The Exeter Advocate, 1896-12-17, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their paper&
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THURSDAY. DEC. 17, 1898.
The Week's Commercial Samnlary.
The world's decrease in the visible sup-
ply of wheat for the past week is 866,000
Business failures in Canada this week
member 55. against 5a for the correspond-
ing week last year. •
Lost week twelve Canadian banks dis-
bursed $1,352,000 at the shape of dividends
for the past six months.
The stocks of wheat at Toronto are
886,071 bushels as compared with 236,313 a
week ago and 75,027 bushels r. rear ago.
Stocks of wheat at Port Arthur and
Fort William, are 2,036.800 bushels, a de-
crease of 810,000 bushels for the week. A
year ago the total was 1,479,000 bushels.
The total earnings of Toronto Railway
for November were $74,617, as compared
with $77,983 the corresponding mouth of
last year.. 'there was one working day less
last month. •
The Canadian Pacific earnings, for the
artonth of October show a net decrease of
$170,003. while for the ten months of the
year they are $7'&:,861 greater than for the
corresponding ten months of last year.
The prices of wheat, wool and hides hold
their own pretty well, hut coarse grains
are weaker owing to successive supplies.
The flour trade is actuary dull, even ae
prices relatively much lower than wheat.
Stocks on hand before the advance in
wheat took place were large, anti specula-
tion in this product has ruled fiat.
The visible supply of wheat in the
Milted States and Canada is limy 58,914.000
bushels, a decrease of 1.037,0(10 bushels for
'the week. The total a year into was 63,-
103,000 and two years azo S5,151,00.1 bushels.
The amount afloat to Europe is 32,400,000
bushels. an. increase of 24f),500 for the
week, while the total a year ago was
26,400,000 bushels.
Trade in wholesale departments at
Tormmto is not particularly active. but in
some lines au improvement is reported.
?Heavy winter wear, furs, etc., are in bet-
ter request owing to the colder and more
seasonable weather. The holiday trade in
fancy goods is also in fair shape, and a
fairly satisfactory business is anticipated
the next two weeks.
Here and There.
Vail the price of hair mattresses go
clown when the college foot ball pla,ers
&seek the barber's chair.
Bob Inaersoll's sciatica. is in his knees.
It he can't take that hint, what is there
abet will bring him down?
Marie Corelli's new novel is selling
vigorously, in spite of the sneers directed
.it her art—perhaps because of them. •
Princess Helene seems to be happy,
though married, and foolishly bombarded
with hard words from Russian and
The wheels of industry make a much
more cheerful noise than that which is
atsccatsioned by the whirling wheels in
•eople's heads.
Has the Thirteen club 'noted the fact
that Maria Bauberi's mother has had
thirteen children, all of whom, she says,
are weak-minded?
The Important Events in a Sew Words For
Busy: readers.
The Toronto Week has suspended pub-
Mr. Oliver Teft, of Hamilton, is re-
ported to have fallen heir to $500,000.
The Montreal Cotton Company has de-
clared a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent,
Mrs John Foley, of Freelton, died
from injuries received in a runaway ac-
The body of an unknown man was
found lying on the track near Tecum-
seh, Ont,
'rho Newfoundland Government has
purchased practically all the railroads
in the colony.
Mr John McKeown, County Crown
Attorney of Lincoln, died in the Hotel at Kingston.
Mr William Gray is the new Presi-
dent of the Western Ontario Commercial
Travellers' Association.
Twn Chinamen became members of the
Bank street Presbyterian ohucrh In Ot-
tawa on Sunday morning.
A fire, which started in Mrs. Turner's
confectionery shop on Sparks street, Ot-
tawa, did $400,000 damage.
John Mills, a keeper in the Kingston
Penitentiary, has fallen heir to an
estate of $140,000 in Scotland.
Mr. Robson's ofiiee at tl:e C. P. R.
station, Ayr, was broken into, but the
thieves did not secure any booty.
Dr. George Mackenzie died on Satur-
day in the General hospital at Chatham,
Ont., from typhoid fever, aged 39.
Wm. Reynolds, the young man who
met with a gunning accident three weeks
ago, died on. Saturday in Chatham, Ont.
Mr. Wm. Bailey, of Whitby was caught
in the tumbling -rod of his father's elder
mill and frightfully mangled. Ho cannot
reoov er.
Wooistock police suspect a young
woman of setting fire to Mr. Frederick
Coxe's house and barn, The barn was
Mr, Henry, M.P. for South Brant, was
unseated for bribery by Mr. Peter
Atkins, an agent, who offers l an Indian
$2 for his vote.
The Middlesex County Connell voted
down a proposition to buy out the Proof
Line Road Company and do away with
the toll system.
The Keewatin Power Company is
making contracts to supply electric
power in Winnipeg, transmitted a dis-
tance of 130 miles.
Mr. Harry Foster, a brother of the ex -
Minister of Finance, fractured his skull
by falling down stairs at Moncton and
died In a few hours.
"Advertising as News" is the heading
•,ever Wananuaker's fascinating annoumice-
Thente in the New York papers. Mr.
Wauamaker has the right idea,
The old adage, "A pint a pound the
world around," is misleading. In no case
does a pint exactly equal a pound, A !int
of whisky, for instance, sometimes weighs
Several toes.
Russia has only one doctor to every
1,000 inhabitants, as ag•tinst one to every
1,800 in France and one to 1,OJ0 in Eng-
land, and yet the New York rhibune
seems surprised because Russians are
exceptionally long-lived,
The Ladies' Home Journal for ZSCt •
An even excellence makes the good
things which The Ladies' Home Journal
promises unusually interesting and
strong. The list is long amid sturdy. Two
new department writers have been et- The investigation into the transfer of
elusively engaged by the Jonraial: Mrs. the Cobourg postmastership from Mr.
l3. T. Rorer, who will hereafter have William Sykes to lair. Charles Guillet at
entire charge of the domestic department the last general election has been con -
and give a series of cooking lessons, and
Dwight L. Moody, the famous evangelist,
who is to put the result of his life study
of the Bible in a department entitled
"Mr. Moody -'s Bible Class." The artist,
Charles Dana Gibson, who created the
alibson girl, will present six full-page pie-
Suresshowing "'The People of Dickens,"
while Alice Barber Stephens will alternate
-with Mr. Gibson and present her idea of
"Six Types of Americium 'Womanhood,"
showing the American woman in society,
in religion, in business, in summer, in the
home, and as a mother. Mary E. Wilk-
ins, the New England writer, will revive
the old quilting -party, the ancieut sing-
ing -school and the apple -paring bee in
"The Pleasures of Our Neighborhood."
Sir Henry Irving is to tell how to study,
read and present "Shakespeare in Small
Communities." Altogether, no magazine
gives a list of attractions so interesting
and promising as does The Ladies' Home
Journal, and certainly no periodical does
it, as does the Journal, for only one dol-
lar per yea". If it has become a fad, as it
seems, for every girl and woman to take
this magazine, it is art excellent one, mind,
unlike many other fads, a sensible one.
The Journal is published by The Curtis
Publishing Company, of Philadelphia.
By an escape of gas in two houses in
Roxbury, a suburb of Boston, on :Satur-
day, three persons lost their lives.
A strong effort is being made in Buffalo
to prevent the contri.ctors for puhlio
works employing Canadian labor.
Five men wore killed); in a free fight
between two families neer Middlesboro,
Ky. They had been at war since the
United States Commissioner Fairchild,
of Buffalo, has decided to hold Mrs.
Sternaman for extradition on the charge
of murder.
The youngest child of Mr. Tohn Neil
Willson, of Ridgetnwn, was nearly
burned to death through his nightdress
catching on fire from a gas grate.
The delegates to the annual conference
of the Chambers of Commerce of the
British Empire were entertained to din-
ner Monday night by the National Club,
Toronto. The function was a brilliant
Mr. Tames Gilmour, M. P., was pro•
seated with a gold watch by the County
Councillors of Middlesex, with whom he
has sat thirteen
rt n
At St. John the Pullman Car Com-
pany won a suit brought against it for
injuries alleged to have been sustained
by a passenger owing to the coldness of a
Two men were killed and two others
injured by the giving way of a dump ear
on the wheel pit extension of the tunnel
at Niagara Falls, N. Y., making five
deaths within the past three weeks on
that work.
About six hundred persons living in
Milwaukee were poisoned, some serious-
ly, by bread obtained from a baker. It
contained arsenic, and it is supposed the
poison was put in the bread by some
enemy of the baker.
Out of S arts.—Symnptoms, Headache
loss of appetite, furred tongue, and gener-
al indisposition. These symptoms, if
neglected, develop into acute disease. It
is 4 trite saying that au "ounce of preven-
tion is worth a pound of cure," and a little
attention at this point may save months
of sickness and large doctor's bills. For
this complaint take from two to three of
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to
bed, and one or two for three nights in
succession, and a cure will be effected,
There is an impending railway strike
of enormous proportions in England.
At a meeting of the Hamburg Central
Strike Committee it was decided to de-
clare a general strike.
The dockers of Hamburg have resolved
to call upon the Strikers' Committee to
declare a general strike.
A mclone, accompanied by heavy
floods, has swept the eastern West Indies,
causing great loss of life.
It Is rumored that the Queen may
visit Ireland next year, during the cele-
bration of her long reign.
The Paris police have seized at the
Gare du Nord large packages of a mani-
festo by Prince Victor Napoleon.
It Is expected that those who were
sentenced with Dr. Jamesnii for the
Transvaal raid will he liberated from
prison before Christmas.
It is stated in London that U. S. Am-
bassador Bayard has decided to decline
the proposed Christmas gift suggested
by the Daily Telegraph.
The Government has decided to renew
the charter of the Bank of France for
24 years. The select committee opposed
al schemes for a State bank.
All the harbor laborers at Hamburg
'have been 'called out by the Strikers'
Committee. and a general strike through-
out Europe is said to be imminent.
Revak. Grant notified his congregation
at Winnipeg that he bad written the
First Baptist Church, Ottawa, declining
the call td the pastorate of that congre-
Contractors Henry and Borthwick
have entered suit in the Exchequer Court
for $15,000 for extra work in connection
with the construction of a dam along
the Lachine canal.
At Rat Portage a Pagan Indian who
shot his foster father, thinking him a
wendign or evil spirit, was found guilty
of manslaughter. Judge Rose sentenced
him to six months' hard labor.
One of the Most Ilemarkable Cases on Re-
cord -Ten Tears of Intense Suffering
,Ii-rom Acute Rheuneatlam--The Whole
Body Contracted and Out of Shut, e in
Every Limb—Aguila 'Restored to Active
From the Newmarket Advertlae:.
We suppose there is not a resident of
Newmarket who does not know Mr. J.
A. Moffatt, who does not know of his
years of suffering and who has not beard
of his release from a life of helplessness
and pain through the medium of Dr
Williams' Pink Pills. Indeed we doubt.
if in the annals of medicine there is 1;
more remarkable restoration than has
been accomplished in Mr. Muffatt's ease
and be deems it his duty to mankind t
make the facts known through the col
twins of the Adertiser.
Ten years aze Mr. Moffatt was work
ing in the Newmarket Hat Factory
Through the influence of the damp room,
and possibly some carelessness in regard
to his health, he was attpcked with a
'severe cold which eventually settled in.
his limbs. For some years he was an
alniost constant sufferer from rheumatic
pains and spent much money in treat-
ment for the trouble, but with no result
beyond an occasional temporary release
from pain. Finally to make !natters
worse lie was attacked with malaria and
rheumatic fever. He was then forced to
go to Toronto general nospital when• it
was found that he was afflicted with
torticollis (wry neck). During she first
six months in the hospital he was under
the treatment of the staff electrioian, but
the powers of electricity entirely failed,
and after a consultation of physicians it
was deemed advisable to Perform an
operation. Six weeks later a second oper-
Despatches from Zanzibar announce
that an Italian caravan was attacked by
the Somalis, and that the Italian consul
and a number of officers were killed.
In the event of Hamburg labor
troubles not being settled by arbitration
during the present week, it is likely that
the German Government will intervene.
The trial of Edward J. Ivory, the
alleged Irish -American dynamiter, has
been postponed for one month to enable
him'to obtain witnesses from New York.
The London Daily Telegraph has
opened a national subscription to pre-
sent Mr. Bayard, United States Ambas-
sador,a Christmas farewell gift. of respect
Frederick Small, the contractor who and good -will.
pleaded guilty to defrauding the Ram- Sir Charles Tupper and Hon. Mr.
ilton House of Refuge nut of $100, was
sentenced by Magistrate Jeffs to pay a
fine of $400, which he at once paid.
A London despaton says that the Can-
adian Gazette asserts that inquirits made
in the highest quarters failed to disclose
Dobell were among the speakers at the
British Empirb League meeting in Lon-
don, where Imperial unity was the prin-
ciple subject discussed,
Great Britain has advanced and the
any intention on the part of the Duke Egyptian Government has accepted the
and Duchess of York to visit Canada next sum of £500,000, to be repaid into the
Egyptian treasury to meet the expenses
of the Soudan campaign.
James Crawford, an elderly English-
man who went to Manitou, Man., from It is understood on high authority in
London that the Laurier Government
the United States recently, was frozen
to death on Monday night, while walk- will cordially co-operate in the scheme of
ing to his son's farm, four miles from Imperial defence outlined recently by the
Manitou. Duke of Devonshire.
Frederick Small, who pleaded guilty Ambassador Bayard stated his belief
to defrauding the city of Hamilton out; that be. ore his departure from England
arrangement of arbi-
of $100 in connection with the House of some permanent a rran g
Refuge Accounts, was not sentenced by nation will be arranged between Eng -
Magistrate Jeffs, who reserved his judg- land and the United States.
ment. Lord Wplseleysays .that if he were given
a free hand he would undertake to raise
In a couple of years an army in China
which would he invincible in the East,
and bard to beat in Europe.
An Objection.
He—Do you like this new game of lawn
She—Well, I don't know it, but if the
kissing is confined to the balls I don't.—
..Yonkers Statesman.
The Brightest Flowers must fade, but
young lives endangered by severe coughs
and colds may be preserved .by Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Croup, whooping
cough, bronchitis, in short all affections of
the throat. and lungs, are, relieved by this
.sterling preparation, which also remedies
rheumatic paths, sores, bruises, piles, kid-
idalloy difficulty, and is most economic.
eluded, and Commissioner Seager will
report very soon.
The Rev. Father Lacomte,parlshpriest
of Hull, gave the hotel -keepers of that
city public warning from the pulpit on
Sunday that he intends prosecuting a
vigorous campaign against all violations
of the liquor license law.
Burglaries of 'country post -offices are
so frequent and daring that Major Sher-
wood, Cnmmiscioner of Dominion Police.
has suggested to the Postmaster -General
the advisabili'y of adopting the reward
system in vogue in the United States.
William Poole, a farmer residing near
Thamasburg, Ont., committed suicide on
Wednesday night by cutting his throat.
Business troubles are snpposed to have
caused the rash act. The deceased, who
had made a similar attempt a few days
ago, was about sixty years of age.
If your children moan and are restless
during sleep, coupled when awake with a
loss of appetite, pale countenance, pick-
ing of the nose, etc., you may depend upon
it that the primary cause of the trouble is
worms. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator effectually removes these pests, at
once relieving the little sufferers.
The customs officers at Windsor sus-
pected for some time that their cash
drawer was being robbed, The ofliners
tried various means to detect the culprit,
but failed, and es a final resort set a
muskrat trap in the drawer. In the
morning they found the oash'untouch'ee,
but Bertha , Haines, a colored girl who
washes out the office, had her fingers out
and bleeding. She was arrested.
The Central Passenger Assooiaton has
authorized the use of 5,000 -mile inter-
changeable tickets.
The receipts of the, American Cotton
Oil Company this year amount to $88%-
4.81, against $1,565,863 last year. •• .
The London police state burglaries
have been so extensive in the West end
that the thieves during the past few
months have got away with no less than
sixty thousand pounds' worth of plunder.
Notwithstanding the enormous sums
the African millionaires are spending on
stately residences in .London. they can-
not get airnission into clubs and social
circles where poorer people are welcomed.
A mass meeting of the Farmers'
Union was held in Lyons. France, at
which the dealers in salt meats resolved
in favor of the exclusion of American
pork products in view of the fall in the
price of swine.
atlon was performed. The operations
proved successful only in so far as they
afforded temporary relief. He remained
in the hospital from November, 1890, till
January, 1892, and with all the modern
remedies and appliances known t the
staff of that well equipped institution no
permanent relief could be obtained. He
was then advised to go home, partly in
the hope that the change might prove
beneficial, but instead he continually
grew worse, and in March, 1892, was
again forced to take to his hed, and those
who knew of his condition did not be-
lieve he had long to live. At this time
every joint in his body was swollen and
distorted, and he suffered the most ex-
cruciating agony. If a person walked
across his bedroom it intensified the pain
as though he was being pierced and
torn with knives, and if touched he
would scream aloud with agony. In this
state of hopeless suffering he remained
bedfast for eighteen unonths,all the while
using all manner of medicines from
which relief might he hoped for. Then
he was put under the treatment of a
celebrated Toronto specialist, but with no
better result. After this last experiment
failed, he determined to try Dr. Wil.
liams' Pink Pills, at the same time dis-
continuing all other treatment. At the
end of three months' there was a very
noticeable improvement in his condition,
and so much so that his mother thoug'at
he could be lifted outside Ha wee still
so weak, however, that he was only ab e
to remain np a few minutes as before.
When taken batik to bed he felt a sudden
tingling sensation going up from his
toes and through his joints and spine.
The next morning when he awoke the
pain had left the body and lodged in the
arms, and then for some weeks the pain
flitted from place to place in the arms
and then disappeared, and be has not
had a particle of pain since. All this
time he was taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and slowly but surely regaining
his strength. Then an invalid's chair was
procured, and he was wheeled out,
eventually lie was able to wheel himself
abodt. The continued use of the Pink
Pills constantly added to his strength,
and then the chair was discarded for
crutches, and then the crutches for a
cane. At this time (Sept. 1895) Mr.
Moffatt had so far recovered that he was
a frequent contributor to the columns of
the Advertiser and procuring a horse and
buggy he was engaged as local reporter
for the paper. The once utterly helpless
invalid is now able to go about, 'and' get
in and out of his buggy without any
assistance, and is at his post of duty
whenever called upon.
Thus we find that after years of suffer-
ing and helplessness Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills have proved successful after tall
other remedies•mind the best of medical
treatment had utterly failed. With such
marvellous cures as this to its credit it
is no wonder that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is the most popular medicine with
all classes throughout the land, and Ulla
ease certainly justifies the claim put forth
on its behalf that it "cures when other
medicines fail,"
Are synonyms' for the best matches made.
Traveled Half the Globe to
Find Health, Without
Took the Advice of a Friend and Now
Proclaims It From the Iionsetop—
"Soutlt Ainerican Nervine
Saved My Life."
Mrs. H. Stapleton of Wingharn writes:
"1 have been very 'nick troubled for yen r.;
—since 1578—with nervous debility and
dyspepsia. Had been treated in Canada
and England by some of the best physi-
cians without permanent relief. I was
advised about three mouths ago to take
South American Nervine, an.! I firstly
believe I owe ❑ay • life to it to -day. I i -au
truthfully say that I have derived more
benefit front it than any treatment 1 ever
had. I can strongly recommend it, and
will neves be without It hnyself."
"Aren't you late in getting home from
Sunday school, Bobby?" a
"tVell, I guess! 'Tera was a man there
who made an all -day speech and I thought
he would never get out."
"Who was he?"
"Aw, I forgot his name; but he was an
escaped in issionary."—Judge.
But Sly {%ife Penned ci Me to Try the
• Great South Amrric,tn Rheumatic
Cure and My Agonizing Pala
R -as Gone in 12 Bouts,
and Gone for Good.
S. D. McLeol, of Leith. Out., says: "I
have been at victim of rheumatism for
seven years—couliued to my bed for
months at a time; suable to turn myself.
Have been trea,ed by many physicians
without any benefit. I had no faith in
rheumatic cures I saw advertised,' but my
wife induced nme to get a bottle of South
American Rheumatic Cure from Mr.
Taylor, druggist, iu Owen Sound. At
that time I was in agony with pain. In-
side of 12 hours after I had taken time first
dose the pain had all left me. I con-
tiuuetl until I had used three bottles, and
I now consider myself completely cured."
At a meeting of the British Empire
League the Duke of Devonshire said that
he believed the Imperial Federation sen-
timent was growing, but that time idea of
free trade within the Empire had not yet
met with a hearty response.
The judges of the Supreme Court of
Newfoundland will riot try the Union
and Commercial Bank cases, on the
ground that they are interested parties.
There is talk of obtaining Canadian or
English judges to preside.
Lord Cramer, the British Agent ' at
Cairo, has officially informed the Egyp-
tian Government that if they decide to
repay to the Caisse the money advanced
to meet the expenses of theAnglo-Egyp-
tian expedition, Great Britain will re-
fund the Amount.
No person should go from home without
a bottle.of Dr. J. L. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial in their ; possession, . as change of
water, cooking,, climate, etc., frequently
brings on summer complaint, and there is
polling like being ready with a sure
remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves
great suffering, and frequently valuable
lives. This cordial has, gained for itself a
widespread reputation 'for affording
prompt relief from .all summer com•.
Mr. insoube ak— 'h' paper Cr 1 1 i� p per speaks of
a belle at one of the resorts who sweeps
everything before her; •
Mrs. CriWon beak—Isn't that all right?
"Well, I never yet saw a girl wear a
dress that would sweep that way."—
Youker's Statesman.
" liven a statesman is picked up
sometimes." remarked the Congress-
man to a crowd of listeners. " On one
occasion I was going over my district
to get nested, and in my rambles I
ran across an old fellow away up on
the head waters of a creek. He was
hoeing corn in a field near the road
and T stepped to talk with him.
"' Good morning,' I said pleasantly.
"' Morain',' he responded, but never
stepped his hoeing.
"' Right nice looking field,' I re-
Might be wurq.' he replied, still
hoeing. -,
' Excuse me.' I ventured, ' but I'm
the member of Congress from this dis-
' ' Air you ?" he asked, still hoeing.
' 7 voted Per you.'
"' I'm much obliged, I'm sure,' I
said. ' I'm up here now taking a look
over the country.'
"' Well, I hain't no objection,' he
said, still hoeing, ' of you don't take
nothin' else,' 'and he looked at me so
suspiciously that I bade him good -day
and rode on."
Physicians Failed—Cure-Ails Failed—But
the Great South American kidney Cure,
a Specific Remedy for a Specific
Trouble, Cured Dirs. A. G. Young
of Baructo,t, 1'.Q.. Quickly and
This is her testimony: "I was taken
sick in January, 1893. I employed several
of the best local phy-siciaus and was
treated by them for kidney disease until
the autumn of the same year without re-
ceiving mace benefit- I then began using
your South American Kidney Cure, and
derived great benefit almost immediately.
I feel now that I arm quite cured. I have
taken no medicine fur some length of time
and have not had a return of the slightest
symptom of the disease."
Dyspepsia or indigestion is occasioned
ley the want of action in the biliary ducts,
loss of vitality in the stoiimach to secret
the gastric juices, without which diges-
tion cauuot go on; also, being the principle
cause of Headache. Parmnelee's Vegetable
Pills taken before going to bet} for a
while, never fail to give relief and effect
a cure. Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown,
•Out., writes: "Parmnelee's Pills aro taking
the lead against ten other makes which I
have iu stock." '
A Mint.
A gentleman's linen cuff directed to the
owner and stamped with a peony stamp
recently went through the post office: It
bore this message: Please call and pay
your washing bill.—Your Laundress."—
Tit Bits.
Nothing looks, more ugly than to see a
person whose hands are covered over with
warts. Why have these disfigurements
on your person, when a sure remover of
all warts, corns, etc., can be found in
Holloway's Corn Cure?
s Busiest Day.
'Pa, what is your 'busy day?'" "Well,
happy urchin, it is when I stay et home
to rest and your mother gets one to do a
few little odd jobs around the house."—
Because it is incontnarabiy the beat
and 1-ttrest. Try u s male packet.
••••••0•••••d•O♦••••4 ••
When You Buy
For your own sake look for
• the Red Star label on each
• • garment, which shows that
• it is interlined with
• •t The extra cost won't be
• more than a few cents, but
• the extra comfort will be
• enormous. You will have
• wind -proof clothing, which
• will positively keep out all
• cold and frosty air without
• having extra weight or bulk
Think of the healthful all-
weather warmth this will
• mean, and don't do with-
• out it.
It Stands to Reason.
That a man who gives his whole and
undiviued attention to one particular
subject should acquire a greater pro-
ficiency in it, than one whose energies
are expended in different directions.
This Is true of the medical superintend-
ent, and his staff of assistants, at Lake-
hurst Institute,in their treatment of alco-
holism and kindred diseases. Every fresh
case adds to the experience of years, and
to the number of those successfully
treated. There is nn sudden at.d danger-
ous deprivation of liquor; there are no
bolts and bars; the patient gives up the
drink habit almost unconsciously, and,
from that moment, takes the first step
on his upward career, commencing life
afresh under brighter auspices. For
pamphlet and terms address The Man-
ager, Lakehurst Institute, Oakville, Ont.
Very Sick.
Bridget—Wuz yeh sick whin yez wont
comin' over the Oirish sea?
Moike (newly arrived)—Wosn't I,
though; if I hadn't put on a Ioife-preserv-
er, I believe Oi'd a doid.—Illustrated
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,.
and until the last few yeers was supposed to be
Incurable, For a greet many years doetn•s
ronounced it a local disease, and prescribedlocal remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution-
al disease, and therefore requires collar tutional
treatment. Ha:11's Catarrh Cure, manufat•tured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constututional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon-
ful.. ItaaCs directly an the blood andmo _cous
surfaces of the system They offer onehundr-d
dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address
'Sold by Druggists, lee.
Emblematic of any
Society to which von be-
long. Ric. sent to Order
Dept. will secure an
ele,:ant Rolled Gold Button
with screw and spur fasten.
ing. These Buttons are
beautifully made with
colored enameled centres,
making a suitable present
to a lr.end.
Dominion Regalia Co.
Manufacturers of all Lodge
Requisites and Uniforms.
Badges, etc.
Can be Removed and$
the Skin made Soft t
and Youthful in ap-
pearance by using
I Peach Bloom
r* Skin Food.
Steady Work..
Mr. Styles—What did you say you
wanted, my man?
Walker -I'm looking' for, some kind of
steady work, sir.
"Well, just wait; my wife's learning to
ride a bicycle. She'll be out in a minute."-
-Louisville Times.
Chapped Hands. •
The daintest preparation for curing and
Preven ting chapped hands is Peach Bloom.
his admirable skin tonic may be relied
upon as a specific for all kinds of skin
troubles as well as for improving and
beautifying the complexion.
To Purify the Blood, Tone
up the System and give new
Life and Vigor nothing equals
Health -pills.
Announces to the
;public that he will
not travel any more,
but can be found at
till times at his place of business, 79 King street
east Toronto. Gold spectacles, .$3, $4 sad e5..
Steel spectacles, 25e, to $1.
150 ets. each at Drug stores or sent
12repaid on receipt of price.
154 ----YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN ---I54
Now in attendance at the
alp cr-i re
Yongo and Gerrard Streets, Toronto
The latest and best com'ses of Business Train-
ing.and the most horough and complete facili-
ties for Shorthand and Typewriting are found
in this College. Particulars free. Write at
once. W. H. SHAW, Principal.
T. N. U, 98
THING n young man or woman can do is tout
tend The Northern Business College for a term. Dd
you want to know what you can learn? Then write fot
Angouncement to C. A. Farming, Owen Sound, Ont.