The Goderich Star, 1922-01-12, Page 5litlmk, JAN. seta. MS.
limunininzie=======ampazt ammsi Ivuenic
maof a
te m appri,;01. et Team. 461%6 44 eed *4 eeiriee tieleteite. wee.. -
sidipmplio. utoeut igionweg t.
itogett 4tt t fe-, .e• beir ete,,
tlarielas %Mitre lit West t•klea---.4.
Curlew "*""e
teletoto tebrierted t Idiot '''.11• * +•'" f
's 4 eeet of cape oMe
saw- meter:et Itto head kliCesti
Ufl llir %eliding %1fl tkte 10 tw,.'.
owe treee oat o 4 et twioe, tits lite t.+0
eeee fee 411.1 b,
Don't Let Distance Deprive You 1
of the 'Values We Offer in
Drug Store Merchandise
lattex in mind that at any tient it ia ineonvottient for
you to count to the atom personallyOU bays only te
drop US hi lin*, or phone, ool we will sand your needs
by parcel poet, or deliver thew, if iu town.
Ask us uow about anything you are interested
and we will -at once advise you just what these will cost,
prepaid to your home.
"Try The Drug Store First"
Phone 90 The Amstar Store The Square
rallawine letter treat Wee Fel-
. witw.,:), Kindled of Pee Cana-
. than etetteellid MsloSelt,lot a
L fth,engtn, Wek 42.111111a,
ter *4 Mrs, 3, F. iti*e-eraft, llewn.
'written itteeT nete Of Nov. Oth, fl
be rutial Willi Mut%
lie-autiful etmetilue nee,
we walked ont 'from the elty. MISS
Druee awl I, In time for {Minor. Miss
4, Laili:10 bad errevect last night. <end we
Crown Attorney and Counsel For. Prisoner. Have a Clash Over Source
of 'aspiration. of Sensational Prit111 Article
agisteate along with the charges
The trial of Mr. John Kay, the Reine tm
ge. littm St. painter, on the charges
being a partictpant with 'Messes.
. Bloomfield and Lockeridge in the rob-
beritis a the allisn'er afatnufaeturitlg
Ceas plant, Mayor Wigle's drug store
and at Mr. D. O'Brien's; also of as-
,saulting PrOvinetai GOICer Pellow;
:were set for Tuesday Morning of "title.
week. The- priOoner ebanged 144
. former pleading Of .'not guilty" on the
three theft oherges to one of "gulltY,1*
and the Crown dropped the eherge of
assault. Crown- Attorney Seeger
peareil for the preeoutiert and Mr.
L. E. Dewey for the prisoner.
In speaking on -behalf of the prison,
• or, Mr; Dom referred to the oubli-
• cation of an article in The London M-
• Yertieer witil reference to Mr. Kay, In
• whieli he was referreclato as the Gode-
• rich error, the blowing of Ave safes
• attri uted to him, and other features
'4 hi ocapades enlarged upon. exag-
, gerat d or fabricated. The 'publieation
.0fe/t etiole,„ Me. Datieey said, was
-"e•-"Fyidently` - tile glorilleatien of Iligh
Constable ides, who "was hid -
Ing his light in e„ small village Of
liensall and sthould be New York."
letr. Dance)* read lite . usatiopae ar-
Hole, which certainly Wad Mr. Kay to
appear in the light of 'a V, Itahle des-
penado and 'Mr, Whitestd.& 'the
• lista of a glover .detective.
'Mr. Dancer claimed that las • leet
was not The bled: man he wes nl-
ed; eand Wept one got under the s
• le.oe.and read the depositions. it a1l
:mine baek to one thing, the,old liquo
• Kay wag practically the soie support
of les aged •andinfirm parents and to
minim hen for any long period would
• simply mean another • family %thrown
on the ehaiety of the town.elle had
already beetie reaped In jail three
•weeks and badeltad ell the. puniehment
that could do Wel any geed already,'
and the real purpose of punishment
•Wes to deter people from 'rime.
The. "Crown Atterney made tweed
treble objection eto Mr. Dancey's
bringing it of the newspaper stele
•. referred to at alt and cif his attribut-
ing it to any ' enspiration, from thE
Erown officers; He obleetel to thie
evillification of Um Crown oificere,
than Whom," "there are none
better In the Provifice; and to this
"gross etteck on 1lIl HIgh Otastabl(
of the Clotinty.",' There was pot ilia
slighiest doubt lot was not, regpoosible
for the public -anon. of this itern.
• eamee a paper published a sense.tional
* story was. no Teason why lite prison-
• er *Mould go free .of purtisliment for
the offences he admit ted. The ether
two teen' cofinected with th -nerpe-
tration of the offenees had suffered.
They were married men. one with
family .of eleven children, *vitae this
• 'manwas walking tabut, taking every
opportunity to postpone the matter.
He did terrorize the town when pen -
pie found that place after plat was
being -broken into and robbed, and in
some respects the newspaper article
' was not exaggerated. The offences
weee simply low-down pieces of
• thievery. Mr. Seeger said he had
ShoWn 11115 sympathy and heart by
asking Provincial Officer Pellow' to
• allow the Cheese of assault ,to he
droppea. .'Kay eifin tried in every way
to thwart the Crewe and put the
• county to eepeneee. •
JudgeeDickson said he did mit take
the vikW of the counsel for the pri-
soner that this newspaper article Was
pet In by Officer WhItesides. Some-
one should take action against the
paper for publishing such an untrue
- 4100110. ale theleght Melee cases
ghould have niece disposed of by. the
against the other two. men. Had he
tied the other two men before him he
would have been in. a . better position
.to Mete out fair • punishment to all
three at the seme time. 'There was.
nodoubt the offences were .of the
liana serIOUS character, no matter
Wbot the cause - was. Ile had no
doubt the sensational newspaper ar-
Utile originated'in Detroit and unto,-
tunatele got into the 'London paper.
As far es his observation and this
coert was torteerned the officer refer-
red' to was a most faithfeepanci efficient
offteer. Toe often. there .was a feeling
ta entipathy to er0Wit efficerg arous-
ed la the discharge of their duties,
and yet who -would eyed to be with-
out there.
' In the theft from the ellstice faetory
apparently•lt lwaS Me. Bloomfield Melo
flrst got Om information, through tebs.
wife, that ,alcohol or liquor of some
kind, was at the factory. The three.
men had paned to 'make the attempt
:deliberately, land the. various .thefts
were deliberate, being. =Wen differ-
ent occasions. ,et Would be almost a
travestyaot justien toad would amount
to emaking +a laughing stock of -the
administration of criminal lave no let
the Prisoner, go with lees punistiment•
than -the othees. A sentence .of two
or three years „might beconsidered.
only a. proper toren,: but In 'order td
ghee -the prisoner another .ehanee His
Honor duelled . on en indeterminate
sentepee of not less elm eix- menthe
and not more than eighteen months,
In tee IleformatorY. • . -
, The 'loot .seeured at the :Ulmer fee -
consisted of a• quantity of mews,
bones, strop', 'clippers and '.a, couple
of glialone of itOi704, wlater. At Atr.
'Wtgleat Mere *big stook of wbiskey
was takito and at Mr. O'Brieres a num-
her of ell ekens.and a quantity of pea
have been !nisi' vigiting went Ito ever
teeee einem ewe gie seen Igoe
her very muelt, and I feel sure, to
that her coming will Mate things eas-
ier .in the shot after
Christmas when. elm is to tete charge
as matron. -
Saturday was a most Interesting
day. Mr. Gau ttin Ilwa. the !tenter. -
•nurse in the bospital, was being mar,
rietl. astd we were there for the whole
ereaped Lead, swereiiig elieitMe r'"910
ort bee fet ee ere Hart -
men perfarniee the etg..eiegeg As
evade as. I fmat.1 jade it Is, Salk
trailAtilion of our Engliskt ogeeiettere.
tete aim lieu ogee+ a Pat *1 faetegit
deteng the eereitemy fon ite
%yes otherwise ire Ceiteeie ereees ang
quite *without ornament. Folic -ming
.the eert'mone they photegrepited the
bride genet% the bride -weaving
proper style beine Tate too shy to
face either the eteawit tie the camera
until urged and etteouraeed by Miss
MeNeughton and Mrs. lene She was
then eundueted to tier new home, and
later returned. I think, to- the feast
though title is not allowed to eat enyg
tang on tier wedding day. We were
not InViteeNo the feast. It is the cus-
• tom In Ouria on Ow wciikling night for
ali ti elifen friends of the bride and
Pearaamanae. Mout 0100 taataek aaa' groo to go.- to her house" and tease
saw bini gettlng .the Oar ready to b9» They are allowed to. sxy uny.
send for the brlde. It was all decor- tees they me. to eve end see most
at' with streamere and rosettes of
red Rini with touches a pale green.
The bride was at the W. el. S. home
at Vans Chen Oat.' tOne of the large
reunite of the Itaspital was eleared for
the WOrnen filteldS and there was Mlaell
tea diluting end eating of dainties be-
fore the cereitiony. We Were brought
entes of tea and a plateful of eake and
candies. We drank the tea and 'ab-
lated at lite rest. Fortunately It heel
impolite eiot to ea it all. The bride
arrived at ten n'eloele and was accom-
panied by alias Brimstin. The bridal
chair was earrted to the *leer ter the
chapel and she stepped out and walk-
ed up the aisle to her place beside
Gao Gin Uwe, for It was to be a
Christian. wedding. I wish 'you could
have seen her. She wore a' pleated
satin elate of pink with Riley embroi-
dery on, the front and back panels, her
coat was Of gray green satin, and her
shoeit, red entbroidered tiny things
for her feet have been, found: She
had the most +wonderful head dress,
It WaS•made. Me erowti of shiny
red and green and silver matarial such
as they make ornaments for Christ -
Kyle IS`aftel, Nit's. T. Legg, atisa
Rut; Price. Mrs. Frank price, David
Rose, la; K. Revell. Miss Francais Sharp.
The te, R. Steele *Co., airs. Robertson,
Mrs. -Jos, Salkeld, M16s lia D. al.
Ross, Mr. Windmill, Mrs. Carrie, Mrs,
Brawn, Leebern Sundae' School, Mrs,
W, Horton. Mrs. W. Coetes, A, at.
Robertson. •
t, Oeorge's S. •S, Christmas Tree
The :0 the two -meter Meant field and
tackeeldge -heve- ,both 'been permed
and are now at work In Godereele
The -.Christmas tree and enterfale.
meet- in eonneetion with St. George's
eitureli *Sunday eehool was beld On
Wednesday eight, Dee. 28th (Holy In-
nocents' Day), There was a long and
loterestine prognaan by the schelars,
followed by the distributioet ,Of .pre -
seeds from the Christmas tree and of
diplomas to those who had won them
on their Year's wore. Tbe VMS
.neeepied by 'Rev. Mr. Hardy. apd the
program was as follows.. Carol, e•See
Amid the Winter,. Snow," by the
ectiool; 'real:tattoo, lindaete eadenan;
song, "Jingle-Bells:a +Doris +Riley; re-
citation, "The Christman Treea", Wil -
liana Steep:. some -Will* Riley; recitae
tibn.; Iterate Palmer; recitation, Betty
Thomas; 1$041, Gladys Sheie; recita-
tion, 'Kathleen Meson; song, Albert
Shore: ree;liation, "About Boys." Har-
old elumby; duet end chores, "While
Shepherds Wetched Their Piocks by
Night," Miss Wilily ehorus
by Mies Natters class; Violin solo, "A
Boat Song,' Keith eiurisoni dumb.
belt aril', Miss LeTouzel's class; duct,
"Now I Ley Me Bowe to Sleep," Nel-
'lle and Ada Ranee; 4730104 "Eileen',"
+Claire Tweedie; recitanen, "The Night
before Christma.s," Lien Crawford;
Christmas Carol, "God Rest, You, Mer-
ry 'Gentlemen," Miss LeToubeas Class:
not neither Must she ery or
laugh. Miss -MeNatIghton had been
asked to econe tit the house for a while
in elle evening tie prevent thie leasing
and we wanted to go too. Mrs. Pau,
Witch Wati mistress of eerentonies
It would be all right for us to go. As
*soon. 418 We arrived the bride brought
us tea, but she spoke rin Word. It
WaS like baying Buddha . come *town
out of his little niehe on the waeete
serve Us. Then Sile vat motionless
with drooplue head .exeept when the
groont's mother Urged lier to answer
some question put to Iteegity 'Mo.
Pan. Other women enme Mel talked
and laughed • and, ehattedi Ind there
was no word or glen from. the bride.
'Later, when _Nee were there .alone. ehe
retired. and retneved her itte-el-d. titess
and cape and iater her skirt. Iler
trousers were of pretty blue Mlle pad-
ded, a eouese, for Me winter, We
had -the fun of trying on. the head
dress, •annel am 'sore .1f looked aa
Much like CleOpairtt MiSs Bence did,
you. ought to eave a picture of mei
We game home 'shortly. after 'nine ea,
clock, having. been served tea three
itmee tiering BM two hem% of' bur
slay. ee„.•
Mr. Piewman came to the sehoot.eo
Thursday evening and gieve us. all a
most fascinating talk on stamp-eol-
lecting..-----I ant sore hart...1'11yard It
younger I wont(' have beep entosteen- ,
thuetastie .statup colter:tee, I. bed n0.
idea that there was so mugh of Inteee
eat. about it. "
My boy threateurd to leave' on elon-
day, but have,' raised -his wages "and-,..
he 117, staying hate the fuss at
trebling re new boy, and I have had
Len Chelan Shin. now for .over a year.
My room is ijstill full of chresa.nthe-
nnuns. and r brong4t (ono some more
today --tiny bronze ones that look
beautiful in a NvIcker basket., '
Our new party eave reached Chenge
king and are on theit+ way oveleana,
coming by 'S0.1 11f the stetion.
. •
A. 4aIIy thiistmas at tha Children's,
•.filialter . • • •
Cheistmae 'weir a happy time at
the. Shelter for the twelve children
'who were there to receive gifts sent
In by friends both in Ooderiell and
through the mutate*. It Watt also a joy
to the management to receiveIli
many lettere of appreciation regarding
what is being dont. for the children,
and expressing the wish .that their
contribetion might help to give the
children a happy 'Christmas. A large
Christmas tree, given by Mr. Harrison,
Was erected In the parlors, lacten With
gilts, ancrat 7.30 *visitors Hufficient to
fill the rooms tassembled and nstened
to a program ot songs and recitations
rendered by the children, who had
been well trained by Miss Bentley, the
matron, and her sister, Miss Lorne.
Words of aPpreelation were spoken
by Mr. Shipman, Dr. liellemann, elev.
j. E. Ford and Magistmte 'Reid. Mr.
H. T. Edwards and Mr. T. M. Davis
represented the Menesetung • Canoe
Club-, who had gmrchased candy and
a 'large goose toll the Christmas dinner
and also made a, substantial eagle con-
tribution to eeettee useful articles for
the ,ehildren. A longue presentation
i.vap made by air, Siliptean, Mr. Chola
Doty and 'Mr. A. Turner, representing
the Clederich 0, P. n. employees. Af-
ter reading a short addresg agroll of
paper was unrolled containing a string
of bills all pitmed together, amount-
ing to •eeee. The» Mrs. Santa appeared
and told the youngsterg that Mr. San-
ta was so busy distributing presents
recitation, Ray 4.4Wrence; duet.
"Feether Your Nest," Nellie aud, Ada
nande; • regi talion. Bachelor."
Clair Tweedie; carol,' "Holy. Night.
Peaceful Nighee the schdol: piano
duet, Mary Parsons. and 'teethe Craw-
ford; -violin •.• solo,' ellitmewsque,"
Keith, 'Nineteen; piano solo, Realm
Crawford; play, "The Chi•Istrnas Burg-.
ar." Miss aliddleton's (lass; Piano
duet, atarie Thomas and Willo Hoey;
recitation and chorus, 'The FiVe
Stars," Miss „Lela/let's' elasse carol,
"Stars all"Brightay Beaniingt" SelloOl;
diorite, "Rally Round the Chrietrnas
Tree." Miss Nafteles class. .'
The winners of the diplomas were
as follows: Gladys and Albert Shore
obtained prizes for 'Highest marks Iii
the primary school, while the follow-
ing were the winnera of the sPecial
awards ih the. mare' school:* Punctu-
ality, Prank Bowra; 'church attend -
ewe.. .elfeed 'Sturdy; memory work,
Mabel 'Garrick; daily Bible readings,
Lillian •Garriek; written home work,
Mary Parsons and Laura. Sturdy, egnal.
.The Batelat Tree
Faithful •Member of Tee Stanateritalf
• tiles Suddenly' 'Last Friday
With 'deep Enid- gpanerai regret the
newts Wag tearn last. Friday, morning
that John Ile.Nairre one of llotteriell'A'
well known ettizene, had ens -welted the
iinal summons; Not only. . was tile
news of 411114' death. of painful surprise
to (he citizens- but to his asSoelates 01
The Signal office where be NVOM i vale-
eble• worker 'foe versa did, the an-
nonoceenent eome as a gra:U.8110de
While. his health had been failing for
several months Itis &MOO wasnot
noticeable 'except. to the immediate
neettbere. of his 'felony. and 0.00871-
quvntiv. irk Relish* away was all 1110
greater %hock to. • the continently. A
few days• before • Christmas he was
tinted to • cease work and .While hie
eonclition at first was such that there
was no apparent cause for anxiety an
acute. Wok aof asthma- developed,atig
companied by a serious heart wadi: -
nese, whieli, • resulted - in his sudden
death nn Friday abont-noon; "jack"
was a native of Goderiele being born
here about sixty-two years nee,- He
was ette seeorat gen ..of the late. John.
Nairn who wag anuing tile Pioneer
settlers...a 'this theality. In -early boy -
boodle* joined the staff of The (lode -
rich Star and after completinghis
apprenticeship team as a eompo•eiteg
he . spent several.' years in Detroit and
Saginaw newspaper °filets. tater work-
ing for The Seaforth Expositor, for a
time. Ile returned to Goderich about
fifteen years ago and atter working
for .4 few years-011ie' Sear .oMee be
joined The Slgnalsttff and hi. els. con-
nection with the local Preass, proved
himself to be one -of the nioet 'eye)
employees. Throngh big death the
eportIng, fraternity of Proderich loses a
wettable suppotter.• tile wen lieelaY
•interested In basebell and was scarce-
ly less Interested in bocliey and Was
looking forever& with eager' Interest lo•
the activities of the Ooderielt club this
winter. •In Knox church- be Was an
ever -faithful attendant und in the ea -
Parity of usherbe was a wanly Mlle
-Oat for years.. In ' the home of big
bratheie air. Charles- A. :e:airti, Keays
street. with W11001 be had' lived stnee
lilts return to (lieleriell. he win he'
sadly MISSed, while his ,leatit is
Mourned by two oilier.. brothers and
tour sisters: eirs. S. Ta ilavill and
Miss Agneg Nairn, ball of Detroit;
MISR% 'eatery and Jennie Nairn and
Mr, eGerirge. 'Nairn, ail of Walkarville,
arelaair, George Nairn, of lethiand,
California. The . funerel took pia&
from Inn late home 4417 eunoley after-,
noloneto Maitland eittnetery. neve 11.
C. efelternad, pastor Of Knox
In wheel thee dereasedhad lone. Wen
a faithful worlier, offielated al the
house and graveside.•The pallbearers
were: tre&1 *Weir, 'Reg. Sharman,
Harry Watson, 41haties Muir, W. J.
Met:math and Hector " Hays. These
Who -were bore from 47 41114441M to at.
tend the funeral were: aira. J. T.
tIlt and eliee Armee Nairn, both of
Detroit.' and Mr. Time -tag Nara, of
Walkerville. :kitting •'lite • beautiful
floral , Wirelike were: t, otToes from
Ienox Omelet; a wreatigfrom Godeelelt
hoeing, and baseball canon one ,frent
Rik of lag *intimate Mende, one from
IV eller Mae one tr.ent else Signet
etaft. ate, Iwo 'tom the tenuity ralit-
• that he had asked her to belp him and
M'Odell -Theat re Ili..(111.t4P.)..1,11,oritiilioicifot'fblipLilselln:::1.,5:'
from the tree until each child hadhis
WEEK &JANUARY 16 TO' 21 or her arms full. 1When the visitors
Mashy and Tuesday
"The Rouse II Whispers"
Episode 12 of The Son df Tarzan
"Merrie's Ride ia the Night"
Weiumalay and Thursday
• in the Lasky flit
"One A Minute"
The 11*11 RoomBoyin
"aired and Fired"
Friday *ad Saturday
rate Love''
tory fesMedy
cough Luck"
llkostawro-blos. laid Wedeesass 4.,14
Ilatettoty tit 1100 Olk.
Tors tall *tares every *At at IX
0. la. rod
retired after wishihs 'the children a
Merry Christine,
they left as haPPY
O bunch of ehildren souk' be found
anywhere in the -county. And those
who took part in the preparationg and
those 'who by their gifts made mud*
a thing possible will amply reward-
ed by the vplendid guccese of
Gloristnias gathering.
The following is a list if eontribit-
tions whirl! are gratefully aeknow.
ledged by the exeentive: P. H. em-
ployees, $123: Workeres Adult
Bible Claes. Blythe $44; Media Temple,
London, $n; Women's Inet flu te.
Wroxeter, $10; G. Seer $2; Win.
Zimmer, Zurich. $1,50; Blyth Woreente
Institute, tata: eolleetion by Dreember
(;rand Jury. $815O: Amity Bible Glass.
1111411. ei3.1:1; afra. N. T. Adams, a2; H.
M. liattalass. eate Gooleriell Salt 4n,810: Latie itentley, ee•o; elm -Deg
nolister. se; W. C. T. le. et:redeem.
$1: .1. A. Stewart. Seabortit. ea; reed
G. Wolf', 51; Chase liatrow,
carrie. el; Mra. Geo. White, Myth. al:
'rs. Toeconto, Sig 'Wee
Lent telineston, Daslitvoold. 83: Mira
Mi; Mrs. W. II. toorovii.
!volt. ea: Lentlesboro Melltielist Sun-
day 5111100.!,Hammer 4elub. it.
teeee 11011(4 ralOn 00(1gas; Frrit QlooppaTil. 4,1ailst-
enae gine: Me and Meg J.. W. :4ruoitial
#zliti41.1: trailli cake Pea e• Sete tea,
title te wt ta7.41.P
lented gifte 1b 00
The Baptist ehureit Sunda.y eehool
had its.. Christmag tree and entertahie
Meet on Thersday evening, Dee. the basement of the cluirele eir.
Jas. Campbell,' superinteedept of the
settee!: 4.meepled the chair, and a ear -
led progrem of Wings; recitationg,
(tepee, piano , solos and duets was
Oven, mostly- by the eblitiren. Then
Santa Claus appeared and distributed
the eresents from the tree. There
'Wag a 4,,,00d.., attoilda nee and all seem-
ed to have a great time-
Kitox Chitral
The annual Clireittnas entertainment
in ronneetion with Knoa eburell 'Sab-
bath eehool was held on Tuesday,. Jan.
10th, Ore last a tile Chelstteae enter-
tainthents, but a very sueressful event.
The enteriainnlent teak the fornt of a
suppo r for the boys and girls, followed
by a program given by Seholars
and a few -older *eve. It certainly
wage sight to see the happy Wee of
the youngstere at the tables •and the
way lite ''1 L1 .disappeared showed
that ail possessed very healthy appe-
tite.s. As stein rot lite supper Was Mier
the tables were elogired away anti a
eight good miming Mug song maned,
when all joined in singing old tivior-
ites. the seholUrs calling for one and
anc,ther cuing ag faney suggested. My
the way they did sing! Then when
ail was ready the program 11P gat.
1i,-. R. C. eleltermid rodeo) :7;enairman
and a long and interegther progrant
Was given Mk given in flee styie. late
following' were the 11,011:)'1-;1:Song. "Merry Bells t'laily Ringing:"
aeitation, levoithy Thonlpson: eborus.
"The reteettmae Travellere;" *noun
*noun;:, Rose 'Matheson: reei!m
tation ettle
eteDionalot; Pere Menne :i';.;1.: /Tei.
elethitge - knit, *glebe Urea. gene,
te, w, At. ;-1.. Co', See Seiler elieege, -Cattier ea heel tit geeetreagiore :net. Pew .* it-
% feel. late it ;1]..,,,-* 811 litcria5,41," (.MC10141(4-4 va XI;
• id -Winter Sale.
uoys' All.wool Ribbed Hose
• .20 dozen boys all -wool ribbed hose.
English fi
'make, % to special9s.
Special Values in Winter
Won:lents-extra quality Turnbull's
vests in high's neck long slteves oE
low peck short sleeves, in white, spec-
ial value $x.25 cock. Drawers to
match $/.25 pair.
Cretonne Aprons, 98c
Something new in aprons, Polly
Prim style made from good quality,
ftured crettounes. special 93c each.
Plaids and Serges, 95c yard
Specal for this week only, several
pieces of Scotch Plaids and Serges, for
Children's, dresses and separate skirts,
regular values up to $2.75. for 95e yd.
Cord Velvets Clearing at 950
All colors of. ohr reinlar $1.
values cord velvets, 27" ., wide, salc•
price 95c yard.
• Special Values in Bath Towels
- 500
The .biggest value isr bath, towel
• we . baize ever shown. Zrtra heavY
• quality Turkish Towels, size 2X 4S
Just a few left. only pc each
ticolette Blouses, $345
A real snap in fancy tricolette
blouses, low neck short sleeves, all
colors, all sizes, clearing at $3‘4S each.
All-wook .Blanket Cloth, $2.50
• All -wool .blanket cloth for. child-.
ren's coats IA colors of navy, green,
brown and red, extra, good quality,
56 inch wide, regular value $3.75, sale
- price $2.5o.
New Coroets New Prints New Galatetts
Now is the Time to Do 'Wu. 'Spring Sewing
The more you shop at the Scotch Store the better you will. like it
70 i„ which this year- .contribu ee '29
Six young otneiee euelliariee. \vita
L total membership a .180 ('(11)1101.'')!$1,063. Twelve neseion-bantigi With et
total membersiiip or" an, eontributine
811'12u;iring eear senior. life Mem-
bers and seven'. junior lint neenbees
weee .enrolled, .Eighj, hundred. pi 110(114
11 exeellent elottleg, value,' air Sella
''0.'1'4' 8111Oped 10' the Indian. echnoi at
Portage. La .Pratrie... •
true Mlle* eleeted-were;
Honore- erealtiente. IP. N. Lar-
kin, Salatortie. (1710. Mrs, Jas. "Hamilton,
Goderieh; presitientgaeirs. J. • le ii4)0,
Clinton; . that vice president-a:ties.
edeKenzie, Bel/field; second- vitae pre-
sident -Mee. S, McLean, , Egnionde'llie;
third Vire proidente-Mrs. Kidd,
Thames • Road; fourth .viee presidentge
eirs. Gardener, Myth; 'mere -tare -Miss
11, I. Graham,Se
' ,aforth; lreasurer--
MC. Dunlop, Iioderteh: mission
band seeretary-- Mrs. le X. le, Laeey,
.lieatortle; • supply Itteeretary--ales. W.
0, Fair, electfortite aesistant supply
.secretary-alrs. Seott, • Clinton; lit-
erature .fognitary aetrs.. Nate!, Goole -
rich ; Megsenger. seeretary-gehs. :a. G.
Cdadwin, Pewter; press see/retire
oet% atee- -
M. It. intesTia Brueelield; hm
helpers' seeeetare.-Mre. A. elinleeth.
KIPPene- Strangers'. .geeretary.-Mrs. M•e
glIensell; library seeretary-M
I'2'- rs.
Urquhart, Itirktone -Auxiliary'
Secretary, :tiro. • lea. 'Telford, Meth;
'Porwaed -movement seeretary,
Ross. Auburn; temvener of lite none -
Mating rommitteogelmeetnore, ghee
ton; life. membershipe were presented
Mem. le 41. Deleuety, Mier! Evelyn Moyne
and N117414 Janet Smith.
tation. Billy Tbouipsion: seeltoree.
"thristmag itelige° reeltatiene "Hera
ham and Fratives iehonapeen; .dialogue.
!Amite. Nfeflonalil arid Dorothy Timing.
gala; eliortte, "Moonlight Mee-
' eager reeitation, Tont 0.1)0.1110.-
illiristfilati Wife aro Gaily itinginga"
ThrlIka Hell; Solo, Pauline
eleEtvon; tlialegne. leele Wilsenal
eW-eg reeltatlen. Veetia efoero; violin
eelo, Itenglaci teeitetien, Mee.
girarite olicalogua.
:111r4. 11ofig Appolroteri •President, .111re.
Ifareiltort Iteeloned
Hamilton. 'Mee. .1. efeltomeiti.
MN. Imam. 'Mee. Nettie, Nfi,-,c; 1:4-V71J.
0,41. 14'4-(4 Port( r. 31104 1101:)0 am) Mites
!eine %tele:tete attended the mewed
14417414 1'4 mooting of the iluron •Prril-1
•rh:, 1011A to eateasole tea lateglay ana re-
port zi 2100 firPoillig and epicadid lies.
Maitre on the oart• of the Chtitioa
11' 'id.: Mr. Ilinilailfen tgatignee her
phalli -a aa Pr.:lidera aig Mee. lieeg,
eleitera. mete appointed co pie eel. nt
10 00. pave. relict:if,: ye/eaten!
ereetael. ThrN, t,.1.04 a ego ego _
:mete re-p..0e pieetailled ma. re
‚-- NkI1 _
Staab the Now Y6ar right by
increasing your 31eetilr appli-
See our i1i91)1ay of
Electric Irons
Electric Washing Machiaes
Electric Vacuuns Cleavers,
Electric 'Stoves
Coffee Pecelaters
Grills, Etc.
Bug Mare Lanitil at Your
Own Stott. --
TeWli OF
north Side of Stowe ifyilro.Stoto
dore Stock -Taking
To Clear Out a Few Lines
We are offering some very special
values which you Cannotafford to
.rniss. Come in and 'see' the goods.
Bargains Ili all Ready -to -Wear. Departments,
including some special lines in Coats, Dresses, Skirts,
Blouses and Smocks, also in
Children's and' Ivliise& Coats, sizes from 6 to
14 yeara„ liped throughont, regular prices were from
$6.50 to 7.50 for $4,9.5.. ,
. Another lot of Misses' Coats, lined througont„
regular prices from $r3.95 to $14..50 for
Inspection invited.
Girl& Dresses, sizes from 3 to 14 years, all
wool serge, nicely trimmed, regalar $5.5o 'for
run line of Men's Wear, Suits, Overcoats,
Trousers„ Underwear, etc., all at lowest prices before
stoCktaking. •
West Side Square The New Store Goierich, est
Bargain in Newspapers
Here is a. Reed Bargain the Greatest Valise
Ever Offered, in Canada
stiorlieoffi'modoefirtirefah Steoastr e$ols.00ts a$1,;30ear.a ',l?*?.°wither% terstaalrlyolfeveraralt Nesticellit
to both mem for $2.71.
An- E.tellent
with The Family licrahl and Weekly Nei is lactated a row et as sae
Canadian Coat of Arms in thrt-lheratille toilet% rilre Ifottr lattbos. Mit
beautiful plate ShOUI J ,Ittuar-in, every CaotMoit bogie. Orr; boy
girl Rhould be taught te describe the Goitadhar Cost bf Arbob. A MN'
e sent frte 16 all who stet* IldS al" tatilmal
Send Your Order to The Goolorich Star
a \