The Goderich Star, 1922-06-15, Page 9t
ON i - _1 i i i
011"Aft TWO OHIO �Wm
NUM ur
ImportAnt Events Which Have MUSTAR.....'S.- COAL"%#
COUL"" WAM Occurrod During the Week.
TO HEIGHBORPS enswors ON bur"imig question
8 of btfttb is cat of the *Xt 1%0 Ale"y WOHA% Nappeata" cat*.
of %K,4rt trouLle, QW whm tany oompood 0AW rot "to
beeoft" afKted the wrvts kow., W4 Atftacdv* XW" for
"rk ift ""*v. am it , odors of O1W rfpw�.-* A D. L. & WT. 'Scranton Cog
lt4k= solid mows N*P70SW4
TANK Ow heart becouws W
*0 unoxww to oft tut the bmt Tho Stan&rd Anthracite
. 9 1 ' 1 0" *iOMIAted and the Rwsm
aww" sts"Wtuewd *ad now by Vrance Us Vilet -with Arablgu 1,('t us hear fumn �0% we ave just Lit tile Other end ef
WILIOURNIS tribe. r telophone aria our sordee is free,
Syracuse defeated the. Uars Mon- Yell
Now W PIERVIC POLLS 4W. 4 to 7.
Uin Mate Ctny, Upr�au,' X.B., Hamilton jengthened Its lead In Gi
WX -."I 1WVe be= troubkd witk the M_ 0. League. JOHN 13. MUSTARD
0.7 bout 04 nerm for Qvvr:Ove yew. S'Ua'r*ln bring "'re'"Oreemeat* A 1COMAN114644 =4 OtOr ttItCk Sud trotter gula carriere has; been I*Veftt*dL in fttes' It Cjkj% Make 20 miles an I I -
I co� " ws& over to my veltUboes to renew light. hour as truck aad Oft"a alleo sit kour isa Itact9r. OFFICIR. Not of A"014644 ttraot Irks"
kew without stopping togetwy breath. rortuguese aviators reach Vort on
I West to say drugot and a" bun Brazilian coast.
ftr mitburies neat %u4 Ner"
*04 as soost as 1734 tak-en two Pft British exchange Is still rising In "3l:"))@fCrty 0411816,triuji, Dr_vutros const"Us Corsumthildca ....................... ....
Wall Street market. British youtba to Ontario, to train dj(�s Qtt To!anto; was w0l. Ito , a by
I ow
-4 that anybody w�o ftrala honeymoou couple start on "as farmers, ble.dical profCasion.
I got 1*11d. 1.*L
is ftcubw Abe way I WOA vill take )dil. ',.Soo-mlle canoe trip. U. S. Senators t1dalc 4mbassador Ululater of Rallwo6ya prcmis4m lie had Arrived at the play�avftr_ looking III
bow$ Heart AW Xerve,M.Ix� - . New charge In Uacarow case goes. should beo?ccall(A for wearing court tho't pc,��sojjncl of Railway BeArkIwIll reuter stage. - - �*Illlovfa't I told Xou� Rabl*!, WA
Pr5ce 30c, a box at all deom, or to Grand Jury next week, Ono morning I)ad heard the fami. you *ill smash your fingers It *00
mailed direct on xftept of dress at London function. soon bt announced.
price by, Peter Heenan, M.P.P., wins point raul Polret. famous.Frvueb dress- liar pounding. and looking out he saw drive nailaT11 the father aaktd.
The T. Milbum QQ., Voulted. Toronto, In Lake at Woods BW debate, makifr. wants -copyright on his work, Bobby baiWit littlo sister I've$, I unowo pad, but U4117%
out. Collins and do Valvra urge accept- ISO he way collect royalties. Mary sittingUlde hira, appartlatly holdft the tkall.11
"Two and Ono Is $1100
sinco. of coalition candidates. Two orphans were takenhy Ham -
Lloyd George and Polucare to d1s. Ilton police to Orph%us homie*. their 'runsaj 441TV-110
calls Anglo-Frepeb agreement. baeUs -wert covered, withbruises; Pat's Answer
A cyclist wa"g oana to death an.
der a radlal Par near Toronto. France will raise 4,000.000 loan.
Walter Hoover won the gold cup Toronto lost to Rochester, 2 to 4. Little Pit startVil Ut "school yester4a
0 race at Pbl%delpbla� Too Tired fOr Mythift
challenif I I)ail Eireann. resumes Aession, In vuteving the Ar4 grade, After he haj
Maritime Provinces pres6ut ease In 01MIM beat rem�dy'for *xUux.* Dublin, come home 1411 mother listened to many
Otta,wA for lower freight rates. A' tion ai%d I* a British troops occupy Ilelleek after strAu
situ4s Is go t4lex of. the 4ay's 40in But
Ringston, hai splilled for a4jult. A * a Pat Is reports were not confined to his
, _mjs seem of wbMwalp fight.
tance to the O.R.F.U. senler Series. Am Ww-mw Ufa -mw -jugoslavlan. king weds princess of domain alone, for in tho vavly part. of
Wingo of Toronto bast -ball-, team APT It $4 -4 RourAnnia. th
e,eveular be was .,walking along the
made Ills ninth home run of the arcs are raging street near 'him Itomp, w4va a 9YOWnup
It yo�rposfrils are clogged and you? season. if ON, ft" Three big forest I
in Quebec, friend stopped him.
'head stuffed because of catarrh Or 4 -A moterlst.1n. Toronto dri-yes oft TubevetilosIs Association are to Right Aw*y things startoa. No qups-
cold; pt Eles Cream Balm at any drug 'g down a youth on a Mi Vcvc needed. Pat was Wound u
after knockin
meet In Alberta. p
store- Apply a. little of this pure, antl- bicycle. Radial Ift Amendments pass com- like an eight-ilay cloqk.
septic, germdestroying creafii into -your Photograph found . of W�omjng mitteeof House, Bay,. X went to school today and gee
100strils and -let it penetrate thr bank robbers making, get away from air a whilikins, what a time we ha(L De
At An Nikht 4express , to 1`4411 by
eve _ air, passage of yolur bmad scene of crime COLIKM 4k M complete Success teacher giv us a piece of'papor dat "as,
melvaues, Instant relief. wOmen were 4em9nded Xerwm, Xa*4 , - Paraguay rev;lutloalsts captured about wya
HoW good. it feels. Your bead is by the 'National WomoWs Congress, cwwmam omftt sl vftqoA mL. Tovoo& capital. of tha0state. and she insao, us,rut numbers All'ovqr
Votes for 1, , . rd long and about'a, toot �wide
fltar- v t ii '2TAC 910tu, y0t which met at Clermont Ferrarid, F*a% X. JWL, XmWoat Dk"Ow- Bolshovild remove' treaiure troax do ?�I*ce.l
treathe, 1, more hawking or old emperors! torubs, Wh4t, a yra long And a, foot
11 Asked Pat% friend.
Min ead colds, and catarrh Reports received At Wellington, Division on budget %yill not tak
.=d IL.magic. Don't tay.r, uffe -e del -the
upt choked Up an.4 Mison N.'Z., from the 'Tauporegion say place before Tuesday., Yes� 'was the �raply, and then
;_ "S -7 1 , asured off A diotauee of
been tolt �i� England Will send'a Volo team to mungstev.p,
is sure. xnere aanyatace:Way 9. the U. $I touraamehL, 4bout 10 inches long and a -bout three
Viscount Grey of FallOden and Premlor Lenin sa14'fo lutwe suffer- inchu, wide.: That was Pat�s idea of A.
vlexy.,. yard And a toot.
Lndv Gle"eouner were married. at � ed stroke of Apo
tiny I church . In Wiltshire on Sunday Fair wage policy made maro efteii-� it De teaemix asell me 31, 1 a count
LRUIM! LU R I U up, � WINTER TERM f riom JAN' -0 1 . tive by Ottawa Government. and I told her yes And I'= add, too.
U morning, Their engagement was an- (INVilat is one And oum, Patt"
Gmy. H- inounced ppme mouths'4go, b , ut ar- many munidpalitleo protest, stamp,. . % four awl
derin 4 �Two, an(I two And two
CENTRAL rangemenik,.for the we4ding were tax as hin g business. I I w
AIR . . . I Labatt Brewing CO, Ilnea for keep. three mid. three is m*, 1 t oil, pat
DARK kept a close secretI I'uel this Satisfies the sweet tooth;4nd
-lag4fluor for sale An an Illegal, Place. wItbout a letur He toutri
w drops on two�year-old boy until he renehe : sevell and. seven. He
Wjndo � .:
Flo., 1. B k d not answer tM& -aids etite and Aftue-stion.
I an ers figuring on Igaii. termsr for at Detroit; And crushes out his life. cool app
troe Alm Old-time_, 08ge Tea NQ ONT. Germany., The little follow's friend then' tried
'Taronto Board'of Control reeom- mc)u& and te�eltho
M44vr 'and Mbody Western Ontario's beet commer- I 4viet reigns Along Ulster border-. mends construction of clyle stadillal. b1mou a)owct number4
"What j Cleanses
land Again
will zzlow. stwoaaQao,P4tf11 . I _ .
0141. School " with Commercial, . When peace is aso'dre(I British I ,
Greeks again DMparing for, war. troops will leave Northern Ireland. Shoo Polish#"
Shorthabd and Telegraphy depart. with Turks, American yacht Tolka Dot beet the Zhat is two an) OtL0912 A great boon to smoken,
Gray bsir, however banasonte, denotce (Shoo Polish, 1, said. 0 P . ' . 'I :,
Mentsi -W.q.,give. Individual lnstruo;� Prairie farrAs visited, by much- British boat Endeavor In British d( :.. , I JI(iti d"L m!PLU
advgu,gin No, two and Ono makes three." reiiiiinvi.
_g a e, We all know the advau,, 110a, hence "Entr g is needed rain,
Uges'of a loutbful appearance. Vour. an6er itan�u Moscow sends'.hurry call to Lenin' waters. 94yo; can't tell me, mistor ous I
charm. It makes or- =ars ot necessary, tGraduatias assist a
n. ed. King and Queen. lield court, at s,
-hair is. y6or G knows two an 0 one is shoe poll
erman doctor. cotribines 'pleasure, and
tke fact. When it fa#es,� turns gray sucl to, Positions. '06t, our free catalo- -Nominations In. Ireland for Free Buckiniham, Palace; It Was a very, Xo1ing could make Pat-bellove tbaf.
looks.streake plica , tions Sta es elect one. brilliant affalr6
d,.Jugt a few ap t 44, One -wig anythingelse. benefit,
renhances gue for..rata and other particulars. t Portuguese Ayers completed, their wo
of $age Tet itud Sulphu
et heir
Its"'Op- Polish Cabin resigas over e1eq- tranS_AtIa4tjc
11 1 flight, And are out
2"Iraree a undred--fold., D.. .)L 1�c�AOffi or tioit -procedure. In.spite of repeated warnings from
4� Don't atay. gra, AN, laqjpal, Way to ..Rio JaUefra., the
. !Abu young! nt�er Westingboust beat Hamllton.Vets Ms father,' little Bobby persisted in
prepare W,recig'. at bome or,g Coronef's jury puts blame on Gor� dirriving-nails into bloclis -and �boards,
I of'. 4n�-��:,Ontarlo Cup, game. ' I 1 41.. 1, new N-11PS-111da-le
drug store A. 50,een� . o I don Dibadilti foi the death'of Chris. 4111
�eth`i $age and. S
i w Teadler 'knocked., out Bobby tin46 Near at London; Ont.
ul ur o o
''Wh Of 11111111 peppermint fid bid
T Ip.. I INS ill" 'killomozeam, ,rj�eut Wthe sixth round.7
mere.Ir the: ol ",i:. SATVRIDAY,
ptoied -by thi aQition of ef 1 Mysterious shot strikes switchman Three . 4 1 eaths in Toronto Wrrida- N U R3 R *S.
_ ou"Ads of folks en To at work. in Hamilton yard.s. eaL .
fints, Th ks Che;w it after V'vory to
RONTO more war" d6monstration to toil. * . :
ready -to -use prepa)ratift-.0becaued it A �Crooks In old London: rob V, �S.
Dally 11140�pt. sunday
_&rUall tbohair beautjf�ily, besides no be ield In London, England.
,out qslbly� so.- 0, -20 �p,m. High tariff of 'United States will tourists. -
4011, ss if Aatkens. Lv I doiletich., 6.00 a.m. 2, ADVISC
fiel� Birit�ain,� isayif U, S. - Senator. ZVOtiJit: cX]Dediii9li get., t6ar Dvor
*for0ly' Ind Ybu 1062sten - -4 Clint6h 6,25 A,= 2.52 eg6tiating a Ist. Peak. 1�.ciiso they haYe proved
jamalca, and Britain n
It brush wItk% draWing this Seaforth 6,41 A=. 8-U P.m. -ten-year reciprocity 4greement, Toronto put "elean-up" -that It does what to-clalmod,for it.
'9r'oujj'l1t;t,' hair, tAking one ema)) otriLud -RTU_t� 11 Into effect Miss E L. Dox" 9411stap-Ar W.0 - t,
- By morning the. gray hair 0 9'.m. 0.%Zi P.M., Coronorlia Jury. accuses, Clayton 0 0 1 .. I -
at a time.. . 4,$o a.m, 4jj6p.T *. 0 . Mayor of Winnipeg diez In. Vic- of 3220 Michigan Ave., Cliltigo,
41g& gra; kffer avotner application ot Arr. $ tiratif oycl rQft of murdering. Gustbq Noel.
gopr toria, RX, "Yo: ill have.a.patlent who tuV
Modern, danc6 and gami Y,
ts uatural.00lor is reAtored and it Kitchener 8.20 a.m. 510 bling hotl Rochester beat tfie 1,6Ws Friday fortd terribly wltb
P.M. Methodist Conference. pil". Zam-13uk
becomes. tbiok, glossy and lustrous,: sAA
an � younger. Guelph $A5 'k.m. r).600 'St. I Lo lo' and Now York won byi 7 to 1. Is -the inly remedy that garg Oar
I" ap ar aP,m,
iyo 'a, age ind Sulphur mpound
W "Babe" Ruth made. his fifth homer of.
Toronto . 10.10 samo -1-401i-m- Amorlca*uLeague- ga roll.,
is % 4e glitfol toilet requialte� It Is Act mes Tuesday., of the season. I W& used Za*-Buk. myself
Rotui.n;Q��_Uavd Tordlito, 6.50 San., - q
, 9mmofts'sustalus, Spelaker In rui- Cairo gives for th6*1ame ailment, &Isa for 0or
ii ed4or the curt, iiltigatioa or..plre. Ini �at Crerar's budget amendment., Prince of - Wales a
12.55 p.m. ana p.m.. arm welcome. and btirnsl'aild hATO tho post"t
wentiollotdise 0ongressman for Alask&'Aeclares
ilorlor Cafe car Goderich t CoIjins and de Valera on samejuat-
Q_-Tor- bIg_.corporAtlonA are -only Ash_pirateaL PaCW
onto",,, out, na" orn,in
V vain,'and Toronto. Hamilton Ofiamber of Commeree
to Goderich 6.10 p,, m. traw*., : rraac� 'Will. A�nd, d eilegates to The w
asks certain re-6trti6tibus. of Immigra-,
Parlor Butrot car, StratXord to tion, d0jaferonce. jogrii
-Financlal expertrjn'P4rls,ad
MORE �V:Affl 'Toronto, on. afternoon. train.,, 41st conferences unanimoux for th m
in c1bildemnatidu '.,.of rMe-1
F. F. LAWRENCE.& SONS gambling, LegislAturp eohclude�x rec&ld tes*_
01M. Town Passenger 116,1 Of (Ighty days, ftht C18
track ree baths. Kept
'and Tickets Agents T6fouto baseball' team' defeated
'the Lt. mo(te ygej�(, Poika. Dot, N
Rochester, 6 to �.2, Wingo made, bis
tenth horner.. won.agatti'da Friday.
1*11,ss Ada. MacKenzie won the qn-
U Isis XA9%t PAO tao go* hr bull. Irw
ot SbAft fittbb_ o. persons were killed and two. tArio ladies' Zolf f11:16.
badly burned:ln i-serles-of bad ace[- 0. A. Magrath i� fienad of the Vjq-
dents In Toronto.
Sun Yat Sen, President of the Re�: flan Order of Nurses.
public of South China, refuses to re- Bobby 'Eber and I Eddle Pinchot
boxe,4-a ten -round draw.
17r16 "M In meat excites fu Maw If No sign And thus cicar the'way for a; :7
Legig1jiture enddraos proJect. for
thq become Oerworkedf get sluggi6b, �uffer te-united China,
4ee.pening St. Lawr�nce river, �A,
*eln, and feel like lumps of leeAL. TThe
from Communists alm. to get controll of
uriao becomes cloudy; the bladder in irti. Poult:y f4ncjc)�s, complete eoesioa� Civil administration in Francix.
Uiedi and yqu m000 obliged to seek Its -
Ad Wo tt three s .6 during the ImiAL at, Guelph. Crown alleges abdertaker at To
When the kfd�wjv clo French stand 'firm against cut In, ronto burled bodies without permit,
g you must hel#' 'T
tUm Aumh eir'the bodyVuflbout -waste reparation& Presbyterian assembly cautlous re -
or ymll be a real a!& -person Aord Outarlo/women's golf Is at semi- g6rdifig Proposed union of churches.
At 11rat puled a dull raliery in the ka..* final stages. Trial of Dolorme, prlest ace4hed of
my - repon, Tou order from Resume In London negotiations on murdering his half-brother. lias oeou
alck headatheo dizziness., gets Irlob. diatt. adjourned for one week.
i maw, RHEUMATISM Chinese military -governors called ' A now bill to,, amend the Ci�nadi%
tootir, tftg" and P J!beu-
Mug" when the r.$X W bay ou to resign. Temperance Act was given a first
Xst lea k2eak - lots of waters apply Pt to th4 Boston Braves, won their sixth reading; will baol� "wets"Or "drys."
Toronto ditivict suffered from an
straight game.
suo Xd frM. any phar ist rounaw" yow
yof JAA Salti- falct tee"Iju Hoover seeking to restrict coal electrical storm., Friday night, - and
in a glus of' wat�fr for@ b a price increase. brought relief from the in , tenso beat
ki*ys vill In role of patrol on to
Sor a fe* 4yd and your , Ugb� of the last two days.
0mactAue. This famous s4tala maile A ib. Erne, lireland, Samuel Gompers, president of the
froft the scid of Irapes and lemoa juice Salary question is bothering Sen- 'Amerleaki Federation of Labor, criti-
6ojablacd with lit M, and ho beft ators. at Ottawa' Ozes- court Judgment, the decision
Riley's army threatens another an, ountink to the denial of the right
for generations to eletu e)Wd kidneys.
tua atiftulAte, them to mrisia aeuvitli takirth to Ottawa.. of Strike.
*W ip neutralize the #Aids ii2 urin% so Photograph. identifies auto used by UOVDAY.
It no lotger Is a murte,of irritatlo* bandits In bank raid. Egypt Inchidpa Sou4an-aa part of: DependonKingGe
thus ending bladder weakness. I Four deaths by accidents Occurred new. state. orge sxavy-
.W slats is Inexpensive, cannot it- W�Anesday At Toronto. No German loan till all Agree. on
w moderator reparations, . gua
lure, atakes a delightful effeivement Aev. W. J. Clark is ne. ies ranteed to be the
ithia-water drinkwbich everyou&aboala of Presbyterian Churft. Lloyd George gratifted over Irish
iskt, now and then to'keep the kiduoys, __-s h6ld uD Primate of Ireland, negotiations.
than and aetivg. Druggidt� here t!*y w-11 I chewing tobacco made -and ius!
and search automobile. Hurricane bits New York City; 50
thavvrll lotcof-.Tad ttaliq to folks who W#4 W'.0 40, - - - - I About'40 vier eent. of militia will lose their lWcv. I �hat I And
Ile, it ovtvtomija, kidupy trouble regeVe training In CaMPS' . Vormcr� president of t7. F. 0. dob- You can bank � on t
Wkile is only troub e, T. SWAft'rSO Baptist ministers are poorly paid, elares tvgk on, 4 .
sa�s membei At.confereftev. York township oulelals slispret nils. w1mirs. more -at the new low
Railways propose reduction 10 handling of funds.
'Bus, Li"OrLMY sad rates okvarlous eommoditlen. Youth drowned while batbing at price.,of two plugs foi 25cts.-
ePrIzet and sholarshIp Awards for Centre Island, Toroulo.
University of Toronto announecd. I Inmates of asylum In Nova, �000- ies"a value you can!t equal .1
Hick Otableg V.S. authorities solze 300 east's Of tia strangk� fellotir 'Patimt.
FOUN aftotoeftl8stftet Canadian whiskey near Brifteburg.
10j Toronto lost at Jersey City on Sal -
Man jumps from Don bridgo.,,To- urday and tvilev on Sunday.
loot 1pff the Square - rooto, and saves boy troth dro*nlug. East beat W(jst In annual la*n
Rob Pain dght out with anO Orang(Mlle'von from Durham, 13 bowling tournament at Toronto.
triat bwttle of W4 688d* Mett skill Trtles "41 to 3, In the 0. A. -L. A. Intermediate Hpavy storm with lightting doe2
"St Jacobs Oil." PaWfter 8"tji serlos. much damage throughout Outarlo,
Premlor Stamboullsky of Bulgaria Infant, OpParf-ntly mordorrd, waa
"I'dosiniv, P*80011%eft CaUt4l for Joi may iiai been el"ted dletttor 6f that found on doorstpp of T6ronto churell,
vart of too tow* for all 94"1W*1 Storm held up ezr r4prviep in To -
It`* Pain only; not om case In. An trallis, at G.T* R. 6r co P. IR,
ropir" ifttenal trfttmentI Ittig Depots. ronto for over livp 11ours Saturday.—
rating "St. Jam1w Oil', a. 9 Torpin, 10yal Afoatrcal. �7,(ju
rWkt on &.91U%der spot,' I and by t1w gag** Colfarib Utillef" the Qu;lbcc amateur golf champlon-
ume P romj)t Service and Tko" who are la a "tun dowW11 estAll, ship.
g:r$Ar Jack Xohiwwn;�ftt u6tice that Catarrh lbetlwo ics are f4rratin.g GOV-
'heimatle pain sod distrm. (we tb*h Wh4ft tbor aft ft Ro".0lulional -
'SL laedu Oil" is 0 barn&n rheu- th. This jac-t pr6yag thM wmie ornwcnt troops at Aseticlon, I'Lra-
*AUft 1hdr6ent vhieh rever #is& 0 4 Wall dift"#, lit Is guny.
stid do"n't burn the akht. ft Out Livery aiNA.1fack Sovks by roftstitattouid fts
CATARMI ME I G. IS. Lyon and son, Seymour, ti(,
point aft*omm mid stiffnem from will te 1*60id ap-ts-doto Blood Parlder. so C to" f4T Toronto aud DWrict Golf A,,�no-
ad*i J** museks &ad botw- lei evory rollooct.0 ciation title.
46"W mWitift, IMbW, baekat)* -IM Snob It.. Morvich's, riial, waa
06 09 soundBy bcatfn by Pillory iu t;w Lld-
Your Patmosp SeNcItot A CWIL Citeal fuel
apt &t a onall trial bottle inont Stakct. 4" U rl"I Lie
ir. 80.
........ 1
'Im for
Star Of-
R. Reid,
say & IRW 'of". 040uvw %YJV
ft $wo# thd ih & %#.
0 ome pmple hopt to inherit nim V_
Polka pot, British n4vufl Y1011t,
lett tbice strAgbt raers
vall be fro* ti*ft V&ivw, telm
and tome bopt that kind fortund wlv�',
thp U� S. brst,
*W&I XV4
briv thtw an opportanity to SU6
Wbody for dsmaget.
King' ruad of rs�pl Lea contm-rird
it tk,) Rs�,�r
Xcbamww�A A01 e5 114�o