The Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-3, Page 8Centrai
. A Large, Influential, Commercial School, * *
None better to the Donminion, Write for
'beautiful catalogue. a
W. J..lE1 liot t, Principal.
The Bijou Comedy Co. under the
management of James H. Rowland,
will appear in Gidley's Opera House
here, for one week, commencing Mon-
day night, Jame 6th, This troup is
apakeu: very highly of and should draw
a good house each night.
A very simple rule to follow in Pre -
flouncing those Spanish names is to
pronounce therm .any gid way, and iu'
LOCAL JOTTINGS. 1' a firm, unfaltering tone, which defies
correetiou and disarms suspicion. Ten
to one the other fellow will give you
the credit for being posted,
'toy waaite4.
A good smart boy wanted at anew to
A new (Witte was placed in the ; learn the art of printing, apply at this
pump house near the G. T, R. bridge oihee,
this Reek, to be used for forcing water Notice,
into the supply tank, Please tette notice that a meeting of the
At a meeting, recently, of the trustees shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works
of the Luean MethodistChurch, plaus ;Company ompany will be held 3Is?nday, June 6th,
acc ted for the eatensls'e im- at 2.3o p.n., in the Town Hall, Exeter.
wereF T. 6, Ceeuxe:, Secy -Tress,
provemeuts arranged for. County Orange 3Eectin,...
Dau Godfrey. famous Military band The semi-aunuel meeting of South
will be in London to -morrow e'rfday? Huron County Orange Lodge will be
evening. We understaz:d many from bell at Flensall on Friday, dune 17th,
here will be in attendance, comnteucing at 11 o'clock am. A full
The first of the scheduled Lacrosse attendance Is looked far, as the 12th
matchs of the \i estern District will be 'celebration will be held there.
played in Parkhill on Tuesday. James t;p.tRd eoieear#.
Grieve will referee the game. The following program. will bo rare-
Try W inan's Couu gh Balsam for dered by the Rand this (Thursday)
coughs, colds, and bronchial troubles. evening at eight o'clock:
Sole „
ie agent for Lung Syrupy 1. Uez.te ••I.a Fieta, .•- :4.lioincovierl.
C. 1-.i. • Druggist. lUrrr. " l�svCl¢ ea 1'J.' . {Is9.
g . 3 � r.,'1 e,•'1►reamsof1curb^J-T Pair.
A rtumbe • of the members of F ., 4 Thinking oilier" 1i altzes.l L. i�rederiel:.
, b, ovir. 41 The ehavarioni' t:i.,, �� regmt.t-
mouth Lodge, S. O. E, drove to Cliutau ,. Trombone Aoln "1Roplatuee, C. lienraett.
last Sunday alld attended dlviue nor. '. T. Aiaersla,'•lati to Camp; '',+p 4tawa,
Ship with the brethreu of Clinton [t°1"114 Aiirtla*NKsis•
The robbing of birds nests by boys
Lodge. is becoming a. too common praetiee.
The found mono}- advertised in our Not only are the nests robbed of their
last issue was claimed in at few hours eggs, but iu matey cases nests are des,
after the player ►r as L;sue d. It pays to troyed and birds just hatched ruthless
advertise in the paper that glues the le deprived of life. The b:ebit is most
Best results,
Only four a weeks till -summer vaca
The Exeter Salt Works started oper•
t.iens Tuesday.
despicable anti one which older people
It must not lee lost sight 01 that this and parents should etadeawor to have
supped. Schou] teachers also could ex-
ercise a good educating iutlusuce.
Rounds I roceettrilgS.
yr altal-y :or their destruction, The Cuuueil met pursuant to ad -
heavy p .journmt•or, at the Town Hall, Exeter,
The pc:.tal card has bean put to a r 27th May, 1S9S. All present. Min-
now use iu Italy. Anyone who washesutes of previous tueettug read and eon -
to remit small amount of money Roe'• firmed. P issett--�•h:vaus orders as fol
attach to the erxrd postage stamps to lows: J W. Creep 517,57 street wart: -
the desired aanwunt. These are eau ening; a, Uandford 80,75, labor; and
celled and th':+ amount ispAiii to the re- A, E Fuke 510,50, salary as assessor
Word has been received that Misi
ceiver of tliee card. and postage, -Carried, Bissett -Chris.
tie, adjournmeut until call of the Reeve.
--Carried. M. EMMETT, Clerk,
AI%ousl• or >ltei'uge Notes.
Margaret McGuire, from Goderieh,
an inmate since the House opened and
an emigrant from Ireland, died May
loth, aged 94 years. Father West bur
led the remaius at the R. C. cemetery
►t Coderlch on Friday. She was a
quaint character, vigorous for her
years, with an accent that was unmis.
came to Exeter leer operation,and en l uakablo. Miss Eva Stevenson has kind
Friday last Dr. MMus successfully op ly loaned a melodian to aid in the music
erated on him, assiste:l by several' local of the Sunday seryl(' s, Several new
medical men. The patient is doing members are expect• d shortly, as a
nicely and promises to be able to soon number have applied for admission,
resume work.
is the clese• season for black bass, ex
tending from April 1.5 to June 15, and
thelaw is very strieta gaiust the shoot
tug of iuseetiverous birds. There is a
Martha I1a,e ey, who formerly resided
here lard hid els'tr es of the kitchen at
the Commercial House, for several
mouths, died yesterday (Wednesday
at her father's residence, Crediton.
Deceased had ben sick only a few
Mr. Wm. Click, of Brinsley, who bas
suffered from several attacks of appen-
dicitis, rendering him unable to work,
4A few minutes before 11 o'clock
Tuesday erening :. eomet, or what is
supposed to be a comet, was seen
in the East End. It appeared to be
about four or live inches in diameter,
and had a tail of some 20 or 25 feet in
length. Its course was from the north.
directly= south. It was very bright,
and did not appear to be travelling
fast."-Lor,dan Free Press,
Tbe Arae oe.vras is in receipt of a bul-
letin from the Bureau of Forestry des
cribing the gall -louse which is now at-
tacking spruce trees in Ontario andre-
questing that whoever duds these galls
on their trees should communicate the
fact and all particulars to Tbos, South-
worth, Clerk of Forestry, Parliament
buildings, Toronto. Applicants will
be furnished with a copy of the bulle-
The Hampton County Merchantile
Review, published in South Carolina, in
giving a general review of the princi-
pal business houses of Hampton, has
the following concerning a former
Exeter boy, who seems to be doing well
in that town. "This is one of the most
inviting and attractive Jewellery
houses in this section of the country,
and the stock of ane Watches, Clocks,
Jewellery, Silverware and Optical
Goods is of the latest and most approv-
• ed design. Special attention is paid to
the repairing of fine Watches, Clocks
and Jewellery. Mr. Johns also con-
ducts a Photograph Gallery and does
all kinds of Photo work in the neatest
possible manner at the very lowest
prices, and all work executed by him
is guaranteed to give satisfaction in
every respect. Mr. Johns has been es.
tablished four years, and is polite and
courteous to his customers and a pleas.
ant gentletnan with whom to establish.
business relations. Mr. Johns is also
agent - for Talking Machines and
A St. Marys correspondent to the
Stratford Herald says :-" The best out-
fits the town could afford were in de-
mand on the 24th. Jack and Eva got
their's at the Bon -ton livery and drove
to Exeter. After doing honor to her.
Majesty's birthday the couple made
ready for the return journey. Jack
and his quadruped were not particular
ly acquainted with each other, and as a
result Holston's choice was the rule he
adopted le selecting a four -footed com-
panion for the trip home. Accordingly
the first animal of the horse species
that he ,came to was hitched up and
Jack and Eva arrived home safe and
sound during the hours when the ma-
jority of the people were in the arms of
Morphe -us. Next day a very urgent
F y
telegram from Exeter came to Charlie,
• the obliging proprietor of the Bon ton,
asking for on exchange of horses, as
the one that Jack and Eva drove to the,
Stone Town belonged to a man in,
Strathroy, who had been in Exeter for
the 24th. Charlie was only too glad to
oblige his friend, and at ouce sent the
animal back by. Mystery Nortbgrave
And Vanderbury,
rebate i.ibrnri'.
Tbe following, reported, by Capt.
Kemp, is a copy of the annual report
of the Exeter Public Library as sent to
the Ontario Government, for the year
ending April 30th, viz: -Number of
persons taking books 285; amount
spent in books 5149.19; magazines and
papers $56.75; total receipts $391.71;
exporditure 53(17 67; balance 524.04;
Total value of library 53141.87; liabili-
ties 41075; number of new books pur
chased daring the year 198; total num-
ber of books, 3112; total issued for year
4721; total number cards issued 154;
cash received for cards 418.85. Num.
her of :cards issued to date 200; number
of books leut by card during the month
of ?Way 519; amount received for same
53,35; flues 62e; sale of magazines $1;
total receipts for month of May 44,97.
ltr League With the Dentists.
A poor fellow who has evidently bean
tackling a piece of cow, called by
courtesy beefsteak, but which would
better answer the purpose of door hin-
ges, or bumpers for a palace ear, starts
his machine and grinds out the follow-
ing:-" Backward, turn backward, 0!
time in your flight; make us all young
again just for to night. Let ns forget
that we ever were old; lived when old
milk cows were butchered and sold ;
passed over the counter for A No. 1
bring me my gun, sir, bring me my
gun. Take us once more to the days
of our youth; do it before I have lost
every tooth Chewing up leather has
shorteted my years, darkened my path-
way, bedewed it with tears. Shoot the
old heifer and cut her in halves, mother
of 15 or 25 calves. Pitch the vile stuff
In a deep burning lake. Give us some
wedded in London.
Mr. Alfred Walters, one of Exeter's
popular shoemakers, has been receiving
the hearty congratulations of his many
friends during the past week, the oc-
casion being a worthy one, the taking
unto himself an amiable bride in the
persou of Miss Edith Dyer, daughter
of Mr. A. G. Dyer. The ceremony
took place at the Memorial Church
rectory, London, on. Wednesday of last
week, and was performed by Rev. Can-
on Richardson. Mr. Walters kept the
little affair very secret, the announce-
ment being a complete surprise to his
friends. The London Advertiser com-
menting on the marriage says a-" Por
uLAR'na-FIRJMAN.-Mr. Alf,. Walters
an ex -member of th London fire de-
partment, was married -,to - Miss Edith
Dyer, of Exeter, last evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Walters visited the central fire
hall on Thursday, where Mr. Walters
was always populate After they had
inspected everything, and were about
to depart, the firemen presented the
newly -married couple with a beauti-
ful bunch of 'flowers, accompanied by
an address, attesting the esteem in
which Mr. Walters was held by his
comrades when he was one of them.
They ,also wished Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ters long life and happiness," The ADVO
oaTE, joins with their many friends 10
extending eoegratulations
The inaugural match of the season
was played on the grounds here Tues.
day evening last between the Seaforth
and hoine team, resulting in a victory
for the former by a score of 5 to 1. The
home aggregation were a picked team
and probably not oue half of the num-
ber will take part in the league games.
However, the game was very good and
sone splendid plays were trade by both
teams. The Seaforth team certainly
merit their reputation of being• gentle-
manly andthe game throughout was
characterized by bat -aunty.
Sensible Advice nor 15ieeclises.
Riders who like to save their wheels
as much as possible, will do well to re
member that when climbing steep hills
and feeling themselves to be under a
severe strain, the wheel is also being
sorely tried. The amount of twist put
upon the rear section of a bieyele in
hill climbing is little appreciated. Not
only do the rear forks and chain feel it
but as the wheel turns different groups
of spokes ccne it!, for powerful steal
On steep hills it
is a little more sensible
to pocket pride and walk than it is to
run the risk of injury to self and bicy-
ele by riding up.
Exeter slelin,ol Report.
Class A-teellaGregory,MabelSSmith
Lillie: Huston, Harvey Lane; Class B -
May Armstrong, Lillie Robinson; Class
C-Chare't$ est1waS , Martin Hanson,
Edna 31eQallntu, Frank Ross. No, ou
roll 3S, average attendance 31•
Sr, IV -Florence Bissett, Herbie
Gregory and Lorraine Hooper equal,
Willie Muir nett Olive Wright equal;
Flossie Snell, Sam Thomas, Ethel Pow:
Jr. IV--Imith Rollins arid. May Clarke
equal, Shirley Butner, Percy Reudle,
Merle Gould, Jessie Dow, Lottits IIynd
roan. No. au roll 43, average 35
Sr. III -Millie Martin, Winnie Ilow-
ard,Lueretia Worry, Percy \Vestaway,
Dally Dickson, Vera Swill; Jr. III -
Ethel Farmer, Mary Parsons, Flossie
Taylor, Gorge Jones, Melvin Southeott
Garnet Heywood. No. on roll 47, ayer-
age 40.
Sr. 1II-Ruby Treble, Annie Brima-
combe, Jeuuy Murray, Ruth Rollins,
Clara Rosa, Willie Murray; Jr, Ill -
Vera Rowe,Lily Welsh,Alciewiu Evaus
May Wood, \ era Gobbl'dick, Laura
Towle. No on roll 48, average 09.
Sr. II -Edna Dow, Harold Webber,
Roy Farmer, 011ie Prior, Elmore Senior,
Hazel Browtitu ; Jr. II -Eddie Vesper,
Ethel Piper, 1Viibur Bissett, Flossie
Sweet, Dyer Horden, Frank Brim -
opine. No, ou roil 72, average 62.
Sr. II -Fred Trevetlttck, May Quance
Gertie Gould, Viola Sutton, Charlie
Long, Herbert Southcott; Jr, II -Elsie
Wilcox, Alfred \\'alcox, Arthur Cann,
Irene O'Neil, Gertie Sheere, Ida. Cottle.
No, ou roll 70, average 02.
Sr. II -Nettie Moore, Mary Murray,
Olive Gould, Gertie Anderson, Lillie
Acheson, Jimmie Bawdeu; Jr. II-Clff
ford Spaekman, Netta Frayne, Florence
Kydd, Alice Howard Etta McPherson,
Frau]:. Hamden. No. on gall GS aver-
age 59.
J,. Natal Aceldent.
The many friends of ?Jr. Joseph Hol.
than in this section will learn with deep
regret of his untimely end by an acci-
dent at Sprtugbauk Friday evening of
last week, The following from the
London Free Press of Saturday gives
the particulars: -"Mr, Joseph Holman,
sen., of 290 Horton street., met with an
accident at Springbank Park early last
evening, which resulted in his death in
the City Hospital a few hours later. He
had several ribs broken, two yery se-
vere scalp wounds, a fracture of the
skull, and a compound fracture of the
left wrist, besides internal injuries,
which produced hemorrhage. The ac-
cident happened in a very peculiar
way. For several days past Mr. Hol-
man had been compelled to quit work,
owing to an injury to his back, and
yesterday he decided to spend a short
time at Springbank. Between five and
six o'clock he was coming down the
hill just south of the pump house, to
take a ear for the city, and a trolly ap-
proached when he was a considerable
distance from the tracks, he began to
run in order to catch it. In doing so,
however, be tripped and fell, and rolled
down the hill some twenty or thirty
feet until he reached an old box drain,
in wkich his head and shoulders be
came fast. Engineer Simmie, of the
water works, and several others had
been attracted by Mr. Holman's falx,
and when they reached the spot they
found him in a semi-conscious condi-
tion, with blood flowing free from the
wounds in his head. Dr. Thompson
who was called to Spriugbank, did
everything possible to relieve the suf-
ferings of the injured man prior to hav-
ing him removed in the ambulance to
the City Hospital, where Dr. Macarthur
was also called in. The efforts of the
medical men, however, were futile, the
shock to the system being very severe,'
and Mr. Holman gradually sank. The
deceased was one of the oldest employ-
es of the McOlary Company, haying
been continuouslrwith them for up-
wards of forty years. He was born
near Exeter 56 years ago, and was one
of a family of twelve children -five
girls and seven boys -in which his
death causes the first break. His wife
died eight years ago. Five children
survive him -Mrs. H. Sweet, of Decews
villa, Ont.; Lewis J, of Winnipeg, Man.,
and Miss Jennie. A., Richard B. and
Joseph T:, at home. Mr. George Hol
LORD, of Bayfield,' is a brothe r and Mrs.
Drew a sister of deceased. The other
members of the family reside in the
Western States. Mr. Holman was a
prominent Liberal, end his sad death
will be learnt with regret by a large.
circle of friends."
Personal /Mention
Bert Spicer has returned home from
St. Marys.
Miss Marian Elliot left Friday last to
visit friends in ToIonto.
H. P. Ross is spending the summer
vacation: with his parents here.
Mrs. N. A. Loadman is spending a
few days with relatives in Hensel!.
((Mr. Will Dignan, of Exeter, was i4
town on Sunday," -St. Marys Journal.
Mrs, lied 'elcDouald, of Hensall,
spent a few days in town during the
Mrs. Spicer left Friday for Hanover
where she will visit relatives for a few
Miss Addie Holland, of St. Catherines,.
is home speuding a few days with her
Mr. John (rill, who was in Toledo,
Ohio, last week, on business, returned
bonne Tuesday,
Mr. John Heywood, Exeter North,
attended the funeral of his brother at
Clinton, Tuesday.
1r. Geo. Fisher left lest Friday for
Palmerston, where he will visit Alr, and
Mrs, Jas. Hodgson.
Mr. George Knight, of I.id_erlon,
spent Suuday with his parents and
otaar relatives here.
3. J. Crocker, of Buffalo, N. Y., visit-
ed bis mother, Mrs. J. V. Crocker,
Andrew. St., this week.
Mrs lobt, Sweet, of Danville, is
speeding a few weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Prior,
S( Miss 31c:Fau1, of Exeter, wasthis
week visiting her father, Mr. E Me-
Faut "-'•Seaforth Expositor.
Will Abbott, who has beea visiting
friends in town for a few days, left for
his home in London, Saturday.
Mr. G. A. McLeod and wife left
Yes, we are in the Clothing business, with the largest
stock of ready-to-wear -to-wear clothing we have ever shown.
. ES ---A 3usual always ys t best for the money. No
VALU s ay he y
unworthy clothing enters our store. We will put to the
test the Cut, Finish, and Linings of all our goods. We are
malting some interesting prices in our Clothing stock at
present, No need to buy unless you want to, ' Welcome to
see as to buy.
Men'sgood tweed suits, 3 85
wen made, good wearing
quality. •f •.
d t
Men's all wool tweed suits, 4,
extra r. duality, ecial,ig
q al � , sp
Men's Blue and Black all
wool sorges, well lined
d is
n tine finish.
Alen +fancy tweed suit„ the
newest patterns in Greens 6.50
's ,
Stu... i3aolt aa , very special,
Men's tweed' worsted suits
tine linings and well made.
fine all wool goods
At 87.50 we have a clearing line of
suits generally at 510. Ask to see
this special line,
Men's heavy tweed pants 850t
At 5150 we :are showing a special
line in line, all
wool Pants,
price 52.00,
Exeter ,au Tuesday for au extended
tour through the eastern colludes. In Boys' Clothing' We are showrg over two hundred suits.
Wilt McLaughlin left last week for - 'Stockmisty-
Brantford flow �I.,QQ to �a.QO, Our Clothing is tln>rlll
Brantford where he has accepted a. po•
sitlora with the Waterous Engine Co.passed for qualit ", quantity and value in the County.
;firs. Ault Heauaan, who has been re-
siding with her son Thomas at Brent-
ford for several months, returned home
last wee:.
Mrs A. Q. Bobier and family left
Wednesday evening for (Omaha, nth.
reska, where they intend sojourning
for the summer.
Mr. John Cudinoro was taken sod•
. dculy ill on Tuesday with what is sup
posed a severe attack. of appendicitis.
Mrs. Henry Smith, of " Sprin ;hurst,"
were underwent a serious operation two
months ago, is able to be out again
having completely regained his health.
Mrs M. Brewer and Miss Pella B.
11111 will spend the summer months at
Auk's, Miehigau, the guests of \V.
II. Brohcusbire. They took the train
on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm. Baker drove over
from St. Marys, on Sunday, and spent
the day with the former's parents.
Mrs. Baker will visit friends in Wing.
halt before returning.
Hon. Thos. Greenway, Premier of
Manitoba, reached town on Saturday
evening where be spent Sunday and
Mouda;y with his, sister, Mrs. (tar.)
Rollins. Ho left Tuesday morning for
Toron to.
Mr. Chris. Zu.efle, of Shipks, has ac-
cepted a position as engineer with
Messrs. Ross & Taylor. lie and his
wife will reside with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, Huron
Mrs F. C. Manning sang very an
ceptably in theTrivitt Memorial church
on Sunday evening list. She has con-
sented to sin; that beautiful solo emit-
led " Calvary " in the same church next
Sunday evening.
Miss Morrish, music teacher, has re
turned from. Grand Bend, and was
welcomed back by a large circle of
friends. Miss Morrish is a first class
teacher and has won much praise from
both parents and pupils.
Miss Nettie Penhale returned on
Tuesday from a visit with relatives in
Ingersoll, Dereham and London. She
was accompanied by her cousin Miss
Eva Collins, daughter of Rev. J. H.
Collins, of Dereham Centre.
Mr. T. Hartnoll will conduct service
in the James Street Methodist church
next Sunday morning, and Mr. A.
Hooper in the evening, in the absence
of the pastor Dr. Willoughby, who is
attending Conference.
run, PACO a NE
I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter
and surrounding country that I am
ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE PRICES.
We handle
�cgsall & IJswoo Flog
Our Bran is warranted free from
smut and dust.
Will add a general line
of SEEDS shortly.
Charles Trevethio1 .
TE EXETE JIllill�0 co.
Are now ready to do business with
the Public generally. All kinds of
Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at
Leave your orders at the mill. We
delivery every day to aoy part of the
town free. We hope you will help us.
to make a success of the business which
means a success for the town.
`v'-`-11lfhest Price* paid for
Wheat at all times.
TES FP330N �7 oro. ur->
Stores close 6:30 except Wednesday and Saturday.
On May l tb, 31r. Spa.ekman visited 'TORONTO CUSTOM 11(11 SE and bought
24 dozen English Blouses,
at his own price. These goods were sold for duties, and away below their
values. They are 1891 C zeds, new in Style, new iu Pattern and the Most
this town or any city in Canada. If you look at them, you eanniaot helps ny-
ing them for they would be said originally" be any merchant for 81.25 to 51.50,
and we will sell them to you for Gtc CENTS and 75 CENTS. Sce these goods,
You may as well save your money because economy produces Wealth.
15 DOZEN CORSETS In fancy finished goods. These Corsets were sold at
90 conte a pair, and we -sell them to you at 50 GEN I'S. They are the most
Stylish Corsets for this time of the year that yon will Ment,
LADIES' BLACK COTTON 1I0SE, Louis Hermsdorf dye, and ranging
in price from 10 CENTS to .10 CENTS a pair. In buying theso stockings. you
not In danger of blood p•aisouing because they are guaranteed fast iu color.
See our Gloria Waists, vastest corset.
" PRIESTLEY'S " Dress Goods are the best. Don't fade, crock or shrink
and always look most like new.
Sin.ZI.0-Zea.INT, Samviell's Blockt J xeter
Great Ready -Made Clothing House.
If You Want
PORE, SA.lf7`S-
Cal at the Family Butcher Shop.
One Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL,
Also Dealer in Aiides Sheep and
Calf Skins.
Come and See us.
A LOOltagegir
through our two-story
building will convince
you that we are carrying
a fine assortment. Take
a look at our stock before
The. Molsons f , ank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1885.)
Paid up Capital ..... , ..... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund .... .... 1,500,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advancedto euod Farmer's on their
own notes one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a, m,.to 3 p
ma., Saturdays 1.0 a: m. to 1 p.m
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon
sy onDeposit Receipts. Savings Eanlc at 3
per coati.. N. D. HURDON
001•2111.111L11,2•1r -00•11•10.10•01•1
Having opened out a well equipped
Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store.
" The Hang -dog Expression "
looks of a " ready made,"" hand-
me-down " suit of clothes is
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor made suit, cut. made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right,
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se -
vete service and parts that do
not fit wear out •quickest,
Same with clothes. Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
First-class Rigs and Ho r ,•
�s ,n oses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery'
Stable Ch1-istie's old Stand
will receive prom •pt at -
tendon, . .