The Goderich Star, 1922-01-26, Page 3Old Company's Lehigh
The Genuine Anthracite Coil
Burns longer and holds the fire better
than the so called tree burning or semi.
anthracite coal, therefore it is 1110fe econ-
omical and more satisfactory.
Ask year onigldloar wink bays it. Simi us your sot .arr.
The Dean Coal Company
Phons 95 ,, Nolo C.T.R. station. flee Albert Ste
TWA/SHAY, JAN. IMO. 11411.
• 10 • Oh • • •
SEIM TO RE 101111
Vine is an acute. iallnatasstiatt af
&emu ous tombraa. ittg, the air tubes
atthe Wiles, and begins vsNa cb.i foie
luwod .blz fever. tightness serum the elerst.
eintwouity m breatheig, hownweesee mid a
barsh, croupy Lough. Nritigh is bl-
oomed in ect weather. and by everY
slight void. 'ibis Wolk C'1121e6 " W4s'
1043'. generally worse intim motto
lug. end is wily relieved by rani* fide
The matter raised ie et first whitish
sticker. but later bemuses of a Sceelagt
, 00,010,11311kidor and is sometimes Week*
ed with blood.
On the first sign of broneltiate not*
should cheek it immediately by toms
theeebY preventing it becoming chronic.
' and developine into some witotis Wag
Vikvat tiks ammo Yiet.
Mo. outteorm, 31 2440.
.No- 2, 30,-. quoted.
Nu $ itortiawro. Lot Looted
Nastoksha 40ato U* *Um I31. WW
No. 2 (*-23-, Wye.
No. 11.".W.,
Sutra No. 1. teed. firii•-
Kaisttolea Itturloy *�r* t. WIDOWS)
No. 3 CM., nominal.
lowairessoi Goret 'Tre*. W40114141100
No. 2 yellow, 59tic,
Nu. 3 yellow. 684e.
' No. 4 yellow. 2Ttic,
O.tid. Oat* liAeetisolDag to Freight
NQ. 2 white. !mined.
Oalarto Wheat' (11r.o.lo. Shitaistag rota"
AsoorAlsig tei
ar (Accorillag t. Freigta OiataNtoli
No. $ extra. 67e to 2Qc.
1041olkwilLoat tAeeerAtag to regime
No. 2, 7$e to 8.0e
Mr. Jelin R. Root, 40 Maple Ave..
lismitton, Ont., wr1tes:-"1 was troubled
with bronchitis. end bad a very bad
.cough. 1 had it so long I ems bcgintli"
to get afraid of other developments. I
tried all kinds of cough remedies, but
without relief. was advieed, by a
friend, to try 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine
Allan so I get a bottle. It convinced
Ale to,believe that, .1 bad, at last, gottrn
skycr. •
No. 2. ific to 12e.
32041taka Dlosor,
First patents. $7.60.
Second patents, 3T.
Ontario IOW legoiagt Sklissaea
20 per cep. Went, 36.
Witted' (Car Lots Pellvere31.)
nmin, 22t.
Shorts, 330.
TORONTO, Jan. 23.-1theelpts v
the laght Medicine. I Used SeVe or to -day market lopre MI6 cars: 04.$.• eal* „ff
atoc Union Yards last night,
,tleiAtul. am practically well. nave tie 3 40/•"calves, 242i lows, %ISO; Welling' being ton. natter ... eorown,
0 0 0
• r(Wintnitell•Ud it to °titers. stem, and 26 a Western University. •
toed results followed. Itis certainlY a
ood News Nuggets
Pkked From Our Exchanges
of Heih2 111. Staley, the billow, Dios Rog Hot boa Piorcos
Hui of wiriiikaui Maa-Sooforth Lady Wigs Hisik Distinction la;
Art-- Exeter Digit %oil Hells Its First Coisatoacomoat---Triplo
Drowsiat at Soatlunaptsa-Higlior Wator Rata at Wiagkars
Yhoginua Takes Up Sck•ot Norse Net.
Br*. Engelman, Exeter, ra10621 :severely inteenally.
Nancy A. Miller, widow of the lete "Itesl Hot Iron Pierces Heed ef Wing -
haat Mite
James Iioailinan, Paesed awne in;
Exeter, Jan, letb, lin her eeth year. While at hie work in Mr. Avni.
8* 'Young Man Buys Dental strongn blackemith shop, Wingham,
of D. C. arid Mrs Ross, Brussels, toramt from the forge to the anvil
Priteticean London recently, 141r. Alf. Price met. with it
Vernon Ross, youngeet con Very,. unfortunate accident. While
don. 1 tel it up against the palm of his et
er bend end burned a hole clean
Perehred Sale at Wingliam March 131through between the bones of two
' The annual eale of purebred stoek 1 finget.i. Needless to pay he suffer-
' will be !mid. by the, Huron Count)" ed intense pain for so -ane time.
I.' Association in Winghaux Wm. Kerelithe. Seaforth, Passes
Too Tirol foe Anything
'DBE best rsasixtr for oxbow
tion and lassituelo li
llfewand., *hart Wan et 'Masora*
'mato wow taw,- raw nts---nove
%Oro, It le at isaie.‘rakterativo, No*
reakor sad aim roof.
12 eu. lieWese 31.31
purchased a denial pinetice in Lon- 11 Plecceof Tcd itot iron Push^
on Mardi Sth.
Wingliant 'High School Hoetreyists
Mr. Wm. Kerslake, a motive- o
England, who, since coming to Can-
tle HU .1411 faritled near Cromarty till
Tre.d.ters: lboMed.
0.urelleit Caw St St.. 'foresee
Foal; Dlowaer.
PAU& 11111011
Winginim School,wort out in about a year ago, when he nwved to PIE*, LAMP BURNS
lligh ii hockey:match beteteen Wiugham St'idorth, died on Sunday, January - 9416 AIR
and the NOrtitert COM.. 16th, at,ene age of se y e ars. fee et
me t Iectric on) CMS
ea * g
ties,.111gli Scheel. League. was a staunch Conservative. Tiume
Exeter , Sigh School ' 110148 COM- SOUS and two dausettters survive, A new oil lamp that gives On DOM.
mericement • Fred and Walter, of llibbert; Mr. W. twill/. brilliant. eoft, White light, •--fl
The first onnuel -commencement of F Ifershile) and Mrs. MentgonteeY b‘ttt ilia gaa or eleetrielty, lieu he.
the Exeter High School was held on
h the chief s esker of the
fesied by the S. Government and 3.1
leading univereitles and found to be
euperior to in ordinary oil lamps.
hurne without odor, SittOlic or noise-,
nee euirming tip, is simple, elean. safe.
Owns air and 0% common kero-
sene (tent -oil), • •
The ine.entor. V. N.- aolinson.
Craig 'St., We 'Montreal, le offering to
fend a lamp on JO days' Flinn trial, or
even to give one FIVE to 'the first user
in each locality who will help bini in-
troduee It. Weite hire today for toll
particulars. Also afdt inm to explain
liew you can get the epees:, and
evithout• experience or inoney make
$2e0 to $500 per =nth.
Davis, of Seaforthe,and Mts. .
BUD`FALO. Jan. «S. -Cattle receipts.
Calveo, 800; slow, $1. lower. $2 to $14.
PlOgs. 2.400; to good; light.
260 to 600 up; lieavY, WW1° On;
mixed, 3846 to $3.26; yoricers. 8240 tO
32.30; light do. and pigs, $0,75 to tun
roughs, 34,50 to $6,76; *taxa, 3340 to
Ishep and latrine. 2,000; lambs 624
lower at so to ti3.50--
CHICAGO 1411121
CHICAGO, Jan. 23. --Cattle receipts.
602; compared with a week ago beat
otters and tat cows and heifers veiny
06e to 60c lower; csameri and cutter%
fully Steady; bulls, 150 to 25e lower;
veld caller). 16e higher/ common and
medium -grade leader steers, weak to
26e lower; Others and stockers, steady.
Hogs, 11,000; active; inostly 10e to
162 nigher than Priday's averagei
peeking *owe and Pigs, about steady;
shippers, about 6.590, good, clearance:
top, $8.76 on light light's; veil taw
over 0.00; bnik, 23 to ;gas, .
sheep, 4, nearly
sill packers (*cot; eompaftd with a
week ago tat iambs 06c to 40c higher;
nit sheep and yearlings, 260 to Pe
higher; feeder lambs. 60e to 75c high-
er; week closing at the high spot.
wonderful "BronchialCoueh Remedy,"
Price 3e. and 60e. a bottle.
Dlt, A. NI, MIST, Osteopathic Physi.
°Ian. Graduate Des Mathes Still
College of Osteopathy. Licentiate iowe
and Michigan State Beards, Special at-
tention to. diseases Of Women and
children. toneultation free. Office
eorner 1"' .l4...,. and St. Andrew Sts.•
Successor to Dr. Reilernapn. 10 'Sea-
' forth Tuesdays and Fridays. •
• ANCILE onatneet ' .
Piano Tuner and Re5iaIrer...6-1)0Y
'Kingston St., Godericb,--Ont, Intone 1.37.
order promptly attended to.
- • ,ee MUSICAL:
Jag. Teacher Piano, Theory. Pupils prepar-
ed Tor examinations, For terms, apply tell-
idence, Gibbons st„ opposite Victoria pub-
/ •
• Old Resident of. Luciano* Dead
Colquhoure of Winnipeg,
Is Made Dry Chief
Another of the. old retie:louts . of
Lucknow passed avtay. SaturdaY.
Jan. 14ti,. in the person of Mr.% Fan-
ny Anderson, -widow of the late jos-'
eph Anderson, aged SO yeers. "
Mr. Bert E. McMichael, Cleve:kind,
non of Msai
r. d Mra.'Wxri. Meet-it:heel,
Seaforth, has been selected front a
list of 100 OPPliealite as federal pro-
hibition °nicer of the reorganized
fourth district, comprising Cleves
land and at least four counties. Mr.
supervise issuanee of
permits to druggists and others
handiteg alcohol. Heeehas been- in
the insurance business in Cleveland
for more than twenty years), arid is
42 years of age.
Vestry Meeting of St. ThomasChurch, Seaforth
Lucknow Fire Compet+, Celehieted
Burns' Night
The Lucknow Fire Company cele-
brated Burns' Wein ;fan, 25th, by
holding their annual Burns Ball,
The Bleckstone-Buckley Orchestra
of Goderich supplied the music.
school er Intone
• Dias. me7i1iupiver5itY''
• 'reecho's-. IM.Plenul Silk big
Teacher's Diploma Moo al Theory.
*min ons. rot
Tons prepared. ior 16. 8t opposite
terills IMP Studio, Mon re .,
•.:* -Public' Lin
seemein ofStanley, the Explorer
Mr. E. J. Mitchell. Wingliam, has
lost his mother at Paisley, the old
battle. She was a native of Liver-
pool, Eng., and SIMS a cousin of the
late Sir Henry Stanley, the African
WitirRipao LIVE wrocic.
WINNIDHO, Jan. 23.-..-Itecebsts, light:
25 cattle and SO hogs. There were not
sufficient sales completed to establish
Market gattle, owing to the mese
The/handful ot bogs on offer sofa
gre- offerings,
steady at 310 Dir . -selects.
Goes Into,Exile.
PARIS, Jan. 23. --"Watched like a
prisoner by French officials.' ex.
Empress Elia. of Restria-Rungarl,
crossed France on her, way to rejoin
hsr husband. at their 'exile home
Although In
she wanted to go
• migh Paris to do a little shopping,
was not allOWed to do so, the
Co; ell of AnthassatiOril haVirtg de
cide more than a week ago that
she s mild travel from Geneva via
Lyone ed Bordeelesta. ,
All 0 arrangenients give the im-
TEACHER pressio that the authorities have
• .
Goderich Society OrettesfM-glisie fitudle,•
entrance between F. womrs ana 3.
Lauder's stores. •
3111. C. V. HENRY (vfOlinist),- tatiM
• on violin Tor beginners and titose
A flourishing condition of ethe
church indicated the reports of
the various organizations was shown
at the annual vestry meeting of St.
Thomas' church, Seaforth. The rec-
tor, Rev. T. IL Brown, was compli-
mented on his efficient work and the
-wardens, Mr, J. R. Archibald and
Mr. F. G. aneelin, also mune in for a
Aare of praise. The new warderia
aro M. Wm, Smitherseand-Mr. J. R.
--Or‘fIrmeeerven.HWiligligilor Detir217wthedascloiot
wedding was celebriseed at the home
of Mrs. Edward Lightheart, of }hero-
ine's Mill, when Miss Nellie Grabill%
formerly of Winghain, was married
to 'Mee Percy Spencily, of the 'district
of Shelburne:
Native of Exeter Dies in lEdniontort
Clara Maude 'Campbell, Edmon.
ton who was 'born near • Exeter,
being a daughter of etifeelate, Simon
Campbell' and Mrs. Agnes- Campbell;
of Exeter, died on Monday. Jan. 9th.
She was the wife of Dr. Arthur O.
Ramsay. • •
Son of Seaforth Residents • Weds
Mr. Charles Warren Hoffman,
Youngest on eif Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Hoffman, for many years
known residents .of Seaforth, was
married at Regina, Jan. eith, to Miss
Norma Vurn, daughters of Int and
Mrs., Norman Mceiurehie.
For information appty at studio.
Violins repaired, bridges trued, 'Sound
vests' set and violin boors rehalred, etc.
-GoderIch seeletY °rehears, 5 pleevs
D, 11. WESTON, L. To M. 4,
Licentiate London ,Coilege of 'Music. Eng.
Organiat- and Choir Director or
North SL Methodist entireb.
Rub Pain right out with. :Mall
trial. bottle of old •
•-- .-St. Jana* 3011."
.t.A. Huron Rioneer Gone to Rest . . iheursatisui is ovate only.
Another of the ploneers of Huron Not one ease in liety requires inter.
passed to her well earned•reward on nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub
Saturday morning, Jen. 14th,- when soothing, ismatratiug '44St. Jadbbe Zill"
Mrs: Finlay Anderson, of Belgrave, eight into your sore, stiff, aching
answered the final summons. When joints, and tenet comet instntly. "St.
a young _woman she came with her Jacobs Oil" is a harmlesa rheumatism
to live in East Wawanosii, 'liniment Which never disanpointe and
(motion w th Toronto -University; 'fOronto Drew)* trip Europe was not un -
Conservatory, ete, Every pupil entered
• Pupils' prepared for examinations in con-. .bepn. 4iii$10us that the ex -Ent-
Fought With Northern Army
where she had lived continuously
ever since. ' Seven out o'f.a family of
ten, are left to mourn, Mrs. Brooks,
of, Centralia; Mrs. Alex. IVIeGoveare
Blyth; Mrs. Jas. Taylor and Mrs. R.
P. Seandrett, of' Belgrave; Dr. sl;
of Philadelphia, Pan Dr, B. F., -of
Toledo, and Oliver G., on the old
Mr. John Hanam, a respectki citi-,
Zen of Blyth, passed away on Fri-
day, Jan. 13th, When a young. mon
he snent some • years in the United
e fresh plot to seize States, enlisting with the
he t ungary. It is even Arrny after strife broke out between
announced that, on the initiative of the North and the -South.
the leritish Goverement, the matter Highly -Esteemed Egmondville Lady
is Sbout to be laid before the Connell ' Penises
After a protracted illness lilies
Jennie Hills of Edgmondville, pas-
sed away at' the homeeof her sister
in `Month recently. The deceased
• h ' eiteemed resident and
cannot hut). t e n.
limber Uhl Quit tomplainingl Get
alrifin trial bottle of old, honest "St.
Jacobs Oil" at -any drug store, and in
just a moment yeinit be free front
rheumatic pain, samosa and stiffness.
Don't suffer! . Relief awaits you. "St.
Jacobs Oil" is just on good for isci-
atica, neuralgia, lumbago; backache,
•sprains. • •
tor musical exaMS bas passed, many wile conneeted wit
,honors..if westortaarrogesidreloknt
' West St. (first door Nees ,k•
Ooderich. , Ds.
of Alubassadors, and- that
one.RI.ES HatflOter. Solicitor, Emperor .Ca.ri will be formally Warn_
ki Etc. Corner Nora street and- Square,
ed anew that any new attempt to
effect hie restoration will be followed
emetic% onte - ss
• Barrister, S0110001', IOW/ panne'
and conveyancer
some, : Court lieuse, vectorial..
, •
R C. HATe 'Phone 8*.
tisritster. solution Notary' Public Ete.
Mee Hamilton St., steamy Bank MeV
•Goderten •
GEORGE 'E. oREENSDADE, awned. con-
.131iouorooT, KILLORAN St, HOLME,
• sarristers„ ,HolicitOrs. NOUIrleS 00
otrIce-On. Vie &Ware. .204 door trent
110, Ete.
• Hamilton street. (iixierien.
Private funds to loan Sr loWes; rates.
W. PnornFooT, l(. c., • ur.
110DIES. .
Immediately by the ra w
self and his enUirds8 Oothe placc during the war was very active in
of egile far more remote than Red Cross work. •
Madeira. Kincardine Youth Escapes from Re-
• ' Norville Bell, the 15 -Year-old Kin -
TORONTO, Jan. 23e -tete eenn- cardine youth, who was sentenced
. Given Life Senteuce
stence in Kingston Penitentiary for about two months ago by Judge
attempted murder of Ms 'wife, and Klein at Walkerton to five years in
one hour 11). Jail for attempted out Mimic() Reformatory for stealing a
elide, was the Sentence imposed. in horse and buggy out of the, church
the Assizes On Saturday by Mr. Ake- sheds at Kincardine, has escaped
tied Riddell upon Miek Miller, a Serb- from the Reformatory. -
tan, convicted ot. having attempted to Likowel Man Dead, Was Former
murder his wife, Gertrude Miller. by . Bruaselite • •
shooting her and stabbing her in her Mr. Thos. Ainslay, a familiar fig -
mother's home puClaretaont street. ure on Listowel streets, one of the
In pronouncing sefitente, Justice, town's. much respected citizens, whe
Riddell said: . moved from Brussels to Listowel 30
A. snore wantou, treacherous and yenra ago, was suddenly stricken
brutal attempt 1 have never heard or .with heart failure while feeding his
:read of, and it was only the brave hens recently. He was in hie 81st
and 'self -forgetting' efforts of her year.
mother which baulked you in Your Former Resident of HenSall and,Dge-
fiendish design. The wounds you • - ter Dies
succeeded in inflicting have not
'killed her, but that is due to the Villis Kate Donthron, a former
gal -known... .reeident of Hensel!. si.nd
4iire of the hosPital surgeons and
&xeter dted at the home of her sis-
nursee under the Providence of God."
ter eels. R. H. 'Collins, of Toronto,
Ilia lordship expressed the opinion
08' .Jan: 12th. Robert Bonthron, or
cal pretence of trying tp kill tilineelf. Itensall, le a brother of the deceas-
ed. The remains were - brought to
that Miller had made only a titteitri-
Hensall for inthrinent.
Just the Old Bell& under new management
liming taken. over the ,coal business formerly ownetl and
elPeeetell by the blA011WAN RSTATI'l vfe become the solo,
agents for the town a Goderielt and vioinity of the celchntted
D. Li, 41 W. SOAANTON 'COAL, "the hind everybody laes."
, entry in stock ma can give prompt ilelivor on
tho standord sizes including 11100, OIItSINUT and
PRA COATi. 'We also have EllotiY. °UDR 'the CAtils:Bli
DR and 6 in: DOMESTIC Lli.MI? 'SOFT COAL of
excellent tpielitY. ••
Also the ordintuy %nes et Wood Including CEDAR for
'kindling, 1.2 in. IIARDWOOD specially prime and
WOOD which is au extra good buy and which gives 'yeti prat.
Wally 1 1.2 cords for ,the price a one, Try SUMS LA this its
the mild wills for either your itirtlite0 or Qiigh011 neater or
anything cquipPed for 18 In. lengths.
'We solict411411 by fair, qpiriro &dings will endeavor
Worthily to merit, your most Moral patronage.
• Mustard
Phone Foot of *Wei Stroot
Foot Saved ,
in 4 Dags
Drink Iota of water ona. 'too eating
met for a while if your ZWIder
Whin you wake up with ba!eltnelie and
dull misery in the kidney region it gen
orally =elute you have been eating too
much. meat, Ho vrelelamon authority/
Meat. tow uric acid which overwerkr.
i their effort to filter it
Live Stock and General Auctioneer, •
HantiltOn street, Oodrien.
'ogee made everywhere and sit efforts
made. to give- you Satisfaction.
• Farmers' sale' noteS disCOunted.
Esuettstign •
OltaRY. L. SALMI, Ag4ntOrst
earm and Iodated Tetra property.insnred.
value ot pqrperty inSured up to ISIMarg.
•.010, $3,021.on.o0.
OFFICERS-Jaille$ Danollfr, PreSidellt.
dOderirli • Jas. Evan% Vice•PreSidend,
• Nothing Wit -Zarri.liiik Could have
done. it, sAys Mrs. A. llerrytnati, 192..
Jolla Street, North, Damiltom-in
.bow her right fodt. Crushed
be a waggan wheel, wo•:: healed.• "The
wigs terribly breiSed eblecketted and
uneil,•und nfaintesi awny with pain.
'When it iviti *mite impeaaitlle for inn to
;wive a.!,mitt, 1..tic.-liaoti's mother got
Inc trs.• •. it ism:atomising!
• " Within TwO --DAYS nit swelling
1. 1j disappeared nod
;Lon wan bani.Ated. l'Oelt DAYS.
titTou411 tin.; timely tiie eaineede
CJUICi L about 41i 11quai: the injured
(mit w.ti-thoro:14111v
%act i; the 0...rertid antiatlitic
ite.d.r qUitAil • neee the skin of
ctimipt .and ili•ems and growS Oew
hr,Altht- or. No common ointment,
or- can po campare-- with
Zon -link Get a bon to -day? 60c, all
ender. ei prole. %NI Kat tor .1c.
•,•ko••,I. from i,am-Dok Toronto.
Engineer Killed, Seaforth Lady Wins Distinction in
OTTAWA, Ian. 23. - Engineer• Art
from the blood Ana they become tort of
verelyzetl and loggy. When your kidneys
get siuggieh and clog you mut relieve
the, like you relieve your bowels; re-
moving all the body'a urinous waste,
else YOO•_1412Te backache, sick headache,
flail venni vier stomach BOUM tongue
is coated, end when theweatber bs.d
you have rbetunittic twinges. The Wine
is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often
get sore, water scads and you are obliged
to reek relief two or three times during
the night. ,
railer oonstilt * good, reliable phyel-
elan at once or get from Your/U=40M
about four ounces of Jad palts; take
a tablespoonful a glare of water
before breakfast for a few days sad your
kidney' will then act fine. This fessous
salts is snide front the acid of grapes
And lemon. juke, combined with lithia,
end .has been used for generations to
elesti and stimulate. sluggish kidneys,
also neutralira 404111 in the urine to it
no longer irritates, thus onding,bladder
Jad Salta is A lite sever for reaUlar
ite.a$ esters. i3 inexpensive; cluing
injure OA' make* a delightful, eller.
veseeet lithliewlefot drialc.
Holland Edward White, Preacott, Miss Matilda. Fowler, of Settforth,
was instantly killed, and 1$ others has been grented the diploma of as-
infitred, when the Canadian Pacific sedate of the Ontario College of
Pliesenner train from Prescott to Art, Toronto, the bighest award giv.
Ottawa plunged over a le -foot em- en to any student Durinee the last
bankment one mile south of Elwood two years only eight students -have
station and eeven Mika frOili Ottawa won the honor out of an average
at 4 45 Saturdel afternoon. Train yearly attendance of neatly 200,,
/ T. E. 11870. Sec.-Tresse sca-
r. McGregor. Seaforth ;
0. move, Winthrop ; Wm. W,TIL. mIato, ped in the cab of hie !sworn°
ce g°41ok
cCeatrereunT I ei return' when it turned turtle on the down
aroadbaran neicone eieeivan. anicenene ward tntage. White wee sealded to
AGENTS -J. W. Teo, Godericli ; Salifig death by efIentrillg Steatli ana water_
,,each, canton : Wm. ren'. setteten I
et. nin00k11111'.eaferth. Fireman George Elliott Preecott sae-
Volley fullers. call PO illgir 133(1411Meriti 'ed his life by jumping.
at R. II. Ctitra Store. Godericn, A. I. hint.
rtoteine store, Clinton, or S. Perry Ilan Ott the Ratio.
.:4�r Healing!
Wingharn Taking Up School. Nurse
Winehain and vicinity schools are
going in for the appointment of a
school nuree. A number of the
schools in Beat 'Wnivanosh,Turnber-
r , Morris, Grey, llowielf, an&
roxeter, Gorrie, Fordwich and
Brussels sellools the joining with
Three Drown at Southampton
Marie Bus:child, raged 11, and Stele
la Largo, aged 14, while skating on
Lake' Agewate Southampton, crash-
ed through thin ice and when Char-
ks Jenkins attempted to OnVe them
they clung so tightly to him that all.
three 'were drovmed. The bodies
were soon recovered, but all attempts
resuscitate them failed.
OGDEN'Serelter, Jan; 23.
NOT• AVIIIPOBLIC. Sevente-ilve oassengers aboard the
Wm. 0AILIS. ferry boat Ferdinand, Which went
•aground in tee St. Lawrence, near
emeriti eonveymeing • dense fog, were tranefereed Sunday
here, early Sate:day evening, in ie
NOTARY P11311.10
Cood Compote. Represented morning to another ferry bolt.
110.„ 51.4* lin,1* Twelve members of the crew aro still
:• FUNERAL '10114,1'0M aboard and fears Wee etpreesed tot
their safety.
MO you Ideating a win • ter holiday in
point, or at one of the well knoicri Vire
4000ERICI4 ter resorts in the Smithery. State, Het -
i Cube or the Veen Indies e Golt,
.Brotteu Bros California Or some other Peale Coast
tennis. bathing, Wilting. 110., await flu.
It 'you intuati to V1312 NOE) Can day night, an.
eee the "Rockies at their best" on the pit on Itettinotee fartni i'n which Mr.
Committal Natieal-Oratid Trunk flail- Rettinger, along with tWo neighbors,
sad it will be to your adventege Gregory 'and Michael Fisher, were
to travel itt least ono way through Can- working, caved in. Rettinger wee
eda. IeforseatIon reitardirig feces. corapletely buried under at drunk of
rootten ete., wilt be glselly elven ensue. froten giravel weighing oeirersil tons
plleation to itnn Grand Treok Tkiket and it took a team ot horses to re.
Age** Or C. R. lktiiinl„ Get,11, move the frozen tertb *Ord his body.
Tetosto. Ont. Twelve tilbe *ere brolttn and be was
lhe LsadMit
funeral Muter*
sot fabaliars
o:36r8 earefully attenatei to
Sh all hante--night or go.
lineie4 in Gravel Pit; Dies from In.
Mr. John T. Rettiogers A Prelaft°
ea farmer of the Culrose-Carrick
townline near Formosa, died on
hen a gravel.
• We specieliee in Witini; of
ail k111118. 'Lot us give you an
e9timate for wiring your house
or garIKe.
WC 111).;O ao anotru6ut of
the Lest Eleet4; Irons and
Toater; made in Cauadz.
Ellettrklas • Wort St.
&lot SZ or 93
yotir bueinores ou are daily putting
all youe thoughtee 13110 tee Ms and okbeutit
ability,in order to preserve intact the canital
• invested, build up your•volume of liminess and
•prodUco a, profit.
Your success depends largely on your
sales policy. Aro you leaking that *dice- fie
efficient afi peasible by the WiSO HI, of'
PeOple shop whole .they feel welcome
Your adreirtioetneut sivaidil be OM illVitdtkilt.
flow .dd you send Mit tide eveels?
• •
3,500 invitatiotie eate be 9010 each %Lea;
bv using "The Godesit.ii
Tho Wise Shop Where They Are Invitea
teeziett by elateullan Weekly Newopaper Ml
Heed (ic, TotOnto, Canade
Cut ner
MoreTobacco for the Money
Canal:At:vs best buy
the ECONOMY Packa
4. ft
7to,sore ...i7....„. -.......-A