The Goderich Star, 1922-02-16, Page 3TilutSDAY, MIL I" 111111'
(tir advice toyer* neVer tiettleet
*hat at appesukto be butt* sliglit
Toe Seek you ere entice enoush t
'Shake it off, but,colds tau not su e4-07
4041,4 off ie. tide northern climate, and
• if WY aot etteeded to at once they
may, eoaner or later, develop liato some
more retiOU e lung tiouble-
hers. Edward Yeilicade..04Derlen Ste
St. Joan, writesa-"Ivisbeto ex.
rese my hearty telanks to your valuable
monde'. Dr. Wood'e Norway Plue SYettia
144 what Pod it elid int.
Last fall I contracted a teriotee eniti•
the like neverliad. MY load auti nos.
ails were 20 elogged up I.coeld get. no
Neat. and. could scarcely, get my %Teti*.
tried vernedy sifter eemedie onia at
last I thought I would try °De. W1)°4'0•"
rim' News N
Mal From
wzosofol Roo i* W
Recontly Sufi*, 44 01
owl* Picommutia-
Twat, tes
hum Imbued edema • boy of rrnel.
Weet Wegroutsi when Mr. Tiodale
'The feeille arta settled *ear
be. A tem* War they eroded up to
.. - lived optimum* en tan o
fuloo farin
r text.' years. Last * he, -*Oh
es itt altztrttzitiwilt.t.igrir Alt
Mr. R. w Cala. Ohl
1140. ia Clam* ;a MogriAlp,
old At Haan -1Niatimus foclksol
tore-liarriattes, Oaths, fit;..
Cattle Poisonist Cam ix St
beet Stein. of Ayiaary. Basket-
• je•hewan, Mr. Tiedale wee then
iflvery, foil. having just rteover
ed trout a *ever* illness but Ian
▪ and gained titretigth and iieetgee
• ereoy little tidal *Ltd etoesueeliow
farm work vane sectoopliehed in the
11 Wont. When winter it however.
he eeeined to fail, espeeially 411122
rkt l.43 hoe
neat Om Coaa Thristinae. I e
be al.
Rineartilue'Carlere Binged died on Wednesday evening, Feb. tith, inwt every day. He east :tient one
er parents in 1902. She had a wide he waii Ionizing for came. Mr. Tile
at the St. Helmet( unutse on WOO**. prominent Intrt in the work of the politica a staunch Liberal. H*
stretlir,th, but wee able to up
zneudinecicurlera success. London, after only three day's ill- day in bed berme be died * he had
ire tooevee Fridsy, Feb. svd, nom Site was born in Clinton 22 eaten his Welded and was proceed.
-when 75 curieee sat down. rars sso and went to Loudon with trig to get dreesed when the summons
Married at St. Helene circle et friends. She was a 'member dale bed for many Fears Wail it
quiet easrriage Wits aoletanieed of First Methodist church end teak a Member of the Methoeiet church arid
fl bad lust passed hi* eigittpliztli
*WY daughter ot Mr. John Scott, Former Clinton Gal Ms' at Leth. birthday. Ms equal in honesty and
bridge Intt pity uld De hard to lind.
day* Jan. ltith, at p. when Jean, etundny &choral.
and Vire. W, C. Webb. vtithrnelie drfiggeltite'rsi.esMveit.
McKenzie Webb, younger eon Ad Mr. The eltizens et Clinton were greet-I.:lied:ell sun*n&Lanes, was witted in marriage to Mr.
te lY sh°e1;:e4 WeclaesdaY la°vataIC a Tisdale was twice ietavvied, Mee. IL
A. Sudden Detail at Settfort last week to 'lean that Mr. Virtue woods, et west wionmc,b. is 4
Mrs. Jacob Webster, an esteemed, (formerly Mies Edith Tovranc
esed eway et her horae in Loth- 1. la
4) 644 daughter. The funeral service visa
lady of Seafortla, pat d away sud-e ate. on Sunday, Joinery 29th, at 2
deuly Thuesd*y, Feb. 0th. ,Shes'had • elite. A baby girl watt born the Pane from the home, of Mr. Albert
t returned fr4all vielthig her wet* Previuus tuK1 h°th were rePeTt" Stein to Aylesbury cemetery.
es uneollected to the amount of
trsolleify hi%rhiVren"es,14. trielrs: . - 1 ------
rem haat mealy fee exhaves-
ties sad lassitude In
Wiaolollde. *Ora egamas at Ifernemaia
weed& ere *sop - Mgr Y** tiew
lave ft is Was. 1,040***1.11,
anew and Wm lead.
ed as doing well, but * Budden cluing° ,Pkiliti the report vas received.
took place and, despite all medical norm/kir/cm Vrtit collector returned hia roll,
attention, the young mother wee eel. tatIQUellisauema elitelving that, simgc Jam urn.
led home. The deceeeed is survived ' THRouGH THE stoop he Lad collected lwrz.11, leeving tax-
..naigeheteeeFet 3grad,'Y viteueentivi„lhoonoTerisidalf t ers and four brothers, • .
' Wieumatism is e„ trouble extreme- -cerriede.
TemPorare • Mr. that the collector be re -
000.0.010. lieved a hie roll end paid Ms aalm7.
Tte large belvvraii turned in- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacLean. iry taifticuit get rid of. It a tote Tee eepeeseeet acceellte were
Wirigluira " entertained at a oltose Von,gaXeraertt Ain'oenc'ee,
in the thee the Battle wea fii9.8-aea 34iSter in London, and vme not se
.After the fast doee felt *
better. I wish to extenemy timeles to the benne when die expired while
Role Biel at Winghine.
• your veluable reniedy. Afo gag .„ sitting ot the tsible. She is survived
The Willglutell'Armaiew presen T rice ee make, ,„,a tbree go- 1.410raeala Iknd Rubbing on -1$ Give Moved be, lkfr. seconded by
to nbeautiful bewer of roses. a Bub- Turnheeele, announce the engagement deuce+ ea elleumatiein is established John A. Young, aervIcee &4 itor,
awl) rose eolored light added to. the of their sedond daughter, L Bead, to eti the sytitem it makes itself tient. $.4 mime onitten. services as nudi„
heitutY of -the vomit, while roses aud .1Y1r. Wm, E.. Bathwell, son of •Mr. and test 4 voter& of the Seute pains 7., rotund ot dot Wax
wifl al.WaYa keep a bottteinAhe WOW". bY ber IlUsbAna`
Brice, 35e.• and ac, at all. dealei4,,PUte
t Ont ettie s.
supplied splendid music and
large ber of guests report a 'meet
eeitlyeble eveumg.,
gay, colored bidoons Seated through MTS. WM. Batliwell, of \Brussels. jevith evei, spell of bad weather.
The Wiughare Orchestra • New Asseesor at NVIngtiam 1 This is why so many people think
Mr. T. iaeLean has been .nr.tthe trouble' lue to cold or dame.
• - rheumatism tliere le a reed t outing
inted assessor en wino= et fact latoten, hoWever, te Meibe
.erpor in roll) $2; Geo. Fowler, se
viceseuuder the Boara of 'Wild $4`i,
F. Gliders, refund of dote•wtait (error
pit ik. M. IMIST.- bste0Pathie Physi- .2_, tot the , • eollector $90, poet* caved exchange
oian. Graduate Des Moines. Stint '48 fliringstag'ien*JeadY Deeetie DIP poisons 'are Ottly eve ee front the grieve', 225; E. Miteliell, droving
$6, 4 ; 11 ld alters, drawing
College of Osteopkthy, Licentiate Iowa A sad accident befell Mrs. Richard system when the blood is eestored to greeiel, $18; treasurer of Aelideble
%Mien to (Wee es of women -and the eiabylen Line, , IrwimeWiugliam 'on SaturdaY even- its novirtal condition. Thie ineatui balance ot 1021 account, $121.55;
hildren. Come tiou free. Oftloe i3Stli year. She lead WO. failing or in Feb. eth, *hen she fell On a. that to drive rheuntetiem Irom the Gordon Toting, exPenses tatting Mr.
corner NelsonAndrew Sts,
... some time a VieW ht her ade man patch of lee in the ae 1 fa system it Pust be treated through ena Mrs. Hutchison -to Haulm of Are
awe Michigan State leoards. Speelei et- Sun
Succeseor to DZ., liellePann. Ill voimed, age, was not a Mie* and brolte.ber hip. the -blood Vold for this purpose Dr. euge $10; O. Id. Elliott (grant to C.
forth Tuesda,2_,.!11(12151212,.._y • i t* • •
,.. brother of Mr. Ernest Gies,' of ,zur,. iatIte, Nortbdiffe Boulevard, Teron. met math et the ,nufeerer in, other
(ISTEOPATO in roll) $2; Muttleipal or d, -Sup.
•up osiV by The . ..X.leattede
J. alary $eee, vete an /movie/Ice ee cal men, that with the, appedarbance,o
otti StititleY TAO PaSsea
s,eTteatt, sr., passed lievetY
ay, Feb. 0tia, a her b,omne o:ter
prise. s • Robert Rev , Pink Bells have been veva A, ieeiety),. eao,
ef 1 a they bnild u and en- Council ad ourned to Mardi 14th
' d that t e rheumatic
A • In hare eueces u a
. Was Well _ a tomer Tesicient
Ur. Henry Gies* of t, Jaeob Mr, Aebert leriox, dice et reel-) rich the b1"4 thus °jai/4 the 4°1. At 2 r' Th* •
.A.NC.ILE ?SCARILY • , ing, swollen lointit*. and nenetitting itISTIIEDINGTON, Clerk.
e • Known in 'Zurich •
Piano Tuner -Ilepairer,--aptdr icii.;-dincon-rettesdayi-Feb.--ltifitOria- to, -tif pneumonia, on SaturdaY; jeb. via as weih 4exteug,.the eheemetie
gincSton Coderic114.1.01141Prne• •Sa * •feeth year. The a e ld • Gies was etle aged 81,, Y
sufferers who leave satisfa torily us.
knowsi by many in Urfa° 'broing btysterious Cattle Boisonertg Step- ed this medicine is /Am 4anven
Iowa. visited: the loeality Jar yei , ben
was ri eormer resident RaraY 9 A myatevious cattle-poisning af- says: "For three long moniths X
laze Charlottetovin, P. E. Le 'who
,.$31. Teacher Piano, emery, Puselwea_e„,
e''the resieente of suffered terribly trent. rheuntatisto.
leror examinations.-VOr tertavi pplY 1,3,4 Ste It that cotild not do my
diesfe is agitating On a 4eecent ev- was so bad t
• nee, Gibbons W. oPtmaite etor a pub- A. quiet but pretty wetiding mune Ric aid , of the fourth con- p anti even to attempt to
solettrateed ett the borne of tis bride's cessien, fed hiti cattle eis,usatil, but walk CallSea me Agony. I spen
viroitisins-wr.eaanndeamtBatii Fc. rt'
„Inat au ea. vaned be eat and, my condition was pitiable.
he he went to the bavn in. the great deal of toOney on liniments and
flaulad six eattle. vere medicines without getting the. least
Teseher's mi"vallYata":1.111,..1.11/c°iT• 'Wee married to Albert -Nesbitt, Roe and teL eateful examination. it At this stage my ettention °WAS 441.4
". Mus. university "
their eldest daeghtere, Della ene, sick; Dr. sweet, vitas
Omuta Tperteehiterres3 lolirnet4sain-iditleons. leo 144witins VerforMing dere- d that the eattle bat' been led te Dr, WilliamsPiny rills, and
le Sault% Montreal EL. opppaite e and shall
veiny. • oisored,e ..Orte eow and one steer began taking.
Publie Former Seaforthite 'Wee in Toronto Ave since `died,.'and on a pOStmortent aterays praise the day r did So.
: lOraler dent; Sefderth, r. examination of the emir, Imes green fore long there Was no• dolliet.tliat
. °Gown society•erettes*a wide inidia, James SantueleeCeristable, ,passed was foetid in the stomach. The oth- had: at lust found soneettung that
er cettle are verY leek band pay would give Ale relief. I gladly con.
+ entrance between r. wro.,onti J. H, way et Toronto, after a lingering I
eeindees stores.
IVIalcolm Eraser R. me a t re W es P allot Shop
ef lac max Tommy ten" roe ness, on Feb. and. Ile was in ausi- die. ow the cattle got t e timed using the pills withatlie.vesult
on v Oun ear begin ers atui. Mose a VIM- nees zu. Se Or 00 years or more ref:1'P a ailletiY as RT tiee T;as that arn Paw ae Well aa ever I was,
Electrical Contractor
Agent for Nue Bile Wabing
Uttnehinos, Choico line of
Metrical Vietitaes
Old Calltorat Rotel Corset
Phone 251
prior te19.0e, wheelie ipcated in ,Lonr e not!e..w eveyeen .e premis- able 'to d? zny hoaseworle mid. tare N A .
lefViolins ?aware*, nrInirea, trued,. sotind. • jTherately atimitasteeed by setae Per- of raer daughters fell into an anaemic V117 e-
ir information opt, at studio. don, 'remaining there tell 1012, when as, anti et eta eureusea-tuatetawa for my children. Sinmethat time one e ievae nynn u
eimsts set and violin bows rehaired, etc. he moved to Toronto.
a a
1'00 sweet toothond
petite and digestion.
wises rnouth and teeth..
A. great boon to stnokeret,
relieving bot, dry mouth.
Combines pleasure and
be'Donefintest , miss the joy of t e
new 1111PS-the candroat
pepperinint tid bit!
Chew it after every meat.
e sbip,
, eine; ,,•et
Goderieb Soddy, orchestra,. Pieces Coencillor itesigoe saa er Pereeaseelenowita ceoditiota and was obliged to discon. vo •
C°A,stItIroentlYi Mg?: r rbai; 1,1 gate
-Ott 1 O. 11. WESTON, L. Brimsels, 1104 tendered resigria. • Yie2
ouceumus enumoma
Y. Brus Of she is as healthy a girl. tia there is in • .„
to to
&Mt n with Toronte UnlyersitY. -Toronio 1. The second annual at hOrne of the eeserldee passed away at his home had ihrough any medicine dealer a amity, I ain prsparid to
'tend. organist And Choir elrecto ot ther ' e was appointed asses- .t *den crnto
caie wile recently, v. the eity.i You may be slue ose
opptIeueity--in. pleasing this . meth- tetnebee pnint shop
Be.ving kitten ova tis
TEACHE* or mum Sor to Brusselefor 1022. neatly years In California, anti Who 93- wren ?Ilk pits can rnertY 90tiduefae:bit Ur -
*Licentiate Lor.don. College Of Made. rns..- -gen as %liege eoenemor x Ar.
- 'worth St. Methodist. churce. van e A ofter an absence. in
- -Peel prepared tor exammattons in con- Toronto lirasselite at, 'Home when tai his visit was trtarried to Mrs.
Was Native et Clinton, ----- ber, and pneumonia de- COLBORNE TP. COUNCIL
Ev" PuPil ""re Toronto Brusselites ASsociation Was in Oranie County California after her mallet 50 cents a be% 1pites do o.11 kinds of
PreSent- had taken a heavy cold while ie Clue
Pus4tvait°7' eggi easecoeetaaar v'14. Fed *r. Jan 2.7th at e
or mils ce at residence, held ort. aY Ton g,ito t bang me a . „ • ' dicine Eroeltville. Ont. •
h bout 'a week Ae de- for $2,50 *ova The De. Williame„ Me- A p •
(Ant door west or eerdent elm*, the BrowealeettYotos, a ceased who was. in his e2m1 year,
Donors. For terms eiPP
nes canoe, harruster, Salience'.
Etc. Corner Nortk street and SC(U0r*.
GOtterica. Ont. _______t________-_,
Barrister, SOlieitor, ,NktarY l'iubllC
and Conveyancer'
road House, Geduld..
Barrister, Solletlor,„ votary Plailic Mk.
°glee Hamilton St, Sterling Bank 1,10clf
aoderieb e
Beal Estate. 1004 Manua, •
GEORGE i oREENSiVADE, Osylleid, Con.
, rerouting and Watery POWs .
Altd, :Igt..ristere. iseileitorS, H074.7120. PO°
Oilice-On dle .arnlarli,- 2nd door frorct
flamilton street [Maoism
vrivate run c to wan to lowest rates.
ete-enoenvo T,, IL
3. L. KiLioR N, DUDLEY 110LMES. ftir.
ramAs OU • R . -
. .....---...
Live Stock and General laictleneef,
Hamilton. Stree. 00dericn.
utomott e minting
Bettrailler • Consolidated School' Sec- 'Oleo reAnishing l!'ultai.
Fresher of Section Donn-. ture, etc). •
, • Al. Vitali>: GuAltANTBED
_MatterLett Over.
ship of C.ollborbe met in the toWnahip
.XittglitOit St. "
• Carlovv, Feb. /tit, 1:922.
hell, members all present,. the Reeve
IlVeTsbidellimginutes. of last meetiug' 'were eolteotote4e;NoltrlfeekoolvlolestetmoloVe
ad aid adopt,ed on motion of
ve p
Mist Harriet T. 'Manning, &night -
r of Mr. and ldre W. 14. Maiming. deathee He VIM born in liullett town-
andtwhenn Titdmz min tried
tor Oregon, where they got into
an is *I moved down to Cali-
fornia), where they took up an orange
grove, and in recent years got inter-
roitoevro eienieers; esteein oil welle at well as in fruit.
omottoba i More Ft. I " Mr. Cole expected to have tin oil well
a • ise. ras r, a as, rues: -
den also, inzarted a sister, and they
the lumber business. Later Mt. Colo The mon'cipal council of., the Town -
Sales made everywbere and all antis
mode to give You 411i1SAIP,14,11„.
1F'driners'13210 notes
Omis . • Y
00 teeseteemecz re). 2,sigo to 80c.
The president, air, Advil) Smith, out-
WiieaI No. northern, 01.401/2. • opened on las property' this simmer.
_ Councillors Hill an Vegan.
No. 3 nortbern, not quoted. A request was received from Mr.
Na. t nOrtnern, euotee.' He has te grown-up family of one son
aaitesecoete tio store•) and four daughters., all:living in Or-iJas. Scutt,asking the council to lease
C.tV., 28.1.isc• Cole,ei VeY 'hint tWo vaettrit rOOMS ift• the towli-
No. 3 41.W„. 55ebe•
tenge State.
vim, is 4 brother.
Winghain School of Agriculture
ship hall for three months. Oa ino-
Extra No• Laced, 521ite• tion of Messrs, reagati and Hill, tile
etenitees, Harley tin Otero Ft. WfittiOloa request was granted, Mr. Scott to
2 C.W,, Ootnittot: pay a rental ef $1 per inontla for
AtisetiOnit COO! ;Trot*, Toronto. atoring his' furniture in. the ranee,
Prompt Sidensnedi
a entirely at his own visk.
yellow, 71Vac. • • The clerk eetae instructed to get in
No. 4 yellow, 70110 touch with the local agent of the
ouitoto to V`teight P. R. re the gravelling of the ap.
No. 2 79.M;e.
Outside). peotiebes to the railway et the sevpx-
Norninut, al crossjnga itt the township.
Ontario Wineat ("F.o.b. Sblpping A, conuututictetion wits received
The School of Agriculture in
Winghem held a meet entitusiastie
literary meeting in the conucil chew»
ber on Thiraelay enoeniug, February
Side wlien a most eveditelde program
was put em by the studente, The
debatere were thoropghly eritned
with well thought arguments to 're-
solve "That it is preferable to live in
Canada to living: hie. the United
States," which shoWed up the able
warmer the point were produced and
th debate several
Burns longer and holds, the fire better
than the so called tree burning or semi. •
anthracite coal, therefore it is n*re Ceiont•
°mica and more satisfactory.
. .
Ask your neighbour lobo buys it. Send us your next cedar .1,
The Dean Coal (;ortipany
Phone 95 Near G.T.R. stfttion. Office--Alloiert St.
., •
• Ace?rging to Ereigide.) ° e from G. M. Elliott asking for a grant
Nemo. minimal, ,:. ' ;for the Childreies Aid Ell* Humane
alceoraing to Vreightis Ontaidr) Society.
liloved by Mv. Hill,. seconded by
Mi. ABM, that. $20 be granted.
Carrie& -•
A communicatioti 'Was received
front J. W. Gledhill, as secretary of
Benntiller consolidated, echool, asking
the cooncil to pasS, a eeaolution to
erase the boundaries beteveen the
former zectione 2, .4 anti 1 for the
purpose of uniform aSsesstnent
throughout the consolidated school
eection, for school piirpoSe5. Moved
by Mr. Itill, seconded lot Mr. Peagare
that the request be granted. Moved
in amendment by Mr. Alibi arid Mr.
Graltane that the matter be left over
for further cnedeaton. The a-
mendrneut carried.-
Mr joint A. Wittig presented the
concluded. e
lialletweel`eetre'ereee:Weftee' to soottot; ntumal -ems wero cleverly perform.
ide ed by local talent which added great -
I to the success of the meeting.
nava ix atrxxvflirvre isT Tiro „ 140. 3, 88e to 2S'. , lined the object of the society and
VIM WAWANOse WillitiAL ten illetlelifiee co.idooltobn Flour. asked for clozer co-operation amorig
Esuctatitomo 1878 Viral patent. 37.0.
the students in making eneh meeting
-- Ma: rilaviTY 04112 PO Homo itokuo!.$ sedond omot. 51..a sure success, by putting every bit
Heart 1. liAtitlikei Agint and•Adiowtor 011iark0 Dielor (IrumPt Sallm1a44 or 'energy behind the movement, in
ffacit1LLOP MUTUAL FOIE osontota 90
per cent. Pa.tent, 85.10. performing their elutiee 'heerfull.
lag. GO. .....--... rifillieed. (Car LIVII! ntiliVeted1.) The judges of the debate gave their
team eno isolated Tonal Property Waned, titan, 428. deciidon in favor of the affirmative.
vette! of property Insured up to ;WW1, Shorts, The meeting was closed by singing
large evowd assembled en the
''I'oiriEcross-o. P. lecieregolVeetortb ; wonoteto vivo sirocat.
AGENTS -3. Vi."' Yee, notterten 1 satioy aToos, oorse ano Mae. Matheson in the own- Total payetente for 1021, $42,142:-
droadmigde ; meicelm Moran, firtmette.d. • 1,628 bogs and 33 obeep O.nd lamba. . ,
010 $3048, 5
5. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; Wm. 'Tin, Goo- tottaata. 'rob. is.-'ette run ot H* mairi street one Friday
OkFltE103-4sal°$ .tAaloitr• rtsSItiel3th CATTLE m -Ts God Save the Xing.
. doctorial ; la.S. triniltd-rreStdertte
Sotobwood ; T. g. I a: tiet.-Trtai30 SCIP
stakce : George McCsrillek Ttickettnersinwlitliset stock exonilable dfort to-dley'Atittrdatillelig ppm recently to watch the horse
.13151VALCY. Feb. 13.--Ca.ttle *ocelot*,
85; Stes.ilY. .
Calves..I25; stendF, 88 to eaLee.
400. Mow. 10c to gGe lower;
No Speed Speed Limit There ,
irafer 15
8"1"Itit 'In 8 /1". s eat" " v race. James oral h feet auditors` report as fo ow
Leitch, Clinton ; WM. ftesney, setgorm er of a "epeeder„ s an are 17; total receipts, $.41,180.60; deficit,
Policy Holders can, ray thew aisemionta gument as to who owned the feetest $350.08; taxes on the roll, $4.10800.20;
It B. 11. Unit% Store, Goderiell, A. 3. Mu. horae, whieh ended in a rate being taxes toilette& $29887.52; taxes to
rates motteter t3tOre* 01110n,IL
heavy, 81045 to 30.40: mixed, . t
arranged for a purse of $10. The collect, $918;08; taxes irt arrears eol-
1..!tgge 1 --ea• ---,•-•ce - 00.85; rorketa. light do. and pigs. derSe9 Started 3 Mlle from Ripley and lected, a300:24; taxem collected, $20-
11, nincniey, Seated*.
soithr roam. tor.. raLtab. 14.2s to; atsee, einne tide o great speed. 88152; total taees e011etted, $30247. -
to There was a mighty eheer went up, 'W; aesets, 14048.48; total Sabin,.
vr. AILIt° • eltauged, as they ,finisited at the bank. corner. tiee, C. P. D. de tenture $3282.2.
13tteep and iambs, 1.200; ateatly;
tiorenY PreLle: sietivelter4 tavE serOtike Coiteisiv hot 31' was milled tip .• Or. raetiea Mte. Graham and Mv.
. General COMmyanelng done - W1111•1111g0. eb. a -receipts.' lia.1.1.he.,,W9..earrirf where the owner
Good eoneoliniee lednetented ciittfa and 88 bogs.. 'Flibre was very etalinea tne pure. The lAatheson
p110130pal e: I% 0a, little trading 3,1 progress en the cat- horse ilnishedtt the bank corner inul
munrket &us b*rdly sufficient Sales the owner also claimed he was the
FiliNEWIL Dineen:MS moo, %dialer of the money. The gentle -
Were tecerded in eatablialt ptica
.. ...00,00,0"Oct.A0.0i. man who ie etake holder hal 'been tt-
.ceozAa0 Liao stet*. d h'ell horse won the
• tete
steere tune tadr; loWAOriee C.W. nOther heat to deide, and judges
relereetreabaesicc„%i." ggege.ei!ftAlli treet1 and t ereby avoid aceidntn.
calves, atenfii; light mare, train*. igc Tbe Itileley Dahl streets make a
oft; stockers aim feeders enostie eeo mpletidi race *recite in the *inter
matter.tline, bee it is tther dal:mt-ode for
* ..
uoir L000: actort5;' stromt; to
The todinu
faserai Moors
at tomato,
-Mt to
st t11 hotat-nght or asw.
CHICAGO, Feb. able •o
no; eenipared with * week air, heci money. It will pvobably tequire
Cannrs' and stately) about 12e hiber; sbouid be erneee te deer the
'twin natleyes evrege; mostly ger/50733 nite h4PP011 ti) be on the
10u Hiher; titdprvrs
2.464; top, $1.6.124; bulls lights 21.1.0- 4o
40,25; hulk lother. 4.19 16 110; PISS
OW; iro1l7Y . 1-110.• to GOd toer, bunt
01,4s1rabl. $5 to
Meet). 4.000; te•dlyd rev et t3 ntAtlY
tit rie.Lers, aitrei; r706.41r..(4.1 Vith *
latex ago fat and v' -d(' int.ant.s., GOe to
72c iiigber: befit Linda tlablin 4r; 13i•,,q.,,
fat sheep ard 2..enviint3., .,'3t. to e.,,c
ht" *bent litOiy when s, race meeting is one -
Ripley tepress.
An Old Pioneer of West Wawitneek
Ailotholr of tlee , old 14.0113 ers . of
West yitt.wan* paseed away on
Feida, eatinavy 21. et Akpbuty..
etw,katelewttn, IN111 George , Tisdale
W.Lig talicdlanne, Mr. Tir.eleie came I
billt6 854