The Goderich Star, 1922-02-16, Page 7it TIA lade 1310X CIONACOII WORTS %nth. Ape for the fifth, Sve for the A Samertary tke Masai State-, oat* of the Seard *MSeetettes -Promoted at the Memel .Metrdsg. Fele let. • The report of the sessioa gave report of the house-to-houee visits,- tunt ?lade in Goderich under the itop- *mom of the Ministerial Assocs. tion, as fee u it relates to Knox eon- ItTegetiett, es follows: Number .of Presbyterian funnies. 327, exclustee of 14 familiea residing outside the bound* of the town; umber of per- sons under 18 years, 361, under 4 years. 82; number of single persons, 56- number attending Sunday school, e46. The attendance at the communion in March, July ami December was 419, aua and 449 respectively. Last year there were 612 members on the roll. During there were added 41 by professton of faith and. 26 by certificate, a total of 67. In the same time there were removed from the roll 16 by certificate and 10 by death, leavingsra net gain of 42, and a membership of 654. There were 34 baptisms, of which seven fear*, six tor the third. eight fee the second and nine for tbe gran And three °titers were present 4V Sundaye in the year. The Adult Bible taus has 66 noses un tke ron with an averageMareh is extremely' hard on elu dun. atteridaiwe of ittonditions make it uecessary for the The Girls' Intermediete Bible Class soother to keep them in the house. has 67 on the roll, stverage attend- laity are often confined to overheat. aneo 40. ed,badly ventilated rooms and canal st. Andrew's Club contributed $10 colds which reek their whole system. to the Fresh Air Fund, e50 to the 1Tu guard v.gainst this a box of Da - Organ Fund and $35 to the mission- by' e Chen Tablete should be kept in any schemes. The Father and Son the house and an occasional dose giv- banquet and the euniuter camp were en the babyito keep its stonsaelt and outstanding events in the clubs' tic- bowels working regularly. This will tivities. The Missionary Association report- ed $2,329 remitted to the missionary treasurer in Toronto. Contrzbutious. without any special effort had kept eine dealers or by meal a .0 cente up to the previous year, but the For- box from The Dr. Wiliiams' Medicine ward Movement,program cane for ius Coe Brockville, Ont. ereasipg contributions and an evert member vanviies was recommended, DANDELION CONTROL. to put the fund on the proper basie. The 'Women's Missionary Assoeita Four or Flo Sprit/logs Vane Iron tion reported the best year in the sulphate Will De the Tsieke history of the Soeiety, both in finance lgork, There were 12 meetings held dandelion as a weed tlarti years age. SY011111Y WRATRIIR HARD 014 MY The stormy, blustery weather which we have during Februar and not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good ectIe. dition till the brighter days come a- long. The Tablets are sold by reedis and the general spirit of the Little attentien was pold to the but wIth thetlearing etto et lauds stud removal of obstacles to the apread of the weed great increase or the nuis ance Is seen in greets land evetys where. The dandelion cannot succeed on land that is well cultivitted, but areas of grass, whether Pasture nelds. roadways or lawns, are omit- ly heavily infested. Large areas cans not well be treated tuaess the use tit the land sucb asto permit heavy ex endituree, Small areem, such as. were adults, and 13 marriages were during the year. The enrolled mews eolemnized. • bership is 54 and, 31 home -helpers. „ was made on the worl; 127 "Messengers' distributed. A- Commentof the various organizations in the mount raised *473,46. church, in appreciation. YOUng Women's Missionary etreporting, paytng seetee for sup. terestipg account of its meeting* to the general Sunday school were West. The Betsy Babbitt concert of the aural, and'' carrying a eta. and a Integer were the money raising The Sabbetlx school has been self Soeiety (Artbur Circle) gave an un pl es equipittent, etc. for the Year durhig the year. Amount raised contAbuting ;50 to ix:lesions and $211) $52542. .A, bale was sent to the NOIR SAY DIE Koen Roostiag *von if Resets neve Be* DIER011111104p*.IOU ef Othat TAWS. Have Nothing W Show for Efforts Te the Editor of The Sten Sire -There is no question the re- sults of the big atom roller drive to put thelerich en the mop have been awfully discouraging to the eititens of Goderich. But how about the oth- er towns all over North Alludes,' who went clean over the top with their modern chamber of emollient) and haven't got a Gay to show for it? And know a few of them that have a West Shore Electric on their hands; they let their ambition blind' them to Wang horse sense. I am betting there are a goad mew fellows in Goderieh who have chip- ped in on their Beard of Trade 'mem- bership, who are soreheaded se out be, thinking Goderich is the mere town that has not something to show for all the effort and molter- I firm- ly believe that Goderieh leading the way for getting Boykin,lo Goderleh, gore Goderieh a reputation as the livest wire town in Canada and Sar- nia, London. Brantford, Stratford, Guelph and all the live town a that applied the Greater Goderich ides. bad to take their hate off to Goderich for their initiative in the matter. Some say Sir Adam Beck watt the daddy of the idea; if so why did hie pick Goderich as the livest wire town hi nOtario to try out the idea? have heard that Hannigan, Rodgens and Wigle conceieetiethe Idea while On a en e • trip to Toronto. The. MacGillivray Mission Band lamas and portions of golf courses, The loyal rethblooded boosters who met every Wednesday except during may under proper management be I put up their coin and stood by the Beard vacation- There were 79 members, kept tree of dandelions. of Trade through the greatest 60 girls and 19 hays, amount tient to spraying with iron-sulplrates tour reconstruction peeled in the world's Presbyterial treasurer $195. .A box or five applications during one ilea. history, deserve some very honorable of Christmas gifts Was sent to the eon, will generally free a greet) area mention and while you are runieging northwest and the usual Christmas of the pest. But the treatment intuit ele way' back in ;indent 'Watery, why cake. and other Christmas gifts to be repeated every third year. The not rehash me of tae boost your s the Presbyterian Home in Toronto. first spraying should' be applied Just town to boost your business tuff and recall one of the moat eggressive au. The Swastika Club sent two boxes before the first bloonting period .ot per efforts GOderich ever medes of dealing to Faint St' Charles Set- the dandelion and followed by two tleMent, Montreal,- Mid helped to others at intervals of three weeks. Sarnia is trying to reorganize her ance forward to 1922 of $1524). The Cradle Roll department has 87 names on the roll, 28 being added during the year slut 10 promoted. There are 22 teachers in the main school, in addition to the Primary and three Bible classes. The past year two pupils attended at least 50 Sundays in the year for their eighth- year in succession, five for their seventh year, two for their A Lesson, IFROIMI Ancient o t dreas della at Christmas time for the Two further apPliotiona should Meeforces, gr comes my hat'to Su - forces, and University Settlement, Toronto. be given during September or Octo- ilia. She made the best showing of The Ladies' Aid Society raised ber. Spraying should not be done any town in Canada when Boykin $606.87, a high tea and bazaar rats- during the hot, dry Period unless handled their drive. ing the largest amounts, and besides water OA be applied to keep the I wish to suggest and urge on you Providing the Father and Son ban- grass growing vigorously. Grass to agitate one more real get-together quet and a supper for newcomers to areas that are sprayed Usually biaek, luncheon where every one of the old th congregation, paid $200 to the en eonsitderablY atter each applica. members will be on hand; this would thin, but this burned appearance dia- amply justify Goderich inviting Sir appeals after a few days. Ames Adam Beak as the principal speaker. that are being sprayed for the eredi. 'With the present morale and condi- cation of dandelion should be well tion of the times it is going to take fertilized and grass* seed should be some big stutter get by' with it. ,We Two thousand years ago the athletes manager for general expenses of the and fighting gladiators Ail the Roman congregation and $250 payment of EmPire, to ensurespeedy healthy healing ' principal en the orgah, of wounds, sores and injuries used The choir reported 40 on the roll, to f the sol - magical herbal oils and balms. .; paid tribute thework o Taking a lesson from the Ancients, an eminent firm -of manufacturing chemists undertook a search to recover these lbst secrets. Certain richcherbal oils ancl\, • Movement treasuro oists (seven in number), and report- ed $237.45 raised (chiefly by the pro- duction of the "New Minister"), leaving a balance on hand of $1/6.39. ease ces wire at last found and a scien- The For.vard applied to keep up the required atiM,, ber of grass plants; to form a good tern White clover is killed. by iron sulphate eliray, so cannot succeed tinder this method of dandelion con. tific means of blending and reaping reported receipts of $9,048.55 to date trol. The strength of solution to Ise than was devised. • and $9015.64 remitted to headquar- is le's pounds to one gallon of water. After lengthy and costly xperInienti terse There is still $2,022,41 of the Stevenson, Secretary Dept. of • supeebahn was evolved WhiCh contain* amount subscribed to be paid in. Agriculture, Toronto. these poteat herbal saps in the moat The Board of Managers reported _ yen the name ranebuk, to indicate the the past Year as better financially The Family Phyeiciaue-The good perfect form, To this new discovery was theft fer a number f years All Ate- doctor it always, worth Itis_fee,, , But •.glighest 'achievement yet attained in the healing art. Peatment of Agin diseases and injltrin$ itas_been revolutionized by lam-bulr., Its 'intaTing and antiseptic power isenhance. by the complete absence of rancid animal fats that distinguish ordinary selves, Eczema, ringworm, ulcers, pi les, poisoned wounds, sashes, cold -sorra, chaps,chilblains, children's scalp trophies, etc., yield rapidly zato-buk. counts were pan/ and the balance on hand as $220. *. The 'receipts for cengregational: purposes were $6, 99,014-eqUeetiona-for relief $08-2 Expenditures, ealeries, $8,825; inter- est, $316.25; miscellaneous expenses, $2,157,02; benevolent objects, $88.$0; total expenditures, $6,886.47. If you have anything to say to,; a mule say it to his face. , it is not alwoye yeast tege oe tor just when you want him. in such cesee, coonion sense suggests .the • reliable home remedies such, as Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil vifficle s 'Wonderfully effective in easing in easing inflammatory pains and in healing cuts, scratches, bruises and ,sprains. The presence of this rem- edy in the familia medicine chest saves many a fee, would be rank slackers if we failed to apply the most super methods known to speed -up the morale of the boosters with a view of forcing more Wheels to turn. This will tont mon- ey, sure it will emit 76 cents it Plate. Other towns are doing it as a recon- structlon obligation, rallying their creative forces and stimulating the morale, Goderich can't afford to lie down and cry over spilled milk.. She has La reputation to keep up es .the livest wire town in Canada. This Adv, Club "idea le doing wonders for rallying the morale of our local teerre3;-lenetienmgbear181"a- We1thilcirizelnYSinaait; trying to make. boosters out Ot knockers, and it is doing the work. This kind of effort is the greeteat moral and creative force in the world today, and vow that we are approaching heck to n °mud we on look Awardorto tome bi gwilrogresa for Canada, and there I be a sare • - •AVinter }Zecreations in Canadian Pacific Rockies ato et golden great pour through Don't think I am advooting anoths .... .. .God_ (inch as never befOre- • TO;000. thanibetr-ot comntetee, iseasiersesee nothing of the sort, I do advocate a big get-together luncheon and the big speaker from Toronto just the same as though we were after $10.- 000. Yours very truly, W.G. COUT'fSe Big -Stone Gap, Feb.8the 1022. • . .... . Ilrf40" 4 ..... ••; ••• :4,•"•••••:1•::,:::•?]:.,,:•,ii,,-••:••••••••„„.. • YOU cannot play golf- at Banff In the winter time. Neither can you explore the Lake Louise region on a Paddle pony when the last grey pose has honked goeil-14. and the marmot and the Pike are far under. grOund and fast asleep. For six. long months these forest filled val• leys and gar high peaks are mantled in asreatchless robe of spotless white. There are many outdoor winter snorts and recreations which are pnly made possible by deep 'snows ;and keen frosts. These pastimes are luring more people tp the Canadian Itookies every winter. At title tires .0 the year tourists are travelling to and from the Orient and the greet large number of thorn, .14-treetect itcY the witchery of winter in the Itec - ies• re enitirille & novel • ligheftil holiday in this leis country where winter 114, spar pakient. Where is tto snow In the labile Irma whepei these pilgrims 061441. Yeti were you to travel there, yen wow find many a pair of **OW shoe which have been carried across the Pacific. souvenae from Canadae winter e ederiand, Banff Winter Carnival allures many visitors to the beautiful mon- taineresort. in 1922 it will be held frorn January 28th to February 4th. The carnival will featurea-curling, alt skating, figure skating, skether tices, hotkey matches for ladies and men, snowshoe rages, toboggan races, dog races, enowshos tramps, bob. eiedcling, trap 'hooting, swimming in the hot sulphur springs, ski Jo - ane, sleighing, dancing. There will be an illuminated ice palace and fire- works. On the opening day there •will he Ski jumping by protessionas and e halite' hockey match. Snow oho. "hikes" Novak iligisfil are gladsome 4vopati. TO take part in a picnic in the Pee ireode at sus u thee is 2 note -be he for- gotten experience. There is a prints, tics urge which ectraiels you to bcdld a rearing firwood fire. 'let 'Orffee Ind toasted bacon turn your Sonic into a paradise. Of the many thoussuuletoulato Who visit lovely Lake folds* lfl tram Mfr. few there be who do not oak . aboot this district in winter time. Is itvery cold here? And is the mow very deep? It is not excessively mid in winter. There Are 210'wilt& aid no blintardsO N. sad.whoter thew* to spoil your furs and year *Ports. nt average depth of wow Is about five feet. It is very Wan- tlftd here after a fresh fall of stoow. Tree* are loaded down with ,of tinge anshrootnt of snow greW en wry atelsop. Tel graph pees ea Os - Won us h d" Jack frost hes leid Ws VI LAST YEAR WAS A RECORD ONE FOR THE SUN LIFE Canada's Leading Assurance Com- pany Transacts Enormous Bust- , liege Although it bat been established for 51 years, and has, during that time, registered a phenomenal rate of ad- vancement, the Sun Life Moment* Company of Canada has suceeeded Itt passing all its previous reciords. The figures for 1921, which the. Company bas this week submitted to the public • prove it to haro transected an enormous amount • ot business, and this in spite of the very trying circumstances tinder -which. all Canadian industry and finance Was laboring during the year. One of the most interesting features Preablited through tho medium ot the Sun Life annual report is the exceed initly low rate of mortality which was experienced among policyholders. It would appear that oar 'people aro healthier then they have ever been. The volume of Assurance now in foree,vrith the Sun Lite has reached the impoting Agave of over $536,000,000.00. The of $11,987,089.00 was paid either to- polioyholdere or their bane. notaries during the year, which brine the amont mid out to the Company's friends since its Incorporation in 1885 up to $114.155,003.00. he essetie which stand at $12'.572 127.00, show a striking expansion. A surplus is disclosed of $10.3e3,909 over all liabilities and capital steels. The income front premituns, Interest and other sources is far greater ProPor• actually. tuan was obtained in any Preceding year. At the present mom- ent it approximeteis to ° considerably mora than 0100.000.00 itday for every working day of the year. . The enormous Sums whicli the Stie Lite has at its disposal for investment have cornea over 8.07% interest, , The peke 1921 reetestutteda Perm of aikroepd deligessioA. Oer great titedieisI beripes might very reasonably lime 10910 %tweed to- the final re. suite 04 tbkie operatiotts with tulogiving. Te Suit Lite, it must be remembered La this eonnection. overtime not only in she Dominion, but in many other eoltri. tries, not all of them as immune, from troubles as is Canada. -THERE ARE .!/ .1' CONS AND BARGAINS Cornfield Bargains are ains Indeed is *sr NICitilster On pod INN that see steps Is ths hew sr red Wow Osell144111its, Sots is list spostiwity Men's and Young Men's Overcoats The balance of 01.11: Men's and Young Ilien's Winter Overcoats, all sizes, and at various prices. Regular prices were $3o.00 to $35_.00. To clear $18.00 to 522.50 Men's and Young Men's Suits Some good Tweeds and Worsteds. Regular prices were 09.5o; $2,1050 and, $44.00. TO to $16.$0 ifiirs Sweaters A few Men's [Sweater Coats, wool and cotton at And another line 26 Ladies' Coats Just a few of these Ladies' Coats lett, to clear at a real bargain, Ladies' Dresses, - A very few more Dresse:4 leftr inust be cleared before our spring ship' moats arrive. If you want one of these don't delay, House Dresses A nice range iu assorted patterns, specially priced at— Millinery Still a few hats to clear before the spring millinery opening at bargain prices. . • • .' • • .. • • r ' . ' • .• • • Ladies' Union Combination In white, specially priced iosor for this week's sfln Moodiels Hyskore Underwea In silk and wool, Ladies" Vests, only at Aprons Bungalow Aprons, specially 1 priced at Allover Aprons at Children's Bloomers Two dozen pairs of flatin$lette Children's Boomers, White and ed., lank, to clear N‘7.1 Children's Sleepers From 890 to $1419 0001s by the Yard • --"" Unbleached Table D41111144 heavy • quality, to clear at per yard-- $1,10 ..soo yds of striped Flannelette, 36 iu. ches wide, To clear at per yard, ne ractory Cotton, to clear Ifni at per yard.... 14ne it Special priced all wool honiespun blankets, 8 and 9 lbs., white 6, die and grey, to clear at per pnir• •W - . • . ORMIELD- tataMMICEMOINDIMEMEMEMEICIDEOMMINI111111111111111111N ALWAYS USE GOOD SEED Early Seed Preparation a Mark. of 600d Farining, Careful Selection Advised Poor • Seed May Hale Excellent Feeding Vane— What Experiments With Seed Show'-iluying aFame (Coritributse by, Ontario Depertmeet or A,grioulture, Toronto.) (1) Chateau. Lake LeuiS6 whiter. (3) These two girls arP egi1Orta is‘ Wiptey oottn.. butt on nosy streams and placid lakes, and they are fa: a. nos is the same reverent keen which awes you itt greet (*theirs'. Yeti wor.cler if spring wivl ever icald (2) stiorsho party at Bud( Do not forget to bring yolr eii3.era 1Yett veat nave arapie opportenity to rirake eterles in vier nature twat ad to piatere not mile the, reenie !soma t.:13 of this. winter tvoneetieni jitat 90c3o tho wild life which is ere at titeMet3Silit., in the moull• 11 reebe traveeted by tie, :And boot% there is to close teatto 110.11wey. tke woo Ws Mutts With a eerier/. Mete, Welk Varmers, like0 hem are prone to Put oft to -dense' t they can do to- morrow; and, alt route often neg- lect to get seta grain ready for govt.- ing until the - tine days of early spring tall them to the land. Meeh time may be saved 'anil thetitish of spring work ligbtened it eeed is pre- pared In the late moetas at winter 16r tering sowing. This early seed 1 is cis answer or . preparation will likely result -also in :Rudolf Amulet:, the seed of different crops beteg e the, smote" swigs `•••- • • ,; P U liettlitr "CR lereetr"7 rivirelltilli, 1.0 bell the reviler has obtained the seed produced: a larger, more vigor- beet variety* andi sown only the best owe and more prodileUVe 'beet then seed ot this vsmiety, he has pises4 . _the .erery_satest-taauranee poseible-on. thiefuture 'of lila, cropne-W'..1. Squire tell, 0. A. College, Ouelpit. ' that. produced from small Sup. .lirunkex, - broken.or-*Mit need. -It shouldbe remembered* too that where only the largest and plumpest grains- are used for seed, the very nature ot the selection eliminates the 1 Complete in itself, Mother Graves' Majority of the weed iieede whtch Worm F,xterneinator does not require , may have been In the rain betOro the assistance of any other Medicine k • 1 to troika it effective. It does not fail ' anketien, • • itodo its work, owswwWiowasssumelsesewrommemillienosenselenemanwowwaimak, AN ALPINE GUIDE OTWiI IIE ellmbl.ng is dang- erous,- :.than toting 'is bed is' far tepee dangerous. since more people die in bed than on Itho Mounthins."' That sown at the right time to insure the guide of Ede'u greatest yields. . I weiss, Uritish Co+ Use the Very Best Seed. •lembie, in Monte The first step in good seed solea real .reeentlet. den should be the obtaining of the when a s ic e..d .. very best variety for solving. a *".v- mountain climb. loty whose yield is high„and whose, ing is a danger. quality of grain Is good. Vedette* of 00 sport. ,..„ Oats, Ouch as Q.A,C. No. 12, Banner, Rudolf At. rani and O.A.G. No 2: varieties Of bat ° le well known Piss, eta b. a varieties of field pen each as Cana- W. and all tin. most fay. leY. such as OAC. No, 21; varieties 4rnountain cr of- spring wheat, suelrase4eareals. ers and t Red Fite. and Wild Goose; varieties to • Lake of eyries rye. such an O.A.C. No. 41; Bort pi That the *WWII 81441d have fought 04.0110 tiAts times of 1921 wltb snAtk. PE firitempliot denouement, an4 watt ite previous records broken, woke votuntes, for the cue, iONes• 00'100 ivitt cotter With vaileh it bat sutudind and conformed to world con. &Baena gela fat aefinna,,--NrgIeet gives dime Beauty, Aathu , Potter, and ed orfestobrets h rayo rthe Catindian Becky MOO n tains. lie line led inane' a party of old Climbers over the 1)Itoeakest aotifdhue- t $ RUDOLF' AMMER Bolden Vine; varieties of field beanti such as the ' Compton White Pea bean; 'varieties of buckwheat, much as nye, and Silver Hull, are all well suited to Ontario conditions. Brain May Be Poor for Seed Ilut Good for Feed. Small, 'shrunken. or broken seesi has a feeding value nearly egos' to that of large. Plunile„ sound .seed. Seed selection experiments conducted at the O. A. College, Oueltilo have howu, however, that there is a very great difference he the value of these for seed liertiotone • What Experhnents Shia*. Varying qualities of seed of oats, .bsrleyePring wheat, peas and field beans wero tested, aild it was found that One year's seed ediectlett of seed grain has a marked influence on the restaang crop. In 'every single In• donee, the largo plump'sced produc- ed a greater triela of satin per acre then the medium sized, smatl, shrunken, broken, or split seed. In the average of four domes of grain, the 'tree 'lump seed surpassed the email plumy seed in Yield of grain Der Siete by 28 per cent. and, in the neerage of three cliussee of grain, tho plump Aced gave an average Yield oltor the ehrtinken, broken, or apilt seed et 64 per cent. In this Oiled* eient,eenal nil,ib.', of otP as *era Hata Catarrh RilocIleliso vibe are to a ors* *twee ow& Hook will notice that Clitoris heave them murk more than when they sere is pee health. This Ott 'MVO Uwe triete eestattis is& total disease. it Lei= eiel by eoestitatiese0 leg (le:TARIM )4111D1C11118 is Toggle and Mod Planter, aed acte threttleh Os* loltusd MOOS the meow oedema, et tas beer. thee moods% tits reeterieg liereMit astloMn * great adventsle. The tritle. once it hao some a foot.. ho fasteus ito grip en the brons child messages teritteimmly. Dr. J. 1;1...X400es Azthme Remedy is daily rettevitw reset of asthma of long studio:at, Years of suffering, how. ever, blight have been prevented had the remedy been used when the troll. ble was iri Crst stages. Do not fleglee, asthma, but nee this prepara4 tion eire„ It a num nada a ilofs life he my be touted it be grow s. Cetetirreatiee ik itiated tent, novices in the Wort* In the summer months when most Ambito/ is done; Rudolf, with four other Swiss 'geld.% Makes his bead. quarlere at Lake kLouise. Rudolf has been in Seitmelemi since tine beginning of the winter. He went over to tee the old folks in triterlakens, where be was bon, and also to indulge in the Swills winter sports. Ile expects record elimb. ing Neaten in the Canadian Rockies in 1022, and he has been keeping himself fit to meet it. Ile will be tack from Switserland in Though he loves hie *Mire Swits- eriand -Rudolf would rather live in Crusade, He bas been here elf& 1009. Asked how he leerned to climb Rudolf said. be looted in the Swiss mountains "theta he *As. When s yonne Mali be got his climb- ing diplems. Ile then exhibited this in the shape of * -Medal which he none pti the inside of hie coat. Ono has to qualify in Switzerland before beCOMIO, Vide. June, July and August ate the set summer 'rb. Sw.seetraidee of best months for Canadian climbitse the Cassano Rockies lodge at a cll. Bedell says. 1!. told of different !age celled Llotireise baitt for there elimbing parties he aceerapanied, Swiss Chatet styles at arcelolec. The ktgest .limt::rg trip he had' tore be the Ciittailart Ta.01,1 Rea- ' was around Lake, Lou se and he and way'. 11 ms y be seen from the 1,orty were out thirty.tig days; cottinentel train. &best a mile tittw., on this trip there were thirteen pee. of Gelder, ILA. There thew let:Nr u. ;pie. eta twcntralx horses were .m' their families, and the swenwslare elovo,1 to entre the foot'. lediatt ate taught to tibia) rasa their fft. Teras weeeh the party slept, and (ahoy. "So C4011411 Is at si other ritaites. Wily race a iiistionvirs. ij hiludowri 001itrne "1"461Italla 'Th. 10411116114.41. withhelp in ev* ery way they can so el begiap:ienwreiymeleetaioosdrang.,,rt en a cursufer dime" was a question put te "Do ellers over get DOXIDIS 05 Ma; he anowered. "hut tiles' very seen, ot ever that In Sti ceptlenal o2 413111045 We briag the morn dews oraln." Proceeding, Itedelf said flit ilua guide led the climbing partke, sot, climbers UV on to At tope, k about tWiniky-fays fed apart. Tito guide used 111 axe,to eosin tem! bridges. Ay lan' *Awl made wheal hit Ono gaiihei Imew if It is tats tto`. era* the NOW kid**. 11 itt *Weir! to ellab up tin& to capes down. Rudolf bas climbed with tiaerl famine Alpialste. both mei end We* men. &eft* of climbs axe bent at, Lek. Leulse. It was he wile ear.' eatiatetylitaLaftearaimea.. daon Itis bIrk 1. mireex- eon the ledge of Mutt ten* k..,Pr 0 DIP Alul4f