The Exeter Advocate, 1897-9-9, Page 8ti
Illanniters Wanted,
The undersigned would be pleased
ta take a number of boarders• -Ladies
Or Gentlemen. First class acoommoda
tion. Terms reasonable. Apply at the
Sense opposite Commerical. Hotel..
Send the Advocate to your friends.
Qaly 65 ets. from not till Jan, 1st,ISM
Just received. a big lot of tweed rem-
nants for sale cheap at J. Ei. Grieve's.
The assessment rate for the village
$c 17 mills in the dollar against 14 last
Messrs. Bawden and McDonell ship-
ped a carload (16) fine horses to Mont-
real Monday for the English markets,
The premises recently vacated by
D. Spicer on Main street, is being re-
modelled and on being completed the
south half will be occupied by Drs.
Hyndasan & i?yndman,.
About thirty delegates from the
James and Main St. Methodist church
er drove over to Granton on Mouday
to attend the Epworth League district
eenveutiou and report a very pleasant
Having just received a large and
varied stock of tweeds for the winter
season, we are prepared to do a big
trade this fall and at prices that are
bound to suit all.
J. H .Grieve.
Lewis Elliott, caretaker of Goderieb
post office, received notice from Ottawa
to quit the job, move out and hand
ever the keys to George Bissett, who
lead been appointed to replace him. No
cause was assigned, not even offensive
A. number of the Exeter croquet
players assembled on Mr. R. Gidley's
lawn Monday last for the purpose of
playing a game for a silver cup. Sides
were chosen by J. W. Broderick and
Geo. Anderson, the latter's side win-
ning by four gen es to one.
The turning factory and cider mill
owned by Thos. Reamer- on the London
Road has been taken down, and is be-
ing replaced by a new one. The brick
and material for the uew one is on the
ground and the work is being pushed
The Toronto Bankrupt Stock of Boots
and Shoes at Brodoricic's Cheap Store,
Eueter, is gong off like hot cakes. The
half price sale will continue another
week. Remember every pair of Boots
and Shoes of this lot goes for one half
the regular prices.
Atilehell vs. Exeter. Big lot of remnants of tweed for boy's S. Popplestone is the new District
The postponed lacrosse match be clothing—half price—at J. H. Grieve's. Deputy Grand Patriarch of the west
tween the Mitchell and • Exeter teams The Odd Fellows will consider the ern Encampment, the appointment
will be played here on Tuesday, Sept, putting in of electric light in their hall ( having been made by Grand Patriarch
14th, This will be the last gaine of Labor lley Sports, Bell of Ottawa,
the season in Exeter and promises to beMondaybeing Labor Day was genet -'Mrs. E. Sanders, after, a few weeps
interesting. Game called at 4 o'clock, ally observed by the citizens of Exeter. visit with friends in Exeter and vicini-
Death ofrhilin Lan:, The weather was all that could be de- ty, loft for her home in , Clandeboye
On Saturdry east \1r, Philip Lang, a sired, and the stores and all other plats- Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. N. Me-
well•known resident of this town, pass-- es of business were closed for the day, Avoy and son Clifford, who will visit
ed quietly away at his residence, An- The program of sports under the auspi- there for a few weeks,
drew Street, at the age of 61 years, ces of the Turf Club and Band were Miss Smith, who has been in Owosso,
Deceased had been in:decliniug health carried out in the afternoon on the Az- Mich., and other American cities at -
for many months and despite all that ricultural Grounds to which a fair tending millinery displays, returned
medical aid and assidious care and at number were in attendance, Shortly here last week and has again taken
tentione could do he gradually faded after:two o'clock a game of lacrosse charge of Mr. E. J. Spackman's millin-
awav until death releaved him of 'him took place between the Parkhill and ery department,
of his sufferings. Mr. Lang was a Exeter Junior teams which proved yery The many friends of Miss. Charlotte
former rrsident of the township of interesting. After playing about two Smith, of the Lake Road, Hay, who has
Stephen and moved to Exeter several hours the score stood 5 goals to 1 in fa- been visiting in Philadelphia, will be
years ago. Jiis remains were interred v or of the home team. Then followed pleased to learn that she has decided
at the Exeter cemetery Tuesday. He a game of baseball between the Cred- not to become a citizen of the U. S, as
leaves to mourn his death a widow. iton and Exeter teams, resulting in fa- it was feared she would. She arrived
Doctor 3acls. - vor of Exeter by a score of 27 to 19. home last week.
A new story entitled Doctor Jack by rromotion Examinations. The following students left here dur-
St. George Rathborne, was comments- The following pupils of the Exeter ing the past week to further prosecute
ed in the last issue of the ADVOCATE, Public School hays passed the recent their studies:—Miss Lida Trevethick,
It is a rattling story, told with unflagg• promotion examinations : Room 3 to 4 model school, Loudon; ' Eva Carling,
ing nerve and convincing verisimili- —May Clark, Herby Gregory, Vera High school, Brantford; E. Gregory, W.
tude. Its dialogue is of the very Hawkshaw, Lillie McInnis, Jessie Dow, G. Bagshaw and Barton Hooper, High
smartest—humorous without obvious Mary Treble, Mervyn Huston, Mervyn School, Clinton; Harry Browning Mark -
effort, epigrammatic without apparent Hicks, Herman Seaman, Merle Gould, ham.
contrivance The graphie force and Charlotte Drinkwater, Lorne Cann, —
picturesqueness of its descriptive mat- Frank Walters, Jessie Gillespie. Room Blanshard: One day last week Thos.
ter are no less impressive than fasei 4—Carrie Dyer, Shirley Robier, Nettie Salisbury, had the misfortune to have
nating; its delineations of character Walters, Percy Rendle, Percy Brown- the encs taken off the thumb of Ins
are alike bold in outline and exquisite ing, erercy Hardy, Evely Gill, Edna right hand. He was engaged cramp•
in finish. Don't miss the opening chap- Davidson, Niva Carling, Fred 'Hawk- ing a wagon when the rack which had
tors in last issue. shaw, Harry Huston, Percy Hooper, become raised, suddenly fell, crushing
Hoose of Refute Notes, John Newcombe. Room 5—Garnet the thumb between it and the wagon.
Sunday night or Monday morning Heywood, Willie Howard, Leslie Presz• Clinton: A pleasant marriage took
Christina Martin, who has been au in- cater. Earle Browning, Melvyn South- place on the lawn of Mr, Geo. Nimens,
mate from Grey township since the cote, Howard. Powell, Willie Beer, Geo. ou Wednesday. The contracting par -
opening, absconded; she will be brought Armstrong, Vera Rowe, Vera Cobble. ties were Jas. McClarchey, well known
back if information can be obtained as dick, Edith Moncur, Edna rollick, Elsie and justly popular young business
to her whereabouts; any person drop- Sutton, Mary Parsons, May Wood, Mary man, and Miss Jennie E. Nimens, the
ping a card to Inspector Coats, Clinton, quell. Room 6—Percy Wood, Tom highly respected and youngest daugh-
would confer a favor. Wm, Griffith, Brock, Isaac Horn, George Jones, ter of Mr, Geo. Nimens, The ceremony
from East Wawauosh, aged 23, is the Wm, Willis Angie Ried, Maud Quante, was performed by the Rev. Mr. Mill,
latest addition to the inmates; he is Katie Bartner. Room 7—Hugh Atkin- yard, assisted by Rev. Mr, Stewart.
suffering from bronchitis'bordering on son Frank Weeks Getty Trevethick,
consumption. Poor old Tommy Sher Grover Bissett, Aldewin Evans, Gerrie Kirkton: On Saturday evening as
man is not very well; he says his heart Smith, Offa McPhenson, Olin Hooper. Mr W. Doure was returning home
fails to drive the blood of life through Stoves: -Stoves!: stoves::: from town a man riding a bicycle pass -
his body, and he evidently is about core For Oxford Stoves and Ranges, call ed him causing his horse to shy and
rect. There are in all 73 inmates. at Bissett's old stand, Exeter. throwing him out of the buggy contin-
Sunda the Rev. Mr. Pocock held ser- A. S. Deavitt, agent. ued its race down the 4th line as far as
vice. Mr. 3, A. Ding has been award- Mr. Kennedy's. The buggy was slight-
ed the contract for bread for the nest Personal Tiention ly damaged. Mr. Doupe was carried
three months.
Richard Gidley is attending Toronto into the house, he was not hurt and as
fair. soon as he had recovered form his
The Bicycle Craze. Mrs S. Fitton is visiting her parents fright was all right.
The extent to which the bicycle craze in Toronto.
is being carried is wonderfully illus- Mitchell : Death has again visited
Rev. and Mrs. Bray are spending a
:rated in the following from the Wiar- our midst and this time removed by
few days at Bayfield,
ton Echo:—"Mrs. George Rothman, cf his fell hand one of the oldest and most
Beaver Falls, heard a peculiar noise S, Penbale, of Midland, is visiting re- respected residents of town, in the per
un the back porch of her residence. She latives in town for a few days. son of Mr. Richard. Jennison, who carne
n tea ro a ott to ear 5 as
The other night thieves entered the
residence of Mr. Wilse on the London
Iioad and carried off forty two quart
gems of preserves and a couple of large
atone crocks of pickles. Only four
gems of preserves were left The
'.'sweet" thieves will more than likely
spend aTterm at Castle Griffia in Gode-
rich,—News Record.
Maybe this advice from an exchange
will benefit some. "A man who wanted
to learn what profession he would have
itis son enter, put him in a room with
a bible, an apple and a dollar bill. If
he found him, when he returned, read-
ing the bible he would make a clergy
man of him; if eating the apple, a
farmer; and if interested in the dollar
bill, a banker. When he returned he
found the boy sitting on the bible, with
the dollar bill in his pocket and the
apple almost devoured. He made a
politican of him."
found her two sons, one aged seven and E. J. Spackman went to Mot i he about tl y 18 8 He w
the other one year old, in a corner, The Tuesday morning on business, universally respected, and his demise
babe was on his back. The elder broth- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perkins aro at- is much regretted. Disease of the
er had inserted the tube of a bicycle tending the Industrial at Toronto. brain, from which he suffered for some
pump in the babe's mouth and was fil- time, was the cause of his death, He
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett, are attend
ling him full cf wind as fast as he could leaves a widow and three grown up
work the pump handle The infant ing Toronto Exhibition this week. sons, who have the sympathy of our
was unconscious and its little stomach Mrs. Rogers and son, Gordon, of Lon citizens.
was inflated like a,balloou, The moth- don, are the guest of Mrs. E. A. Follick.
er pulled the tube from the child's Miss Hetiie Handford, of London, is Clinton: On Thursday morning Mrs.
mouth, and the air followed with a spending a few weeks in and around Graelis had a wonderfully narrow os
sharp sound like the exhaust of an air town. cape from what threatened to be a .
„air Iik?]� c
A beautiful Gold Decorated Dinner Set. EVERY
PIECE PERFECT. Lovely new patterns.
Would be good value at $10.00, but you
can have a set for
Perhaps you had better look in and see them.
Stores close 6:30 each evening excepting Wednesday and Saturday.
in town and can guarantee them to give every satisfaction.
We have in stock the celebrated
in black and colors. Also the perfect fitting
and the
This season we carry ee Health and Diamond"
brands of ladies' Under-
wear and will say these are noted for their fineness, and durability. Prices
25 cents to $1.00.
For Autum trade we have a full stock of B &
C., D. & A., Yatisi, E, & F and Metallic.
We would call the attention of all
parties doing a credit business to the
fact that interest cannot be collected
by law on an open account, unless the
debtor has been notified that interest
at 6 per cent, will be charged after a
certain date. With a darft, note, or
cheque it is different, and they draw
interest and in case of suit the interest
can be added. Of course a large
number of merchants, are aware of the
fact and take the necessary precaution,
but from the experience of the agency
in its collection department it is found
that the great majority are quite
ignorant of the law in this respect.
Autumn Announcement Number.
The September Number of the De-
lineator is called Autumn Announce-
ment Number, its forecast of Autumn
fashions, with color -plate illustration,
being outhoritative. With this number
ef. the magazine is begun a depart-
ment of exceptional interest and value
—a page devoted to social observances,
in which Mrs. Mary Cadwalader Jones
brings the weight of unquestioned
authority to the discussion of good
form. Other serial features begun in
thisissue are Home Taxidermy for
• Women, by W S. Edwards, and "Jap-
anese Women," by Frances Stevenson,
and other equally interesting subjects
by popular authors, Address The De-
lineator Publising Co, Limited, 33
'Richmond Si,.West, Toronto. Price
$1. per year, or 15c per single copy.
serious accident, She got on the To -
brake on a railway train. The baby B. S. O'Neil left Thursday last to routs train to bid her daughter good
recovered consciousness." spend a few days in Brantford and To- bye, and did not succeed in getting off
Anniversary Services, ronto. until after the train was under full
The Anniversary Services of the Miss Annie Richards, after ar few headway, when she jumped at the Lon
Trivitt Memorial Church were held on days' visit here returned to London don road crossing. She rolled directly
Sunday last. Rev, Canon Dann, D. D., Thursday. under the car, the wheels brushing her
of St Paul's Cathedral, London, occu• Miss Edith Sanders returned Monday clothes, but fortunately doing her no
pied the pulpit both morning and even from attending the millinery openings injury beyong the severe shaking up
ing. His discourses were interesting, at Toronto. she got, It was a close call.
eloquent and impressive and woro
lest- Mrs. Robt. Pickard visited her moth-
ened to by large congregations on both
er, Mrs. Verity, at Brantford, for a few
occasions. On Monday evening a Jub-
ilee supper and entertainment under yYifss Miss weera Hawkshaw, after an ex -
the auspies of the Ladies'Chapter was
given in Gidley's opera house, which tended visit with relatives in Detroit,
was well patronized. A splended sup- returned home last week,
per was served by the ladies which re- Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, of London,
fleeted great credit upon their culinary were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John
abilities. After tea a good program Barnes Sunday and Monday-.
was ,,rendered, the Rev. H. E. Bray, Mrs, F, H. England, wife of Dr. Eng -
rector of the congregation, taking the land, Chicago, is visiting her mother,
chair about 8:30, and after a few well 'firs, Elizabeth Smale.
chosen remarks called on Rev. W. M, Norman Bissett has accepted a po-
Martin to say a few words, who very sition as tailor at London, and left for
briefly responded. Rey. Canon Dann the Forest City Wednesday.
was then called, who occupied about
an hour in giving a yery edifying and Miss Hurn and Miss Miller returned
entertaining lecture on Ireland and from Toronto Monday where they were
the Irish. Rev. Canon Dann, is pier attending the millinery openings.
among orators and his remarks were Miss Nellie Baker, who has been the,
a true and fascinating exposition of guest of Miss Cora Manning, has re-
ef his subject. The musical and vocal turned to her home in Ridgetown,
renditions by Miss L. Hardy, Miss M. Miss Polly Bawden, after a pleaseut
Jeckeli and Mrs. Billing were well re- visit of a few days with Miss Ida Porte,
caved and brought foxth merited ap- at Lucan, returned home last week.
plause. On the whole a very pleasant Miss Woollatt, returned to town
time was spent. The offertory Sunday Monday and has resumed her charge
amounted to $80 and the proceeds of with the R. Pickard Co. as millinery.
the tea and social amounted to $12. R H. Collins, wife and daughter,
Council Proceedings. Kate, and Miss Bonthron, spent a few
The council met pursuant to adjourn• days at the Torohto Industrial during
went at the town hall, Sept. 3., '97. All the week.
present.. Minutes of previous meeting Mrs. Tremaine, of Toronto, is the
read and confirmed. Rollins—Snell, guest of her son, R. C. C. Tremaine,
that the Reeve and Clerk execute a manager of the Exeter Electric Light
deed for land for dumping ground from & Power Co.
Wm. Bawden, and an order be granted
Not eSatisiled:
The Mowat -Hardy administration
has made many changes for the
improvement of certain laws pertain-
ing to marriage, but according to the
views of two certain fair damsels of
Exeter, they have no yet quite hit
the nail on the head. The writer over-
heard a very interesting 'conversation
the other day between these young
ladies in griestton which we are prone
to think would be r conducive to the.
good government of Ontario, and in
which we think there is a grand chance
for some member of parliament to gain
the summit of popularity and fameby
introducing a measure similar to one
proposed by those would be law makers.
The conversation ran as follows :—" It
should be the law that we have the
right, on seeing a young man of our
fancy, to propose to him The other
adding, "and I would further strength-
en the law by making the subject of
the ,'proposal compelled to accept.
for $60 00 in payment for two acres of Miss 011ie Quante, after spending her
summer holidays with her aunt, Mrs,
land therein specified. Carried. Daun= W. Evans, at Ailsa Craig, returned
cey—Rollins, that orders be granted
home Thursday. •
for the fiSllowing sums viz H. Par- U h t t d
sons, $24 80 nightwatch service to 1st Miss rqu ar re erne from Osha-
September; J. W. Creech, $5 44, labor wa Monday and has again taken
breaking stone; J. D. Atkinson, $5 25 charge of the millinery department at
the Big Cash store.
ders for gravel were examined; Taylor Geo. Baker and wife, who have been
—Dauncey, that the tender of George visiting Mr. Baker's parents here for a
Ford being the lowest be accepted. few days, leave: for their home in Mount
Carried. Thomas Welsh to break five Forest to -day (Thursday.)
cords of stone. A By -Law to prevent J, A. Stewart and wife left for To.
riding bicycles on sidewalks after ronto Thursday. Mr. Stewart returned
sunset was duly read and passed, on ylonday while Mrs. Stewart will visit
motion of A. J. Rollins, seconded by C. relatives for a few weeks.
Snell. Taylor -Rollins` that seventeen Miss Edith Hiltz, who has been the
mills on the dollar be the amount levied guest'of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Vincent;
on the assesment of the yillage of Ex -here for several weeks, left for her
eter for the year 1897; and that the pro- home in Simeoe last week.
coeds of one mill of this amount be for - miss Lowe after s ending a
the purpose of meeting the debentures few weeks in Dennis,Dnnon, returned home
on the Town Hall, and placed at in -
Tuesday and has resumed her position
teres: as a sinking fund from 9ear to as milliner at the Big Cash ;fore.
year until the debt becomes due, Car- .
A l�
Small's Block, Exeter
• • . • o • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hullett: A sad death took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Morritt,
on Friday last when their daughter,
Bella, succumbed to blood poisoning.
Six weeks ago she stepped ou a nail
and little attention was paid to it at the
time, as it was not thought to be ser-
ious, but about a week before her
death she complained of pains in her
leg and medical assistance was called
in. All that human skill could do
could not save her life, and she died ou
Friday evening. Her. age was 10
years and 11 months
Seaforth:. "'On Tuesday morning
about 2 o'clock, the citizens of the town
were disturbed from their peaceful
slumbers by the sound of the fire alarm.
The fire was discovered to be in the
Recreation grounds. The south end of
the graudstand was slightly burned
and a few boards of the fence were also
destroyed. The blaze was extinguish-
ed however before any great damage
was done. On Tuesday night about
twelve o'clock the firemen were again
caned out. This time the fire proved
to be the agricultural hall. The build-
ing might have been saved but owing
to the lack of pressure at the water-
works, the firemen were unable to cope
with the flames, and being a frame
structure the fire made great headway
and it was soon a mass of flames. ,This
will be a great loss to the owners, as it
is almost time to be preparing for, the
annual fall fair and also unfortunate
for the Horticultural society as they in-
tended holding their Hower show there.
There is an insurance of $800 on the
hall. It is supposed to be the work of
anSineendiary and a reward of $75 is
offered to the- person or persons, who
can give any information regarding
the origin of the fire.
street watering to date. Carried. Ten
tied. Snell-1)auncey, that the Court- Nelson Sheere leaves this (Thursday)
et, adjourn until 3rd Friday in Sept. at 'morning for Melbourne where he has
8 o'clock p.m.—Carried. accepted a situation as tailor with Mr.
M. EACRETT, Clerk..C. Balsdon, formerly. of Exeter.
The undersigned wishes to announce
that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe
Shop in the premises 'recently vacated by
Mr. D. Spicer, where he will be prepared to
do all classes- of
New Word
and pay particular
attention to
Our stock ofd
was never at this season
Having spent a week in Toronto look-
ing up the latest novelties, •we are con-
fident of having one of the most
ever shown in this section. Our new ef-
fects of Wool and Silk Mixtures com-
mence and vary in price from
25c. to 2.00 a yard.
Call and see what we can can show you.
We also show some extra values in
all lines of
bought cheap for quick cash selling. See
our stock before you buy.
Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel, Exeter.
••. •• •• •• •• :••.