The Goderich Star, 1922-03-09, Page 46
Ci Lcb ' tat
THURSDAY, March Otte W23.
It looks as if the whole question of
the town's water supply was beteg
forced su on us wth the
doing something. We havo the We -
ter and Light Commission urging
water takers to be economical in
the use of water, at *11 events not to
Waste it, on account of a barely nut,
fkiont seupply eomingg through the in -
tett, due to the lowering of the level
of lake, The engineer reports that
the towelling of the intake is tho rem-
• ear unless .it should be found that a
sly of water .could be got from
wills. 'Their we have the Provincial
Borrel of Health at the point where
it it insisting on something being.
d0p*-too Berry out its order for the in-
ats hitton of a filtration system. It
looks es if the town will meed to get
ready for a capital expenditure, pos-
sibly of considerable• proportions.
We were.glad to note at a recent
°meeteting of the town council that the
totter of conferring, with iinsiirance
improvements in
e ht i
gnaezw. fA See whet
outs the equipment would be neces-
sarsi to secure a better ,rating from
,the insurance compantes had been
,referred to the fire committee,' but so
fir ft* report or recommendation has
comp in. Let us have action. If,
for instance, the purchase of a. fire
motor truck,. such as are to be- had, taker. •
Annual Tour tJulie 21st mall
Scotch les July 26th
'The annual meeting of the Godc-
riela Lawn; Rowlieg Association was
livid in the hoard of Trade rooms on
Thursday, March 2nd, present Win,
Powell, Cr. J. S. Loynesa G. Symonds,
J; .Swaflleld. C. A. Naarn, I)r. Mace
Babb. Playa Great Hockey
aTho last of the Wend division
games was played Wednesday night,
March 1st, when the V. P. R. were
defeated by 8.4. Both teams fought
done% C. W. Chapman, W. Reg. hard, playing
east and exciting. hoek-
ma e
,J. B h through
J n p , w es t h
J. G. Yana the re U. Sharman; t 11 ► �'
bu e
, T, 1' nil
t b Hunt, li' 1 ril is
Edwards and Frank Martin. hockey, although helped to some ear -
Tho treasurer's report Rad i'i°e- tent by Riordan'a poor game, out-
sentcd showing an adverse balance of played the Railroaders throughout
45.83. This was adopted and refer- the last two periods of the game.
red to the auditors, Messrs. A. J. Mee Babb, assisted by Murney and Mc-
Kie and A. Porter. Donald, played wonderful hockey and
The following were appointed hon. more than once it looked ea. if the.
ora': members• J. II. Tiger., Jaa, score would be doubled. Snazel,
Yates, L. E. Doherty, F. Davis Rev., Brownlee and Wiggins were the ppick
C. Fletcher, Rev. II. F. Reycraft and o>l, the C. P. R. team, Brownlee play -
Il. McLean, int. a very good game. Tho following officers. were elect The first period was fast, both
ed; Bora. President. Dr. A. B. Mel. tome pinying excellent hockey. The
drum, president, p second pen was
dtve. Mr. Royer" , . their steady and genera ly b
C. W. Chapman; p• fast andfurious.,
vice president, J. Brophy; treasurer,. The last period Wlet one of the
C. A. Nairn; secretary, Wm. Lane; most exciting of the game, bothSwieffield, R. Sharman, and the elect,'
J. teams keeping their opponents' goal
executive committee—F. Hunt,
ed officers; grounds committee -.T handle busy.yThe was well
Brophy, II. T. McDermott, G. S handled by Referee Wiggins.oe
p Sym- C. P. '&.-�-•al, Tiiaxden; dCfense,.
onds• membership committee -11. G. ;Viggins, Smi ; center, Snazel; r.
Macdonell, J. G. Cameron, F. Martin. wing, Brownlee• 1. wing, Taylor;
On motion, the. secretatey was in- subs., Bowler, McLeod.
structed to extend to Rev. Mr. Re.y- Drew Macs --Goal, A. McDonald;'.
craft an invitation to partake of the defense, Robinson, W. McDonald;
courtesy of the elub while in town. center, : Murney; x. wing, Babb; 1.
On motion, it wile decided that the wing, 1',. McDonald; sub., McLeod.
greens be open to the ladies for Referee --J. Visgine.
Scheel Board Votesew to Throe to
Encourage not Game
Moved by Trustee A. ,Saunders, see
vended by Trustee A. D. McLean,
that, the +caretaker of the Central
school bepinstructed to roll and pre-
square feet for thenboyss atd plat,
bles upon, and that the pupils of
both schools be allowed to ploy nar-
birliegrs or any
other r such games
recess.Carried on the follow -
Mg division: Yea —Trustees Saun-
ders, McLean, t'raiggie and Platt.,
Nay- Tiusteee Wallace, Gundry and
Such is the record nn .the seere-
tary'a minutes of a motion adopted
at. the regular; meeting of the school
board on Monday evening.
The principat'a reports for the
months of January and February
were received and the matter of
making changes and improvements
to the fountains at Victoria school
was referred to the contingent com-
mittee. The fountains at present
are of the perpetual rimming kind
and it is proposed to fix them with a
push valve so that the water will
not waste when the fountain is not
in use.
A report, of an insurance inspec-
tion of the boiler et Victoria school
called attention to the need of some
repairs to ,thee brick work -in the
smoke box.
This 'matter was referred to; the
school management committee with
paper to act., .
A . resolution submitted by the
Town of Heapeler, asking- the De-
partment_of Education not to• raise
examination standard for matri-
culation, of
s on motion
was re
t n endorsed d
rata isr4
Trustees Creigie and Saunders.
On motion of Trustees Wallace.
and McLean, it was decided : to pay
another $100 every alternate mouth,
up to $500, to the medical school in,
spectiion unit on account :of the
Board's share.
The school management ' commit-
tee was empowered to purchase a
supply of slack coal for use tillthe
end of the season for . Victoria
It was decided that the principals
and caretakers readjust the lights so
as to make a minimum load and rev
port, ' r.
bawling purposes, upon payment of IVI. C C. Comes Back --Reid, Lauder
a fee of $2, Wednesday afternoons and whole Team Play Real
nd cell ings.Hockey
It was agreed to , let the Tennis' In what was without a doubt the
Clubrhave the use of suitables. hardest fought :game of the season
feproviding that they put upa suitable
nce .onfi he back of e ounds, and the Purity Mills team nosed out the
make any further repairs that they rejuvenated Menesetung players on
niay find necessary, they to pay their Wednesday night, March 1st, by the
share of the water rates, im;rrov`ee weer° . o '8'4, rd checla a wa th• e
menta o under the direction of der of the day. There is .no doubt
or -
the groundsf romm2ttee, whatever that if the.last period could
The fee for 1922 for bowling .was
set at $G. have been
three or
minutes ton
Mr, V. Weir was appointed care, ger the paddlers wouldhave won at
least one game, and if they had play-
ed throughout the season in this man-
ner that they would be the team to.
beat, not the C. P. ii.
Reid and Pridham were,. the fast-
est players on the ice and, backed by
the respirited Lauder, they were
some team. Cooper and Hicks were
the hest of the Fiourmen. _ _ -fi-
The first period entered. with a
rush,both teams playing hard, clean
hockey, and withthe one idea in
their minds, "to play the •game."
Four minutes after the game had
started Hicks scored the first goat.
The remainder .of the period Was
scoreless. •
annual fee at the resent low figure In: :the second period Reid and:
it will re wire the co-operation of the Ricks each scored for their respective
. with 240 gallon chemical tank, itnd . The annual tournament will be
,uipr!nient for pumping; water -from held on June .21st and 'clubs in the
n Main, wou make a saving. o And the i5cotch Doubles- tournament
cents 4 letuulred in premium, on a will be field July 20th. ,,
I ld f" 10 district wil6 ba notified of this date.
xnilliort sellers of tricks Wit. would Air. J. G. Cameron was appointed
inthe pockets of Chairman of a committee (with pow-
athostil . to _$1,0Q0 s. I►..... or ta• ad) to makenrranggements .for
those payiri� premiums. We loci t weekly rlfght rink games,
°ptuc risks s n s - e nanGia s, Haien
an lnauratnce man to whom we went comment: The minimum amount re-
air d to operate the Club success-
�talktin recently ventured the sag;- ri c a m
,a' fully 9s $300, .which .requiresein
gg eatlora that $1,000,000 would be con- ership of . at least sixty to meet or-
serv+ative. Such: a fire truck as • we Binary expenditures To keep the
have 'mentioned, we understand, costs
about $5,000, $1,000 .saved'a year in
-oeremiwite-would•-be ood=.interesh-o
the ittvestMent half that amount
° would be good interest. It is cer•
fainly worth while making use of the
.service our local insurance men can
giveti h i t'
in seen, ng rue an nspec ion
and 'report ' on the town . as would
shave j>.iet what.. tlre saving in prem -
,would he end what equipment
woulagelve the best return in the way
of reduced premiums. We under-
stand Goderich is in Class D for lite
fighting as rated by the Underwrit-
er*" Association; •'the lowest classl-
ficettion, as a matter of fact, we
were be . in unless wee re without
fire protection altogether. Classes
and F., we
are informed, take
Pira fighting equip -
Ment and farm risks • respectively.
What happens in the first fifteen
Minutes: of, a fire usually determines
whether the lire is serious or other..
wise. A motor truck Could go to a''
fire in shprt, order; :in a great many'.
eases the ehemeal..extinguisher'
"would be suflieient, and' in others
With a trunk with provision for
pumping there need' be no . question
of prerisu re. Even if such an appar-
atm' did no more than earn interest
on . the :investment in reduced prem-.
lam s it aonid be ceonoruy to have it,
i saving
not to nrent bn the from de
°struction of wealttheand in the in
toarvenience and annoyance of a bad
fire oaen where one is fully insured..
whole club to : secure new members
4lre womia aso ... .. e.
The treasurer offered tosenda
alit* of the financial statement to all
prospective members, this to be fol-
lowed. up by a canvass
Getting Information es to Tuberculin
Test of Dairy Herds—Elevator ;
Co. Hage Installed. Septic Tank
The local.11oard of Health is mak-
ing towards••tubereutin test-
ing of dairy herds. At least they
have been gathering information on
the subject. •• The suggestion that the
town bear the expense of such a test
if the diddrinen ore willing' to have it
• made in -their herds was made, and
some action along this line may be
taken, though nothing has as yet
been decided en. In the meantime
' Dr. Clark le to be seen as to 'what
terns he. would make such a text on.
On certain conditions .the Govern-
ment Will ^amdertalra aueh teat, hut
• before they will consider the, matter
at ala certain requirements such as
the amount ,of window area in the
• stable 14r corn must bc'necurcd. We
understand one herd has already
been tested, the owner having this
done at his owes expense.
The Goderich Elevator Company
.°hat installed a, septic tank; as asked
for by the. Boatel, the only variation
front the plan presented only
the tank was Mader a little larger, and
Mr. 'Weir,• the ttesistsant sanitary hie
tor,«reports it working-,. ail ,right,
C. P. R. and Western Canada
eriod was, however, ' the
thriller �'o :bight. Reid"tied the
score shortly after the period had
started and then the paddlers set
out to retrieve . their fortunes and
win the game. The score was • 2-2
until the last minute;: when more by
luck than anything el's'e Cooper slip-
ped one by Lauder and won the game
3-2. The game vas -fast and clean
and Referee Wiggins had very little
Flour Mills Co. also have their sys-
tems in satisfactory operation, the
sewage from the Big Mill being
pumped up town to the town sewers.
The chairman of the Board of health
New Ontario, for the past two years
is st the home of his parents, Mr and
is to see the management as to a plan M. C. C.—Goal, Lauder; defense,
r _Reid; r.
i hmnr
of the system for filing., � I' ,
The sanitary inspector els* .reports wing, McArthr1, wing, . Murphy;
the laundries of the town in a saoie. subs., :Saunders= -Price.
tart' condition.
Purity Flour—Goal, Buechler;
de -
At the meeting of•tre doeal Board
of Health on Monday afteknoon some
eases of milk or cream being sold
town .. where • licenses have not been
taken out were mentioned andthe
secretory was instructed to notify
these parties of the requirements of
the town bylaw.
It was also derided_ to ask the town
council to install a sanitary closet
down hill to take the place at least
for the summer, of the existing ar-
bavingm hada theevar various conecerns that,
low, the hill toe the ,nark in sanitary
arrangements, the town itself must
not be behind in this regard.
The W. C. T. U. will hold their re-
gular meeting . Monday, March 13th,
at S p. m. in temperance hall. Visi-
tors always welcome. °
Scarlet Chapter • of Goderieh dis-
trict will meet in the hall of L. O. L.
Na. 18..n
, God,
a even-
on Tuesday
ingg, March 14th, at 8 o'clock.
Mr. holland of the Bast street gar-
age drove . a 1922 Light Six Stude- playing for all they were worth.
baker ear up from Windsor on Tues- Shortly after the start of the game
day. A 22() mile drive at this time Taylor broke away with the puck but
of the year is pretty fair. ,And he. was stopped :by the defense. He
averaged 18 miles tothe gallon --also passed to trooper, who shot and mis-
t pretty good record, sed end Taylor caught the puck on
A meeting of the contributors to
the Goderich Soldiers' Memorial.
Fund is railed for Frridaey, March
10th, at 8 , o'clock•p.:'m. in the town
hall, in order that action may be
taken tti proceed at once and ear*
the project tocompletion.
Wheat.. • .
1,15 to, a 1.20
Flour, per ewt., family 3,75 to 4,00
Flour, patent 4.50 to 4.65
Bran, per ton...:.. , 30.00 to 31.00
Shorts, per ton 32.00 ' 33.00
tats, . ....
40 to 45
Buckwheat 70 to
J04 A
Butter per lb »air -y 25 to
Eggs, per dozen.. , . X24 to
Hogs. ...... , a 12.60 to
Cattle, butcher'scboice5,5,0 to
Cattle, butcher's ordin-
siry .... 5.00 to
Bologna, Bulls, per lb. 3 to
Lambs, per lb 10 to
......... 3.00 to
Sheep...... 4 to
is •
fense,. Moss, Talor; center, Hicks; r.
wing, Coo er;' . wing] 1 nyel; suds.,
'W ins
Referee ---.1. Wiggings.
Gaols -1st period,
4 rein.
o id
min.; C6oer, 8
2nd period, Reid, 7
p ,
min, Ord period, Reid, 4 min.; Coop-
er, 14 min. .
Bibb and McDonald Score for
The Drew Macseliminated the
Purity Mills . front the running in the
town league semi finale by the score
of 2-1 on Friday night. This score
is no indication of the play • for after
the first period the Purity Mills did
not have a chance. From the start
of the genie it was quite apparent
that both teams were out to win, but
the Scotehmen had the edge .of the
play after the first few minutes were
over, continually taking the puck up
to the Purity goal only to be fooled.
by Baechler or to have hard luck
with their shots.
The first period started off with a
rush, both teams checking hard and
Mr. Cartwright, Who Will Run the
Goderich Store,'