The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-22, Page 2Suisse/ebonieYho do not receive their paper
regularly will please notify us at once.
tpply at the office for advertising rates -
High Lights,
Terrific Explosion at. the Ottawa.
Powder Works,
Bids Were Shaken as i, by an
Earthquake and Plate Glass Windows
in the Centre ot the City Were Itr•okea
--Moe iiains. TUoI: ]Eire anti It is
Of two evils elsoesethegreater; you will xt,eeted lite asa21n0 Will Be
be blamed anyway. Reached by the Plaines.
Learning makes a roan at campaay for
himself and a terror to others.
Some i riendship is like bealtbt--all right
so long as it doesn't cost anything.
Jokes on marriage are only truly funn
64 times) who are happily mareied,
Politeness is calle.E the flower of human-
ity; but man cannot live by banquets
The wornan who slakes good home-made
preserves doesn't often figure in, the divorce
Criticism is one way of making it known
that v: a dislike other people's faults more.
than our (.Wzi.
Life is neither a tragedy nor s comedy;
tt is e. shore which we cart accomplish better
by whistling than by weeping.
When a good min has an overbearing
wife all other wives have a mysterious
feelhn , that things are being mat10 even,-,
Chicago Record.
i• Ottawa, April 18. --At 11.30 last nigh
the whole slay above the city eves iilu
urinated, and a few seconds after titer
was a tremendous shoe][, as of a hese
explosion, Ina few minutes a reflection
of Sure was seen at the been of Hull. En-
quiry by telephone developed the fact
that the works of the Ottawa Powder
Company at Ironsides, about six tulles
from Ottawa, had been blown up, but at
this hour no particulars can be learned,
and it is not known whether there was
any loss of life. Quite a lot of gl;.s$ in
the city was broken by the force of the
Brief and Decisive Opinions About
Damwnd Dyes.
¥rs. J. H,. Coulter, eepawa, Man.,
set's; "I always have mewl). pleasure in
using Diamond Dyes; I think they are
grand agents for making oidtthllege look
like new."
Mary A. Ilnyeraf t, Leeds, P.Q , gine hen
experfeaee in seven words: "Inert delighted
with your Diamond Dyes."
Mrs. Chas. Hutchings,(Iones' Falls,Ont,
"Have used several packages of your
Diamond Dyes and Sind them better than
tiny other make; they never fade or crock,
end are entirely satisfactory."
Mrs. John 11• rritt. Sandy Cove, N,S„
says: "Have used Diamine] Dyes for over
caveat years and have YQund then% great
dre. David Grant:, Mountain Station,
Ont., ays: •'Ilia'ttond Dyes far eurpass all
ether tiyea that I have tried."
;scraps of ScZence.
alert on an average weigh 20 pounds
more than women..
Weak and inflames] eyes are relieved by^
bathing then; in salt water.
elevere ivy poisoning is qulekly relieved
by Lathing with t+odiuni byposulphido
Wino of colehicu m root relieves obsti.
Date sciatica in five to tan minim doses
three ti es daily.
Boiled potatoes are much slower to digest
than roasted or baked, the former requir-
lj hours and the latter from 2 to 2%.
In the case of twins their photographs
and measur mints were closely alike, but
the minutitn of their Huger prints were
atilt*: different.
The lake of Uremia, in Persia, contains
more salt than the Dead Sea, which holds
percent., or eight 'times as much as the
Cases are rororted of eyes that became
seriously inflamed by looking at anelec-
trical drill working -ono of them at a dis-
tance of ten or twelve yards.,
They Never Fall. -Mrs, S. 1L Bough-
ner, Langton, writes: "For about two
years X was troubled with Inward Piles
but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com-
pletely cured, and although four years
have elapsed since then they have not re-
turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti -
bilious and a specific for the cure of Liver
and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos-
tiveness, Headache, Plies, etc., and will
egulate the secretions and remove all
bilious matter.
Ono Enough.
"Alfonso," said Mrs. Midas, "here is
a heading in this paper that says `Had.
One Wife Too Man.;.' The rest of the
]article is torn off. How many wives do
you think the brute had 2"
"One, probably," was Midas' prompt re-
ply. -Detroit Free Preis.
Ask for Millard's Liniment and take no other.
Strong Cables and the war Scare Were
sources of so -cootie --Expected, Do-
creast in the Visible- Local Prices,,
Saturday lr,veninet, April 16.
_The wheat market este been a very ae-
ive cue 1141 wee.;. A week ago ail^ wheat
closed at 84%e in t blea„u Aute then. it
has reser t1. 8O%e, and ranee bitch again
to Skiee. 'T'oetay itsold uta to Sli e mid cies-
ed, at WO, :tgain for the day of 'a eaear
ee. Stroug 1Uies, the severe dreught an
California also nue war scare Baer beeia tee
bullish elements, aud the temporary de-
eiiva:s have been ou heavy seltii3g uv u o
bull clique, Liverpool cables were 1., to ',;a
Stronger. Petr. caused 13e to :ale Mauer;
A.utivot um:hanged. bor11 is about i t
higher au Chicago Ana'G;d to %el li,elrer ni
e len emote,
dtte:t an visible supply of wheat as ex-
- peetee to shone 1,00u,u0o buseele dee,ease
Ellis week,
v Seeding ptvl.;resse,e well iu Manitoba anti
the wheat crop .area for 1SJS is expected to
Show an increase of 2U per ecut, over 1b07.
All Ottawa Was Shal>;en.
All Ottawa was shaken, by the emelt,
which occurred; at 11.35 last night. Tall
buildings were shaken as if by au earth-
quake, and plate glass windows on .parks
street, in the, centre of the city, were that-
It was fully bait an hour after the oes
convene that the fact was learned that
the tremendous detonation was dee to an
explosion oe dynamite in the Ottawa
Powder Company's factory, about six
miles dietan* from Ottawa on the Que.
bee side of the river.
This is the third time in ten years: that
a similar_ dirnster has overtaken these
works, although never has the force of
the explosion been so severely felt in
Ottawa. The factory buildings are situ.
ated about three tulles out from ilii]] in
a secluded piece of bush land. bait a.
mile off the Chel eit road. Teem were in.
the euixing house at the tiiuo fully four
tons of dynamite. The force with which
this tease of explosive material detlnated
must have been terrific in the Immediate
neighborhood. 1)aubtlese all the buildings
are destroyed.
Soule distance from the factory is the
magazine in which are stored at present
le tons of dynamite and duatlln.
The norehotaso Took Vire.
Five minutes after the explosion, the
storehouse took lire. Tito>o who ruched
Met to the scene, upon discovering this,
ran ]nastily: away from the place and sent
wore] up and down the reed of the im-
pending danger of a ;shook. The
Hull police Chert*upam formed a cordon at
the outskirts of the town and re1ueud to
allow people to puss in. Thus, at this
hour it Is impossible to give details of
the disaster. It is almost eertitin, how-
ever, that no lives have been lost. But
in Hull and its environe, the utmost
dread prevails of the effect of the second
explosion, which will 1•e,ult when the Sire
reaches the dynamite ill the inagazitro.
The Damage In Ottawa.
The damage to plate glass on Sparks
and Bank streets will be between $1,500
and $2,000. Among the plaice wreeked
aro the Citizen oM•o; G. H. MoCilouh-
lin, dry goodsYoung Bros., bicycles;
Thomas Liggett, carpets; the Brunswick
Hotel; 'William Bourne, books and eta,
tiouery; S. Currie, bioyoles, and C.
Rogers, confectioner. Besides these much
damage was done to the window glass in
private houses in Ottawa and Hull. The
guests in the big hotels, most of whom
had retired, were badly frightened by the
force of the explosio.
The Four Victorian Nurses.
The four nurses of the Victorian Order,
who leave for the Klondike to -day, wore
given a hearty send-off at Government
House Saturday evening. A large and
representative gathering assembled at the
invitation of Their Excellencies, who in-
spected, with evident interest, the outfits
provided for the four young women who
are to minister to the siok and suffering
in the sub Arctics of Canada. During the
vening addresses were delivered by Lord
d Lady Aberdeen, the Bishop of Ot-
tawa, Rev. Dr. Saunders, Hon. F. W.
Borden, Dr. H. P. Wright, Sir James
Grant and Lieut. -Col. Evans, all of
whom eulogized the movement and com-
mended the nurses for their heroi-m
The detadhment of the military for the
Yukon, who will be commanded by Col.
Evans, will be mobilized here on Wednes-
day, and will leave for the west today
week. The nurses are going a week ahead
in order to address meetings at points
between here and Vancouver.
Not Just as fie Meant.
' "Johnson wants to borrow some money
off me. Do you know anything about 1
"I know him as well as I d y ,:r. I C
wouldn't let him have a cent"- Wien -
spoils Journal.
Military for the Cardinal's Funeral.
Application has been made to the Min-
ster of Militia for permission for Quebec
olunteers to turn out at the funeral of
ardinal Taschereau on Tuesday. Tho
authorities here will not issue an order
for the militia to parade, but will not
place any obstacles on them turning out
voluntarily. '
Savings Bank Statement.
The Government savings bank de-
posits for March show deposits of $286,-
077 and withdrawals of $247,729.
Government Days.
In the House this week and hencefor-
ward to, the end of the session' Govern-
ment orders will have precedence on
Wednesdays and Thursdays after ques-
Jobs for a Few of the Faithful.
A civil service promotion examination
ill be held in Ottawa on Tuesday. May
7, having reference to the following
acancies, present and prospective; which
ay require to be filled during the year:.
Inside service -Chief clerks 1, first-class.
clerks 8, second-class clerks 4. Outside
service, Department of Customs -Sur-
veyors 8, cbief clerks 2, clerks 10, land-,.
g waiters 10. gangers 4, lockers 10,
appraisers 4, assistant appraisers 4, tide
afters 6.
Street Car .Accident. -Mr. Thomas
Sabin, says: "My eleven year old boy had
his foot badly injured by being run over
by a car on the Street Railway. We at
once commenced bathing the foot with
Dr. Thomas' Eciectr]c Oil, when the dis-
coloration and swelling was removed, and
in nine days he could use his foot. We
always keep a bottle in the house ready
tor any emergency."
"I don't believe its possible for two peo-
ple to think of the same thing in one mo -
meat." w
"You wait until you owe your tailor a
bill and meet him on the street." -Pink-
Me -Up.
Quickeure heals Sores,
Cuts,Bruise Burns, � etC. in
Trustworthy. W
"Well, did he pay you anythingP" asked
the business manager,
"Yes," replied the female collector; "he
paid me a compliment. He said he would
not be afraid to trust me with the money
U he had; any." -New York Truth.
Unexpected Speed.
She -Well, you knew I was going to
open a running account.
He -Yes; but I didn't` kno it ld
be constantly running ` against its own
record. -Puck.
Mabel -Did Jack Hardhit carry out his
threat to throw himself over a precipice if
you refused him ?
Gladys -No; it was only a bluff, -N. Y.
Will Cost 8200, 000.
Toronto, April 18. -Assessment! Com-
missioner Fleming estimates that it.
would cost the city, at least $200;000 to
expropriate the, sites and buildings re:
quired for the laying out of Victoria
square in front of the new municipal
buildings. Ho will so report to the Board
of Control as soon as they are ready to
deal with the matter.
Navigation Will Be Open Early.;
Port Arthur, April 18. -Navigation
will likely open about the 25th, .Thunder
Bay is clear of ice to%the Woloome Islands
end the last three clays bas played havoc
with what ice there is. The .Kam inistiq a
should open early next week. Lake Su-
perior is fully' two feet lower this season
than last.
Leading e3 ht',u _utas'k.ts.
Ir ollowiug Are 'the Cioslug prices to -day
al iiaportaut Centiles:
Chicago Cash, :may,
$l ut
New York ..., 1 06%elatelate-AM/EN.auk, '�0 1 Norihsrn Si n.3
St. Louis ...,....... 1 OU 1'U#
Detroit U 101514 11
Duluth, No. 1 Norteern,,,, 1 0sV 1 u31s
Duluth, :n0 1 hart] 1 Ua
Toronto, No. 1 leant 1 Le44.1
Toronto. red ..,. • •.,.,,..• 0 Sl)
Toronto Grain amus reediest..
Flour -Firm. Straight rollers in. barrels,
middle freights, are quoted at $3.10 to
weeat-No e red, north and welt, quoted
at tang to JOt spring, et tele to 111e on Biad-
uud, goose at £sic to _tele
Midland, No. I,
Manitoba hard i, tlrm uud suttee at $1J:4
to $1.13 Notal Bay.
Raney-.ttuoted at 33c to 31e west; malts
lag berles, ;sire.
tats•---Chulee heavy welte quoted At 30e
to :Mee, west.
Bran} --Sells at $11 west, .and shorts at
$IL n'-Vanaiilau, 32e west and 38e on
track here.
IRye-Ault at 4S' to 49e outside, with sun•
pluk#itnte'&cnaQtdat 38c to 80e outside
wi'tk none offering,
]intoe land tVool.
oatmeal -Car lots of rolled oats in bags
on emelt at Toronto. *160; In bels„ $3.73,
cured -*
.,,SO 08 to $0 tisk
No. 1 g e e a, u U e l .•
" No. 2 green .. ' 0 tette .,.-
" No.:3 green
TA11on-. rendered ', 0 03 0 0314
Sheepskins , .. ..... 1 Io 1 23
Lambskins cape .. 014 ,
Celfslcius, No, 1 ,, 0 09 ;.
No, 2' ..., 0 O7 •
Wool, fleece '
" unwashed'flr eee . , 0 10 0 12
pulled, aupea ,....0 lett, 0 21
(araato Si. tenerefen. marten.
There was little change in Saturday's
market, 45 compared with that ot the pre -
et -ding day, lee grain wee some.
what ilnii:ud. but the pt'fee re in. 'lie
cele of oats, were not Affee t:erre Tice mar.i
]tet in hay a tie fault large a aud the ,a.e
good, e3 loads in all beim; eoid 81 ftvun tis
Six loads of bundle straw was +its pust:d
e1 at $6 and $P..
A daily Iucrease In the quautlty of /atter
for sale is apparent, but itu r:tdtctl e.tau.;O
in price has yet bee% limited], farmers'
while creamer}, olls j asn still daeti. at 21e and 22e.
li.(st iinti:atn Lire titorlt,
Bast Buffalo., N. T., April 10.--Cattle-Re-
Velpts, outs two ears; mauket dell aud slow,
with no demand lu1 /wavy steers, and uuly
a Iight demand fur other grades and the
outlook fur till kinds is any thing but favor-
able, owing to the combined Mate of af•
fulrs in regard to the threatened war, and
the refusal of Amerieuu lines to take stuck,
which curtails the demand,
I•fogs-Rceeipts, 12 loads and S loads that
held over. Market slow and draggy, and
Prices for light grades and 11tare loner,
with others eaey, flood to choice yoaktr:,
53.113; prime selected light, 5.3.00 to .13.05;
mixed packers' grades and medium weights
$3.05 to $4 heavy bogs, $4 to 34.4,11; toughs,
$3.40 to 53,40; p7gs, $3.40 to 53.03.
Sheep and Limits-R.e•celpts, '_3 ears of
fresh arrivals and 18 loads bolding over.
Blanket very dull and slow for all grades.
'with price* on the few handy sheep and
Iambs barely steady. Native lambs, eh01(0
to extra, 50.70 to e3.83: fair tc goad 811.30
to 53.03; culls to common, 55 to $5.50;
yearlings, fair taiopel ua elte.1•e wethprs,
$3 to 55,25; clipped lambs, 54.23 to 53;
heavy, doe, 54.63 to $4.73• native sheep.
el-oiee to selected wethers, $4i01 to 88; good
to choice mixed sheep, $4.75 to 54,00; com-
mon ., fair. 54.33 to $4,03; culls to com-
mon sheep, $3.50 to $4; clipped sheep, $3.13
to $4.25; heavy do., $3.00 to 54.
British Murat -N.
Liverpool, Aprll 16, -Spring wheat Is quot-
ed at Ss 33/4d; red winter, Ss OW; No. 1
Cal., Ss 2d to Ss 3d; corn, 35 oetd: peas,
5s 4d; pork, dis 3d; lard, 27s; tallow, lUs
Gd; bacon, heavy, 1.c., 31s; light, see
60; do., sbort cut, 30s; cheese 30s.
Liverpool -Close -Spot wheat ilrm, with
No. 1 Cat. at Ss 20 to Ss 3d: No. 1 North-
ern, at Ss 31 0. futures steady at is Wad
for elate is 7%d forJuly, Gs 10d for Sept.
and 6s SU for Dec. Maize firm at 3s teed;
futures steady at 3s 54d for Anil, es 3d for
May, 3s 53d for July and 3s Wad fur Septa
Flour 25s.
rouge ..... , ... 0 011] 0 Paye
And to Save Money They Have All Agreed
Not to Do It Any More.
Brantford, Apri118.-The License Board
having decided to rigidly enforce the law.
the hotel proprietors held a meeting and
unanimously decided to stop the Sunday
sale of liquor. The hotelmen admit that
this sort of thing has been going on, and
the only excuse offered is that others did
The landlords all signed a bond, agree-
ing to keep the bars strictly closed during
the prohibited hours, and further promis-
ing that if any of their number are found
violating the rules they themselves will
prosecute the offender.
The Murderer After Being Submissive
Becomes Violent. - Montreal, April 18. -Tom Nulty, who,
up to the time of the discovery of his
bold design to kill his jailers and make
his escape, had adopted a gentle and sub-
missive mien, bas now, it appears, thrown
off the mask, and conducts himself in
violent fashion in his cell. His rheuma-
tism now no longer troubles him. His
counsel, Mr. De Salaberxy, has visited
him and told bin that there is no longer
any hope of clemency for him, It is ex-
pected that a guard will be detailed for
the special duty of watching Nulty hence-
Salisbury's Recovery Is Slow.
London, .April I8. -The Marquis of
Salisbury, will return to England on May
3, when, club gossip asserts, be will re-
sign the Lord Wardenship of the Cinque
Pert., and be succeeded as Lord Warder
by Lord George Hamilton.
Although the Premier is better able to
walk about, returning Riviera travelers
say be evidently does so with 'difficulty,'
and only by leaning On his private secre-
tary, stooping more than usual. His face
has not recovered the ruddy hue.
Sold Liquor in a Temperance Town.
Winnipeg, April 18. --Charles Herren
druggistof Noeconvicted
pawa, has been con '
p d.
on two charges of violating the liquor
law and fined $400. Neepawa is -a local
option town.
Everybody Awaiting Action of
the United States,
TT.. S. Minister Woodford 81112 warning for
Peace-,Sgetin Will Not withdraw leer
Minister From Washington riven If
Congress Should Ratify the Resolution
of tiro louse --Conference ltetwren Oen.
Gomez, Cuban.,, autI Spanish Generals,
Madrid, April 1t., -The week closed
With unrelieved bulkier. • ail awaiting
action et Wasbiangton. • United State.
Minister Woodfor,t is still working for
ppeace, and is salla lhopeful of securing .eriirlal�, lt,.
Important negotiations were held Satur-
day. It is learned that If the United
States Congress iiuelly agrees on a reso-
lution similar to1
nt n a 111 i .a .nlS
1.t ell by the
House of Representatives, pSenor foie y
Barliabe, the Spanish Minister :rt Wash.
ington, will not be reealletl, and General
Woodford consequently will retain in
Madrid, Furthermore. it is not unlikely,
in the event of a resolution on these tines
passing, that the friendly offices of the
United. States will be invoked to assist in
the restoration of permanent peace in
Another important factor in the sittta-
tion, which itiso tends towards peace, is
the oflleial news that a conference had
been amused for yesterday botatveoaa Goll -
oral Maximo Gomez] and two Spanish.
generals in Cable
The general opinion of evening papers
is that the Baited States decision will be
hearths to Spelt'.
spas& Met Vletory its an 4.ttiaak ilpon
to V. ti. Consulate.
'slot; ie, Spain, April 18. -There was it
se',t, di$turbaneo here yesterday, result-
ir i; in au :Meek upon the United States
Consulate. A mob gathered and attacked
the United States Consulate,. Stones vera
thrown, and one of the snob leaders pre,
eared a ladder, torn down .the shield hav-
ing upon it the emus of the United States,
aud dragged it along the street,
fund ay Iriaorders,
Madrid, April M. -Saturday evening
emonstrations were made in several of
the provincial capitals. The American
shield has been rept:teatl tit the American
Consulate in Malaga aurid the tumultu-
ous protests of the crowd. A force of
gendarmes continues to patrol the streets,
A Cabinet Couneil, lasting three hours,
approved the .:uuvetsion lute warships of
the steamers of the l otnprania Tian: itt-
lauta and then diseueseit the state of
Spain's foreign relations, 1lnally (Welding
that the questions be submitted to the
The Impartial, referring to the attack
upon the Antericen Consulate at ;I;Falaga
yesterday, deplores the onurage as nem -
eerily calling for apologies and warns the
Alalagnenos against provoking a war
which Spain would aveiet if possible. The
Iinpareial adds, "Rioting is no proof of
courage. The Greeks made demonstrations
many days in Athens, but this did not
prevent thein from quiokly forsaking the
heights of T'hassaly. The Spaniards should
enter the coutest like gentlemen and not
like ruffians."
How the Vote in the Senate of the United.
States Paralyzes Spnht's Endeavors
to Maintain last Peace.
London, April 13. ---rite Aanlrl 1 norres-
pondent of the Stu:a.t,etl, tui er.:phing
Sunday 'night, says: Tho vote in the
Senate has caused a most unfavorable
impression in Madrid, as closing the door
to an undorstauding of any kind being
arrived 'at between the Spanish and
American Governments. Should Presi-
dont McKinley endorse either the idea of
a recognition of the independence of Cuba
or of armed intervention no Spanish
Goverment could tolerate either of these
courses without risking the gravest con-
sequences in Spain.
The votes of the Senate and the house
of Representatives are considered likely
to paralyze both the mediation of the
Pope and the friendly interference of the
European powers in the interests of peace,
because the resolutions passed, if sane -
timed by the President, world sot aside
all intermedlatc conciliatory solutions, like
autonomy on Canadian lines, which the
present Spanish Government have agreed
The unseemly precipitation of the
American Parliament leads Spain to be-
lieve that such an aggressive and provok-
ing policy simply aims at making a rush
into a conflict before the results of the
suspension of hostilities with the insur-
gents oan really be appreciated and before
the Cuban Colonial. Government can have
time to parley with the insurgent chiefs.
Hostilities Only Begun According to
Present Indications.
Montreal, April 15. -The railway rate
war is by no means at an end. Indeed
there are those who believe that the real
struggle is just about to begin, and that
Chairman C Hanforu sro h
ea that
a we
p P y
yet seefifty a fi ty per:centrrate to the
Pacific' Coast nnay still be fulfilled. Ac-
cording to the latest despatches from New
York, the special sub -committee now in
conference in Nttw York have not yet
accomplished anything,• nor has even any
slight promise of settlement been made
Traffic Manager MoNicoll, who is still
insisting on the Canadian Pacific differ-
ential for whichhe has been struggling
all along, is being bitterly opposed by the
representatives of the United States lines
in the committee. Traffic Manager
McNicoll and Passenger. Agent Davis
will return this morning, and. unless
some new and unexpected development
takes place, they will come back unsuc-
cessful from their third attempt to reach
a settlement. .If this is done, and if no
solution of the dead -lock is found, it is
something more than a probability that.
a further all more drastic cut willbe
made, this time by the United States
lines, to force things to an issue.
Quebec's Credit Is Good.
Quebec, April 1 5. The tenders for the
purchase of the debentures of the city of
Quebec, amounting to $25550,000, were
opened yesterday and the tender of the
Caisse d'Economio N.D. tie Quebec, was
accepted. The latter institution has ac-
cepted the whole at 6.33 premium. It is
the best done for years pail.
Ce1er Compound Cues
Nervous 1 Weak, Sick,and Broken-down
Men and Women.
Has. $uI TollsarnIs From goi, }Sufferiu
and thruin.
The Great Spring ri n Medicine � ��ed �ne that Cures
When All Others Fail.
Eminent Professional Men, People of Wealth,
and the Ordinary People Declare that
Paine's Celery Compound
Has No Equal.
ligan Silts: --.I take this opportunity to
express my gratitude for the good that I
and my friends have revolved from your
vaWattle discovery, Paine's Celetg Com-
For years I have suffered from coustant
sick headache; at tithes I have leen so
bad that I hire been tumble to sleep two
hours a night for weeks.
I have tried many medicines and doc-
tored a great deal, but hover received a
hundredth part of the value front them.
that I have obtained from Paine's Celery
Compound. After using three bottles I
can sleep well, my headaches have ceased,
and I feel healthier and better than I have
done for years.
Bairn one of the earliest settlors in this
place, I ane, known to all the surrounding
country. I feel it a duty to let others
know about the me Heine that has done
nue so rnuele good. I scud this testimonial
without any solicitation..
Yours with gratitude,
MRS. E. WILcox,
Creemore, Ont:
DEAR Salts;-lt is with great pleasure
that I testify to the value of your great
medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. For
nearly two years I suffered from indiges-
tion, kidney and liver troubles. After try-
ing several medicines that did not effeot a
ours I decided to try your Compound.
Before using it I was so low in health that
I could not eat or sleep. I could not lie in
bed owing to pain in my bank; it was only
by resting on elbows and knees I was en-
abled to obtain a slight degree of ease.
Before I had fully taken one bottle of
our mea i t
I 4 a
y t improve. v
m o. I lna
now talion in all fourteen bottles with
grand results. I am a fart nerand ami note
wonting every day. Anyone may refer tea
the in regard to these statements, or to
any of my neigh' ere around Sheffield,
where I am well ].Hewn. I aux a living
witness to the worth of Paine's Celery
Yours very truly,
Gl olucu J. Sea -S,
Sbellieid, Ont,
WELLS tt RIC:IIAuta=ar1 CO.
GENTLEateN;--No living mortal can im-
agine the terrible sufferings tbat 2 endured
for four years, owing to liver trouble,
headache and sore back. I may say that
in addition to the dangerous ailments just
mentioned, I was romtinnally sick at my
stomaoh, with a sour taste andmouth all
furred and coated. I tried many patent
medicines and was under the treatment of
doctors, but received no benefit. I thank
God for having heard of your wonderful
Paine's Celery Compound. I procured a
supply and used it, and experienced a groat
change. No other remedy ever gave me
such won erfulresult I in so short a time.
I now find myself a new woman, and oan
sleep well and enjoy my toad. No soul
should despair when they can procure
Paine's Celery Compound, the surest and
best of all medicines.
Yours truly,
Mns. J. CmtB1s,
280 Delaware Avenue,
Toronto, Ont,
He Had Heard It Before.
Borer -Why don't you laugh? I don't
believe you appreciate the story.
Newitt-On the contrary, I have always
said that it was an excellent story. -Up -to -
Out of Sorts. -Symptoms, Headache.
loss of appetite, furred tongue, and gen-
eral indisposition. These symptoms, if
neglected, develop into acute disease. It
is a trite saying that an "ounce of prevent
tion is worth a pound of cure," and a
little attention at this point may save
months of sickness and large doctor bills.
For this complaint take from two to three
of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to
bed, and one or two for three nights in
succession. and a cure will be effected.
Use Vapors of Quickeure
for Throat Troubles.
Had Beard It.
"Did I tell you what my boy said to
Hicks?" asked Marberry.
"Yes. Four times last night and three
this morning," said Barton, wearily, -
Harlem Life.
There is more catarrh in this section of the
countrythan all other
,put together,
and until the last est fewear v'
s was supposedgg
to b
incurable. For a great many yas doctors
pronounced It a local disease, and prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly' failing to
core with local treatment, pronounced it Incur -
.able. Science has proven catarrh to be a con-
stitutional disease, and therefore requires con-
, etitutional treatment: Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. ..t. Cheney & Co,, Toledo,
Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internally in doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mdcous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any -ease 1t
fails to cure, Send for circulars and testi-
monials. Address,
F. J. CHEENEY & CO„ Toledo, 0.
fi•8old by Druggists, 75c.
Trusting Soul.
"Henry," said the.anxious young wife,,
"Rhear you muttering in your sleep that
you had 'lost five bones.' If you feel that
Walt, dear, 'why don't you go and see some
good osteopathist ?"-Ohicago Tribune.
One of the greatest blessings to parents
is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator.
It effectually expelsworms and gives
health in a marvellous mannerto the lit.
tae one.
Perhaps That Is Why.
"When a doctor is ill he invariabl esu,
in another physician to treat him, but one
tailor never goes to another for a suit of
clothes." •
"Well, a doctor who treats a doctor never
sande a bill for his services," -Judge.
Not Wholly Vnsuccessfut..
Brown -The detectives have not meets
any arrest yet, have they?
Smith -Well, yes -they've arrested the
attention of the public. -New York Truth.
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
Dangers of civilization.
"They say a man is safer in the woods
nowadays than he is in town."
"That's so; there aren't any marriage-
able girls in the woods." -Chicago Record.
"This train makes a great many stops."
"Yes. It's a milk train. it is probably'
stopping for water." -Chicago Tribune.
and Brooms
\Y7 C guarantee
W highest qual-
ity and best work-
manship. See the
name 011 every
Chas. Boeckh & Sons
Mfrs. Toronto.
The Water Wh to is as good as Amerb.
can -Cheaper, and Lasts Longer.
Your dealer should have it.
Samuel Rogers, Presid,•nt. Toronto. Can earn a Stem -Wind Wateh '
and Chnln, vt'arrantod
for el -
s 1
g worth
of '
Bluing, Everlasting Wicks,
to s5c, each. Np money
, SpoonsItlln�ng�s at Se^
money required. Write stat
tug your father's occupation.
Manufacturer's Agc.,oy Co., Toronto, Ont.
1 .�
Donald C. Itidout' 1 Co,, registered patent
attorney, solicitor et Canadian and foreign
patents andcounsello, and expert in patent
causes ; Canada Life Building; 'Toronto'; • books
on patents and trade marks free on applica-
tion. 166.
T. N, U.
Th ' ,
QI'oll• at The Northgrri,Busiaaess,Colla
L9 J Owen Sound, Ont., by cxpenenC� ' ;
teachers. Course includes Shod.
W ugph , . hand,- c(v '
�1• YP ntang„penmanship and
Letter,wriaing-- ust the subjects ra.'
quired by Shorthand writers in office work, Co110g
Announcement free. C. A. FLRMIN('a,'rinci