The Exeter Advocate, 1897-4-22, Page 53 r A . ; .111.4.1112,41.111.MMII0111,19.10,0191C.2.9111a1.,...aad..1,,11".16,419.411:121CO2.41117111.94.,....... THE Oxit er Abriorate Is published every Thursday Morning, et the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION, One Dollar per anuum if paid in Advance re1.50 if not so paid. .8..clerentialaag Rates oee. at.pratcca.,- No peper discontinued un til all arreantges aro -paid. Advertisements without seeeific directions will be published till forbid and charged am:or:tingly, Liberal diseountinade for transcient advertisements inserted for long Periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &o. for advertising, snbscriptionscetc.to be made peva hie to Chas.11. Sanders EDITOR AND PROF IIMIRMIMIIKAN.S4TJAVIRMI"11,411,4,44.1.11,..11151.14.0.41111 10•11.11.1, Professional Cards: ceza H. KINSMAN, L. D. S, (Dontiste Specialist in gold filling and plate • work. Extracts teeth without any rain, or sickness, or any bad effects in the gums end face. At Zurich on last Thursday in each month. Rooms west side Main Street, Exeter. reR.D. AnT011/41` ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.Se) 110nors.trajjato of the Toronto lent- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain. A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office ever Elliot & felliot's law ofilee-oppoeite Central Hotel -Exeter, •^11.e.914.....6143.2a11,0610,101.11111111.12111001a1M02061.616.111M0 elte tit e yers. 3' A. ROL LINA & T A. AMOS. tt,,eiaoh,,we, same OS -formerly OFPTOES, Span km at t, liUUng, Main t. Dr, Reifies' oilleet same as formerly -north door, Dr. rem es' office, :tame buibling esouth door, May 1st, 18143 Y. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, lat, D Ifee tt,T, P. Mc LAT7C+II LIN, MEMBER OF If the College of Phys i Mans and Sargeons Ontario. Pitysiciee, Surgeon and Ate:much- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont, ril,pre411.141141...M1.031.1113...1.1141.1.10....CIAIVEr. Legal, o Et, COLLIN'S, BARRISTER., S Orstal T- is,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Publio. Offiee-Over O'Neil'e Bart k, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. ILDICKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, of Supreme Ootirt, Notary PUblie, Can- veyancer, Commissioner, ft.ic. Money to loan OfS,ce-Fanson's 1)1(411,1:Neter - • • ELLIOT & MAO KEN ZIE, DAR 1.1 RTSTERS, ETO., On nvevameers, and Money to Loan at 5 and ree per cent. D. V. ELLIOT, FItto. ELLIOT, M. MACKENZIE, Atte t ion eers T.1 BROWN, Winohelsect. Licensed Aunt- s -Ls ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Diiddlesexi also for tile township ofrsborne Sales promptly attendeit to and terms rea- son Imle,Sales arranged at Post o Oleo. Win - chases. .67,1.1,41{1C4,X,O=CVV-ACT-11.7101111.1..1,1110C.4.1.00101.1711.4...13,V.21.16 Ilumn ranee. E ELLIOT, Ineueance Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED. Men and Womeu who can evorkhard talk- ing a ea writing Aix hours daily. for s days a Nvook, and will be content with ten dollars weekly, Address, NE W IDEAS CO , Bran Host], Ont. wi.ousivagnininrti. 1141.1.• TAILORING OPIEAP AND NOBBY.,m501, " Tho Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made," hand- me--dowln " suit* of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens, NO FIT, 4) NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certitia to look right. AND WEAR'--0100- Parts of machinery whilh accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. Rolled Corned Beef. Pickled Tongue, Sausage, Boloont, Lamb, Beef, Poultry in Season. Beef sold by the Quarter Parc Lard. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides and Sheep Skins as m emene===..z-vnams===cos CENTRA - DAV HOTEL, L., P2015 One Door South of WANT F D Industrious persons of either sex with good character and common school eduea- taon man o btaiu employm ent for two months in this outline -unity. S. M. Fay, Toronto, Ont. l'HE, PERFECT TEA • 1-1.1 E FINEST TEA IN THE' WORLD r8020 THE. TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP EXETER MARKETS. (Ohanged every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel BI $808 to 70 ar20 to 25 Oats Peas Butter Eggs 10 to le 25 to 87 11 to 10 Potatoes perbag 95 Onions 40 Recl Clover Seed. per busher. St:00 to 34.50 Hay pior ton 7,00 to 8,00 .11/4 7 5 5 Dried. Apples per lb Turkeys Ducks Geese Chicken ' Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build- ing up medicine leads everything ever produced. 11) is positively tho hest. Others may make the same claim. But there's this difference: We vrove it. Not by an- tiquity, but by Merit. wesay, what Sn rsa- does. a rec- Not by what but by Hood's par ilia It has oxd of Cures unequalled in medical history. /t positively, perfectly and permanently cures 'when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is shown by that they Sareapa- erence and elusion of the fact buy flood's rillainpref- to tho ex - all others. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. It wins con- fidence everywhere because the state- ments in its advertising and tesidesonials are verified by all who take it, No other medicine has ever received auch praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won- derful cures. No other medicine possesses the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won- derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys- pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, creates an appetite an d st ressthens the whole system. Its merit, lis sales, its Make Hood's Saisaparilla the Ono True, Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. a. Prepared only by C. X. Truett & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills tho aantIllevsetr fastrtjcii 111; a Tr; ,thlyatslye to take, easy to operate. All druggiats. 2.5 cents. Fon Tinifff „sum YEAH& THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CAS -A • 0 Brod Up a Cold in Time 41, The nuicir. Cure for COUCUS, COLDS, CROUP, BRON- CIECITTS, 110A1ZSENESS, etc. Nies. Josurit Nonwrcg, of er Suramen Ave., Toronto, writes: Tyny.I.ectoral has never failed to cure my Oaildron or C70/111 after a few doses. It raced myself oralotostanding cough after several other renicao s had failed. It hns IliNO proved an excellent rough CUM forrny rady. I prefer it to any other medicine tor coughs, moult or hoarseness." II. 0. BAPRODS, of Little Rocher, NB., writes: a euro for coughs Pyuy-Pertorat is tb selling, medicine I have; my cus- tomers will have no other." Large 1.3ott3o, 25 Cts. , DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. 'ft Proprietors. Moen:era 410 BY USING PM - PECTORAL Os. 0 Mr. Donald MeGillivary, an old ken dogma of Notts wasaga, walked into l'olltngwood a (Id went into the. Ar17 lon:Hotel satin room Upon eitting down he fell to the floor immediatady, aud in a feW minutes life was tine!. Miss Heathers, a young. lady residing. in Windsor, has been con lin‘'d to hr bed for 311200 y ears by i 11 u ess, and hes often expressed a desire to hear Hernia Jarvis slog On this coming in his ears, Mr Jarvis crossed to Windsor, and .spent an hour siuging to herlie also sent her an Easter beueuet. Wotan's PIC-3(63-‘-P'3EXO'Dill'eM. The Great English Remedy. Six, _Packages Guaranteed to 211 l'TS NATIVE1 teunrrv. • " Monsoon '"ren is r.a.citcd ander the supervision of the Tea rrowers, and is advertised and sold by them as a samplZtof the best out:lilies of Indian and Ceylon Teas, For that reason they sce that none but tho. very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. Thot In why " Ionso on , the perfect Tea, can be sold at the:same price as inferior tea. It in put tip in sanloci es ddies of% r Ib. and lbe and seta in three flavours at inc., ,soc. and 60c. 11 yonr go,coe (loos not iroep k, tell him to write to FT17,7 I 1 YTE,?. e- co II und 13 Front St • • •• . • . • ttliefeltl;7,I'Ves,,,Slt...seetterSeeres.S.reelleeeSssese.--.--:-S.S.reseatee..."-S.SeesseeseeerreeSeeseeSeee promptly, and permanently cure elt forms of NC7VOUS Trea111,CSS. El lliSSI:077,S,SpCrin- atorri/ca, .navoteney and all elTects of -Abuse or .Excessos, Mental Worry, ocuotastvo use of Tobacco Oploion or Stinzu- BefoPe an,c1 After ' tants, which, 80071kaci, to Insanity, Gon,suntigion and ctn cart!, grace. Bus been prescribed over Se years in thousands of eases; is the only Reliable ani honest maiaine known. Ask druggistfor Wood's raesobodine; if ho offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, stud we will send by return mail Price, ono package, 57.; six, 05. Ona wiz/ please, ov.re. Pamphlets free to any 0001e08 ThO 'Wood Cosnpriny, Windsor, Ont, Canada. ireS; ; Iti;',Vet Or &SR evetryss I 4' (414321.11a by nil rewpontsilole Al..1•LI;;;;.;•;1', 4118. anted—An idea W ofirmnacnsittig thing to patent? Protect 'your ideas; they may bring yell wealth, Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Atter. D , noys, Washington, D. C. for their $,800 prize offer and Est of two hundred:1 inventions wonted. SAYINGS OF THE WISE. Whatever is 'pure is also sinaple.:-W111.- mot. Good taste is the flower of good sense.Poincelot. Truth is everlasting, but our ideas of truth arenot-Beecher. A heavy purse in a fool's pocket is a heavy curse. -Cumberland. Almost 'always the most indigent are the most gerierous.-7Stanislaus. No violent extremes endure; a sober moderation stands secure.-Aleyn. A woman's lot is made for her by the love she accepts. -George Eliot. Good company and good discburse are the very sinews of virtue.-Izaak Walton. A wise neuter joins with neither, but uses both as his honest interest leads him. -Penn. The sun does not shine for a few trees and dowers, but for the wide world's joys. He who brings ridicule to bear against truth finds in his hand a blade without a b dor. No persons are more frequently wrong time those who will not• tidmit they are 1.VI'S g. -Rochdoucall td. There is nothing so agonizing to the fine 01 vanity as the application of a tettgli truth.-13ulwer. it is easy for a man to write and talk like philosophers, but to act with wisdom, there is the rub,-Rivurol. Great 111011. undertake great things be- cause they are great ; fools, because they think thorn easy.---Vattvenargues. Our distinctions do not lio in the places Ucr.Ilpy, liU.1 in the grace and. dignity to it 11 w 1031 we flU t Ilene-41411us. T11:v2ze.s00s of. our youth are drafts upon our old age, payably, -with interest 11,I1.'t 3- years alter dale.-Coltun. Beave conquerors; for 4. you 1.10, that war againet your own affectione and the huge rruly of the World's desires.- tillake.petire. 1'h tiw allures to th) vere task by a ;.4L1 11' .1'31111 '111811011, 3.111' 110 are 1. e 111:1m!11110:11 1. 1111.101 of larger chit - Sensibility would be at good fortress, if ebe had Mit one eand -iMI her right she onens the dons to pleasure, but with her Isft to pain.-Oolt on. Vainglorious men are the scorn of the wise, tllo admiration of fools, the idol of parasites, and the slaves of their own vault ts.-Eatem. The desire to be beloved is ever restless mid unsatisfied; but the love that flows 0111. 1(1)00 others 1201 perpetnal well -spring from on high. -L. M. Child. As to people saying a few idle words about us, WO ill l'ibt 110 t ;Mu(1 that, any more than the old church ewe* minds the rook-, oewin about, it. -George The e:eftleeer ieilicts wrong by calumni- ating the abseet ; and he who gives ;Ton to the ealuniny before he len >ws ,..1•11 1-; equally guilt y.-lierodot tet. 1: we must tieeept fate, we are not less cm;:et ell 7 to assert liberty, the signifi- eance or the individual, the grandeur of duty, the power of chavaeler.-Emerson. judge of thine improvement, not by what thou speakest or writest, but by the lirnmese of thy mind, and the govern- ment of thy passions and affections. - Power, unless managed with gentleness and diseretion, does but make man the more hated ; no intervals of good. humor, no starts of bounty, will at OW: for tyranny and oppreseion.-Jeremy Collier. CDD HAPPENINGS IN THE OLD WORLD. Ten thousand dollars was lately paid. by R. von Mendelssohn, of Berlin, for a Stradivarius' 'cello. London femininity proposes to have a women's theater, for the glorification of the New Woman, and to the utter ex - elusion of Luny and old men. In a civil suit, a woman at Colberg, Germany, had to make an affidavit, con- secutively, on. 1,200 disputed points. She swore, and swore, and swore, for three long days. The Berlin Echo feels quite sure there must be some mistake in the report that our Edison is writing a novel ; it opines that be is probably constructing some machine which writes novels. England uses about 50,000 glass eyes annually. The glass eye is a great beau- tifier of one -eyed Oplople, and to be par- ticularly recommended to the one -eyed girl who wants to marry. She can wink beaetifully with the glass eye, the eye dealers say. The city of Minden, Germany, is in trouble. Recently sotnebody stole from the military hospital at that place a mem- ber of white mice which had .beenlinocn- Wed with the germs of various con: Medals diseases, and nobody can tell irbero these dangers may NOW be lurking. While impoverished United Italy cele- brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the capture of the city of Rome from the Po pe, the latter received over 3000,000 in special gifts from the faithful, who de- plore his loss of temporal power. Monte Carlo is not the only opea gamb- ling hell in Europe. Belgium still toler- ates games of hazard at 0;,tenc1 and other summer resorts by the seashore. And now 11(1 enterprising gambler offers to -pay the authorities 1,000,000 francs min artily if permitted to open a gambling house in Brussels, the Belgian capital. At Paris, a short time ago, Helen Boul- ton shot her lover, a bauk director. It is another Barberini case. He had promised to marry the young woman, but ulti- mately refused to de so ; then. she killed. himd . Sho was arrested and tried for murder. The jury reached a decision in fifteen miuutes : "Notguilty." Thu epidemologist, Dr. Haffkins, re- ports that while before the introduction of inoculation over 13 per cent. of the population of Calcutta, wereattacked with cholera; now, of those vaccinated once 2 per cent. only are attacired, and persous vaccinated twiee find themselves wholly proof against she disease. • A journal at Madrid, Spain, trees to in- crease its cireulation Le•earinting its news, hot on: paper, bat on cloth. Instead of luk, a composition is used which readily dissolves in a liberal water bath After sbsorbing the news, the reader merely races the sheet under one of the public . ountams, for instance, and there is a snowy handkerchief. THREADS OF THOUGfiT. Truth needs not champions, but follow- crs. Sharp sayings are not always refined. Some consciences are better goads than enides. Sympa thy and severity seldom go hand n hand. Keep your wound covered, and it may heal without ascot essee ;Ses e -ss • -ee 111E 1117 NOES. !modern The Great Spring Health Renewer. Paine's Celery Compound for IVIen, Women and Children. Read the following testimony that comes from Miss Blake, of SOB Hughson Street, Hamilton: "For years 1 suffered greatly, and was under the care of doctors who fin- ally told me 1 was going iuto consumpt- ion. 1 becoming worse through the use Of Medicines, and I gave up my doctors. While in a very critical con- dition, not able to sleep or rest, always faint and weak, appetite atm digestion bed, and my system run-down and t u life left in me, I commenced to use Paine's Celery Compound. After talsing one bottle 1 felt much relieved. I have used in all seven or eight bot - ties, and am now a new woman, can i'njoy life, and am as well as I wish to bo. Many,,thanks for your great rnedi- 01IfiL WAYS TO GET RICH. 'rho road to fortune is paved with print. Er's ink. SI:el:els and 44.se are necessary in sue- eesstul edrerti*g. (id t rentashing people want, advertise it w1 -el mai it is sure to pay. Tin' best advertising will not create a dennual for that which is not wanted. Seeeess in business is paved by the type. enter and made smooth by the rinting 1 -leerily is the anul of defeat in some ad- vertising. Cilain won't grow to fruitful. nem the day it is planted. The advice of a bishop to a young preacher applies equally well to an adver- tiser: "Have something to say. Say iL Stop." The men who fail and go down in obliv- ion belting to the class who never adver- tise, advertise occasionally or only as they thiuk their trade will warrant. There may be a doable meaning in the misspelled sip in South Brooklyn: "For Sail -A sloop yaoht of forty-five tons. Apply to owner, Third avenue, Bay Ridge." 93 rt *7.r.4.7441,,,,•••••23=21=7 ete vo' 01.11 T4.1 Look about you! See for yourself! Who stiffer most from sleeplessness, nervousness, cqxvoIK dyspepcsa, neuralgia, despory4ency, gener:s1 weak:- : ness? Who 2.1Z on the edge of nervous prostration all the rime? Those who are thin, Opitsm, chloral, brosnides, headache powders, only make matters wosse. Iron and bit- ters are only stimulants. To cured, and cured for good, -y-ots need a fa-rnaking foocl. Yots want new blood, rich blood; and a strong nerve - tonic. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil With Hypophos- phites is all this. It feeds the tissues, mattes rich blood, and strengthens the nerves. Book about it free for the asking. For sale by all druggists at 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. •617E117t7777. n-FNTS "The Best Popular Life J of her Majesty I have E, ver seen," writes Lord Lorne. about Queen Victoria." Sale unprecedented. Easy to make five (lettere daily. Big commission. Outfit, free to ea n vitssers TELE BRADLEY-GARETSON 00., Toronto, kl.E: hi IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE V''.6r1 -PENNYROYAL WAFERS ,v. 7 ee cornet irregularity 'find wenkiv,ss, keep tho orgitisi coildiN ult. Th. 'MVOs aro 'tire Savers ' tt) yo 1111,4 women, nlei graceful development, provide pain - 1005.1 viler lwrindc Auc for '1(14 (1"i it brnnil. An drligrilati, thvin 01,5 Lox. Foletterroznuayrorwomen Isamu, fr ;T:2".,•7 r; Ly 4 ie's GU Let le el OW T el AT 100 6 • • Xs a very remarkable zereeds, both for Ili- mEENA.T... and MIXTEPNAL use, and won- derfulin its celiac aeuon to relieve distress. PAIN -KILT ') sure cure for Sore Thrtrct, Co sirsils, C 21193114. Ibinvehavo. eranips. Cholera, aucl all tom,1 Complaluts. PAIN -KILLER 1„..1,`,5;,11-„I„antl7,!: Stela Itiondecire, 2i00o in ciao ;sack 01. slue, Base.unestem:, and Itietartaltatt. irg.,V1117-11 is ITx0F.EsTtnlymmy.-tti43 •.1r, 5,3 N IIINT 15 011 0000 (It CUES, aPrelt:410t geF,Dra MA, TYR. It DrinSi SPEED? AND DIM:AA:4E2a NELMS 311.0i.2110., etc. PAIN-K-ILLER (1 (bo rAT.,12,0111 Iliterluttabc. Fart:tor, P1001011,5;00301',and in (,,•t all olossei volitive a, medicine elWays at hand,, 1,2 5111(111)'ortorvosinci..g.stievusd 13, os-erttornallty with Boronnr italtotIno, joSo tione`but thonrinabta '91,0ne:2 Luvr.s.a Sold evorpthero; 1.10. hi(2hstee. • LARGlE INErTLISIS fiSt Cents Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all wisp have southern. Our line of Dining Room Furniture ie the best we have ever shown. Side: boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. Wo sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE .M......M.Iea.M..zf:••Xadd••ek.aaFOMCCtRAIiaisarl•tC.N..ssOase/r...I.J.CUU•f•0in Cramps, \Croup, Coug.fis, ache, .7DIARRIff1M, DrSZW.TITRY, and all X3OWISIS C0lf2.4A.X.SITS. A Sure, Safe, Qnlek Cure for those tarteleei Is ,u.v44 %te, (ream' meets%) Used Inter.ually and 'Zziernally. Two Sizes, Ole. and lee. bottles. 434-431-43.37,-*ev43:',43,40,4434.4.3%- Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh. Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and every thing usual ly sold in the factory can pow be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°J, will be given for cash. C. S E LL, - Prop. 09 0 0 0 et 09 9 0 0 efi iA: T "MENTHOL 0 PLASTER abnedr rtE.tn,f1 Hot° )xord, hosten, tha.1,0 ased.Nenthol Plasters 20.severa1 cues en of muscular Thu matism. and 1ind in every case t it rsee Imost instant and permanent relief. 11)011 1.1(1, Wash(ngton. DA), It Cures Sc attest:, Lumbago, Neil- l:ale:la, l'air s in Etaele or Side, or e any ,3r.rai1mu2.0'r Palate. a a a O Pr ice I Davis Sr, Lawrence Co., Ltd, 0 2 ee. I bole ProprieLe-s, Morreeee. CO 0 re 0, 0 00 0 0 0 3 00 To Cure RITELMATAsra r ist •19S SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROM PT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS. IT WILL rflAa ICCE YOU: WELL Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it . . BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA. as.mr.zerserreasuin 11, r 7 i, TTITYYTT'411-1 yrrfTTTYYRTrrrrYTTY 7 [ H 01' 4 - 1..k+= CI 7. • r7 F rIS 9 Ilqrlc)n---.1 E.1 tw .41 o. IS invaluable, if you are run dr.mn„ as it is a food as well as • a rilz,,r.lieine 4 ,•• . Cz L. Enzwision • build you up if year general health is k The D. Ce, L. Emulsion Is the best and ralr-t pal acabls preparation of od Liver 00, agreeing •tvi.L1 tho most deli- .. cote stomachs. The D. & L. EPT3ullsion Is prescribed by the loaeing physicians of C,aneda. The F). & L L'irmision Is a ar.arvolIons flesh Traducer and will give 7 -;• 311011 r_ppotho. 500. &,61 pets' tirtie De sure P)31 gst BOTS & LeehtEltee 00., LTD. theeentline tkloh.-tre VAL UAL:AI 4.1 THE PALACE C WARM DURABLE' CH[AP cLOIMG •,r L 0 11 1 iLN tr. "11-107.1787-71. A man must consider his purchase well these times; he mut buy where he can do the best. Look a.t some of these figures; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits f;.9. SO Overcoats 88.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, S12,00 Our $20 blacks best all others at $23. Colne and see for your4elf, JAMES H. GRIEVE. SERVES YOU If you go and T.ay more for furniture than you could imp it from us, that is our fault, bu t don't do it again. We lead in all lines and :can save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settlea. in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specialty. S. GREY 8 g ON r. 5 OPERA HOUSE B1001 Bicycles ! Bicycles!! BinviAs . Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any 01 the best wheels made, at lowest price Musical. Do you want anything in The musical line. We have a choice of of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying, elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, babylcar. riages, etc. etc. Perkins Y. Martin* CitiTRAL • DRUG • • STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, coids, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also .Aceto- beneracto and Liniment, the medici,te so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe Parkhill, in this and other, towns, in treating and car- ing various disPases. For sale here, ‘rUPgiSt C. LUTZ,