The Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-13, Page 8Boarders Wanted.
The undersigned would be pleased
to take a number of boarders. -Ladies
or Gentlemen. First Blass aeeommode
tion.. Terms reasoua.ble. Apply at the
}3ousa opposite Commerical Hotel,
H. But$ xu len
Grandma used to spiu, but now
Grandma doesn't care to;
Feet is wheels have altered So
Grandma doesn't dare to.
Don't forget the Lacrosse concert
Monday evening.
A. number of eases of tyltbofdfeveris
reported its. Seaferth.
6 Os ceuts pays for the ALvoeA'rr to
. Jau. ist, 1899.
Clinton Town 'council has decided
against the curfew belt
The trout fishing season opened last
weed; and will close Sept. 15.
Last Friday was Arbor dal and was
e 'u
generally observed i _ the schools
throughout this section.
The assessor of Goderich reports a
popula:Me of 4944 and real property
to the value of $1,021,330
i t w subject i
Early tins ug s now a s . ubja t ofd s-
cussioa atria+rag the merchants iu near.
ly every town where it as not now ob-
The summer tune table ou the, two
railway%. G. r. R and 0. P. R., goes
into e1TLeet on May 15, 'ihe air is Full
of proposed ehauges,
The Rev Rural Deau llodgins, or
Seafarte, will occupy the pulpit of the
Trivitt Me>inu;ial Church next Sunday
mernieg and evening.
The race 4unrse on the Agricultural
Grounds h ve been eousiderab':y re-
paired this week ;tad is cow itr lino
condition for this 24th races:
Mr. M. Y. McLean's expenses, incur
red iu the lateProciecial election,
amounted toT30- "#, while that of Mr.
Henry Eden', 4. P. P., amounted to
x.49 3.
Tee Chnreh of Engkud S. S. Teach
ars ated Churt:h Workers' assoeiuttan of
the l.►eane'ry of Huron held its fifth an-
nual n in aughatn on Tuee- i
day a;aa l Wt'dttnesday of this week.
Th=' Ontario Department hes now in 9
11reperadarae a slew tie tt Weil; which ,
will he 'tial: ed, in all the :^ehaxtika al;d for
plIpi:s in the fewer farms. It deals
with agrieteenre, forestry and such.
i"J. Willem Macy bite come and ;over
and all wbo f leafed to by ar brim missed
the trent 4Di til=• s;teale l•"a•'P'+eroitttvGinbe
Wm. Macy will appear at the Lacrosse
Ciuh eot.<ert, in laioleey n Opera 'louse,
May 16:h.
Cin Sunday last, while Freed, son of
Mr John %I,o.*rv, was werl.iit;; around
Mr. Perkins' horotes, in Csbarlte, one of
the animals ricked bitu in the shoulder,
bruising it badly and causing him to
quit work.
The Rev. Chas. Smith announced o -
Sunday evening in ettsin; h.3 very
timely and touching s:ermou on " The
Widows Troubles," that he wnuld
preach next Sunday night on" The Will
ow's Tributes."
Mr. R Holmes, editor of the Clinton
New Era, and Mayor of Clinton is
spoken of as the probable Reform Can-
didate in the contest for West Huron
to fid the vncency soon to be created
by M. C. Cameron.
The new postage stamps have less
gum on than the old ones and require
very litttle moisture. Some people, in
the habit of licking' a postage stamp
twice, have wasned all the gum oliand
been uuable to make the stamp stick.
Mr. and .firs. Thos. Cookson mouru
the loss of their infant son. Corey
James, who died on Friday last after a
brief illness, from inflammation, at the
age of 1 year, 2 months and 23 days.
The bereaved parents have the sym-
pathy of their friends.
Look out for your gooseberry and
currant bushes. The insect is btesy
laying its eggs on the leaves; also the
Steele beetle on the grape vines. Cut
out the borers on the peach and plum
trees in the trunks near the ground
Scrape the rough bark off the trunks
of your apple trees and wash them
with weak soft soap water.
Fashion's new fiat is that there shall
be no more gold in teeth. Gold in the
midst of a " row of pearls," the leaders
say, is horribly conspicuous, and it is
very bad form. None of the yellow
metal should show when a society
bille or oeau laughs, and such a thing
as half a front tooth of gold must no
more be seen. But it is still allowable
to use gold where there is no possibil-
ity of its showing, but in any other
case the new rule of fashion is exceed-
ingly positive.
The amateur gardener is now busy
any hopeful as usual, that he will get
a handsome return for his labor. He
has bought his spade, hoe and rake
and is now busy at his plot. He is
sure at any rate to have a little sass
and some early potatoes provided there
are no frosts and the Colorado beetle
hats the good manners to behave itself
properly. The general experience is a
few dollars in outlay and a few cents.
in return. But then it is so nice to
have one's own vegetables.
A Brantford paper says:-" The Ver-
ity Plow Co., of Brantford, have . just
had returned to them twenty gang
plows, which they shipped to Australia,
via C. P. R., early in the winter. In
an accident on the railway near Kick-
ing Horse river, in the Rocky Mount
sins, four cars containing, Massey -Har.
ris and Verity implements jumped the
track and ran into the river. Here
they have been all winter under the
ice. On the arrival of spring the rail-
way company made a final effort to
raise the cars and have now ''hipped
the contents. The machinery is bad-
ly rusted, and; it will cost the railway
company a pretty penny for damages,
Somebody with plenty of time on his
hands has figured up that the average
number of hairs on the head a at, red
headed persot► is 29,200;: that dark -
headed people have about 105,000, and
fair-haired, men and women from 140,
000 to 160,000.
A set of swindlers are said to be send-
ing out eirettiara promising to in order
to introduce their goods" to lead to any
atddress, postage prepaid, tea yards of
red, brown or green silk for $1. The
eager victims receive ten yards of silk
thread cut from the spool.
<•There was a highly delighted mull,
Klee in the music hall' last evening to
hear the versatile entertainer, J, Wil -
Baal Macy.of New York, who gave
the entire program himself. The com
mitten deserve great credit for secur-
ing such a delightful entertainer "-
Iogersol Sun, Cope and hear Mr
Macy -
and other outside and local tal
ent May 16th. • See programs.
Thera eermlicat;on.
The third application in fruit spray -
in„ under the direction of Mr W. M.
Orr, superintt ldeet, win take plaze at
Mr. R S. Lang's .orchard, on Monday,
May 16th, at 2.p. m.
ette'r•et meatime.
The Exeter District meeting will be
the ',Methodist t urc Hensall
held in . et s ch b e 1
next week. A public meeting will be
held on the evening of the first day to
be addressed by several ministers. Mr
Cndmorn. of Bethesda is lay delegate
ill Reused circuit.
t'reeware of Fakers.
11 slfek fakir giving his name as J,
I.I.. Andrews has been doing up many
people. Lite secures a lean for n hit:lt
tete gives a fair of what he says are
gold rimmed spectacles, and promises
to return and redeem the property. 11e
dcea not do se, however, and the people
are lefr with ra pair of inferior ;Lasses
A t:itizen of Clinton was victimized in
thrr, manner a few days ago.
eland concert.
The Band will give their first open-
air cement ell i'dday evening uext,
May 13th, at eight o'clock -weather
Fermi:ti.g- when the following pro-
mo v t tee rt•n.te•rt'al; -The "Cosine.
politau " elerch-d- S Taylor; "U,
flow Peiightful,,, ?1i';llt v E. N. Gat
tin. Op tZ Ctereet Sob "Farwell
Sweet 1 'ewer "-IL E. Dirieey. Waltz,
e `els l dal's tL I ti ias<eer "'- F. Beyer;
Overture to unci Ton "---Vandercoek.
Clarinet '• Rain in Sunshine --F
J Graham. Two Step „ Mn, Honey
txirl."-J, IL Davis.
Duty on Wool.
As the wen: seeataoll 'is in soon 01een
we give the duty curveted try tho
United States on Canadian wool, viz: -
Washed combing fleece, 12o. per 114;
liliwrlsliietl 1:34. titer 11.; tub wattled, all
grades, . Gc, per M: unwashed clouting,
11te.per , ; wroth. d ee t por it,; tutted,
hurry, s. edy and bees 't, 12ep er 11, It
will be seen l;y the a ave Viet that the
duty of Me. later 11., t.,, tub washed, 12e.
ail Fufie;icer grades of washed and un-
washed deineill„ and 22e. on washed
clothing tirdibibite their being shipped
to the mated. St,i.tes It seems the only
t rail. th it cotta le; hat:dh d for shipping
pure s(e are those well washed while
on tin, ere: e'pet lt'lvk,
Deatli or Mrs. Brown
It will he sad news to many to hear
of the death of Mary Ann, beloved wife
of Mr. 'William Frown, who passed
away to the Unseen World on Satur-
day last, at the age of 64 years, 6
months and 1.5 days. Deceased had
been a hung sufferer from internal can-
cer, and struggled against the ravag-
es of the disease bravely uutil a few
weeks ago, wheu she grew worse and
gradually sank until death relieved
her. She leaves to mouru her demise
a sorrowing husband and a grown up
family. four sons and two daughters: -
Rev. Those Brown, of Queeusboro;
George of Hensall; William of Kirkton;
and Fred., of Clinton; Mrs. Thos. Bissett
of Usborne; and Miss Edith at home.
The funeral took place from her late
residence, %Villiam Street, on Monday,
and was largely attended.
Turnips L5i17 Vowti.
The following, which we take from
the Berlin Telegraph, no; doubt refers
to the cattle of Mr. Robert Snowden, of
the Sauble Line, Stanley, and of which
we made mention at the time. i41r.
Snowden had the misfortune to lose
six valuable cattle, and we believe, the
fatality ceased as soon as he quit feed-
ing turnips. The Telegraph says: "A
peculiar case was brought before the
Provincial Board of Health on Tuesday
from 'Zurich. The farmers there claim
that their fat cattle and other stock
were dying from eating turnips
When the turnips were fed to the an-
imals the cows died, but when not fed
the animals lived The board believed
that this was unprecended, for al
though animala might die for the want
of turnips, none in all the realm of his
tory had been known to die because of
them. Experiments were tried by the
officers of tbe board on guinea pigs,
but none died."
Council i'rocee(L.anrs.
The Council met pursuant to ad•
journment at the Town Hall, Exeter,
6th May, 1898. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and con-
firmed. Christie -Evans, orders as
follows: -N. D. Hurdon, $39.29 for
Public Library Board; H Parsons
$22 50, services to 1st May, 1898; Elec-
tric Light Co., $7877, lighting to .1st
May, 1898; Jas. Creech, $85, part salary
1898. -Carried. The Chief Engineer
asked for a tank at the Town Hall
grounds. Bissett -Evans that the
matter be laid over for future consid-
eration -Carried. Moved by W. ° G.
Bissett, seconded by E. Christie, that
the rate per foot frontage be 15 cents.
-Carried. By -Law No. 6, 1898; to
provide for street -watering' was duly
read and passed on motion 'of W. G.
Bissett, seconded by E. Christie. The
Council adjourned until call of the
,ia rciiurdk
Painful Accident.
The town cows will be. allowed to
Mr. John Hind, while working itt run at targe on .and after Sunday neat',
Messrs. Dyer & Howard's planing mill ,batt will have, to be shut up nights.
on Wednesday, met with a painful, Town t*ataetistles.
accident. He was engaged iu using
a chisel, and in some manner the han-
dle pulled off and in attempting to put
it on, his thumb came in contact with
the sharp point that goesinto the han•
outtiug a deep and pail fal wouud
nuder the kin about two inches, He
will be compelled to quit work for a
ew days.
The Rigitts or fieye lists.
Ever since the bieyele oatne intogen-
eral use it has been looked upon by
horsemen, and especially by farmers, as
considerablee of a nrlisauce, and as a
frequent eause of accidents. ,A great
many drivers (especially ladies) appar
eutly do nut consider bicyclists have a
right to half the beaten traek ou the
road, but in the session of 1895 au act
tvas passed by the Ontario Legislature
confering upon bicyclists about the
same privileges on, the highway as was
enjoyed by vehicles. Bicyclists should
remember on coating up to a vehicle
from behind before passing it he must
give audible warning of his presenee,
otherwise he is liable to a, heavy penal-
Ajleayy License,
The Mitchell Advocate says;.--" The
county eouuctl (Perth) has passed a
by-law love ing a tax of $50 on persons
engaged is selling gooda from door to
door, over which there appears to be a
good deal of indignation. The iuten
lion was no doubt to reach Jew and
tea pedlars, who interefere with legit-
imate trade, but it goes further, aud
covers cases of merchants who ex
ebauge goods for farmers produce out
side of their stores. This is unfair, and
it is vary doubtful if such a by-law can
be enforced A grocer in Mitt:bell has
already paid the Been' o, but there are
others nu the road who refuse to com-
ply with the measure, and lu doing so
they aro likely acting under advice
1 his being the case it is probaby that
a test case will shortly be heard he the
To Iielp Farmers.
'• e ifor what e s
A ill net a are cuI•ed ,ilii. tea,
tion stations farmers is being eo:;eid:er-
ed just cosy lu t:dawn. Not all farm-
ers, it lets been said, eau go to the al;rt-
vultural gore es, acid drfishier sued
Prof. Itobert8ou have hit upon 0 plan
for making the college come to the farm.
It is itttcnded to have in every county
a plot of from ten to twenty acres of
land set aside, to be worked by the
owner in coutnrtnity with instructions
from the department, each plot so work
eel being designedto serve as an object
lesson to the farmers in the neighbor
bood. '1 hey will be able to compare
their sometilnrs faulty methods w rail
the method, dictated by sound judge
meet and expert knowledge, and tt is
to be hoped, will profit accordilegly.
The scheme' is claimed to be simple ae:d
On the Mayflower.
The following taken from a Deseret'..
to paper has refs+recce to a'fermter resi
dent of Exeter, he basins; live :or sev
oral years with his uncle, that tate Rich
and Harrison. " \Vm. Harrison, son of
tVm Harrison, of Fourth street, I)ese-
route, has beea appointed m lisergeant
ou the torpedo boat destroyer, Mayflow
er o the United Stares squadron block-
ading Havana. The position was giv-
en hint without his application, al-
though there were two hundred appli-
cants for the post. The young man
has served five years in the United
States service, chiefly at the Brooklyu
navy yard and is deservedly held in
high esteem by his superior "officers,
having been promoted E.everal times.
The Mayflower may be used as Admir-
al Sampson's flagship in any naval ac-
tions which may oceur.
A .Bean Act.
-Probably the meanest and most con.
temptible act that has been perpetrated
in Exeter for some time was the dis-
tribution of a large number of tacks
on some of our back streets during Sat-
urday night, by some miserable wretch,
whose principle -if he has any -is of
the most degraded imaginable. The
evident intention was to stop bicyclists
from riding on the sidewalks and as a
result it had the desired effect intended
by the culprit, fully a dozen tires
being punctured, some in three or four
places. Strong suspicion rests on a cer-
tain individual and if possible he will
yet be made suffer far the crime. .A
similar offence was committed in To.
ronto last season and the guilty party
being found out was sentenced to that
term -six months in the Central Prison
-which the dispicableness of his crime
so deservedly merited. In another
column will be seen a notice by the
Exeter Bicycle Club offering a reward
of $10, for the person giving informa-
tion that will lead to the arrest of the
guilty party.
Department Store methods.
The follow from a Hamilton paper
applies to Exeter with equal force: A
lady residing in the city furnishes the
Herald with an object lesson which
should serve to teach the good people
of Hamilton that it is uuwise, as well
as unjust, to send away for articles
that might better be purchased at home.
A short time ago the lady in question
was tempted by the advertisement. of a
large Toronto department store, and
made up a good sized order from the
" bargains contained fu the announce.
meat. When the goods arrived she was
surprised to find that they were by no
means as represented in •the tirm's
tempting ad. Some of the articles,
which proved to be worthless to her,
were returned with a request for the
return of their cash value. Instead of
a prompt acknowledgement of the
firm's error, she received an insulting
reply, to the effect that the goods had.
been tampered with, and that the re•
fund requested could not be made,
The lady appreciates the lesion-
though it was an expensive' one—and
is firmly resolved to do her shopping
at home in the. future,
11r• B Poke, town assessor; has cone'
pieced the town assefismartt and r'etur'n
ed the roti The real property in town is•
$1:98,175; personal property $44,425;
, : Blouse a -x d, 1 % c r
residents, 42.1 persons between the ►M rra,+ .4
income $3,700; The population is 1825 •
showing an increase °ter 18i 7 of 15,
and 57 over 1896. There are 92 non -
ages of 5 and 16, and 341 males be - ¢.
tweeu the ages of 16 and 21; 153 dogs;
140 cattle; 161 pigs; 224 hotses; 12
sheep; and 18 steam boilers. Names
on rola 655. 21 births and 10 deaths
during the year,
Personal. attention
Miss Ida Bell Gillespie visited friends
in Hensel' Sunday,
Miss Lily May spelt Sunday . with
her parents in elitehell.
Mrs. James W, Creech visited her
mother in Zurieb, last week.
Liceuse Inspector Ballantyne, of
Seaford], was In town 1fridae-
Ir. It. IL Collins attended court of
assizes at Belkeviile this week,
Mrs. Matt Moody, of Blyth, is visiting
her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Rieh.Grocker
Airs. Wamsley, of London,. spent
Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Sam,.
B -! l," I
uc ng tam.
Mr. R. E. Manning, of Clinton, spent
Friday night in town, ;lid returned to araSOiS
We have just completed our Blouse and • wrapper stock
this week and we are now showing the finest range ever
displayed by us.
45c For a nice, find; Print Blouse,1 60e For a heavy Print Blouse,
wen made and finished. extra quality,seleeted patterns
s For a line : Muslin 'Blouse,:For a line French Pique,
g white eufi'a and collars. The something tin g stylish Separate
newest colorings. collars and cuff's of same goods.
For ourT'1I1 e Organdy Blouses,
sollaethln , extra. Special in all ►
i the latest styles. These are the finest Goods le.
we have ever shown.
Clinton Saturday mornings.
Mr. Den. Holleran and wife, of Brett
ford, are visiting Mrs. liollerau"s par
1 Parasols j
opts, Air. and akr>,: U. Lambrnak. Our Bi ; Special is our $ parasol. This line is some-
Siey. W. J. Waddell, of K ippen, a . thing extra special. Ask to see it and it will be sure to
cupwed the pulpls of the James Street please you
Methodist Church. Sunday evening
Mr. Frank Anderson, London Road,
wito bas been dance nue1y ilk for some
time, is improving and able to be taut
a little,
Mr. Roosel, who has been in Seattle{,
d'asliirgton Ter., for the pas: few
weeks, returned home on Wednesday
Mr. John 3. Knight, G. T. R. ticket
agent, i•* 1t"4" are pleased tc, stet rapidly
improving and is again ftlleilittx,; his
railroad duties at the depot.
"Mrs Esni h, Mrs. Iir;tdwiu and Mies
Breda in left on lRre,luy last on a d• iv
inn tour, whieh wilt imendte Clinton,
Exeter Perklrilt."' - 1 yshStardard,
Mrs .lames' fl al:dfor+i. of 1 *horate,
London Road, who be; been seriously
ill from pulmonary trouble, itt improv -
log. and Its fro is nnts' every:hope of her
Mr. etre Yrs Sr'i'ektuau heft
on Saturant Inst for their summer
resort et Grand Bend, with good pros
peers for the seasan, cud the beet
wishee of the eitr:tees of Exeter.
e, Mise iliatichfaittl. of Exeter; +who has
jnst returned from Tenne'si', visited
with y1rs. Geo. Brown Sunday. --
Mr's. Mi ehell and datt;xhters, Miss C.
flitch+'U nod Mrs Woods spent \S'ednes
ala).. lu ExetEer.".-Fleetsati Observer.
Seaford:: While David Reid was
erking at the S yt.tiit'a it hill, 111 wile'
liiaop en Wedeesday, he met n'ith an
accident. we vvas choepittti w<eetl tint,
the axe rue was using, slipped, makit,g
quite a stevere gash in the instep of
the right foot.
Tippett: Mr. John Moffatt, a -ho is a
a member of the Court of Foresters, of
this place, and who by his recent illness
is now disabled from fele:wh t his oc
cupatiou to farm work, entitles him to
$500 on his policy, Mr. einffatt at few
clays ago received a cheek for that
Stephen : Mr. 8. Cunningham, from.
Shipka, bas taken possession of Khiva
hotel. The former owner, Mr. 'Wm.
Holt, and family, have removed to
Shipka, having exchanged properties
with Mr. Cunningham. -Mr. Wm.
Burke is making preparations for the
erection of a new brick house.
Clinton . The attack of blood pois-
oning from which Mr Fred Beatty,
Hensall, has been suffering for some
weeks, has proved rather serious and
tbe doctors have ordered him to take a
rest. He has accordingly disposed of
his gent's furnishing and clothing bus-
iness and the purchasers are stock-
taking this week.
Stili, ooth19 i 2
I it®fli<RADIME.
5:00 Minute Class ... . $150 00
2:30 Class ...., ...200 00
Free-for-all Trot or Pace 250 00
Running, open . 100 00
President. Secretary.
COILIMAMIVAI.111.WIN.16.101. M11411.
Are now ready todo business with
the Public generally. All kinds of
Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at
Leave your orders at the mill. We,
delivery every day to any part of the
town free. We hope you will help its
to make a success of the business which
means a success for the town.
Ilia:hest Prices
Wheat at all times.
paid for
,smsetemezzz -= ITC, nn
+toren close 0:3o except Wednesday and Saturday..
at de part ob de Book dat I lakes de mos'
msliislle at go Figi3S."
\We think that part cf our l.?gstock that you wi11 like es well as auy
Other, is the
Reef d11.- i:ad f.7otla1n J eIarI7'tjfent-
tler Mr. Walters visits the market often at;d by so riving, obtains mary bargains
and ja., ton. that are being da i ttse'i of ey the stattuf:cturers.
Our Rig Stnri. note consists of about 77.000 00 watts of it's;. Valu+a in these Got+ds,
We have lots nl mends suits, I;ays' FancySnitr, Bicycle eu+ts and Summer Suite to
suit yoa. No matter what shape you ate In, we can suit your body, mind and pocket.
Come for ail things are now ready,
1N BOOTS t'~ SliOl:ti we have a s'ry large stock. No 114^11 priers We can guar-
antee ao show yott Ame,ie ,n Sot's that txetll ti.e ails of most competitors ani, will
wear good 00 you Road
ri`i y\ti aII.I. PAPERS. we shin' yr ti ltattt'rrs hrcted •mom 14 United States Paper
,It •,.:g. ts_'.s w ae b en4IY, fern an f-,,:a,:v 1.1 New York and no never goetle can
let haul in i ,utwIa than nuns. We have •;';o Canadi to Paper .. Sue our p.e;'ers they will
tit yreur poc'.ttetanti the avail. To buy \\-aril Paper tom ns cures r.anotony,
. °. .,C=1\/Z271.,„1"7',, Semen's Block, Exeter
.Agant for " Priestly" Cress Scads. The Leading Cfotthitry Douse
wouTe a...n..cmommtn:mt.,nmr...,r...n:..., :u:,..a..tre<.a,.... ..a.,rraw-,:mac rn-_ ..
If You Want
Call at the Family Butcher Shop,
Ono Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL,
Also dealer in ,tidies Sheep
WE T if 7;>
Colne and See us.
through our two-story
building will convince
you that we are car'ryin '
a fine assortment. Take
a look at onr stock before
The 'a'`ciIso ns Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, MS.)
Paid up Capital $2,000,000
Rest Fund , . 1,500,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advancer, to etvod Farmer's on their
own dotes -wig, one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from IO a. 8 p
m,,Satnrdays 10 a, m. to 1. p. m
Ageneral banking business transacted
CURRENTRATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent.
- Manager
Ilaving opuui-d nut a well equipped
Shop, I an; now prepared to do all kinds
0'f repairing such as
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling BIcy--
cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store.
"The Hang -dog Expression "
looks of " ready made,"" hand-
me-down " suit of clothes is
enough to disgust the Prince of
A tailor made suit, cut. made
and, fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right..
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and, parts that do
not fit wear out quickest.
Same with clothes, Cboose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
Christi '
Fir t
c assRr s '
and: Horses
g s
Orders left at Hawksbaw's.
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
Terms Reasonable;