The Exeter Advocate, 1896-12-24, Page 54 It sell at it Int- -A. NT. se a 0, 4, LT, think tmple [tent? ealth, ttor- ofrer ho i ae- eon ems into est lour. and n 1 to the 'eat me. ow ted. saw- na- lily. en. ate ere, irs the ays w - of by her ess ed a ek me nd of or, de- n, n t- th a a e ut 0 t od r- 37 - it ' -It I d th S ly. e r. S- y n co. )I THE extter Aburricate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. —By the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 51.50 if not so paid. ' 233^trortis7.xag• Rates on 23pp1ica- t�t No paper discontinued tin til allarrearages are paid. Advertisements without epeoi'f0 directionswill be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for trainscient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of SOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chcgnes, money ord- ers. &o. for advertising, subscriptions, etc.t o be made payable to Chas. R. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP ofeSSIe sal. Cards. IT. ZINSMAN, L. D; S, (Dentist.) Specialist in gold filling • and Pilate work, Extracts teeth without any pain, or sickness, or any bad. effects in the gums and face. At Zurich on last Thursday in each month. Rooms west side Main - Street, Exeter. DR. D. A.LTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) JJ honors Graduate Of the Torontb Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. Alllmodes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Efotel—Exeter. Medical TSR. C'. SHOULTS, CENTRA LCA 1l has moved ono door south. Drs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. L Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spacklnan,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door, 'May 1st. 1801 J. A. Rollins, M, D. T. A. Amos, M. D TILT. P. McLA.UG7ILIN, MEMBER OF 1J the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aeoouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal, RR. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLTCIT- 0R, Conveyancer, Notary Public. "Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. L( H.DICKSON,I3ARRISTER,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan. Offioe—Fanson's Bloek,'Exeter IENLLIOT Sr. ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC„ 121 Conveyancing. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates ofInterest. B. V. ELLIOT. FaEDEaICR ELLIOT Auctioneers MI BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of Porth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbal e. Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel.. ....... ......... $0 SO to 80 Barley $0 to 10 Oats ' 18 to 20 Peas 88 to 43 Butter 12 to 15 Eggs 15 Poatoes perbag 85 40 7(Alto 800 -t7 Chicken 5 JOIIN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stock sales. Charges moderate. Parties contem plating having sales this Fall should. give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders left at the AnvocxTE Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. Onions Way per ton Dried Apples per lb Turkeys Ducks (Geese RED. W:FARNCOMB, Provincial Land L' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter. Ont, Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter Wanted BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN canvassers for Can- , ado and Australia. "Queen Victoria I3 er Life and Reign." Introduction by Lord Dufferin. A thrilling new book. Sales marvellous. The Queen as girl, wife, mother, monarch. Reads like romance. Grandly illustrated, Big com- mission. Books on time. Prospectus free to canvassers. Exalnssive territory. Lots of money in it. 'The iSraWey-Garretcon Co., Ltd., To- ronto, Out. The Same Man! Excitement, overwork and worry are ruining the health of thousands of women. Pure Blood is required to feed the nerves, „ �, o.od appetite IIletite and digestive strength.are demanded to keep - the body strong and vigorous, and. to restore the exhausted energies there must be sound and refreshing • ' By its power to respond to all these needs Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself. the greatest friend of women. Thousands write that they have been given health ,and strength by its use. It is the great blood purifier, and con- sequently the true nerve tonic. "I feel that I should be wanting in common gratitude should I fail to tell the benefit my wife has derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla. She became seriously ID from running ulcers, caused by poorness of Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The same thing may be said in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky anti knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better v and was strongly advised by a friend to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. She said it had cured her and would no doubt cure my wife. So we tried it, and to say that its effect is wonderful, is only using a mild expression. It appears to be build- ing up a now constitution for her; and, as we are a family of eleven, there are eleven of us rejoicing at the result. "If the foregoing induces only one per- son, suffering in the same manner, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I shall feel more than. rewarded." ELIIAii PAClrBE, 585 Mon- roe Street, Brooklyn, N. V. in one of our choice suits clothes;;than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. ROLLED CORNED DEE ROLLED SPICED DEE Chopped Suet and Minced Beef, a Specialty HAMS, ' ROLLS, BACON, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED 'TONGUE, CIIUICI; BEEF, PORK, LAMB, TURKEYS, GEESE, DUCKS, CHICKENS, RABBITS, FOR XMAS. ALL AT LOWEST. CASK PRICES. One CENTRALDoor South of HOTEL, Ls ®P6 Q, PI9®p %Nutt�fy ! ;',: I"ri' OUB l� OM �, � en lJ w:rJ e.1WuLD TAKE it win''�i`cM.? S "' ,fiui'11�� .11 0, 6.. FIU f'l , To Co ,tit I c,"tub! and wcnkmits, 1,op 11.0fl ttlst 7,o.Ithycndition 1'lh, 1 ' i'u III I.iW thous'ao'uanit worn on,. , ,rw girl 1. rl r1 dry In ,r irntr >rm•ldn int• loss.l 11 •�r1p 'l is A.lt fur Tho9^tsn i hrtnul All d'n, n -t9 ,+ 1l than a1,51 per box. Nobetturleawaytor tvoiaeakilun•Ia Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1, Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure all Liver Ills andt-1©Od'S Pills Sick Headache. 25 cents. WIFE MURDER FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. NN'S 1 ... C DER THECOOIC'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE I Pain -Killer. (PERRY DAvis',) A Sure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is Pain -Killer. This is a true statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and 50c. YHY EC 3 Positil.eiy Cures COUGi-1v and COLDS in a surprisingly short time, It's a sci- entific certainty, trieu and true, scoiliing and healing in its effects. W. C. McCos,tnrst & Sus, Bouchet to, Que., report inn letter that Pyny.l'c'tnr,l I grad firs. O. Gamow] of eluoule cold III 'Ilrei1 tui le on, 5,105 tubes, and also cured W. C. eus-etub„r of a long.etauuin., cold. Atte. 3. Ii. Hurry, Chcrlist, 5128 Yonge SL, Toronto, +Frites: ” As a gone' al couch and lung syrup I yup. n ' , i, mu r,, tach I. !t 'v l,n le tL 33 n: Ltl ft i Portend. 18 , 1 t 3 l has given the In Fi5',,,rtLul to All wlio have tried it, man? h,nin.; snnb'en to mu er benefits derived trout 11, Use iu their n,vdit"., It le suitable ter urd 01 ynnn¢, 11. loo pleocent'to MC trace, Its site -.eL'h. ntr, les boon „ ,mdorrul, sill I eon ahray's rt ron:uaaud 11 ns a sato and reliable cough medicine." Marge SSottie, 2u Cts. DAVIS & LAWI:ENCE CO., LTD. Sole Proprietors MONTRziAL 113,..1r=1.91:11 +11111010111M.MOMMISISBINIM... A.l\ D SUICIDE. TERRIBLE DOMESTIC TRAGEDY AT INWOOD, ONT. A Pistol Shot Awalcens a Youth --Me rinds. His Pathos' and Mother Dead --No Known Cause for the Crime: Insanity Suspected Inwood, Ont., Deo. 20,—The usual quiet of this town was disturbed early yesterday morning by the news of a terrible tragedy. About six o'clock in the morning the son of Joseph Atkinson, general merchant, was awakened by the report of a pistol shot coming apparently from his father's room. He got up and made an investigation. When he opened the door of the room a terrible sight met his eyes. Lying in bed were his father and nlother,bo.th shot, the mother dead and the father dying. An hour afterwards he also was a corpse. .. It is supposed that Joseph Atkinson shot his wife while she lay sleeping and then turned the pistol on himself. No reason oan be assigned for the a'wfn;l deed, unless it be that Mr. Atkinson, who had been DI for some time past, had become temporarily insane as a re- sult of the illness, and committed the deed while in that condition of mind. Mr. Atkinson bad been in business .in this place for eighteen years, the greater part of which he was manager for Moore, Holmes & Courtwright. On their retir- ing from business he acquired the stook and store, and was considered to be in good circumstances financially. He was 47 years of age and his wife 45. Mr. Atkinson was appointed receiver of the estate of Holmes, Moore & Court- wright last summer. On Friday the estate was handed over to Assignee C. B, Armstrong, of London, NiTRO-GLYCERINE EXPLOSION, A Rouse Wrecked and Three Dieu and a 'Woman Badly Injured. Dunnville, Ileo. 20,—Three brothers named Hiles were engaged in taking out stumps on the farm of Mr. Joseph Cleves, of Wainfleet. Some one told them that if they used nitre -glycerine it would make the work lighter, and straight- awriy they procured some cartridges at St. Catharines. They said the stuff was frozen and took six cartridges into Mr. Claves house and put them on the cook stove to thaw. Mrs. Glares was engaged in the kitchen and three brothers sat by the stove. One of them shortly afterwards remarked, "The grease is Doming out," and proceeded to shove them off the stove, when the nitro-glycerine exploded. The house was completely wrecked. Mrs. Glaves was blown through the doorway and is badly cut I y pieces of the flying stove. She will recover, Two of the Hiles brothers were fearfully mangled and will die. The other escaped unhurt. Seafnrth: The remains of Mr. John C, Hoffman, brother of Mr, W. W. HoM man, and one of the first dry goods merchants of Seaforlb, were brought here for interment in Harpurhey acme- tery on Tuesday. Mr. Hoffman's death was very sad and sudden. He heti beep on a several weeks' business trip to Little Reek, Ark., fled feeling unwell left for halve on Monday coining by easy steges, When on the train near MVlbuut Forest on Saturday evening he was stricken with apoplexy, On. ar riving at Stratford he was met by a conveyance ands nedical assist:Ilice and immediately taken to his home, but only survived a couple of hours, rot having regained consciousness, 'l'he deceased gentleman was not of a ro' bust constitution but n0 particular anxiety was felt as to his condition. He was in his fiftieth year. YOUNG AGAIN. DO YOU WISH TO ENJOY THE INFIRMITIES OF OLD AGE? Paine's Celery Compound An Invig- orator and Life -Giver for the Old. Old peoples seem to grow weaker as i the months go by. They are troubled with constipation, flatulence, drowsi- ness rheumatism, indigestion and neu• ralgia. They have had one or more of these troubles for years. Their diseas• es are truly all of nervous origion.. Paine's Celery Compound is the world's great specific for all the difficul- ties that beset old people. Its regu latirlg influence on the liver, bowels and akidilevs removes the disorders that old people suffer from. Paine's Celery Compound is recommended by the best medical practitioners as a grand stimulant to the vital powers, produc- tive of appetite, and a wonderful pro muter of digestion. When you are old, use Paine's Celery' Compound; it will strengthen and build you up, and add years of comfort and peace to your life, In the past, multitudes of people, re- duced in vitality and strength, and on the road to becoming life long invalids, have been made hale, hearty and strong by using nature's great lifegiving med- icine. Sea that you get " Paine's " the kind that makes old people feel young, and that always makes the sick well, rive Drownings in Cueboc. Magog, Quo., Dee. 10.—A young lady named Annie Cain and a young man named James Mills were drowned last night while skating near the lighthouse at Magog. St. John, Que., Deo. 10. --Willie March- oeseanit, abort seventeen years of age, a resident of St. Johns, was drowned while skating on the canal below here last evening. Ho and a number of other boys were disporting themselves on the ice when two of them broke through. The others went to the rescue, bpt they could gat only one of them out. Marchesseaulc was accompanied by young Carrenu, who only escaped drowning through the assistt- ance of Mr. Leger, who threw him a fence rail. An old man named Ryan was drowned while trying to `cross the river with his team. He made a business of carrying passengers across somewhere about Grande Ligne. There was another slam drowned near Charubly. It is said his name was riendeau. Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Dee, 21. — Lieut. -Governor Mackintosh received a telegram to -day stating that the cattle on territorial ranges were doing much better than expected, and if the winter from this on is a reasonably mild one they will come out in good shape in the spring. Hon. L. H. Davies, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, wil arrive in town to -mor- row from the west. He will remain over one day before proeeeding east. Hon. Mr. Blair will follow in about a week. At a public meeting held at Regina resolutions were passed, after lengthy discussions, that the proposed Crow's Ness Pass Railway should be built as a Government railway, or, if that be im- practicable, by a private company. Simpson's Hotel at Dominion City was burned to the ground last night. The loss is heavy. Premier Greenway, interviewed in St. Paul yeserday, declared the school ques- tion settled and done with. The North Brandon election takes place to -morrow. WANTED. IN`A`ELf.)GENT MEN, with good edu- cation to whom $000.00 and expenses for the first years would be an inducement,. Writs with full particulars, The Manager, •49 Richmond St., 'West Toronto, Ont. Woodstoclt. Woodstock, Den. 21.—The preliminary trial of Miss Bertha Begley, who is charged with setting fire to the house and stable of Mr. Frederick Cox, was commenced this morning before Police Magistrate Field. Several witnesses were examined, and an adjournment made until Monday next. It was the Magis- trate's opinion that the evidence adduced against the girl so far is weak. A writ on behalf of ex -Policeman Allenby was yesterday issued from the office of Messrs. Finkle .Ss McMullen, 'barristers, claiming $4,000 damages from Dr. G. C. Field, Police Magistrate of Woodstock. There are two counts mentioned in the statement of claim. One is that defendant did maliciously induce the corporation to discharge the plaintiff from his employment and the ' other is slander. For each of these Mr. Allenby claims $$2,000 damages The Latest News in Brief'. Water from Lake Huron was brought into Petrolia through the new water works pipes Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weese of Earnesttown were struck by a train near Kingston and seriously injured. Mr. VVeese cannot recover. A house was wrecked and Mrs Jo- seph Glaves and two brothers named Hiles of Wainfleet were badly injured by an explosion of nitro-glycerine,` which they were thawing out in a stove. Mrs. Susan Arner, who is credited with having been the oldest woman in Essex county, is dead at her home in Colchester. Mrs. Arner was more than 100 years of age, and numbered her relatives in the county by hundreds. Moses Miffin, of l3addertown, near Merlin, met with a very painful acci- dent the other day. A piece of binder twine attached to a si'iftly revolving crank of a corn sbeller caught his right thumb, almost completely severing it from his hand. se • • S• • • • 66 MENTHOL Ln PLASTER I 1 ave prescrihnd MentholPlaster Ina number of sacs, of neuralgic and rheumatic pains, and am very muvh pleased with the effects ,and plea TER, M.D7lstet Oxford, S of its lc d, Nosten.CAREEN. , I have used Menthol Plasters in several cases of rauscularrheuntatlsat, and find in every cess thatit(;aveal 11.D.. stantand on, D.O.ntrenof, —3. IS. McSas its,, Washington, D.e It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Neu- ralgia, Pains in Back or Side, or any Muscular Pains. Price I Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, 2 uc. Sole Proprietors, aMONTREAL. 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • •i Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Mr. Conrad Lackner, a respected cit- izen, of Elmwood. dropped dead on the street on Tuesday morning, from an affection of the heart. William Annan of Durham was sen- tenced at Owen Sound to ten years in the penitentary for an offence under the Charlton act, While Lord Aberdeen was in Winni- peg a sneak thief entered his private car and stole his fur cap and other ar- ticles. The thief was arrested. George Jones, 55 years of age, com- mitted suicide at Owen Sound by shoot- ing himself with a British bull -dog re- volver. He was a butcher by trade. George Sullivan has been sent to jail at Brantford for twenty days for stealing two pairs of pants from in front of Robertson & Davidson's store there. The war ffeling in the United States is growing, There is talk of armed companies being formed at various points to fight Spain or to flee the Cubans, Joseph Dumas, who was arrested charged with the murderous assault on Mrs. Snook, the Dover Township widow has confessed ,his crime and says his motive was robbery. Joseph Atkinson, a respected citizen of Inwood, Lambton County, shot bis wife and then committed suicide He was in a tit of dementia brought on by worry over business matters. Angus McDonald, who escaped from the Kingston Penitentiary a couple of year's ago, has been sent back on an- other charge for five years, and will now have eleven years to serve. Must Go to Canada. Buffalo, Dec. 18.—"Mrs. Stet namara will be extradited. Judge Coro has prac- tically decided that," said United States District Attorney McKay this afternoon. The claim made by the defendant's coun- sel was that there was not, sufficient evi- dence to warrant United States Com- missioner Fairchild in holding her. Judge Coxe decided that the ground was not well taken, that the evidence was sufficient. Defendant's counsel next took exception to the complaint, holding that there had been an insufficiency of evidence, that a warrant should not have been issued. "I expect fudge Coxe will decide on that Point 'to -morrow. If his decision Is for the defendant we will simply make a new complaint and repeat the former proceedings. Sloe must go to Canada." CAST , ",. ~'"lA For Infants and Children. '21e fan - signature of is to ' s.vpeet, a Carr. THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. ,Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism„ Frosted Feet. No article over attained to such unbounded popular. ity.—Salem Observer. Wo can hear testimony to the efficacy of the Palo. Miler, We have ea 11 its nht0fe effects in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be a good article.—Olncin- nail nispatcls. Nothing hat yet surpassed the rain-'biller,which is ilia most valuable family medicine neu' iu use.—Tenuessea Organ. , Ithas real merit; as a means of removing pain, no medicine has eaeuirel a reputation equal to Perry Davie' Pain.Kiner.—Nutcport News: Beware nfintitatlons. Buy only the genuine "PERS? DAvta." Soli everywhere: lunge bottles,150. Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE VERY LARGE' BOTT4ES 50 Conte Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual. Iv sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop, Orders THE PALACE eceseresseosese Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one' week, (a discount of 5°( will be given for cash. �. SNELL,, o Prep. F fiF Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER • THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING ' AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAC DEALERS. kkkkkk 0 T H A man must consider his purclla' well these times; he must buy when. he can do the best. Look at some of these 'figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.041 Suits $%89 Overcoats :8.01l Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12,00 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come ana .sr,* for yourself. JAMES H, GRIEVE. ®• 0 0 0 0 0 ©0 0 0 0 e elie ' for• •• rr eroubles • ENLSION • • ®-So guide i:6{PTYIOI and all LYiRTax • DISEASES, SPITTING, OE"BLOOD. COEVAL TOSS on APPETITE, • PDIi5t5 LilTE, the benotrts of this • article are most manifest. Ilythe aid ofThe "D. cl.."Emulsion, ihave got • rid of a hacking cough which had troubled me for • over a year, and have g�ained conside,nbly in S weight. It liked this am1tlsien so well l was glad v, when the time ca,uo around to tltko it, • T. Ft. R INGILUI, Q.E„ Montreal • Sec. mast ;tl per ittottle • DAVIS St LAWRENCE CO., LTO.,MONTREAL O 0000 • 0 6006)• (1 n lK GIDLEY & SOIL Will now be found their new premises. The Opera House Bid_ Seechange of • `t'& next week. S. SIDLEY OPERA HOUSE Bled Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicylos! B".. Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasoirie if so, you,, should seek first a ;geoid wheel, We can furnish you any tel the best wheels made, at lowest pricks Musical. Do you want anything in Mi. musical line. We have a choice le of Pianos and organs, call and ire spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car riages, etc. etc. Perkins & 1Ylartin, CENTRAL DRUG STO Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as r remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles- Winan's condition ana cough powders for horses, the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Acet'o- benefacto and Liniment, thy' medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munro: Parkhill 7 in this and other• towns, in treating and various diseases. cur- ing g e es. F, kale here, C. T Druggist