The Goderich Star, 1922-01-12, Page 2e Vt. J. UM 1 LCD 41 THEIR, SIGNIFICANCE. ,9Villicunc13anli5, Premiers Briene cer Frame mei Maya. will' Been. ter, la ptV.Tal iir,illtaV,J9,, 14 OrOrige 1.4 Britain Imo had thcle tirst walla of puro Canadian no.i..C1, J$ ,i eellVcrt,atison at, Ceentee Femetifileeella galeet the 25' pee cent nickel *inn ,the regret that ,,waiK to pressure .,I tuner it. re eakt that it was emoted le the 7.5 13:2 COW, COplts•!? 14.5C11 in the l'. oiled II, outtkr this Uf: Pk We 4' .1114 ot publien qucstian *4 ow i7,,,yataak reparatlon pay. tete:tee -11veecent piece. It lies tile the letteo In full ; but wMAI.e below ments anti the pessibility ot a moratove ramrod hcati of tee bang on one eitte the tint et the letter dealiug wale ium after tbe Beet etaemeat in Apra tale awl on teePeolireate Cazadian &else. ethite .that enter into lite milk tie -altar's , tit the enft of the eear. Meade. i on wad wording on tee other. This new buelnetie, millet* Pim bu et -gig -Meiling, of Italy v.ho Saki' aceieed at Clnlike to 4 ' realizes the hove f oCanadlon Mriikitfii . i. ina wa folo:• . ialte part in the disenesion of mattees mining Inert and malty others who in Mr. Knight's r;cent 1,31ter, at tnterbest 19 the Allies, 3 WTOrlial 40 Inlve rev Zical'o tng4 the nee of CeIt lla- toto e *aye that I f 41euol on a tit .hi (tete be in favor of the .11ritledi leaCilian nickel. in ow' tinaller cotes. is ell milk tower thne a* ceper nts ihreughout ale II,e iert 3 ' i t to be expeeted that this will 1ee4 quer,. I Visit to. state emphatit:ally 14t the gloat 11 '-'1 involved...to the immediate resumptIon of nickel , Iltat I del net etwet the price of milk. Italy indeed Lee beeti consistentlY mining .on a, very hese. lea 6ea,,s the n'2..• 41 ‚‚1! 1' b.4 Itif, e%tonters only a Ails - en . the sida. of largaln in the nowt required for ouch coinage' count for ,,caiat " ter the moutit or De - problems' of the after the war ;tea. Weald ly bo gonmarativesmall. But It (Tallier. The prieee of milk wat s sni tote, in sa far es thea concern.. her in. is art iinibeatIon ef the uses to '1' 11. . la cent* met !lie discount earfle 1111 teresis. The teaditioaat Lenasitep ot the. nickel can be put. Better- tint it be that mice. 1 del this to get thy ae. oin two countries wens til bave ,beep more used in the cage of a =Mu end In efunts all eloseti up by tee-ena of the nrollyeeengentieloivith the passlog of the many Useful articles ot everydey eaear. I reconsidered this, and decided : thrte though Britain has Mem firm use to which it is now applied, than it was uot fair to flie °thee' milk, deal- ers and their custn oerre, 60 withdrew *meet agaillSt 0zoi .et Italian flakes in the avanding at aratameets. .....- , e 4 , * * - • ' theeolter, Serbia and Albanta. The • inunediate Canada ban Jte oWn way hardens, no I have ae good ettorners as any which Infrloge4 upon the riSilte of , Ogreeniellis Coached at the conferences less proportionatelY thau greater 11 1- milk dealer In town. 'they do not run of the premiere and 1)44' assembly of Bens that Were la the struggle from big bills. Ilet mjoarity ner vech arge the lite enibesSadere fettovVing Hi have leo the first. At borne we are apt to Blink a ticket ; Sonic pay each day, in interest Lir the world af diPlornaey fetidly of the large amount due front bottle. others when • their tieketa are then the ineSeasing evidences of a de- ibis to other tounteleiefor money bore Mme, but a few will run theirs along. termination oa the pert of Frence to. rowed to "Tarry on." Once In a ma -nic and then pay pare ot them -and leave secure o defoliate (donee "pain Britain. we ere. reminded that there are other one or two. In this way, I always A neetIOn 'Or Atte rreech press is eon- shies to the question. .aueli a remind- haw) sante lieteets eltargd. .eMy idea vineea that Hants ilto aim' of Premier Or comes let a further . statement that was to ive a pr :gemium to each eust. BMW. The press ot other eouittrlea. the British. for got it. 'It rests with government had otner who Pa bate not. hl for his ticket when. he wetthing,..the progress of flat French, unit. success M trying to arrange th Me customers . attitude et the Wasbington Disartna- the Canadian geseenntent the- repay. whether they tot* advantage of this, anent conferenee. has been eimeinced merit 14 an' part of the 'primeval or but in 'this way, ail are treated; alike, Mutt it had an obeeetiVe not clear' on tile interest on. Hie eight MilliOn d011ar Mule I think every dealer in anything tUrface. There has been need of ,caution' trade 'eredit ;Dada In 1919. Romero, eliould give a ,eteiett prernitun tor, *rat ore itn, the tiandung er roattere. aloe owes both principal. and kite est casin • :between Foutte and IlriVin of late. It on. trade oredit ot twenty million 01. I have to pay Mr. IlisSettiat 'es' farm. .1ges pot been nelped by tno attitude Of A labs, It. IS till() that this rouotry had, 7 91' per quart. tor . the milk. I Me - certain seetiola or the peeoch press the benefit of expenditeres to these liver. He Is the OWIlOr of the Huron athich ie aiwaes certain thet Britain amounts on goode anti produee aotight Reearnd jititroyltill.evi7esgniwepiowtorle tlaa 1.: sets The wee .or tepee errangernent. here. But the nianufacturere and en years. I_ ave. the tieliVery • The trOuhie IS eolIiPlleated. by lbe fact ProcitiCires who shipGreece and .twelve ped to , That between members ef The preach Itouroanla 'Ware :laid from borrowed route .only --I exerage r2,5 quarte of eanieeet and the newepapere ot pails in money for Which Canada Is respon- milk per team at 5 cents ,L quart preen particular, there is often a , very 0106e fettle and !Mist .nieet hoth principal Which Is 4$6.25 a. day; Out of that ;1. ed .o. m of ponieo, 'watch I cowed. releelenthip. Some of Weep papersanae and interest if the countries to which fe Therefore ,ne noleing 00. ocmition the Oren credits :were extended eontInde .'r 410 not, cost me any .more than one L disappoint tier, Ais hi reeee ' the WE(' horse...shooing casts a little mart *ter whom batman They ilea -Widen London marina trying to seeure e nebut not as w mueliteae it would to„bird Ole sentiments of the particular Min- entiniente nlay be diametrically oppos. Manebut Its .rettunsewill.. all be 'wee. an extra berSe Part of elle year. bee ed to tthe clews of iho other membere lowedup in the obligations she, has causaround e 'one. big horse will Ilot tin the or rhe orgorit ,or soros at them Bet aseuined t14. tee war with Turkey. • work the year , If a ran runs •a .farin • in conneetion.with his delivery it Ont. of Itio insistente Of Vrarice atae ette varione gathevings that have dealt - wherever her intereSts. are at stake r011te and ten chengir horses, the bee.- with Matters of ImPortence 40 die al - Bee anj. to the world .at :large, there tomes a 'better UndeestAndinge with Britain, muelt will be overlooked, The .lerltielt governmeut has Alreada 'gene eut far. 5,6 le vottal in aasuring France nf import . against a -renewal at Gera xnan uagreetauft. Veltether the British teedino, are eixty-eive ante per busk, people!. tiOugh Parliainent, •wetild ap.. tocaY-.1O eauele Iftt i - a , prove ot aeliard. and fast, alliance • ree trains hi be seen. For the aalte of att.• •vrateing tbe eause et peace the world : aver, tlitt.eellg10.43apaneep alliance. le on th I, 3.va? to foimat, eceapping in teeter of a paet wilit'llrliWn, Japan. the' len, „Bed States and. Patine- es the PrinellIal powere concerned. A de n. • 1 . ,beeotAPetennerFAkconeribe° lannedtionnIt4rtidnitaglisItt'allieffael "?'1‘"!illtljoleNtve. araater4.relane°1rin°artenresd'rellaatsivbaecino. Waite that Weeal.l'oullIfy. much of the their interestein Chita theY 'stand on. good tonna oe, ten I,eaguo ef Netter* ,the • sante Plane .as. the other powers, work and 'that of the WaShington. eon. baying interests "ihere None01'them pereneo, . The worldele 'More interest- wania to ghat up annthing; the More Al today in a seund elan tor its:,re.. so beeaus,e-Cbina Is not. en a positieli tabilitatiolt on 'adonetnie 1110 ',fitment la enforce. het. euggeeeions and , re., ee In eseaeinee to,•-flui, agiaretwilizentent quests witir the threat_ of greet Mill - at . any • power or powers; -Lloyd tary oir naval movements,. most of *vow pi eredille.S with...hal/Ina suelt a the troubles at Chtria orise from her Plau ready for eletteission. It 'Will be own eyeekneseen It le wee . for tile , -worth *bele nsou.e.ide‘rinsie at.. any ratee i:setelateteauPshev., net:ttitonlhamtistillieaatriatotrtioatliommoor: southern 11,030.4 has been a tong. rot- such as characterizes the Japan- ree5:*1 Stilitteettleeill8arele4-6rDekiIningm•r,"vlstiottoleRtoitzeol• time. in. 'Making up ets mind as to MI - 1.411A -0_ _otf...,,t131.sestirteacviyauslidglizedo 41..11,14; self 'eustoined self eontroiled, Gleina. Iler niplomatists 'have presented their 'which .t°111e °Ur.13f fitY *tit° seeiltiTe7. Thee' do the least for the milkman and luty ,that the .113 . Or I "V" V views :with OMNI and wisdom, which 1 • sometimes bave. til- wale. demand the inOst.lou do -the least tor wleasisiabuelf4eelirneail21111..25, or $11. a dai tmlioestbfursolinne.s6thenuite,e13: Mid., Itmian4 • parhantent-has .i.i'en responsible tor . . . , . , . ,. lb° dela, f" MIIII thUnielfal baih" F1R U es f the I st ..e 'Sus 114',' And ,Jottbctierfireutrbiltieesfrregan tgattnoeleS,t;eanstly's. compAerted, Qfor• 6_ otaaria',( onod •-pice. nu?: reit,Ittsgt RoarYten_feri 'Z' • alalilisissetsantelir inloY0-, as to the :Eldon street farmer . erid ' SIN Ste . Veleta hati Made a stubborn Proripea n' ppitlila_ii«0 of a,929,0541 coma . and setneillnes as low. ;a8 $1.20.- So .1111te7.11at ‘,t1rIalleldtrs!ebvbeeon'aite4 absebbaretliseldnets: fight Melina. eerlite ihat thee who .leare'et .witie :ettearit 1 A 1°1 ti d ett" anew- the eiritisit etemperareent knoW bjeut_weousert:cev:OoneosItaalpeirrestitt:sitnvots,fineeseeloinnleve flonturaneldtlerneisitvsmerlIgliwnie‘niv°13:0:1.11sntv,t1l.1.8.1tortutainvect l.rtieerne give their names.. The teldon steet far - they. represent trio last limit of 111 50(410 resteetii 11 eY ,rner -ts a nasty •one. ills sarcasm ought living without food. The rOliteggl°06 PaSSII'IS at tht$ Iltne'. tritte older 4irtirol comMunities This As ts't11° Pro€106er or thki milks hall rIctemIcaerekPa 'obfilna. Tao without his real mune 1 is a develoiment 'which is not 4111 the WY° to state bls figures. I don't, knoW given are net' !Worth notiollig. Whatever may come Itt the lattUre re- illtar ist °erlearillit:t; tItintila treitnett)le .dthilacelsh% best. intereits of. an egrieoltural pro- ienTs$11€atle3bp3rttestetinitseellelee.ritildsod.aaie7sebusii;.1 ..bsassuileoss,,the one Who has been ' in the vluee like Ontario,. It ottias a proh- ' he's 'a has-been all rIghL Sinn Velltcrs, who OhsUilate th6 WU tern for her etate men and others in has about 0,000 invested in -cows be- He's so far: out of datfavelth la Ideas Eireann, are dieldeol attinongst Ahern- eee., serv_ it . sides horses. 10 de farm work, imPlee ..ot helping the -milk sUiSlily With Water se)ves as sharply as aro ths.Sintt Petits PunuC tCe. , • .0 . .* , get any cheaper In prlee. grain to buy ments ,which do . wear •out and do not from. the old wooden COW, that beet atmouneement that:the marriage or for seed, taxes ror pm 00 doing end btoe‘l‘t.ser bon 1141 iialel..NWvaaster.arieltuPeity.bulisliS. VIVI and the most mephitic of Grantee- , ., men. 'Unless the breach is bealea the. A EPLY TO MR. WWII? Agostior Mad Buds: (thee some Eisures et Milk Dram' Costs 1 13 ela5,-s crawing graeaa ea titeat a Weeveneea fleoetteery. ere.20; E. Feeiee, i boric,' deawitig :.4V i. 42,40; W. Lee, reeteseen real, eetait; E, fieretteviii, Work en *Gal, MAP; ll'e Pislier, C Nerd.) j? %.1 at 15 coats, Pee.; N1411. Figier. 8 hour* deawina XeaYel, eaSdri. Ilai,„8 boure drawme, Fame le II. Eaerant. 7 bouta ratite; titters, Kild: RoY Liukleter. tewnseiti ebare- Iof 4traiu cm higlavay et Laelova. re ft. Forrester, 141-tieurs gravelling, ea e ear& gravel at lee, eneene.00; Roy Liaktater. gravellieg on AnifieldI boun- 11 : :017.1 ;ea'-4dork; tri.a.5051,74f7'adr*itedrgarwaivnegi agrt °..lvereri, 49.70, 10.6.20; A. Attire sravellina at. TET WINCARNIS build you tip stoekaards. tte; A. Mneford. refuna of Jugs i*** tistirw your waiting , dog tali. 82; Jas. Jewel, repairs to strOfflitio-talft UP Mr oraton. gratiee and scraper. 611.40; IL M. Wiatariets io a eonesintratad food Straughan, SO yards gravel at 45e, 812. II es. atinine Inas :sIttedeplY vdal"urtollirg3f;170,eirelL. istienrgviceevsaslars- ---ei nerve t•onie. out at Beni:oilier e0, el3.50; Jos. Mc- Cann, 1 gay graveling, $0.; 4ienry Mat- thevve. 1 day gravelling e6; tioderich Man. 4.19,JT.td.. plank, *28,02; Wm. Har- d . 11 Imestrie y. rpta eairing hannon's hill. Wes 4.4 t , Wawanoeh boundary, *5; Signal PrInt- renniiterst OOLIfflAw il% CO.„ 1,18sios4,, ing Co., 4 Ltd. -eollector's 'supplies, x•romai, gap 3t1a0; atunielpal World aupplies. Offeet ff Preetail St., 'Nem* 4.21; Aston Fisher, 11 sheep killed by rook X len. Socket Dinstool. it tlogs, $1081, O. Young. 2 cords 4?; Oa d ' ""''' ."';'' for township ball $10, pipughing e• townelliP lot 26, telephoning T.5,„ 821; A. 5lugford. 4 deyff team on Toad. lib *days work,e28,i10: D. Pitblado, 3 dars. type of Inert who keep a eow or two Jean), on road,. $18.; Ira Good, .3. day and sell their milk lat in cents a quart,' team on road. $4; II. Wolters, 3 days: and think they are doing wonders for .drawing gravel, eis; F. equated, * day the town. In reality they are very poor team on read 86, e days shovellieg $6, eitlzens. They are law -beakers if -rimy •etei Lloyd evaluate a tato days draw, do net pay a ileense for each cow, not have rows- and stables inspected, alegie!grraalfye•ell tr$1,140°,'. 623i 9 .1 -OT 441. W.A6 1111134)V , 2IT S ttmitemilir tested, and eelL thole', milkeill. daysliewellIng geevel.$7.50, 242 wards • bottles, anti if they tto ih.ey are bottle some licensed nallonan OF11$. At 10 emits a quart they are Making double .profit, as I pay 7 cents a Tait fin- mita .bottled at the Mem, and to slap in cans is 6 eentii a attare delivered at the sta.. Hon. If the membees of the eouriell would tiee to it that all these dealers in milk had the law enforced on them, or be madeto stop 'willing milk, it would be more to the point than knock- ing delrymert, bakers and butchers, whoosorne of theke have servea the .gravel, 823.10;,A. Vanatone, 3 days people of thetterielt for 30 /ears, We irree drevelog egeavel 423.10; S. Von - milkmen Would have larger routes and stone, 2 dal's. 81/4 bra. •drawing gravel. (maid sett intik cheaper If this were terelo; C. letaltera. 1 day draying -gra- vel; $0; Wm. Melfikilinney, / day draw- ing gravel, Vet S. Heddle, 2 days, 4 hrs. wslio°rZilionn6 lagireveett'l*e $17-ifid1,1 $(10.3' 0;111.06sheittst.' Kerr, work on road, 810.60; 0. Allin, Tier ,,eetar Das D-..r.ivrel a ,lettcr freto Mr. 'Wilson aianagcr lite Ae- on *toad Dairy. in Inlay to Mr. Kinglet,. 411 the queOlou or unik prices. wA Get Well (1;440 WilYCATVY1S‘ gravel at toe. $34,...0„. et3.80, F. Berry, ila daystearn on scraper, e0. Glide ers, i day teilat Oil scraper $6. le 44Y shovellIna 01,50. $7.50; E4. Hardy, 1 day team on scraper, Mt A. Coml. 0.10 days team on road $11.40, ePlk gee, 14 8-10 deo road soperinten t 866,6V $78,25r S. Gardner. 0-10 days team, on road 2140, B. Jewel g-10 days team on Toad, 87.30i Wm. 'Lorne, 4 deYs. hrs. drawing. gravel. MAO: E. Vanstone, 3 days, eta hrs. drawing done, as it le lust aa easy to delleer e00 quarts of int% as it is.100, and very little more expense. People in town may produee what they can for their own use, bet where they start eelling their Oalry proeuets to neigh- bors and frtends, the Oilier of Po- BOXS AND GIRLS I Nine In sold join our Christmas Club. now. You. wilt please your- parents when you do, and thee will help Val earn ereatish to make your payments. TWO CENTS, esti !dart you. The following tablee explain the different Clubs: • INCREASING CLUB PLAN Put In lo, 2e, 50 or 100 the first weak. INCREASE your deposit 2ok 50 or 'Mauch week. In 50 Weeks: lc Club 01)Ya $12.75 , • So Club pays* MIS 20 Club Ma $20.00 100 Chlb Pori $1F443 DECREASING CLUB PLAN Start with the largest sum and Gleoreisis your deposit* each week. This Is a very popular pialt• . EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN. _ Put In the SAME AMOUNT Mkt labeic. In 50 weeks: 25a Club pays $12,50 $5.00 Club pays $2S0.00 50* Club pays F,00 $10,00 Club PaYo 000.00' $1.00 Club pays .00 $20.00 Club Pea* S1.000.00 *ZOO Club pays ODA WA Club PIA S2,500.00 We invite every Boy and Girl, and every IMP and Weatan to Iola our Club. It makes "SAVERS" -net °SPENDERS.", - We WIII weleonie you. We pay,3 per cent. on Chrisbnas Club &Wits.: . BANK OF HAMILTON repatrIng OtIlVerti 01.5Q; A. (I, 'Clark, , Every womon Blies to beast that she noel her husband trained before she married Mire , supplies tor hall end weigh seales. In china japan holds the whip mind vY ono might be Preferable. Count"' lice does for examPle it Is then the law $3,15; a. 11, gernighan, telePhone leas i one following, eceounte we're paid; and lis deteriuMed not to forego her' lag Ilfteen °Plita tt tI°Y sll°ellIff SL4413. 'must he /enforced- on them as it bi oll ou.O. Ten, j4 10 Ja* 10eagam 7 yds. , Ezra, Fisher, 1 .64eep kiiled by dogs, adretatages, Teat is the Meaning of for each horse every three weeks), us. 'The milkmen in TorOnto do not grayei at 15e, $1,00. gravelling $3.06, 87; $1.0; IL 1' hopped salary as S. A. 0. Lee cents a day for upkeep of wagon have to :ge dawn out-otatheaway it, tMoMillan, 6 buebels 4 lbs., crate at for 021, so; postage. '1 741 R. J. Itow-: the despatelies from . NN'ashington and barness and %Mat daY for feed. in, winter lo scattered emstomers W1.10 55e,. -ordered by eolutell in 1021 for Ino• ewe, sliovel. for cemetery. $2,85; Gode- whielt eontInue to represent the iwo countries is Deituf far apart on many which is a IOW figure aO 1 have not- take from people 'having COWS. retiking ilutellison, $3.50; It. ef. Young, PoStage otell stLer aecouat 25,05; printing balletS alight tattle arnieaely. TIAn china, of ate -Manitoba nate, 0111Y Oats wortu hoped they Paid less than al5 a tort far hay tiles questions whioh it was ago; •Tite,white Irian evoke' Joan, Up. s ii-stett-set lt.ts-e'll14 r°1 - Today, she is a power, to he enekened ling; and bran $1.10 pee bundredweig with. aloniogeneotts .and a41 3305044, e-41.2.41 Ver tIttY l° an "ttti` ligtteP the people of -Jaean Itave Mat to Vit4tSon* '11411141g and: berses'IvetestilstY, team in, the arts or war or dipioniaoy bilis extrseal had • herse sPrein ills 'rota eoe, -no; , Thew -attitude legetwo, wens ego end. It luid fitaad mid :conduct throtighout Wasitioge 'With blister .for tett does . and bed to bire another). That leaves Me 81..23, ton negotiations ,10.80 fat AS tha'great,.. from. eaaeri, .e5' Per day. Out of Allis teoderiela. sornettrueseget as -high 4es. eer• day I buy .bottlee, .stoPpers and 4 ..pee emit. milk,' or from .onc-qoarter, waning powder. During the last Year to aneethirdbetter Milk. If in smaller .pt°e‘ev.nSstilit'teltrt,ellnotitd114,idlans.111 I have bought two barrels etoppers places they sell for:less than 12 cents .fonoetang.. took tee . dee:etre n 0 - 40191lliii:arl!folai". qatikkg/1;,tirree„groas (4,4) bottlefk it Is becaUSe.Sonvorte ents..prieese and &ea Reeve,. C. A. atobertsaii; 'eouri- at.elecen eents, te.te.52; lour grose 1376) .ottiers ere' toeced to to maintain (heir 'cillors-Je'hn Earallarle Aldhl Irit bottles.ate 0 tents, $51.84e Utrea trade, beee.use If a rnan lats-frorn Feagaa, • ege .aV/Yellelatte l( 1115 f-48-25, aett/"..$000 to 86,000 envested in a busInees ler The. b.usines.s of the year •Was • then 101-.01 8180.11. That averages over aftY is.a little car.eful bow he.fools, it 'away. commerteed. Minutes of last meeting rents oe day ever 'a whole- year; - Si) Ile leseS moneet at less than 12 cents were read and agopted, tnotioll of that leaverie•nie. $1.50 per day. In order to earn this $arre a' day Ited•to invest bfauetthlteeee.•Posn.°11.t1113/gPg. it IltlaY beS•bt.4.tel' (Irahant. end reliant... The • clerk was No, Mr:I:night,' yea are like, ROrne Or Nunleleal World. for use of the 11 pmt 1,:iietalraledte,odiertko,ier,oeure co,.plee. the. .milk customers. Who tike three days a Week: and give the' milkman eommunieetion was • read trent bleep% if lie forgets. waleb day . be is fron.'„II, C., Nixon (Prey, Secy.) asking .to ,m11. or if on, a stormy day hees. late .the eouncil (1) if they were in favor they tell item' he must get there 'earlier. of extending the menteipale Irancithet to tbe dalightere,:rOte.,, of those at 1144' peesent time. .qualinea to vote. .a4. municipal eleetioes; (2) .1...that la- Oreage should be mada• In the' nuMber Of municipal 'electors ,required .to co. 'title a inunitripality to representation' In, the county couteil by,. lot ,deptity reeve,. 2od. deputy1'4103iand:third de. •puty !reeve; (3)• to waat extent if arty. Meanie, • the 'assessment ef a munioi- nality 'the ,basifi of rearesentatien •Ine the eatintY commit. The p,lerk was instructed to reply .to .questierts and 2 -Yes, providing there will 'be 'no In - °tease in the Meinbership of .the coun- ty colleen. Questlea a' Was Ahswered. -42,000,000 or under, 1 representative; between 2 axel 3 million, 2 repreeenta during the summer and pasturing' on streets in vviater to satterad eustent- 'ere Who take from. people having cOW6 mIlkingA during the summer and Pas- tor n hat Is the se - eclat reason milk. is 12 tents n , • . Another reason wh'y milk is, cheaper in the eities-they'get 3 per eent. The °ream is .taketn out until only 3 per cent. ebetterfat is left People In ated stationery, el2; Iletheriagt011, SUS, 03.03; I. Hetherington, election postage one eupplies 420, telelphene oxpeoSes, $51.45; Gordon Young ex - 5; Board 'ot Health aecounts, e24;40t peases for S. White to House of Re - Wm. McIntosh, plank. $2.00; total paid fuge, $1.75.; Municipal World, 6 copies, t at tneetina, $1.738,33. Total paid ee. • ate -0000A, n Council adjourned to Tuesday, Feb. This 0Oneluded the business of th, 130 p. m, riveting. Next .statutory meeting of I. IIETI1gRINaTON, Clerk. the catmeil will be held 'Monday, Jen. 9tie at 11:1. me 022. • The` municipal conned'. of Coiborne 0114 8600 in the milk route. If 0116 of my hoeees dies that is a total loss, alld tO buy a good delivery horse Is not art easy task, bemuse it homes should run away and break bottles atid we - goo that Is an atm expense. all of atoterutilita bottry lboarinddelitaiiplpeeitir :setts 115 433r- .silifilititeiesaskeettparbaroanodn'tree,bornlinotylAais8eellaess taltrileasyh,inagiibdillish.atto itrth all day 01' 88.75 esiae; isimetinelc opiateldis traheamy ' ubpo qtsitedte. tst. enemies toted hope to see it. been followed by pilotage erop of rume pay for extra man six months Ther. 1 is a wendettui eontrast between ors WRardillEt the probabilities of elle. of tie yaw. so the 125 , quarts elle •(!tallelneseliks. tiroeerdlitg° of `111° 111.111" ilt Wales martYing 661" MI. 01 milk I sell at 12 ets. a quart for $15 Wealth Parlianient In paseIng the Ir. tisk lady of title. None of these have a ilay VW'S, has to keep three men and the treater, yet been aecorded anything 10 the thrir taratlies, and there% a 101 01' mon. telt measure. enabodYluS 'and the quarrel over tbe latter in the rimy of . att official basis., Meanwhile ey invested in perishable things, in ,ere Aeceptettee (Italie treaty the Prime has eaatinued als conquest der to have that tit; a day emus ha would so le tone veer toward a' per- of Indet anti Burma. The attempted aliment settlement ot the 'Irish quo,- boYcott Ogairist him has failed utterly. (Ion in the °plaice of many obervere. • • * * tilASSia end Finnind ere reported to • .Indieations point to au early election be at loggerheads over a 'territorial In Britain. math same toitgible result, dispute. Finland payo it it a case foe from the Washington 'conference to the ;Ramie 0,11:aliens to settle and °tut to, Wall Ow Irish question at Smut 113Vo she will be MI the'League latent tor ell time ihan it luts been tor Massing troop on their trontters. feast . on a better reed toward dente. that IS neetssary, Both are reported centuries, .and with BrItain leading to Observera 'lite y Pam Hussite say that try to get a sliee °It the Principal, he'd , , the steps ter the restoration or maw. the ttoope there are in good eondetion, be a Wleer Malt than he is today. The Colborne Township Council to Deeldes tity to the war waCked. lands of Cur. well diselPfined end loYal to the S'o« farmer Is hard hit these days with \ -Salaries Witccima, Appointments . ope, pander Lloyd George and bis viet, while eanin seems to retain their farm manes low arid Manufeetured \ ,.......... supportea would Imo a strong plat. favor. Finland has 'shown that She ean alleles still high, That Is where the . . fortri to present to, the electorate. The fight. The linitei States, through Its drop in. prleeo must come -through the The municipal COnticil of the Town- ,00sition nt, tino Asstattidan Taiberet pie- relief mil.surcs organisatiOn, and the manutaeturers. Ally011e '.‚.ho seas that shin of Colborne met in the township ty at lids nue is problematical. 8 other pewera by reason of Itussices good dater eows cen be belled fer 430 hall Dec Eith, as per etatute. inembers ,does not aoprst, to fine gahaelt Ilny desire to trade with them; may bt is misinformed. Beet eattle are veal. all eresent. Reeve 'toting in the chair. camera* etreeeili in the last tow able to prevent no outbreak of anolle rhea% but a good tisiry COW Selig. tOr The ' minutes ot laot rateting &vac front VS to $100. It in doubt eonsult read rat -Waged. 011 motion of Fisher 'Years. The very law eoalition Litter. Pe nasly war. ) the daily papers and leek for prices of and ki ahem., - .• ' als wbo haVe Si.c?'11 Me& 10 HS rattan , wily warn FADEs nostmos a mention Holsteins for Mr, lt, woa moved by Fisher. -Seconded have not Indueret auy considerable ene lenightee benefit, who may not linow by Curter, that Bylaw No. 13. be pas- thuslasue throngle tit Aim cauntra, tor owe Doe Entirely to poor. the name of a gomil breed. of dairy cow.) sed susaenelifee the 5 Per cent addition the party. *Tiile Lebor party is eteporte C Arfother states that a cow that sold a on unpaid taxes on the 1921 collector's ell to have been preparing for a cen- Watery Mood. year Age tor $150 ean be beught for roil for Dee. 130, 1021. Culled. ...... riding. Not a) Lein nito,anYt:16.‘11,3„.,,t14,„„.: W11091 of, frotn WorX thoretighly lired .mare 'rather than arainst him. If tie leis time be extended to Feb. 1st., Inena NERVOUS tree lee. eonnatiate. and to have deter - 4 'Mined to ?lave a eanditiate in every „ „au, .wri ,4.‘no voturns bum, prow ten, This is untrue, and ir ,:t were true Collector reverted that the tateee St wouldbe an argtiment for the &Ire.. were not all Oollectea and 4:tsked that mitagetesieg ci large born? of P-er •fibasieel brealelown. becauseget- 1111EADACIIIES .4 oreinst the workeea Atulag, idey 1,,,,•..- ..,•aii. will be, tortoonte, ii, she empes a bought COWS tor ti:10 a e'er age and Tillie Wee granted on motion, of Robe -rt - ./1r "" 0 pinI0ft la Britain by their Insistence ring tem so easily is mbainy the had to eteltrthem for $50 new, he would son <end Currey. hoe lost, 1100 in a year en one 4' 4'.'., et bylaw- iNo. 141 was Daggett fixing cooLo NOT suesp Nitwits +limn wageff anti ether conditions that Drat warning symptom et a Iltituretelt battles its feed, which would be MO the hour of tibminetion at i p. tn. Dee. esti" fist' 'be ('`Ettw4'tVilt tal‘13K t° linsite ),1t .4 that ninit sot be illiiregarenet it There leis tarn a greet adaMeentent In ...,,)t ken 19' 1404 mom bccolum thin and eaelt pow during the est veer. a very low, and It a .41 be demanded elee NCIteu tbe Per" 6(.61" "stilt"; paying busineest rid and loftier oconentic coalitions, bor brim ts to be pregrtrit. quart5p of milk ha gave away from Slit, ran. at he township t all. Car- e tuipodesents, of ,latf,g bcox.,v4,. A‘ith 1.611,0e4.7,1ro patimir.10amoo 1011,,, bag, ""Mett far atiVihtihktit' cg-'8ttietip wetted nee 111°4 tp°retteeldhliegeld ‘,.*L°11.1111tel?‘)Iltaeren*Ittle joiring. the hand*. 1)1"31 Ym. "jilt 61tePP "II Thltlit)41ri"rt"tlb-ifF4 ttli:st:? ittira ttliIli."STAIS;15411'1.11. !Ire atly ritillAri 11.• rStlit fir011m4 hilettalructliire7 :elriallsel°11111‘tvelatlik ,t4i°tf $111100411: anit elthseietilladsterly° aTee4.1(03restmdevere.°IdeP ' isd. : CTiorlonn°'-owt: Ind; 'Yvtitliletiff;r°61wtigtatlik°114:thaientbi!‘ yttglitietilemtrl; .. roitownPrw‘di, to:.etel‘K' egtil'hIl:i g",•44.',P:4\-railkil Partiln (44+1 er ibit::±1rtit 1:V4117001111 loudly if 44i,00 should slip qiWAY. COW6 salary as reeve e- 1 Aaron Fieh4a-, sal. . MILISURIVS um lobar 1,,v;., Tilzerc is at tilts am c .. are telling cheaper by a) becalm ary as councillor, .,'int George Ctirrey, NtANT AND ROWE .11111,11 two, . (vat ea ee et terniieuza, at. -will get (rem bat to Worse, if PrernPe *omit farmers teinnot lift -'r0 to fetel sanity ae coutteillereeed; C. A. Robert- eteesa. the emaerearene foe Iteat, ft ts thricn lite 4/19°3 411111"" la 141144.' 4tik''' WI tint 0 31-51. ads ',afar were hat Ily OratiaM. salary vs couneiltor. 850: It. IrsttdeYatreritaittaNcitte *Altlingtuotehttkott wIll*kokir *All VA MOOT h(A,V tiliticz, tt, 14 1.4 ofve. toy pe. t_tokett Jo ‘Lrevt•tor, ti,,rt'l MN% as it ‚.‚.ill bt well tes well the son. salary as ranneinor. 'ene; s. It. .„1. ,,„„t . a eeneeedeeteetion the rich. red btood that beings the glow a wattle 41treeliing. '.s';1 11 nee.,Asitates 51 Young, Salary as treasuriy. a150: L *creme seetene irtortmeepat eeolge. coffee faTioNhRt of beolth. no ether neetteine tem InolOal 1 two* Mr. PAM W. %Woe, xeiroect, tilor,-, *T.:stn. wl&h eeme caret Hetherington. salary US clerk. WO; la i et. Vnturre 215 eeate greed st IS rent?. MS., vrntor..,-..-"/ have been troubled, IOW eotwbF.-9, tla it:3 SOOK At WilhikwilO Pint Pill°. It in1441,..* dd. ;7•741 (wont., 44 v„-1.,1 te Rae it, one. A file hist their tt*e litillIN r*IF 4r4'101,. ',X,,u. prople of 'iiNlerielk, they a tql.7,11: ,%. Me:Menne grading -0d teem. roe sevtra yews with *mous Wild, oar, im or.440,10 macro '4'1' ,14041)t bright rypi, * ot.leit 4,4pPellt• Ana tkoo41 „'''a number ef rearems vibe' milk at tied- her. elifeteK Win, PeAlor. fer3(1:1"k and manes and they were tgo 954 I mild a arerane ed0.50: Win> Thom. loading sot steep at night*. Ity bonds pot wield too ?ohm)* l'a 1' .14 in an et. sPirito. tor, _,_Wililo.„nr4 ._Plo.._11 P4_14 ha,e,,,,ae Vent EA AA cheaper, Iowa hotel thio siring. It ',noun' lit h.**. iheaa""YrA 4" ratr. 1".111W1 *"-'" V, You k' "t too rents bettlete which aaki Vaming. MAO; Jae. SNroinotton, sot eine, I teem itoedie took saytliate wow fae iii. rkithih Vie Illap:nt If Ito aetive emi atrong. ten the first AIAA liel,Ymt ileq, thrk *Altman sitinvc on your 91,i 'Ards gravel et 13 tante, $13.70; la the**. A itielki tuad sw 10*47 Md. was otrioaleratitst SA likely of freer. Ate bleed Ifti*WW" tibt"1" in ' ' PA n I rY tatelVo* With iinis an4 Idiom in, 3 t.F.,, witoon. eft Item AA Shell Nalua. buirceit 'Tout wed Nerve Pah, as T ret atifirry., oloweav., nt, mi ahr,to te the sae upon Mir deughteii taking A ' Volt 4r** tektlectMA $0 SA roaey as aern tea. tli !teary i-reemarentrainimt a- *oboe sad begs" to het better *her I ;11.opee, vi. fair teeuree 1.4 th•OP WI. Thai will MIMI If 11 risy feet thtm the, .,..amt &s ,f..-1 itth rencessien at Ne. 5. el, 11, MA tslit* thtic Itostiormettirtere amer. • • • • lett enty roitine. manta but will *eve i „ei, p fent% a rent sritt 11 (ante 41t a: AA n'Atall, 14 eterele gravel at 15 amid 116W / *al ibit Wet Wilfrid with The *ref two (P.4,! s .1! t!p rt..* Call, rsItt!ifl st4c101,, bills In Ow eini'A- the' holtIfY; With 1nonic er a 4 nte, *43 43. fe, itIntorR 2 *tee drew- wertientimere. amid moil tectessolood those ale Si* 4.14 r ''''l weri) resetiVd 14r. wilitArnie Pink rile can be "1" 4 AO la AP' Olt co ttY, etre\ et; re , i,,,t *mei, *It IA, nerdy. t dtqA to aar tot itIon boa aerie thomo,-- Iiira sod tootg 'win 'when Itplr 14, tii”..1 from ,in) ilool•r in rnettle.in• or milk r* left, eato erg tree.% etIr, Den Illtbletre f Pike 5er a hos se ilii difiairte. or. ffet Wed% tr th• *Iasi Mtrit, st teN min st 30 rimig 4 hem ne Yht ben,* t) Vv., vill,'% :sr,, net bit eeet r.".) wilit ti3O, virAWINIt Xratel,. 4104 amt. Pilblado. mailed 'Writ est rret;ot cA by the , - , , T•rembe. sod operstort IA• pram whlah (Yr et* from th• toe WIM110101. Mr.& At Mildt Of fl If!•11 etrei? ttrop,r,s VA , 1 +1!1!,' tirgottea atevel. le; P. ?Wier. 5 i mows C« are wee ere ty.11 in Pe Ittateeea' Atee went on Peet at5• " 14.314""` Calt -11111011 the MITA th• 1100ft «it", ,04110,1 .-1,!,.. # , or,....‘,Imr, 010 tires. Bylaw No. i was passed rescinding all lamer, bylaws in reference to ont. Probably if .he'd used a little • more eerie' salaries and nxing the following; bran he'd be in the 'business yet) And Reeve and eatincillors $30 melt per the dairy cow he spmks of ,.. *Mott annum, Councillor 11111 Moving a mo - gives 7 quarts of Milk 36e dela in the tin that melt reeeive $10 --no second- aear never existed unless it.was before or; the elerkeeettalarY, $150; treasureree, the flood. A good, dairy eow givea trona $150; assessor$85: eolleetor, 290; it) to 12 qtrarta a day:when At 'her best, auditors each 'V. Bylaw No. 2 was pained appointing the following °M- acrae Collector, E. A. Mitchell; as- sessor. Thee. °IL Wilson; audito14s- J110. Young and Iiturie Outten; Board of Ilealth-member appointed by counell-Allaa Wilson; sanitary in- speetors-Wiri. Straughan, IL Glen, J. 1).. earrish, 'Geo. Fowler; siteep valua- tors -A. at. Straugliall# Sas. Mt -Manus, W. E. Robertson, Jas. Watson; fence viewers --Ed. Shaw, Sr., Win. Seams, Jas. Nitatsone, llobertsot, John Long, R. Moore and 1. Jenkins; pound - keepers -C. Fisher, J. C. McCann, Jno, Long, E. Jackman And C. Walters; schbol attendance 'pater -A. P. Shop- per'. 4 • Moved by Graham, seconded by 11111 That A. Good by road seperintendent tor 1022. eatery fixed later. Carried. ;„%toved by Graham, seconded by lin, (Dat that the following wage scale up to the lot ot April be for. man and team, .15e. per -hour, for thae. work, 20e an hour. Cerried. Acres of land, buildings, eta, do not and decreases to one quart a ciao when alwalts 'denote ItrsPeritY. If Knight •nearly dry. 'and is etret. from oue to medal bac fig the banks give the fent- eis the aoung nfie needs the rionarish ere in erder that -they limy buy stoek molt eVert if elat isn't giving milk., he would be staggered- And it would - keep itina busy figuring up the Intereet FAVORS EXTENDING MUNICIPAL they paid this year. If he tad to slave reAtioniss To II/0m • knew Just' hot heavily some farms itiree months of the year, and she needs are mortgated and just how much Ma, plenty ot feed 12 menths.ef the year, early anti late to pay thia Interest end ' • • For Infante and hilliSe F40 30.Yeare bears the Signatut 1111111111f . . • . ?Apro,r " eie * . • it waiting. for your message? The Tele- phone is at your elbow -and over the tele- phone you always get a hearing. How much of your traveler's time is spent in selling? While he Is on the train or , cooling his heels in an outer office,,,waiting, you or he might be talking to the customer by Long Distance, making anbther sale. One merchant estimates that 46% of a saledinan's time is spent in travelling - that only IS% of his time goes, to actual selling. Ile sells only while the- other mart Is listening! "It enables a salesman to cover fen towns a day and sty- at home," writes the Banking Service Corpotation, Limited, Toronto. A banker tells us that every day's delay in1 turnover costs Canadian business men one million dollar& lf you placed orders by Long Distance and secured shipment the same day, or next, by:, how many' dollars would it increase your turnover? We have yet to hear of a business that has not been benefited by an increased use of Long Distance. Apply, the classified Long Distance schedule to your business consist- ently, and you 341 secure good results. Our msrr,wiU give you hearty, intelligent (*operation. ette. Pie the 4.8ell t Selr , LC .Ear of the Public!. 11111 LIU TICLXMONIC COMPANY or CALNADA