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The Goderich Star, 1922-01-19, Page 8
,e oiso its limbo oils �# Room :Paper t '9u0 atnsl 400 diapers 400 azo l area's u., srdo :Rod leo heat) p theta a all 3" Wide' 1ltl. idi means We less impure- selttJm$r 'easier matching atla�tt, can die- Vfib On rnueh +Ill Or, - QL'Ia S o IC Iii Lotti So %me oorl '1 1 y. Jan falls. lb, i,i,.tortl1 in -oho* w} r'*•t•,! ..raffia Mita late Us forgo �I.d. NA' let wriI a; '. WJ.ra u. ft *'. it whit Errs as ttfe stab $ea•t, 'Ili*. btratesi. of a trilitcl ., frit Turgidity. the Utb lost. a deflate tAiti tali pace. awbet. -Coo noun's tdo lott,r wort ou the oluitkloat 'roman -IL, than tamer Atter She debate' !rates and t'i•ffee wilt be syr* d. A sails r resits of .Dn will be tale* flap. Quotes lick, Feb. 'kit. The neeet, dna of tilt' Vualt{erl7 (Melia Award milli Iii, told on the lith of leii r}, at !I l , tut. h The {;lad Girls' Guild that at the !ionic el ;airs. 3hatild Johnson on Wed. nesttay, A.. goObt enjoyable Iearlon 1a3s held. A quiet t Orad pretty w.'d1:HoJt took Idace on Lite lith inst, set the home of 'Mr. and Ms. Wiliista Johnson. when their u3auErt.ter. '1laisy, woo united In marriage to Ah'. ilobeet sloworby. or CS/Wrack township. Only the 1o,... diate relatixe3 were present. iter, Dr. t;arsipbdfl tied the nuptial knot. We wish qtr, and ':airs. Robert t?4vrerry a very huppy Journey over the ruatrt- rrtonial $t,1. ;mother Important event took place 1 the !'lilt Inst. Volk. The Storm King stems to be deter - touted to mate bis wrathful ,presence felt on Sundays. A••3tard, winter SVR. may Uwe; But the diutder tint blast- ' The shorter 'twill last, And bring greater Jo; In the spring. A Boys' Club bas been organizeelin the day sehooll S. S, Union -School, 1o. 1. The following are the oAleers; 31.39 silr+lla t matron 14, rtt 1:s°ter President, Calvin lautteiige; secretary, flailing friend?. .. (leorge Allen; treasurer, Flight But. antro. °4;lI1d'ies Miettrelltr Is at London ledge; Joel.. Its i They aibni Detroit visiting. • Wit's YLarlev !Atte* n Detroit, 1.s vtslt• Waste, not -wont not, forgives and for- tis tnnilier, 'Mrs. ilson, �t." Whether the Boys' Club flour - shop murgury 'Bush spell{ a da rot braes or not, If the boys lave tinyawhere wilutana' l:mt•wel t. near their motto, it tivtU surer+.l to n Sandy Stirling' and 'tor. F:astmtan: good thing for alar sand for all with !chip to 2urtrh .744t wnrelt. e°Ill form friendul The wean. 1s a good• one for adult's its well as -tor. George proetor entertained' his children. t to, a turd party Thursday even. 414 for ever' shining over mos {head, r nteetof Mr. and soca M s. ;afi day at Ent -i (Ian but notonly • Is ran surtr sy's for : the lorr'son. clays to come. *More "Anita'.Allyn, of filtrlter�rttrtith, _ /Welt your wagon to c Star, bigot' of the N,1,'eest.Pt�nd. at 3ti'. Stirling i;mersurta :-- tcY'+sail'st, The star y� Is told of a man from "Waste Tteseetry slabs- lbenertat abet Ike owr►y rh went Auwt�l; N Illi .i1t! gad hoar"). II,- NN a ,..1.1.,; ono with wail JI"!lltM.* nN• rM t�- nra/..4uip- IIP 1"01 eirr trt1 boner &Yat *Irkarra loos th-pa144 e from house. boa hake, WS WW it be wllbad to tuteoK sot to wale tits awe *Woe foes Moly Joh. b'ut to tale the !rat thing that turmoil up. Sada" trier rearbi s the city. be wu- larad hbseK as a .'Net to o rvrll•t11- do finally. wan Ml bra denies ma to Mand brtsiWt flit' 11W0r's abate at Mal thaws to only, to stye Wim,. Oa eti• acrsdwt a trwt>r-ioaria- oto 1 lad)` wit ril+purltr 111.. *alar al Maur. The ItidF repeat.iht;' show d her 111- birodlas by tnakitw roateneptttoue ru,: mirky •about flaw, 'The ttwln trona Tipperary c�/tlkt tint stand fol` It. 'told when the lad'} In nul�rtiwt rallied tlyr mart atrdu s little lather tbap mud to Ihi' tried tat• hhuw cuntcntpt. he quietly stepped round, and tailing troll! of ft gave tt a ItreAt pall. Tjatt. lady web Indignant; lb. master vex- horrified, and demanded an •expharaa tion. The to m'$ only reply via+:. chat before leaving borne tit father vkhils= ' act bin to take hold of anything 1114 turned up. The lady's tluolut t'irn2d up. and so the had carried, out his fsther'1: 11la truet 1 ftfl . COLIONWE A feature of theentertainment to be itiven by the 1 olbvrne Farrtners' (nub in, the town halt next /Thursday, Jan, rah. wilt be a debut' tut "Resolved thtat Increased financial returns would /ometit itse farrier more than cltueat4 41an:, The annual naeetlnjs Of lite alubacrlb-. ertt `of the Colborne Telephone System was hehi In the township !tall Thurs- day leant, art which 4 Very. satisfactory report or .talc rates bntilneM-. went 2!iv- en by the auditors. tl. L. lamb -and 1r ge; manager, ao oy e. ley . -.- ltarcr a opted a Inas{ excellent motto, To have an Ideal Is to }have a sun .[a the Ituelwing contra -it 4rhialt closed t?si moniisv Irr.ning, actual count of the bona in the jar *boor ant a tonal et 1732. The nearest gues$RS haat oh hfrs. A. J. Z'raltrida e 1735; % IA Monti closest Ml's. E. J. Finn 1725. Arthur. Flatter. `'IQat' 1+eeelpts Por, the year were rs1'71.A9 and . expenditure Wert' $t47i4I,: 'le'rtvliarr •1 rash balance of lAdtWenta nu lialitlltt"s. 'Flat' Comes tn. s< oners eleetelt ' fiver© tlordwi 'Young, ''►'Vin..Saliows, John- At, Young and J, N. Kernigtian and fi, 14 L„ 1tuli Were Iv -appointed 6eeretury'rtre;suie'l' and' auditor. -Tri' officers -were ent- powered .tet• gamble a, etultable building for the neutral? Otho• present operator, Fl. ill, Va'sltersi wishing', 1u quit atter Clearly tws 44vo Tears' sero, et''.: - Tide system ;Mala now been establtai_ a over. eleven years, eta total oast 'to each suhatriber (tf 4103 or ubnut 89-..a car anticompare .+quite fsavorably ;1'111 privitetygWned• eoxnpanies. toeing ,.this year 1321' ":« ldetlts,' 'at aretages. and CI:deaths deaths were • regist« er'ect: with i,. f,. ilea, •These. figures Show quite a falling off fern .110.,192(1 figures wdtfeit ' were' as'- follo'sr,s: I,i'irtitp.7 1t, marriages •i1, atoll-detaths.. 7i'. We beg haat announce ro all our cuctomirra and friendttbalt .on Februvy 1st.. next, we will inaugurateaft std icily cash system of doing business. Though the obi system is becoming more and male in .vogue in .smelt business, we have decided upon adopting it only after long and careful eta& a tat application to a business such 11141 this, hs advantages are varies WW1 b to all concerned. When every article that goes over the counter brings its price in spot cast, the whole machinery of business is simplified and made easier for both buys and, asset.. The trouble and expense of bookkeeping, mailing statements, etc„ the unphaseftwise end sometimes loss from long standing accounts, are all avoided. Under the Bald system the customer who pays cash is helping to, carry the act:o1.111ts of slow pay people and even to make up the losses from bad debts, With the cash system the customer will be paying only for the goods and service that he or she: actually receives,, not for goods and service, rendered to some, body else. , �tr� Having decided, therefore, to conduct our business after February 1st. next, on the strictly volt system, we would alk our friends and customers for their co-operation, believing as we da that the -tie s' system will be as greatly to their advantage as *0 our own, " int nd to iv� our customers cnstattly die very best seAvic e of gatti up,to- date Dry Goods House, both in the stock which we shall carry and In the.factlities for, shopping a progressive business demands. 'With sincere n s for past favors and thehope o ufuture business relations may be as mutually pleasant and agreeable; we are mosmoopunceenOnimmommeammemet 1. � r'.. XXX' �� NM t a e for Ity430 to Make Money DON'T, Miss This pporturii After taking stock we find we must d se of a Iota' ► our present stock to make room ..f a ri •_ , Goods, Spring which, will soon beginto arrive,hence ?ou�' determination to � give to the people, of �`taclerrc anl� vicinitythe opportunity -to purchase .food reliable footweat at prices far below anything. they ever anticipated. ted... 'In arranging this sale, we have been careful not. to incur any outside expense, therefore we are in, a position to : give our patrons ttse biggestthe bargains possible, with PRICES ABSOIAJTEL OCIi.tROTTOa a '' Sale nirriences and will. oonti nue up to a . in l d+ a uv' aa, `ebr u 4 a atei r convey any idea of the wonderful values we are offering. ►elow we quote a few of our many •bargains, ' but blase can. 415 laird Mrs's Gun Metal Call Balmora Rota T Welt Soles etwlr t Pricer *WO 00 l 1lMtcb Leedom met Rowel 1yMalik > 1 SALMI310 24 pairs 1 's Patent Leather shoes Various Style, Xie plat' Price `$6 to $1.1 $4 + . 40 pair* bath's Brown Boots �.. litellt" Solas, RAW Meal art. price $7'«50 $s000 Gun Metal Bah. To", allot " Roe. P14. r *7.00 J Bwu Calf Bas. weed& Tem, Wait $.ks As* pike 40.110 We cannot II have them tt Ail meads 40 rigs, Win' Brown"'Balnrorais Refraa T004 its price $7 to $8.50 $4.50 , S0 pain .M1 en.'s Heavy Work Boots-] nos. pricer $4:00 to $0.00, 1245• • " piirt Womepes and Gun Metal Balmorali p *50,, $t".7 xi 40, p tMrewtNlel+t'�i Dorigola Kid Via,. cushion -wale,, Rlsbelr 144 1 Real tt Comfor 'got. p SV!. SO75 $5 Parts Wormer Yici Kid Balmtorals Sport 14 .1s, 'Wok Saeti; to 7 at', lot. Rai. pt ica $8.50 t o$# #.00 Jl s ''Vlforiton's• Brown Boots noolsohois til: to . Reit. priers $*.or to $7.00igen I .I 45, pairs ,, :'i ornen;'s awn Baimorals Beth, Sixes 21i/g to i eg `pries $6.00 to $7.00 $3415 Std pairs. Woman's Dongola Kid Oxfords spool Heels Rely, price $4.50,. to $6.00 $3a50 J ` 1t7: tial W Ctrs ., Patent Leather* -oxfords-; w ' SPort amt Spool Bea "...... Reg. lice $5,00 to $7:00 13.90 40 pairs Woman's ipola Kid Oxfords Reg. {pries $43.00 tis $7.50 $4.0O 40 pairs Women's Brown `oxfords. Sport Heels Reg. price $5.00 to $8.00 >real 'ba+„i0. LADIES' SPATS Get theft umerate here the various lines o Boys,' � colnve�lientl on l�� y i and Children � that's � will sacrifice, but ed co y BARGAIN TABLE;; ith print tickets on therm which we know will inly pay you to visit our store durft the sale, but our advice is to COME EARLY AND GET THE BEST BARGAINS • Positively Cash No Goods Exchanged After Closing Day of Sate AN'S SHOE STORE ODERICH