The Exeter Advocate, 1896-8-20, Page 5NW 4 N. ONT. epared et has squall - duties ,er. rvelt. IR on tock dry- itto OME, retary THE .br tato.cate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER, h the-- —By ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 'One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 131.50 if not so paid. . scrti.ut nn 17Zatest nay, ppLca t,.�Yi, No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without, specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal discount made fox transeient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques,m Duey ord- ers. ho. for advertising, subscriptions, etc.t o be made payable to Clias.H. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Professlollai Cards. H. KINSMAN,L. D. S, Panson's Block two doors north of Carling Store SLAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Lucan every Wednesday and at Zurich on. last Thursday of each m onth .a., D R.D. ALTON ANDi1RSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S•,) �J honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite 'Central Hotel—Exeter. Medi veal l04R. G. SHOULTS, CENTRALI A 1J has moved ono door south. Drs. T A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. ltesidenees sames r a formerly .v OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St. D r, Rollins' office; same as formerly --north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south door, May 1st. 1853 J. A Rollins, H. 1). T, A, Amos, H. D D .T.Ii ,T. P. MCLAUGLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceouch- our, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 7£i,DICKSON,BARItISTER,SOLICITOR, • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyaneer, Commissioner, &c.Money to loan Offee—Fanson's Bloek,Exeter LConve&yaan'cing. and Money Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Fleusall every Thursday. B. V, ELLior• FREDERICK ELLIOT Auctioneers Ta BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- J-1. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township oftisborhe Hales prom ptly attended to and terms rea- aonbale.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. TORN T. WESTCOTT,'Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Special attention given to farms and farm stook sales. .Charges moderate. Parties 'content plating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. O. Orders left at the • ADVOCATE Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. lynrveyors. RED. W.FARNCOMB,Provincial Land . I. Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, „Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter. Ont. Jfnstirtetice. E ELLIOT, L Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter r In combination, proportion and process Hood's ,Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itslY, andunequalled In true merit. No other Medicine ever possessed so ninth curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or macre such won- derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is undoubtedly the best medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en-. rich the blood. That is the secret of its success. Read this statement: to When my son • was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma- tism, which settled in his left hip. He was so sick that no one thought there was any help for him. Five Sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were cro sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cut open and the bong scraped, before he could get well. Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc- tor said there was no chance for him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last of February, after having been sick for a year and a ur half. He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years were laid aside, as he had no further use for them. I give all the credit to Hood's Sar- saparilla.' MRS. ADA L. MOODY, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla Is the One True BloodPurltler. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. • cure Liver Ills; easy to 10ids Pills take, easy to operate. 250. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASP'D MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE -ACED MEN—You tiny buys been the victim of Self Abuse when > sung. Later Ex •osses or eapoeure to blood disen, os may have completed the work. You feel the symptoms stealing over yen. You dread the future results. You know you arenota man mentally and sexueny. ti by not he cured in time and avu'd the sad exaerience of other wrecks of these discs -es. Our NEW ME1'ROD r,i1:A'l'MliN'r W ILL CURE YOU AFTER l:L ELSE FALLS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W.M. MILLER J SOC`==si rAC ell s Before Treatment C U P w. N. SlLLEn. The Same Man! Yes, the same man may be made to look very different if the photographer knows how to produce the deception. The sane thing may be said .in many different ways if a man wants to be tricky and knows how to juggle the words ; but to cut a long story short we can make you Look Better in one of our choice suits clothes than any other tailor in town. A Call Solicited. Bert. Knight. MAB F;LIS N; THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. It is the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vsrtising'niediuln with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms andforms of disease, scientiffical- ly, and to such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing, If you are sick it is presumed that you know -oft ho fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise von generally. MABELINE is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseereed parts. Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send Si for one month's treatment. 2,1 capsules in a box, Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUTINE CO. Box 280, Windsor, Ont.' Wanted—An idea h° r `hint o! some ethink yourthey_ thing to patent? Protect JOHWEDDERBURNy& 00. Paten wealth. Attor- ney's, Washington; D. 0., for their $1,800 prize offer and list of two hundred inventions wanted. After Treatment "At the age of 151 commenced to ruin my health. Later on as "ONE OF'TIlE Si )Y5" I contracted a serious blood disease —SYPHILIS. 1 was , weak and nervous, despondent, pimples, sunken eyes, bone pains, ulcers, hair loose, sore tongue and p mouth drains in urine, varicocele! --1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended The. Kennedy & Kergan, A dozen other doctors had failed in curing me. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan cared me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn. similar diseased men to beware of Medical Frauds. Ther are reliable honest and skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat stud cure Varico- c e 1 e, dynhilia, Emissions, Gleet, fitricture. PLervons De- bilety.11Tnnatural Discharges, ,Kidney acid Bfaei ler D i c- eases. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No II'aya Write for Duestiesn Blank for Moine Treatment. nooks I ree. consultation Free. DRABINEDY&KERGAN No. 148 Shelby St. DETROIT, - - K1ICH. Clinton: Mr. Amos Castles, empio;s e of the Doherty Organ Factory, got his hand pretty badly cut Wednesday. t140)1/ e Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on ,which ladies can. depend ' in "the hour and lime of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for Tut and full particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain., sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK CON1PAi'1Y, Room 3—No. 253 Woodward .Ave., Detroit, Mich. ' Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by, all responsible wholesale and retail' druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. LATEST 31.ARKT r3,1]i'oi TrL. LIVE STOCK MARKETS.. 'Pororrte, Aug. 17.—We had ht?I'e this morning toed of 70 loads in the mar- ket, incluoing a few loads which h oane . rill in on hTlrera was no Improve- ment to be found anywhere, and the ten- dency all round (except) with hosts) was for weakness. In shipping cattle there was a fair demand, and prices ranged from 53.10 to 53,80, and occasionally $3.00 per 100 pounds, but prices are land - lug downward, and will be lower prob- ably next week; very good shippers sold here at $3.75, and $3.75 and $3.80 was about the ruling price for choice export stuff. In the butchers' market anything but the best cattle was almost unsalable, and it is difficult to give quotations' which would not mislead for the reason previously given, that is, that whenever a lot contains a few fairly good cattle they are at once picked out for the British markets, and what is left is often scarcely worth buying. Wo heti a lot of poor cattle here, which should not have been sent; they fetch nothing, and help to kill the trade, while at this sea- son of She year they ought to be put on the grass for a few weeks, and would certainly eventually pay for the delay. However, this has often been pointed out with no effect, and there has been more poor common stuff emptied into these yards this season than has perhaps ever been brought here before, and prices went often below Sc per pound. But good butchers' cattle will sell if they can be got here, and a few good steers and heifers are wanted here for St. John at around 3c per pound, and occasionally a little over. Good stuff to -day sold at 2% to 2%o per pound, with onlychoice is exceptional picked lots bringing $$3 to $3.1231 per 100 pounds; F,p veral loads were unsold; in fact, it cannot be too plainly understood that butchers' cattle have nevor been so gompletely demoralized before, The continued extremely bad weather and the abundance and cheapness of fruit has also had a disastrous effect on the butcher trade throughout the country. Sheep and lambs were plentiful, and lambs much weaker, while perhaps, scarcely quotably changed, at 3o per pound for good, and 3c for extra choice, or say from $0.30 to $3 each. Shipping sheep are quoted at 3o per pound. These are top prices both for lambs and sheep, and only choice are wanted. Calves were iu small supply, and sold fairly well, but poor stuff need not come in. Hogs are unchanged and steady at 43c for the very best; light hogs, 39ei to 4c; thick fat, $ 1-8t o 33fc; sows, 3o; and stags, lie, per pound. PRODUCE. Eggs—Market in very bad condition. Stocks held here are large, rind as the demand is almost nil supplies are going off condition daily. All dealers aro shad- ing to effect sales. Sales were made to- day as low as 5c for seconds, but about Sc is being asked for No. 1 stock. Potatoes—Unchanged. Dealers quote potatoes at 30 to 35c per bushel. Demand is quiet, and offerings from outside free. Poultry—Turkeys are quoted at 9 to 12o per pound; geese, at 7 to 8c per pound; chickens, 30 to 60o per pair; and ducks, 60 to 80c per pair. Hops—No. 1, 1896, stook is quoted at 8 to 9c, and wind-blown samples at 5 to Cu. Beans—White hand-picked beans are offered at 70e per bush., and ordinary at 60o. Maple Syrup--Five-gallon tins sell at 70 to 75c per imperial gallon; gallon tins at 80c; and half -gallon tins at 43o, Honey—Selling at 7340 for 60 -lb. tins, and Sc for 10 -lb. tins, for new honey. Baled Hay—Quiet and unaltered, with dealers endeavoring to get better prices. Choice No. 1 new hay is quoted at $11 to $11.25 for lots in the ordinary way. Sortie poor stocks are offering here at about $9, but are not wanted. BREADSTUFFS, ETC. Wheat --During the day the tone of the Chicago wheat market was strong, but toward the close weakness set in. In the local market prices for Ontario were steady. Old white wheat would sell at 65e, and old red at 64c. New fall wheat, f,o,b., west, is quoted at 61c. No. 1 Manitoba hard is scarce and firm, sales being made to -day at 703fc and 71c. Toronto and west. No. 1 Northern offer- ed at 69e, and No. 2 hard at 66c, Tor- onto and west. There is scarcely any de- mand for No. 2 hard or No. 1 Northern, but No. 1 hard is in sharp enquiry. Flour is quiet. Straights made of new wheat are quoted at 82.95, high freights west, anti out of old wheat at 83.10. tilillfeed—Quiet and normal. No busi- ness doing. Peas—Car lots, north and west freights, are quoted at 45c, and east at 47c. ' Oats—Continue steady. Street prices to -day were firm. Old white are quoted, to. west at 19Me,and mixed at 18 Mc. Rye—New rye, west, offers at 35c, and 84c is bid, for car lots. Barley—Nominal. Corn—Nominal. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter — Creamery butter is still rather scarce here, and for the choicest pound prints dealers are asking 20c, but sales are generally made at 18 to 19c, Tub creamery is not in gond demand at 17 to 18c. and dairy butter coming for- ward is not of the choicest quality. Quo- tations are as follows: Dairy, tub, choice,;11 to i3e; do., low grades to me- dium, '7 to 9c; large roll, 11 to Ho; pound prints, 12 to 14c; creamery, tubs, 16 to 18c; pounds 18 to 20c. • Cheese—Firm at 7% to 8c for new, .and around the latter figure for old. Perth, Ont,, Aug. 15.—To-dray 1,400 boxes of cheese were Drought into Perth market, all white; 811/c was paid for July make, 8 5 -Sc for August. Three Montreal buyers were present. Wheat, white, old,per bush$ 66 $ 69 Wheat, white, new 00 65 Wheat, red, per bush 00 55 Wheat, goose, per bush50 52 Peas, common, per bush50 51 Oats, old, per bosh ' 24 25 Oats, new, per bush 00 '22. Yye, per bush 46 48 Surlel, per bush 31 35 Buckwheat , 30 40. Docks, spring, per pair:40 90 Chickens, per pair 40 60' Geese, per lb 06 08 Butter, in 1-1b. rolls 11 18 Eggs, new laid 9 10 Potatoes, per bag 25 35 Potatoes car lots 13 15 Potatoes, neve, per bush.... 30 35 Beans par bush 90 100 Beets, per doz 09 10 Parsnips, per dor 10 11 Apples, per bbl 50. 75 Hay; trniothy 15 00 16'00 Straw, sheaf ...,10 OD 11 00 Beef, hinds, .... ..... 05 07 Beef, fores 02 04 Spring lambs, carcase, 8 00 6 00 Veal, per lb 04 6 Mutton, per lb 00 2>fl Dressed,per 500 5'50 jffl�trcal d 'aq Won the Battle Through His Wile's Advice. A short time ago a Montreal business man returned from a New York private hospital, co which restitution he had gone last February for treatment. The case was a serious one—kidney disease -and had baffled the s.cill of the local doctors. The New York spec- ialist, after a month's close attention could not hold out very strong hopes of a complete cure, but advised patience and Continued treatment. The sick man, hoping for better re- sults, remained for some weeks longer, but finally left for home sick, unhappy and despondent. Upon his arrival in Montreal, friends were alarmed when they found his condition had not im- proved, and some recommended a sea voyage. The sick man's wife having heard of the wonders accomplished by Paine's Celery Compound in cases of kidney disease, urged her husband to give it a trial. A supply c,f the medicine was procured and usedifaithfuliy, and the diet list—prepared specially for those afflicted with kidney troubles—was closely followed. After three week's use of Paine's Celery Compound, a blessed and happy change was observed. The patient was brighter and stronger, no consitpa- tion, no back aches, urine was more natural in color, and appetite was healthy and established After due care and attention, and the use of Paine's Celery Compound this Montreal merchant is well and at• tending to business to day. Poor sufferer from kidney trouble, what think you of this Montreal case? Will not the same treatment bring you the health and freedom from disease that you so much desire? Yes, we are certain it will. Paine's Celery Com- pound will quite renew your life, and give you a long lease of happy days. Use the kind that cured the Montrela merchant; remember there are mita- :ions, and very worthless ones too. Tis "Paine's " that makes people well, Parkhill: Mrs. Tyndale, one of our oldest and most amiable residents, pass- ed away, peacefully at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. Tudor, at about 6 o'clock, last Friday. St. Marys: On Saturday while Wm. H. Riordan, son of Mr. Wm,, Riordan, lot 30, Thames con,, was drawing in grain for Mr. Ab. Hutchings, J. Krantz who was assisting wished to build the load, and when he was refused he struck young Riordan with a pitch fork in the left side. Fortunately the tines of the fork did not enter very deeply or the result would most likely have been fatal. Mr. Riordan says Krautz threatened to cut him open with a knife if he came off the wagon. No action has been taken for Krantz's punishment, Parkhill: A twelve -year-old boy named Varves, a son of a G. T, R. en- gineer living at Sarnia, left home last spring, taking the boat, as he supposed, for Chicago, but the boat landed him at Kincardine and the youth roved around the country until last week a pedlar who knew that Mr. Harves was anxious to hear tidings of his son's whereabouts met the prodigal and in • duced him to go with him. He was taken to the hotel at Corbett, and Mr. M. McCann brought him to Parkhill on Wednesday of last week, where he was met by his father. The boy was glad to meet his father and it would be safe to bet dollars to doughnuts that he will not skip out again. Light Weight. TILE Weight is Light. The Inducements are heavy, the styles are everything, the most fastidous could desire. All our light weight goods,are exceptionally stylish and attractive and we will make them up at figures that will oven your eyes with wonder. We are making a big sale of Summer Goods. through this month, Come and sed us at once and get a bargain See our $2 Pantings. Made to Order. Ae-Remember the Place. JAMES H. GRIEVE, Yarns: On. Sunday'evening last a teritlie thunder storm, actompalied,by very sharp lightr Ink, was experiel,cod, in the midst of which Mr. 0. Week's barn was struck by lightning', and the barnd is content a n i Wyss in a very short time reduced to ashes. Nothing was saved. He had just threshed on Friday three hundred and fifty bushels of wheat and two hundred and fifty bullets of oats. Insurance amounted tc about $50') on barn and contents, and Mr. Week's loss will be consider- a,ole. Lucao: Brock v. Hodgins. --This case tried in London on Briday last is of considerable interest here. The plaintiff, W. A. Brock, a gunsmith of London, was employed by the defend ant, R. S. Hodgins, now of Montreal, to manufacture a burglar-proof lock, of which the defendant held the patent. r4 hen the locks were made they prov- ed Invv.ed to be useless and the defeodant re fused to accept them. The plaintiff e'ainled that while the loeks were not made according to specifications, they were better than the specifications call- ed for. That plea, however, would not hold good in law and a rice sion was gived for the defendant. The amount claimed was $88. Modern Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety. We Sell Cheap, Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high Priced,. We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE. PYNY - PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing iu its effects, W. C. McCoaassa & Sou, Bouchette, Que., report In a letter that PynyPoatnrat cured Mrs. C. Gerson Si throttle cold lu 0,,st.and bronchial tubes, and also eared R', G. MisL'omber of a long stuudn,, cold. Ain. J. H. Hlcx:r, Chemist, 5 3 Yca,,Toronto,e St.,Write: " As n rnerol o,,nalt and lt.h syrup rya Pectoral is a no,at iew,,hmbo+ p 1 ,rau,nt it has tint the unw.st sanerp.i :a to all vhf have tried 1t. 11111. 1•1\111 1.; t.'rm at: a benefits derived trent lie ur,e In Lh,dr lamllO'i. it I, superb" ibr old a •yetn•r, the taste Its axle with lite fins b,,en wonderful, and I ,eon always r,-csmmeud It us a safe and reliable dough m t'dh'u,e." Large Motile, 25 Cts. DAVIS & LAWRENC.E CO., LTD. Soh Proprietors Arc:;runt. t'o'wu,#.'L"� MURRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat We intend peeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders • Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5°/, will - be given for cash. C. S N E L L, -Prop VERY - ; SHOULD rr 3E1 THAT Is a very remarkable remedy, both tar "l ! TERNAL and EXTERNAL use,, and won- derful in its quick notion to relieve distress. PAIN -KILLED in a yore erre Ser %%rota,Coalt'ittio Chills, aDiarrha•a, Dysentery, CouidMY,' Cholera, and alt Bowel eainplalms. PAIN -KILLER "Tr" BEST rc:on- edy ;WWII for Ham* sickness,, Sick Headache, fain gat, ,Nob Suck or side, ithetisautistu and Neuralgia, PAIN -KILLER is r-,nnrsr�nxnvcr tw , iI Barn Ai beer I lair IlJADE. It firings erraur AID prat DENT RY.i an doses of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains,'Severs Burns, etc. q� PAIL\- ILL R to the went 'tt1e8 ler'il trust d frlenfl eta.w Mechanic, Partner, Planter, riatior.,aelluis fact all Biasses wanting a 9aetltetl,o alwayssth.aii, sod sant TO use internally or *Sit esrtalnty of relief. Beware Cr imitations. Tarte none bot rho geeri0.. "PERRY Davis." SoldeveryNhoro nct blg bottle.. 'i'LIE 6 s.A1iRG E OT:T I : v, ITO Keeler GIBLET & SUN Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE MOULDINGS, S. GIDBEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Mid Bicycles! Bicycles!! Bicyles! I Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasitlrr if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any the best wheels made, at lowest priciA Musical. Do you want anything in '1Chs musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewherie. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Harting CENTRAD DRUG STORE Those who have u Winan's cough balsam - flounce it unequalled as 4, remedy for coughs, colds and • bronchitis trou:.bl. Winan's condition Raid cough powders for hors the best in the market, ways on hand; also Acel ,- benefacto and Liniment,the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Mid, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating anti. •`nor— ing various diseases. Fm sale here, C- LC. LU TZ13tuggigt IFIOU WANT TO TRAVEL , 7t�1/4�7 .di ttk; Ari Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby watt - fit. We give you the best airdlit reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICIT W. G. ilissat