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The Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-3, Page 5
THE ezeetercote, published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, „MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. ----By the -- ADVOCATE PUBLiSHIND COMPANY' TERWIS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One boiler per auuum if paid in Adveuoe eii<.utti'friot so paid. 8,c1.-•oxtareazta• <3 ons, .R-Iileaica- Ho paper discontinued until allrtrrearages ,ere paid. .A.,lvertisem..enta without sreeifie directions will bo published till forbid and ahargedaeeordiugly. Liberal disceuntenade for traneeient advertisements Inserted toe long periods. Evers- description of JOB PAINTING turned out in the finest stale, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- ors, 40. for advertising subsoriptiaus %ateo be made payable to Chis. R. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP 1E'roress$onf l Curds, H. KINSMAN. Is D. S. &. DR. A. It, •. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S.. Rimer greduate of Toronto l; nivereity. DENTISTS. Teeth. extracted without any pain, or taus ba'1 effects. Otiieo in Fan,on`a shock, crest side Main Street, Exeter. *c.a,c Dna). ALTON ANDERSO\,(D.D.S.,L.D,S,.) henorat=raaluateofthe Toronto teai- rsity and Royal College of Deutal Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All nutrias of Dentistry up to state. Mice over Elliot &. Ellint'e law office -opposite Geutrel Hotel -Exeter. li~etllenL Drs• .T A • ROLLINS$ T h. AMOS. V Rieel'denees,same as formerll• OFFICES, tilpackman,. building.Main St. Dr, Rollins' °Mie: same as formerly --north dear. Dr. Amos' office, setae buibliag-sautlr door. May fat. 18$3 T..11,. Rollins M. 11a, T. A. Amos M. D Da.T. P. Sten UI: anniDe, MRMI]ER QF the Cellegc+!i# Physicians awl Surgeons °uteri). Phy,icaau, Suegeun aud Aceoueii- eur. ©dice.Dashwood. Ont. ....,., t.. �.....�.,.. 11,e„tat. D11. COLLINS, J1A.R•itISTF,R,SOT,ICIT- r OR, rnnveyaaeer. Notary Public. (Moo -Over O'Neil'a slunk, Exeter,0utarfo. leonev to Itosan. 7 Ii.DIC 1fSON'.BARRTSTER.SOLTCITOR. w of Supremo Court, Notary Pane. Cons revenaer, Cotumis'ioner, &e. Money to lean Qlfloe--Faneou'b Block, Exeter J,LTOT tv. tIJ,ADM AN. DA RRI'TF,ES. Rte. t`onvev ane r„ suet Money to Lean at f. an•l per cent. 0. v. Era. tu•r. F. W. G f.,a nalaN. a,itecLoneears '7 tttl,OWN. Wuneltetica. Licensed Aunt :LA. ioneer tor the Counties of Perth anal Mi^idlesex, alae for the townahip of L'aborue Sales promptly :ttterelep1 Warta terns rea- aonhalo.aalea arr:ange:1 at Post office. Win- oholsea, - _ r, amara;;. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. ]stain St. Exeter AVANTEJ), Reliable man in every loeaiity. local or travelling, to introduce a new •ai,covervand keep our show eard studied up on trees, fence, and bridges throughout town and country. Stena} eutployin ut,eoremi,xion or salary. Sea par month and expenses, turd money de- posited in any hank when started. For par- ticniatrs write `''rhe World ldeUral Electric of .1' £.rondou,Out , Canada. 2-2 tart TI%I',. Ni111JMO • I1:AIflelSON ItMei nese atttd Shorthand College Cor. Young and College Ste., Toronto is an aahsoluttly first -;bass Business School Individ nal instruction by experienced teach- ers holding highest qualiii,vatiorte, Good re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. Il:, D.?Clamp P.N.:P.S. Jas. liurrleon 1'ri►te:ipU $ to University ally S of P. s. Before. after. Woota'S P11of3 3iloaino, Tha Great Engi sh Remedy. Sold and recommended by a1l. druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sfx packages guaranteed to cure all foams of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse er excess, Rental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of priee, oneackage $l, six, $5. One befit please, siz tutel cure. pPamphlets free to any address. Tiho 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. S:u Wood's Phospholine is sold in Exeter by J. W. (rowing, druggist. 1 FAMERS! 1 1 You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements. Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machines.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES, Gurney stoves and A 0N eS and furnaces B U E s The Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies MADE ME A AJAX TABLETS POSITIVIELY CURE AIX lfarvous Disoasos-Failing Mem- ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, eta. caused , by Abuse or other Excesses 'and India eretione They Rudoldy and sorely restore ` Lost Vitality in older young, and at b an for study, business dr' marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if en in time. Their neo shows immediate improve. meat and effects a CURB where all other fail In- sist ltponhaving .the genuine Alex Tablets.Thoy have cored thousands and will cern you, Wegive apos- itive written guarantee to effect a cure gfyn in each ease or refund.the money. • Price V'1 �7. Ler package; me six pligos (full treatment) for'$2.6O. Sy mail, in lain wrapper, upon receipt of piOs . ('iranlar •AJAX Rf MI DY CO., 'C.;.7.7.,sa., ane Sold in Exeter. by C. Lute, Druggist EXETER MARKETS, THE TROOPS TO lif0YE (Changed every W'edbosday) Wheat per bushel $i (u to1.1t1 Piourperpwt .Oa FOR THE INVASION OF CUBA IM^ 35 to 4e 33 to 3l - MEDIATELY. 5:( to 62 13 to 13 8,. Barley Oa is Peas. Butter Eggs Potatoes perbeg ... 75 to *o Hayper ton 7m to SIP Dried Apples per lb • 4 "How Did She Burn That Was That People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful !telling, Burning Erup- tions Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. ri C. I. Hood a Co., unveil, veil, Amass: "Gentlemen; Our little daughteris now , friar years old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on tier face which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, especially at aright, tbat it guide her trouble a great deal worse. I was ebilged to keep her hands tied at slight. audit Was necessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch herself wheu- a;ter elle tad the chance, until lat;r alc►thes W 1 . v Qu d [3e Covered with Shad Welted a great mauy dictate to see her, net they did not help ter in the least. It was a terrible task to care for her. When we took: ter away from, tome, people would aalr, r How did that child burn her face?' She was completely covered with scab; for a lou time. She suffered every- thing, At last; weconeludelt tutry Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in it, and atter awhile we could gee that she was getting better. People said alto would certainly ba left with scars on her face, but she was not. It is now a year since oho was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, anti her face is as smooth and Whltee and Soft as that of any child. 1 believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best family mcdi. cine that can be ot.tain.d. I take It my- self far headache and that tired feeling, and I have found nothing to equal it. One peculiarity about hood's Saraararilla is that it is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it.. The deuters prtlnouuced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or salt rheum." buts. WsLuuit Wan.as, Warren, Connecticut. N. D. Do not bo induced to buy any ubstitute. De sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla The lest -In fact the One True Blood Purflh r. Sold by all druggists. $1; sir for :;s. euro ldver Ins; easy to Pills take, easy to operate.sa. FOR TWEfTY.SEVEN YEARS. 9 THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAttAO .. Mr. Peter Cole, pump manuftbcturrr. Itidgctown, had the misfortune to lose three flegers of his left hand on Satur- day. The aeei+lent occurred throug h getting his hand caught in a planer. Owiug to the failure of arraugo'n.+itis at Ottawa 31.!ser4 ylaekanai.i & Mann have notified tha British Cola nbia Gov mamma that at they cannot carry nut their railway cmltract with the Pro. vin cif. K C7c K vc J:. ese R The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pros - once of these "nightly losses." They produce weakness nervousness, a fooling of disgnstaudawlioletrain of symptoms. They unfit a man for business married life and social happiness. leo matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses. our New Method Treatment will positively euro you. NO CURE -NO PAY 'Reader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will euro you. You run no risk. 250,000 CURED Youssg ?'lugs -You are pale, feeble and haggish r nervous, irritable and ex- citable. Yon beoomo forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wriekled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE.CIREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your case may be. or how lou ou may have had it, our. NEW MBTILOD TREATMENT will curet. Tho "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains -or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary benefit. but a_permanent cure assured. NO CURB', NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NPJOIISSAItY. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED 1 :;i5 t.1 We treat and euro SYPIUIL1S .:� GLEET. EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER .AND ,.(ID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION ,•,ar FREE. BOOKS BRIM CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. mite . for a q'UIIE TION BLANK for HOME T1tEA N g� fie" g p KENNEDY � �e1f�1 148 SHELBY STREET, a t DETROIT, MICH. Ka K y*KI!.Helt;: K :47t K About Twenty-X•'ive of the 'Largest and 'Fastest Strips Available t ave Been Secured to Transport tate tnvadinakoroe -Successful Attack by thei:nsuraenas. Washington, May 31. ---.The military invasion of Cuba has begun, unless the orders of the War Department miscarry, At an early time yesterday the troops that have gathered at the Gulf ports began to break camp and march aboard transports waiting to carry them to the enemy's territory. About twenty --five of these ships -the biggest and fastest that could be obtained, suitable for the pur- pose -bad been gathered, ready to receive the troops, They will accommodate 3000 xuen, for in sa short voyage like that from one of the Gulf ports to Cuba It is possible with Fafety and comfort to carry a much larger number of men aboardchip than would be admissible the case of a cruise to the Philippines for instance. ;tiles on the 'move. General Miles and lass staff, making a„ party of 34 persons. left Tampa last night on a special train over the Southern, Railway. The #larvard fiatlod. Kingston. ,Taraaatea, May 81. The ,. Harvard lin sailed to find and join Commodore chiey's squadron. She took ti pilot familiar with the south coaat of Cuba. GOmEZ Tdlii:s ilk] .'iE lP D ..>' . Loots the Town, Kills 33 Spaniards and Captures Stores of Supplies. Lelidon, May :;t1,. -A de pato;, to the Standard front goy Weer sayt;: "Intent- I goneo has been received from Cuba that a portion of the antsy of General Maxima iiolnez, consisting of 300 cavalry and 5'00 infantry, on Saturday at daylight,; attested, captured and held for two hours the town - of Remedios, in the Province of Sento Clara, "Tho Cubans were under the command of Casino, and the objcet of the attest was to capture a supply of provisions sent three days before for the Spanish' troops, who numbered :l,tsue niers. - j "t.leneral Cordite hearing of their' arrival, sent to titvierrl Gomezfor rein • fore:snents and. having rereised 100 infantry and 300 eavairy, decided to attack at dawn. His c:uup was formed Friday night about three Wailes from Remedios; no firs were permitted and all orders wore given by word of mouth instead of bugle. "At 3.55 a.m. on Saturday the troops formed for attack, the cavalry under Genera' Cathie being in front and tho infantry, under Colossal Dtorra, collseitut tug the second line. They wore almost in the town before a sentry gave the warns ing. The cavalry charge practically deezdod the oapturo; and the infantry. following at double quick, looted tho place of everything edible, which was sent to General Gomez, as well as 304 Mausor rifles and 80,000 rounds of ammunition, under an escort of 50 cavalry and 100 infantry. "The loss of the Cubans was four killed and three wounded. The 4pauinrds lost 33 killed ituti 63 wounded. Thu Cuban troops had eaten nothing but 'juice' for weeks and had no broad or coffee. Consequently they are reveling iu the cannot beef, sardines, coffee and other edibles of the capture. "Two hours after the town was taken the Spanish troops, who had been rein- forced, returned and recaptured Remedios. Five Cubans were killed or wounded in the second engagement. no Spanish loss is unknown." enliVEll.rt. IS COOPED, T1te Undesirable Pix the Spanish Admiral Is in at Smitiitgo de Cuba -flow Schley Trapped 1Sian. Mole St. Nicholas, Hayti, May 31: -- The following despatch has been received bore from the correspondent of the Asseoiated Press with the American fleet off Santiago do Cuba: 022 Santiago de Cuba, May 80.-• Commodore Schley and the flying squadron have the Spanish fleet bottled i'p in tiro harbor of Santiago do Cuba. 1:y the most clover manoeuvring the Commodore allowed the Spaniards to think he had left in disgust. They took the bait and ran into the harbor. Com- modore Schley moved down yesterday and at 6 o'clock, going close to the harbor, be saw the Cristobal Colon, the Maria Teresa and two torpedo boats. He believes the entire fleet is there.. Conimodoro Schley has anted upon his own - information and judgment for the past six days. He sat on the after triangle of the Brooklyn in tho morning until after the discovery of the- fleet and hl then went to breakfast saying: "I have got them, and they will never get home." The United States auxiliary cruiser St. Paul arrived here and was sent to the Mole St. Nicholas with despatches. She captured a goal ship, whioh was sent to Key West by Captain Sigsbee in charge of a prize crew. The coal was undoubted. ly intended for the Spanish fleet. It le believed there is not much coal at Sant'. ago de Cuba. The oflloers and men of . the flying squadron' are jubilant over the feat that the location of the Spanish fleet has finally been definitely establshed. • The temperature here is 110 degrees in the shade, and iii the steel turrets tha heat is actually beyond endurance. Tile American ships here are the Brooklyn, Texas, Massachusetts, Iowa, Marblehead and the Vixen, an auxiliary torpedo gunboat. A Slender Difference. New stork, May 31.-A despatch to the World from Kingston, Jamaica, says: Cervera depends upon the Cadiz squadron to uncork - the bottle into which he is shut. He is believed to know of the coming of that fleet. The gable -is censored rigidly and no ships are allowed to leave the harbor. Santiago believes it impossible for the Amorioan ships to dash inside after Cervera, because, in addition to the lino of forts, the channel has been thoroughly mined. Meanwhile the insurgents are drawing all available forces 'around the city and are prepared in the event of an American naval victory outside the harbor to attack the city en tho land side and try to take this last stronghold of the Spaniards in the eastern part of Cuba. I • DEWEY AT DIANILA. Ile Will "told the Spanish Responsible They Shoot the Suereuderina Captain --Price ou lits Head. hong-gong, May 31. --The Brltlsi} second-elass cruiser Pique has arrived here from Iloilo and Manila. She reports all quiet at both places. The Spanlsb garrison at Iloilo numbers X00 men and the place has no defences. The foreigners there are safe. Supplies are reaching Manila plentifully from the surrounding country, There is no panic at Manila. The Spaniards are worlting upon the fortifications, but their guns aro old and utionele,s and they are short of ammuni- Rear-Adeniral Dewey has informed the authorities at Manila that he will hold thong responsible for the life of the cap- tain of the Spanish gunboat Ganga, captured by the Vnited States Beat. The fi p.iniartLs have been threatening to shoot hila for surrendering, although con, fronted by tno whole American fleet, All the American ships aro at Cavite. in Manila Bay. alt provisions sic plentiful, but fresh provisions are not obtainable. There is no sickness on the American fleet. In reply to the Spanish, attempt to win aver Agulnaido's rnen. the insurgents are said to have informed the Spaniards that they aro neutral and will await events. The Spanish gunboat El Cano, which captured; the &nteriean barque S;rauae, leaded with coal, and owned by William Simpson, yr., of Now "York, hes left Iloilo and gone to the Sanloangau River. It Is asserted that the , a ►nlards released the Saranac awing to the feet tbat the steamer hoisted the Rritl,h Rag prior to her capture. The Aluerlcans have cantered the Spanish gunboat Leyte, which was attempting to run despatches into Iloilo. A steamer ie reported to have landed 6,t1aii rifles at Cavite, for the use of the lnsbil•nts. `she $paulards have offered 35,0Q0 for the heart of Aguinaltia, the insurgent leader. The Governor et Hong -Kong bas prohibited the Trotted States auxiliary cru?-er Zeit o from taking war stores to the :American fleet, but h) has permitted. her to ship "officers' " luxuries. The Zafiro sailed from hero for Manila yester- IN A RAD WAY At .SANTIAGO. Cervera haul no Siinpliei arra fits Arrival Deepened the Gloom. Part au Prince, Hayti, May 31. --Two Italians who set out from Santiago de Cuba in a small boat on Thursday. May 19, and landed near :Wile *t. Nicholas on the 33nd, arrived her) Sunday, bringing intorniatlun as to the situation at Santiago. The state of affairs there is critical, particularly so 'because of the lack of food. A great many of the unfortunate people, oapectally the reeoncentrados, are ctylug of starvation. The whole popula- tion is terribly discouraged and keenly desirous of pews). Tha arrival of the squadron under Admiral Cervera without food supplies for the city deepened the general despond- ency. The squadron has disembarked 800 amen. artllierynten and engineers, and kneed twenty thousand Misuser rifles, a lralno quantity of ammunition and four big ,guns, destined for the fortifications. In spite of the strict silence main• tained by the officers and crews, the general opinion was, when the Italians left, that the squadron would sat out for San Juan de Porto Rico to- land arms and ammunition there, For several days the rain had been falling in torrents and many eases of yellow fever had broken out among the Spanish troops. A DA1tINo DtociCADE itVNNER. British Ship Rostormel Captured at Santiago de Cuba. Key West, May 81.-Tha British steamer Restormol was brought in here yesterday under her own steam, manned by a prize orew of Amctican seamen. Tho Restormol was captured by the St. Pau], under thens gu of Morro Castle, tlt, Santiago de Cuba. Sho was loaded with 2,400 tons of tbo best Welsh coal, evidently intended for Admiral Cervera. Not a line was found in the ship's papers relative to the ship's destination or owners of her cargo. When brought into port hero the Restormol was leaking badly. The British steamer Rostormel was built at New Castle in 1882. Sho has a gross tonnage of 2,020, is 286 feet long, has 36 feet 3 inch beam and is 23 feet 7 inches deep. She is owned by the Rostormel Steamship Company, Limited (J. Corry & Sons) of Cardiff. Spanish Cruiser Escn. dd. Key West, May 31. -Tho unknown steamer, supposed to be a Spanish auxili- ary cruiser, sighted by the Wilmington and Bancroft about 15 guiles off Key West early on Thursday morning, was not captured. The Bancroft gave up the chase. The Elect at Cadiz. New York, May 31.-A despatch to. the Herald from Gibraltar says that It may be positively stated that there has been no movement from Cadiz of the Spanish reserve squadron. Roosevelt's Rougli Riders. San Antonio, Texas, May. 31. -Roose- velt's reghnent of rough riders left for Tampa last evening, and 100 cars were required to transport them. The officers expect to reach Tampa early Wednesday morning. All the soldiers are in good health and eager to get to the front. All surplus baggage has been discarded, and the soldiers left here in light marching order and will be ready to embark for • Cuba immediately upon arrival at Tampa. The regiment numbers 1,065 mon and 1,258 horses and mules: LYON PL AYYrAf£r YS 7SEAD. Distinguished Chornisif, Politician and Parliamentarian Passes Away. London, May 81. -Baron Lyon Play fair, the distinguished chemist, political economist, civil service reformer and Parliamentariail,:died in this city yester- day. Ho was born in 1818, was a son of Dr. G. Playfair, Inspector-Oenerai of Hospitals, Bengal. Deceased was Post master- 1 I and Lord -in- Waiting ;to .the Queen from 1592 to 1895, and one of the Council to. the Prince of Wales. Lieut, -Col. the Hon. Q. .1, Play= fair, B..& , succeeds. No r;p c. When you take $aod's Pills, The big, old fash- loned, Sugar-coated pills, winch tear you auto pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take THE PALACE l� ;� a�nzri L (DtJ48L 0 CH�p ! T and easY to operate. istoe .. of heed's Pills, wltioll aro upto dote in every respect.- safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 260. C. I. Hood 3c Co.. Lowell, Mass, The only falls to hul(e'tsitlt2lootre Sersap;,rallee THE casae SIIFFEIIB1. LO Oneida Chapter, Da>Igiltes of the Amer- ican Revolution, Learn o[Ttiree Essentials. An ,American lady. residing in G aun- tanamo, Cuba, has written a letter to the Oneida Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, speaking of some of the xnisdlrected charities, and stating that among the Starving people threat thins seam to be essen ial--condensed milk, quinine pills and Scott's Eennl- sion of Cod Liver 011. The request for the Scott's Etntulslou was emphasized by the follawit.g state Mentz 4 lbo to wham � ,p v e &Q r wban c.tla { - a 1 on 1 la h iS last lea just had come in looking 3o bright and happy that it has done the good. 010 if 1 had sante money - It is terrible not to be Able to help the suffering." This at traded the attention of themauuiactur- ere, who enteredinto correspondence with the Cuban Relief Committee, And found that at;att'a Einulslon was being used in the cases of extreme starvation where &Qlid food could not be properly assimilated; whereupon they made ar. rangemonts for sending aQQ bottles, to be distributed free, in each relief ship, that the committee should send forward and it is now being used isl Cuba with wonderful efficacy. Tha estimable ladies of Oneida char, ter have been very much gratified ut the prompt response with which their appeal was met. The example set will probably be used effectively upon the larger manufacturers of quinine and the condensed mill: people. St. Marys : 31r. Itobt. Lyons hitched up a broncho to a road cart at Mr. J. Ilobb's, Missouri, to break him in. kith' the horse put in a strong protest in the form of several thoroughbred I, bucks," during which 3Ir. Lyons some way had his leg broken near the ankle. ,. General Debility and Loss of - Flesh Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a centtsry. Physicians readily admit that they obtain. re- sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh -forming food. There are many other prepara- tions on the market that pretend to do what O` "TT' EMULSION does, but they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil made into a delightful cream, skill- fully blended with the Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda, which are valuablesu h c tonics, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the patient almost immediate- ly commences to put on flesh and gain a strength which surprises them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are on the wrapper. 5oc. and $i.00, 511 druggists. SCOTT & SOWNE, Chemists. Toronto. A nreLLIB E ()Firm Honest here Free To Mon. The Exeter ADvocATn is authorized to state by Mr. D. Graham, Box 133, IIagersville. Ont., that any man who is nervous and debiliated or who's suffer- ing from any of the various troubles resulting from overwork, excesses of abuse, such as nervous debility, ex• hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of developement, etc., can write to him in strict confi- dence and receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions how to be thoroughly cured. Mr. Graham himself was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain many advertised remedies, electric belts, etc., became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind and honest advice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and permauent cure. - Knowing to his sor- row, that so many poor sufferers are being impossd upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr: Graham considers it his duty as an honest man and a firm be- liever in Christian sympathy and kind- ness, to give his fellow -men the benefit of Ms experience and assist them to a cure. Having nothing to sell; he asks for no money, the proud satisfaction of having done a great service to one in need, he rightly_ considers an =pie re- ward for his trouble. If you write to Mr. Graham you can: rely` upon being cured and -upon absolute secrecy as well. Address as above, enclosing a stamp and refer to Exeter the ADVOCAT}B. No attention however will be given to those ..writing` out of.tnero' curiosity,. therefore state that you rettilly need a F A -purchase man taunt cvtisider his well these times; be must buy where I be can do the best. Look at some of these ligurea: rants made to ordt r, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 aS'll09itr A rc iia sQ Black Worsted suits a spec- c� 09 sal, - t 12,00 Our 820 blacks beat all Others at S'4 3. Ct,nle and ee4 for yauraelt, JAMES R. GRiRBR Bicycles ! Bicycles! Bey' 1 1 _ V#,t 1 t( Bicycle Pleasure. Ara you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek fast a good wheel. We can furu eh you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want nay tlait+g in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, tall anti n spect there before buyiz g elst'acLere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martins THE j1RAL BRIT STORE. ..-m. . qrsc Try IVINAY'S ("Ol: Gll BALSAM for Coughs, Coins and Bronchial trouhl e in old or young. We 3lauufaeture--, WINER'S i.INAi !E T which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Ponders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes on horses and Condition Powder for same, SOLE AGENTS" I.OIt DIN. LUNG SYRUP. 0- LUTZ, DRUGGIST. lEingESCIDEMIESSIMSEEMONSISSEEFes OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded• every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to- get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds - was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the . LOWEST PRICES andthe advantage of all tbestudy of styles' and of the meet perfect taste that we can command. S. GIRL YO SON Furniture Dealers & Undertakers