The Goderich Star, 1922-03-02, Page 3liAY, MARCH 2nd, lett NEIAICOL#OFtilts MAY DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA TOMORROW 4 Next to :xisur%p%tieu ther.e axe note dell°9I3 6'' ul! pneumonia than from any 9th'r 1 ..a tea tl►ir. Piteitar gra iR nothing. 111.re or, le ?. than "L,ttrtg Fever." or as it wed t'1• be rai1.3. '°iailammation or Coag+.'.. fit art the bangs " The co.t lialccontlaa)114 p3returtonia.lil at rust fr; .,rent awl h.t.1.wg, ant tri3 exoec ,l i •i'i t-••:talt DM/ C4.114...-31 ..it• .a S0137.1#10A-CTQT,IXTomcs ore et toilets mai of a rii tv. red color; the lila„ u laceoati•, • Bou ested and the•tlronrhial talars ped vritit p.tte tet, Waking it hard for tt.e suf- ferer to hi-eat/ie. Ott the fin.t sial of a cold or confi4e You S1ie:11 get a bottle of -De. Wood's Norway- Pine Syrup, wed thus prevent the call developing into some seria'as lass trouble. Mr. J. F. +Crunch. Einistuore. Ont., writes: " 7 wo years ago 1 got pumme- l= uet1 . .lua and a .cough followed it. X cou,hed, continually. matt no matter what I used. X could not rid myself of it. litN4oveur- ber X WL e I was getting some bt uu a my throat choked Yee up so, 3.ty sister wrote Inc from Ottawa, a.1 u tolti in. to try Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.' • After wing oat bottle- Mound relief, So I got another one, and before Xmas • MMy:cough •w9scompletelY gone." .111M WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP . Price, 35e. and 60c, per bottle; put.UP TO 'bY The T. Milburn ,C0:,Limited, oronto, out OSTEOPATH litarttat,a 'Wheel as slots, t, WIlttaaa) 2.o.1 laartbern, *-1,6`.;*. No. 1 itorthvrn, tint Booted. No. $ northern, ec•t Ducted, Keuutt bw Uata iia *tare rt. W)Iiiaait) No. 2 ('.'4¢., Rand, No, 1 fetala - No. 1 teed* b81'. Stitottsba **VW tin iters 1 t. ►1"llllaw) Nu. 3 (.W., nominal. Aalerlead Vroipt Shipment.)hi'eeettai, Nc. 2 yellow, 78e. No. a yellow, 760. /. No. 4 yellow. 7•A?i. Ontario Oath A.#eeetaibed to } rtigilt Outsider). Nominal, theta*** Wheat (16*,q.ta Shl!.t*E Fencer Agreed*** to zFa tlihta.) No, Si white, nominal. Marley (Aeeer+diattr to Freight* Owpdato) No. 3 extra. li7o to 40e. li atirMrlaea►t (Moped's& to iF'reet:Oat outome.) No. 2. J8c to 30e. till. No. 2, hie to S$c, hiaxttoka near. 3 1t3t patents. nominal. Ontario Visor (Pri'►,MHt $htyarlrta,) 90 Mor cent. patent. nominal. ll[tl►feral tear.tutu De1tweeed.) Eran.'per ton, Oa to 320. Shorts, 330 to 332. _weft hoour..4 .70..to.2l,al0. Z.,' .N. Baled Hay. x;«ziiti No. 2, $21.50 to 322.00, 2i Mixed, 318. t Straw. Car lots, per ton, 312. Unofficial quota,tions.•••'Ontario No, 1. commercial wheat, 21:26 to $1.30, out- aide. Ontario No, 3 oats, 40o to 4E0. outside, Ontaario corn* ,5$c to 60e, outside. Neighborhood News Nuggets Picked Froin Our Excha C1►aton Hospital Hash First Nurses GrltituAtion--H. S., Chant *it E Rusk% Chitties Have Narrow Esters fro* Asphyxletiiltl- -' Miss Ellen Mouutca8tle Survives 'Sister Oaly Si* Days-- Rev. S. McLeao. E manville� Resign New Councillor Elected.. in Brussels. MATT +' MARKETS Building. 1ra,pr+ets in Euler l reesc'ls l�estoili. laa� 'i3,^%`: llurelimi- Building prospects fair Exeter this t',1 £1y,llaeleer lues., of that t(3vvn, and conning rtunitt 1' ave fairly p�romisin;�, .t; laa?a5a); torn deem. Tee building �,an "wi15T "M"Plaat4��cl nfi was or(ler= ?siayor of s%snitham Loses Iiia. stunt eel remet-ed by the Iioete ice .Bien Mayor hf. B. Elliott, of til anarhaln, diem ' e was zn raAstorvel recently ;re. J. ex. St, a"olumban 'Woman, ' hiether of the funeral .of lois aunt, Mre. J. Ci, `ltti, '.)lea Tremaiia. a The death t3itcurre(1 on Thursrlas, old . Resident of Deo :les I':iss(s kelt. IGth, o f Mrs, St':la1k LlTIturs, St, Early "op. Sunday morning, Feb, tl'alatltbsili, She wasbt}xn ieete'tuft: 19th, AWNS Snell*. an old rand re- fa, the eo mest daughter of the late sleeted resident of Brussels locality, Merlin Feeney. She was the mother passed way." . a -'ten children, eight of whorl sures .noting to Brussels rive, and besides her fantiiy and bus - Mr. high Bell, of Turnberry, Ilea ban(., she leaves three eiahter., and sed ppurchased the home of Mr. Robt, Lille. yen brother:.. Kinnon, `' Flora street, Brussels, and Mr. John Cowan, ast Wawanosh will get:possession at once.. ofDice Air. John Cowan cte• Egmondville • Minister Resigning The "deathWawa. S. McLean, who has been in curred at hisehome in East ,'.large of 'the Egntondville Presby- nosh on Thursday . morning, bleb. tenon church since 1918, has announe 1t.th. He had been conflated to lied e d that lie is resigning, since September last when he was. Brother. of Winghant Lady Dies taken down with pleuro-pneunionta, of which he xecgvered for ,a� time, but Mr. Jelin Charters, British Colum- after several light attacks through bia, brother of Mrs. John .iValters, the winter, be succumbed on Thurs. Wiugham, and of Mr. Richard Char- day morning. tees. Kinloss, died Feb. 7th. Had Visited South Africa Twice' New Councillor 'for' Brussels After an illness of _months, Mr. Mr. Wm. A.rmt trong was elected to Chas. Howson, Clinton, missed away MI the vacant seat et the Brussels on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 10th. e, w--�- council' caused by the resignation of Avas a son of the hate Mr. and Mese 'rQIto1VTo LIVL•1 STOCK. - Councillor Maleolm Fraser, Jas. Howson, ,'Clinton, but •had spent th the exception NewAutomobile Paint Shop 1 .tin viewed to ►i,a ti4$ Moth' rf Automobile Painting and Finishing sloe SIGN WRITING owl SHOW CARD WOK ALTs WORIi et=AR ANTr1,P u Fred Seabrook Kinjstun St. TORONTO, 'Neb. 27 Receipts et live stack at the L nion Yards for to•day's l rare 180 cars.—E'attle, 2.606: nr,�.••• larKeF re %, A. el. HMIST,'Osteopaatlhic I'kz rr�l- soalvos. 282; hogss, 2,900. shoep, 816 i:ollG g'Galuotf u e tifR EO 0 13 E VtLy LIVEST OOK . Otdpay•»' special .FrFonAL .zwb..27,.-;Cnttlo-rc c ttl aah.tlllI an State10arils. .ration to diseases of 'Mitten anecalvts; 300; 31 lower; to 314. children. Consultation free. Office .loge. 1.600; steady to 250 higher Darner Nelson and St, 'Andrew G s_ $11.25YOrketo 1 gilt -do ilea 311.60 1s6$il 76x!73 iorti i11 to Dr. picipemann, In .Cit Yorkers at $11.00; ro ghs, $8.25 to $0.60 forth Tuesdays:' and Pedals stags, $'4 to $5.50. sheep and lababs,' 1,600: steady; un , changed. strove. ' WINNIPEG MVP sT WINNIPEG, Feb.• St.—Receipts-40M Prised only '17 cattle and 130 hogs. Owing to the small nature of th offerings on the cattle market the• was practically no trading in progrea in and to establish a price range On 'the hog market bidding main tallied a steady tune over the close Friday, selects ted and watered ehacng in hands at 313, • No trading took place on the ghee and lamb market, due to .tick receipts. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. , • Chicago, Id'eb. 27, --Cattle ' re cetp 1,000;' compared with a Week ago, be steers closed largely steady to 1 higher, with spots 25c up, lower grad showing the .;.advance; fat. she-stoc 10e to 26e higher; canners and outto mostly. steady; bulls gained large 50o; veal.. calves mostly 41 highe stockers and feeders, 16c to 26e htghe Koss, 7;000, active olid nloetly 10c 15e higher than Frridays ,averag one to i l ar OP. 1 O f ver light; q , 3 lroldq g P _176-1b- average; balk, '$10.80 to Pla°s, steady ' Sheep; 3,000; mostly. backers dire h abo the feat loads on sale brought steady' prices; tort/Pared with awe ago: killing' classes, 25c to 50e high shearing lambs, boo to 7f,c higher. i7NIN G , 4 °T I'I.411r BRAY A ANLL DIU • . t7I'iano Tuner . . and le!,aIrer Apply iilDR9t0n St., Goderielt, Ont. Phone :'37. All order':; promptly attended to. MUSICAL, • Wens, J.. el. cemmioN. • 1, • y ix cls prepar- ed re r ';tri tang hCor,PP 17 ed r• Teacherrnt P T d t ed for exaniinatlons.:F r arms, sill, res. idonco, GAbboas st.. opposite Vietorta p1111- lie school or ''phone 253$. , GEO. IfENYON. "• 1. "L, bias. Menai. University" Teacher's nitlloma Piano and 'Theory Teacher's Diploma Singing -- Pupils .precured for examinations. For tams apply Studlo;,lllontrcal St.. opposite Liibrary. • MUSIC. STVDIO. • eye- Goderleb Society Orcl eptra ,Music Stodtb, entrance. bctWeen F. Il. wood's. and J. 11. Or• 5. u et. stores. Lad s . given t t tultibn' - ouC.V,or be (V10Yin s ), vilin-, for -beginners.. anct those_aavaca: cod. I at studib.` . apply- p For. information 'ued s ound= es C rl t . i, acs sound - postsse repaired, posts set and violin crows rehaired. etc, GoderIelt Seeitkya a shtgnttra, a pieces . i3.. H. WESTON, L. L. C. eL Licentiate London College or Mlu$tc. Eng- land. Organist and Choir Director o1 h cb,' • North St. Ai etho dist c ur TFAC1IER, OF MUSIC . Pupils prepared for examinations la con- necti0n' with Toronto UnlversltY, TOr0At0 •CenServatory, etc. Every Pupil entered for massesl exams has passed, many with. honors. For terms apply at residence; west St, (first door west or skating rink), taodertob. LE AL CARDS C E$ 33linOW. Berrtster.' so 11or, (1aiAE . Corner Nett. Street and MVO. ' Goderich. Ont. • _ ta. Of 60 ea, ly r; r. to e• aa1 , et; ut ek es; Mr. A. H. Musgrove Had Fail . Mr. A. H. Musgrove, W Ingham, eras, confined to his home for some days from the effects•, of a bad fall on the ice -on •Sunda.*-•evening,,,Feb.12th.: Death of Mis. Thos. Davidson, Srus•. sets Thursday, Feb. 16th, a tine women. went to her' reward' in the person of Mrs. Thos. Davidson, whe elied. at her. home m Brussels in her 76th Year. Dies Da_ Stanley, Mrs. Rrratt, C*I4AS..SEAGEII _ Barrister,• $olieitor, Neter), PtibI1C and conveyancer' • Office : court nous)", Ooderich. %� G.• MAYS 'Phone 88. y.� Ile Etc. earristor, Sollotior. Notary Putt oraceitamilton St., sterling Bink nicer noderteh Real Estate. Loans, InSuranee {YONVEYANCINt) AND NOTARY . VV •030808 8 , of8LNSLADE, Bapneld, 'Cono vevauetnx and Notary Public 1 nCES u3rrister$. Soitelto S, Notaries. YO n"c, Etc, omce--On 'dile Square. lard -door from l*n titan street, boaerien. Yrivat0 funds la man at lames: rates. 3. L. KILLQRAi1t, DUDLEY ACMES, Sur. a v AIJCTIONEEIUNG' . THOMAS (IUNDIM ; "Alliance"' Avoiaded, ` WASHINGTON, • Feb 27.— .Tlae: Pour-P0Wer Pacific Treaty, `together with its supplements and aa: reserv. ation, . and the Naval:Limitation and •Submarine treattes„.<Were ordered fa3 orably reported'” on.' Saturday y the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee, t 1 The reservation attached -by the committee to the lour -power 'met embodies the compromise suggested alta` conferences .with President Harding, and declares that nothing `n the treaty shall . be construed as forming an.,"alliance." It Wee ° an - Proved by a ten to three note. May.'tTnsdat Motherwell, 1�MOOSEJAW, Sask., ' Feb. 27. Frank. a source, which it regards as authoritative the Evening Times was informed Saturday that the new NU- . Donal Policy Political Association dial decided. to take actio.! to unseat .icon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister Of Agriculture, and . idberal candidate. elected -in .Retina at the recent gen- eral election. ' It was stated by the Evening. Times' informant 'that the measure would be One of reprisal for the ac- tion taken in 'Moosepaw to' unseat R. M. Joilttson. • . HYDRO ON THE ~:ARM. I Mr..Geo. Liiithweite Gathers Value able Data on Cost of Inata,Alietion During Mr, "(1on, Leith-melte'* recent visit to Termite be tarok advantage of rtthe.oppxlrtUnits :Vended Ida to gather Infaranatimi °tis 'tu the .cost of lUStal-, ltll ' hydro .lower . in . rnr,�at tunnelled hies end in this connection he has given The Star some intornyutlon w hit•II is of considerable interest.. The.orran)ttnxtnts for fintuncing suelt devt'lopulent provide that thirty year ilelacutnees shall be issued to ('(.ver the east' of building the primary .ties re. .Weed. For slietiog Amite" interest, maintenance and.'all other' charges, 3t has been deterndtatrd that alt Interest rate of 11.8 per out. 'irt ttutikietat. The.. rust to erect a three pbase -• oven is flow to hast you will find Eng slow to act -'its double section eavening with a slew or hot oven. E G ORDER FROM YOU N IGH H GROCER. • in U 103'811(' foe cooking eatiZO, o:' kneel(''orb's are pata3t'tlrl T ro tit'], Htll> * ray power Motor. - 111YYa3f d Cora Remover Will i caleVe work � tl. cl illi('( lane 1x3 Extra a,t moult), 1►e itu erre al lay that'tllcltt, �to in, � t n m('r 1F i t were n(K',' ,ii a• t ut.r ° . •, . . �a am . Ch(Ci t u .itlt.i;3 1 with a �� li��la ►tt{ C la. n tea r horsepower ta( 6 calla The cansnluarr in afforded lite* ol>lx'r-� more, ineline(1'tb barrow non than tunny' to 5 3(' on cnnst1'%* tion costs lit trouble. supplying than noleat an(.i digelu the. hales. .1n tellowame o risty et nt a ..- pi'r hole 3_: n3:Ule and if V0b'ti call be seetweil at :8 tiled/10r tri•►0 ft. ttionitl cral. ii lessening or the etalulatt'►1 eonstrn('tlon charge of $1,C10t1 per mile. Mr. 1..dithwaite xs►tnted out,. la eon. eluelotl. Ihet all Nut tt power lines when a'oastt�tlett'd 'belonged to the consumer of Clower and were ultimate iu . t'll• laming the valtto of the farut~t wideh were served. Sena .a DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDER 1h 1 M, .' .. r 9'04 #; • 104 SA :t AI . ,'M SrATIa1N•, 0OMIN.RN l.,'aa:S1 L`,....5 most 01 els time, viath of brief • visits,away for a great primary 'power line is estimated at halt years,. ilei went West when a 1$1,P,(H) per nide. If tC fernier lives Indin his teens And travelled a great fifty rods from •the primary.• Ittte lor deal, twice visiting South -Africa..31ps connecting link hie eau use No. 0 Miss Amy Howson,. of Clinton, la a steel wire .-vhlch will east 'him $5.22 sister,for a two -wire line, 81.0o °tor Brasa* firms, bolts, ete., .00 tot'r sa 4t ton purposes and if mita supplies his own ROS A CHIaEKED ..i toles the total 'cost to link ftp with HEALTHY dlKlrN livelier will be approximately , $13.22. Ar •tbe anaforuiPr 13(1 KYtow the full Value. of Mob: .sled a'osmfoluriste tttrsupply tlt00n) antimeter . instalthel Blood them without t extra ehar(;e. e aa► • lav its kilowatt t on f they; Feb. 13ylon Line; : Frohn Rabliet, healthy, red -checked •wo+ The coat of at thele l( sr,, of Babylon Line, Stanley, men seldom. worry'Their eoridition former is $5000;.tt Meter, $22x5;00; and r' 88th year. Her husband,,such thattheyel'ttetlon charges, $35,00, a' total of died zn he y of mind and body is, tile., late 'saw Errant, died about 1 canned abate the rouses that bring $140.00, all of vviiich is -borne by the fourteen years ago. melanchol and brooding. It is the tormisslon. : ywho Ortho $1,E co' -t per mile the I'rov. Death of Mrs. Wm. Grigg, Clinton woman with weak, watery blood nervous unrest by .lit- Mnelal' Goverment polys $750.00, while The' geoftr one n Thursday is tannoa. into ..the balance is suer .by the.rate charge, morning of " of Clinton'spnt.esteem- tie annoyances that grow 'Ocala great iii P nein the 130111lal eliairge:.at 1,1.5 per person. o Mrs. `i the imagination that it seems as if N ig g r , residentsGrigthe f 1 i. o: be X88.50, and a ed 1855 Grigg, who came: to Clinton in . shes must ,stream to relieve her Erol- ei ars a of 33 pert cent, on the 5750.00 ism linos, ` Mullett A woman's -health' quickly fails which is paid by•tho Government the Anniversary sant at it in A blood becomes thin and total cost per snipe is $121,.0() per year. A very pleasant family gatherin her when;helr. weak.. The stomach is disordered Dividing rtltis taino0t; three farmers per was held at the hurtle or gr. and and1? : all a etite vanishes: The mile the ehnrge for each is placed tat Mrs. hienry Adams, I;ulhett, on the nerves lose their strength and . so $42 per year. Adding to tlali( the in. 'evenin of Feb., 186, .theoccasion sleep is not' . regular and does not re-. forest of $10.50 whieh'Is' arrived at by beinb the fortieth anniversary of the fresia the body, A state of weakness Upuring: the Installation cost of .$140 marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Adams, arises that increases gradually and .at x41.8Ilt'r rent:, pile; $0.00 for opera- Married at Wroxeter `.', gives further cause for Worry. Goad tion. Meter reading and 4'ollrrting, theTh.d H. Ron- blood is necessary to. every woman total cost of .$01.50 •is obtained, De-+ ck; - youngest sonof has, w oduet i(lper cent. from this amount �r and Mxs, who has own pale and: weak, and c uG „ eof un st Williams' ` k" 0ofl, epost wl gleft the , Ythere is t o$ Walter_ -Renwick, .to Mies., Catharine in this condition Dr, Wiliaams fink' land t rt' a t. Walt. and:'Mrs. Pills will 'be found et great benefit, '.hese ebarge•, Me.'Lattlatv�aite was In - John Fitch, Fitch, H of 1, Ontario. Iam an over Ont(. a l are the eau* Earls.;( 'f the , and ori lace. enrich Y k sus(:theyp too be Howlett, of w p ..l: dohs II .. quietly at.Wroxeter On Wednesday' blvbd. Women who are anaelriic, I dtir;I�aitlirvitlte snowed The Signal a Feb.' 15th.. snfeer from indigestion, palpitation, figures a_hieh Indicated that. up to the afternoon, n rvous attacks will end of 1A.,1 enrol eoutraetx to la Wiut hath Horttcuittlrpsts Hold Moen—headaches and e. find new strength through a fair use lumen of 118 had been signed in the ng a these iris. Among the women. Guelplh to Goder)eh gone, lilt In the -c meeting of " held gharn f 1 of this Toronto non(*, '}Ci: in the Sarnia clad A lobi. n ocist was .held in the who have, plroved the va ue Horticultural Society „ ,medicine is :Mrs. abs Levy, Hae- Ohathaui' zone, 1ii38 in Niagarat sand chamber on Thursday even , w o ass A- 1'3rantford zone sunt 1011 In tit. Thomas councilkett's Cove; N. ;,,5., 1 h sy turr Hutton ofton x000. tp 'AO rirr a ail in and Lon( i Feb. a.s 1,ago I began to t .. ,bout two ears g �'. Y a r t CO of 1e trs0t t ot Ct tura. College,Referring to h cul eg'e.0f0t i I rt(.weak. Lt o A the Ontario g health and -was ,very My �. r fi gave a very interesting address ontitutioa was all run : down,.' and power a Goderieh Mr. Lnitlnvaite'iaald Culture of Plants. sons Housem blood was weak and watery, .as the *vas i sired that if the amount of in ham. Wedding ' y' manifest even month,. I had. •. power vow used here were doubled' A W g was; lnanlf a y The home of Air. and Mrs. Isaac, heard of, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and the lee? .ilei• horse totvor would be' Walker, 'Wingham, was the scene of. what they would dt for the blood, About $25.00 or aimllar to the present - a .. pretty . wedding , on V4 ednesday, and being in such a low 'condition, atilt at Stratford. atford. Feb. 22nd, when their eldest. daught-decided to try them, By the time I Speaking of the opinion 'whieb pre', er, Jessie Alba, was .united• in holy had finished the fourth' box X found vaned In some gtrnrkere to the a effect ;,t that '1 was a that i0 the long haul" from Ni, gar eLachl », ' ray great' del.,,ht toStanley ` E. � 4 � to y wedlockrYblood it much wet` was' lost,. Mr. Laithwnpte Tpronto, Rev. C. E. Cragg officiating. great deal stronger, and my 1m k reale. .that the engineers had Assured esus that the loss .in thio manner was "not worth mentioning." A A�ceent change in the znetho8 of ine;tnldatiou, by ` placing 1t fneteemees as rla'e to resi(tencee ns possible meant a cotsidkral)lc lra°cirtg in topper wire.% This hydro equipment. mentioned heretofore. when installed avi11 give • W. PnoinW00T; K. C.. Live Stock and General AUOtto 1000, Hamilton •strew,. Goderl48. r-% hales made : everywhere and an etf0rt! made to givo you satisfaction. • 'Farmers' sale notes discounted, INSURlAP4CF, • FIRE INSURANCE MINT IT ATTENDED nY Tar'. WEST VIAWANOS$ MUTUAL ARE INSURANCE CO. FS'rAnf.isnro 1878 RAU: TWENTY CLIITS raft Hummel aoLLAa3 HARRY L. SALMI, Agent and Aaluatsr fliseKiLLO1' MUTUAL FARE Ir1SU8*3 oe • 'u. arae and Iaelated Toon Property "insured, Valu,: of proporty insured up to Januar;, ,esu e3,0�18, 5.u0. .iaderiehER 381. Evans, vice-President,v aeectri'o(d ; T. E. plays, Sec. -Tress.. sea-. 1 anrth. Steel*. ; { toitNGTOAI -t). P: moregor. $. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; tvm. Vrin, Con- stance 0 Ferris, Ilarioekrtnesoon swat ewice, elroadhaRan • Malcolm eicEwan. Brtreelte!a°. AGENT -2 -'3. W. Yeo,^1"Goderlch ; Sandy i tact minion 1h o Isextette..Cnc IC . Seamen 3 E. policy Ilotders can pays their 183es:meet' Lt R. U. Cutts Store,"Goderteb, A. I. 3tor- rtab's Clothing 8Wt o. Minton, • or Meld's, liaJ0e14 NoraiiY ',mum IE'IC. *. ^ WM. BAILIE. I U'1'A1i<Y' p183s11; Gcalerat Cbnveyetaeulg• done Good Compalliee ttepreeented Mont No. toe, (luderkc1:, 03it. k t'NER.r#i. EiTME4;TO1t8 •. flronhcu eros. the The Leading ' 1. funeral Director* and R*ba1mert Orders ruefully Attended to at illi home. --night or day, Ainested for Arson. COBALT, rob. 21.—As the result of a'r fire'marshal's investigation ot. the fire which ou Nov. 23 last de- stroyed e stroyed the Palm Garden here, Hurson and his wife, Mrs. Lillian Hurson, were arrested' by Provincial Constable Atatuan -on . Saturday, brought before Magistrate Atkinson,. and.. charged each with 'Union and cheek, perjury— bel gere ftxed atn$2,000 for the Ivan and 51,000 for Mira. Hurnon. Rathwell-llicLean A.quiet wedding took place .Wed- nesday, Feb. Sth, at the Presbyterian manse. Wingham, .when Miss Pearl McLean, daughter of John D. arid Mrs., MeLean, became the bride of Wm. E. Rothwell, Rev. Dr. Pcrrie performed the. ceremony. Frame Building Next Brussels Post Office Being Torit,powtt._,: The frame building adjoining the Sir Adant Beek rs eletter. ASHHEVILLE, N.C., Feb. 27. ----Sir Adam Beck, who` has been confined to hill room at -a. local hotel with an attack of bronchitis, was up on Sunday for The first time and was able dining - room, ioy w t iunch in pl'(vbabty be allowe ed to be out in the open to -day. itela- tiven announce they will probably remain in • Anitevilll' for another week at.ieant. — 200 Miles In Open Beat. S1'./JOlial'S, Nfld„ Feb. •27. --The erew of the Newfoundland fishing schooner Howard Parka rowed 200 miles in an open boat atter their vessel had foilndered, and reached Barba -gas on•-Saturp)ay. Advisee so, their arrival received stere said tile. vowel. had been ven far to the southward by contrary winds before sae spt'rang a leak. A. 3. LAITI'IW`AITE Electrical Contractor Agent for Mae Ekcl-Waohing 11fochine3. Choice line of Electrical Fiztuaee reales 111 stilet O1 Celierne Hotel Corner. Phone 251 - dee red color. I have a lot .ot°Wor to do besides taking care of my little; one, and with my good health I enjoy it, and I can truthfully say 1 owe this •condition to Dr. Will/are Pink Pills," • Dr. 1Viltiabirs'- Pink Pills tan be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or may be had by mail, -post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., troekville, Ont. Is not only a passibtllty but we are sorry to sty an ultimate probability no can help to avoid it %, carrying fall coaly bins. So "' I i u - with ' 1�W :7s. the time �O � � p • IVIUSTARD'S COAL it answers :the burning question CoaI Wtr ScraHton L. The Standard Anthracite Lob us h(ltu from you, Cyd @r0 lust at the othetr end of ''our ;telephone .and our service is free. ,• JOHN" B. MUSTARD OFFICE* Foot of `Anyi.sel. Street 'Picone 98 0. THE..MEANING. OF AN-- UNUSUAL LENT 'March 5 i the tirst Sunday in. Lent. ` Even during the war the world scarcely knew so unusual a 1,enten. Stumm no thio one. World events. have conapireTd to uoletntlize ►nems% triads. International strain, eeonnontie distress, unproeedented 33.130lii- p�oloyraeet, almost ; universal political, nodal and industrial out breaks, mental dissatiefoctionarethese and kindred cau9e;l have created n new and vrorld•wide spiritual questing. Persons ordinarily thoughtless and material.-Mhaied are (Witt. g io themselves whether the answer i1t not just GOD. With a serious eotsciouriesas of her duty and ofher men• sllorlconzings, the Christian Church ofeevery order f' today lifting up her voice with new earnestness to ery the words of Jesus.:' - ,iCOINTE UNTOME, Mr ALL YE THAT LABOUR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND 1 WILL GIVE YOU REST So extraordinary and so great are the human nada o2. the world at this present hour, that with a afresh eole'ienity and insist- ence the Church summons men and Women to enter her doors to discover the eternal natinfactions of the Christian Faith : • "Ye. Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls" The Mes$age of Lent, which is also the all•t e-y?ttr-round; nfeanage of the Church, ill the only final answer to the problems end needs of our troubled times. • Therefore, in behalf of all the ('.ilurche a of our eommin sty, of every name, we urge you to GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY In Case of Illness, Death or Other Trouble*• Any Minister, Will Be Glad to Help. Y • ••- i - A Dainty laeee Erock —it ass worn be Doris 1 "drttplellrt` and trimmed with 1101wtta and crus t and lel r:onetFeteted :eo.bred ribbon, ';.1•