The Exeter Advocate, 1897-6-3, Page 6Subscribers who do not receive their paper 'regularly will please notify us at once. Call at the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THUBSDA.Y. JUNE 8, 11897__ The Week's Goxlimeri'ial Summary. The gold exports at New York • last - week were •,SO0,000, and more is likely to be shipped this week. Stocks of wheet at Port Arthur and. Fort William are 2,045,325 bushels as against 2,226,362 bushels a year ago. The Government circulation of Domin- ion notes is $21,974,1563, which varies but slightly unlpt x ti. with a month ago. The wheat and flour markets :Ire dull and depressed in Ontario in consequence of the weakness in s,ritain. The export demand le limited. The export demand for wheat has fallen off within a few days and prices conse- quently are 1,twer. The heavy shipments of witeet front Russia to Western Europe partly accounts for the weaker markets. There is ;,'rear difficulty in getting ocean freic:ht erase for cattle at Montreal, and plefees of shipping qualities are weaker in consequence. Offerings on the Terence Iaarket on Tuesday were unusu- ally large. The visible supply of wheat in the United States and Canada decreased 2,.- 125,000 bushels last week, and the total is now 29, 737,000 bushel.;, the smallest amount since the summer of 18'3•x. The amount afloat to Europe is 18,4$0,000 bushels, an increase of 1,040,000 bushels for the week. A year ago the amount afloat was 30,000,000 bushels. The visible amount afloat combined aggregate 48,- 217,000 bushels, as against 83,146,000 bushels a year ago, a decrease of nearly 85,000,000 bushels. The trade situation at Montreal is very tittle different from a week ago. No special activity is noticeable in any one line, and the general movement of mer- ohandise can only be ealled a moderate one. Payments are reported a little better in some quarters, but there is still plenty of room for improvement in. this particu- lar. The money market remains feature- less, funds being in ample supply, and Vas rate for call loans unchanged at four per cent. The trade sivation at Toronto presents few new features. There is no particular .activity in anyline,but dealers are ho - aCil 1 „ @ p ing for improvement. In airy goods the demand has been fair, but there is no doubt had the weather been favorable the sorting -up movement would have been greater. Prices generally are un- changed. There have been shipments of teas from here to the United States, a good many Japans worth about 13e be- ing in demand. The British shi;:building yards con- tinue to be very fully employed, at all e events to the cn i err .lthet drat quarter of 1897. Returns compiled by Lloyd's Re- gister show that the tul/uage of vessels under consultation at the end of March WAS 44,1160 tt.ene et e ;e,=.;: of the !Inures at the end of l ` t e ua'.'r last, while the total tonus ut. ,...•.e—truetion showed an increase „f att,21; z,tts uvar the like quarter e. 1>3'r 1 x.'ivaliug warships the number of v1;truer) '•* on March 31st was 4:5, of ::r.,lrel _Io:- tons, of Which 888 ships, with t a tentage of $lta,43e, were eteentehies. .tistrict souring the larsest thtlividuel portion of the new work was 1.31 ast, namely, 147,242 tons, as compere' with 1+t7,247 tons at the end of Metall, 1600. Prtportaltnately Middles - bre' and Stockton had almost as large an expansion, the vantage rising from 49,300 tons last ever to 07,514 tons this year. The Clyde still possessed the lead as regards actual work in hand, the ton- nage being 100,960. Sunderland yards had 134,3a1 tons on the stocks; New- castle, 129, 731 tons; Greenock, 85,560; Hartlepool and Whitby, 47,420 tons; and the Barrow district, 11,035 tons. The Government dockyards had in hand 14 vessels with a total displacement of 133,- 020 tons, while in private yards there were 95 vessels building of 335,455 tons displacement. Of the latter 28 ships, of 81,060 tons, were for foreign countries, by far the greater number of these being placed at Newcastle. As to merchant tonnage it appears that 310 vesselsof 814,830 tons were for the United. King- dom, inbdom, 24,621 tons were for the colonies, and among foreign countries Japan was most prominent, 11 vessels of 51,215 gross tons being destined for that coun- try, 177.330 tons were for Germany, 14,570 tons for Holland, and 1.2,000 tons for Russia Here and There. If Greece should advertise now it would probably be under the heading "Help wanted." "Codfish continue very quiet," says a market report. Split and salted, they naturally would. It is reported that gold is "going abroad for the summer." Gold can un- doubtedly afford the trip. The average summer girl is now trying to decide how much material she will leave out of her bathing suit. The Greek navy is said to have "just taken a suspicious schooner." Probably there was too much foam on it. A good furnace fire and a well filled ice ohest go very well together in May weather of a certain unpleasant kind. The man who first found the American Beauty rose by buying a German bush for $5, is now worth $50,000 as a result. And he deserves it. It is said that there is now one tele- phone in the United States to every 192 persons. Such an interesting fact is Worth calling up. A New Jersey court has given a work- ingman $1,000 a piece for four fingers lost in the service of his employer. If a man were all fingers he might prove a profitable investment. It may be that ether will make plants, grow, as a Copenhagen scientific man asserts, . but is not there danger that it will make the hired man even more drowsy than he is? A Chicago woman Who has 'written a series of elaborate articles for an eastern magazine on "How to Manage a Hus- band," never has found one to manage; Theory evidently has a higher literary 'value than experience. TOPICS OF T11E \VEEK HERE IS THE NEWS IN SHORT ORDER. Tidings Froin all Parts of the Globe, Con- densed anti Arranged for Busy headers. CANADIAN. Brantford Scheel Board will erect a new ten roomed sc'he:s1. Fraser river itt British Cole: tbia thr,'at,na to overflow its banks. Mrs. ilarrieet Holman, the well-known theatrical nae a. ger of London, d'ad. air, John Glover was killed ori the rain, ey n':;r fart Dover Junction. The Quee't`. Birthday wa, very gan- erully celebrated throughout the iOIi. Mrs. 11.=i:del tri, of Toronto, wicl'rw of the late Italian Consul, died somewhat �tntde'tlty, Censumlrtinau causal the death. of Mr. Stephan Bank, a prosperous farmer of YUrntutttlt. Mr. Laurier was presented with an oil portrait of himself by a number of ;a lends at Montreal. Mi. Alex. Grange, of Newburg, was knocked oft; the yacht Urpha near latiian Point and drowned. It is reported that Morley Rodgers, an insurance agent of Jarvis, suicided in the woods near that village. A lockinan ntuned John Cox died sud- denly of heart failure in Perth, Ont., on Wednesday night. Win. Reid, James E. Corbett and David Ballard pleaded guilty to a ebarge of arson at the Orangeville Assizes. Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, ex -speaker of the Ontario Legislature, denies the re- port that he has been called to the t 'nate. Thomas Brabyn, a laborer, was i'uried in a :;ewer cave-in on Finkle street, Woodstock, He was dug out uniniured. The usual birthday honors conferred by the Queen were omitted this year, jubilee honors being centered next tranith. The 1311 to make railway companies carry biceeles as baggage was carried in the Railway Cotumittee at Ottawa by 46 to 21. It is reported front the British Colum- bia liIn camps that there are more titan enough Laborers to supply the de- mand, Mr. James Hunter, ono of the most prominent residents of the County of Perth, died at :11ilverton, Ont., on Wed- nesday. An item of $26,000 to pay the earsnses of Canada's military representatives at the c' jubilee was passed bythe tarn. tb ee as Q 1P House of Conuuuns. County constables made a rail nn a big gang of v t, to thters in a ravine on the Plain:: road, Dear Wnterdown, cap- turing ;12 birds and getting the n:u ',• t of a nuI2ther of the inen. Mr. David White, one of Wootieteek's wall kne,e.vn residents. eiic=:1 Friday. Ile seas ail active niolnbcr t,t' the. Woc-;=tock Amateur Aryl: tic+ Association. Jane' Si: -Lies, anitanber of the Ihttfe rin 11f11e-, t..., drowned Monday at let;:nt- ford tvltiIratt•mtpting to shoot the lolls Bear the dam in a birch -bark canoe. The death occurred Friday at Brook- ville of Mrs. Ja�clth Reynolds, one of the early residents of that place. She was 74 ears age, Years a of and was born in Camila. Thomas R. Gignac, one of the pioneers of Windsor, died Friday. Deceased was born at Petite Cote over 75 years ago, and has lived about Windsor ever since. Postmaster—General Mulock announced in the Dominion House that jubilee stamps of various denominations will bo issued to the public on the 19th prox. Mr. Maclean's bill to compel railway cctmpanit:s to keep the upper berths in Pullman cars closed when not occupied was thrown out by the Railway. Com- mittee. Mayor Thompson, of Owen Sound, and all the councillors are being sued in- dividually by C. K. Baines to compel the restoration of 820 to the town treas- ury. The sum was recently voted to the Boys' Brigade. . A young Englishman, Mr. J.T. Mellor, left Welland on Saturday morning on a bicycle for St. Catharines. Monday his body and the bicycle were found in the Welland canal near Thorold. It is sup- posed that in the darkness deceased rode into the canal. The five Melancthon firebugs were sen- tenced by Judge Ferguson, in Orange- ville. James Ballard, David Ballard and Alonze D. Smith were given twelve years in Kingston penitentiary, and Wm. Reid and James Corbett were sentenced to -eight years in the same institution. An influential deputation waited upon Mr. Laurier to ask a subsidy of a million dollars towards aiding in the construction of the Quebeo bridge. Mr. Laurier said the Government would assist the - under- taking, but whether to the extent of a million dollars he could not say until he had consulted the other members of the Cabinet. It is understood that the Imperal au- thorities have (tabled approval .of the pro- posed contract with Petersen, Tait & Co. for a fast Atlantic service. The announce- ment of the completion of the contract will be announced in the House et an early date, and Parliament will be asked to ratify it. A meeting of the creditors of Adam Hope & Co., Hamilton, was held Friday afternoon. The statement showed assets of $26,838.82, and liaiblities 823,753.49, with indirect liabilities of $53,616.55. All offer of 50 cents on the dollar, payable in nine months, with the last payment secured, was accepted. UNITED STATES. Fire damaged a temporary roofing over the eastern approach to the .capitol at Albany, N. Y. The annual convention of the Ameri- can Railroad Union will be held in Chi- cago next month. Detroit :negro longshoremen (unionists) won a strike for $25 as the rate for un- loading a cargo of limestone. New York Billposters' Union objects to an ordinance requiring -theca to. be licensed. Badges must be worn if the bill. passes, A snob of Whiteoaps near Mountain Grove, Mo., murdered two men. The. horses of some of the .supposed members of the mob vers burned by citizens, Steps looking to the formation of a powerful alliance in opposition to the Bell Telephone Company are to be taken in Chicago this week. MIs. Eliza ID, Stewart,.wbo organized the first Woman's Temperance Union in the Weet, celebrated her eighty-first birth- day at Springfield, 0., recently. "Mother Stewart," es she is called, organized 'the first union at Osborn, 0., with 100 mem- bers, in 1873. The hearing of the Baltimore & Ohio preferred stock has again been postponed in the United" States • Court. 'The suit was brought by the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity to compel the Baltimore tC Ohio receivers to continue paying enema dividend, on the st,ck. It was set for hearing February 28, was postponed to March 10, and has now been again post- poned. President Baldwin,. of the Long Island Railroad Company, says that his com- pany is prepared to go ahead with the tunnel scheme just tae soon as the bill giving the city. of Brooklyn permiselon to do its share of the improvements on Atlantic avenue becomes law. It is ex- pected that the -tunnel will be completed within two years and to lialf after it is started, and that 84,000,000 will be ex- pended, most of It in wages. There were no public bequests- in the will of William T. Adams ("Oliver Optic"). It was very brief and was write ten in the author's own hand, underof April 21, 1585. "As a .simple token of nay high esteems and regard to my sons-in-law, Sol Smith Russoll and George W. White, I •give 81,000 each." The remainder of his estate,- inclttating his copyrights and other literary property, he bequeaths to his daughter, 111rs. Alice Adorns Russell, the wife of Sol Smith Russell. Carson City was recently much excited when suggestions for the establishment of a lottery in Nevada were made by some of the papers, and some enthusiasts even went so far as to state that Gov- ernor Sadler lead promised to call an extra session of the Legislature to consider the passage of a bill to that effect. When asked by an interviewer whether there was any truth in the report, the Gov- ernor denied having heard anything about it, and declared that be would not call the Legislature together to consider such a project no matter how strong pub- lic opinion because. According to the Congregationalist, during the last six years the theological students in German univo2: ities have decreased from 4,327 to 2,936. The causes seem to be a weakening of faith through extreme liberalism, the overcrowding of the ministry, and the very small salary i �, paid to pastors. In Prussia a minister at the beginning receives $430,and can not expect at any time to receive more than $000. It is signifiount that the only two universities which report increased at- tendance of theological students are Griefswald and Erlangen, which are among the less fautous, but which are most canservativo. There is little or nothing new in the I trade situation in the United states, ae- cording to the reports published. by Messrs. Dun and Flraclsttcot. Tho indi- cations are, however, favorable, and a fair aua nitit of new business is being dune. Wheat is lower on the week by ;_c, and corn is week. Cotton has ad- vanced and then retrogrades. 'There Ia an :advance in scene brunches of the loon industry, due to an impraval demand for plates, pipes, and curs. some large ,:alta of copper have hardened valaes. The trade its boots and shoes has much improved on a slight fall in prices, and shoo factories art= mostly working full time. The commercial failures in the Uni- tea States for the week lust ended num- ber 248, as compared with 227 for the corresponding week of last year. FOREIGN. Cambridge University, by a vote of 1,713 to 602, rejected the proposal to con- fer degrees upon women. A shoemakers' strike is reported to be in progress in Offenbach, Germany. So far it embraces 4,000 men, A man in South Africa claims to be the youngest brother of the late Duke of Hamilton, and therefore heir to the title and estates. Hong hong will erect a hospital for women and children and a training school for nurses, as a memorial of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.' The British Board of Agriculture, ow- ing to the fear of hydrophobia in Eng- land, has issued an order practically pro- hibiting the importation of dogs. It is believed to be certain that many, perhaps till, of the political prisoners will be pardoned early in June in commem- oration of the Queen's diamond jubilee. The Duchess of Teck spends more than $5,000 a year in religious and philan- thropic works. This sum is just one-fifth the annual amount granted her by Parli- ament. Oscar Wilde, during his imprisonment, was given the minimum of treadmill on account of the condition of his heart. His principal duties were bookbinding and marking coal sacks. Small diamonds have been discovered in the sand taken from a lake formed' by the crater of an extinct volcano in the Witzies Hock Mountains•of Natal, which are beyond the hitherto known diamond fields. Owing to the fear of hydrophobia.' in England, an order has ben issued by the British Board of Agriculture, enacting such strangest regulations as virtually to amount to the prohibition of the.import- ation of dogs. Mr. Balfour announced in the Im- perial Commons a plan of substantial re- lief for Ireland. He said that at present the landlords are liable for half the poor rate, and the tenants for the other half and the county cess. These in future will be paid out of the Imperial fund. This proposal met with approval from all sections of the Irish representatives. A recently sold copy of a first edition of Keats' poems, 1817, had the auto- graph, "To W. Wordsworth, with the author's sincerest reverence." But Words - wroth had not even cut the leaves. Of course, he may have bought a copy for himself before, but it is not likely. He yens not fond of books, and his little literary consisted largely of autograph copies. A woman student at the St. Peters- burg University, who has been impri- soned for some months on the charge of having political pamplilets in her poss- ession, recently burned herself to death by lighting her blanxets with the lamp Ieft to her cell. The students declare that she did this on account of violence offered iter by a prison official. Over a thousand students, who tried to attend a memorial service for the dead girl in the Kazan Cathedral were arrested and sent to pri- Sen. FOURTL EN YEARS IN TERROR. Bu: Dr. Agnam's Cute for the Heart Gave Helier in 30 Alinutes and Three 'Bottles Etl•etecI a Cure Which Baffled the Best. of Physicians. This is what Mrs, J. . Cockburn, of Warkavoith, Ont., says: "For fourteen years 1 have been a great sufferer from heart disease; troubled very much with sharp, shooting pains constantly passing through any heart. Very oftenthe spasms were so severe that I would become un- conscious. , My limbs would swell and become quite cold. For these fourteen years I doctored with best physicians without relief. Having seen Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart advertised, I deter fumed to try it, and before I had taken half a bottle I found great relief. I felt the beneficial effects inside of thirty min- utes. I have taken three bottles aud' it• has done me more good than any Inedi- eine or tarry physician ever did. I can colt,wdentiuusly recommend it to all sufferers front Leart troul'le." How to keep Wrinkles Away.. A simple preventive against the ap- pearance of wrinkles is this: Saturate a soft towel in very hot water, wring it and apply it to the faoa, keeping it there for at least twenty minutes. Then dry the face very gently. This must be done jest before going to bed. When traveling, if the skin is very sensitive, do not bathe the face except at night and in the morn- ing, and then tbrow a few drops of tinc- ture of benzoin into the water, so that it may be made soft and agreeable to the skin.—Ladies' Home Journal. EIGHTY IN EVERY HUNDRED Suffer Afore or Less From That AIost Offen- sive of Diseases, Catarrh—'Pleat Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder is a wonderful Remedy is Testified to by Thousands Who Have Been Cured Ontrirlst—SIr. Alex. Edmondson of Itosemuth, Ont., Says "I have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years, Have • suffered greatly from it. I had tried all the so- called Burros, but never received any re- lief from thein. Seeing Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder largely advertised, I determined to tryy it, although very scept- ical about any relief, but I was greatly and agreeably disappointed, for from the first dose I received very great relief, and to -day I can honestly say that it has cured. I keep it constantly In the house, as we find it a quiok pure for cold ina the head. It gives almost instant relief. I have no hesitancy in proclaiming it the best cure for catarrh, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers from this malady." Out for isIood. Cactus Charlie—Helloa, Sam; wot air ye oleanin' yer gun for? Expeotin' any trouble? Sure Shot Stun—Yes. Gittin' ready to go to New York. Cactus Charlie—Wltow 1 What's takin' ye thee? Sure Shot Sam—One o' them eastern chaps as I had dealin's with jilt telograft me that he'd draw on me at sight, an' I'm goin' to see if ho's as good as his word. Itching, Burning Skin Diseases Cured for 3:; Cents. Dr, Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day tend cure's Tetter, Salt IRheum, Scald Head, Eezeu ., .harbors' itch, blotches aan•l ail craft: ea, of the skin. It is soothing ane quieting and acts like magic in the core of all baby humors; 35 cents. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LIICAr, APl'Lit,ATI()N$, as they cammt reach the seat '.f the disease, Catarrh a a blood ur eoustautional disease, in order to cure It you must tale Internal remedies. Mall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly un the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall' ,Catatr cur • is not a quack It was prescribed by oue of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pre- sumption. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tite two ingredients is what prudue es such wonderhilresuits in curing catarrh.Send fur testhnoniats, trey . J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price tet. Homo Amenities. Mr. Jason—The woman's page in this here paper says that women is beginnin' to learn how to think for theirselves. Where on earth will you be when that comes into fashion? Mrs, Jason -I s'pose I'll go on in the same old way; thinkin' for you. Out of Sorts.—Symptoms, Headache,. loss of appetite,furred tongue, and gen- eral indisposition. These symptoms, if neglected, develop into acute disease. It is a trite saying that an "ounce of preven- tion is worth a pound of cure," and a little attention at this point may save months of sickness and large doctor bills. For this complaint take from two to three of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to bed, and one or two for three nights in succession. and a euro will be effected. Where Houses Ramble. Bobby—Paw, what sort of a house is a long, rambling house, that it tolls of in this story? Mr. Farry—A rambling house? Where was it—in the cyclone belt? Sleeplessness is due to nervous excite- ment. - The delicately constituted, the financier, the business man, and diose whose occupation necessitates great men- tal strain or worry, all suffer less or more, from it. Sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse the stomach from all impurities with a few doses of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, gela- tine coated, containing nomercury, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or the money will be refuuded, . What She Admired. He—Tell you what, lets found a society for mutual admiration. I, for instance, admire your beautiful eyes—and what do you admire in mo? She—Your good taste. Do not delay in getting relief for the little •folks. Mother Graves' Worm. Ex- terminator is a pleasaut and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it suf- fer when a remedy is so near, at. hand ? In the Bargain Store. Floor-walker—She complains that you didn't show her common civility. Salesman—I showed ber everything in my department, sir. There are a number of varieties of corns. Holloways' Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. . A Necessity of the Case. Oumso—He speaks broken English. Cawker—That's odd. He was born in America, wasn't he? Cumso—Yes, but he stutters. The Use of Steam. I6 difts, it lowers, it propels, it stows. It drains, it plows, it reaps, it mows. It pumps, it bores, it irrigates. It dredges, it digs, it excavates. It pulls, it pushes, it draws, it drives. It splits, it planes, it saws, it rives. It carries, it scatters, itcolleuts, it brings. • It blows, it puffs, it halts and springs. It bursts, condenses, opens and shuts, Itprioks, it drills, . ithammers and outs.. It shovels, it washes, it bolts and binds. It threshes, it winnows, it mixes and grinds. It crushes, it sifts, it punches, it kneads. , It molds, it stamps, it presses, it feeds. It rakes, it scrapes, it sows, ib shaves It runs on land, it rides on waves. It mortises, forges, roils. and rasps. It polishes, rivets, files and clasps. It brushes, scratches, cards and spins. It puts out fires, and papers plus, It weaves, it wind$,. it twists, it throws. It stands, it lies, it comes and goes. It winds, it knits, it carves, it hews. It coins, it prints-ayel prints this news. General Porter tells a story of his fare- well to Mark Twain, once when Mark was going away. I said: "Good bye, Mark may God be with you always." He replied: "I—hope—be--will—but—1 hope, too—that he may find some leisure —moments—to—take—care—of--you." Tbe great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as Biokle's Auti- Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, Bronchitis, etc. It bas cured many when supposed to be far advanced iu consump- tion. A Common Condiment. Lord De Liverus—How do the Ameri- cans have so much grit? Lord Savus—Why, they live half the time at restaurants. Excellent Reasons exist why Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil should be used by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs, sores upon the skin, rheumatic pain, corns, bunions, or ex- ternalinjuries. The reasons are, that it is speedy, pure and unobjectionable, whether taken internally or applied out- wardly. Active Dog. Yeast—Do you give your dog any ex- ercise? Crimsonbeak-0h, yes; he goes for a tramp every day. BOY you can earn a watch and chain by selling a few articles for us at ioc. each; state you 5 age, also your father's occupation. Man facturers' Agency Co., Toront . WANTED—ENERGETIC MAN IN EVERY town to sell 1 tdtuu's Microbe Biller and Blood Purifier, Exclusive t•'rritory given. Head Office, es Dundas street, London. The Latest Popular Music For 10 cents a Copy. Regularly sold for 40 and 50 cents Send us cash, post -office order or stamps and we will forward postpaid to any address. The music selected to the amount of your purchase. Vocal. The bridegroom that never came, Davis All forou y Burke Don't forget your promise.... Osborne He took it in a quiet,good natured way (comic) David There will come a time Harris Don't tell her you love her.... Dresser Star light, star bright Herbert You are not the only pebble on the beach Carter Lucinda's Jubilee (negro).,.Berlinger Cause ma baby loves me Wilson Dar'll be a nigger missin' .Bloom Words cannot tell my love. .Stahl The girl you dream about...... Stahl Hide behind the door when papa comes Collin Coo I loved you better than you knew ..Carroll I love you if others don't, Blenford Don't send her away,John..Rosenfeld She may have seen better days Thornton When the girl you love is many miles away Kipper Ben Bolt, English ballad Sweet bunch of daisies .Owen The wearing, of the green, Irish national song 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1! 10 10 10 10 Instrumental. Royal Jubilee waltzes Imp. Music Co. 10 Wheeling Girl two-step Imp.Musio Co. 10 El Capitan march and two-sten.Sousa 10 20th Century Woman two-step, .Norris 10 A story ever sweet and true.... Stultz 10 Murphy on parado,the latest hit,Jansen 10 King Cotton march and two-step Sonsa 10 Handicap march and two-step, Rosey 10 Choochi Choochi polka' Clark 10 Yale march and two -stop. , . Van Baer 10 Black America march Ziokle 10 Belle of Chicago two-step Sousa 10 Star Light, Star Bright waltz .Herbert 10 Nordica waltz Tourjee 10 Princess Bonnie waltz • Spencer 10 D.K.E waltz Thompson 10 Darkies' Dream caprice Lancing 10 Dance of the Brownies caprice Hum - man 10 Rastus on Parade two-step Mills 10 Genderon two-step, ...Imp. Music Co. 10 Narcissus (classical) Nevin 10 In the Lead two-step Bailey 10 Simper Fidelis March Sousa 10 Thunderor march Sousa 10 Washington Post march .Sousa 10 High School Cadets march Sousa 10 Liberty Bell march Sousa 10 Manhattan Beach march Sousa 10 Love comes like a summer sigh 10 NOTICE—We sell only for Dash, and payment must accompany all orders. If you send for any music not in the list you must be willing to accept any substitute we send you instead, if we have not the musio ordered. No atten- tion will be paid inquiries unless accom- panied by a 3 -cent stamp for answer, 73E SURE TO READ THIS. We publish new music, vocal and instrumental, every week in the year. We will post free to any address this music as published at the following sub- scription rates, paid in advance: One piece a week for 52 weeks $2.60. One piece a week for 26 weeks 1.50 One piece a week for 13 weeks,, ,. 1.00 Address all money and correspondence to EMPIRE MUSIC CO'Y, 44 Bay St., Toronto. What Mosquitoes Eat. It must be said in defense of mosquit- oes that not ono in 1,000,000 ever tastes blood. They feed ordinarily on the jutoes of plants. Why, under the circumstances, this inseot in one sex should be furnished by nature with an elaborate bloodsuck- ing apparatus is one of those things that no fellow can find out. Mosquitoes have been observed with their beaks inserted in boiled potatoes on the table, and the/ have even been seen busily engaged iie sucking the juice from watermelon rinds. In Ono recorded instance they have shown a fondness for molasses, and Dr. E. A. Schwartz, of tho Government Bureau of Entomology, caught a speci- men in the act of drinking beer. 0.10511110.210 Doctors Recommend CEYLON TEA 77 Lead Packets Only. 25o, 40c, 50o & 80e. 'W'rinkles • Can be Removd and the Skin made Soft and Youthful in ap- pearance by using Peach Bloom Skin Food. To Purify the Bloods Tone up the System and give new Life and Vigor notlung equals Perfect Health -pills. 50 ets. each at Drug stores or sent prepaid on receipt of price. OROwE MEDICINE CO,, TuaONTO. 1 I TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE TIGER -. 1 Are the brands of § our celebrated sul- phur matches. If you want the best, 3 ask for them. a Mg E. E. Eddy Co,, Ltd. Ilal(I iriontreai I Toronto, IFIMMSERREMITIM •OOQ+6>000000®004=04*00000000® • We Always have on hand It • •v O • ••0 ••` • 0• • 0 0' b •0 0 a large stock of O •• 2D HANDO • O ':'; • ATER1AL O 0 • • in Type, Presses, • • Paper Cutters, •s s 0 4' and in fact almost anything used in e the printing office. taken in ex echange for new material. You can m always find a BARGAIN, • • • Write to • • • • Toren° Type Eoulltry, 0 • • TORONTO, OMT. 0.60.0®90®®000000000®00000• Stands, Cases, Imposing Stories, 44 Bay Street, Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Work --Have placed the— OF TORONTO, At the ton. it has more teachers, more stu- dents, and assists many more young men and women Into good positions than any other Can- adian Business School, Get particulars. Enter any time. Write W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto, " TSE VICTOR" ELECTRIC MOTOR. **** 1.2 Morse Power - - - - $ 50 1 Horse Power - - - - 65 2 Horse Power 75 3 Horse Power - - - , 110 5 Horse Power - - - - - 140 Write for Cash Discounts. Special prices on larger sizes. Every' Electric Motor is guaranteed. **** TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY, Ltd.. 44 Hay Street, Toronto, T. N. U. 1.17 1.8 THE MACE TO ATTEND if you want either o•• Business Education ora course in Shorthand. THE BEST IN CANADA. Handsome Annual Announcement free. Address.. C. A. FLEMING, Principal,. Owen Sound, OM,