille eould Wit Cur", haughtily I - 1, Via -for '"eto he" AW "N6 .,Your . glVellm I tjt4 110 be lotta, tW,0orkq0 lit rallroml billidlug" and v801V aw t oace, of rk .10ven WOO the'slilp U0 e 1 like but -fit- '17111 tait t's- the slewr oil It lootowt, uto as be" :4ro 'a oil fOo ODO dido�t know tha,01wert IN-AfF.Alik Other stisCid�iiW40' (11L uut hand "It to' Ord Aban—that Ills I Qlon,� J.P?A"4 �"Vr lid foxioder '0 tha V4 tt* docvt As tile genius's iblog—hirs a. mpneylgettitt *U1,4 Inou to be marr e act. -no knows where the 16036 : -e ot, tlopo and tim d4&* balrao. welt Im" tile A*w* %i�� d$v I qntAlWil Wh Alt*d Mo, A011% itealtaied "Naney, With "140 11101 As I f ju� the hearth is jold. an sj am $Oro; it he 14rme& WO101110' `40,4 is Due W410 not 11"t1i ther woto, w*ylx;beWd0i1.1k 11kno-W3 Just whielk ]title bush the (Ink- d0opilig eM. Of trOmeadous the jlj�jjcd under. nose "Xjet 'Ail Asa &'*140 11411kek-.1isit snAllis atL red Boti'aol(l he lksk,bat 1 %jbe;�s in My ?Jrt joy in tile World,", juntle back tMA4. up his at� lie, ashe out be *Xd*Wed. T ot: tbLv tountry come and drop tOW snatching s it it it ut out Jof tile -books through tb4�ot in iliti door tilt- rool", out of tilt� housk ge WI morning. lie's the fiftt easy elty and lie, would have left th0 00 **d Vfat On to every oil- Gor" ttoaaed I'd grt,rI4.14. oft of ser. -Ices tc Ittent but his linn poulted his uch tile womoli, salixt 110010le up Ali` had. - mithed;,- - co UOUI* whea you escops, Mr. &NtIL I his, buV'--slater .4"Ot , cOfty" then for a hiiZordOus-ttlit 140 31eitt ahll',irreuch Md Tio,'storted bn tilt .1p. Wged: shot 1kA,,,0,4Wu0 Along 14 serve&" Vt . lit wlpo ess way, ro��olvwt �0 put all Ills I ratio the OW, It'' I $�iktor "Wo forward slowly, a lit .'tq;jno­ �Jarsh uWaY. tit for- -DiWt quit olk IMF accontiv! t1loog ,htn of big klothos boij: wltb him, Th* lit et his fortfier chief. "I'm 110 fiortw get all,filsi dreat"4 of niarl vilig her. hilt two ibook bouds, he I It ii,"il I it unit Ill* osv�ut lit tb* wortwore you dol.11t 0*jt�r4, :�:VAkWt tlikO lit ',Ntiney' lind 04:00fagOd hit I I I Itow. but rit see sail lJoiles hild lweotile firoil$, rooted. QUICU-st1thecks 0041ts jwe. 'Zoav 140 urself. olkl3t dowt k ., job bAd &'I "$oit$(' cap Who) Bolt Werott. hild gotte. .Ind tile It. loafing Olt. x 14 #.on't'dooe Ilad I 46. A: it"A 10614h_� full time. I'm All, extistils, 0"ed bellin'A Ilingwit1w, xpdtsf,Atood� cast,of foattire, -utterly Oct So "hou4ozc and 4wocavo loan. I'll be pat -ked aftd wattlasr, ecI101.111% 5611ok .1th his wittka f0m. ta t"gilt j that Olk"I rAftults 114 of t4oplim w of $out you." WAu his, eye WAS the 8014bot Slow on Ills WX.V. somewhat IloW�Aad.n " -ft at Way vith the Beall. AMIK4. Yet 60#111ably Pleased at dod� slt� toast 001r'' his his Wst tacker bmwe hitteAd Of far hor-till it.0 MW g004 jikb,�Ptllttog ta a Vow 10.1and. tot Aalkes limikkee 01glit, oft. or. kike WWII; UM -f- bee" 011gagpil fit 'et plant for I& IdWI—hik 1#410ated the lougif tuto Ills PlaftlL it of bl*3k- 4W.I* a #tAfespeetful ty 141 fill). tit I er"V141 zpwy (lordon, I at W011 let in-�tea - - (To too contioueay in## lit 1%in't nbout lilin. jerk of I , Ar�notl*. Ilow could 40W IWAVO Otte of the most eftective verml� ....... It" 11ho Inirket is MilleX18 WPVM 0XV. &W A W614,11W -CAKE FLOUR Din if "I.r, AA cents a ackasce PlEAnall,:2oc tin PEACHEsi-twheavy 9y1ruP*4 *iP - Large Bottle SOur,PICKLES' Also Pickles in, Bulkan 311d mi-x-vil P.00tt; bV the qn, ^UCC0TA55Hm,2 tins for 2,5c, Corn Ond Lim Re"lus C"AM 0101 WnEAT-*28c Pkg- KU PIRANUT 07 "Figio-10C poll ANY 0 H* LE"Au"M 1111"O"It 14" *3190W,okent In 1110 Mr, had soljt,lle� folvorito 9rAUddftTAst%- bor (,jVjI precI611% r#CIIW I)J)J)kL Witij Injkliketions to (10loy tile, reville toe 10ok. Ing the tolI10114 3torsilt brId1do-vU(*',' Aild -Nguey. lior Wort and VrQtty bead full of nothl"It"%ut Bob Nvertltt and tilt$ i0olUAT 10vt- W111401 had not Yet h,+n i!#olft,.kVd ojiohls�1110119lt Dot) lind tritir to,.VropoNo to bet sevaml .4* Wilms", wife st t4e risiw wkilo ot Ow "Isk tk* Apo