The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-18, Page 8neasieeteesi Ratted..
The undersigned would be pleased
t take a number of boarderia—Ladics'
erGenntiemen. First classaeeommoda
then. Terms reasonable. Apply at the
House opposite Commerical Hotel.
Ii. BueziliQlUM
New Flour &Feed Store
To the Housekeepers of Exeter audvicinity
rhe undersigned will opens Floor and Feed
business 'n the store three doors south of
v fG
will be kept on band,,
ALL emeee,r.S i)EL1VEI IE.D
I respectively solicit a, share of ;your es-
teemed patronage.
Cents pays for *be Anvocvr> to
.fan, 1st, 1899.
This is St. Patrick's day.
Why isn't a man a thief when he
!looks his wife's dress,
Revival greetings are being held ill
tto James Street Methodist Church, this
Holy Corainnuion will be administer
iii in the Trivitt Memorial Ctautch next
The Verity Plow Company has now
Commenced th erection of their new
factory at Brantford.
Messrs Jos. Cobbledi; l;, W. G. Bissett
and John. Daatmeey each received a
carload of eon: last week.
Floods are reported at London, i3rant
.ford, Parie, and Galt. Much damage
was done but no lives were lost.
Mr John Mitchell has moved into
the old staitiou hotel acid iii future will
.onduet it as a temperance house.
The bright sunny weather of the
past few days has honey-combedthe
slow sod left roads iu rather bad cote
The uniform promotion examinations
for the Publics &Schools of Huron, will
be .held on Thursday and. Friday, Mar,
24,tia and 25tb.
lair. Rich. Eitw ortby, of this place,
sent two excellent thoroughbred. Dur-
ham heifers to Wm. Johns in lialeida,
7,fauf;oba, on Mouday.
The Grand Trunk's traffic receipts'
far the week ending March ?tri were
$4:45,048, au increase of $47,361 over
the corresponding; week last year.
Bannerman, who has been an in-
mate of theallouse of Refuge, has been
allowed to return to Stanley at his own
choice; his wife remains an inmate.
Beware of a man who similes when
Ila'S angry, he's dangerous. And be.
ware also of the man who looks glum
when he's glad, he's probably a humor-
The weather bas been decidedly
spring-like for some days and the
maple syrup harvest has commenced,
The end of the month, however, may
not be so propitious,
Workmen are busily engaged tear-
ing down the house recently vacated
by Mr. Wm. Carliug. Mr. Carling in
tends erecting a fine and commodious
reaidence this spring.
The open meeting of the Royal Temp.
tars will take place in Gidley's Opera
House, on Monday evening next, when
a good program will be rendered by
local and foreign talent.
On Monday evening, 28th March, an
"At Home" consisting of .a good pro
gram and refreshments will be given
by the Endeavor Society of Cayen
church. Admission 10 and 15 cents.
Some inquiries have been made as to
whether .letters addressed to members
of Parliament at Ottawa require post-
age. While Parliament is in session
all mail matter is carried free of
Mr. Dan. Davis, who has been con-
ducting a butcher shop in town for
many years, has disposed of the busi-
ness to Mr John Manning who will
take possession shortly. The shop is
now closed for repairs.
One thing after another has been
poetically or flippantly termed the har-
binger of spring. But the last two or
three years have placed the matter be-
yond dispute—the true harbinger of
spring is the shirt waist.
T. P. Smith, Eye Specialist, Graduate
New York, Philadelphia and Toronto
Optical Colleges, will be in Exeter Fri-
day and Saturday, April 1st and god,
at the Commercial House. If you have
any defect in your eye sight, it will pay
you to call and see him, examination
free. Call early. He does not call at
private houses.
P. T. Barnum once said : " If you
have $10 to put to good use, put $1
for the article and $9 for the adver.
rising. I can out talk any man but a
printer. The man who can stick t9Ae,
and the next morning talk to a thou-
sand people while I am talking to one.
is the men I am afraid of, and I want
to be his friend,"
Ismay, the eldest daughter of Mr.
Geo. Muttart, Exeter North underwent
a painful surgical operation last week.
The unfortunate girl sprained her leg
the forepart of the winter, which at the
time appeared trifling and was. treated
as such, but after several weeks the
limb began to swell and assume a ser-
ious. nature. Surgical aid was sum
mooed and the injured member had to
be lanced. This did not end theetroub-
le, inflammation set in and threaten
ed fatal results, when it was deemed
necessary to scrape the bene, which was
done, and the patient is now 011 a fair
way to recovery,
Get your auction sale bills at the
ADVOCATE. A notice in our columna
is read by hundreds in the surround
ing country.
The premises vacated by Mr. Smalla.
cembe is now being fitted up as a
butcher shop by Mr. John Manning,.
who will open up business nhortly.
Do you want a servant, a nurse or a
maid ? Do you want to purchase, to
sell or to. trace? A farm to let or a
hoose to sell? The ADyouaeu ads"
will do it well.
The Rev. Chas. Smith, will, by re-
quest. preach to the Royal Templars of
Temperance on Sunday evening next
in the Main St. Church; the occasion
beluga celebartion of the 12th aniyer-
sary of the society in this town,
Mr Geo. So allacoinbe, who has been
conducting a tailoring business in
Messrs. Carling Bros'. old store for Monne
tune, has moved sante to his residence
on Ann street, where he will conduct
the business in future.
Norman Phair was arrested here on
Tuesday last by Detective Gundry
charged:with haying been an accomplice
in the burglary committed some years
ago in. Messrs. Cobble4lek &C Folland's
hardware store. He was taken to
Goderich„that evening where he will
stand his trial.
The rider of the pale horse visited
the home of Mr. and Mee. Wellington
Johns on Monday and robbed It of
their bright little daughter, Alice .Ruth,
at the age .of 10 months and 20 days
She was only sick a few days. Her
remains were interred in the .Exeter
emetery Tuesday afternoon,
The London Free Press of Tuesday
aye:a-as A. party of twenty five, corn-
posed of fanners, their wives and chit
dren, left on the 0, P, R. this morn-
ing for Calgary, Mooeejan and Mani
tou. The party comes from the viein
ity of Rosati, Crediton and Exeter,
and it is in charge of Mr. Robert Sims,
of Crediton, wbo spout last summer in.
:Manitou, and is returning with Mrs.
Sinus and family to take up a new
The Almoute Gazette says:—"Dr,
Amos, of Exeter. arrived here to -day
on a visit to his brother-in-law, Mr. E.
W. Smith, J. P., and to consult with
the latter's physicians as to the casae of
Mr. Smith's sixteen -year-old daughter, Bessie, who has been ill for a year,
and of late her trouble has assumed
such a form that amputation of one of
her feet is said to be necessary in order
to save her life. Much sympathy is
felt for the uefortunate young patient,
as well as for the anxious parents,"
The Doctor received word Tuesday that
the young lady died Monday.
A young gontlemau happened to
sit at church (we won't here state which)
In a pew adjoining one in which was a
young lady for whom ho conceived a
sudden and violent pension and felt
desirous of entering into courtship on
the spot, but the place not suiting a
formal declaration, he hit 00 the follow-
ing plan: Politely handing his neigh-
bor a Bible open with a pin stuck in
the following' verse: II Epistle of John,
5th verse: "And now I beseech thee
lady, not as though I wrote a new com-
mandment unto thee, but that which
we had from the beginning, that we
love one another." She returned it
with the following; Ruth, Il chapter,
X verse: " Then she fell on her face
and bowed herself to the ground and
said unto him, why have I found grace
in thine eyes that thou shouldst take
knowledge of me seeing I am astrang-
er ?" He returned the Book, pointing
to the XXI verse of the II Epistle of
John: "Having many things to write
unto you, I would not write them with
paper and ink, but I trust to come un-
to you and speak face to face, that our
joy may be full." From the above
interview it is reasonable to suppose
that the marriage took place soon after.
liiewv heat Market.
The undersigned will open business
one door south of Carling's store, on
Tuesday the 22nd inst.
Messrs. Prior & Armstrong shipped
a carload of hogs to Toronto Tuesday.
—Mr. W. Snell shipped a carload of
cattle to Montreal Friday—Messrs,
Rollins and Williams shipped two car-
loads flour last week to the eastern
markets. Mr. John Willis wlil ship a
carload of hogs to Toronto today.
Coming to Our Town.
As will be seen by advt. in another
column, J Y. Egan, of Toronto, will
be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter,
Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd and
3rd. He will be pleased to have a call
from all requiring . his services. Rup-
tures of children and adults can be
cured, and his thirty years' experience
in this line entitles him to the confi-
dence of all afflicted by rupture. Re•
member the date.
Council ',,Proceedings.
The council met at the town hall,
Exeter, lith March. All -present, Min-
utes of the previous meeting read and
confirmed. Bissett—Christie, that Dr.
lyndman attend the little:girl, Muttart,
wbo was accidently injured by a fall
down stairs, and whose parents are un-
able to procure medical attendance,
Carried. An account for tile,from Mr.
T. Parkinson was laid over. Evans—
Harding, that the council adjourn un
til ::ext Friday at 7.30 p.m.—Carried,
M. EACRnz r, Clerk.
Well Done!
"At, the International Shooting
Tournament held this week' at St,
Thomas, our worthy townsman, Mr. A.
J. Bright, who represented the Sea
forth Gun Club, distinguished himself
to a remarkable degree. In fact he
carried everything before him. ` He
broke 69 out of a possible. 70 blue roeks
and only missed the seventieth by de-
fault, he not having his ;gun cocked
He had arrayed against him many of.
the best shots in Canada and the Un-
ited States. We ' congratulate our
friend on his superior skill as a marks-
Try Winan's cough balsam for
coughs, coide and branchial troubles.
Sole agent for Dick's Lung Syrup.
Os Lil'rz, Druggist
soy wanted.
A smart boy wanted at wanted at the
Exeter Woollen lviilis,
Broke its Leg.
A valuable horse belonging to Mr.
W. G. Bissett slipped on the icy road
while returing from Hensell on Mon-
day night last and broke its leg. The
poor boast was afterwards shot.
Death of Mrs. March moat
Word was reeeived here, on Tuesday,
of the death of Mrs. Adelaide V. March
moot. who died in Almonte on Monday.
The deceased was a former resident of
Exeter, being a daughter of Mr, Wm.
Case, who a few years ago resided on
the London Road. Her remains werh
conveyed here ,yesterday (Wednesday)
in the private car ofdeceased's'brother
in laws. Mr. A.,W, Wright. Mr. and Mrs,
Wright, Mrs. Emily Case and sister,
and Master Chas. Marchmont (her son)
accompaning them. The funeral took
place from the depot to the Exeter
Cemetery, Rev. Bray othciatiag.
SS00O Asesen tree.
The eieetrie light system eondueted
by the town of Mitchell, is evidently
not a financial success. In speaking
of it the Advocate sacs: '" At the last
meeting of the council the eleetrlelight
eotninittee asked for $5,Q00 to improve
and extend the plant, Mr. Boyd, one
of the members. refused to sign the re-
port, and from the debate which follow.
ed, it was evident that the proposition
was unpopular with the Council If a
by law were submitted to the ratepayers
to raise the amount, we are sure that
it would be burled out of sight, and
the money ennuat be obtained from the
bank, a$ the council is not allowed to
borrow in this wav more than rwo-
thirds of the amuuric on the collector's
roll, which is generally taken up to.
meet eurreat expenses. The best
thing to do in the matter is, to sell to a
private company. We would then get
better service and at less expense to
the corporation.
station ,agent Laid OM
Much surprise and indication was
aroused in Seaforth, says the Expositor,
on it becoming noised abroad that Mr
Bethune, agent of the G. T. R. at Sea
forth, had been dismissed and that an
other official had bean sent to take his
place. The Expositor learns from re•
liable authority that the rumored dis.
missal is incorrect and that Mr, Beth.
une has only been suspended, and that
lie will likely be re -instated. The facts
of the case are, that ever since the dis-
missal of John Edmouds, Mr. Bethune
has been working short handed at this
station, and found it impossible to at.
tend to shippers as promptly and satis-
factorily as formerly Complaints were
made by some shippers that they could
not get their shipments handled as
quickly andas aatisfaetorily as they
would like. Instead of making an In-
vestigation to ascertain, whore the
fault lay, an under official of the com-
pany sent a most offensive and ,i snit-
ing letter to Mr. Bethune and to which
he replied not . as courteously as he
would have done had he been appealed
to in a proper manner. For writing
this letter in his own defence, he has
been suspended. Mr. Bethune has rep-
resented the company in Seaforth for
twenty years,
Dimon Presbytery.
The Presbytery of Huron met in the
Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday,
the 8th inst. Excellent reports were
presented, discussed and adopted upon
School Life and Work, Sabbath Schools
and Young People's Societies of Christ
tian Endeavour. The session records of
Grand Bend and Corbett were examin
ed and attested. It was agreed to ap
ply for the following grants from the
Augmentation Fund:—For Bayfield
and Bethany, $200; Grand Bend and.
Corbett, $250, and Leeburn and Union
church, Goderieh township, $200. The
following, were appointed as commis-
sioners to the next General Assembly :
—Messrs. Arch. McLean, J. A. McDon-
ald, J. Hamilton, Jas, Hamilton and
Wm Graham, ministers, and the rep-
resentative elders of Exeter, Grand
Bend, Egmondville, Thames Road and
•Goderich. Dr. Torrance, of Guelph,
was nominated as Moderator for the
next General Assembly. Dr. F. R
Beattie was nominated for the chair
for Old Testament Literature in Knox
College, Toronto. Attention was call
ed to the death since last meeting of
Presbytery of Mr. John Horton, rep-
resentative elder of Leebura, and a
suitable minute was adopted and lilac.
ed upon the records. Mr. Muir, of
Brucefield, obtained leave of absence
for three months in order to visit Scot
land during the coming summer, and
Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, was appointed
to act as Moderator of Brucefied session
during his absence
Personal Mention
Mrs. Pearce and son of Pontiac, Mich.,
is the guest of Mr. Jos. Peart.
Mr. Halloway, of Clinton, is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. R,' N, Rowe.
Miss Millie Cudmore is visiting
friends in Crediton this week,
Donald Taylor moved hie furniture
to London, where he will reside.
Mrs. Trewaine left (Wed.) for Toron
to where she will visit a short time.
Thomas Tapp, son of Wm. Tapp, left
for Kaleida, Mau, Monday evening.
Willie,'' son of Mr. Wm. Creech,'is suf-
fering from an attack of appendicitis.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Weekes, of Boston,
Mass,, are visiting friends and relatives
Mrs. N. Loyd, 'of the North End, is
spending a few weeks with her parents
up North.
Mrs. Matthew Floody, of Blyth, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich.
Crock er.
Mr. Frank Williams. and his mother
spent: Sunday in'Ezeter with Dr. A. D.
Anderson and wife."--Mitchell,`Advo
Messrs. Samuel and Frank Sanders,
of Stephen, Left Tuesday morning for
Mrs Wm. Oudinore and daughter,
Lou, of Kippen, are visiting friends in
and around town.
Miss May Robinson is home on her
holidays from Michigan, where she has
bean teaching school.
Miss Flossie JeekelI has taken a nos
ition with Mr. E, J Spackman & Co, to
learn the art of millinery.
Mrs. John Mattice and three children,
formerly of Exeter, but now of Detroit,
are visiting friends in town.
Mr. Wm. Brooks, who has been so
seriously ill the past few weeks, is, we
are pleased to say, recovering,
Messrs. James and Richard manta, ea
Loudon, are attending the bedside of
their father, who is very i11.
Miss E. Sweet has accepted a posit-
ion as milliner at Seaforth instead of
Brucefield as stated last week.
Dr. McLaughlin, of Dashwood, ac-
companied by two patients, left here
Wednesday morning for London.
Mrs. Alex. MoFalls, of Luean, accom-
panied by her son, spent Sunday at
the Commercial with her Sister, Mrs. T.
W. Hawkshaw.
We are pleased to note that Mr. Rich.
Blatchford, who has been quite ill for
seine time is able to be out around
Mrs. Chas. i .ydd and son David, wbo
have been visiting in Exeter and
neighborhood, returned to their home
in Douglas, titan„ Saturday,
Messrs Geo, Mattart and Hy Fink
and family intend leaving for Rainy
River District about the lst May,
where they intend taktn,g up land.
There's no reasonable reason why we can't sell as cbeap as anyone and "' general-
ly cheaper." We handle all classes of merchandise, buy in large quantitieq and get as
near as we can to the actual cost of production. Its just as well to remember that our
new one price cash system gives us an immense advantage over the old timers who
will cling to -the old fashioned credit business. Be up to date. Do your trading at a
store where the new system is in vogue. We can, We do, We will save you money.
Come and try us,
7 c, the pair for our new alham-
bra lace curtains. This is
the best value for a bed room
ever shown. Coma and see them
$1 the pair. Very pretty patterns,
w new $1 designs. We think the.
beat lace curtains in the trade.
$25 the pair for our great1 • leader, its a beauty
When you see them you'll wan.
der bow they were ever made
for the price.
r} and $2 the pair for our
• two special Ifties. 'ken,
they are beauties. We would
like yo. u to see them,
Our stock. of new artistic wall pap-
ers is away ahead of anything we have -
ever shown,
5c. the roll for very pretty patterns,
suitable for kitchens or bed-
the roll for a special American
floral, suitable for any room.
the roll for very neat glim-
mer effects. This line would be
good value at lQe. See it.
1 O the roll. This is our great .
• leading line, some lovely de-
signs. If you want to see prot-
ty wall papers at 10e the roll the Big
Oash Store is the place.
12*e, 15e and 18e for our finest gold
effects, Regular Klondykers.
They are perfeet beautes. See them
Mrs Samuel Cnbhiediek is suffering Stores close 6:,yo except Wednesday and Saturday.
frooa a severe attack of pneumonia,
A young sen of Mr. Rieh, Quanee is
also sulTering from a similiar attack.
Russel Howard, who has been con
fined to his bed for some time with a
severe attack of Typhoid fever is able
to leave his bed, and expects to be out
Alf. Davidson. who was reported in
last week's Azivodri as about to „o
to North Bay, to take a sit as tailor, has
reennsidered his intention and at pres
ent has not left town,
Maces in Exeter May 24.
A meeting of the Exeter Turf Club
was held in the Town Hall, on Tues-
day evening last when a goodly repro-
r,ent:nion of the members were present,
It was decided to hold races here May
24th and to award the liberal sum of
$700,00 in purses to be deviled as fol
lows viz: 3:00 minute class, $150; 2:30
class, 5200; free for all. $250; running
race $100. A goad live committee has
been appointed and there is every pro-
spect of having the best races ever be -
fora held in Exeter. The following
officers were elected, viz: President,
Dr. Rollins; Vice Pres., Dr. Ii'. K, Hynd-
man; Treasurer, B 8 O'Neil;Secretary,
A. E. Tennant; Printing Committee,
Jos. Davis, «'m. McNeviri and A. E,
Rennie; General Committee, T. W.
Hawkshaw, W T. Acheson, A. E. Ten-
nant, John Snell, W. G. Bissett.
Clinton : The friends of Ben. Tom-
linson, V, S, will regret exceedingly
to learn that bis illness has developed
so far as to prelude much possibility of
his recovery; he is supposed to be suf-
fering from cancer of the stomach,
Corbett: Mr. Wm. Smith met with
quite an accident, on Saturday while
cutting wood for his brother-in-law,
Mr. Wm, Nichols. The axe slipped cut-
ting his foot so badly, that it will lay
him up for some time. He was remov-
ed to his home on Sunday.
Clinton: An interesting and happy
event occured on Wednesday evening,
when Mary, youngest daughter of Mr.
John R. Smith, and Mr. Robt, A. Down,
a popular young man of town, were
united in the bonds of matrimony.
The ceremony was performed at the
Methodist parsonage, Seaforth, by Rev.
S Bond. The bride was supported by
Miss Gill, of town, while W. McLeod,
of Seaforth, assisted as groomsman.
Wingham : Mr. John Nicoll, who
has been station master at the G. T. R.
here for a number of years. received
word last week that he was to be re-
moved to Brantford for a couple of
months. We do not know whether it
is the ',mention of the company to lo-
cate Mr. Nicoll in Brantford perman-
ently or not, and the citizens and bus -
loess men generally would be very
sorry to learn that such would be the
Wingham: On Monday afternoon
as J. R. Munshaw was repairing a pair
of bpectacles the spirit lamp he was us-
ing exploded in his face. Fortunately,
his genial countenance received no per-
mauent disfiguration, bat after wiping
his eyes he discovered that the lining
of his shop • window • was in a blaze.:
He lost no time, and by ;an energet-
ic effort succeeded in beating out the
fire. There was in the window _a fine
display of expensive goods. and 'many
of them were considerably damaged.
I beg to etate'to the citizens, of Exeter
and surrounding country that, I am
ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE PRICES.
We handle
&Dasliwoog Elour
Our Bran is warranted free 'from
smut and dust.
Wil add a general, line
of SEEDS . shortly.
Charles Trave hicI .
The Shoe section is known by the character of its
Shoes. It is not a hard ,natter to find the cheap foot-
wear, but we have too much regard for your good
sense to talkthat kind of thing. You may feel sure
of the Boots and Shoes yon buy here and our prices
are right.
Women's fine Dongoia Kid button Shoes, patented leather tips;
Women's fine Viei Kid Button Boots, latest American styles, Coin, Rox-
bury and'fiatf•dollar toes.
Women's Chrome Kid Oxford Shoes.
Women's Chocolate -Colored. Oxford Shoes,
Men's Chocolate and Tan calf taco Boots Goodyear welt soles, coin
toe, self tip.
E. J. S P A C K M A N & CO., Smell's Block, Exeter 4
The cautious buyers are continuously
on the look out for the proper place to
spend their dollars. Where they get the
best value for their trading. All we ask is
that those in search of bargains will come
in and get our prices.
We are Selling
Our Entire Stock must be disposed of by
April 1st.
We have not the time or space to quote
rices. ' Bargain ain seekers must call and
p ., �
for themselves what we are doing.
Johnston's Old Stand..