The Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 20111- 1 1
a �
d�q zd an Ramn-
FK;.-Y ar
"CM tho band, t1to tlbr-
tr_Q P_and ocit and s';c1coMcd
Do You Remember Fwty mm 910cne. Was quito'n tum- AM
alit"zind the, b=:A, played a H
rm I I Two"Dearn rap cbn TCgWaacoo 0� " SPRING rO 0 T WEAR
pta-zle t=w M�ZOY. � 0rLdth Vulumbla VCTUCCA tbo CkI4119iri CT COULD N*T 4W MORTS
,aw A *AT" VAMMVto 114tift 11 A_—A V- r-ne-11 lmmm -Men!3h CeDumbka tN-o Drtft- �f? vat, 1 1
VA . Invuty at coromnc!= 1401 torl C16D OXICU01,91D 01 Impxtv! flquor.
Uiio mornff�-�� Austin CU3LObp, a VlCb!s0t0 couccinsng. Our spr*ng foot -wear for lad�es COMPXises
tL 4,2da,&_21�y; ,Von V�aul ggwp, Uzi
nvrgeant m t);I, 33rd Huron
F62CT Ycon-a Auo "72-m- �ksbvv_z" Ww Rho Godzrnich�bw=baU 04- ve-'Catci. Under YC14 we r�ractli:43y "Qu aLg wcqe C7
Quehe tma�cz, M ia t�w,- OZa 0
'c' cn I vufth tho 13yt3tbm DOW ad vc= YX iarge range of strap SHPPelm with buttons
Ito 0. 0. E T. Ukbra"� tbe 24ib a -A lho Benriamcr 8M22 rcur_ for the Qll�) Land, to take Inrt , �bo-na=,Q 09 Government cant;ml, In t"
Fazd HL --A a Rov. 51b. McCash Ul� 13aS[fi,1PJ'lf G�7 Mira- fil-ile mronatia:i ceremonies. . .110 1 Octavio. I It wag fiv-02cally pLopag"at-ed 4a MILBURN'S - 0knd Buckies and Lace oxfoxds made in PateUt,
actos n5 ..a privat�-, and in a Uniform -by obe-Mcdoration Lcoguo of D, C. TXt,
of ttic 93ra, andsyith his South Afri- 1-cloot"D t7t�lcd for O'C'mccit anic, ana HE"T "I)AMWE plus Kid, f6ngaroo, Calfland Buck -
can meda-I and,wal cot up ftnum -will 1-tbolaanl Came into force over one year
gan Rclumcd the. Irztri.loahina men form, "opo. AMor a yc�,r of trial, We ZD06V Well 'ney rcLujat'� ALWI -Vomu%le JXAA
Wtuanty Vea�-, Ase Maizagct Satmdmv raf t 0,- 'Co. We invitp you to be fittQd at
fvnna Trip to E%4 -and aund W", Wckaurcd BY ina the continUc3zL H is many firfamb v2betbor the new oyatem Mateo for and Uc,�tb=_ =d th,
mcde=d0n. DOC13 It really co-ntros? rcrvcus pyst=.
AustLn CkAiAn Rwrescutcd Hurgm CaroWgljoja with him a good t1me in the Old Xand it clt=3nate Mr. Vrc� W. 'WatscA
,N& and �all hnow he -will � vjortKy aefro_ IL
7p. Me A.--aciaflm �W W -s Evenq an &0 f tcnt the Huron 11'14,dment. An ore B, oro�aro the returno L;aje 02 Liquor N.S..
—Boy Dahm man,of the Star mcahanical,k, t tin -3. C. -order tho Prohibition Act fcT raA c ewo witb, mcrvo;25 tcadr
amou_"Ned W 1314,089 In September, 1920, a,,,,r1'evQ �w= so -bad IL CnUU
mcn,& 11av will he t=inscd, but alrV.-I Tho 8-1110, not r1cep at Vialits. MY i�anc�q got Hern's Boot Shop
qProm our files of Jtmv 2nd. IN82.) Ueburn, held V,!�eir fountli annual pi -j- rtaff,d:ont-ratulate him on his selec- .10 'Gover=Cat Liquor Stores th=dly
Bev. �gr. fMm Bay. nic in the beautiful Grove (If ilope tion yor the contirvcnt and vviiih %im In the I co shaky I could hold �WmytUag
third fluartor - of last year averaged in thc42. A Iziaad Od we to UY UA_ 0 0
fiebil to Farm, Butterrint Rotnr, which leafy -a t:749. :8G&5X60.pvrmonth and in the fourth burn'n flealt "amd V= -,,Fe VIM, 60 a got
Re". Ft. lle("osh, talk, of A.!I, tie Id, F,gi,n rang twith happy voicen en- The ucdo!Hch TCblP Rilge IL'330- quarter o� the came year nalco had ricen a box and began ito get �bettor after I
Joying thomnelves on . wingn, and in cia&7a Had WgLD,1y on the -24th
has been QPPOInt4ed ToCtInT "Of St� gamen of all =Vtzl- L� race fW a to 42133.305 q= mootb. Theso figureu . had talken them- 11-ccutinuedtacse tuare, Its Quality Sells it—The fact e
Panl'a church, Wtughnni- The iGodoriqh Tntmohip Rific AGso- dall, to. abow-jay, mcdoration and rew at and nov; I am in,) 4poxe ibothqrod� v4th
the ciation gathered at their range ozaly the rearou bb o Moderation Leaguels so Who makes a Picture fAir to,
nightcap, pzemmted b tbg so many thousands of intel gent
-Capt %Vm. Craig Wag ASCO��ir.�Iod to known b-nebelvr. Joe awwe0d, v" in the mornina of Victoria DAy Ao Governmerib sale. to any one vzho.ba3 acrvp trouble," people continue to use Dr. Thomas' view,
the "Tradoam' keenly conte"--IcO by aeveral Leehmrri have their fimt target pmz- 1110darat-Um.promotes a sale more than Price 50c.'a box at an 4aC4UTS, IUX Eclectric Oil speaks volumes for its And photos bright and deat'
Mt. WM ( ruit; ha.5 been apL-yinted lasnies and a(ffDrded much amu,,- Lice, un&.r th to
n e nWeir6sion of CO. 10AY times as grcat,aa that under the inailed direct,on receipt 9f price by the healing pvofi�iency. Elver since it can do;
capt,:ii of the Government nteom to,- ment. Sazcch-M cind quoits vvere nl- Vaccce_ bir. Roy Rundle 4receiv-ed PtObIbition 17bleb -an aueb a fall(wP T. Milburn Co.. ILlmited, T-oalo. &was i4st pon, the"
T'rudeau." Ile will be a U,hful Go indulued in, Ow sides for the firrlt- tho clt* pr�ze as making the hjghcfat and, to ree. Ont. introduad it has grown And makes the smile u
steadily in public -favor, owing en -
and, efficient officer. narned game being commanded 'tki a
,ore. e�hn Xfi1WqM Rao baotleggilag diminished? Not. face,
hR, Wal� Iiiek, to jt5 manifold usefulness in reliev- with con I
Mr. Eou-ace Netze__M C,,nck r�Aron� Meg5rs. Q. V. Willinnis and V. We- W. Laan 1. McMilihn �and H. Mon�,- �-AtLgtandlag Increa,,30 activity and T� sit therein rt 7 graeo
ManuB the fom--)
I , er winnin G_ rd r. D. gorac�y dnllovrod,cla.29. The average -enlarged staff to provent it. the Hotel He who knoviD not Dud I ing and healing sickness. As a spe- SALLOWS
cumminf T.Avo at -fine ez�htbftioa 'el, score of 16 of the bviat,was 23. out cd Ueu'a Aosceiattomadirmn that boodog- that b6inowaaact, hd,ea(fooW0VF5 not cific for cuts, burns, scaIds, and var--
Mr. Horace Newton, o� Go4tt ich, hic shil in noits, and Measra. J. 1.
retu�ned fro a possibW 50. The ithootinr and the gingiii.%notoaly as flourishing as over, io%15 inflammatory pains its record is
-v and 3amea HaEl OhGm Wm beyond reproach.
dwfl) n) the Vor0mt-Gton,51on- Linhlatcr, A . T43m--a targetc -,were maxiaged well, as 6,@ but, has
I Z4Q Potato BUGO in CQ&vrne also Ghowcd op vJell, FIverything Pounds mere -fired in two hourG and Ratshereturnot,faaUttles tor drinin He who knows notand hnows
went eg nicely, and cveryl:�idy seem- 40 minutes. The picnic in the after- lug diminished drug addiction ? Van. that he knows qLot"he Is simple
4borne: One V'V ry M, � t h f*.N's b I e kd W, be happier ithan anybody else. moon wao xi ziuccess. A large crowd --auver 'Press announces that drag addic- Teq� �him Nw—
Lt�,sing in the abgcrice of' the p9tato 'Renmille? Brasn Pand Mire RdW assembiciL kCal. Varem, %,Vas ap
_point- tdombao tacreaved very rapidly. "The He hoknowtibutbnoweinot Noll" NNW
tec4le. We hope it in gone cinre. ollume, of business has gWwn and we that"be knows, be'o aleeep T
plealc 01.1 Quclm'b Birftday ed chairman of the ppgmm. After
plats,F) Mill Wan 9011'a arccQed The grand pirmir held nnder the fte programi -was over the yauag pc,)- areAmporting largely.,, Awalre him
13enmillivr: Mr. Tho WHITE S_ TAR U
S' slattqry, auspices of the DonmWer brass b"d 5)le tooh PwsacGoion 09 the Platform 41114at-hao been the,reault of Govern, But be who Irnowa aadknows
while working at the vm'tjOli Of on the 24th wai3 a g -rand sumena. A and amused -,themselvW by stepping ment 43ale on ordinazy businegs ? The that he Imowti, W u w4ge. I lingo Iling I I NP, P1 ;1:0112111
Platt's mill on Tueqday last, had a large number of pleasure reeherG (D& light fauttastic Aoe vt9I late in We ft.,tstall .0 roeera of Nanconver have pro- Follow blw
Nery narrow es'eape frorri beiznT 40- were present, Dorneroming from Nile, evening, ayj- all seemed to en . y tested-a4ainst the drainage of money -Gus. A.. Lowey
led. He wiin rtruch on the hea by a Port Albert. Cxirloci and a good many themselves, eapacially 4ke :boyzi t1rat into vimatoful chanucisto the detriment Do n't Miss This
foWng crowbar. and also fcA about from Zion and vicinity. several got into their uncled 'baskets amd left of Uade. TEA SHOUTAGE-WGRER
12 feeL Dr. Mvl�ean was summmied 2�_,rhqipa %be Moderation Leag6e will PWICES Glorious Once -a -Year
were present also from (:jiutDu. their uncles -zithout any brach. ted as a single advarituflo that has been In 1920, so mwh more tea was
00 Gaon as po,;sible, and 4remod 11he Varioun amusements t7vre ind,::dged Fissigan-Plowmais aeausad,toB. C. by the.enactruent of a
w.ounds. fie vvill soon reconar tPY in during the dD.V, among them PmVerity: On Wednesday, the Government Sale Act. produced than. requited thiroughout
bc4ng cgreful of himself. 'Round -Tri Excursion
a, in ing and dawing- A Lim, the world, that the market Aropped IP
1,,,, 21gt, (me of those pleasi?jff events LE. TKO�JAS,
�tfft W(M the Activen, No� 6 d�e vor�l) P rm Lvas erected for the conven- took ylace whifils mark an ep�)di in Social Bervic6 Board. to a very low level. The situation
Flemir, Baoeball Caub M HSU tence of those wishing to -trip the the Hv*s of ejar 7,oung pe�;9,1e. The was so seirions, for the growers that Goderich to Detroit
they agreed to reduce their produe-
On Wodnesday a nieetint� was qal- Ii ht fantaBtic." maic Was funli-sh- contmeting parC,-2s were Mms Honor 5LON FACTS ABOVT tCANADA tion 20 per rent during 1921. Con -
led to reorganize the Activen R X, :�Y by Mr. and MrtL IL MoCallough- Plowmim, �econd daughter of Xe.. Ed.
Club. There was a large attendarive' The amount of $60 was tt3hen in dnr- Ploxv=n of Domnybrook, and Mr. sumption, which has increased tre- on the Palatial
of young men. The following �@. ing the day, Tho& Finmigan, 4me Gf our most en- The 1OV,edition of the imPulmr little mendously, and the production of tea
farmem Tb& bonds Nvere Facts Abowt (Canada"- wiU -be warmly highest prices for tea in yeau. The
cors were, elocted: President, M. C Leeburn Presbyteriuz Church HaA a terprisipt Cyclopedia of the Dominion being curtailed, bas resulted in the alleamer Greyhound
Cameron; vice preisident, Sheriff Gib. Good Cboitr Securely tied by the Rev. Jas. Men- welcomed by,the public, which regards recent reduction of four pence per
bons; captain, Win, Yatc-9; oecretairy, There vias a fair atteudance tit the nedy. It as an,indinpensable boohlet, "as full pound on tea tax in England has fur-
Georqe Nairn; treasurer, EL WilW-,,concert given by the choir of the Lee- Billy gailm Was Clle'ier Catchex of of meat as a cocoanut," as -One wittily ther stimulated co'Asumption, which Tuesday, June 1369 at 9:30 am'.
con; honorary members, Mayor Her- burn church on Monday evening and Uun-away ff*rzes expresi4ed it. Us comydler, Frank means that even higher prices may Take your auto along. Any make car $5.00 each w�y, releaud
ton, Col. Aoss, M. P� P., Hon, J. Hlb- the affair passed off successfully. On Victoria Day Xx. McPhee, who Yeigh,aa wideily known as 4ku authority soon be expected.
bard, J. T. Qarrow. We understand %"he choir, under the leadership of hiad 1, town for a days fishing, on evenythiag 'Canadian. ADd it Is a
that a ame'vilth the Kincardine cI13b Mr. J, Linhlater, sang a number of had just got out of his bufgy at the warval -and -taodel of couciensation, Bachelor---�'Well, old man, one Leaving Goderich at 9:30 a.m.
in oil t tapiq. Itymns in their hearty style, and corner of West street, %vwn a fire with a lact in a sentence. The now thing I notice about you since you've June 13th, tKe Stemmer Grey -
Mr. H. Secord In Ruilway Colfinies proved themselves one of the beat cracker was fired, The horse start- Assue is-oularged and Improved, and its been married; and that is you always hound reaches Port Huron at
By the collision of two freight pppntry choirs in the county. Mr. ed and the owner tried W catch COUtOcts will PrGvq a revelation of the have buttons on your clothes." 1:30 p.m. and Detroit at 5:30
aina on the St. Paul and Manitoba. Ana Mrs. McManus duct. Mr. but it got away and utafted growth of the country. not only in a Benedict---�'Yes, Sue taught me
tr sang a at a M. Round p.m. - To enjoy the. bights of One
road -near Pel&)no, Minn., on Sunday Ho3un in the recitation, "Asleep at gallop. Mr. McPhee's Gon, a boy 11 single year, but In a five or ten year how to sew 'em on before we'd been
last, our to,;zrnsplan. Mr. Horatio Se- the Switch,", "as. good. Two read- or 12 years of age, had hold of the period- uver 30 chapters -ranging ruarried a week." $3.00 Trip Detroit you will have until $24-00.
cord, the well-known lumber dealer w6l�s were given in very ace table lines. and aa the horse got away the alphabetically from Agriculture to Thursday, June 15th mt 1 p.m.,
who was on rQute to Winnipeg, haj mc�aner by Mr. R, E . Brown. Tster father shouted "Hold on," and hold Yukonnprovido a bird's-eye view of the The roll of vamp victims indicates when the steamer leaves the
1� by being 'I. Xright recited one of Hood" on he did like a herp. While on the
his shoulder bAade broke Dowinioultom every angle.wNo better that the age of indiscretion is any-,
thrown from one end of the car to oems in good style, and Mr. S. B. second round of the square, Billy advertisuientof the country could be thing above sixty. ' Griswold st. wharf for the re -
the other. We 4re pleased to learn flVilliams convulsed the audience with Dahn grabbed the back of the buggy, had, and -inany use it in that way to turn trip to Goderich.
that he ic in a fair wav of recovery a 'e4ding on "Women." Short Siot- Jumped in that way and the animal enlighten the ignorant as to the wealth
Baseball Fans: Ty Cobb's Tigers play New York Yankees
and will be oble w cont' h:c.-; were made by Messrs. J. it- and advantage of thi� HoUlm Cntwmh Medidn*
inue his JouT- w s quickly stopped by the famous Pro"Perlty at Navin Park, Detroit, We4nesd4y, June 14th
ney in a few dayzi. ch�dll and T. McGillicuddy, of Gode- a Britain ckf the West, Copies may be Thom who are in a "ran dovm" enudl.
catcher of runaway horses. When
ria. Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B, A., pro- had from leading newsdealers or by Pon will notice that Catarrh botbwo
Air. lowett Bach IrRm the Northwest the rig was stopped a good cheer thein much more than when ther =* in
sided, and the order was excellent. greeted the little driver, who through- sending 30 centstoth e Can adlan Facts alth. This fact iDrwvex that while The last Trip to 'Detroit Leaves Goderich on
On Monday last Vlr. Thos. Jowett, Thexe wasn't a single hitch in the Pub. Co., "S Huron Btreet,Totouto.' Lrec'.'rhb" in a I
passed off in a Influinced by aututtoual 'CondItIfts.,
of Goderich town.1hip, returned from prooccrlings, which out the mad gallop had held on and olv% 41aerVA6, It Is Xres;Uy
the northvest, -qhery he has,been for mammer �Ighly credjtable to all con- guided the animal clear of all danger. KALVS CATARPJI MEDICINE to a Ftiday, June 16th, at 9:30 am'.
some time past. tl�---bas sec6red land cerned, Dkoth of Mrs. John G. Stiven Tonle and Blood Purtfler, and actis through
the blood upon the mucous surfat" or
both in Dahotm "nd Manitoba. Ile Died at Manitou, Mon., on May "Saved My Little Girl!" the body, thus reducing the tritimmatfou
aaYs that in Bravidon thvre are hun- (Froui the tiles of May 30th, 1902) 11.4th Mary Ann, dearly beloved wife ead restoring normal pondition&
dredo of unemployed persons, owinr of J�hn G. Stiven, aged 49 years. '11 IgIsta Circulars rr". MOONEIGH
to the im 89ibility Of getting in 11la- Roatbull4ing Wag Active Westminster Abbey Choir Concert Mother tells how her little Ethel's V. J. Cheney Co., Tol"o. Obfo6
wrial 111tr which to Zuild. The nQw tug was launched last' life was saved.
week and the Goderich Engine Co. IF� On Friday evening Victoria Opera Don't fail to enjoy the three -
Mr. H. Clucao IVu,4 (VIeNQr Dccorato7 now fittizig her machinery. The heel House was fairly well filled to wel- That is what one woman wrot us re- hour MoonligEt Trip out of
The frescoed eviiing and tinted of the big steamier for the Dominion come the Westminster Abbey choirk vently, and tbesi she goes on to say:- Mond 500&
'walla of St. Peter's do reat vredit Fish Co. is now in position on th nd _ lithel. Who i6 just past eight, caught a Goderioh M o n d a y Ovening,
to the artistic laste czid' 9 e a a right welcome they accorded b Night June 12tb, under the auspices, Childreo
-.3kill of our northwesa comer of Harbor Island, the visitors. The choir consisted of "(1cold last August Thechildisofa
tormsman, Mr. Harry Clugeaq. where itz RenGth is fully seen. one fentrile, eight men and six boys, llighly str"ng, nervous temperament of the
T. Celebmicid thp 24th The Alarine ManA,W�,Ioomed Manager and the program was the best usi undep 12
The 1. 0. G and could not be kept quiet in bed.
cal one ever presented i We tried everytbing we could tLink of
N1 Ith a Flienif Saunders Horne from England n Goderich. to cure her cough. But, the cough June 12th 33rdRegiment 'Hand
On the afu?rnoon of tL-t Nth of � MQnagor _Qlaundvrr, of the Goderich M 111- M ORIES becanieworseand froninrosy, healthy, 25&
May the members of 1. 0, G T., �13 g organ C4mpzpy, returned from his sturdy girl she becam le and thin. Nusic and Dancing'Aboard
with many friends, from Ruzlop andobunineaa visit to Englund on Wednes. In a little poetic collection sent us Nothing we did seellcixto stop the
by Mr. Robert J. Buchanan, of Chi— cough and by this time regiiiar sp�.,Nms
czgo, formerly of Hamilton, Ont. we of coughil g had develovNI. rhese
_ ____1 -
Made npotheosio of viewq,
The purple Lilac, and the white�
Are still a well -remembered sight;
Syringn, too, vrith hearts of ?old,
And honeyquelde bude unfold.
The London Smolre, with clusters
Exhaled its incenne in the sun,
The Mountnin Ash, with scarlet
Were beautiful and (,V'n the -,veedsi.
The Dais Cs and the Golden Rod,
With Buttercups, which gaily nod.
Fond memory touchen tender
Which now respond in thesQ few
Pov- lafants and Mildren
In Use For Over 30Years
Alway'a 1��Qm
Stnsa= cl
for 3510 t -
T �' C""N",
Vou havo �X,,n h1fts 6% a tbVitn'bot Itere is tn the cap
ffowh;of a 44"n at N'tw Ve"th Uftictr6fty
T he Voice that
Com-niands Su les
. 6 IPPI I
That you may not lack food or other a
constantly growing stream of 900&-, alld prodacts flow
to market alon.- country reads, ra�ny a fliela or-dere(l�
or iszotd, by Long Distarxe.
Progn-essive dealem r43ly on Low,,� Distvice. It endbles','
theni to tlike advantagre of &ornble markiot wiftdi-
tions and order s-upplies quickly, and
tioll of the 01rder at thb Same time,
Buying and Soiling by Long Dir;targe Ja tljs_�, 1110'st effi..
cient IVAY Of Selrklnf- a manftjjur4� nuniber oft-osaltg ill
re-edrd tivne, blinluna
Itankma, Dralww,
em. Conti-actor'o" B13tehern" Bakel�b,
ment staew,, — .4 nwie wing, Lone Dho�,-
tance mon-1
el f, to
'Ould all 'your ca�emleu Tezcj��tee
mau prosigett-5 as ean he 1-Taeb." ;* * 4-104
ca it, (rup, 01� by 16ur! Vnfallco?
came unn the following appreciation
of old ntario'n charm unde? the titlel
coughing siidls left the child wealk and
completely tired out I believe Uiat in
"Memories," %-�hich we are sure will
a short time the cough would have
be interesting to our readers:
renched the child's lungs, Aftertrying
In old Ontario's favored land.
everything I coZld think of, t saw an
With scenic charms on every hand,
advertirement for Carnol, saying that
thin prcparation mould build one up. 1.
A rich inheritance was mine,
Wherk I was born Irw4fty-ni.,
got a bottle from the druggist and
Fond recollection ever strays
b�forcitvvnsb.-%IffinisbedniylsttI 11-11
Itad almost completely shaken offeller
is, we will locate it quickly and make
the necessary repairs without delay -
"q -ft
T bo hood dreams which last always
0 )
cougli. iiercbeeks begnu toget back
Our ability to give quick and satis-
then the gleam
their old colour, She started to t on
factory results is the result of�__many
Of school -day scenea of which I
flesh again and would run and pf"Uy
day witholat being tired. Today, after
years' experience as motor experts.
We not only want you an a patron -
Then Spruce trees' drooping branches
aving taken two of Carnol, she
but we want to keep your patronage
to looking abd.fee/ing beller than she
This policy assures you th�t both the
G rnci ng a sylvan nioadow-land,
has ever felt in her life."
quality of our work and the price will
Where cool and frugran� Cedar-
CaAol is cold %y yotir druggist and if
be right.
Breathed be in
u can con=ientionsly say, after you
misons v very glade,
ave tried it, that it hasn't done yva
The App�e blossoms and the Peach,
Their resurrection lessons teach;
ally Sod, return the empty bottle and
he Al refund your money. 4-129,
cast st"at Garage
The Maples with their georgoun
For sale by J. A. Campbell
Phone 243
4" 1
Made npotheosio of viewq,
The purple Lilac, and the white�
Are still a well -remembered sight;
Syringn, too, vrith hearts of ?old,
And honeyquelde bude unfold.
The London Smolre, with clusters
Exhaled its incenne in the sun,
The Mountnin Ash, with scarlet
Were beautiful and (,V'n the -,veedsi.
The Dais Cs and the Golden Rod,
With Buttercups, which gaily nod.
Fond memory touchen tender
Which now respond in thesQ few
Pov- lafants and Mildren
In Use For Over 30Years
Alway'a 1��Qm
Stnsa= cl
for 3510 t -
T �' C""N",
Vou havo �X,,n h1fts 6% a tbVitn'bot Itere is tn the cap
ffowh;of a 44"n at N'tw Ve"th Uftictr6fty
T he Voice that
Com-niands Su les
. 6 IPPI I
That you may not lack food or other a
constantly growing stream of 900&-, alld prodacts flow
to market alon.- country reads, ra�ny a fliela or-dere(l�
or iszotd, by Long Distarxe.
Progn-essive dealem r43ly on Low,,� Distvice. It endbles','
theni to tlike advantagre of &ornble markiot wiftdi-
tions and order s-upplies quickly, and
tioll of the 01rder at thb Same time,
Buying and Soiling by Long Dir;targe Ja tljs_�, 1110'st effi..
cient IVAY Of Selrklnf- a manftjjur4� nuniber oft-osaltg ill
re-edrd tivne, blinluna
Itankma, Dralww,
em. Conti-actor'o" B13tehern" Bakel�b,
ment staew,, — .4 nwie wing, Lone Dho�,-
tance mon-1
el f, to
'Ould all 'your ca�emleu Tezcj��tee
mau prosigett-5 as ean he 1-Taeb." ;* * 4-104
ca it, (rup, 01� by 16ur! Vnfallco?