The Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 7A RUST SWptt si'liatan Apple klieg Hes iatdppCt; *WO pis ride, Miele >t de IiiL. The Clinton 'Neave itecora last week PALLID ,AND DULL Edi '1'4.41 time Story id WateryRieed""'llie1W to peels a good Colas tied Walk had tihe followiug write-up of Mr. 'pa. To be run down In ,�-- yid 41lstelon'a alterations fol' the sea-, lose their t'ttractiveneee 4e she dOubM mon. Which shays the extent of the h irp allid ne of ntnnd do e henoto bueilteas he has handled: the auturdly night leant (NOV* f3thl, 'hold C utdo% lluron county -8 largest apple dealer, had shipped this I, season 20.600 barrels of apples. All of ,these opides were houcght within a radian of eighteen miles of Clinton ' and over 15,000 barrels were shipped Alen Clinton station. Lair. Cantclan wodld have been thank- ful for a few more weeks of fine weather, as there are still in the or" chards, a good many barrels of choice .fruit Which he would have. liked vers much to get out. The season was an ideal ons~, the fruit was of the lineal quality, and he found ready market for all he could handle, but the didlculty ot_obtaining siillleient barrels -and of getting the fruit picked made it:imf possible for him to handle them any more quickly than he has done.. He 'shipped on Saturday from Clinton over one thousand barrels to finish out e neryene that they ire ;keened to of wretched- lieedirhea and are vie- tims of breithlesenese and bloodleee, ness. • The eneein a girl, if elle ne- glects her heath, may' be a autfeter all her life; for au active happy wo'm'. lood- lese,a consumptive) lob looking gill, with-, out %he„help et 'rich red blood. Pale,weakgirls should lake Beed: lfleodlessness Must not be neglected. Plenty of good mit, a .nourishing diet and root will help you, but the +acre you need most l►romptlY ie. new blood.. Good new blood in abniadanee, sueh as makes all the differences between 1 sound bead* and pear health to Wil and Wonnen, is..;euppliei! by Dr. Wil- liams 'Pink P1111. Their one .inteeton everymaim ggannaandbeveryd wnerve int the body, bringing to, anaemic girls end Women hew miler, bright eyes,an i joy In boat load. eConsiderably mere thin t elasticsstep and a feeling R Itntr The value of .Dr. alVillisrht! ludf of the apples have been for ex port. `' ,!about four thousand barrels vee. t west and more are to be shin there, 'it- refrigerator cars eau .be obi" tamed. As Might be expected Mr. Cantelun has. paid out a lot of money, not only. for aPPl?a, but barrels, during the sea' mon.- So far his barrels account totals up to ;32.000 and he has paid 'nearly lbe7 inkrn�; onf barrels hilabeen manufaeturing barrels in the old yVriverlOY barns at the station, hat. made hiin over 12,000. Indeed, that cooperage has been a pretty busy spot sincegb°ut d midsummer. Sone bat- rels were also shipped from Blyth arc) other 'points, - • i1 G this business has meant a vera strenuous: few months for Mr. Conte- lon. lie has had a whole artily of men ..'employed picking and peeking and has -been up . early and late. attending t0 • the many things which had to be at- tended to, answering telephoneg •Daus, ete. And his anxiety' is not yet over, as unless the weather moderates gra- lly and thousand barrelsows more to ship t a few tht toes sustained will eat very 'seriously Into his profits for the "season's opera- -' bods. Ho will be a happy matt.wltrn the season Is really over, and he ;can begin to breathe again. 'Wad what ab out hogs?" inetted .Toe N ew s e cord, have you givenup buying hogs e altogether?" "Oh, no,:not ntiets! do a s. the reply. "My hog bunsg the year Will be about ;300,000 worth, ! should say" .lair.-Cantelon is >a "mid- dleman,,' no doubt, but we fancy his operation during the past year have brought to the farmers of Huron coun- ty a good deal of money and, he has made possible tithe +sale of rate% pro= duct, which Otherwise 'might not have doundl'a' tri r1toCi lie is the • sort of a • "14iddlemttn". which tee present meth: ads of .doing busipess seems 4o ';maks neeessary, print COUNCIL co. sow Irr0000kook ]stmt w Prepared by The regale: smeethlyas ag ot the Idol ooianstl wan Mkt ass Friday erten. i t s il, alt the se embers t. wit.stilt requaste for bedding perettla WOO* trout Xr. Jen. Iteaiiassit for as M" " Nolo* aoat Ide ttest. lot Qtr' the north '�'ltese welt referred to the Fire Cora. � Aeoiw t from Xr. a. a. d#ils the fact he was sot gives the hotteheld exeep it's in Worse ianaesseseet Was reletredto tine Court et Ravialost. The following least: beat the Raise It Meths Co. Wooled to the. , dCsated Nov.17th.. Wen rMtd : Pink. cure otAlis young eis Clark , OwnR*. No. 1, Stevensville. Ont.. who says: "Two years ago, while studying for the entrance examination,. my health broke down and 1; fell away to a mere. Shadow of my former sett. . When the day . for the exarnrinationn came, I should have been In . bed instead of trying them, but 1 went on with the work and when through •was almost on--the-eerge- of-•eallaPse.- I. •.thong' then that a, rest would help. me, but'I did not regain my strength. Theta my mother- was advised to have me tr-taking pentr. 'forPink l outilla month after and 1 found myself restored to health, with) good gooier and a Change for the bet- ter, whteh people who knew me read- ily :noticed. 1 am very thankful dog' what 1)r. Williams Pink Pills did for toe, and '.hope my experience will benefit some other ,`weak girl," You can get Or, Williams Pink' Pills through any dealer in medicine, of by mail, Postpaid; at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for e2.50 from .The Dri Wtillama: Medicine Co.. •: Brookville„ Ont. DianSlue,--Reteariag in our mom' meth* Tnsadsy last. would Mats that, the go*** of re>ewviig our foundry to Oolietnighht *I oos Ciletou wan d * Meetof re of our ooatpaiy. The decide* Anes that a removal would he favorably ecnaideted air the following coatditicse i That the To** of Gioderb'h rural* tree site for said fousidry; Nast the tows of Goderloh *wet budding aaoording 'se Plait furlatsbed by onreelvei. aooeptPag Nary terns of piyartal; that the Tow's of Ooderi•gh.XetePt eatd property trot,M, taxes for et leant ten years. Please place our proposition :before your Town Goi4noil .at the next moth* toThinking y. on, we are Yours trntv.. Perseverance works wonders but- it canitt t 'convert bad eggs. Into chickens. GOOZ*M STAR trouble on Hatatltme *Wet watt e, block -1 twee She main ewer. The committee ittrd liadb4 borrow a let ut rude frons ateetloM. recd they had lint arriYwl.: bat It Walii telt the Soh* fibpald own swlh a set, and the onahreex owwidered 1*Mi adducts. Is Jaen wee surprised the Sawa bad id had rsoro opt tide dieteulty. The rods *Wu seotlons. but jots late a oeettenoes red as they are Weeded et nutabele The motion wee Wooed. Chairmen Ifitohell of Lite Cemetery Coscixalttee weitioied the seem of re- )�*t�LtrE$a at the Ortuetary iielteges house. 1'loter wee failiitli from the celltng, eta.. The Doaatuittods weal given corner - Qv the suggeettau of the Meyer the queetkin of .submitting a bylaw at the rnu$e ct►1 eleo$ioA'to raise some money to make i text on a tdorm ti ewerage eyJeell tt wsa referred to the Public Works Committee. The W. C. P. X. bylaw (Bylaw No. 30 wan given the first reediuk awn antimotbon fagged to refer it lathe company, The council then Adjourned. Away. with Depression and Helen - choly. ---These two evils are the ao- Aompan4:ment of a 'disorderly, stomach and torpid liver . and mean wretched- ness t t ! surf •h visit. The whom e t o a1w o 0Y n ss 1 them combat speediest way to pm estads e Y swith pParneelee's Vegetable Pill", which .will restore the healthful ac- tion of the stomach and bring 'relief. They have proved their usetulness in thousands •of eases and will eontintte to- give relief to !the •suffering• who are wise enough to use.them. When fit comes toa quick parting the tool and his . money are' a'. close seoond to a woman and her secret. Childref'1.. `Orr .FOR F ETCHER'S (,i A s,'t O R I A wafgw.1i1 MIUkFsf�ltes'at of ,` c,,erj'yt Irfif MI M IIiMMMMtMgM1MI IIMINU 111 IMMIMIMU BNIMIB it11 OMMI (nul�tNIiMI���t�NNOM MAIM M�IiN IMMINIMOMMIN P11010 31VRAN SPECIALTY. CAITItNOB. CO. per J. W. Attlren This was referred to a. committee' of -the whole ioonnotl to meet -et it -date .to be named by the Mayor, .suitable for oonfereitoe with the company, •the eng- gestion being made that a conference with Mr. Buehler might also be array., god for the same eve41400 he to his .by- law. Thin motion was anoved by Coun- cillor Humber. seconded by ,the Reeve. A request of the Bell Telephone Co, for permission to erect poles on certain streets Nis referred to the Public Works Committee. A latter from the McCarthy .Aero Ser: 'tilde, Ltd., Offered a large' p%It' ' of the town, taken from an aeroplane. for M. 'Theetteewas•. referred to the Finance -0,07;ml A letter from the Muskoka Free Honig Vital. for a grant wits referred to the h'innesnnco Committee. The 'Canadian Deep Waterway and Power Asaoonition wrote announcing a convention in Toronto Dec. 16th and 17t11, , with the annual meeting to be 1d the t. date, sn tea dole, r dm�i th latter d to e gatee. The Deputy Reeve ._and Councillor Dunlop moved to refer this to the '.peo- ial coamnittee. Councillor Humber and Councillor Mitbell moved in amend - inept to Ole the' letter, Councillor Story voted for the amendment, the other members of the council fat" the motion- and otionand the motion therefore was carried. The Western Ontario 'United Beanie at Trade announced the anneal meeting in Chatham, Dec. 2nd and invited -dele- gates. Referred to Special Committee. The Fire Committee 'reported grant.. lug a number of building permits, and recommended Wilt the communication trout St.Oatharines relative to eeeond. hand fire•flghtlfg equipment be died. The. Finance Com i tee reported. examining the tax collector's report of NOV. lith, and -the treasurer's statement. of receipts and expenditeree for the month of October and recommended that they . be died. The committee recommended the payment of a number of accounts, end reported that the town'* share of inveetnient interest of the 0. W. S. R. fund, as due Nov. let, amounting. to 11286, heel been received from the Toronto Oenerai Trust Corpor- stion, end en order for 11600 er 1934 fully regiatored 'Vtotory Bonds had been issued. `The.Speotal :Committee recommended that the letter from the !!Lison of Cana- dietMunicipalities' eaten to oppose the Bell outlining Co application for an increase in rates be placed on file ; that no action be taken at present in the City of Welland's sng- gestion that motor trucks be subject to a municipal license in addition to the provincial. license ; and. snbmltted a draft bylaw. as drawn by the townsoli• alter, providing for s Seed, t<sses ment o! 870,000, Including business assess. went, for all purposes except school purposes, on the present lands and pres- ent plant With any improvements of the manufacturing portion of the plant of the Western Canada. Flour Mille for a perlod of telt years, recommending that the bylaw be adopted by the ratepayers tot approval. ' The Public -Weide Cominittee:reported that the construction of the sewer on McDonald street would be completed within the next few days, atter. which the sewer Mott would be closed down calll next spring. The roof onthe, town stables at the rear of the town hall was now being rebuilt and would be completed at once. The main sewers were being flushed and cleaned out for the winter. The town machines, sprink- lers, wagone<, etc,and the field gun had bees stored in the Agricultural Hall. These reports were all adopted. Councillor Moser mentioned that there had been trees cuttndow�n s d be�thougmht the property owners might be allowed to ant them themselves and keep the wood as at Would make dear wood in some eases for the town to cut the trees. The X yovititplsined that there was a joiMtt' ownership brands trees. Neither the council nor the property owner could sot alone, and the town solicitor, some years ago, gave advice on the Matter end t>e council had adopted a ublform method of dealing with regards. for the cutting of treed. ,If the matter Were referred to tome committee some modifications of the plate might be, made. Councillors Honer aid height spon- sored a mottos to refer the matter to the Public: 'Works Committee, The cheeriest of the Fuel Committee, being 'eked for a report, stated that he had secured two •ear.Ioads of Coal, which he was financlag himself. The coal bad been pretty Well distrlbnted around. There was plenty oe coal to be had, But the committee had bees testable to get The Depnh Reeve reported havistg. seen lir. Fowler at the hospital as ta' the to* honer loll. Mr. Fowler be - Dived he would be able tit couplets it shortly. Deputy' Reeve Clark asked se to the travelling of Barisld read. `:here Was. a deed of scanty sato at our eolutosti lit fwd tow wipe a good• time to get tome work doe*. The !Lill to Balt. ford keit bees isattroved s good Meat but Neve work *sold yet b. dose to e.dtai t. "Wallis of the Public Works beep avid the Sow* emit had mot 'bests thee toot to Ude work yet hes wort!* do so,�.l�ey,*few .y days, a�ady,,ke���.was p sM.l•-g Wren adilll febel tiM.. A rattiest Me* the rife Stip& for I .ie* fon as Myth tie* em Myers fifes Wore* to the rife tkietrglttee. �llers> �� moved *het the roue Wars [leittrettee get mise* eh Sate et aswer eleatkieg rods. 1t; exp fa Weft stated *et it boo beak Moat** ovieos of the sewer ON'fARIU'S r1IUIT CROs:-4Ontaelo,.this year, had one of the greatest apple crops in the history of the Province, and in many rases barrels were sold in any quantity at two dollars each, a remarkably low price.. Photo shows, An Ontario apple grower .gathering his crop. •' . - 1 Electric We *idolize in *iriflg of all kiaisaLet _ us- give _ yot an estimate for wiring your house or, garage, ' Private Telephones Motors - Dynamos Electric Delis and Burglar Alain' •- Systems ALE WORK GUARANTEED Es Friendship's Perfect Gift There's no gift like a goad Portrolt Nothing io distinctive, ao +euduriug and so ante to please. Au arpotntmeut now will assure you Personality Portraits" for gift giving Om. J. T. FELL t. 'Somebody ur hat !twill lwtysirun aftrun ee.it it. for you. fter Misery loves. comikany. end it never • gots lonesome. - PAM NMI TUE FUTUBE VALVE i; ()F VICTORY LOAN 5q% GOLD BONDS C `^1111 he apparent when couditIOus vetutu to mutual. Shrewd investors aro auth ipatlnii the tutus mail buyiui, three Wilde A present peiees. Your Oleic et 9 tuot'uitles : Duo I°rieu anal Yielrt Interest `., 1011 SS 6,01 ...043 eg ..... ............... a 103 07s0+."21 1017 ' 97 0.00 ., ldl:i:i. 911.50 4.ti'I 1i)34 91 0.90 1037... ............ ,....., 93 G.fie Benda titivered to your bank tree et all delivery or bokerege char F rpt ... z ._._ 3 Camas! Iwuaeca a 1 R Rr HARRISON e 1 dt41 Ilockipal R eh 4 BOMBSHELL 1 ARGAINS douse Furnishings; Chinaware, "' ovelties, etc. Silverware, Toys, = aE OMNI Cook, Iron and Toast by •. Electricity boo art assist .t LDS hoot Lledtric INNS **J TI ,ters omit is ca E ROBTS 1AiT ELECTRICIAK WEST snsar Plow 112 .t tis • oweteweaveseemeeleleme ifl be Blown to Smithereens for Our Great Alteration Sale II SATURDAY, DEC. 4th, WE WILL DROP A BOMB AMONG OUR PRICE TICKETS and for a fragment of old prices you will be able to get any article in ow Two Stores. It is really a shame to thirik• of the beautiful Furniture, House Furnishings, Curtains,. Carpets, Rugs,• Linoletnns, Comforters, Pianos,. Phonographs, Trunks, Club Zags, etc., etc«, p, ' . and all the lovely Chinaware, Dinner. Sets, Tea Sets, Store No, 1, � .. .:sods .To. - s, Novelties, etc., etc,,. In Store No. 2, Silverware, Fancy � a � Y � , 'being sacrificed., at -such absurd `prices, rand we have beep- reluctant to' make . such sweeping price cuts, but we must,clear out a Targe portion of our'stock in preparation. for EXTENSIVE AL ERATI ONS -i = We -intend .putting in a- new front in our China Department, and fixing up the second storey as up-to-date living apartments, with he decks. an entrance from the street, and must el clear t current wholesale pric- espresent prices are in many cases belown,p es and, with the big discounts we will give, will be below' manufac- turers' prices -prices such as have not been heard of for many a day, and will not be heard of again for.many a day. THE FIRST BIG CUT-RATE FURNITURE SALE IN GODERICH. This will be your chance fo get something really nice for CHRIST- MA ► OI FTS, "Watch for full announcement next week„ ' ESLEV -WALKER § 0 volovor Immo -r • EWawa c Walker's Two Stores. - West Side Square. INIMIIiMti NNINIUMIMNIIMMMfIIMMMMNIMM M#IIMiI MMl llllMMINI IMN1tM IM MIOM MMlMf{ HI I