The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-15, Page 6Subscribers who do not receive their paper
regularly -will pleaee notify us at once,
epply at the office for advertising ratee.
Odds and Ends.
Bicycle enamel ie only skiu deep.
Do three pigsfeet etael a yawl of pork?
A bride reseeeseing e million is sure to ae
Erma the naked truth thould be clothed
in polite lauguage.
Ist the great game of life Gabriel wit
play the last trump.
Payment for an electric fan should al-
ways be znade by draft.
Wrinkles am oftea the tracks left by the
passing Se borrowed trouble.
Men who fall aeleep uehurch sloe
eeptible to a religious awakening.
No man was ever borned alive at tho
*take except he was bound, to be.
To the pneumatie tire it makes a great
liffereuce whiele way the evind blows.
Toot ewer own heria, but out be too
brasabandish. Moderetion Is the soul of
Hell is said to be raveel with good luteu-
klQus. Well,they eoultin't uee ceder bicakie
multi they 2
It isn't worthwhile doinga suaart deed
If you win do nothing bue brag about It
aorever after.
The size ot a minister's salary doesn't
Indic:We the antellUt of treasure he has
laid up iu beaver,.
If there never wee a cloud, blue sky
would become "as tedious asp, twiceetold
tale vexing the (lull ear of A driewsy
There never W.t.;„ mild never will be, a
nuiversal panacea, ie. ene remedy, for all
ills to width iebeir-the very nature
ot many curattves being such that were
the germs of other and differently Seated
diseases mated le the system of the
patient -what antild relieve. one ill i
Uwe would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Qne Witte, when
obtaittable in a ,,Quxal unadulteresed
gaze, a meetly for misty and gra vious ale
By its gradual and jades:sets use, the
frailest systems are eel Uwe convalescence
streugth, by the influence watch Qui -
Dine exerte on Nature'e owe restoratives..
itre:ievee the tiroepreg &piste of theta
with whon a ehrouie state of' morbid des-
pesaclency and leek. of Setereet M life is
dieease, aid, by trauquilizing the nerves,
die' to sound end refreshing sleep -
Imparts vigor to ate :mien of the blocel,
which, beaig stinelieted, vourses tiareugie
out the vents, etre:agile:wig the healthy
animal ituiecons a the eyetem, thereby
making activity a sieeeesary resnit,
strengthening:Jot Cram, ami giving aft:
to the digestive organs., which natureity
demand mereesed inee-result,
proved appetite. Northrop & leynoin
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Witte at the usual rate.
and, gatigtel by the opanon of scientiete,
this wine approaches tesevest perfection of
any in the market. AU timing:us sell it.
"X in ann."
"Anti I in Him." The promise here fole
lows swift upon the eonnuand, "Abide in
Me." If we satisfy outeelves with Jesus,
Be will be the satisfaction of our souls.
o language can express all that is com-
prehended in these three words, "1 in
Him." Saints that have been for thou -
lands of years before the throne do not
fully fathom it. There is but one who
knoweth Christ, and but one who can eeti-
mate the wealth of that inheritance here
made over to the believer. Ii Chriet are
in the treasures of wisdom and know-
ledge; the Spirit without measure; all the
fullness of the Godhead; life inexhaus-
tible; love unfathomable; glory, honor,
loreinion, blessing; and thus marvellously
freighted Christ offer; to dwell in the be-
liever; and in; the b never does not occa-
;lonelier visit Christ. but habitually abides
in Hint. so are we warranted to tonclude
that Christ propos .s not to give the be-
liever an occasional revelation of His
grace, no to sadden hint with intermingled
periods of deeertien, but ae the vine abideth
tvith the branch, so wee He abide with, in,
end f or the believer.-- ehor. George Bowen
Dyspepsia and Inotieneilue.-0. W. Snow
fils Co., Syracuse, N. Y., writes; "Please
send us ten gross of P!Ils. We ae+) selling
more of Parmelee's Pills than any other
Pill we keep. They eave a great repu-
tation for the cure of' Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint." Mr. Charles A. Smith, Lind-
say, writes: "Parmelee's Pills are an
excellent medicine. My sister has been
troubled with severe headache, but these
pills have cured her."
Force of Habit.
Mrs. Benham -Why do you always talk
te yourself when you are shaving?
Benham -I got into the habit from being
Awed at a barber shop for years.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the House.
Time for Action.
"M. le Coinmissaire, my husband is
crazy. He threatens to kill me. He should
be confined."
"Nothing can be done as yet, madame,
but if he should chance to kill you I assure
eon you shall have ample satisfaction."
'liter* Was a rah' Rua of Live Stock in
The Pricer..
The Terrible Disaster in the
Chil000t Pass.
TheNuinber of the Dead Now Said to
eleacit Detweeo Fifty and One Hun-
dred The Ace*dent Occurred Five
Miles Above Sheep (7amp--Thour>atids
of People Turned Out and Am Work -
lo Recover the Head.
Sitaguay, April a (via Seattle, Wash.,
April 11 L -Fully tie people were twertatteu
by the 'now slide ou the Chilkoae Trail
mealy. and are either auried itt the snow
or seattered along the borders of the Ave -
Jambe in a more or less injured condi-
tion. The point at which the accident
occurred is some five mikes above Sheep
Camp. Tile nearest telephone &titian is
four miles distant. 'rhe telephone wires
at this point were carried away by the
slide. 1.1sis fact makes it diflicult to ob-
tain further partieelare at this time. A
blinding snow storta was raging all day
upon the summit, and as a cones:queue!)
many of those in the vieinity were mak-
ing no attempe ro travel. Thetasatide of
people were encamped in tlee vicinity of
the aceident at the time, and were soon
upon the scene, rendering etich aesistenee •
s possible. lapon reeelpt of this news.
ousts- below Dyee telephoned up to know
aseietellee etae required. and eakelved
newer to the effeet thet fis00:1 people
were at wort; on the debris and were only
each other's way. Thirty-one bodies in
aU bare been recovered
Perliape a Ilueldred Lost.
A later dispatch says: The horror on
be Eyea Trail is growing in magnitude
hourly. As the work, of reecue proveside it
eeenais mere oppress:, that many more
live)) were lost, than ae first thought
pis-ail:le. It is now Lelieved that lietiviena
oo and 100 men and women were killea
by the :wale:ache Many bodice will never
be revevered until the summer sun melts
the tone of snow and let3 that now lairs
tbm fr0.!11 sight. Two or three thoiteand
wee ar0 working in Teleys of ae many as:
eau Stand sidt hy itwehng away
the Merle in searelt of the tledil and dye
ing. Twenty -Two thead betties have lean
erovereil aud identdied, and. ::71 have
eat taken out alive. A cornee- liet of
kiUed, as eoutplete 85possilee the
hour of writing, es as lollowe; tins.
t'rath, Seattle; Frank Sprague. aseutle;
Steve Steveneon, Settle; C. H. Marra-
son.Seattle; W. L. Kiley. eegt14.; E. D.
Atwooii, New York: C. Beek, ea:tenet,
Fla.; L. W. Widelin. lattneae City: Moo
/tam. lialtinetre, Md.; John Morgen,
Ensparia, Kanass; F. M. Grimes*Seem-
:tient°, Cal.; :Ors. AnM
na oxel. Joffeesell
County, Pa.; Rae. Refiner& Helier City,
Oregen; Atkins. Idaho; Tom aisffart,
aaittlet E. la tliUrr. Yalu -wear; Tom
'ollins. Portland. Oregon t T. Lamar,
Itellway Employes eliselog.
Seventeen employes of the ("home
Railway Se Tratu Companyottho went up
to the summit on the morning of tbe
alide to work, are missing, and it le feared
bat they are among the lost, It is estims
Deed that 10,0o0 tons of outfits are buried
under the .enew and ice. There were sees
end smaller slitlee before the de:Atli-deal-
ing avalanche started.
About 2 o'cloek in tho morniug a smell
slide occurred, which buried several cab-
ins. The alarm was spread, and. many
peeple were endeavoring to work baek to
Sheep Camp when the big one mune.
The snow storm was Wetting, and crowds
were coming down by the aid ot a rope
when overtaken.
The exact location of the slide is given
at two and a mit miles above Sheep
Camp and 100 yards above the Oregon
Improvement Company's power hanse.
Here an immense gorge rises at a very
steep incline into the hills, andit was
down this the avalanche mune. The tele-
phone office here has been thronged all
day and night with people anxious to get
some word of friends believed to have
been in the disaster. Many people have
gone from this city and Dyea to Sheep
Camp to aid' in the work of rescue. It is
believed that when the fun returns are
in the dead will number nearer 100 than
.A. Surveyor's Report.
J. A. Raines of Maine, who was fortu-
nate enough to be dug out alive, says:
"All of a sudden I heard a loud report,
and instantly felt myself going swiftly
down the hill. Looking around, I saw
many others buried, some with their feet
out and head buried out of sight, and
others vice versa. When I struck the bot-
tom I tried to run, but the snow caught
me, and I was instantly burled beueath
80 feet of snow and rock, being on the
very verge of death by suffocation when
I was reached by the rescuers. I think
the slide occurred abont 11 ann. I am
thankful to be alive Many, I pre-
sume, were saved by taking hold of a
rope for hauling freight up to the sum-
mit. By this means 40 or 50 were pulled
out, battered and bruised more or less,
but glad to be alive at any discount. I
never want to nor expect to experience
such an awful half hour again as long as
I live."
His Joy.
Griggs -You look as ecstaticelly hopeful
as a man who is off for the Klondike.
jiggs-I'm better fixed than that. I'm.
the heir of a man who is off for the Klon-
When the chainless "bike"
Fills street and pike,
Then everywhere we go
We'll strangers 'be
To all We see .
For we'll travel incoge you know.
Lincoln's Estimate of a Neighbor.
A New York firm applied to Abraham
lfAncoln, some time before he became pre-
eident, for information as to the financial
tending of one of his neighbors. Mfr.
incoln replied. as follows: "Yours of the
6th inst. received. I am well acquainted
ivith Mr. X., and knovr his circumstances.
First of all, he has a wife and baby; to
gather, they ought to be worth $50,000.
Secondly, he has an office, in which there
ere a table worth $1.50, and three chairs,
;worth, say, $L Last of all, there is in° one
corner a large rat hole which will bear
Looking into. Respectfully, A. Lincoln."
+-Indianapolis Sentinel.
Mr. Levick Has Recovered Conscious-
ness, But Stapor Is Strong. Tet.
Toronto, April 11. -The villainous out-
rage on Mr. Joseph Levick on Thurs-
day night at his borne at Wychwood has
created much exeitement in the neighbor-
hood and surroundiug districts, and Sun-
day scores of people visited the 50088
the occurrence.
The injured man ha e not yet recovered
from the stupor that followed from the
attack, and was restl'
ess making frequent
allusion to the pales in his head. Hu has
been unable to take but the slightest
nourishment, but it is.thou.ght time with
returning consciousness he will rally and
pull through.
From further particulars obtained, it
seems that the assailants were hidden in
an outdoor closet adjoining tho
A shed (doge by carries a largo surface
bespattered with blood
Relatives of the injured man have
strong suspicions of tho perpetrators of
the deed.
County Constable Stewart said yeeter.
day afternoon that no arrests had been
Ordered to lialifax.
Dublin, Apeil 11. -The first battalion.
-was unexpectedly ordered to sail for
Balifax on April 24 '.1.'his is an untSual
asSignment, since the regiment only re-
cently completed 15 years foreign service.
No explanation of the order is giVen.
Friday Evening, sepal s,
All Cantellan, Dente) and European
and Prodile0 InarlierS Were r4v,rii ei-
der+ O. viie-usteto the; ux.lete ef eleentialore
over :AO espano-merteAenAli.V-
eral of the 'United States Boards oe eeeele
xelealued open for beeineee. The featule
of the Mimeo mareet u'rk-' the etreugte of
eon), which' broke away team wheat, :rid
led the nay by an advance of about an
even cent, The chief IlAill!^.11A.P.A Aq`i Wed so
be the prespeetive light r. eelets of el ra
end the reported large 41elnanti4 for export.
Wheat was deeklediv slow, but neverthat ee
ret n 4•rt 4 ma :eget reeeipts acid ile.yao etas
with eerie The, Jally option gained '3," tor
tbe day. Septenther nail Doveanier
Re. teats and provieions elostel strung.
with higher tentleuey,
w maruct...
b'ellowitig are the elesleg peon teaks
at important CeltWCSI
rash. NtaY-
....$1 SC toe
New York ... 1 olee
eniwaueee, No. 1 North- 1 00
Iteees ...... ee oVee
Toledo) ....... ..,.......... o :tete ps
Dela olt k h. • lk 4. I. 11 a ael Oteie
Tortoni) Live stock.
at the wee; ere taloa Mail: '1 was fairly
Although a holiday. the run of live stock
large. Zo WO' leads, composed of 471 tattle.
eltevp„ 10 eaiVce: Arai 141a hogi.
Trade was. fairly brisk. esperially us the
expert mot priees paid were as good.
It :tot better. thou at auy time this year,
a•be rezteea fthr this was that eeveral boats
were due ;0 sail lids ['Inning week, ',Lip-
ping was to be had at a little low-
er rates that) usual. and dealers buying
cattle to day voted ship Otero at once, with,
out inentrout ane vette Pala Pao for !et
pr es VI. exporters were is MOO
better, ranging trent $3.1e1 to $4.-10 per ewt.;
ee el ore bulk, eliolve quality. Sn.40 to, $3.74;
export buns) light. at $3 to nee.
The trade In butebers' rattle w.ts. fain
prices about use same as tie
cheese pieeee lots. en:0 at $4.00 to $4, leede
er ;1004 ee.-ea to ;.4,s+1•, uwillunt $3.40 10
S.15. common $3.1ti to $3.37*. and inferior
$tese to $., per ewe
lintfale eteekere in fair demand; pricers
lower at Seals to San.
revilers iu -'oed eAlditiett and weiglilne
tam 1000 to1100 114t. each solil at e3.01.1
M t.OWs; sold at s'45 10 $io earl'.
valeta eearee. only lo ofteral. Priees
eennesei. (eel! nape \vented.
Sltee.p, deliveries light, pieces unchanged,
evrc.; selling, at eeeino TO eet.7.5, yearllug
lambs $eele to $5.11o. burets $3 to $3.2"O per
Spring enahe sold at $3 to tee colt.
Bogs, 4.1 agate fair, priees steady, at
ter "-4••,11, rams and 4.7.riT.: for
thtetz -arid light fats.
eet titillate Live stork.
Buffalo, Apra 8,-te8ttle-s1lece1pte
* vale' oboe: two ears. Vele stelland
ate toe va Attr4-r. and all were add Itt
t:31 esead.y se eiselag vraipor previa.
vase: and Coil'. sz-ltece.pis about :ill head,
There 8 arttVe 4ilt.:4401 for the 1:tu1-
c4 loeientge of eeed astea, iteil even wale
for seippers rS In the te
go be. rope selol at $01.2.1 to eteren 00111110n
4 etielee $.4 14# ell.
Three 11 teaos. 70 eers. nntri 4.w al:4
trade, was dragey at lower
tO enelve Yea. r,. i. 4_4I to $1,1n: prime sie
hated light Yeti:ere 114 to $1.14•1:
Niters' la 8.44,m11
wesgett 'it.lo; heavy boa:, sem; neigh:.
rarti ehtees, ee to sa.arit pig* 11s2a
l'IGt1:13;:rivaIs and :Ittnut 141 ioad4 Debi over
Sheep and Lambs- Iteetipte. 47 ears of
from ;este:14,13.Nthe 1 E14 uf
were Oinatias beishy wail' stole:. :ova
as the I.NINAlterS 410 wit wane Tile mare 't
wile fairly :olive fuel stele g for good bandy
grades ef all Med,. Nati\ e lambs. cheats
to extra, at) to elate; fair to geed, eallo to
ease); enfis tO 4.0:11111A311. .S to eaeo; year.
fines. ter inIxed to+ ehalee wethere, se to
$e.ten teemed lamb,. Mari te Sew.; litevy
one vain to sons. :eative sheep. rewire to
selected wiener:see Leo to 81: tr. to ell lee
InlVod she* p. LOU to 8IX5: co,,,toon tRA fair.
to11.28 toS,;t1..2.455.; enns to) 4metemo kseee
to :sit ellppea sheep, ea to $1.3te beavy do.,
tionitis I-atter:4 itattareorts
Assault ne. Levleit or Wyeliwood
anti Leave Ulm for Dead.
Toronto, April te-A burglary tbat
may terminate in the nore serious <gime
of murder took place on Thursday night
itt Wychwood.
Mr. Joseph awhile and his mother re-
side in a rough-onsb .dwelling at the
corner of St. Clair avenue and Da thuret
street, and on Thursday night, between 9
and 10 o'clock, the son left the house to
fasten a back gate. Here he wile met by
twO men, the one tall and the other
somewhat shorter, who at once com-,
menced a murderous attack upon him
with the side of brick mould. .
Mr. Levick was silenced by the, thugs,
and they then proceeded to tho house stud
made it search for the valuables that
might be within. The old lady was
searched and a print ling conteining
$48.27 Was taken from ber, and, nf,er
carrying the injured man into the heuee,
the villains decamped,
Mrs. Levick, being a cripple, could do
nothing to arouse the neighbors, and it
was only by her. screams early yesterday
morning that residents in that locality
were apprised of the occureence.
Dr. Page of Bracondale was summoned
and found the man unconscious, his head
having been brutally beaten, and he was
still in a comatose conditionlasb night.
Chief Lawrence of North Toronto and
County Constable Stewart were early on
the scene, and are busily, engaged in
endeavoring to find the perpetrators of
the diabolical outrage.
The Month of April a Coloring and 1
Re-creating Time,
Diamond Dyes Make Old Things
Look As Well As New.
This's the great spring month for using I
Diamond Dyes, Old, fadea and, dingy,
looking dresses, costumes, skirts, blouses,
jecItets, eapes, shawland suits for men
and boys are osually looked over 'latch a ;
view ef fitting them for another season's
wega clyelog operation is an important :
one and demands care. The great point Is A
to get the right dyee-colors that are pure,
bright and warranted fast to washing and
TiaDamond Dyes-theonly guarenreed,
dyes in the world -possess all the import-
ant virtues for the production of perfect ;
colors. The popultir and tested Diamond
Dyes have such an ineneese amend all ;
over the world that unscrupulous dealers,
for the sate of large profits, sell vile junta.,
tions. If you would have your garments
and goods colored riehly and. eernmoently
avoid all suck imitations.
Refase all dyes that your dealer tells ,
you are just as good as the e Diamond." I
Write for boot of direetions and. color
Card; sent post free to any address, by
Wells-& Richardson Coe 7-4onteed10
1erene1t eicceutrie.
Count Bertrand, who recently died at
an advanced age in Paris, NVOS a very ea).
nelnfEIC Man, And to one ot ble wee:Uri*
ties he ascribee his long life. Regularly
mace a year he would leave his home, go to
a quiet hotel, betake himself to bed and
stay there for three menthe. On these oce
=shins he would see no one but his eon,
vent, who brought his rowels, and even
him forbade to speak. Jug before tbe
Gelman began the siege of Paris the
Count wen e to bed, anti the servant, prOV-
ing trae to his injunetioos, said POthlug
of the great events going on invalid hira.
Oue day the bread proved so bad the count
demanded an explaeutien, whereby, of
OUrSQ, Ile learned that Paris Was encom-
passed. by the enemy. Springing out of
bed tbe count paced the floor, repeatiug:
"Mame should. a Bertrend do under such
eirctuestences?" Suddenly be seepped,
excleindage shoula go to bed)" and
to bed lie went and stayed there until the
elope was over.
All Were Filed by Liberals -North Toronto
in the LW.
Toronto, April 9.--F1ve more election
protests were filed by Liberals on 'liars -
day -North Toronto, South Waterloo,
East Simmie, Addington -and. West Vic•
toria. The Conservatives did not ille any.
The petitioner againsb the return of Mr.
Muter in North Toronto is Henry Sum-
mers, laborer. In addition to the now
somewhat hackneyed charges is one
alleging that the voters' lists were not
In South Waterloo, R. N. Sootb, agent,
Galt, petitions against the return of W.
A.. Xribs, whose majority was 109.
Isaao Saunders, carpenter, Orillia, is
'the petitioner fax the voidance of .ete Kis-
cainpbell's elebtion in East Simone, His
majority was 76.
In Addington, Mr. 'Reid's election. by
a majority of 340, is assailed by Ed.
Madigan of the Township of Camden.
Patrick O'Reilly, laborer, Lindsay, is
the petitioner in the West 'Coterie case.
Mr. Ivox hada majority of 72.
These bring the total number of pro-
tests filed up to 56, of which two have
lapsed. If peesent intentions prevail, 12
or 14 more will be filed.
Called Mimseif a Reporter.
Kingston, Ont., April 9. -John Ellis,
alias' J. W. Lewis, is under arrest here
for atteniapting to pass a cheque for $25
and purporting to have been issued. by 0.
M. Hays, G.T.R. 'Damages,. Ellis says he
was a former Toronto reporter, but now
an advertising agent.
Bleb. te'e n ti -Con eumpt lots Syrup stands
t the head of the bet for all diseases ot
the throat and lunge. It acts like magic
in breakiug up is cold. A. cough is soon
subdued, tightuess of the clieet is relieved,
even the W0F4 ease of consumptiou is re-
lieved, while in recent eases it may be
said, uever to fall, It is is ineaicine pre-
pared from the active principle; or virtues
of severe.' medicinal herbs, aud can be de-
peudeti upon for all pulmonary core-
plai Te.
Wetatoa Smokers.
There is no doubt Out the number of
women who indulge in the cigarette is
largely on the increase, and it is no longer
true to say that the only belies who smoke
arsi 13olennians. There could be no better
proof of this vogue whieh tho eigarette is
enjoying among womankinu than the fact
that various branches of trade have started
to cater to women smokers. A.11 the
area:Jog implements are constructed in
the eostliest and meatiest festoon. The
cigarettes are made up in satin cases with
puffed sides, which might be used as jewel
caskets when empty. Cigarettes, if often
used, leave is tell-tale stain on the t stutila
so to protect my los ty's pink fbagers cigar-
ette tongs of the prettiest descr ption are
manufactured. A oworite smoking cap
is the Turkish fez, white) ie ;awes beetnn
Ing to is pretty faxe, eee w hen wern-
in conjunction with A•A.. coat or
Japanese kimono.-Tooectio 'irate
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
wawling,, 'wow)) ma caterwauling.
The word "wawling," and its variants
"wewling" and "wowlingt,are fairly corn -
mon in modern folk -speech. In. North-
umberland they have it " wowling;" in
/tucks and Oxon I have he,ard both wawl-
ing" and "wewling" applied to the plain-
tive or wailing cry of little children. When
the "English Dialect Dictionary" extends
to "W,' Prof. Wright will, no doubt,
show the range and nuances of the term,
us he has already done with "bell" and
Shakspeare makes use of
"waver" once at least. See "Lear" 4, vi.,
in which the aged king tells Gloster:
"Thou knowsb the I:fret time that we smell
the air
We wawl, and cry."
• -Notes and Queries.
Dyspepsia or Iudigestion is occasioned
by she want of =Mu in the binary ducts,
loss of vitality in the stomach to secret the
gastric juices, without which digestion
cannot go :cote also, being tee principal
cause of Beaaache. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills taken before going
to leed,for a while,
never fail to give rellefand effect a cure.
Mr, P. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont.,
Writes: Parmelee's Pills are taking the
lead against tea other makes which I have
in stock."
, 'What Ile Wanted.
"These are boneless sausages," said the
butcher, facetiously, as he wrapped up
some for Mr. Snickers.
"Yes, I suppose so," replied Mr. Snick-
ers; "I wish I could be just as certain
that they are horseless sausages."
Woman's Way.
"I am non,woethy of your great love!'
'sighed the fair young girl.
"I know itl" cheerfully assented the
youth. '
And then she gave back his ring and
forbade him the house.
Take Laxative l3romo Quinine Tablets. All
Pr uggists r e iund the nteuey if it fails to Cure: 25c
True Love.
Henry Yallerby-Aftale we's married
we'll bab chicken foh dinnah ebery day,
Melinda Johnson -Oh, yo' dearer! But
I wouldn't ask yo' to run no sich risks foh
naah sake.
A Bandy Alan.
A good ballplayer should have a plane
In every first-class ch.oir;
He can pitch the tunes or hold first base,
As occasion may require.
In Chicago.
Mrs. Like Front -No, I shall never
find John's equal.
Mrs. Palmer Howes (sympathetioally)-
Perhaps, dear, you'll find his equivalent.
Disease, Suffering, Health,
How to ..Banish Disease and
Sepure. Good Health.
Puine's Colorll Bolluound 'MB Grout $pring
Cloansor and Ufa Ciller.
Makes Fresh, Pure Red Blood for Pale
and Sallow People.
April le new with us. The feathered
songsters axe bere again, warbling their
sweetest notes in paesus of praise for a
new season. Nature is tbrowing off her
old garb. Tbe trees are budding, the grass
is showing new line and soon the wild
flowers will put on their dazzling dress of
beauty and richness. All nature seems to
be calling out to man, sating. "Be hOPPY
and rejoice; give thanks to Elm who
makes such glorious provisiou for the
children of earth."
Many a thankful prayer will ascend
from truly grateful and healthy men and
womeu for the beauties and bounties of
the new season. On tho other bend, a vast
multitude of balteleadanalten down,weak,
debilitated and suffering men and women
will not Inive the cateeity to appreciate
the mercies so bountifully bestowed. Their
thoughts aro centred an their afflictions
and sufferings; they tire moody, despond. -
eta morose, and some are hopeless and in
It is to this suffering class thatwe would
speak words of hope a.nd comfort. Ware-
ing would be unnecessary 1.1' you fully
realized the fact that Paine's Celery Com-
pound cures the disease that is now mak_
Ing such progress and havoo in your body.
It matters not whether the trouble be
rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney disease,
omplaint. nervous preetrAtIon, age -
zing dyspepsia or blood diseases, Paine's
elery Compound is able to make you
whole arid well.
Paine's Celery Compound, nullice other
medicines, is a true and rapid banisher of
disease; it makes the blood pure. so that
life and energy flow quickly to every
muscle, nerve and tissue. Nature's medi-
c:1mi promptly restores strength, vigor, ap-
petite and digestion; it gives sweet sleep
And repose to the wearied Axid restless!.
Will thee° honeet etiti strong aeSnralaCes
induce you to give earth's best medieine a,
fair trial in this your time of danger?
The experience of iihysicitius and their
kindly words in favor of Paine's Celery
Compound should be is guarantee of awe
cess to you.
The marvellous results given to weak,
sickly and broken down eleegym en, judges,
MernherS of parliament, and to worthy
and honorable eitizees of every eity in the
Dominion, speak volumes in favor of
Paine's Celery Compound.
One bottle experimented with at tbis
season is always enough to make the most
critical and skeptical continue with tbe
medicine until they are cured.
It has been truly said by an eminent
Canadian press correspondent that "lie
physician is ever needed in /mines where
Paine's Celery Compound is used."
Hypnotizing is nen.
"Did you ever hypnotize a chicken ?";
asked Police Commissioner Kind the other
day. "It's dead easy. Just catch your
hen, place it on the iloor in front of you,
with its tail toward you. Take a piece of
chalk and draw a straight line, beginning
at a point just under the hen's head and
extending a foot and a half or more.
"The bird, will fasten its eyes on the -
chalk, and in a twinkling she is unconeoi-
ous of anything but that line. You can
cuff and kick her about as much as you
please, but her gaze will immediately re-
turn to the chalk line. When 1 was sail-,
ing before the mast it was not an unusual
thing on a calm, cia,y, when there was no
work in sight, to see a d zen or more
sailors. each witb a hen in his hands,
dr wing chalk marks. It is the most per-
fect (use of complete hypnotism 1 ever
saw. Just try it some time if you don't
believe it. '-Toledo Blade.
Ask for Minard's Liniment and take no other.
Poor Thing.
Miss Elder (with a sigh) -I heard Miss
Fosdick sav that she had an engagement
for every night next week.
Miss Tommy -What of that?
Miss Elder -Why, some girls can't get
engaged at alL
Dear Sirs, -This is to certify that
I have been troubled with a lame
back for fifteen years.
I have used three bottles of your
completely cured. ,
It gives me great pleasure to re-
commend it and you are at liberty to
use this in any way to further the use
qf your valuable mecliqine.
Two Rivers. ROBERT Ross.
The Difference.
"A man," observed, the student of social
phenomena "is never satisfted so long as
there is anything lie wants; a woman is
never satisfied so long as there is anything '
she oan get,"
'His a Great Public-Benelit."-These
significant words were used in relation to
Dr, Thomas' Electric Oik by a gentle-
man who had thoroughly tested It.
merits in his own case -having been
cured by it of lameness of the knee, of!
three or four years' standing. It never
falls to remove soreness as well as lame-
ness, and is an incomparable pultnonto
Ind correotive.
We note with unalloyed delight
As we patiently journey along.
That we are nearly always right
And the other fellow's wrote&
A Law suit.
Oh, the farmer's bad dog tore the youth's!
Sunday pants,
• And the latter for justice beseeches,
So the farmer must pay for the breach of
the peace,
And likewise for the piece of the breeclies.
Idinard's Liniment the Lumberman's Friend.
Once a Month.
Mrs. Teast-Have you ever seen any..
Shing in the moon which reminded you of
Mrs. Crimsonbeak-Oh, yes; when 10
was full, I have.
NTT E guarantee
vv highest qual-
ity and best work-
manship. See the
name on every
Chas. Boeckli Si Sons
:Mfrs. Toronto,
and Brooms
Ask y our dealer for this Oil.
It's Cheaper and Better
than Water White American
011. •
llest Ever Made In Canada..
B Can earn a Stem -Wind Watch
and Obsin, warranted, for sel-
!'iml2:5s0zcrth Ladrj
`""'""" if;ea:trgfic:Picturc, SpoLsIiisst5e
to 25c. each. No money required. Write stet.
ing your father's occupation.
Manufacturer's Age :icy Co., Toronto, Ont.'
r rances E1 Willard
We are handling the (authorized) Memorial
ot this wonderful Woman. It is the
only °facial book -beautifully gotten up and
cheap. 'Without doubt will have an enormous
sale. .A Klondyke for acents. Write immed-
iately. S. L. NI0I7OLS & oo,
Cut this out ea Etta:mond West, Toronto.
IL../ Donald C. Itidout s Oe., registered patent
attorney, solicitor of Canadian and foreign
patents and eounseliot and expert in patent
causes; Canada Life Building, Toronto ; books
on patents and trade marks freeon applies -
tion. •165.
T. N. U.
It matters not whether you are going te work on thi
farm, in the workshop, or the merchant's or manufac.
turer's office, you need a thorough Business Bducatioa
in order to succeed well. Write for the Announcement
of the Northern thisiness College for full partioulara
Address. -C. A. Fleming, Principal, Owen Boned. OR*