The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-18, Page 4THE itSzeUr lbuoicat , clans. H. Sanders, Editor and. Prop. THURSDAY I MAPMH 17, 1898 1,11P(7124' WELL WATER, Oue of the most interesting portions of the ebief anals st's report for the Do'ali:picrn, hi reference to food adulter- iatutia, refers to the :character of the well water iu villages and rural dis- tricts. It is pointed out :hat every wa'er supply originates with rain, and is nti;hing more than rain water Sar" .otlsly voile • -e d and stored; that the gathering ground is the surface of the „arch inter, .end the storage either some natural or artificial excavation So l diol water Ands access from lev- ee; and when further it is considered bow large a proportion of the earth's No entry Det BINDER TWINE. s.ltrface IS made up of ivanured fields An Ottawa despatch says the Gov- • er>iment has decided tint to iwpose the Golly - town and village streets, eountry barn duty on bender twine. If this is cor- yards, pasture welds, etc., it becomes reel it metros that the Consumers' Toady .n, source of wonder that the Cordage Company will have to go out gnat, water courses are so little taint of business. The company bolds its annual meeting at Montreal at ante, Cd as they are. And even when the but the proceeding• wilt be purely feathering ground is mainly the utiliz- formal, and an adjournment will take eel 1.tnd of the back settlements and of place to await the e fietal antaouucet tee a irgiu forest, it to still to be re- ment by the Minister of Finance in his t tee z bertd that tb4 deco lug vegeta,,, budget speech of the deet. ion at which the Clover: ntent has arrived. natter of these regiones, the peat bogs. menthes and en amp, must curiae the The notorious " Dr." 0, D. Cale, who water there originating to have ata victimized scores of Ca,utdiane to the . nr unt of organic matter in solution' Thiele diffferentiates it sharply from alum water. In the ease of cities and forger towns winch are supplied from a single source—generally from a lake or river --it is contparatively an easy matter to asertaiu from time to tiros ,3i1e character of the supply. Any con- 4;itiona likely to alter its nature, of the inflow of sewage, the establishment of rauufacture?s, the decay of conduits etc , are matters of municipal import. mince, and are generally looked after., by the citizens or their representatives. le is quite otherwise in the case of Nil lige supplies, and the wells through - ant the farming districts, Each par- ticular supply has its own character and while one may, in general, safely. aeaumo that a farm well is a whole- some food supply, this is by no means absolutely true. Mrs. A. McGill, who reports to the akeief analyst, Prof. Macfarlane, on this subject, relates that he has known one me where typhoid fever broke out year after year in a farm house in Central Ontario. The house was com- paratively new ; large, well built and in every way nnexeuptionable. Ex- amination showed that it was built on tine site of an old house, which it had replaced, just as the old log stables and other outbuilding hadiong given place to very fine and commodious Ibuilding of mrdern plan. But the well which had supplied the original eettlers, and which 'was .situated be tweet the barns and the house, still continued to be the source of domestic supply. It had an iron force pump in place of the old oaken bucket, but was otherwise unchanged. Analysis show ed the water to be absolutely unfit for ase. The ground about the well bad :been in cultivation, or in use as door card, and stable yard, for 70 years, and was fairly saturated with nitrt:g *nous matter of animal origin. There can be no doubt that the debilitated =edition of the inmates of this house was due entirely to the use of a poison - ens water supply, And it is by no means to be believed that this is a sol- ia:ary, or even a rare instance of its 7 and. Of course, it is impossible that any- thing like a systematic and compre- iensive examination of all the wells in Rhe country should be undertaken by she Department of Inland Revenue, or ley any other department of the Gov- ernment. This is a duty which, must devolve primarily upon the particular owners and users affected. But the dander of using a polluted water sup - lay does not end with the immediate (onsumer. All the residents of any /locality are affected by the outbreak of typhoid fever, dihptheria, cholera or either contagious deseases w t n Emits, and are, in consequence second sally interested in the condition of gamy contaminated water supply through vote ch the disease may be spread, It is with a, view to awakening the atrteention of owners and users of wells Ftm the importance of having them look - telt after, that ,this work has been done, }People assume, ton ;frequently, that water used as a domestic supply is al' he facts are -D. truth, tsht, when in tru , t agate otherwise.: It cannot be too em pltaticaliv ;hated that, although clear- aaess,-coldoess, colorness and . palatabil- ity .� t , hould be::insisted upon, they are H wee guarantee of the purity of a water. apply. It has again and again been fnunid by collectors that the utmost con-: silence in the purity and wholesome- seeasof a water sspply has existed where eke analysis of the sample has] proved .tf1~ngetOavant* urination, ,. .OT'ES AND OQllf'MENTS, The Recouuts. 1 Grand Trunk employes living at West Huron; Point Edward ai►d werltiog in .Fort Goderich, Ont,, Marcs; 14; Judge Cxtheythat ratiot hays been notified .. Masson this afternoon delivered a must move over at tome, as an order to lengthy judgment on thea disputed that effect has been issued by the U. S. ballots in the West Huron eleetiou re- Customs e- Custom s authorities count, lie diealioaxs three ballots with' The Central Prison is crowded to its a single stroke, and four with a cross capacity, and there are at least fifty on the bask as well as the front, nerd comvipt$ awaiting admittance. Thirty allows two ballotswith lines on in ad of the criminals are housed iu Toronto dition to the cross. Two ballots mark - jail, and the rest are scattered in the ed with blue and one with a red pencil :Ails and, loclt.ups throughout Ontario. are allowed, and the ballot with the number nearly all torn off is also allow- A new brand of deadly plague la re ed. The result of all is to leave. Mr. ported from the Yukon country. The Beck with two majority. Mr. Garrow goldhunters were said to be dying Bled an appeal against the rejection of rapidly from it at last accounts. The three ballots marked for him, against victim is afflicted with antirnbing sen four ballots allowed for Mr. Beck, cation at the base of the brain it grad. Mr Hays will appeal generally on be- ually extends downward along Elle half of Mr. Bids, so that the whole mat spine, aceornpauied by torturing pains ter will come before the court in Tor. iu the region of the kidneys. Tweuty onto. four hours after the attack the suffer- Solana: Perth, er becomes comatose and one more day Stratford, Ont., parch 14,—The re - brings the end. count in the South Perth election was concluded .his afternoon and Nelson Montieth (Con.) was declared to have a majority of tee votes. who west Elgin Appeals. Toronto, :March 14.—The first elect- ion recount appeal has reached the Court of ,appeal -.-the SVest Elgin case, in which Donald :McNish (Lib.) was first declared elected by 11 majority. In the recount before Judge Erma tln„er, of St Thomas, that =Patty vanished, leaving the vote Avon, with- out the casting vote of Returning Oft liver Brown To day Mr, Jnsttee Mac- Lennan fixed Saturday for the hearing of argument in the appeal. About 30 ballots in all are in dispute. One bat extent of several thousand dollars a int which is merited for W, G. McDiar- few mouths agn by promising to re. told, the Conservative t'.audidate, but move permanently superfluous heir, has been sent to prison for 18 moaths at hard labor in Chicago. He was found guilty there of a charge of fraud. Cook was arrested in Rochester, where he went wbeu be left Canada. His wife has gone home to her parents to Kaukakee, Kansas. tette was of a high- ly respectable family, and her people say that Cook hypnotized her. Like bQtDuan8 S dYePeP Si hendache , cons ti patten, sour stomach, indigestion are prempay cared by Rood'a Pills, Tlzey do their wer]c w1I.1.'r TRE SUN 18. The sur, around which the earth moves at a distance of about 93000,000 of miles, is an intensely hot body, shin. lug by ita own light, while most of the planets aro cool bodies and do not, therefore, give out light of their own, Compared with the earth, the sun is u globe. of euormous dimensions. To make up its bulk 1,300,000 bodies as large as the earth would be required When viewed through a telescope dark spots may often be seen upon the surface of the sun. If one of these spots be carefully uotieed, and observed. again after a few days, it will be found to have moved farther toward, the western side of the surf's disk, waters it finally disappears. After an interval it reappears on the easterp side, and arrives at the position where it was first notieed, in about twenty' five days, furnishing uswith proof that the sun rotates on its axis in that time. • POST OFFICE RETURNS. The following figures are compiled from the Auditor -General's report for the year ending June 30, 1897, and shows the revenue derived from the post office of each town and village, in the vicinity, with the postmaster's sal ary, commission and allowance. No returns aro published for •offices such as Holmesville, Londesboro, etc ; we don't know why, but they don't appear on our list : Post Office. Revenue Salaries. $ 220 60 82E 10 177 88 636 18 1061 28 1724 61 254 53 946 44 334 17 1955 11 458 86 516 00 170 46 1604 69 1138 83 484 01 1848 23 642 58 16559 1511 14 457 90 36281 Auburn., ,,..,,,.$ 438 84 Bayfield .. ,, 617 29 Bluevale , „ 391 37 Blythe. ...... , 1445 66 Brussels... 2215 83 Clinton ........... 4733 64 Dungannon , , , .... 555.70 Exeter 2379 47 Fordwieh . , ... , 725 82 Goderich 6802 37 Gorrie 1054 22 Hensall ... , - , .... 1257 02 Flippen . ,, ..,... .31871 3697 76 Lucknow...... .,. 2673 86 Ripley . . , 10`l8 77 Seaforth ....... . 4945 77 Teeewater , 1860 58 Varna ..... 490 45 Wingham ,, 4465 73 Wroxeter........, 859 47 Zurich.,..,....... 835 91 America's greatest medicine is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other preparations fail to do any good whatever. Mr. John Nichol, of Wingham, has been appointed passenger agent in suc- cession to Mr,' A. C. Straihdee, Brant• ford, who has resigned with the linen - ion of becoming one of a party bound for the'Klondike. which has tevo eroSses marked outside of the regular space, will provoke an interesting argument. Judge Erma. tinger upheld the deputy Teturuing cHieer in rejecting the ballot. E. F. 13 Johnston, Q C., Torontowill appeal for the Liberals, and J. %S . Crothers, of St. Thowaas, for the Conservatives, Found Dead j,Il a Barn, Cbeslsy Oat, Marsh 11'—This atter- man a young man named John Crear er, sora of Alexander Creator, a farm- er, living on the sixth eoneessian of Eidersilie, was found lying dead in his father's baru, where he had game to work a few hours before. It is sup- posed he died from heart failure. Economy in Buying Seeds Economy is not paying less money fora =thing than you expected' to. pay. True economy 18 good management, and about the worst management a farmer can be guilty of is to buy Cheap seeds and thus cut the value of bis crepe in half—or worse. A stream cannot flow higher than its source, and a crop cannot be any better than its seed. Real seed economy is buying seeds that bear the stamp of a house li that is known to be reliable; then the planter alsolutely sure that he gets whathe wants and what he pave for. In every part of the country dealers sell the absolutely, reliable seeds of D. M. Ferry & Co., of 'Windsor, On t., which have given uniform good results fol' the last 42 years. Terry's Lilts tratedSeed Annual. for 1898•' contain- ing, information that no farmer or gsrdener cen`afford to be without, wll be sent free to any one making appli- catien'to the firm, Allison Recalled. Galt, itfareh 15 —The suddenness of the floodat this planta may be judged from the following hideout. Alex. Al- lison, the father of the executed mur- derer, lives close to the river back. Two of his children were lying ill from diphtheria on the around hoar, Mr. Allison awoke to find the place flooded. He carried the invallds upstairs, but almost as soon ashe got them there he decided to take them to a place of great. er safety. Ho carried the children downstairs again, one at 'Clime, and. had to wade through water to his arm- pits as he carried them held above his head. out of the front door. Neighbors kindly took care of the children. The back veranda of the house was washed away. Stanley: W. Copp has sold lot 10. con. 6, consisting of 100 acres, with good buildings, to Ralph Stephenson, for something over $5,C00. Brussels: William Hewitt met with a very painful accident at the Ament factory on Monday morning having the two middle fingers of his left hand badly crushed. While oiling a shaft, he made a grab at the top of the oil cup which was going to fall and. got bis fingers between the cup and the pully. CAS RIA For infants and Children. Tho fit- +inils olgaature of is cm every . enema THE 13111110 8, HAItILISON Business and shorthand college Oor. Young and College Ste„ Toronto is an absolutely first-class Business School Individual instruction by experieneed:teseh- ers holding highest qualifications.. Good re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter " now. B. D. Nimuio. F.N.F.s!i. Jas. Harrison Yr1ni1ials Undergraduate of Toronto University and S. of P. s. O ak!MN1Nllataa tnayilWulUnNNalfal, a AVN. easily and tkoroug11y. Best after dinner pills. ra cents. AU druggists. Prepared 11 0. I. Rood ,Sr Co., Lowell, Maas. The only Pill to take with. imood's Sarsaparilla, Mitchell: Last Thursday Mr. Harry J. Matthews, well known to many in Hihberii and Mitchell, left for the Rion. Mite, accompanied by two other gentle. men. They go by the C. P. R. as far as Vancouver, and then take boat for Dyea. The through fare from. Mitch- ell is $65, which includes meals on steamer. Brussels ; Charles gaistehad a bad accident at laments mill, the other day. lie fell and got ;caught with the car- riage ill thesawwill, and Was squeezed across the bowels, The dogs were up. so as to allow the log, which wasa small one, to raise, or he would have been toro in two. He is still in a crit Teal condition, Goderieh: Last Friday ,aftea•aeon the. fir alarm sounded for a611 the Henderson Bicycle Factory, The. fire was sauwwd by the flaws front ettpulo rising to the roof and setting,' it on fire. When the Ore brigade art rived the factory hose was playing on the burning shingles, and the fire was soon under control. .Appropriate males, The following lines were read by Mr. And Clark, Clandeboye section boss, in making a pressntetfon to Mr. C. W. Smith, who has been lately promoted. Allow me friend Smith to read a few verses, Composed fol one we deem worthy and fit; Here a fen' et your friends are assembled this evening,. Who admires a road master., like G. W,.' Smith. Accept at our hand, Sir, title token of merit, Zia a lone furies worth, it can also be seen; You have the best wishes of all those who share it And it shows our road rawer is held in es teem. May the bright star of fame ever shine on thy ("welling, With a hallow of glory resplendent and bright. May your comforts increase,for in fact tlterels eo tonin,^. What promotion is for you, sir, after to- night. May Providence keep you and yours from disaster, And now before closing I may also remark, It is no easy task—that is a road master -- Any one that doubts that let hint ask Andy Clark, Memoir. Lines written by request on a mo Dr's death I write this in remembrance Ofa dear mother's name, The dearest friend in childhood And through life she was the same, She who shared your joys and sorrows, And who shared your hopes and fears; And who shared your cares auti crosses, Andwho fiat done so for years, Who entreated you in kindness For to walk the narrow way, And to shun those scenes ofpleasure, That might tend to lead esti ay. The dearest fri^nd of any, And the one that you loved best. Is now with the loving Saviour, In the mansions of the bleat. Take the gentle dew from heaven, That decended from above; No influence is more lasting Than a dear kind motherts love. The one who has befriended you, Yes, more than any other; And what is life without her love, Or home without a mother, "Ana's 1' B oe..fter' Wood's Fhoaphodine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed to cure all tams of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or exeess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $b. One will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Oat. ,r0'Wood s Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by T. W Browing, druggist, A'CCetablePreiraratioafer As- simitating tt eyootte adReguta- lieg itch Stoi•''ccch$ endBowwts of Promotes Digestion,Cteerfui- rtess andRcst.eonteins neither Opltc4Norplliite iwr i Brat. Now N4 c Tic - r 4,:. .1`ar i- -,,$rirc,%.rd rrat Age 172.7. Seed - • ApcifectRe ucdy forConstipu tion. Sour Stoiu ch,D1 irrl oed. Worms ,Come ids ious.Feversh- do l' �:sss an Loss �F S3G�17 TenSitnile $ignalurc or "W YORK. SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE t IS OBI THE WRAPPER OF ran BOTTLE OF 1l weSs:ia le put np In cee'slaa battlte niy, 14 r ala b bilk, i)a»'t allow aura* to Sall it "just AS gate d "wler ll ea ar eiwpi-melte thatas v.e," "keit that yea set Ci•!t•>3- '*Q Erl.•1i, F WRAPPt=11. fart star: Tripper. e Y. ,t,S ee6t est T ice The Only Hernia Specialist in the Dominion A CURE WITHOUT AN OPERATION Children 4 to 8 mats. Adults 1 to it, No Experimenting, Everything a Certainty 01' BPBOTLL INTEIIBST TO SEVERE, Ia0110•-tiT1111I}INt'i OA8E8, Reun inten—Ages of person ar length of time ruptured makes no difference. Every case a success. After 3o years' continuous practical experience I have.produced the Grandest lnetrutnents the World Ever Saw! 11t;nowing. the true cause c11 Rupture, and having discovered the secret tat present known only to myself), Instantaneous Relief is Ad-,rded, Safety is As- sured and a Cure Effected—with little expense. no pain, loss of time or labor • without the doubtful, HAZARDOUS and ever costly expedient of an operation. IIOII'T sham Ifoi'E •-as I Offer you Great Encouragtement 1 Without egotism, I would say I am prepared to do what rata other man In America can do, viz. Hold any reducible hernia during the hardest work or severest strain—even horseback riding. Where failure Inas been the re- sult in tine United States and, the large hospitals in the great cities of Europe, cues &leek tip as hopeless, I alone anocoeded. Don't "put oil''' your case or that of your child ; re ;ret and sorrow may come when least expected, and too late to remedy, Your rupture gives little trouble now, and appears trifling. You neglect it. This ie where your danger Iles, Gorning ■ FOUR MEDALS-11Gold and 1Silver, World's centen- nial Cotton Exposition, New Orleans,1888. HIGHEST AWARDS -Nebraska Agricultural Fatr,1887 DIP LOMA-Alabama Ag'I Society, Montgomery.1888. AWARD-Chattahoochie' Valley Exposition, Colum- bus, Ga., 1888. H1OHES T AWARDS -St. Louis Agricultural and theoh nidal Association. 1881 COLD TAEa3ALS and S' DIPLOMAS. -World's Colum• h, an 1 xpositio •, Chicago, 1885. ile EST AWAga)a—Y7estern Pair Association, Lon- don, Canada, 1i98 eXCOLO eE,irll-00add Diplomas—Cal.b'iawintorFair,'98 sagas bdepee-end aerial Exposition, Toronto, Can., 18$5 amu, -S Novas, Comrert B±aieges !hold to Jan. 1st, 1851 t1T liurte 1'lnstratedis sold only iron; OUT own wagons ata S res. Lo vi }rico hrou hoot Canada andthe tr lied w stet i t 1 B ]r late and malleable Made of. nnnn heart, 7 , cold rolled tee] p U iron -,-win last n'1de-tithe with ordinary care. ,W €OIJOJ T !ROM .>'A11GE CO., LIi nT D Pounded ise4, Paid-up Capital $1.000,000 sactorxco, Salesrooms and Offices: TOILONTO, CANADA,: and ST..LOUIS, MO. Weetorn:Salesrooms and Officals:: ;DENVER, COLO.. , �Jo mariutactlure and oarry'a com..lete stockof,Motal R;anices and Kitchen goods; also the. aslenue11ec1 14IO151 COMFORT SITEL:F1IItNACES. ',Write for catalasue and prices. J. A: LATIMER, Division Superintendent,' has located a branch of this company at St Marys, and, all repairs will be made FREE OF CHARGE: Ri BE WARNED IN TIME I Should your rupture be hidden from view be some large clumsy truss you are lulled into a sense of false security. Your Hernia is not held, and you are in a mare dangerous condition than you imagine. Now heed this Can. tion, 'ere it be too late ; Unless the Hernia is completely reduced within the internal ring (where nature placed it) and constantly held there, adhesion might ensue, resulting in strangulation of the parts, rendering you liable at any moment to a frightful death. An ill fitting truss, .from intense, unequal pressure on one side, causes a Double Rupture, induces Paralysis, weakens the Generative organization, causes general nervous; prostration, Kidney -Urinary troubles, constipation and kindred ailments. MOTHERS! Look to your children as you value their future happiness t I can Cure Them in six weeks 1 Neglect will produce frightful deformity and may prove fatal. The very best evidence to support my claims—Our Own Physicians, Our Own People, Your Own Neighbors. EXAMINATION AAD ADVIOE PB,EE. One set of teeth will not fit every mouth, :nor one make of truss suit every form of I Iernia. I have known cases ruined for life by placing themselves in the hands ofignor- ant pretenders having not the sligbtest conception cf the first principles of human an- atomy. He who makes a specialty of one department must certainly be regarded as possessing more experience and better facilities for the treatment of any particular trouble—AM OEBTAINLY MORE OAPABLE—than anyone having"many irons in the fire." SPECIALIST WILL VISIT EXETER—Commercial Hotel, Saturday, Sunday, April, 2-3. GODERICH—British. Exchange Hotel, (from Monday noon to Tuesday noon) April 4-5, WINGHAM—Queen's Hotel, Wednesday, April 6. KINCARDINE --Royal Hotel, Thursday, April 7. PORT ELGIN --Queen's Hotel, Saturday, Sunday, April 9-10. CHESL +'Y—McDonald House (from Monday noon to Tues- day 4 p.m.) April 11-12. ARTHUR—Queen's, Wednesday, April 13. The following• is a sample Testimony. DEAR SIn :--I am pleased to say that the iustrument you fitted on me during your visit to Seaforth has held me securely and safely to perform the heaviest work on my farm with absolute comfort. For the last three months I have had no trouble whatever. My physician, Dr.Bethune of this town, has pronounced the instrumentan admirable tit and expressed the opinion that iu a very short time I may be enabled to dispence with it altogether. I would strongly advise suffers with rupture to stop expr'rimenting, ca and see you—be titted—and thus secure permanent relief, whit h I have to fullest extent, after beinga sufferer for over ten years with this menacin affliction. 'Sammie' •B1toA1YFOOT. June 29, 1897,-Seaforth, rOnt. The M®Isons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855, ) Paid up Capital $2,000,000 Rest Fund . , ... , , , . 1,500,000 Head office' Montreal. F. WOLI!'ERSTAN" THOMAS, Esq:, GENEiRAL ,MANAGER ' Money advanced to ,coed Farmer s on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 percentper annum. a. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from YO a. m. to 3 p m,, Saturdays TU a, m. to ill. m Ageneral banking business transacted CURRENTRATES allowed =for ==m ;l- ey on Deposit` Receipts.' Savings Ewalt St a per Dent, N. D. HURDON Manager. NEW REPAIR. SHO Having opened out a well equipped Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing such as ,BICYCLES, SEWING MACHoHEs, gib 'LAWN MOWER!. r In facte` everything and W y g a anything, make a specialty of remodelling Bicy cies and sharpening Lawn Mowers at this time of the year, • . ISRAEL One door north Mr. Stewart's store.. fel Sa;