The Goderich Star, 1922-02-02, Page 2• THE HURON COUNTY COU
alaithiromisktittste to utem loth
' Soso from other cOilaititio, if
ott, eta!" ik.• Wm. J.
land W. H. Coanes.--Carrisal.
1 This was with reference te mend
ways To Ito *sin To Take Ovor Wiwi MI litte wtrte. tl,,I. =lama,
As Conaty Proviecial ltoeil ----$8,000 foe hertwomet itm, that the ilordrflustie Commission
of Colooctiog Itiek le Work*, be huotructed to *ported the person
or persons owniog the- reporty of
ar the Rayfield bridge and
Create*, $1,000 to Hespatol—$1,500 to Cliiiroe's Ai
100 1. fliglo &kook Cellogates—Offico of High Cookdolo
Oreftwol---Weet Hifi* School awl Collegiate Poo llolOorwl
ht han4 side of he hill
loodoweer if poesible te have some
the trim reltiOred So as to, give
dearer view of the approach to said
as this is, in the summer time
mpiaroamt :it 9
h!"figgeln':•" rit
At the final sermon Friday 1110/311
ing several mutton were brought up
nal mist the loading of enquiriee, per.
rly regarding the question. of
the eametalmie end the responeibility
minty for his salary and ahao
accommodation of the police
n. to.
the Maw'.No. 3 of 19//, the bylaw
th appointing Mr. Widtesidee as Ifig•h
Conant woe Th
law fixes a nominal fee but mo Mr.
of Whiteside* is a Prated/hal constable
Al and moires fees it ,,Wike felt the
county bylaw *aa nainecesiarY.
0. by MUours. Douglas and
A Naylor that the county property
d meantime look into the adenralmility
e of providing more room for the wit,
o nooses attending rourte and report at
the Juno.sousiou.-Colrriod,
De • r Honor to Be Si to
741030$ Panel**
be seat to the Attorney
Goland of Ontario- re pay to cowl,
tier fur detwition of prowler* for
lereacieme of tbe 0. T. A we rewire,
head That the 'sensorial 14 sent.
Re reaeletion AS passed by Ilelton
county counell, **long that the law
exempting certain properties *02
inualeipal taxes be repotted, we re
eonmeed 00 action.
Re e0011111111kati0/1 from the Pro.
eireial Secretary asking
of (a) to Vasa reletivee of poverty
a owners the town would favor ex-
tending the municipal franchise, we
recommend vote* for wife mid hue.
(b) What inerease should he trade
nix the number of municipal electore
required to entttle munielpality to
re_presentstion in the county eoun.
cif, we recommend that, if the 'oleo;
end bitthentheare added to the List of
voters, the incresee be fifty per gent.
(e) to wheat any
the asseesinent of 1114Pie$134
the bowls of representeti)n,
county council, we recommen
Re letter from Ontario Municipal
Aisoeletion sowing a movement was
under way to notify municipal clerks
of proposed legislation, etc., and Amok.
ng payment of membership fee of
$25,we recommend no action,
Re tesenition from the Town of
Ilespeler faking that no change bo
made in the standard of entranceetor
natriculetion te universities, we re-
nt the Minister et Education,
resolution alltt Seildilit on the Rome
Oat Band bletruntents to Re Oath.
Thmee,rnedpotrixttsvi poes4olur4neediotpitpe:ssinir such
orad Togethert Fleg to. Re nee
The county ' proPertY COntroittee
ecotornende4 that Hr. Galto* be op-
..inted county' represet4afiv on the
rd ofIgefiCliildren's'AideSoelety.
hTht e registry olig4",:dblhadt so..
added to
Oakum be got for the officegfloor,
That paper for certain' rooms in
e jail residence, as asked for, be
of and Some paint for the floor.
sTahibaltelh, e clerk and caretak
e toonty flux repaired.. -as w
Ile motion of Hr. allow „with re-
tette& to the 101st battalion ;mai.
I instruments that the county _pro-
rty e04111dttee be . empowered to a
eeify the whereabouts of. all these t
strum to and tolled- in-soint-cen-
VhPail4" gem* mitten yjsited the and ta
Md. everything in good order.f
They visited the Childrens Shei, I
4 everything in good orde nd
and found twelve children xt4t11,
°Amended that two eiedtrie ghta
placed in the ehildreres flee t
m and also that something be
no to repair the floor to' prevent
fling. Si
The January session .f the Iiuron
county eouncit came to a dose en
Yridey morning, arid the Reeves and
Deputies 'got away to their homea by
the trains g by vehicle during the
As reported in The Star last week,
the newiy.elected warden Mr. N. W.
Trewartim, reeve of Goderich town.
ahile. strut* the note of retrenchment
-where possible in order to reduce -the
cont- late and expressed the belief
deduction of two mills could be
atade this year.
The number of applications for
Scents which the executive commit-
' toe turned down is evidence of a de.
tire to carry out the Warden% mtg.
imitlent end the sane note of re.
.trenehmenS is noticeable in the reso-
btkin by -the -council that -the
engineer and Good Roads Commis
sion be asked to considee eeriously 4
reduction of the county Good Roads
ler the year to 1,11 mills.
he tourieil went on record as in
Sao ot restoring the collection of
fees from Iligh School, Colleglitte
end Contienation School pupil&
The busimes not reported in our
last Wale was as follow*:
. The following ;notion was refer.
red to the exeeutive eommittee:
.ilowed by Messrs. Robeeteon, and.
Jaen, that the council grant the
auto of $100 to the expenees in con.,
• rection with a stock Judging team
for the County Of Ifureo.
• The following motion was sent to
the education committeei
Moved by Messrs
TiPling that this . #eauegualeatt4onud
memorialize Ore diff
- es:amens -of-Ontario -to- petition- the
Ontario, Legislature that 'tuition fees
Imo agent tollected el students at.
• tending *the Coliegutte Inatitutes,
100 Sehools tine Continuation
Scheele of Ontario. •
The following motione were, adopt.
MoVed itv Messrs. Neeb and Coates
that a Whim be 13rOnared, authorize
ing the verde* and treasurer to bate
row aufficient furele from the bank
-tti meet the current expenditures for
Seed roads and for general countY
pulposis for the year 492«. • •
• roved by Messrs. , Beaker and 13
Armstrong, .that .the Good Ronda
account be kept separate from the e
•• current Account in theank. G
The following were sent to the
Good Roads Commission. ' —
By Messrs. Neth and Armstrong
that Clause 3 of the report of the
• tontrnitte•F•appointed at January ses.
Ilion, 1021, to define duties lid
muneratiort Good plods- Coromia-:
mien, ete., atrietly complied with of
bit the Good Roads Commission and th
the.,,ailperintende)rt the present year. ro
131, Messre. and Smith that
a *rant of $2R,000 be made to the Ti
• Town of Wingitam x1nder Subsection ('1
/ of, Section of the IljghwaYs •Im- eo
re rt:0,1ket for the Improvement ,sin
f jooephine street and Mato
road, end that un agreement bo
tend into between the town and
county in aceordomee with the wt.
. By Messrs. Beaver* end Tipli
that titton be.sent to the Provi
ual overnment *skins that
London road, beginning at the sou
boundery and passing through Ex
ter, Henson, Clinton, Blytit and
Wnerlutne to the north boundary
the county, :he ',made at Pretend
Moved by Dr. Gallow and Mr. M
scr, that the county take, over ay
county road the portion -of z'esk
known as the Saltford hill, betwee
the Maitland River bridge and th
railway bridge at the top of the hil
Moved by Meesrs. Smith And Ti
-ling that -a -grant of 4250300 .13e ma
to the Village of "lensed for the int-
Provernent oh King St and Elizabet
St to the London Road end that tin
fizi=dtde art.g4ezelitt.e foe paying
agreement covering the •onme be
drawn up.
At the Thursdity morning sessio
'tercet on the over.expenditnre '65
certain municipelities on the gaunt
roads, end the engineer replied the
so far no ueeount had been kept
such Inatters.
Messrs. MeNald) and Armstrong
considered the question 'wee not o
Auffielent huportance to pity for Ili
time a into at beeping
The CountK Rome Committee re,
e Thiel was adopted*
- Don't Wast Matriculation **Ward r
Mr. Backer asked who pai the in
f Reletal Wititt (*Stitt tO PAK •
ut3, 1* of Maibunen Mart end Nerve pills and
in the klsow they have daoa Mt good. r Ines
troubled' with my keen amid buzzing
d no me- in nay heed. / could not sleep nights,
andsometime could hardly get Ely
break. The doctor helped site to a tee,
tete pot; sekt it was,,MY heart. I
want to thank you tor what your great
niedloinc has done Inc me."
Price 50e, a box et all dealmt. or
smiled direct an receipt of, price by The
T. Milburn co, United, Toronto, Ont.
may People all ever the count*,
tole slight after eight un a eleeptess
Swim ttembled' with week
ameottiedeg spent; others, *pit*
of the Isnot; others hase their
unstrung, but witatem the ow
vier the bleirting of squad., refashion
sleep by invigorating' the beset and
'.es enn toning up the whole systein
Mrs. C. E. Reekett, Modell', 0*
writestee"I be used nearly two bo
iT •
THVIKIDAY. na. b 1011.
aunt Royal Hotel Company
Convertible Debentures
I Are a Fir#00Class Investment
virMarkenzie Ceoltpatty, Ltottted
...make this eistemeat tit the fun rust.
Mattawan Oat our repatesteet will, and
should, mutter it it were toUtid be wouroe.
UN* 147etertheIrss. we boa werse eltered *pr pimp,
Corporation Feeuritica altered. the earaing power*
ot sank* Imo been so well tounded.
Xe$ 1
The it/Own Royal Hotel to *0 exgorMatett for the
Mett undertaking Its operation* They aro not a
group ot "howled*" and "euthualoulta.0. Wig pp, coal,.
Deny of faue-seetag tateereptul betel street....ultb a
reputatiott ot Sussletrair Sucomalut vetoer.
- wham at the bark ot thew.
There not a Ong* pluwe ot thn commercial
or trial woo or _mkt instainent thst we. have
Sot thoroughly intreettgated.
y for Prisoners trader O. T. A.
t The 'pedal eornmittee reeolu, t
n mended as follow*: u
'meat of Agrimilturee asking for tlit
appeintmeht of a County AtivjaOry g
e Agricultural Council. We reeom-.
Mr. /tuber am epoke of the burden
Re conununieetion from- Depart-
Mend that this twitter be left overto th
the Jane *vision to be taken Up then,
schen mere illforirtet1011 May have
been received. We sulk, Mr. Mothers ee
to gather what information he can. ea
Re report of Agricultural Repro- p
sentative Stothers, we recommend It
Met the index „of the report be in
.printed -in anintttes. Mort te
is on file in • the clerk's office, Godee
rieh, and•tn the otflee,of the Awned, re
turel Representative, Clinton, and
may be seen by anyone fueking ter
plication. •an
11*1 eoinmunication from the' mutt -
imposed on Colborne township in
hearing the expense of the road poue
sing through that township to Myth.
Dr. Gallow poke of the disposition
of the 101st band instruments and
moved, seconded by Mr. Robertson;
thflt the maned instruments belong-
inirtu -the 1014 Regiment, - C. E. v.,
be returned, forthvilth to the court
house for safe keeping" as county
Property, and that the county pro-
perty committee consider the final
disposition of. these instruments and
report at the' Juno meeting of coon -
to Cotinty Property
Keep Down Good Roads Rate and
Purchase Road Oiling and Sand-
i, ingr, Machinery
Afoved by Messrs. 'McQuaid and
feNaughton that we atilt the County
egineer and the Good Roads. Com.
'consider seriously the
tlestion of a reduction of the county
pod Roads levy for the year 1922
in the dollat—Carried.
NOW hf, Messrs. -Parker inid
Smith that the Good Roads Commis-
sion be instructed to look. into the
propoaition of buying a rood oiling
machine, also an attachment for
riikling on t e road for the use
oiling and sanding the streets in
e municipalities -and en county
ads. --Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Beavers and
piing that, in aecordanee with
ause a of the report of the special
nunittee at the Decembbr sea -
n /tett year, the fallowing be
that the executive committee ree
end We know the hetet will hoe the greatest SOnsible
- Wmport from thergreat_tratosbertation* eoutpoutiea-, - •-•
' IOW from the people of Montreal and elsewhere.
folder the grant to spring fairs_
thate-thor reeiAve the same treat
We know the hotel win lie reedy for oceepailey
on time.
We know The 'United Rotel* Compeer 0
hero purehasea $1,009,000 ot these C -on- -
on- I
nertible Debentures font cash.
tali fairs. •Ou a vote being taken,
red " We know that the est:busted Mem* is melee.
stated. •
however, this Motion wag denia
County Engineer Pointe Out Th
Township ,Sireinilte.firG001 Roads
The Civility engines wrote as
lows; , •
To the Warden and Members
Unroll, County Council.
Gentlenciene—When in the ye
1917, the County 01 Huron assumed'
a system of road" under the, Nig
way Improvement Act, en which th
ken eat .Preeiriee agreed to par perceetage ,
at ' We knew Unit the eetimated expendtairee are
• ererstated.
• .4. , We, klIOW tbe 0.0101110 ehoidd be mealt-to Meet
* an interest *s4 divided retiultementee '
01- • ;. . ,
And we know that the 011111104 Stock now given
of as a bonus to investors should prove tale ot the
moot profitable in elansida :
ar And soe-knowbee sit them! tldnap-we on, , it
besitociurir reetwonAena you to Invest 1,11 these
h. •
see Conymitba Debentures /teepee, retrying 4, •,
• • so% norms •or emiatiOlt Stock,
en. as .0t• the cost, the system WaS laki 0
with a view to having an °total pr
portion of road in each township, an
any changes that have been mad
ince that time have been made wit
view to balancing and complerie
49 system.
Owing eOntlitiOna-vineFexiste
t the time of the original designa
ion, . but which have slime been re
eyed, an attempt *tea made, by by
asr,, to make each teenship pay fo
it expenditures Within in the twee
m. ts..bylew was found tattle
Regal and was repealed, but never
Weft an underatendin0 cOntintie
o exist that the expenditures with
n each township were separate en.
rely from those in other townships,
-spite tif the 'fact that the systetii,
as operating as a county system.
A skstent Wherethe espentli-
res In, each township,. aside frora
e Government pont, would he, met
e0:111: y that township is on t)(e whole
endi: enrYtz{, Unfair for the following res.
--1" • it, foW--.townehogi. and the
nielLtY county portion mustbe niythe
-4e' a) Provincial Highways pass
, . , _
"e--....,°::-..zon ivae°u(yertsrg.pivie,ovinelai County Roads are
for • ipa_haye__no roa.cia-on which
xe 0 more than 40 per sent. pant is paid.
(a) The Department 'of High-
teut, Unequally distributed so that nome
the tions for inlierieerse
ding` etc., if they know that the whole
to that it is not for, the sole benefit of
h)0*,,i; aed:ongttSregirsttedbechoin:muntheity.petition and
ut : fis, me mil. iii lilt moo irnot am iiro Mimi tasuot,
... .,, • • _
::. lilroW.A.Mackenzie&Co.,Itdo."
... • 0 , , • . . . . ;
,7 • . . 38 Icing Street West, , Toronto. ' '
I . , Deo' r.'Airs: ,riense send_ me a tx0134! et thn. eireulur d . ' g'
d --- :. lb 0. mrcertible-Debenturesot 'The oant7110Yat'UotetCothpaur,—. :
. , .. i*Ingtedi and Oblige
Nam to full ......1.......'...•.,........,........,.:,,........',..,,,«...... . ..
- ., , - .4- • • - - •
Pull address 0. . ..; .. .........*,,,,...." ..
,e • , .
r ,
• ,
d- '. Lill, 'RS 1.11 III UM 10011. MIN 4.1 OW MIR .1110111
ty timer at Cornwall, asking that he
The report was atiOpte4-
T C 's
Mhesmatjam AndalrialartrOttb104 • a
WiarilthlY yield to tbia Tea.C.'a
(TeMpleton'a Phaeton* me
auks) treatment. Many of.
wad teeny hundreds of dragartata ta
front coast to toast will tym• • , co
this hisas,,-- itividretiioi.- go
tintelaiii tattoo in our file* aliteow
that TOILVe have aueceettledlit , Cut
treated lftheitnatinmo UtinbeitOg " Jail
Neuritis, Sciatica and sesite.Piete• tha
tar of all -kind** Rut thiebest bre
ecutive POMMittte Fixes Salaries,
eels With Aoplication. for Grants,
tid Favors Biblelitude in Schools.
The eXecutiVe vorontittee re
nded the acceptance of the t
%matter & -lnaftel (The God
r) for eounty printing; the
tame Of :Thos, -Legg's- tender
od meatis for the co
, At 12' cent e per Ib; that
ea tender to leupply the et,
with groeries, etc., be accep
t John W. Smith's teeder
ed at tt'ne 11E lb, lea
ire fence ill Your oWfle-itperiefler. twee
flyers nutter we want pan tottrY
"this guaranteed non"iniur,191111 omit
remedy at oar' eapertoc. Dreg* eou
gists eel' T,10C.** $1,00 par be..,_mo •
For vivo Tria1writeT,Lvrks
Se Colborne 014,,,,Toronte, eae
Local Agent - C. DUNLOP hem
hat ft grant Of V100 be mad
agrickantS1 soelety .irt"
otty holding fall fairs (inclu
half to Eirkton and Lucknow
'hat gront f26 be mad
li ebrintt stook and seed.
$2,214.111 is *11
tit Prise flan
ear* 44,1A
Overland Ante
toe eteleite.
note Prise " StroAO
4t5 0. Via*
° 0.10
4t5 4,0
4th 45 *SA
lag tk, SUS
10th U
1115 40
4th 1
14th to
41/th t#
nth 41
Met "
at4ti "
ite "
th 0
.. ,
, .......„............„4„, .................
CIO 'tett &OM OAS ^SW *, t
Ame* Uttar subtitle et Toronto is witileges te take part. •
PaDiea /rule ihMkieg1111 Auld wive the ruts% awl mod is Year atishor Probably
,610 Mum the alarm, ut moo( ot the tomourt mere, but Jutt to Wroth Your mlro" uu
she boo* a tow ot the meet tkoottlor sa,
Clukelle Chaplin, alto7 iblefitrt, Chariot itay. - Petty Arbuckl, Norma tabusgo
Wallas* 14044 Seserty Syn. Yhorsas eimeetio. MOO Nermattd, ceremy Olith, Osulitte
retionveir, toonoeliweasen, otoltdfo trollitimits, Alio* *OA 1)&1010 1141trumtPeall /NM%
Illanthe *weft. 711Olta *ere.
Ciotti titlithMes Vey
WUlds't yett be the hamdest roma* tot t trockt it you Wore tits *innor et tho
V.** la a enema like ?Ma erlticb. toOlt sety ti taw salalltaa et yew INC" Weil I oboe*
MY ,,„ea weak% los hppy! Astli rat eta Oa it tee. it's bet thru seat little ellortalittim
al this that hultdratto and thousand. et Corson sulks have eittahM4 their +art and base
rues to be the oe0111 Mos of today. 'YestArrobalrly how et tome emit cases "'moat it
You Wit, Thie is the CANADIAN PAlitautti titer to 'WIT to Woo Yoh alike them*
And ft. won't Mot you OR* 'set.
thtlyi I* *Oak WM* VOW*
;rho asswor *Waist 213/ opiate tebkh is tits mouthattled tall Wilk the Ste* 3h Sable
uer tIo beautiful 'ilattefal" (eplied). StMeMlit'lligboot wag !stows wits sawt lio cm
the liktt st 35 • Moe.
l:or each or% Ni. That MN tattattly .augatia Faa W11.1! recite* IS pmisto, or DO
peten, is *IA ISyko34orsosla al ttli Paleitt*,t.04' ' • ' siitirse
' Inca a po ma by:euelitylait” Your • inlet.* 113f Serfs/
that mist ace Attetra a rtutY be OM CANADIAN FARMS% ts throsMrsitht *WM" this
JOg Publicity It Detrater iNktrondenn A itordiscation Nettit will he rita Yett on ratan*
ot 1,eur seems;
77ot Sul 311 veleta VII hh awardiel by, three Itrooldhost *IA 11441MISOOK MEW; *I
tho limatnipail sty*. barshrtiting and oyoltititt er Ironic asawst. .,
Mtn* ultibl tits ire* fo bot, Mut mead ilr year aalltror balm .
Iftwito et Modest
I, "tato an tap Movie Named ett elm ale* et a these ot sew. •
I Write your ame mote MOHO slahtlY la the topper Night lwaS Meier of *to*
t it vett utak to writ* wittaint Asa, nos a *twat* Oast et Pow pad Mn ;MYR
same Osit temobste aolleretat ore it ahre
4, Titres orisitioaot harlot as, ettlesctiee Jib The CeNttiefien ansielea,
loot omit* tee seat easwers avet outtri the, "elms.
6 lire a spew Welke *I MAU% *bk.,' to tits heaters 41106616or shepappihis who
pilot ram Too pstates sr* be stole ter etch meet mesa Irset look tar *41_
memo tft vilig ter alt too 111.141611. ~rect. Mbar ellettiosial belbes *Os %loot alt
mralorstost m_or earser. Mat * ye** eill he Strut ter somese Mr . bemt•
sheds/ Iwo inimellifoor
wipe* leo aw, roottioros mew aolitica lts told assA autt 46 istlee D*
yee: Suet esoofht how moor setemainsz astethet otttoot ams ake rani yee
maseme twee re the rANAIR4N; PA
1" * Z=isit
T 1140 Contest Ow* a0, at..„1. lt.,,3 arr* *a
*tome arat bo mods St t 4LA A ARMIN* obertly NW.
Car. Itiolisoud& NtrOlisra
at Cliton, Seaforth and
at no action lie takee as t
Hc- (4). The interest of the towns io
the county system is not so readily
cl it determined.
grant to the horticultural Socie
any township, make this condition
Very easy to bear unfff the expendi-
tures equalize themselek I would
athonseeemfoorrsetiornecohr given
that s further
before special levies are raised.
Summary Of Read Expenditures
The amiuel Tettir, to the Diparte •
ment of Public ays of the ex-
nditures on our tun toad eye -
tem may be summ, ed s
!Menthl, •
'.e*,,e•e" •
• TV**,
e'eeettet! .`",,e400
tie4. Practically ati or the male
et reads of the county were originally
built end maintainedby ,•tbe county,
the.eounells of those times reeognie-
tit, ing the interest which each =Wei./
panty. had in the roads of other
4, municipalities, and :the automobile •
t' has increased this Interest very con-
be (0). The administration. of the
work is done by the eounty rouriell,
having in mind the welfare of the
county aaa not specially that of the
individual municipalities.
Reaninneeds Further Consideration
of Special Levies
The special report on equalization
submitted last January was based on
the directions team the commit and
on what the council expected, and
note altogether on what the *members
of the Colindittee thought most pro-
per. The special levies proposed in
that respect were distributed over
he period . -0 years so that ample oppor.
of Utility would be given to modify it
(- if found advisable.
la To toy 3)1111(1 the only proper basis.
of for equidizing count' rued expert.
dituree is to have an -equal propote
- tion of main roads in each township
e designated, and equally well main -
twined. This condition exist, and
0- our reeords show that it is -equally
11- eoetly Mintein roads in all town-
ships. ,Eaeh township enjoys the
edvanniges of good main roads in
a e townships and if it so happens
that-, during a centeirt tirne, the con-
atruetion of a kedge or other &rase
IllakhS it IteeeSSary to spend a little
more in one towoship than another,
the Liberal Government grime, and
the fact that it fa apt to happen in
in the tountr.
That It grant of $25 he made "'I
eaeh public. library in the coUnte W
Thet a grant of OO be Made
etteh of the hospitals at Coderiv%
• Clinton -and iiringhem. - •
That it grant of $25 be Inside
each echooi fair held in the emu
Th grant of $15 be made to
expended in providing flowers around
the court home for the year 1922.
That 4 grant of $1,500 be made to
the Children's Aid Soelety of Huron
Comity to be paid quarterly.
That Special grant of $4,800 be
made to the -High Salads and Col-
legiate Institut,es bt the County, to
he divided in accordance to the num-
her of county pupils attending each
school. , 4
That no action be taken on the re-
quest of the Godevich Marine and
General Ifopit411. for assistance in
That this .eoutteil memorialize t
lion. the Minister of Education
this province to eonsider the adviii
Wits -of instituting in the nub)
schools of Ontario 4 simple forin
Bible study.
That 40 action be taken on the re
quest of the Navy League of Carted
for a grant.
That no action be taken on the
()nst of the Western Voir Associ
ton for a grant
That no action be taken on the re
gqrunenstt. of the Soilv.etion Army for
no action be taken on the re-
f the Hospital for Sick Child -
no action be taken on the ro-
of the National Sanitnrium
lion for a grant.
equest front Mrs. Greenway
War Memorial Children's Mos.
melon, for payment over of
voted for the hospital, that
tter be referred, to the -court.
their decisio».
lissiOonn.this .waa deferred to the
the following salaries be
Re I
Of the
Wel 1
the *500
this 1114
tit for
.Tune TAIe et ait°e
tiood Roads superintndent- 32,000
County Roads eupeviutendent.. 200
Walden •• .... 100
' 40 ........ ...,....a. 1,450
Clerk . ... . .........,.. ..... ., 1,400
Crown AttotheS: ..... e. 1200
Auditors of erirninal justice '& °-
acconute 5 each per day end
10 cents a mile one way tra-
, veiled.
County auditereesela,„....., 47ft.
Caretaker of Court noose and ,
Registry Old SOO
Inspector i3f Iitmea-of Refuge 200
Pysicire_Ilouse pf Refuge,- 400
Oren llouse of ttefuge
Mannerzt:ouse of Refuge.— 1,209
Assistant ortatton ',Roust of 500
ehaplam li;ti;e Pi .liaug;....21170°
temd )%y Simartk, Petite atat Miller
Align ' 4 Ail" •
'Donkey P “4. . .... 700
, Phyl jailhtietiaanstrltef.; 5ae.niedtt : s,
tr!ned ,11110kro:ente a mile travelled
(Ado .. . .... . 5115
emente rointeiliM:4 ig Per .tiki,"
School Inspectora for expel/set
I V, Ntothert to ski Hoye' Judging
Teem for the County of tierce.
The report was atopted
Later on in the booniOn, it wan
Hive 3131 beard
*beet l'eptte Peps is*
Scientific preparation put
„ INN in pastille for, which
ft* *ft 'ratite* new and effect.
treeteet for touh,. colds* chest
saulthroat treelike.
coattails offal*
g eate, which, whew placed unit*
he toomgoe, latatemlietely tont into
Taper* **Oar* breathed down the air
th. t*. Oft their issir.
ar. the* letheigibil the irogiutital 414
attitstett ellesobratitto of doe fireechial
oboe tire *limo mite at the air
passegee, *ad limn* teeter *ad cersr
reeled aid heediag to the heave
Ise word, vane stor liquid or IMAM
Oait got tat tho loots eat air peotemeek
Item Pees fumes stet them* direct,
104 at amee ceemonece imealiteg.
Cue wet thie
Ittoors, mod all* k (Witlit le. ell*Will 1/0
tied date of Ude
articki, writs
teeter* peeliage) I* Pt** CO., 1
A Sera Melt gotten WM 1 .
tat •
this is Great!"
wOnder if Frank is ill? I can't undr-
stand why we•haien't heard front hi/10
•"Don't worry, Mother, hei all right. He
has just forgotten to write"
But Mother couldn't help worrying, No
letter for ten days from her "boy" at Cllege!
"Call him up right now," said Father—
"just ask for the number. The landlady will
get hint to the 'phon. It's half -past eight and
you'll get the evening rate on a station1.10-
Station call."
.111 just six minutes Mother and son were
having ao heart-to-heart talk. Frank had
written a weekagO—but—liad forgotten to
post the letter! -
"Wll, what a relief," said Mother, as she
turned from the telephone, "nd tothink how
simple it was to set our minds at ret. /think
call hint every week.",
• She, does. /oth look forward to those
happy few minutes, from week to Avett. The
reduced evening rates011 her Station -lo.
Stang:* cq4 N!kW that, as Mother,
says* "it voild be foolish to deny myself
-A, the pleaure.'
Every evening Long Distance Wires hum
with voices bridging the gulf betWeen home
nd the absent one.