The Goderich Star, 1922-01-02, Page 5TillelKSIDAS„reee 4h. tow GODUSCIII .4010101.110.00 MI MX Buy ADVERTISED Toilet Goods • 61 In y'our wee's- sad monthly inegazinee, in journals of dosses, in alt prominent publicnvspapers, newspapers, certitin toilet ar. Odes and preparations are ad- vertised, The theme of alt vertleing in this day is absolute truth. Toilet preparations helve become popular throttott Pub- licity. They must have * value , or people do not buy them a- 0�10. We sell all the advertisedto1Let.1eeds, toilet _needs, both imported and tioneOtie. They forint& "every- thing In powders, creams, lo., Home' soaps, talcums and per. fumes. Let us know . youe winit$. tor all netionially-known goods. .. "Ery our Drug Store Eirst". Campbell The Penslar Store Phone 90 The Square %Web. it nigintsilits, 4,.4oitt iteersetaraty during *he weft grtua it kotuton, tee* waterwes. „ vt.from ttwat, relie eing tite tetteeeele t\A atre . h,' i•atabitelloteat ot hoe dud i et eaat n wetter. it. le o. oessa Errialtt relict+ would fall *Mee uttets;great oitetit 11.4 the s'grrioto 0( ittrsint 11 4nt 0, tact thet ettorntotte X A3- h wetilii then e 4t41., mere stay to tettedr Award& tranoportetein ie eileoper Iften reit,rnii seed in eest.,rit t etteibt, thee 04 tru' leper, ef JAN5ARY 9 TO 14 ewe are poeeiltle to toe lierse over the small propeller. Atthuush the rwight carg4.4 rigbe am- bled, the er,ot carrsing it hs means doubles, It is but 4 Upi1 ex- ample rif the edvantageti of tares seele ittiterpritio, Its searniuge, thereteres being greeter, under active eanipeti-: tion the pieeeibility eet redeceit freight ratwould become more ef a reality. editninetien of four Ir1f' ifl few years, Althougn the area of tan-. elliPPing grain from the head of the ...arta is greater than that 'td the Unitreis Laiws to Europe would lw another Statee. 'yet its populstiou today is not important saving which would he lets- 'one-tenth that of the Republic to the sib.ere there direet, deep wat,v south which la already becoming swore route to title.water. Generally. toe.. populated. (4nada, then, must be there la a shortage of weight at -prepared or an inilux of settlers, awl eastern elevitore when baata are un- her 'railroads -relieved as inuelt as lats.' loaded, due perhaps to impreper ethic of Me carriage or hufit eommo- dhles that they 'night better be c.-teib, with tile great t Nee, tit t ee yet, 10 wising it to the heal of the E'er eeeraphe in Matrell of tele seer, 1.0"111111 owl OM& there was aluteet etoettalt ef last , sear's. grain erop *till etored elosae ALICE LAKE tors in the intkrior 4 if fl' leetwliee IN 'Weit, awaiting eltipment the eleva. " *charted Seas's ter* at Port Arthur and Fort William, ft Then, tea, the empulatieft ot Canada is bound to inerease within the next Episode 11 0 "The Son of Torzau" "Ashes of Love Weinualay awl 'Thursday Durreakand Edith ,folutson in The Vitaoraph Sward weighing faeilities but more often to the feet that cub time the grain .to cope With Me trate ot a more po- handled there is a • certain waste- pulsus -country in -carrying the. Whore "sweepitige,r carelessly threwit eatlre' prived prodacte On Windt It is poerehle .hoerd, and grain eareftilly stowed a.- ter them ti) Mahe a profit. way hy unserupulous men, ta be sent (tut this is a digression froia the home eithPr to he Sold or• to be used point under discussian tts tit the bene - as eilleken-feeri, Then, too. Mere is a tits which evoulti neeessarily aeerue certain loss in 1, -V -eight each time grain from the earriage of grain direst from is transferred due to the excessive a- the head of the. Lakes to Europe. A mount of dust and chett which Is very great advantage of such witted he wasted during each of these operations that the same grabs Would reach the -particularly is this noticeable in the ,toreign importer as Was ,liiptitL "1 handling or corn. To • the Onlooker,from the head of the Istites-no matter thls might seem negligible, but eleva- ',whether that pert he Poet William, tor superintendents maintain that, in Duluth or Chicago -and that the sawn - very Mousead bushels or grain trans- :pie of ..grain received would exactly tared,. there Is, on an eWerage, thirty coincide with. the Inepeetion Cere pounds -of a -doss due to 'invisible tlfeeate issued at the place ot export, \caste." Transferring grain also tends This at preseot, unfortunately, IS not to break the kernels, and reduce the always the case. with the'result that quality of the grain generally. ,the Importer often becomes dissater Ai -tether strong argument in favor of fled, and this naturally. results In In- jury to the gram trade of Canada and the:United States. Grein, too, can be grown more eheaply ifl Australia, the Argentine, India, Russia and Roumania bane of itandlIng the trade. This was than in .North America so, if Canada exceedingly well illustrated in, the and the United States are desirous of case of Montreal 'this last summer Continuing to compete with these when it was elearly demonstrated that countries in- the beetmarkets, it will ,•that-eity•c•ould not handle the Anted- hnnecesaarY for _the Wahl to .reach its .can grain which was being shipped ultimate destination In thebeet pos- ry, via Canada to Europe in order.to Bible- condition, coinciding with the " tain the lement of the cheaper freight gradeCirtitiate issued by the Gov- retes in this country Montreal, could erneacht or the country exporting the not unload the canal beats 'fast en- grain and, above all, ata price with+. .ough with the result that the Eleva- will compete with that offered by the Lor s at Port Colborne became congest-• exporters of ,those nations 'Which Can ed, andecoald handle no more ,grain. grow lt more cheat -nee And this ean (Continued from page 4) The, Grand Trunk elevators at Mid- only be done by cutting dawn us much land -and Depot flattop were blocked as fineable the cost of transportation Of the Lakes to Europe. As Dee Cana- from. 'Ulna to time through lack of from the North American grale tleidS dian Deep Waterways and Power As- ears- it • was Impossible to get thern to Europe. The Deeper ,Waterway sociation poieted out in a statement •unioaded at Montreal fast enough.. Aseadations in Canada and in the Ca- le/hi& It presented to the Internatien- •The C. P. It. Elevator at Peet hteNieoll, Ited States, the,reforts maintain that al Joint Commission when in session and the Transit and. Mill Elevators at the only thing left for Their respective at Detroit onehlerch 301i of this year -e, Goderich atone Were able to keep 'nations to it is to unit", and recoil. "Canada. has aireaeyeee ail intents and going, end that was eolelybecause the etroet the bt. Lavvrence Lanai System lintrpoSea,. committed ei elf Ito the C. P. R. Wesel:hie tellferifish these elee so as to allow ships drawing 25feet demelopMent or the St. rence wat- vetors :with new careebuilt last Yeo.r of water to enter the Great Lakes. A • erway when site r k the con- without depending 'on those hela at saving of at, least Tye -cents per bushel struction, of -the new elland-Caual. 'Montreal' , on wheat, they elairn, could then be -That. worts is-ellogiettl hd--eXtreva:s • • inighe very well be aegned whip mode slittmiessetrom-ethe-olfelidof unless toliewed uP etria ng ocean the CM -maims. railroads would have lost the Lakes to Europe. • boats aeeess Lto Lake 1 tine lucrative trade had. the, St. But would Were be • a. retUrrr etri.go But, atter ail, wo o be the renee beens capable, of navigation be for lhese Ships? There is every 'yea- - eeonemte.eadvan tag*... grain trade' ocean •steamers.. However, although son to believe • there would, just as , of Canadateeseetethirlffilte es 'that it Canada hasa vast railroud system, it there., is to New York and Montreal to- % c'!iiled the ' deepening of St, ha 's prove,' itself many times to he dee, lett with the added advantage to remit Canal ,Sysient would g ? more than adequate for Canada's 'Canada that British merchandise could Port William e Poet' Arthu eeds, There have' indeed been flume then be taken up the Its to the rain exchange says yes Mei, in an on e , us -occasions during vie, last few port., nearest its ultimate destinations deavor to .uhLa n ilal. i Is cialm, give:, I year. when prompt delivery ,of freight and could, therefore, be sold'at a priee rIt‘. a ,,number 'of outstanding advantages has hem imposerble-rpartientarly relatively cheaper than , heretofore • .- - effirstrioncustitirien2icusgsaeloctistp 4101121711SIT.q2113112131111131111313/111201 elle Deep Alatertvaas." Seherne 'front the point of view of the grain trade le that MOntreal And New York bave from time to time shaven their ineaPae A GODERICH BOY ON • THE DEEP WATERWAY "Where Men are Men', Tuo-Reel Comedy "Torchy Mixes In" Friday and Saturday MITCHELL LEWIS la "Children of Banishment" Christie Comedy -"Southern Exposure Mathiee--Moliday • and Wednesday and Saturday at 3.00 p, rn Two full shows every night at 740 p.ot., and 9 .We wish One and alt a prosperous NOW Tear, VAR tti5ON) STOCK•sTAKINGIND CLEAIII 11 WE WILL CLEAR OUT 1' 4. A- 4. 4- 4- 4. 4. 4- 4- 4. 4*. 4. 4. 4. 4. '1" All Broken Lines of our Shoe Stook • invite YOU to take advantage of the exceptionally great values we offer. Only a partial list of the goods we h.ve to offer are listed here. Come and see for yotirself. • Grey Bud( Oxford, reg. $7.50 for $3.98 Women',sBtack Kid Oxford, Louis heel, reg. $8.50 for •$5.75 Wemen's Black Kangaroo Oxford, reg. $7.50 for $4.98 Women's Black Plain Pump, low heel, reg. $4.50 for $2.98 Women'l Black Patent Ties, Louis heel, reg. 58.00 for $3.98 ,Women's Black Patent Pumps, Lath heel, reg. $7.00 for $3.98 Women's Black Patent Oxford, Louis heel, reg. $5.50 for $3.98 Women's Black' Kid Oxford, Louis heel, reg. $5.00 for $2.98 Women's Brown Kid and Calf Boots, low heels, reg. $6.50 and rd $7.50 for $4.50 which, eonffilnet With . the ,Pr4erene.• tial Teethe would give Mese goodee a deoided. advantage over American nier- ehandise of the same kind. Thus, a pew demand for 'British goods would he produced .wttleh would Mean More return cargoes to Canada. -cheaper merehandise for Canada, aud the build- ing. up ot a Wade' sttreeEmptee mutually ,ttdcantageops to the two countries voncerned.- The imports Canada receives eaeh year front the United States are indeed no small Rem. In 020, these ,antounts eft to approximately §80e,000,000 'and, when it :Is considered that 75 per cent. of these came from the eastern pet.; UM of the United States; and 'could have been carried -front Athentie. . sea- ports to the lake poet nearest their 'ultimate destination, it Is not at all dillieult to realize the great satieg wheel could 'have been effeeted had this been done. .Chief .antong these imports front the United States, -how- ever, is billunitmes eoal for winch, In, 1010, Canada paid 686,000,000 for 13,- 000,000 tons -10,000;000 itons of Which AmLitt...1),01.01ok-,414A6,---The--Canadian- Deep - 'Waterways and Power Asserta- tion ,claintsthat this importation Is nntleceSsary, and that coal front the Maritime Provinces could supply tio; Ontario market, at. any ratolo 111 eonk- Petition WIth coal inverted troio the United -States, \Tit Bic St. Lawrence deepened to allow the ,Passage of steamers of 8.000 to 1.2,000 tons cam- Coalfrom Nova Seotia van to- day be carried as farWest. as,flornwall in romPetitioh.with ,coal from the Uu- ited States and this last.month, as an - experiment; a canal boat even brought a load as far west as Toronto. This,. of course,- was., only- made possible front the fact that ilanadlan currency Is today 'below .par in. the. Unitc.1 States, that American vital is at pre- sent exceedingly fri&-pritied at the - tube; due tO MCPSSIVA .dernandR of the -miners,- and that the tittitedz.titates tloyernment is eorripeiling mine -own- ers to exhauht all old mines first; inanY of which had even beim abandoned -- and, lu so dolug, • 10 IISP WO Most Modern, mut extensive means of safe- guardingtheir nten. Ilowevetr, it .would he possible to use Nova Scotia 'coat fru Ontario In -normal tines. it ships of sufficient draught eould. come uhe p tSt. Lawrence, It is even •pos- ethic diet -Canatia may he compelihd to use her owneot within a few Years, for it is not to be -expected that the Caned States will teeth -nee for long to allow Canada to mistime so Muchof her coal each .year, Tnronto lumbee • merchants (*taint that pine eouid shipped by water fromBritish, Columbia to Toronto via the Panama Canal more eeonomically than hy „rag across Canada. The Pre- sident of a well-known rubber eofl- ern, too, is-:atithority for the state- ment that, since the principal item In' the cost of rubber 'is freight, if shtp-, penis could /reach Toronto by ocean steamer -without breaking .freight, the cost of trianufaetpre of automobile tires waled' be lowered considerably, and this would result in a saving to the Canadian motorist. ' But, says the New York Merehaffite Aseoehition, to :bring pecan -going hips into lake ports; would require the deepenIngeef harbors on the 'Great Lakes at a -cost of et least .100,000,000 anti also.. it might be stated in follow- ing out the sante line of argument; would require, the deepening of many of the channels in the St. Marys River, Straits of alarkinare IlliVer $t. Clair, Lake .S1, Clair; Detroit, „River, and.. in the western • end of Lake Erie.' Of eourse, It • is grantee, this would be necessary if it were intended to allow Immediately the entrance of Warners id 15,000 to 20,000 tone, such us the Mauretania. Neverthelees, and this Is a' feet aehleh is not gvnerally at least 73 per tion. of the steamers afloat the waters of the world could he accomModated by the chan- nels and take ports as they are todn for, with the exception of the Welland Canal which is as Veit not completed. and the ports on Lain- inittirio 11;ttre hitherto had no need for more than I lfret of water, •iliere is a. mum depth of 10 feet in all harbors .inst eimiteeting waters of any Import - ;owe whatsoe.ver. 4-'. 1111 the exeeptintt. eiturse. of the St. Lawremer River, The • Lake Ontario pork and particu- lar* Toronto, 111,'.''. 41', have beeeme so .conylriced that the fit. Lawrenri. ?,'hent(' must -be undertaken temper or later that (they are right now making extensive harbor im- provements. They intend to he ready aecornovelato the fleet iieeatt 'steam- ers r10 enter the Great Lakes, and he. lieve that any outlay they may make • Women's Patent High Boots, Louis- heel, welt sole, reg. $10.00 • for. $6.75 • Women's Spats, felt, reg. $1.50 for 98c Women's Spats, .felt, reg. $2.50 for $1.98 Women's Spats, broadcloth, reg. $3.50 for $2.98 Men's Black talf Bal's, reg. $10.00 for $6.50 , Men's Brown, Neolin soles,- reg. $9.00, $7.50 and $6.50 for $4.50 Men's Black Box Calf Bars, reg. $4.75 for $3.75 Men's Heat Boots, reg. $5.0 , $5.50 and $6.00 for $4.175 9nESCICY1C11 TO Ei Mid -Winter Sale During this month we are cleaning out all odd lines previous to stocktaking and to make room for new Spring Goods now arriving, Bargains in Wornen's Coats Wirer Women's Coat an our racks must be disposed, of this mouth. gaily people have not yet bought their 'Winter Coats. They were waiting till after the New Year. Now'is th.eir chance. Women's Coats that sold up to $6o.00, Sale Price $37.5o Women's Coats that sold up to $45,00. Sale Price $23.50' • ' Women's Coats that sold tlp to $35.00, Sale Price $2x.!io Other Coats from $5.00 1.1.P. Dresses. Dresses Dresses The Dresses have got their marching orders., •Out they must go.. •Rvery dress in stock has .been reduced to less:than cast price. In Serges, Tricotines, Taffetta and Duchess Silks, dresses from $4.9°5 each. All Wool 'Pullovers, Two Prices, $3.75 and $4.95 • . • Our entire stock of fink All Wool Pullovers marked -down for Speedy; Clearance. Values up to 'being cleared at $4495) 141) to $6.00 at $3,95. • _, Clearance of Knitted Caps, Tarns and Toques, 39c Just a clearing of all our odd Wool Caps in most popular styles, all colors, to clear at 390 each. • Jurnper Flanrtels Jumper Flannels Special value in :28. ineh All Wool Juniper Flannel, all :popular shades, regular value $i42, special sale price .$1.00 per yard. • SWO#Pillg :Reductions in. Furs, Special Bargains in All Departments The Store That Serves' You Beet Muir -Further Notice We Will Close .Saturday Nights at 0 p. Please Shop Early waormwesoliallnialwilleallawarimiweennesliesalla, , and two at New york, When it hr; considered, too, that the 'Widener? frout Chicago to Liverpool -via the Erie Can- al awl the. Hudson Myer' is 008 miles whereas via the St. Lawrence route it is 383e miles, It Is to be wondered Jost what .the -Association means when ft says -that Marie Aline WOUld .be spent' in transit. titan is now required. It sbould not be at all difficult to see that the length of the voyage would be • reduted by 452 miles,. 'and that there would be eliallnated -tour trans,' Tors with their, ,attendant waste of tirne, 'money, etc. Even today, *as a result Of . the shorter route, it is cheaper to ship via. 1:Montreal thee N'ew, 'York. • r Perhaps ante of the strongest argu- merits against thes Si. tawrettee yelopment.Scheme which has been ail. yenned en the United States 1146 beet?' that,..shoUld war break out betWeen .Great Britain and the United States, this deep. wateeway vvould admit MI - Usti warships Which eould then 'de- stroy the American reties :thing the. St. Lawrenee and the Great Lakes. Such - a eltatement, howeeer, has little of. value in.. It' for. were the dread- noughte of either nation -to attempt to enter the Ions. it . be. but a simple matter. for the other- nation to destroy the molts brifthell fire. At no plaee Mons the St. Lawrence would thelecks be• more than it tete thous- and feet from either shore. However. nvar between these two English- speaking countries Is not at all 1)1(1 hall". for It ;would be disastrous, ritlt. only to themselves,. but to the It vvould, indeed, be Well if Canadian , • . '7",r'7"---.^ • mei America"' ;MA4%111011 generally S‘NetIlltal itt<11 talo,. ti) t irdt)ixritidsite4?«ti • the St: Lawrenee Deep Waterways\ movement in- the United -States Om. stress,.• and waseeeponsible for the Governmetit et that eountry taking' 'an jeterest .inethe , projeet -by adopting motIon to have the international Joint Commission looketnto the mat- ter of •reeonstrueting. the St, Lawrenee. Canal System when ho said o• "As -a Senator of the:United States I 'will not be inthieneed 1,onshiPrIng, any leg- islation • affecting .our relations with -Canada by any thoury that the United 'States and .4treat Britain . here. after tire:mite Ineolsist 10 -Whir between ottifsehree r. .trate eompletion .of • tile St. Lawrence Canal • shalt he the pledge that the friendship between 114 shall never iliP.". After consideration of the many Boys Box *p Bars, 'sizes 1 to 5, reg. $4.00 for $3.25 on their harbors today will he amply Boys' Heavy Chrome BlOchers, 1 to 5, re'g. $5.00 for $3.50 =X tretraPrr Boys' Heavy Horse Bluchers, sizes.. 1 to 5, reg. $4.50 for $3.50 '1 n' hag been Boys' 'Heavy Split Bars, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $3.50 for $1.98 atitineell tilo "riPcy York Sierehatits' Aseollatteit is to 910 effect that noire thee wetild be event in traireit than le nose required during which PVIOPliSIPct and many other lines too ratmerous to mention. %oat efgaikuip. 11 is tital(Tal„ diflknit to und, letilch how It 1%0.01 tahe TER1VIS CAS1T-No goods at reduced prices sent on approval. orc. to travel by direet route via. the • ;14W -thine (heal and the st, Laeseenee /beat 1.41.1tinn to leveepool than it aloca at the percent time when four trend?". es have 14 be made, dtve • Pod Celbeeite, and tyro at Montr. or. if vIcrting to gte re Canal, as the AeseetatiOrt doubt 10, hOW it would teke tenger to go by rug st. Lawreno!, to Etlf411,, Magi via the Prto (Anal tsdtb, two imesfao At Buffalo HERN'S 13 OT SHOP 111211=1 IOC iraiomommamairmi 1 YDRO ECTRIC STORE Start the New Y6,r right by baorealing your aleetrie appli anee. Seo our diapi,by or Electric Irons Electric Washing Machines Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Stoves Coffee Pecolaters drills, Etc. Buy Hydro" Lamp at Your Own Store. WATER An LIMIT COMMISSION tswm OF 1100FRICH, North 0 Somas Hydra Start gutacc ts filch tolgist be Advatiec.1 from bath sides, an Vint •an. flye many w111021 mqually arr.. Mbianeed, it V.ould 88001, • then, that the reroustruolon, of •• the St. Lawrenec ;anal Syhtt to is eessar,y•• to the eiemosnie •develiainient - of thiestheted Settee one Gemmel, and . - that, lf fcasible and- eeouprateelly pOtt„. sthte„ it 81100141- be undertaken itunte.• &aide 'as • an internetional pristeet.. .11td is the unileretkihg-feasible Troth - • 30 engineering. stundpeititt • . Although not denying that there , would be great difileultii s to tempi, engineers• of reptile nruntaitt that tete project is a feasible -one, and ot them have alreatly drawn up romplcte plans or tho tintiortskin4. • • The paturen ot these pima are• ..1) a datn. plarcti ocross tie. St. .ener. Slyer somewhere' in the viefult/t of eforrisiturg-efet height adequate to • .contintoll on We TITE SCHOOL 00 COMMERCE OLTNTON ONTARIO Steepens forWintar Term Tuesday, January 3, Mt, with full hulling:Staff Special Olass for Students coming from Cioderteh by train daily 9.50- 0.40 past, . Rotund may be secured in town. ISM. t11.40 nor week. Board •94 Co 115.50 per week. or certificates. will.ho issued to those %vho wish to take advantage of Students'. It. R. tato, Write for Cataloh Courser; and Ilatea. • Phone 1.98. M. A. STONE, Comm. Speagliit 8. P. WARD, 8. A., Principal. 0=0 04;19 omo> olmg Dont Throw Your OldCarpets Away 4 4 , No matter how old. bow dirty, bow dilapItated, tin a rope around.them null send to U4 to be made into The Famous "VELVET? X" Rugs elleverathle -Will wear, lifetime -Prime reMOnbble. • WO have hundrede ot recommentlatione feont eatistied enstornere. Ask for "VELVETEX" price Wo pay enpress both' ways on ia,rgo on m % olds: ferOnreowetwalY6 all order eseee.e. Elia st:dah1909 CANADA RUG COMPANY • 98 Carling Street - London, oonetri0 -(4)=10) <01:20) 101:101 401111011 Bargain,' in Newspapers Here is a Real Bargain -the Greatest Value Ever Offered in Canada tioderleh Star coeds WA a :Irv. the Family lier04 sad Weekht star or Montreal enkt4 WO a .'.6'11P. Bre 1100/ offer a full ,,,rosepi 90%44.0%104 • ' to 10111papees for 32.71 $2.75 An Excellent Premium Vials The Eatni* licraid and Weehly Star Pi included a e. owe or the sew Cana C.Lat of Arms 'in the heraldic colors, size 119(.17 lathe*. Ills1e heatititol plate should bo found in every (411.11404111 kerne; Every iny 664 girl should be taught to dmrihe the Canadian Coat 'of Arms. A ropy ions 110 seat free to ail tube accept this ogee. scariest Send Your Order to The Godorick Seer