The Exeter Advocate, 1896-6-11, Page 5THE tetter bu eat , Is published. every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. -By te-- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in. Advance SI.,50 if not so paid. S d v ertinis>,g Rates on ;3 pplica - tion. No paper discontinued until all arrearages aro paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal disco tint made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. livery description of X013 PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &a. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc.t o be made payable to, Chaai.II. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP Frofesszonal elands. H EINSMA.N,L.D.S, Fanson's Block +..... two doors north of Carling Store ALAIN ST, EXETER, oxtracts tenth without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Liman every Wednesday and at Zurich on last Thursday of each m onth TIR.D.ALT.ON ANDERSON,(D-D.S.,L.D.S.,) 1JJ honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutlain. Alll modes of Dentistry up to date_ Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter, .31110di TIM. G. S110ULTS, GIg1NTRALIA 1J has moved ono door south. Drs, J A. ROLLINS & T A. A110S. 11 Reslden.ems, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st, 1898 J. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A. Amos, M. D "1-1e.T. P. MoLAUGIILIN, MEMBER OF d / the College of Physicians andSurgcciis Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoli- sur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LII.DIO KSON,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &o. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block,lixeter ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Conveyancing. and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Iutcrest. l3ranoli office at Hensall every Thursday. B. V. Ewer. FREDERICA ELLIOT Auctioneers 1�7] BROWN, Wiitel, Isea, Licensed Ana- l/. ioneer for the ilounties of Porth and Middlesex, also for tLn township ofUsborne Bales promptly atft, 1 .1. to and. terms rea- sonba1e.Salos arranged. at Post office, Win- ohelsea. JOHN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Speoiat attention given to farms and farm stock sales. Chargt=.i moderate, Parties contemplating, ha vi .,ales this Fall should give him a trutl. For Iurthor particulars, apply by letter o Exeter P. 0. Orders left at the ADVOCATE Otliec, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Survea'ore. >ial RED. W.FARNCOMB, Provincial Land • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office. Main street. Exeter, Out. insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter The Same Old Story. Every week we continue to tell you the salve old story of the ex. cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps -we have been been telling it for a long time -but a good story will bear constant re -telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at this establish- ment -as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder- ate. Don't Catch Cold. • Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -es make you -one of onr swell." and durable overcoats. Each coat a fit Each coat a daisy IIEHTI KNIOIIT. Ono North Door of Browning's drug store, ➢IABELI\E THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure tor all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. Itis the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertising medium with a medioal treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, scientif cal- ly, and in such a way as to involve the road- er'in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. - If yon are sick it is presumed that you know oft he fact and can form some idea of what your ailment is, and we can only ad- vise youenerally. MABELINE is vegetable corn pound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is placed in capsules and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full diroatious, how to apply on every box. Send $1 for one month's treatment. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any ether remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALUTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. Wanted -An idea t g pli ant Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attor- neysneys Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prise offer and Attor- , of two hundred inventions wanted. Aaon The wonderful cure related below is by no means unusual with Hood's Sar- saparilla, This groat medicine has given health to suffering children, even when health seemed impossible. The secret of its success is that it puri- fies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. "1 wish to tell of a wonderful cure effected by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Five years ago my little boy was sudden- ly seized with a severe lameness, appar- ently in his right knee, which some phy- sicians said was rheumatism, while others said it was hip disease and that it was During the next winter and spring he became rapidly worse. We took Jimmie to a specialist, who said it was hip disease. At this time the affliction became so severe that we could not move him with- out causing screams of agony. He be- came reduced in weight to 30 pounds, and was but a shadow of his former self. We had about given up hope when we read of a cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla of a similar case. We resolved to try this medicine. Jimmie was decidedly improved after taking the first bottle, He was even after the second. We have since used over a dozen bottles of the medicine, and the change has exceeded our expectations.. James is now able to walk without the aid of crutches and goes to school every day. He has been wonderfully cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla." J. 0. Rcanatraa Oakley, Michigan. Druggist C. C. Tubbs says he knows the Rundell boy has been wonderfully ur by Hood's Sarsaparilla and that Mr. Run- dell is thoroughly reliable. He has a good sale of Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, both of which are giving perfect satisfaction. He says Hood's Pills seem to be the coming family cathartic. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla do not be induced to buy any other. Insist upon Hood's, because 0 0 Sarsaparilla Is the One True Bided Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared by 0. I. Hood at Co„ Lowell, Mass. Hood's 'Pills aro easy to take, easy to operate. 25 coati. NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN -Yon may have been the victim of Self Abuse whoa young, Later Excesses or exposure to blood diseases may have completed the work. Yon feel the symptoms stealing over yon. You dread the future results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexually, Why not bo cured in time and avoid the end experience of other wrecks et: these diseases. Our NEW METHOD t 1: GA'TMENT WILL CURE YOU AFTER AL] ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Varicooeta and Syphilis Cured w. At. MLTLLEa c u w. At. lfILLEf E D DI Before Treatment_ After Treatment '51] "At the age of 151E commenced to rain Imy health. Later on as "ONE OF THE BOYS" I contracted a serious blood disease -SYPHILIS. I' was weak and nervous, dosnondent, pimples, sunken eyes, bone pains, ulcera. hair loose, sore tongue and mouth, drains in urine, varicocele! -1 was a wreck. I was in the last stages when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy er Kergan. A dozen other doctors had failed in curing me. Drs. Kennedy & Korgan cured me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar diseased men to beware of Medical Fronde. They are reliable honest and 'skillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. 'We treat and cure Varico. c e 1 e, t4yphilis, Emissions, Gloat, Rtricture. IKervous De. btlity, Unnatural 7Discicarares, 1,;idney and Dias3cier Dis- eases. is- earies. 17 YEARS' IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No Pay. Write for Question Blank for Home Treatment. 113 cook 9 Free. t'onsuitation Fresi. DRi:., > ENNEDY $t KERGAN No. 148 Shelby Ste DETROIT, - - MICH. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ........................ 80 05 to 65 Barley e5 t o 27 oats 19 to ply Peas 40 to 45 Butter to 11 Eggs sperbag...... ................... .... to 8 40 to Onions Hay per ton ea to 10 Wool WOMEN 1I DOU ;7 SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct hr gnlnrlty and weakness, loop toe mvimsi a healthy condition. W afe,'s nre "Ln u Savers" toyonng women, gid greerfnl &v lepment, prnvide-pain. toe , egnlar minds. Ask ler The nal mit lmend, All dr, 1,iatn null then, ate] per box. Pio better remedy tor womou known. Wiarton's ne w high school is to $5,000. 45 St. John's, Nfld., June 8. -Several 00 schooners were lost along the coast last 18 night during a. severe gale. The schooner White Squall, with a crew of nineteen men, went ashore near Cape Spear. The crew barely escaped with their lives. The schooner Annie was sunk in a collision, and three men were drowned. Three other vessels -Emmeline, Piesto and Liberty -were driven on the rocks, but no lives were lost. M' KE PJ A BIG BLAZE. Wi!out lWarning!DRY'S 8IG DEPARTMENTAL. STORE DESTROYEP. The Tires of '93 Recalled --Great Danger to Other Stores Happily Aver ted--LossAg- gretrates Abon.t $900,000. Toronto, June 0. -Last evening Toronto 'was visited with ztuother disas- trous conflagration. As a consequence the stock of ane of the largest depart- mental stores in the city was destroyed, and the building in which Vie business was carried on was completely gutted, The location of the building, surrounded on every side by other great stores and factories, added to the gravity of the out- break, and contributed to make the work of the firemen as dangerous and hard as that in the great fires of the winter of '95. Disastrous as the fire was, it is duo to the almost superhuman efforts of the brigade that a..large portion of the busi ness section of Yonge street is not to -day in ruins. About 0.40 P. M., when the crowds that usually line Yonge street after busi- ness hours were beginning to thin out, Police Constable Wallace (225), who was osl duty in that part of the city, noticed smoke issuing from the rear of McBen- dry's store. He immediately ran down to the corner of Queen and Yonge atreets and sounded the alarm. A temporary battering ram was made out of a ladder, and two or three blows forced the door. When the obstacle gave way a cloud of smoke issued that blinded and almost stifled the firemen, but they entered bravely, and advanced to the rear of the store, where the fire appar- ently started, in what was the lace cur- tain department. This was in the northwest corner close by the hoist, which furnished a ventilator to the flames, which spread with lightning rap- idity to the upper stories. The whole interior was a mass of seething flames in a short time. The combustible nature of the stock caused it to catch fire like tinder. The hose was overwhelmed, and the firemen driven by the flames and smoke out of the building. They fought, however, with dogged resolution, and aid was soon to come. Upon the arrival of Deputy Chief Thompson upon the scene the general alarm was sounded, as it was feared that the whole block of stores on either side would soon bo a prey to the fiery elements. The general alarm was sent out Dight minutes after the first alarm, and the fire engines and new water tower were on the spot almost before the bells ceased ringing. Shortly after eight o'clock the brigade succeeded in getting the fire under con trol, but owing to the extreme difliaulty of getting at the cellar and the rear of the building it was impossible to extinguish the fire, which still smoul- dered there, and at twelve o'clock a steady stream of water was being poured in. The front wall of the main building and annex stood firm, but the doors and all the windows were smashed, the glass' from the latter littering the pavement along the frontage, and to some distance on either side, while here and there were scattered bricks and charred and broken window frames. The stook carried by McKendry and Company was valued at between $160,000 and $175,000. Tho exact amount of insurance could not be ascertained last night, but will aggrenato in the neigh- borhood of $155,000, carried . by various companies, among them being the Sun, Lancashire, and Phoenix of Hartford. The main building, Nos. 202-208 Yonge street, which was completely gutted by the fire, only the brink walls being loft standing, was the property of Mr. Charles Page, of 72 Lowther avenue. The building was insured for $80,000 in the London and Liverpool, and Globe, the Western, and various other companies and this amount willprobably fully cover the loss. The annex, No. 210 Yonge street, was not so severely damaged. Mr. Spencer Love, barrister, of75 Yonge street, is Owner the agent for the of the annex, but it was impossible to see him last night, and in consequence the value of the building and the amount of insur- ance carried could not be ascortained. The stock of the T. Eaton Company was damaged to some extent by smoke and water. Water and smoke damaged the stook of Clapp & Co. and Guiane & Co., two shoo stores, to the north of McKendry & Co. Two Killed by Lightning. Ottawa, June 9. -Lightning was responsible for a lamentable accident at Queen, 33 miles from here, on the Ot- tawa River, on Saturday afternoon. Frank Ferrier, aged 17, of Mechanicsville, and Nathaniel MacNeil, also aged 17, both employes of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company were struck and instantly killed. Five other employes - Edward Rainville, Alphonso Therien, Samuel Doroin, Anthony Cain and Moses Lapierre-were rendered uncon- scious by- the shock. Six other employes of the same company, who were with the men struck, were also affected,but to a less extent. Rainvillo, Therein, Doroin and Cain were all sufficiently recovered this morning from the effects of the elec- trical fluid to resume work, but Lapierre is still very ill. Ho is .improving, how- ever, and no ill-effects are expected to follow his sta"tling experience. Light pang's Work iii Essex. Windsor, June 9. -Lightning killed Mr. John Dayles, a tolltaker on the Grand Marais road, on Saturday after- noon. His body was badly burned and somewhat disfigured. He was a resident of Sandwich West, 65 years old, and unmarried.. The Windsor City Hall was struck during the same storm. A terrible crash was heard, and flashes of light appeared in every room. Almost simul- taneously clouds of dust filled the build- ing. The street was littered with shingles and splintered wood torn from the roof. Mr. W. J. Walker's house was also struck, but only slightly damaged. Viva Schooners Lost. The sale of Shakespeare relics from Cost the collection belonging to the Hart fam- ily took place in Londen last week, and the articles generally went for a small sum. Men and Women Drop Off Every Day From Heart Disease. Paine's Celery Compound Cures This Prevalent and Terrible Trouble. Testimony of a Lady Who Suffered for Long Years, The Latest News in Brief. Lightning caused a number of fires in Western Ontario. Selkirk was ,visited by fire on. Sun- day which did $30,000 damage. A boy named John Buck was drown- ed Sunday while bathing in the .Don. John Evans, the Windsor pound•mas- ter, has been fined $6.75 for cruelty to animals. A silent wedding occurred au Wal kerton the other day. The bride, groom and groomsman were deaf mutes. The plot where the murdered Ben well was interred at Princeton was offered at mortgage sale, but was not sold. Joseph Dupont, a young man, aged nineteen years, was drowned in the Ot- tawa River while out sailing in a ca- noe A Tavistock Ivan has a chicken pos- , sensing four legs and four wings. It isi not expected to lay two eggs at a time The Hamilton powder mill at St. Hil- aire, Quebec, wan blown to atoms while the entire working staff was away at dinner. Mr. Louis Defoe was struck by a slab in Gilmour S. Company's mill at Trenton and died shortly afterwards of the injuries. Tramps stole and killed a sheep near Harriston, They set fire to the unused part of the carcass, and a quantity- of fences were destroyed. A young Englishman, just arrived at Montreal, shot himself dead on the mountain, He registered at the Wind- sor as T. B. Cortwright, England. Alex. McLauchlan, of Ridge road near Chatham, plowed up a human skeleton. The bones had apparently been in the ground a good many years, Day after day the newspapers give accounts of very sudden deaths from. heart disease. The trouble is a com- mon and prevalent one in this busy and rushing age, but too often lightly regarded by those who experience the symptoms daily. Symptoms may be summed up as follows: the nervous system is usually out of condition; there are sharp pains in the heart; it is impossible to take a long breath; the pulse is irregular; there is a palpitation; very often a dry irritable cough, and the sufferer is full of gloomy thoughts. In order to euro heart disease, every one of the symptoms must be banished forever. The medicine to cure must possess the virtues and powers to strengthen the entire nervous system. Paine's Celery Compound is the only medicine that can build up and tone the nerves, and give to the life stream the blood -that purity and richness that guarantees freedom from all dis ease. Huudreds of physicians are pre- scribing Paine's Celery Compound every day for all forms of heart trouble and their success is marvellous and encouraging. Those who experience all the awful symptoms of heart disease, those who are brought to the verge of the grave by nervous debility, mental depression, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, liyer and kid- ney affections, find in Paine's' Celery Compound a true friend and life-giving agency. Mrs. E. Rakin, of Courtright, Ont., writes: -"With great pleasure I beg to inform you of the good I have receiyed from the use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. For a number of years I have been in poor health owing to various causes, and lately I was advised to try your medicine. I used three bottles, and have received a world of good. oiy severe headaches are completely banished, and the heart disease from which "I.sttffer"ed' for thirty years, has almost disappeared, and altogether I am vastly improved. I am fully eon- vinced that Paine's Celery Compound is all that it is recommended to be." IF YOU WANT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett's Livery for a nobby out - tit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A CALL SOLICITED W. G. Bissett London, Huron and Bruce TIME TABLE. GOING Noorse- London, depart Centralia EXETER Henson Kippen Brucefield Clinton Lon des bore Blyth Belgrave Wingham arrive GOING SouTn- Wingham, depart Belgrave Blyth Londesboro Clinton .8ra..efield Kippen Hen sail EXETER Centralia Passenger. 8.05 A H 4,30 1, 00 9.07 5,47 9.22 6.00 9.37 6.15 9.44 6,20 9.52 6.28 10.12 6.55 10,29 7.14 10.38 7.23 10.52 7.37 11.10 8.00 Passenger 6.85 A Af 3.25 1' At 6.50 3.47 7.03 4.01 7.10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7,49 4.46 7.57 4,53 8.06 4.58 8.25 5.12 8.40 5.23 aci AT4Md(N../ Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and tine of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her addressf for and full particulars, whtteh we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 3S years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3 -No. 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. vir Cook's Cotton Root Compound 1 responsible wholesale is sold b all res ons b w s � P and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. Peter Reid, of Woodstock, the young man arrested by Constable Tisdale, James Patton and Fred Battram to a note for $28, has been committed. for trial, ' Rev, Dr, Campbell, for several years pastor of Knox Church, Harrison, but now in charge of the First Presbyterian Church, Victoria, has been left $25, 000 by an old member of his congrega- tion. "Red" Q'Donell, the stable boy who stabbed a colored man named Archer at the Windsor race track a couple of weeks ago, was tried Monday. He was found guilty and fined the sum of $56 or four months in the Central Prison, Toronto. When Baby was sick-, Ivo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, A. HASTINGS, e --Proprietor of THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and SHAVING. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty A. HASTINGS, Fanson's Block. LLLW Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. . Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing; Business of A. Loadmau (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat Wo intend keeping the the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers, Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon, and everything usual ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash busiuess, the longest term of credit being one verlu (a discount of 5°/„will be ] given for cash. E L. La - P ro CSIN . �. Vitality MN Restored1 Failing Sexual Strength in old or young men can be quickly and perm ane, n tly cured by mete a health. ly, vigorous state. sufferers from.,.. NERVOUS 44311.11910 V4 5 OOOEI.E, NIGHT LOSSES, AND ALL WASTING DISEASES should write to me for advice. I have been a close student for many years of the subject of weakness in men, the fact is,Iwas asufferer myself. Too bashful to seek the aid of older met or reputable physicians Itnvess ligated the scbJecedeeply and discovered a simple but most remarkably suecessful remedy that com- pletely curet] me and fully enlarged me from it shruokeu,stunted condition to natural strength and size. I want every Young or old man to know about it. I take a personal interest in such cases and no one need hest tate to write me as all communications are held strictly confidential I send the recipe of this remeey absolutely free of cost. Do not put it oft but write me fully at once, you will always bless the day you did 40. Address, THOMAS SLATER, Box 2172 1 Shipper of Famous Kalamazoo CelerTe '. KALAMAZOO, MICH, GfDLEY &SEJN Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE MOULDI S9 S. GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Block Bicycles Bicycles!! Bicyles!!! Bicyle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good. wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices. Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them beforebuying elsewhere, A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc, etc. Perkins & Martin, CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those wha have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto-. benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various diseases. For sale here, Q.. Le U T Z , Druggist. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. DUNN'S BAKI POWDER THE CO'OK'S BEST' FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1[!I CANAD;..