The Goderich Star, 1922-06-08, Page 5J .JVNZ M,4M Eostmen-01040 N 0. 1W o. , Z B..wNiE P ictures 2 "t X 111� Price $2-:50 1PAG9 F1'$X STAR TM 03CMININIII IN ll IN:$ t ;77 oWe make no cbjectim to th'D regort jiud should be 4410 t�. take �gye we were not in ran Age when things clboetitng Where it has been WfQre," of the tourist trade When it Auvived, stood istill. how 1QV9 Was it 'rl'fice she wrote, "but from close to the 4 e of tb# lucderivk took to itself a golf 'Course; it was the mi thcre it TWO or th4e sulk"YS �9�1 lit natural thing that house. Why cannot they ga Qn the 1�rcsqguygut% was VIVIVv- U-Vla*? as the one in question � iihore wbcre it used to Uzi I Dan e a I— qp.n�n to onvi)ne ___c nd Cabaret without experience ana lewhout wivorilnenting an"s nu ge� IpA )Ictures wi�qh a Brownie. no phatogrsptic ShilitY is in tile box. Stop -at out Roask eotinter for a "00110* and 4 -ad 'WlI $how you—or your boy or !girl—how slinp)e it is t.o walpe Brownie, TActurest und. Low %mb, fun. - CA ORE ^MPBE.LUS 1DRUG ST. --- "VOW " - MW sq"rel , and WF4 was GNUS- vQ --m * Idod from time %a tiole. � VOW% r4ol, y as we were just At should be Amer xists in ar ,il not daugerjuus to peorle's life and t tion. partieulayl it was said there VtrRUG tot' it so unnervC4 m y husbwij 01) tourist *ego". tniil ot the taurant wkwk a Provincial of. healti 'now what to da to ,ouxelllor ill faid be kNew tk"t the res 'ter 0 001"k, lie did that,he did not k was opposition to the exterldiric of the ficer closed #1 0 this bet be.did know get o. ,way from the nolise, and it is U11 - hours and had been 'making caret4l. not ka4w As tat live. cgr4e, down the bear . able to 1110. The 81144cu And con - inquiry and found that Ote UP"it"sil! that 'a party ' k d 'tilt on ti -Med Jel'Ol't is tetture to ones . ting allowed W lake shQX* tu God"'t *U � Vy could nerves.to was due to,36141til 1� W tke tow% # Ikonle W T4*swat*r beclauSe they "I h was referid to tbc, publie the restaurants. We I ure. - T is police to re"Iste sack veatt*m how- not be serv* �rist :10uld ki : It was argued that a tourist could wor co I ever, And there was not yoas*& wky isol, somewhere. Men The on rlQ 11 Icipal Assoelatiou, we sbqwA Penalize guy buslaw W 01*4ya IttA W lit Gode- a &in siolicit t town as a member Itad pouct to, why UO x4vt kim a vital , � lo and Payment of closi it up. We I" t Aeed­ of the Associat and t were there for a VWPQ rkh? Assumint.thAt 9 NOVI* st or ite. he knew flAty were a Per- 04 a M"I, *aa. it to boo I 10glt'jim go on 20 This was "ferred to iho finAlice, As knock our t6wa to fectly tekiest fares. $own to eat. committee. k should *at be P&MMA4 ift ar so roilea to another fifteeii filter the cuifew how, It Was an 4 �ket of presumption to j. 0. Rejubmt asked for refund of 'rettgurants * may Owt a won thot, Asked for' a Meal Income tax paid lg$� Ve*r as be was One of Ahe ressous Advanced after 4 o'clock was u . udeArable X"ide" lit Goderich QUIF $Oven those who wanted th, r*ot**nXts tory said it WRK'kvite P, Months! This. was referr-ca W the closed after 9 o'clock on S was Councillor S! something to drink in that be o of seventeen wet* tr , Ing, habit to carry +.,.-- An auto, -if it could The got-, it �wauld. Chatb#in Wants to, Repeal Ad "tent other a. This Wined A. ver :I y School Attendance At - sitlan, Godorkh's qoe bW be no UOWO to C14M someth1mg to weak 0 resource was the surAmor tourist tat� He was strong 'or the OU com. The council of Chatham asked ca. infindilleat, "Remef4ber the $,xbbath operation in memorliklizi1W thO L0 - business and we weile T"kbW more effort than ever before to 41traot Day, gislature to ropeal the Adolescent wanted tourists. tbm ever the C9uA1dUQV 840k 2#0100 School Attendance Act, Aft it , would 0414W to the Councillor Bg1lie a4tod t* ireply and mean the building - of man now week-tud- He was 8 u common 0anise of the �c' 4U. wall given the pr'brile" bV vote Of the schools to accOmm6date the (10*5- The motion was by the 1!Ouncil. only four *1 the coll"011 This was referred to the special cOm- F Reeve. VOIte4 to rant the *rIvIlgge, but the mittee. I I Vote *Ad M440 a )-as. man Story of the fire cOmimit- Councillor Itumber said The though Mayor ad ed his Chair .11 isin aski%g wrather toz. Jnritv fire com, I tee reported that the, pany 0 Saturdlmlv Nightt June 10thp 1922 �i HOTEL SEDFORDt GODERICH Gene C. Connon at the piano with The Bedford Sinaing Orchestra LU644S if you Liko Hiar Allen $te& d sist,, "Aagel ChN." "Oralloy," Up Itud Lay Me Dowa in Dearoial)imto talli" Wonderful Music . Good Food Beautiful Floor Dance . to. Now Music Every'Week Counc v4 o'clock c aillor I R late an hour. X*3;� it'10 ullie 1polntco�. Out that bad a practice On the 22ud ult- "ve Regular Sunday Winner and.Suppir Progranwe a Man tould hava'a illeal in a hotel- mljlut�s after the alarm the stream Of It the courkA itmended the bylaw- As was Playing. and lie would �04 it, ]but he 'OU14 Somethin -support 1k,0 water SUNDAY' RANT I not iparts Extending proposed it wMld militato� against should be done, to 1cep_the groiA Reeve Gallow the moral 5tanding of- the town. a' t1timin the road;w many feet .1tostaurailt �Hollrs � tr Ar C, anY PCO- 4 a esting,var- Mafp�r W le aSkod 4un4ay IncUlar HUI SRI TZ Thd Rieve .A.Us,'gr4t; 'in Cal food` 4gra was It e adding at of No; I- hose there'vas. The for HOURS, EXTENDED pie could not zootor to Goderich ex- Vn our advarthien motion . caw - qe outtbathe'800f t -us- ,The Reeve mentioned that a mun- placos ,ss that will vie with cept over the weakend- He himself of practice was all rl ber'of vidbl% camping Inuch more protentlouit tOWnN, aud it3 Goderich as a tourist town, "llirknig ed in the nre filacea Were Pro t O.,inatter. baudsomo-haniesw ith. law.us- and-sar ' been ig could At - w* - 42 pota- or -motorists -- and- -places to which he' it oul had The--mayot-thought- Our visito Q a OC Aild youroworfood, Was referred to tP, QQIQI commit. dens the envy of not get U I to violation. of the Sabb%t14 he g ovi, o W . 4daumats 8 o'clock Al feet 9 could not,90t a Jllefil After 10- 1 iiiatter—the dust 01 ventured to say that It he had ro� I'de!bt"oi'tT*"8t som 0 . of It tee 11sailce. Plwe td, go without. Ob- Ott as Suado for'"t of ANSIS. he would bav4 i closing hour at I a'- The finance commi rep -O"n - 'ason in this fwc� be so tawy each Be O.M. on posed to ffix the have oil oil our street$ Jection w;as made to children belill in - 41 lk� t clock be would follows; WILL Oul Soon ur&zitm and 'he did no ik have had the unfinl* R STREETSBE OILED lot Us the, resta e mous soport Of the council so that ' That the Collegiate Institute Board - IAER ? 'I'll'ke,114-ing pu. for the 8P&W ,#Atd -94LIE. HUMBER. W VORY OPPOSED, to qeOAhej0,. W.li.young peoplewe ill there Was, only two hours difference. his begn ]rid the sum of $1600 on, THIS HOT. DUSTY SU.M � am, Mr. Editor At -to &e out site- for at this time I it a then those hours that were 9N OF GOT)ERIF& 014 eubugh their 1929 cvY ich, June 7th. be thought thu�,Were old enough -to wa F Goder -A CITIZ violation of the we have written. to the Per pie going to. be the great in, That jklie*gs Cop ON sptud a. few Cents IOV a' Piece qif a op cry Co. To the Editor of The Goderich Stai dren Or Sabfx0h. We a faction Flax Pulling Machin Writer beer lifideel So Whad. our W re n n ment of rentil foj'fac- Dear Sir,-4fte if they *,.Axwr 3t, Ions and a right to them as to what # Mf the r smaller. towns And ..... Colmoillor,Xaffle saWhe was OPP violation of the S#b. . %=d, road, but ho reply easion d4ri *0 1*st week to visit FOR FLETOKR'S coustAtuted a. . . on &t L letier from Xr- A'- M- pas �osed change as A pinion of the Sabbith Ave4. a rlulsbe.� o: I A tbo.*,gular mo#ti�g* of the town vious to this ed to th9,,Px:Qt ba His 0 a been rece, a i J ile� As Canadians * 0ouity, and we ;rotary of the. Citixenfil matter . ;pkinell as a day of recreation :b the printers were villages M Huron P A ir 0 "ancil on Yridqy night -last tik bY,- Robertson, see e . of tue things we prized was the was that it W you had at althow i the Printing find Heasa Brucefield, 'Auburn, the hours duri k socl I Service League, -as. follOWA: on, *1 for uotations QVI � � rice forth, ete., r4gulating. a hot. bo% also. If. -4 as - the I Voters' List, n Wanted is had, no right to via. of mind ano 11 recreqUon d of Londeebera. i"tOn, $eA as on Su'd" Was amende it, We -h -from Tbi at r of U'veh restaurants . 1 % Social Ser,01 late time for suc A 40d6rich with 4.011ta st Areohing lwbi may be open f ice ExecutiVe. , ring 0 rootti. It is -re welock an closing Hour ad, no reatiietions to a day to have the relief from the du Free Entarg in Us out, and in keeping the week then Suqday was th 4a.0V FWL 1-15s 0"i %kaking theiliours from T a. in. -to. to the Mayor And Council Of the k" an is were not for it- Star was the only prke received, And yo r, 808t jotar4o op.. late the restaurgin Ik would sug cat that the, council ommend that the list be Print- the Wi tus afforded'ut; at a m. IC r ke , is. It was. expected that -0, rAw' in p a. in. to 12 V We roe time Vev, lace of a Town OJ Goder* h to tile tourist trade but to urfew bylaw,' and ap- 'ea by The Star as par their quotation, . A r progre$Sive Council, such US We We will. 4evelop gua livint your rin 48 to wis xecutive of - the y. Whis W89 in 9"OT44ym Gentleinviii--The, e wish the customer Who I 'ble enforce tbe c time,of motion Which -Cou . Itizen,A Social So Nas not a doSift Judgment and al to be �satlsfae­ -with t'he Tw n- 0 rvice League AJJDOY- -or glkI should be Pealed to the good the workand mateil hqLve at Oe 1presemt time. would have be -".t roll of Dim any alto and give r I r the projudle ou free Ono elilargement, of. tho', ;_�inar'Hillgavg at the last-weethw tVr.._pWq -before- 016 -follow C �_,dljclock,,btit we sfiiuld- riot -corkmoil --sense, not -.-tor 'Pa t to your oommittee. mommoii4ed Ima fhis iiilpolunt matter attended W ke. further* 09 al of iffbe council. 07he a also to wo.�06ls jaut the summer A now best pleturo of the lot. This 60q - Councillor laill.bad son P44ts in regard to the P he jtr corporation to do every- committo offer is to intr(Auce our super. Aind, iug the payment aj,a uumber Of amountgi ree for Extend othing. Is done to vid- well 4 taura Hours The sr 'al tommittet T`ctomme 1is %visa dment to,the'�bylaw in r mendmant to the. byle, &&oui&kad something to do. F"' to Th 14van;ed and zi 141 �wewnderstaud, for exclu . res as On fact that Stinday eci Ate t nee, Why 16 it tar workrosuship. Vents after a the hours -for restaura It was a well. kno, ed that t1ke"liffildrd And Pool room It-. allevi fyom, the Test4u meals, all Sundays. 'tor after _41;mday the thing was happen- Whem. the vote on Councillor Hill's t1lat 'Goderiell, with all Its natural -hour, and asked leave. of the nor aesire restrict the . ng. He lowing voted cause of CraWle, Bios. be renewed up - be tmeb- We have nm 1. b of Ismases ei its unique Wee," K So th"r* was wroi motion Was taken the fol uty Re t of the fee., councildoidefailliminging'.up-t ties oft, any individual. eve on adecl street$, its rights or lib6rl met Vote for anything thati yea—The R6eve, the De _paymen rlts 'Wride, welVsh -.tot, till mext meeting.' This was in or cWs,- lipt we. view L with concern. = wis Hill, 11012e and Me- The *ater, light lina,,'hafbor co.t*� tion -prive us of our Sabbath� jLmd Councilk 0 .eurly-part of the meeting *before the, growing disregard of the, Sabbath would do Story, mittee Tecommen4ed tIMt the Plrovo- The S fe rs rennay. far questioullidd;he�u dealt, IL, r country, and its elfeef Has counzIJ36awer to Fix Hour r Ewen -5. NAY�0611116116 sition � it= Juniel, F� D -the W, I , throughoutoul Hotels 9 sailie and'Humber. The motloil was stated lie wanted, On OUrryoung people. We,askyonto Bailie wxordingly declared carried and,laterr Use Of a portion of the twwn freight. 09 mPOnPd7ment y be 1prasont when tbe� mutter was velfare of our bomes oatucMw MeEwan' asked if' the ay re- for theconlil t -booth purpos U i 1 . t 101 etaisider the v licensed on in the meetii)g a bylaw was passed shed for T0redhmen as rt he -Awopposelthe ur' bw ge waamot a e , a . - b F -01 Vs, and the righti -of otitis. wished This- Or at--- ­L 7 IS �rgotion'to -the last ditch. r Re expect- t ind � of, o let and restful o town coal&Aa the change. in Sund hose who -desire a qu If it was, th jf-p�per mbuth and he -to look after howle. hours 7 a. in- to 12 P- 01--; �t be a"eptod L 'to toWfi-at the next regu- Sabbatb� nses were Issued by stsuratit pplications for the wa!Vmg ro( tb, 6111o,beautof notbinir, - The lice The following weeti of, th PUSS�d 'the 4��=Illlknt. [erred bly in ad- -Sor wo � ha�ure-.of doull- 14 It Ifir council jAd Since. the present law Was'� if,,th6 he to the be made at the WhY, MIS the matter r Come up some e. very put- T.he Uqyoj�also. asked bel building �perillits werO.x , el er - to do in 4011 AVA rent to W paid Tamit J.. lik av In November, 1919,14or th, fire committee with pow t ,,,e to 3 diningxdoin if and, to report back the vance�, .,Other tpmr! th0e convenience Of coam lot elaen.up iti adVto.We 0 Pose of 13e r uszent cases, CtL Ladles', Re at at The council had heard read.,.pre- [eve not. bbserved.any it. wmited to uA4 ixx this, way defeat reda 10 Be Real tourists, we! 1h &ij&posal of 'each application' From Basis'ef 0111,0V Stl a -All stock 'of Sele damt Pays 610 Ver -vent an idifl6nt requiring , a the tovmls testrictionso down Torch -At change, a tol F Carey, to. tear, -e- hours for -a east side of house and rebui rom. Pays 40 per 'less than C.0 lefiothening of th L to, lc;ia. ei�vink Councilbr Uaill%, "I am not Pr', 0 L st of materi�lsi madis on Sunday, nor have 'we b P. apy.il pvNie works, committe var4 arad Vam Hoikarth to enlarges ad on Th. re- _g� 6 tourist wall iA- )Holmes "I of tiny. case wheo -a iseetth r side of kaglan -at.; it in ported as follows'-. S17-$0 dwo We TeL -tion be y. the � closing of re. .g%e lte�,",,Wd dwe Ii. colmm -at mo Ile d Vweed Suits�$', 0. gonvenienced Lb * It the B. Cunningham to 'shingle end th Tricotine, Serg6 all. at 9 1 � A of East. street. -taken On. the Proposition from 'Mr. -OP JUNE iV teria W".%XLtt4 ond . I WEEK P. zn� on Sun& of. t1w BrAW dinh*.Lctooln Petition$. -for the!oilinit of streets John Moore for of travel 'Pit lot azi morth side Complaints havo6 , b - made by L 1!Ex&4p een ge hotel, a4d All this seasdh�a ents in 'here Was a( Xage lit the bylAw regu� M thUt.-the bylaw boa t a, ibsidenU at Bii- _PQuT Pay tov on 'the HurM.Lioi0d ids to'Waterloo observe4jwd,tbat their child- latingibe.9m y houra .09 rebtaur- ver� re�tived from r ne VelOUT 0-04ts- not, been "ent of $3, 'Beautiful black serge gabard m4lay and TineS& It$ pro� talpiull 1TOUCI front L .. Y. ran (iiiinors) have beeit se&ed With ant'a, gihotels from streets; on Cambria road frT Trl- We re6mmemd a Ww* providing d 25 50. .�VWOIIAM DOXOND lunches and 'also. been prinitted to visims. auld ther cafeteria come falgar Lto' Nelson strcets,� on ar"to for ailing N!Teets an t1le Per foot $21-50 an loiter in At later the &=dn* of a duly licefised lgin avenue- to. Huron -age basis (%he town t� pay 40 IN the 'restauranti street from E front 6 aura, contrary to the, wish ad; on Wellington atteet from West rt ssr S as 9ftbeir hotel? , . per cent, and propel y lowners.60 Eweri said the China- Te St. L On at) Und v"n a pe- Dre Dressew Dresses Gec semi* to Irie's crescent e parents. im per cent. of the," t thprefore the - following on was, meally the man 'that owned 'We sidlimi r the hotel, X&On. street froift Hamilton- 15t- to tition signea by two-thirds of the pro- 'kb 3 U -1201,I) YD is where yott get your.beStL assort 'eUt Of suggestion's: (1) that the hour fo Waltland roqdr' A petition was re- party owners Wng resented and is, L I . . .. I ughter 8 special repe-dechiU6 s4tius. One. third i" geas (of, not lat- CouncMer Number said the license Meeting for the other - e coune% the -C that ,Iyr oeiwd at la§tr pats8at b silkS, canton crepe� closing on Sunday evening be ra % ill . Lt. . . Weakeli ar than '10. o1cloek; (2) was e1vep#hoMr.',ThoMpson. ed an the emd,of Nelson itriet. These were all gilged to 1*,plaic lengtheningL of the hours estaur- Caimcillor :MMwen. &aid- licenses j011, lye'prepared,by your the public*works commit collectoes your _USRal price.. for X rist season would be itcansferred as quickly as refwred to bits provid- Conimittee. atits'lia, limitea to the tau t;*. With one exception t 1Jj0"j&y 'Jauno 1 to Sept. 80th), r (,, - necessary. - - I r r *grand assortment Of �ihghaml 3) that child t ad for the residents . paying 50 per We reconimend thAt tU town con We also have a- e�,Says Enforcement ceniL of the cost and th� town 50. � As nect sewer to W. J. XOW6000 real- all at 'the low price 6k $4,50 to 'SWI Texi und& -sixteen be excluded from Ces' i timl organdles and�voiles, the resta ca it -to thermain CLOM � .1).m. - unless -:-*f 'the ']'Till dence�ou Waterloo street $9 l�rarits after 7 d ... X - Meet the-xecotilmendixtiOn W fobjikdons Ir JA r the. M46ting to do accompanied by a parenly �Uw Would tee adopted late �prq_ n this street, the lowrnk sewer a uade :for.:en. or Holmea Said Goderich vid" f;r ar 60-40 division, thp Test- Out and. not to as� "The Great X4-) that provision berr this with la the by W, -the idea that.it W a ants the heav, spine ariy further responsibility. 3Z y� end, these .jitional COMQdy, had outgra.*m, a d payin Skirts, fise Sele 0 Citi- n Respectfully aubmittq&by the . sqfficient into Itself. Other towns petitions wilf have to be resigned on The fir, committee reported 'hav- $4 to. $7 25 o I t %end$ Social Service Leagueof Godeo. were not i" the zmmw VbMiA. ing passed all tle IF4114fing 1)ermi.s Osing such restrictions millinery for' this rich. You could Sp to Wiiigham. and other A request for a Payment Of $100 referred to it. New blouses, hosiery. aura i A, X_ RTSON secretary. Huroki served on the town r grant to the band was ts we" all adopttd. "ROBE # towns and be These. taper week's showing.. c 25th, after eldlZek, and noner of these F"y and Saft4r&v Goderich Jun 1922.. 12 m4de'by,the.siecretaryo Mr. 0. Rance, Councillor, Wille asked !PVhnt bad ie iWay;j-poibted out that Coun places,bad as much reason as Gode- and was r6ferred to the finance cOmi" been done about %be taxes and Fin "Y AM3 SIX4' rmer notice i4ch to be cillor Hill Our only'comPeti once 'ailyinh, ed that iepuld let -his fo _Von I C41low stat LN of motion lapse by%� not acting on it met re- The W Aid asked bad been Paid in 811ftce I Come I and Se .0 D spla'V tots on lake Huroja as sum Hospital Ladle eat ur I and give u new:i1Qttce of motion, in. 1;110 sorts were Grand Bmd, Bayfield and permission to hold a. tag day on Do- lecting and that �be iollector gave a C40 corporating'his i3ew'proposal. must at -least minion In aid of the hospital. This verbal report of at good number of Kinc*rdine, *ad we Our IMP, KIM 'Au ght. d We in tt" ed coxclumn tory Th a 6 and 11 4ll� t cat Of rop This 11 reg our super nts It. ]f3a rn0 n n Extra * em(A 1 16 leave the referred to tho special commit- edse's. inafteedy inatter off till thefirst ktep up to the times. Teenem 0. wet% ship" ant to the tleefde4 to # preoathi matter at on4t. was.mecessary to -Ri EO 1.1 restaurant bylkkw e n -LAPH' READY TO-WEARIP., fj�,, ste"Ir, cound, meeting. in July seemed too, ,The ;curfew Jawwas still in force tee, Th Mayor brought up the questio 'The late to Councillor "Hill And he finallyr 86 tbbt no further arA=dm ifia, Sbwting at South of Town a of thj road proposition as outlined "*a, Caval Demi Nuisance? by Mir, COutts. It was tmggested THE ROYAL Goderich Should Look After Tourist% keep children �aidt late at might. All James . Buck wrote in protest that the town ask the 6 -operation of After Vha�y Come We needed to -do was to enforce the Mrs. ifle Club shooting close Windsor, Walk.erville, SarnIA 'and a" Wed. at 4.15*.4m. iblic, 4gainst the IU ....... 'ea just Saturoy at L n b� said law because restaurants were pu from the 1, Ford. matinees. -Men. In speaking of %is motio, like 'the streets to her 11ouse, only. 20 Yalrds Noit Wftw we advertised Oaderich as: a.tourist pla� S AND 01RUPANDIES iMIT 4EA I R AND N`w CREATIONS, I N 'SILK'Sy- VOILEI "S OF APPAREL� READY 40 uwv 1 -1 4 MUESTING. LINE %0%f#*A40W 4 04 04 0% " A 01%A0%0% 04 ow 11 A ES, SILKS �ARE: READY SILIK JAPONEPE NDIES VOILM., Ku -SATINS NEVORUA KIMONAS SIL 8 Au"I is a fine.. of Unusual owing Organdies in every new shade made by'Stoffel, of SW erland. This Qualities 87, 1 i in many at, 85c, aulaz Shown Organdy, p�rfect in C01Or and finish, 44 inches wide, priced $1.00. e, witli silk sbadesi, - rose, mauvei Fn FA The seasm's showing UNDERIWEARI Of n Silks in Taffeta, New Voiles just received in ribg, spot, and all over patterns in shade.- of bld tall, pink, trimmo-4 ew 9 Pailette and Duchess, grey, white, black. These are very new and ate 40 inches wide. Priced.at 50c.. 65 and 759 ribbon and embroidery, lectric, castor a yard. in tinvy, e $3-751 Saudi - ivory, nigger, [re and all the popu- and, tall jar 6ades: h Sine Irish.11nens for Every Use , I A Most Aeceptable Gift fort. e Bride I TWO-TONE RIBBONS Comfortable 'Ilay be the needed article is a Vute, 1,;howri in black and SILK BLOOMERS Beautiful Linen. Table Cloths shown -in � At Clotbs$ Run - NAnil ohno good floral and scroll designs make a Linen'Cenfte Piece, Iun( cerise, black and 9--eY, VULURG ift. The nerst- Tray Cloths, Doylies, or odd pieces i blacL- and electric, also The showing of Vnder- most pleasing and acceptable g of fine Madeira. But whether the piece I - i,a Vestg, :brawers or Rajah Silk i quality is one of the best. The sizes ate small we have a. splendid I n pico t edges wear, il 66x66 and Very moderately be large or ComlAnations, i : 8 n9bt UP -Ural ihades. Ling:arit; �=72- . showing closely priced. minute. Sillc Nain- 1;atin,and Crepe knit priced at $6.501$8.50 an . d $10.00 to the in all shadm d pieceo le pielc q e d swk. ana r1min or ribbed LINEN TOWELS Cotton$ in all sizes, incliad- The, PILLOW CASLO & R V R I Pure Linen 'fowel.,,` ing - the - extra large ubroider. Showing values are extraordinary' r fine quali. A in plain and et ties in plain hemstitch- GRAY d ends priced at $7..qo A ons"EnIER190911 CANADA "and up, A ve"" Able' more -ft, Am