The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-4, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -543. EXETER, ONTARIO, THIJRSDAY, MARCH 3 1898. C. H SANDERS, EDITOR. Sale Register.. Tau*spAY, MAacu 3. Household furni- aneoss ate, 5 property of Sala at 2'o ol000k. aeha Anel, ensuoneer. TUESDAY, Manna SUL -Farm stook, Ira. l,lements,household effects etc ., the property at Joho. Pollock $; Sons,Lot30, Sauble Line, Flay. Safe at ono o'clock. Ed. Bossenberry, Auot, TBE 1199D1 a�TERWMEWT DEPER1 IKent, E... •, , . , E Kent, W• Ki n.gstOn , . • , Lambton, E- Lambton, W - Lanark, N .... Lanurk,E..,, :.... 805 Leeds....,,.,,.,.. 500 Lennox.,... - Lincoln 400 London., .,... Middlesex, E . , . , , .. 130 Middlesex, N .... , Middlesex, W Monck....... Nipissing . , . , .. Norfolk, S„ Norfolk, N.... Northumberlatsd, E... Northumberland, W Ontario, N, ... , . , < . Ontario, 8 A Cold Wave Strikes the Country. FRMS TUR SALE. 3kIC1�7E3� TQ LEAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for tale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms. Hull, ERIIEU, ,iowx 8 �+�eLir T Boars for Service. The nderei acl will keep on Lot s Con- TIIIIITY TEIIS O_.. F REFORill e.easion 3, Usharne, one Imported Chester White hoar and a one Berkshire ; Boar For service- Usual terms. .Toast 31*.Y. Swced Turnips for Sale, The undersigned has a large quantity of %rift class neve variety turnapct which ho wl sett cheap. Apply one Mite Itortle of Crediton exist Bolt. C. laEi.av Creation. P. REPRESE, EITION CONSERVATIVES ELECTED 4e; LIBERA 4141 AND 3 IN 1:10`013T. lifON aL fi as lands e, and a lai&If improved c4nnt. forms. Apply to rt.nzeT & e1r,AAitAlt, Solicitors, etc , tat Premises, Mt:. . k xeter FARM FOR SALE. "PEE aar:<lersieeed offers for mile Lot No. 5, d dth cancel -don. Township of Kiwcardine. Tho farm unaaiats of .,nacres, all Cleared ;Ko od fronto house and baric; xlao two good ornk- ards, and a plentiful 4uppl3' et. water. Tho land is situated r'; utiles from the $4 ugeel; hO*X 14 k$ from the town of ltiincar. dine, 1"rirek9t3 l;dowaa,the lalanca in tela ortwrtiveyrar+iairi': ver (Tot. '-. - iorimay he had at one .lr`nr further partic- ulars apply to lies. Taos, Anne1'r, tlroad* "Ray giglegraine 11 ARE YOU ILDING ? Do not Place your order un- til we give you prices for NAILS LOCKS BUTTS GLASS OILS ^y LEADS YEMEN 1 S TROUGH Plaster Paris Furnaces, etc. GIVE US A CALL, IT WILL PAY YOU seteseteriseeVtenejsinirt"4" �. BISpOp & SOR. EXETER os O TINA P µ (OINeffiACADC1 N 7 H� STCLAIR ,RIVER) vo 11iinisters are 3efeated. Tile Couservat 23 Seats and the Liberals 3. Toronto, March 1.—The general oleo tions for the Ontario Legislature took place throughout the Province to•dav, andd resulted in the practical defeat of the Liberal Government, which has heldpower for more than 25 yeater The contest has been very exelting. the Governweet resorting to all the tactics which haute kept their party in power for so many years. The returns to rlight indicate a great revulsion: of fooling,. Of the 94 seats, elections took place to day in 93, the polling in the other—Russel—being postponed till the 11th lust, In all but two or three eases, complete returns are in, with the foliowingresult: Consorvattvos elected. — . .47 Liberals elected . .. . . .............43 res iGaiu Ontario, S, Northuuaberland E. Otte wa Prince Edward Parry Sound Vorthumberlaud W. Perth, S, Ottawa Renfrew, Ise, Oxford, N., lieatu, Frew, S., (� a� (� Shneoe, W,Oxford,S, Simcoe, E„ Peel Sinieoe, O., Perth, N , Stormont Peteerboro,1., Torouto,E, Poterboro, W, Toronto, W , Prescott Tororito, S, York, W., - Toronto, N., Welland, Vletorie, E,, Wellington, E, Victoria, W., Wellington, S-, Waterloo, S., Wentworth, S., Waterloo, N., York, E Wellington, W., York, N........43 Wentworth, N.. . . 47 INote. —Messrs Beatty and Tucker (Indopeadeut Conservatives) both of whom have promised Mr, Whitney sup port, are included among the above.] In doubt.,.,... The probability is decidedly in favor of a. Conservative majority, Mr. Rob - Ward, the Conservative candidate, is eertatn of election in Russell, while it is a well•known fact that the reelection of ex Speaker: Evanturel in Prescott was permitted by the Conservatives an the understandiug that in the event of the latter obtaining a majority today he will support the new Government. Messrs. Beatty, of Parry Sound, and Tucker, of West Wellington, though they did not run as straight Conserva- tives, will give Mr, Whitney independ- ent support, Besides this two of, if not the entire three, seats " .in doubt " are expected to go Mr. Whitney's way. Two ministers have been defeated— Hon John Dryden, Minister of Agri- culture, in South Ontario, and Hon. J. M, Gibson, Commissioner of Crown Lands, in Hamilton. The result of the elections in a sur prise to the supporters of the Govern meat. It is safe to say that the timber policy of the administration, which favored Michigan lumbermen, at the expense of Canadians, had much to do with Hardy's defeat. Toronto, as usual, returned four Conservatives. North Waterloo was one of the sur- prises of the day. Not since Confeder- ation has the riding sent a Conserva- tive representative to the Ontario House. The unexpected happened, and the Conservative candidate, Dr. Lackner, was elected by a majority of 85. Tonight the town of Watealoo is in possession of the Conservatives, and torch -light processions and speeches are greatly in evidence. The Free Press Ottawa correspond- ent telegraphs at two o'clock this (Wednesday) morning: "Despite the herculean efforts put forth to corrupt the election by Lumsden and O'Keefe, the Liberal nominees, the Conserva- tives have succeeded against dreadful odds in returning one candidate, Mr, Powell having a majority of three votes over Mr. O'Keefe by official count, the total vote being: -Lumsden, 4,775; Powell, 4,528; O'Keefe, 4,525." The complexion of the last. House was as follows:—Liberals 53; Conser- vatives, 24; Patrons, 14s Independents, 3. The Patrons have been practically a branch of the Liberal party, so that the Government has had a majority of from 30 upwards, Con. Elected. Libe. Elected.. ,SARNIAaONTAR1O. 116 graduates .assisted topositions during the past year. ta'Our Sb orthand Department is the best in Canada. Our Commercial Department is Actual Business from start to finish. We can secure good board for students from a distance at from' slop to 32.5o. atai'We pay the railroad, tare one way. For further information address. A S. NIMMO. Addington, Cardwell, Carleton, Dufferin, Dundas, Durham, E ,. Durham, W.,. Elgin, E, Frontenac ntenac Glengary Grenville > Grey, C., , GreyS., Grev, N., Hamilton, E., Hamilton, W., Hastings, W., Hastings, N., Huron, S., Huron, W. Brant, N., Brant, S., Brockville, Bruce,'N., Bruce, C., Bruce, S., Elgin, W., Essex, N., Essex, S. Haldinnand. Halton Hastings, E., Huron, E, Kent, E., Kent, W., Kingston Lambton, E,_ Lambton, W., Lanark, N., Lennox Lapark, 8., London Leeds Middlesex, N., Lincoln "' Middlesex, W. Middlesex, E , Mouck , S, Norfolk, , Ontario, N., Norfolk, N., CON. (,t UNte 1)u, erin Pranteuac Glengary y Gray Centre Grey North Grey South Hamilton, E., Hamilton W., Hastings, W., Hastings, E, Huron, S , Huron, W., Middlesex, D,, , Nipissing Ontario, S., Ontario, N., Ottawa Perth, S , Prince Edward Renfrew, N., Renfrew, S., Simcoe, W., Simcoe, 0, Stormont Victoria, W, 'Waterloo, S., Waterloo, N., Wentworth, N.-28. 1t.LA3, (4AI Id. Bruce N., Bruce, 0„ Halton Basti ngs, N, Lambton, k:., Lambton, W., Lanark, W., Lennox Northumberland, E. Perth, N., York, W.-11. 112 Ottawa., . , , .. . Oxford, N..... 322 91 3 '69 Parry Sound... , ... 601 Peel, , .... „ .,, Perth N.,,,,. Perth S, , .. Peterborough, E... Peterborough, W... '32 Prescott,...,.,..,. Renfrew, 8....., Renfrew.N,.,,,, „ 149 Situeae, W , . 300 Si tueoe, D , ....... , 73 Simeae, C.— 27 Stormont,.., ,,., „ 100 Toronto, E . , . , , 1,610 reroute, W ,....., 815 Toronto, S.,, 277 Toronto, N.,.,,, , 17 Victoria, E 420 Victoria., '11T,.,.,,, 100 Waterloo, S, ... , , . 100 Welland . Wellington, E..... ,. Wellington, S Welltugton, W, , . ; 150 Wentworth N . 370 INDE) ENDENTS DEFEATED. Bruce, N., Bruce, C., Dufferin Frontenac Glengarry Grey, 0., Grey, S., Lambton, E, Lambton, W., London (2) Oxford, N., Perth, S„ Prince Edward, Renfrew, S., Simcoe, W., Simsoe, C., Stormont Wellington, E.-18. IN DOUBT,. Algoma, E., Algoma, W., Muskoka ..3 Russell (yet to be held.) THE MAJORITIES. Following are the majorities in the various constituencies, as near as could be ascertained. The figures in the Al gomas, Grey, S., Muskoka, one of the Ottawas, Prince Edward, Waterloo, N., Wentworth, S., and York, W,, are not given :— Constituency. Addington Brant, N. Brant, S Brockville........ Bruce, N Bruce, S........... ace Bruce, C 216 Cardwell. 872 .. . Carleton 1,000 Dufferin.: 350 Dundas. . 123 Durbam, E.....:.. 200 Durham, W. ...... 118 Elgin, E.. 8 Elgin, W Essex, N. .;... . Essex, S.: Froutenac' Glengarry... .. 200 Grenville.:. 300 Grey, C... . 1,150 Grey, N. 400 Haldimand . Halton ... Hamilton, ' E 880 Hamilton, W ...... 297 Hastings, W....... '200 Hastiugs, N460 Huron, E. . ,:. . HuronS 170 , Hi r..n, W...... 2 Conser. Liberal 341 35 491 200 368 • 10 102 600 308 147 137 ..• 165 York, h:........ , .. .. . York, N. . 500 253 289 48 300 150 T4' 6 302 55 192 265 '32 241 355 145 1,010 300 157 • 100 985 ACC • 682 80 300 300 475 Greenway. Usborne Sc Eibbert Fire iusur- -,--, axlce Co. Rev. Mr. Ford„ of Luean, preached a very acceptable sermon in Heston Meth The annual tweeting of the Haltom odist cburch last Sabbath.—W. J. Wil- son has a quantity of Mondschensi barley and Stherian oats and No. 1 peas to sell for seed. --Any person wish- ing to try the new acetylene light will; get full information by corresponding with A. C. Wilson who iss selling the Acetylene Gas Generator, manufactur- ed by the Guelph Acetylene Gas Gen- erator Co., Limited. --Mr William Wallop baa hired with Mr. Cobblediek, of Clandeboye for a term of one year.— Mr. Fred Battram, of Plattsville, ie vis- iting his uncle, Mr J. 13attratn.--Mr. 0, W, Wilson, Deputy Returning Qui cer, and S, H. Armstrong, Poll Clerk, conducted the election in Division No. 7, in a very satisfactory manuer to both parties. Granton Mr. Noah 'Wass, a respected citizen of this place for a number of years, died at the family residence Friday morn- ing. Mr. Wass was an active member of the Methodist Church and a Con- servative in politics He leaves a wife, two daughters—Mrs. Irvine Wallis and Mrs. Abner Langford --and three sons William, of Blanshard, ani Morley and and Silas at home. The remains were interred in the Methodist cemetery,con. 8, Blanshard, at 1 o'clock on Sunder. >irly A happy event took place at the res- idence of Mr Blackwell, on Wednesday when his daughter Miss Catharine Jean was married to Mr. Wm. Kew, of St. Marys. The ceremony was performed by Rey. C. T. Mills, of Hensall. The bride was the recipient of a number of fine presents. The happy couple left here Thursday morning on their bridal tour and we join with their many friends in wishing them long and con - tinned happiness. Luoan A very pleasant time was spent at the residence of Rev. R. H. Shaw on Monday evening, it being the eve of Ms departure for Woodstock. Over 50 members of Holy Trinity congregation assembled at the; reetory about 8 o'clock and took full possession of the house.' Without a moment's delay, Mr. J. Fox was called to the chair, and in a neat speech apprised the reverent gentleman of the object of the gathering. Mr Shaw was taken entirely by surprise when airs. W. Reid stepped forward and read a b"autifully-'worded address, and Mrs. Ira. Mara, on behalf of the can gregatiou, presented hint with a well- Oiled purse. The reverent .gentleman, during- his eight scare' stay among us. has endeared himself to his people, and ` Toronto, Feb. 21. --The biggest it is with feelings of deep regret they scheme vet placed before a religious now part with him The address, to; which Mr. Shaw made a very suitable reply, was signed on bobaif of the don ors by Mrs, Wm. Reid and Mrs. E. Mara, Varna Rev. Mr. McDonald, who has been laid up for some time with an attack of lumbago, is recovering, -This week we record the death of Mrs. Wm. Me Clymont who died on Thursday morn- ing last at the age of 83 years.—Miss Annie K. Galbraith has secured the po- sition of clerk at Mr. T. Cairn's store. —Mr. John Torrance attended the ses sion of the High Court of Forresters at Peterborough last week.—Mrs. James Armstrong, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. McCool, of Herring. tan, returned home last week. Crediton and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on February 7th. The President, John Essery, occupied the chair and opened the meeting by showe tug the increase of the Compauy'e bust - nese during the year, the 5uanc1tal standing at the present time and that the company never was in a better posi- tion to do safe and cheap insurauce than at present. The Secretary -Trea- surer's report brought out the follow. ing, viz; No. of Policies in force, 31st December, 1897, was 2206, covering an insurance of $,3.569,095, which is se- cured by Premium notes amounting to $106,45307, being an increase in the amount insured, of 810,300.00 aver the previous year The receipts for the year were 4734501, total expenditure $1272.01, leaving a cash balance on baud of $3073 CO after all claims and expenses were paid. The election of Directors resulted in W, H Paasttlore and John A, Norris being elected by acclamation for a terra of three years, D. McLechlan having previously re. sigued. The board as constituted for 3,898 is: President, J. Essery; Vlee- Presideut. Joseph Jackson; Directors, T, Ryan and John A. Norris, Hibbert; R. 13 Blair, Fullerton; and M. H. Pass- more, Usborne; A,genes, John Carmieh- ael, Farquhar; and J. S Gilfillan, L,ucau. Auditors, M, A. Turnbull and D, Hay. TILOS. CAMERON See,'v Treas, A Lig Church Scheme. Mr. Samson Yelland, who has been attending college in London, returned home Friday. -Miss Mary Bertrand re- turned home from Exeter Friday, after spending a few days with her friends. —Mr. P. Fassold, who has been working for Mr. Kuntz, of Exeter, has been en- gaged here by Mr. Wenzle,—Mr. Den- ny, of Exeter, was in the village Mon- day.—A large number of our citizens attended the meeting of Mr. Eilber at Exeter Friday evening.—Mr. . nin ]1Ir. Wickett and Miss Bernhart are on the sick list, We wish them a speedy recovery. -- Miss Livens, of Centralia, spent Tues- day with Miss Fall. • ipp Mr. Thos. Bowser left the forepart of the week for .Mlichigan, where he in- tends to reside,—Rev. J. E. Ford, of Lucent preached the annual miwsion ary sermon at Salem last Sunday morn- ing,—Mr. J. B. Young recently pur- chased a, barn from Mr. Albert Cathro, and is moving it piece meal to his farm on the 20th con. -.-Mr. R. Sellars and. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Hedges left on Tues day for Manitoba. The best wishes of their many friends accompany them. Mrs Sellars and other members of the family will lease about the 1st of April to join Mr. Sellars in their western home at Nesbit, Manitoba.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Bice,who expect to remove shortly to Ailsa Craig, very courteous- ly and agreeably entertained a num ber of scholars of Centenary Sabbath school and other children of this neigh- borhood at their residence here on Sat- urday afternoon. A most enjoyable time was spent by all. Dashwood. The quarterly services in the Evan- gelical Church were held last Sunday, Rev. D. Kroh presiding Elder officiat- ing.—Mr. Harry Eilber and Mr. David Weismiller addressed a public meeting in Moser's hail Saturday night last. The hall was filled to overcrowding every ono anxious to bear the man who is to be South Huron.s representi five in the Prywincisl Legislature. "King. William" anought the addresses were alright for a audience, but would not do fore ` snto.—Mrs. Henry Wiegand presented her husband with a baby boy on Friday. The little child has since died. Clinton : H. Joyner and family;' left on Tuesday for Texas,where` he pur- poses residing in future. Hisproper- ty on the London road has been leased by his brother, who will occupy it, Hay School Report The following is the:February motnh- ly report of S. S. No. 2, Hay. Names are in order of merit: ' 5th, J. Tod& M. Russel, Maud Russel; 4th, Sara North cott, V. Runualis, Nellie O'Brien; Sr. 3rd, H. F. Johnston, Ethel Northcott, J. R. Northcott; Jr. Brd, E. J. Gould, W. O'Brien, Luella Munn; god, Cora Munn. R. Northcott, J. Munn; 2nd pt., ii, W. Munn, R. S. Todd, W. Northcott. The best spellers in . the monthly spelling match were: 5th, Maud Russell; 4tb, Sara Northcott; Sr. 3rd, Alice Dougall; Jr. 3rd, W. O'Brien; 2nd, Cora Munn: 2nd pt., Mabel Dougall; 2nd pt., Wilfrid Munn. Stephen School Report denomination on this continent is ,just being launched by a Toronto Method -oat divine. It is for the eollectlon of a million -dollar Methodist thanksgiving" fund, to signalize the opening of the twcutieth century. The proposal is an outgrowth of the movement in England, recently report- ed in the telegraphic columns, for a million pound Wesleyan fund there. The Canadian fund is proposed by Rev - John. Potts, D. D., who will agitate for its adoption by the General Coufereuce, and try to bring bis powerful eloquence to bear in its support at that gathering. He has already brought it officially be- fore General Conference officers in a statement, in which he says :—"T would respectively propose that the annual conference recommend such a scheme to the favorable consideration of the next general conference, and that be- tween that time and January tl, 1901. the fund be completed. If English Methodism can raise it twentieth-cen- tury fund of one million pounds star- ling, surely Canadian Methodism can raise a fund of one million dollars. This would not be a g' -at taste for the members and adherent. of Methodism from Newfoundland to British Colum- bia and Japan. "The question will at once arise, What objects should be considered as. worthy to be helped from this twen- tieth-century fund? Personally, I would suggest the supernumerary fund of the Maritime Provinces, and the educational institutions, This, however, with the claims of the Mis- sionary Society, and other connexional funds, should be left to the considera- tion and determination of the General Conference." The following is a report of S. S. No. 6, for the month of February:—IV— Jaceb Ratz, Maggie Barry, Clara Ratz; Sr. III—Mary Quarrin, Clara Kraft, Ed. Ratz; Jr. III—Joseph Quarrin, Alex. McDonald, Annie Yearly; II—George Colby, Allie Harding, Theresa Quarrin; Part II—Lucinda Kraft, Joseph Wild. J. W. MonnrsoN, Teacher. The following Is the correct report for S. S. No. S,_Stephen, for the month of February. The names are in order of merit. 4th, Ida Jory, Herman Beav- er, Daniel Sanders, Luther Penhale, Edwin Beaver. George Sanders, Seine Jory, James Sanders, Clara Stanlako; Sr. 3rd, Clinton Sweet, Arthur Glan- ville, Richard Glanville; Jr. 3, Stella Penhale, Chas. Sanders, Lorene Ford., Beatrice Glanville; Sr. 2nd,Herbie Ford, Roy Parsons, Minnie Triebner, Fred Dearing, Asa Penhale, Frank Triebner, Marshall Box, Homer Bagshaw; Jr. 2nd, Vera Sanders, Laura Jory, Viola Pen. hale, Hattie Willis, Sadie Willis, .Alonzo Ford, Minnie Sanders, Clara Beaver, Nelson Sanders, Fannie Glanville, Willie Triebner, Jennie Sanders; Pt 2, Edith Parsons, Herbie Dearing, Eddie. Willis, Thos Glanville, Herbie Beaver, i letSr.Pt. 1 Mitchell Willis, V Woods; o o , S , Lizzie Sanders: Jr. Pt, 1, Harry .Par- sons, Garnet Craig, Samuel Stanlake. Average attendance 38. R. N. CREECH, Teacher, s . Mr. Talbot Oatmon, of the M. C. R., St. Thomas, had his hand crushed while coupling in the yards there, The pin or link went through the palm of the hand, separating and spreading the bones, but not breaking them. The hand will be saved. A, 'Nervous Woman. " I was completely run down and had a bad cough due to bronchitis. I was very nervous, but since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I have more appet- ite and feel a great deal better. I have also used Hood's Pills and find them very excellent." Mrs. M. Garland, 675 Crawford Street, Toronto, Ont. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache. BUItTIOS HonoINs.—In McGillivray, on Febru- ary 17th, the wife of Sidney,!,Hodgins- of a son, ll A.B11.1.A.6tES. STEWART. —Dow --At .the residence of the bride's father, on February 23rd, by Rev. P. Scott, Mr. Neil D. Stewart, to Miss Johanna Dow, daughter of David Dow, Esq:, all of Fullerton. ABBOTT—HuNKIN—At the residence of the bride's mother, on Wednesday March 2nd, by the Rev. Chas. Smith,, Charles Abbott to Miss Minnie Hun kin daughter of Mrs. James Abbott. • DEATH* ROBINS oN—In Parkhill, on Feb 20th, Thomas Robinson, aged 65 years. Bumex. --In Seaforth, on Feb; 23rd, Mary, youngest daughter of 'Mrs. Burke, aged 8 years,. TAYLOR. -In Stanley, on 'Feb, 20, Hen- rietta Taylor, relict of the late John: Taylor, aged b0' years. LAITUWAITI].—In Goderich Township, on Feb.` 21, Elvin 0. Laithwaite, son of James Laithwaite, aged 18 years,. '1 month and 27 days. FERRIS.—In Goderich township, on Feb. 19, Eliza Ferris, relict of the late Robert Ferris, aged 87 years. tleetirnre -In Sea fntth, on Feb.` 22nd . A. W. Hamm•'tc. avid 17 years, 10' months and 22 days. 1