The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-18, Page 5THE (Sitter glbxroeat imtvO s published eery Thlfioue,rsday Morning, the MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. —By the ----- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY PBB.MS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per alumna if paid in Advance et1.5O if notso paid. S.ctserttel g Mae -tom on .S.;.gltessa tier. DiopRperdi soontinueduntil all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific es" directions will, be published till forbid and ehargedacooraingly. Liberal diseountmade Por transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Evora' description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cherlues,xnoneyord- era, &e, for advertising, subseriptiona,etc.to lie made payable to Colas. H, $angers, EDITOR Alin PROP Professional Cards - IT. KINSMAN, L. D. S. 8 DR. A, E. -..KINSSIAN, L A, S., D.D. S„ Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTIS S, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any load effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west aide gain Street, Exeter, isz.1 ._111100 •t, k. 1-11i. D. ALTON ANT1ERSO; ,(D•P,S.,L.D.S.,) betters Graduate of tlaToronto Um- ratty and Royal College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. AU modes of Dentistry up to date. aver Eiliot Sti i,lliot' i law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. nedleal T 1rs, J A. Ii.OLI.T:1S. S� T A. same. J .J 1i, aidenees, same AS formerly OFRICES,Spaokman, building. Main Bt. Dr, Rollins' on -lee: same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' afica,s me building south door. May 1St. I80 d. A Rolling. If. P. T. A, Ames, M.I R.T h O L '-'T APE IBEIL F L 1 I , Sf cGlll A the Canoga of Physicians sndSurgeons untario. Physician, Surgeon and Aeeoueh- enr. Office, Dashwood. Ont. Legal, E la II. 001. GINS, B.1.ItUISTER,SOLICIT- 14. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Otilee-Oxer O*Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontrrio. Xonev to Lean. L u.DIQKSON,ILSARISTFIi; SOLICITOR., , of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- yevanaer,ItommialiOnO. )OU ey to loan O f eet--Fanaon's Bleak,Ezeter I?I,T,T(1T & (MADMAN. BARRISTERS, *I' Etc:.. Coevevaucers. and .Stoney to Beau. at 5 and 5°i per cant, B. V. Birt.&OT, F. W. HUAnx1N. Auctioneers LLDROW V', Winchelsea. Licenaad Anet' . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, else for the township ofl.;atborne Melee aonbile SAloa arranged at cost odice•Win- slaelsea- Insurance.. E ELLIOT, Inanranoe Agent, Main $t, JAxoter WANTED, HELL'. Reilalde man in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a DOW discovery and keep ourshow ear.b tacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Siteady employment, commission or salary, IGS per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any back when started. Por liar iionlers write rhe World Medical Electric • London. Ont , Canada. 9 09 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY, " The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" Iaud- me-down" suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, •,� NO GOOD. S�l EXETER MARKETS. 'TIE RAGING WATERS (Changed every Wheat Barley Oats - 28 to. 80 Peso Butter Pottatoes per bag Hay per ton Dried Apples per Ib Turkeys Duels Geese Chicken Wool para. Wednesday) • perbnshel i0 85 to 8d CAUSE GREAT DAMAGE IN LONDON sz to 40 t. A tailor made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR— Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. 55 to 65 BRANTFORD AND GALT. 14 to 15 75 to 12 7,00 to 8.00 5 7 S 4 5 18 RIDES! HIDES! !! HIDES! ! ! Iligll.est cash price paid for slides, calf, Iamb and sheep skins —o— For first class beef, lanamb, pork, poultry, sau- sage or bologna, call at the NEW BUTCHER -SHOP.... —4--- 1 '.11'520 SOLD RV TILE QUART- ER r%T,LOWEST CASK PRICE.. • :.FRESH FISH.... La DAY, Prop One Door South of CENTRAL. HOTEL, Healthy Baby WhenBorn n la Three Months Humor Spread Over His Forehead Into His Eyes and Ail Over His Hands Such itching, Burning Torture How It Ended. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of eczema or salt rheum, it is no 'wonder that words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, and that the) gladly tell in as strong terms as pos- sible the plain story of suffering re- lieved and health restored, Malay testimonials relate thewonderful sue - CeSS of :Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other preseriptiou and medicines fail. Hera is once "Q. T.. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.; "Dear Sirs: -Our boy Hervey Will re- member the good Rood'a Sarsaparilla did him as long as he lives. Ile was a healthy baby when he WAS born, but before he was three mouths old a breaking out ap- peared on both sides of his face. l'bysi- ciens did him little good and said but for his strong constitution he could not have lived through his dreadful suffering. The burner spread over leis forehead, into hie eyes, and came out on his hands. It was indeed pitiful to witness the poor ckiild'e euUerings. It was very painful for hien to open or Out hia eyes, and we had to. tie hia little hands to prevent bka from ecratoiaing the Robing, burning akin, My mother urged us to try Hood's Sar- saparilla. We did so, and a short time after he began to take this rnediulne we saw a change far the better, We con- tinued until we had given him five bot- tles, and then the eczema hold entirely disappeared, and be has ever sineo bean perfectly cured of thio dreadful diseeeo. His sufferings extended over two and a half years. People for tulles around knew 1118 dreadful condition and know that Hood's Sarsaparilla (lured hila. He is new a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and hes the finest skin o1 any el my five children.' Mas. L. Ii r,,a,uairxrnxae, Collegeville, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is said by all drug- gists. lil;six for fb. Besure togetEood's. M A ®.E ME ,AM A N AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALLNorvous Disoaxes-Failing Mem.• ory,Impotency,Sleeplessness,etc. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- cretions. oioaal . and awrcl - cretione. ' They r Vitality v Lost kali xn aid oryoung.and restore { ty - fira aman for auity, nosiness eoru marriage. ngif Prevent Insanity and .Conium ()tion if en in tame. Their use shows immediate Coneumption and 'effects a CURB whor0 all other fail In - P gist upon. having the genuine Aida Tablets. They. , .have cured thuusnuds and willcura you. We Rive. a Dos„ Rive written guarantee to effect a cure each C180 or refund the money. Prise a ,pea package; or six pkgea (frill treatment) for 62.60. By mail. in plain wrapper. upon:reoeipt,of price. Circular Ill"' AJAX R "MEDY CO.., 1 ohlar or�iSit. ' .$old in .deter by C. Luta, Drug dot Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is auoceppsfully used monthly by over i0,000Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug.g1et for C..k•a woe Root Cent - Mist. 'Mem° other;as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, Il per box, No. 9,10 degrees stronger,;8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 2.cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. gar -Nos. 1 and 2 sold arm recommended by all responsible Druggists In Canada. No 1 and No 2 sold in Exeter by J. W, Browning, Druggist. London's Breakwater Washed Away and Fifteen Hundred Peopia Rendered The C. P. I1 will build a $15,000 sta tion at Woodstock. A mad dog bit a small buy at Can- field and also bit a horse and dog he• longing to Mr. John. Humphries of Cay- uga. ayua. The horse and dog were shot. Bnrgulars gained an entrance to the Grand Trunk station at Elora. They blew the safe open, evidently by the. use of dynamite, leaving it a total wreck. Mr. Fred Holden, a young man of Morrisburg, was accidently shot i, mistake for a burglar by Mr. Harty Bradfield, his employer, in whose ofii he was working after night. The youte: man died a few hours after the shit While working at a spooling ma chine at the twine mills in Berlin, 41188 Susan Donneworth was putting- vartr on the spooler, when she was jerks" f upnn the machine, breaking her arta ,n three places. Had it not been for roomer action on the part of Mr. Hardy, the foreman, her injury would have hem more serious. Weak Homolese-Yrashou is on the G, T..It.- Thousands of Dollars Damage. London, Ont., Maroh 14. -Sunday afternoon theriver Thames burst through the breakwaters and flooded the subnab... of West London, Thousands of dollars worth of property wag destroyed, and many people narrowly .escaped With their lives. At midnight the water was Still rising and the full amount of destruc- tion could not bo ascertained. All day yesterday 200 men with teams,. under the direction of Mayor Wilson, had been dumping loads of earth along the breakwater to strengthen it against the steady inroads of the water. Shortly after 7 o'clock a portion of the break- water trembled. The water rushed at it forty savagely and tore out a soden reg f eet long, throwing men and horses to one side, as it poured through, Tho men and horses scrambled to safety, as the torrent swept on and down the streets. In half an hour the whole of London West was submerged to a depth of five or six feet. Four hundred houses were surreunded by sin feet; of water, and nearly 1,500 people were driven from their homes. Along the stream are several mills, the owners of which will suffer a largo loss, while the damage to private property will run into the thousands. On the city side of the river the water rose eight fact Since Saturday night, and should it continue it threatens to $cod the Cita electric light plant and destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property, For many years past the village pf London West has bean treated to a spring bath, but this year the river is higher than it ever has been since the =mot, - able water spout of July, 1883, when a score of people were drowned. Yesterday there 'was no loss of life, but the water has risen equally as high, and has reached many places that were supposed to be inacces,siblo. The Scone at Galt. Galt, Marcia 14 ---•One et the larges and most disastloustlootls in the memory of our oldest residents is passing down the Grand River through. I'41t. The liver was considerably swollen above its normal condition sit this Brno of the year all day Saturday, and the residents of (fait came to the conclusion that they Vero going to have every guild experience in the 'natter of floods this spring, but their expectations were disappointed. Sunday morning about 7,80 o'cloolk, the monster leo jam at Blab gave way and canto rushing down through Galt at a frightful speed, carrying everything Movable along with it in its almost irresistablo farce, Blocks of leo 18 inches thick and as large as the side of a house, whole trees, roots and lamellas attached, a foot and a half at the trunk, hewn timber, loose boards, fence rails, and out•houses by the scare were carried along in the rushing and roaring tor - rant. A great amount of damage to property has been caused. The first bridge to go down was the smaller one near Blair Station on the public road leading to Preston. The next bridge to suffer was the upper bridge ho the town of Galt. Tho middle span was carried entirely away and the other two spans are badly damaged as well as all the stone piers. Loss estimated at $5,000. Tho flooring and stone piers of the Main street' bridge and the lower bridge in Galt have been damaged to the extent of probably $100 each. The wooden bridge known as the "foot bridge," about two miles down the river from Galt, was washed away. Factories and private residences located on ti:ie river banks have suffered con• sideraabie damage. The volume of water in the river increased rapidly, and to such an extent as to overflow the whole of the low lying portions of North and. South Water streets' to the depth of two feet. The inmates of soveral private houses had to be carried out to places of safety. The basement of Cherry Bros.' flour- ing mill was full of water, causing dam- age to stock, and the stone work of the mill -race was badly washed out. Base- ments of all the manufacturing establish- ments situated on the river are full of water and huge ice boulders, but damage, if any, cannot be definitely stated until the water goes down sufficiently to enable an examination to be made. It is known, however, that the Galt Knitting Company will be heavy losers, as their dying works, a brick addition built out into the river at the rear of the mill proper, was completely wrecked and the first floor, occupied by the operatives, was covered with water two feet deep. ,flffs (li e If you have coughed and coughed until the lining mem- brans of your throat and lungs' (Ay ' is inflamed, 6 SC`r'tt's [mtafsion , m I of, Cod-liver Oil will soothe, `' Al 2? strengthen ind proixablycure.i, The cod-liver =oil feeds and. ' strengthens the weakened tis sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. • The hypo- '„. P .phosphites of Lime and' soda impart tone and`gvi or. Don't a neglect these co;zghs. One «; bottle of the Emulsion maydo ''t''.,, rn. ; you now than ten more for �j later on. Be sure you. can de�, if get SCOTT'SS Emulsion: � . SS Ail druggists ; 5oe.'and 88,00; SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto: leeeE, eseeeti edreeseeeec TWO':NEW7 VARSHIPSi a PURCHASED FROM BRAZiL BY THE UNITED STATES. One Now Ready, the Other Will be in a Short Time-SpaaiRh Squadron Has Sail- ed -Spate Rurchases the ,?']Biggins- Washington, March 15,-A Br. Curzon Itepli.a to Mr. Devitt. g yesterday week's negotiations closed by the purchase by the Navy Department London of the two fine cruisers built and building at Elswiok for the Braeilian Government, Possibly the officials took more pleasure in closing up the 'faintness in this Manner because of tho lcnotrl- edge that the Spanish agents had, been striving to secure these very ships, to whom it is said they would bo of much greater value in case of trouble than to the United States. The next question is how to get the ships home, and that has not yet bean settled, according to the Secretary of the Navy. The United. States flag will be hoisted over the new ships within a week:, probably, and just as soon as the crew can bo put aboard the Amazonas she will start for the United. States, The other vessel will follow at the earliest possible moment. The terms of seta are secret, The availability- of the two Brazilian ships was first brought to the attention of the Navy Department by Mr. Lane, agent of the Alaxim-Norden- feldt Company, who was authorized to dispose of these ships, and TWO others in eon's() of construction ill. France. air. Lane said yesterday that the two ships purchased would bea most desirable o acquisition to the American Navy, as they were the latest and best products of the fatuous Armstrongs ,yards: One of the ships is complete an every respect, hasbor coal supply and amount• tion an board, and steam call bat raised at any Bute. There will be no trouble in bringing this abip across, as an adey;taata Iowa train the leeul yards exalt be seeured for the service. It is Saud the coal and ammunitionan board passed with the sale to tho United States. The ammuni- tion is not of the kind i11 use by the 'United States navy. so that the euppla of ammunition is a necessary adjunct to the new ships, The other ship has boon launeharl, but it will take some time to }:take her ready for sea. Mr. Lade believes, however, that there 'will be no difficulty in bringing her over irerned:i- etely, if it is desired to make the move without delay, as the hull of the ship is do well along that she could be towed and her own sail power utilized for the trip intros. loan's Indian Tonic The Only ,Fern tauek.t Cure. ,ler Indigestion, This is to certify that 1, James`Ross, Tollgate: keeper: oftheTown of 'Woodstock, Ont,, bade.' been a sufferer frown Indi estionandsevery-wee* stomach lora number ot'years and have tried* great )nany medicines .of different kinds, tat, could only obtain temporary relief for a short time but after using. one bottle of Sloan'aa'India* Tonic, I could perceive a great difference. RI indigestiou was better and nay atenaach mato. stronger than before, and I found 1 had game,01 several pseuds in flesh, where I was -weak and thin in flesh before. I think I used nine or tea bottles in all, and I am now a lotalthy pian tut. still I de .not want to he without the medicine in the house. and I procure one or two bottle* every year. and I can truthfully recomsnenti Sloane'Indian Tonic to others suffering from the same complaints. Price $X, 6 for V. All dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, HAMILTON LIMITED' Christie's- COMMERCIAL ..-•r LIY RE Y. First-class Rigs and, Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Gh is les old Stand will receive prompt at- tention, , IN THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. 3itr. Curzon Replies to the iluastaoas of Mrs Michael Devitt Concerning Alliance With the IT,S. London, March 15. -In the Howie of Commons yesterday the Parliamentary Secretary for the Foreign Orrice, Mr. George N. Curzon, replying to Mr. Michael Devitt, anti-Pernelnnte member for South Mayo, as to whether Great Britain hadolfored to lend monmf-war to the United States, said tho Government had not made such an oiler.. Answering a serleq of questions which Mr. Davit, put with the view of eliciting; whether there have boon any negotiations for an alliance between Great Britain and the United States, or whether Great Britain has offered to mediate in the Culnita crisis, Mr. Curzon said those alueations. were of such, as nature that it was inexpedient to reply to them. Mr. Curzon's reply that Mr. Davitt's questions were inopportune was received with a loud "Hear, bear" from the Union- ist benches. Mr. Devitt, in an interview on the subject, said: "1 put the question as to the ships because it was not proceeded with last week. I wanted to elicit the truth. 1 know, of course, that the state- ment made to the effect that warships would possibly bo loaned was as absurd as the rumored alliance of re•approach- reent, and I received exactly the answer I expected. Mr. Curzon is too clover a diplomat to give any answer which would dispel the idea that an American alliance is on the tapis, as of course it never will bo. Mr. Curzon knows it, but' it serves England's purpose to lot the continental nations think it is possible in the near future." Spanish Squadron Has Sailed. London, March 15.-A special despatch from Cadiz, Spain, announces that the Spanish squadron has sailed from that port. It is understood the Spanish war- ships are going to Porto Rico, where they Will await the orders of Capt. -General Blanco. Spain Bought the O'Higgins. London, March 15. -Tho Press Associa- tion says Spain has purchased the battle- ship O'Higgins, built by the Armstrongs for Chili, but the Chilian Charge West Brantford a Lake. d'Affaires says a Chilian crew is expected Brantford, Ont., March 14. -Saturday here next woek to take the O'Higgins night a heavy rain caused the Grand to Chili. River to again go on its annual Sunday rampage. At an early hour yesterday the water began to rise and about 9 o'clock the flats were almost covered with water and most of those living on the flats, anticipating the flood, moved to safe quarters during the night. At 11 o'clock the firemen went with the life boat to the flat. and took off the only occupant in the badly flooded section. In West Brantford the water had risers to such a height that it had a very dangerous outlook for citizens in that suction. At the juncture of Oxford street and • the .G.T,R. crossing the water . got over the- tracks and soon had a patch washed out about two feet deep and. about 15 feet long. Mon and teams wore soon at work and with sand bags got the He Fooled with Dynamite. gap ,filled and water stopped. At the northwest part' of the show grounds the Carleton Place, March 15. -Thos. water had risen so high that it was Robertson, 11 years' of age, amused him - running over `the'topof the dike. Hero self Saturday by pricking a dynamite also men and teams aro at work making 'cartridge with' a pin. Tho cartridge ex - matters more, secure. These two 'washouts Pleded and now heiemines three fingers at one time made it ' appear very serious of hie left hand. ' for theeople of.' West, Brantford. • John .McPhail, a moulder of the, salne p•town, -spilled a quantity of hot metal on A -n Iron.'Fanifnoin l nrItind.•*his foot. Tho flesh was burned to the bonesand the doctors say amputation will Londn, ,. March 14,'—Tho iron trade be neeessary. htl; ` been considerably stirred by an. t that in the tiffs, pointiugou article S n the exports and Koine consumption of -TheRailway Irate War. n1C•:of' • Toronto March 15. --The. rate war, was' iron have exceeded t o whole out > rw o th Q I .. rho ' United Kingdom byneaily half a a dead issu e in railroad circles yesterday, million tons and predicting ;a big iron and the only speculations made were as fare ne 'before the end of,'the year. The to bow soon the whole trottble wotild t ,r, ' n Joint TrafficAssoola •la 7 ed.. The Ainel o large n Statist says: ,hero is quite a y q b probability that we may have to fall tion bas now got the matter in hand and back` upon America tit no distant Altura ;will thresh' it out; at a conference tg,be p to make . good our deficient supply -on held hs New York td-daY, and at which America, once our largest buyer of both the ,.Canadian' Pacific wcold be repro - Pig mid' finished material." j stented. The proapaeta arta for; peace.'. cc Only � lGirl one in the World for 1Nte.," So trays the popular song. "Only One FIIIQ1!ure Store THE PALACE WARM "MARL CHEAP Vitt, in Town for Me:" Saxe the landlord who wishes to bare every dollar expended to ita full duty'., Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retail; reg alar patrons and ind ace occasional eus- tamers to cotue again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreci+,te this .method. We make undertaking a Specialty. R. .1N. ROWE The Insurance Company Beaten. Toronto, March 15. -Judgment was handed out by Mr. Justice Ferguson yesterday afternoon in favor of the Bank of Toronto in the long -fought contest over, the insurance on the .john Eaton • stock. The court decides against the insurance company -the Quebec Insur- ances' Company, which was She only defendant in this case=on all points, and gives costs to the bank, to which the John Eaton Company a ssigned all the. Policies. The court finds that there was no pretence of arson or any claim estab•. lished 1n that respect. S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS' This season we have surpassed our- selves in making end. gathering together Choice Oddments so Fancy lrurniture suitable for presentation. The assoremont i$ now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stook if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can bo purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a Hee of Very tlaudraoute 11E0 143)O31 SETTS in Ea,Ti, OAK, and ASO ANTIQUK and Cnr:MONA finish. All aro extremely tasteful in design and the ,prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote fur similar goods. ROCKIN( CHAIRS. Tn FOItnST Gni;xx, ANTZQuar. OAK, Orator Brltcu, and MAn0UUNY Finish, from 9r2.40 up. SPANCY' TABLES. A magnificent lino bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music, Backs. Couches, Extension Tables, Picture Mouldeings, Curtain Polos, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Ete. UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING IN ALL 1TS RRA:1ICIIES . • . S. Gidley 84 Son. FARMERS! You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements: Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. :_ •Gurney stoves and furnaces a 1 A matt must consider his purchase cell these times; be must buy where e can do the heat. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all ,�,p wool llea'xy tweeds $2.00 Suitt, 419,80 Overcoats $8.09 Back 'Worsted suite a spec- ial, 81,2,00 • Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself. JAMES II. GRIEVE A 0 5 and 13 U E' S Biclyces ! s Bicycles! r Bic les , 1 1 . Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We .have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, eall anti to spent them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin, The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL." Goderich : TBailiff English came up on Friday to escort Roland Smith to Central, there to serve the remaining 13: months ' of a 15 months' sentence for forgery. • Ttc.ersmith; Mr. George Strong of this township has leased Mr. Wm: Ryles hotel and store for five years and iltends retiring from farmin en g and ..agingin the hotel and mercantile btisidess, .'Mr. Strong' is an active, ob., . ., a• lrging� young man who is - well liked and he should do;well` in his, new bus iiiess ''Mr. Kyle'. intends removing to his farm in the township of Flay,,' ' THE CENTRAL DRUB STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufacture, WINER'S LiNAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winnn'e Con- ditibu Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh>.s.on horses and Condition Powder for same. • SOLE AGENTS won DIX LUNG SYRUP C. L UTZ, DRUGGIST. mommaumemonamanansizam FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, DUNI‘I'S AKIN POWD:ER"'.. „ THE OOK S BEST FRIEND LAE1GEii7 'SASE ilii ;t