The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-18, Page 1• ELEVENTH YEAR. -545. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898. C. H. &LOWERS, EDITOR. P2.RM8 nut BALE' 1 Sweed Turnips for Sale. MONEY TO 1..,Q4N. The andersign ed has a few good teems for strletheae. Money to loon on easy terms, .TOEN Sracsates, Samwell's Block Etteten. Boars for Service. The -andersignea viall keep on Lot 9, Con. cession 1, Ilehorne, one Imported Chester White Boar and a Thoroughbred Berkshire es. or for giervico. usese terms. Tor joss MAX‘ ^ FAR3Y1 FOR STM TgE andereignea Oilers for Sale Let N. 5, 4gt concessieu.Township of Eineardine. The arra cousietaofeoacres.alleleeredtgaod uss frame boe said herrn a lso two gooa oreh- ardsosztet a plentiful supply of 'eater. The land sitnatea L &infl.' from the Sat.:gems line and 4 miles from the town of Kiuear- sline. Price slate); sae° down, the ht{htRCe in tell or twelve yeere ea axs per colt. Possess- ion :nee, he hall it once VDT further partic- ulars apply to Mao. Tues. AnnOnr. Prowls waY,Eincardinc, "A.1- )111INISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Ed- ward Thomas Luxton, late of the vil. lege of Centralia, in the County of Huron, Liveryman, Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the sa.la. Edward rhomatt latatou, who flied on ora,bout the third day or January. A. lasnes.are on or before Hie 25th day of Marren A. P., 2Rs, to send by post prepaid to Tlionsas lienry Luscombe, of the City ot noadort. in the County of Middlesex, tbe Solicitor for Charles Peres- Luxton. the ad- mintstrator ot ths deceasetl, their Christian end Surnames awl Addresses awl deseriptiou, the Pill particulars of their olaims, astates men: of their eeeurities anti the peteye ee the, securities tit tuly held ny them. or in Ault thereof they well ho peremptorily ex - *hake from a share le tint said estete. luta- ing reatird only to those ensiles or shall then have reeelvell notice. Dated this twenty secoud day of Feb - :nary, D T. H. nuscoune, liundas St. licaulon. Ontario. Solicitor for *dull ist Tie undersigned hes a large quantity of first class new varietyturnips, whieh he win sell Olean. Apply one mee north of Credit.= Grist 31111, Q.anentrzene geeditou. P. O. WNET. Private funds to lend on improvea farms, at Ave aud. five and a half per cent. Apply to EeLior & (*Lansaw. solicitors. ete let December, Mt Exeter s see...gene** Sale Register. TvesnA.v,34413C33. Stina.--Beal estate and projpertv or the estate of John Mc- Callum, Lake Road. Sale at 1 0 dock. JOhla euctiotieer, J W. McCallum, adminis- trator. I}I llis4op & Solt EXETER ess cADEMi. (6N THE ST CLAIR RIVER) Stepheu Sohool Report Folk:smog le the report of the Credit- on echool for February. V. C. Lawson, Art. Zwicker, P. Baues, Ezra Schmitt; 1V, L. Flultbeinen F. Treite, O. Huhn, 0. Wenzel; III, A Schmitt, E. Gower, E. Clark, LL Finkbiner, Jr., A, Kuhn, B. Clark, G. Hill, Fahner. E. %meson, Teacher Jr. III. F. Sims. E. Either, L. Youngs W. Wein; Sr. IL W. F. Brown, I- Fahner, Ellie Feigner. 0. Holtzman; Jr. II, M. Schmitt, L. Fahner, IL Shenk, B. Appleton; Sr, Pt. 1, A. Eweld, Al. Feltner, II. Brown, E. Appleton; Jr. Pt 1. L. Hooper, M. Mesta, 13. Hill, F. Finkbiner. MISS BALL, Teileher Jr. ur S. Veolker, F. Hooper, C. Fehner, F. Finlebeiner: Sr. 11, A. Wolf, E. Clark, 0, Rau, D. Finkbeiner: Jr. II, W. Hoener, L Rau, M. Twit, &Schmitt; Sr. Pt. I, J. Finkbiner, E. Oeistricker, E. Linn, Al, Oeistricker; Jr. Pt. L M Elertzel, C. Finkbeluer, M. BAS8OW4 M. Beaver, Jr, Finkbiner, E. Winer, .A. Weurth. Miss Cetinsier, Tertener. .61cai1livray Council Town Hall, MeGiiiivray, March 7th '97 Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. All present. Minutes of last treetiug read, approved ot and signed. Hutchinson -Grieve, tbat the clerk be hereby instructed to notify the owner of Lot 30 in the 5th concession, w. c• to remove bis fence off the road allow flame known as the toe path on the river Aux Sauble. - Carried. Grie ve -Hut chluson, that the Auditors' report as read be accepted and the clerk is here. by instructed to get 500 copies printed. .-Carrled. Grieve -Miller, that the reeve and clerk are hereby commis sioeed to meet the representatives of Stephen council to consider the bound- ary ex pen d itu re. - Ca rried. Miller - Preen that accounts amounting in all to $12467 be paid. -Carried. Hutchin son -Prost, that this council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the first Mon- day in April at one o'clock p m. -Car ea& 'Wee Freesne, Clerk. SARNIA,ONTARIO. 75 gracluates assisted .to positions during itarOur shorthand Department is the best in Catada. our Commercial Department is Actual Easiness from start to finish. We can secure good leiard for students from a distance at from ezeo to $2 59 aerWe pay the railroad -fare one way. For further information address, .*; nee • - • • • • - • • leieial traveller hired a rig from T Mtn- duWtyintogrheacinord oTtsbeloafwtheeekneioteitsSoorurrowlaudi 1 terview in the " WItneSa 'a that li°86e4 oatmeal to Liverpool ou Friney, survive to weave their irreparaine Jean ROISAWAv,-On Mooday a calmer- It is interesting to learn from an is do cie to drive to Zurich but while on deaths that has oecurred in our town the read abeut a IWO and a half front roe a nem time. Maviert M., woo ot Hansen ;me of the front wheels sudden. Mr. John Nicol, agoot 23 the 0.T. R., come frightened aud run away, badly diabetes. On Tueeeley meruing. Mr 1Y came off and eaosed the hers° te be" had been suffering for a loug time with damaging the buggy. The horse freed Nicotl, who bad, leu removed to Brant itself from the rig awl ran to Zurich ford for a short time, left Ilene for that before being cantured. It austalttea place, leaving hie evile in fairly. good several scratches from constng In on health and spirits. That evening Mrs tact with a barb wire fence The tra• Ninon was teken suddenly worse. All yeller eecaped uniejured and returned tbat medical eltill, kind neig.bbers and to Heusall and neared another rig. Bidslulph week. -1. Urquhart shipped, a. carload, children, the eldest sixteen years of eget, The Cultivation of Flax. Mr, AlcDouglas, of London, bought fire fat heiferfrom Wilbert Reving• ton on Monday for $180, -Mr. 13ox, of Loodon, bought several head of fat cattle in this vicinity. fie bought some from Mr. Thomas Morkin for $88 a head. There seems to be a good de- mand for fat cattle. --Mr. Merida bas poesession of the Ricbardson farrn.,"Mrs. Richardson having moved to St. ThOln- as on Thursday la.st.-Hod. Bloomfield, of London, was viaiting his parents here this week. -Mr. John Gilmore, whese wagon shop was destroyed Settle time since bas moved his effects to Mooresville where he intends opening up. He will also have a new black- smith in the pereon of Mr. Roht, Haret ton. -It is not often we are Tege.led by the notes of the Robin in the middle of Much, but such is the fact One year, They ean be seen every datr now, preparing for spring. Orediton Measles have taten possession of the village and a large number of children are ill. -Messrs Samwell Lampert and Charles Wolfe nave bought a clipping machine and inteud to start out this spring clipping horses. -Mr. Herbert Banes is .on the sick list. We wish him a speedy recovery. -The Orange- men of this village gave Mr. Robert Sitns and family an oyster supper Wednesday evening; and the Forester.; Mr. George Motz and family, Friday evetsing; showing the frieedship that existed between the above families and the people of Crediton -Miss Ida Win- er left for Begot, Manitoba, to visit her sister, Mrs. Martin Link. -The Misses Bonnes, of St. Marys, were the guests of Mr. and Mr. Matthew Weiner, Sunday. -We are pleased to state that Mr. John Deitz, who has been ill for a long time, is able to be around again. Greenway. Mr, D. M. Edwards and family, of Antrim. Penn., who bought Rev. R. L. Wilson's 50 are farm some time ago, arriviid here last week and intends to remodel the house and make this place their home. We extend them a royal British welcome, -The trustees of school No, 10 have placed several new Preston seats in the school. -We are pleased to, report that Miss Laura Bak- er, teaeher, who was unable to teach for several days last week on account of an ulcerated tooth, was able to re- sume her duties last Monday. --A large number of our enterprising farmers, wbo know the value of new improved seed grain, are patronising W. J. Wil- son for his celebrated Mandscheuri Bar. ley, Siberian oats and field peas; sam- ples of which can be seen at Mr. Oscar Griffith's store house in Parkhill, -Mr. John Delete], County Clerk, of Sarnia, paid our village a flying visit last Sat- urclay.-Our Post 'Office and store has been remodelled and painted during the past month, which improves the appearante very mtich.-The Boston Methedist Sabbath school has added a large number of new books to the Lies rary and also new catalogues ane. cards are printed -Mr. John Bloom- field, formerly clerk for W. J. Wilson, paid us a flying visit sr:toile on his way to Grand Bend weere he has been en- gaged toassistin the post office _store for Pollock and Moller& who have bought the bueiness fronl Ma. W, B Fallis. Nerrett•--Ottaries Dodds, of Seaforth, pent Saturday in town, prior to leav- ing for British Columbia. -John Mc- Donald left on Friday for Minket Ole moats, Mtch„ where he win Neste the only sister of the deceatied, not arrtvtug Hot Spenstee for the goad of his health. tiod the afternoon train. -Chats Anvers, of Lnation, was in town on There:lay on business. --Messrs D. Me. Robert Scott, Mayor of Seafortb, molting, full time or to supply Om home Perdue awl W. Ilabktrk, of Blytla, were died" tt143 retitialteet 13°tievie"tm", command. It would certainly seem to e Wetlueeda mornie latit Mr Zurich. of Louden, wins halt Managed the mil- S'"t* Bev" a' vevY rugged 41411` waa up the deficiency. Those in the trade iluere department of Rennie for the Prostrated about a r000tb ago bY an at. (slam that the eititivation of flax pays paet two seasons, retuned 013 Mouday t.ttolc at u4eava4nn nr thn stalnacht the farmer as well as wheat when the to /tout oeeturo couteon....elles 0, V. TVS, together with a complication a latter realizes eighty nye cents a bush - other diseases, which sot in towards the Smith epent last week with relativee el. fold thet It improved the land ea. Elamiltoln-David Miller, of ERiner. left last. Proved fatal' despite tho most Pr" grow flax alternately with wheat; if thia Mattel last week for Spokane Fails. sisteut efforts of the best enedleal skill. this is seoarger erops doubtient win iso Wab Johti wpm, of Rear chteetteteet For several days he was unconeciaos, grown in the inunediate future. For so that the sad event was not a surprete rhe Lefrt, hone tilloolulodwaincior 'reroute Univeraity. left this atation en either to bus frieuds or to the nu ic t past several years the importations • 131 • of ilueeed oil into the United Stater Monday et ening for different paets Mr Scott was a comparatively young have ceased, the seed havieg wee, oil expree.sed from Canadian flaxseed is now befog refined in Canada. In the fiscal year from June, 1896, to June, 1897, a million gallons of refined lia- seed ell were imported from Eisglaud and twe baudred thousaud gallona from the United States. 'lens quantity at forty and, a half cente a gallon, the current rate, nearly equate a half mil• liert dollars, which might just as well be kept in the country to enrich our but farmers, crushers, reftnere teed their shef rie updais sceodu pet d adeoeffournhyear away ys on outi,e,4 work _people. There are at present twes day otorning, shortly before Mr. Nicoll oroshteg wide In Ole Dominion, one at arrivea home Dr Patterson and Miss Baden, Ontario, and one at Winutpeg, Patterson, of Port Elgin, father and and ;Imre is one reepery at Slontreel. Then, complein that there is net ettongle flexeeed growa by our farmer* either to keep the mills and refinery in town ors Ntrednesila,y last. -Mise Sloan * ' be, worth the farmers' while to make Mr. Reuheu Hamacher, our popular barber, bas mend ecrose the street from his former stand to the place he bought from Mr. A. Mitidleholtz. Ile has a fille Shop now and has ample) rowel. Mr. Aliddieholtz has moved into the house he bought from D. McCormick and has been ocenpien by M. 'Castle as a harness shop. Mr. Keetle has moved • into the preneises he bought from Mr. F. Iit'ebler, where he will carry on the harness business as usual. -Tenders are being asked for tines erection a a parsonage for Rev. Father Velentitte, to be lezated near tbe Catholic Church. -Mr. J. W. Schluchter, after nine weeks' visit nmeng relatives and friericis here, left last week for his home near Cavalier, North Dakota, -Ben Karcher, Sam Karcher, Jacob Estigboffer, J. Mil ler, Miss Karcher, Miss Meyers and Mies Lizzie Delchert loft Mat week for Celt. alter, North Hakotre-Mrs (Dr.) Dopey and ihildreu, from Mason, Michigaul armed here a few days ago. Mrs, Dayiug has came here to wait 011 her father, Mr J. G. Schlochter, who is -Mr. Andrew Ebnes and his aister, We. Pogson, are the guest! of tleeir brother, Mr. Auguat Ehnen and are \netting other relatives.-Meesre, Faust and Rickbeit have secured the ageucy fur the Deeriug binder, mower and all kinds of farm implemeuts.-A fewdays ago Mr. M. Witmore of the Sauble line, moved to near Egmondville.-Miss Walper, who has been here visiting re latives has left for her home in Berlin, -AIiss Maggie Well is under the par- ental roof for a few weeks, Centralia Mr. C. W. Vail left on Mouday even. ing to attend the funeral of his slater in Newbury. -A large party left here for Manitoba on Monday. -Mr. T. E. Handford and W. R Elliott are contem- plating. a trip to Liverpool with a car of horses. -Miss Carrie Elieks is visit- ing her brother in Norwich, this week. -Mr,?. Hanlon is makine prepare tions to erect a handsome dwelling on Main street this summer. -One of our former milk vendors has secured the degree of M, D. Never to late to learn boys -Our new tailor, J. O'Brien, is doing a thriving business. We wish him success. -The canines are silent this week, the assessor is visiting in town. -Mr. J. C. Sheardown purposes erecting, a new carpenter shop to be occupied by W. T. Hewitt. -Cobbleigh and Essery are shipping large consignments nf hogs each week. Their hogs seem to be in greater de- mand than the Humber pigs. -Mr: Jos. Handford shipped a 'fine thoroughbred Durham bull to his son Wesley in Sowfiake, Man., the other day. -The Clinton News Record of last week says: -"Mr. Sydney Hannah, of Centralia, has been in town for a few days look- ing after his interests in Clinton and vicinity. He is possessed of property in Various parts of the county and finds his time pretty well taken up seeing that he gets' one.hundred cents where one -dollar is due. While here he let the job of roofing the Dufferin House, Centralia, which lie owns but tines not manage, to catizen Jos. But- ler who has a new roofing material which is said to be giving great satis- faction." Alanitoba:-Messrs. Albert, wet sod man, being only 41 years of age. Be raeece use crashed aed the oil refined wastes Fsirhalte, Joseph tied wintoto was the youngeet eon of the late Rahn the essuittry. Laat year, however., irsunotse and wade, and Oen Vaulter% Scott, of Burnside lartit" MoKilloP• the flax crops were a comparative fain -Messrs. (leo Sutherlaad and where Int was born, , cone ten or more ure over the whole North American ; letnt)smtrelii1414artell•°11,111.153atit's alletreluhZdlittglhe .gvittadr"arogn to rs aa beretlred from tbeeside to Seafortth enqg' -"ably continent, will have to import eatue ell front 3 1 mai the United States prots. epees at Leadoutm meatus evening ing in the seed and feed buibsees, wblelY abroad tbie ,season. The short crop Mrs. Munioek, of Lucan, is tbe guest ne was very successful For several of last year. which scents to be due of her 90119. Alex and Thornton. -Mrs. years he e occupied a seat in the towu partly to the failure of the crop and (Rev.) K.err is at present visiting her (1°1414'4 and in JanunvY` 1891" 1A° Iv" partly to the feet that owing to low parenta at Oakvillee-The following. loft elected Mayor by acclamation, aced in prieea two years 40,0 touch less ho on 'Wednesday for various parts of Brit January last was agein re elected been sown since, lurs ieft a shortage in isti Columbla:-Albert Short and eister, without opposition itis sound corn- the workra market, wesich ehould Aire. Wilson, °us Caldwell, netiliam mon settee, together wIth his good bust- make flax growiug profiteble this year. The climate of Canada is said to be very favorable to high class flaxq and its by products are so many and useful-anch as cruehed linseed, lin. seed meal, limed oil, linseed cake; flax straw, hackled and dresaed, dress. ed. flax line, tow or flax, and so fettle -that its extensive cultivation should be encouraged for use in the arts at lie loss, and will Ise deeply regretted, e tome Ana tor export abroad, not alone by a large circle of relatives and meat friends, butby the citizens generally. He leaves a widow, but no family. Davey and the misses cummenes„., netts ability, integrity and gentallty of Mias Martha Rueter is the gime; or manner, nettle lam not only a useful Mrs Hoover, of Cliotom-Robert Dan and competent official, but won him the urinate and wife, (nee Miss Ellen Moir) confidence and respect of all wbo eame contect with him. Be was one of left on Tmsday evening tor their home near MQ0BajaW, N. W. T. -Mr and best and most popular Mayors Seaforth Mrs, Frank Latimer, of Dunville, wilt° has ever had. In private life be was Mr. geniel and true, and was a friend who bave been visiting et flay, for some weeks, left on Monday was worth having. Ills death is a pub night for their home. -Miss liodgius, of Luca% returned home on Tuesday, af tor spending. several days here, the guest of her nuclei M. Ellwood. -John Kibler, who has been engaged as clerk with J. W. Ortwein for several months, lias 'levered hio eonnection and iutends The Spring Assizes. leaving stiortly for Manitaba.-Messrs. Robert and John Bell, James Crawford The spring assizes were opened on awl Mr. Berney, of this section, attend- Afonday last before Mr. Justice Rose, ed the Spring Assizes at Goderich and only two eIvil cases being on the calen- served as eurors.-John Knott, of Lu can, was in town on Friday last on his way to Palmerston, Obituary, dar, and no ermine! business. Mr. N. 0, Washington appeared for crown business, but his labors were merely formal. The following were sworn in as grand jurors: Chas, Hamilton, Blyth, foreman Thornas Abraham, We were sorry to learn, on Saturday, Wawanosh; Chas. Blackstone, Goderich; of the death of Co.pt. John McDonald, Robert Bell, Hay; Thomas Elder, Tuck of tbe 6th con., Goderieh Tp, who, only ersmith; Joseph Homey, Usborne; Bat- a few days before, seetnea to be in his rick Keating, Howlett; Wm. Pollard, accustomed health. He has been troute maillop; James Snell, Hullett; O. W. led for some time with diabetes, and Sloan Morris. W. J. Treleaven, Ash - his death was due to this ailment and field; Robert 'Webster, Ashfield. Wm. heart faller's. Deceased was only con- Whitely, Londesboro. The duties of the grand Jury were confined to making the usual present- ment, which they did as follews: fined to his room a week before his death. Ills wife died some three years ago; a family of five sons and four daughters survive him. Mitchell: On Friday last Mrs, John Morter, after several mouths finless, passed to her reward, at the age of 72 years. Deceased came to Mitchell with her husband in the year 1862, and has ever since been a respected resident of the town. She was unassuming in her manner, fond of home and family, and a consistent member of the Meth- odist church. Her husband passed. away about three years ago, Four grown up daughters survive her. A highly respected and old-time re- sident of St. Marys vicinity passed away on March 2, in the person of Mrs. Catharine McEwen, reliet of the late Alexander Murray, and mother of A. Murray, St. Marys. The deceased was a heave of Perthshire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1860, and until 12 years ago resided with her husband on the river road, Blanshard, since then in St. Marys. She was a member of Knox church, and had reached the ripe age of about 72 years. Her bus- fiensall band died three years ago. On Saturday evening lase John Al PULPiTS EXCRANGED -Revds. Mr. Coulter, of Elimville and Allen, of Brus- bert Caetelon, 8th con Goderich Tp. sels exchanged pulpits on Sunday with died at the age of 24 years and 14 days. He underwent a surgical operation some years ago. from the effects of whieli he never seemed to recover, and his death was therefore not unlooked for. He was a young man who was held in the greatest esteem, as shown by the very large number who follow- ed his remains to Clinton cemetery on Tuesday. Being a member of the Orange Lodge, the members attended the funeral in a body: Revds. Mclielvie and Kerr. Messrs. Coulter and Alleu preached educational sermons on this circuit. MoviNG.--Robert Bonthron intends moving into the house now occupied by Mr. Haunchburger, on Queen street, while Mr. Haunchburger intends mov- ing into the vacant house of Wm. Car- lisle, near the park. Mr. Peter Melville, of near Cromarty, will shortly move in- to the house he recently purchased from , Anne, John Carmichael on'Oxford street, while Clinton: Another of the citizens .cif Mr, Carmichael will move to the house Clinton has passed away to the Great at present occupied by Mrs. Gilchrist. I3eyprid, in the person of Mrs. John STATION Norns.-Robert Patterson, Proctor, who died Friday morning. in Sr, received a carload of lumber on her fortieth year. She was a daughter Tuesday. -White and Willis shipped of !VII% William Connell and lived for several carloads of ho s to In ergot on tnanY years in Goderich township only g g • Tnesday.-Jaibes Bell made a shipment moving into Clinton May last She of cattle to the Old Country on Mondayhad been in poor health for months Peter Lament shinned a carload of cattle and adds another to the long list of vie on Thursday. -Geo. McEwen shippee tims of that scourge of northern clinics, three carload of salt last vveelt.--John cmsurnption. Her husband died 8003e 11' d hi t f 1 years ago of the same disease. Three To Ms Lordship MR. ,TtIsTiet ROSE. May it Please Your Lordship :-Tho Grand Jury beg to submit their presentment as fol- lows. VVe reciprocate your Lordship's con- gratulations on the scarcity ot crime in this county. We have visited the county gaol and we find same clean, riterly, and well kept, and the Gaoler and officers are to be ti reel rindegeel foiAloirtionaa.rtiena nilisaotnt eenstijonnfitioe gaol, all vagrants, !Ind they are prisoners at work in repairing the building and improv- ing it and the grounds, and we specially ap- prove of the Gaoler's action in keeping these men at work. The only, other pri.oner is an insane woman, awaiting ramoval to the Asylum. We are pleased to learn that the county council are taking steps to make some needed improvement in the gaol build- ing. It was the desire of the jury to visit the Rouse of Refuge at Clinton, but owing to the probable shortness ot the sittings of the court, and the fact that a committal of the county council are carefully looking after the Rouse of Refuge, we concluded that public. interests would not suffer by our not making the visit this time. All of which is respectively submitted. C. HAEILT0R, March 8th.180S. Foreman. The cases tried were ass follows: Common vs. Neely, an action for ac- count, Off. being in partnership with one Brown as agents for agricultural implements supplied by deft. Neely, The transactions were very compli- cated, and the case lasted till one o'clock the second day, when his Lord- ship gave judgment for deft., dismis sing tbe action with costs. Messrs, Gar. vow and L. E. Dancey for plif.; Wale lace Nesbitt, of, Toronto, for deft. „ Gordon vs. Glegg was an action for slander, the parties both being resi. dents of Winghatn. PIM had an ar- rangement by which he, was te sell bi- cycles for dell, and in a dispute over a sale deft, called him a thief, and a crook. Plff believed this injured him in 'his business and reputation and therefore brought suit. A jury was sworn in and with about ten minutes consideration they awarded plaintiff $25 damages. His Lordship added costs. W. D. McPherson, of Toronto, for plff.; E. L. Dickenson for deft. Court was then closed. Drysdale: While Robt. Orr and Wm. Sleek, were felling a tree it appears that it shot back over the stamp, catcb. nig, the saw and swinging it around so as to force three of tbe teeth taco ' Mr. Orr's left , lam ma e a s men o our a 7 Almost Unanimously. Clinton, Ont., March 15. -The vote on the bylaw to grant atom) of $25,00n to Itle.sars. Doherty & Co. for a terra of twenty years was taken here yester- day and resulted in a sweeping ma- jority for the bylaw. The available vote is slightle- over 500, and of this number 457 voted in favor of the by- law and only 10 against it. Mr. Doh. arty reassured the mar nr and those cit. Jet= who visited his I nice after the re- sult was made known, .nab the work of rtnerection would be proceeded with at once. Catild Do No 'Work. "Large sores broke Mit on my body, head and limbs, and. also on my hand, so that I could not do any work, and my hair came out. My trouble was called eczema. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken sev- eral bottles the sores and itching dis- appeared and I was cured." Mas. .1. G. BROWN, Brantford, Ont. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious. nes& 25c. MARKI.a.131.10S. SAWYEA-Roy.-At the residence of the bride's father, Mount Pleasant, March 2, by the Rev. P. Scott, John Sawyer, of Woodham, to Miss Ar03te Roy. Moe -es -DARLING -At the resideace of the bride's father, on March. 91h, by Rev. C. Barltrop. Frederick T. Munts, of Rat Portage, to Miss Julia Darling, of Brinsley. Bommenn-Youlen-At the residence of the bride's father, Mullett, on March 2,'by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, Mr. Daniel Bombard, of TJsborne, to Miss ' Mary Young. Do97beys-ReSret.s.Bond, n ietiB-0AtSeafor t ter h, o. on S.loti John i ns to Mary, youngest d • R. Smith, both of Clin on. ceteaarlitte OZ. • SCOTT. ---In Seaforth, on March 9, Robt. Scott, aged 41 years and 6 months. MURRAY -In St. Marys, on March 2n0, Catharine McEwen, relict of the late Alexander Murray, Aged 71 years, 11 months, 18 days. JOHNS. -In Exeter, March 14, Alice Ruth, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johns, aged 10 months and 20 days, Peouron-In Clinton, on ?tai -ch 4, Mar- garet Ann, relict of the late John Proctor, aged 89 years and 10 months. MAROTIMOrr -In AhIla, Mich, March . 14th, Mrs. A. V. Marchmopt (nee Miss Case) aged 48 years and mon LhOSX' C A - I r; Gidcrich township, on :- March 5, John Albert, son of Peter Cantelon, aged 24 years and 14 days. MCDoSALD -In Goderich teCentihip, nrt March 5, Ca pt John McDotald', 72 years. r.A4 '417 VIP,. 4‘77'