The Exeter Advocate, 1896-1-23, Page 5THE Is published.evexy Gtf&Tltee,ursciay Morning, at the 114A,IN,-STREET, - EXETER, dv the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSC1i,IPTION. Ons Dollar per art?aum if paid in Advance 811.. 50 if not so paid. .s•srextiat.aaa Meiteso oxo, .F.eara2.ca.- tiosr • ti allarr + erdiscontinuedun 1 eaxa s No pI p6F aro paid. .Aitvertisemettts without axecino direvtions will bo published till forbid and ehargeclaocordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for r lent ikarieds. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderato rates, Choques,money ord. ere. &o. for advertising, subscriptions, ete .to be made pave hie to Chas.. JL. Sanders EDIT OR Ann PROP 1Paoftsei.onal Carets. 44113114 EINS iAN, L. D.S, Ranson's Block two doors north of Carling Store 6aAIN 5T, WINTER, extracts teeth without pain Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Luella; every Wednesday and at Zurtl on last Thursday of each monthh XCL. D. ALTON ANDERSQN,(D_D.S.,L.D.S•,) honors Graduate ofthe Toronto taii- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth'extracted without plain. ' A111 modes of Dentistry up to date. O over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter, Motlicel 1L.G. SHOULTS, OENTRALi.. has moved one door south. Drs. J le. ROLL' INS ee T A, AmoS. 1J Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaelcman, building, Matin 9I. Dr, Rollins' office• sante as formerly—north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. ?Lay 1st. 1883 J . A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D TILT, P. MoLAUGHLIN, MEM33EIt OF • the Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aeo ugh- eur. Office, .Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary. '((WILLIAM SWEET, PETER- ``•� inary Surgeon. Graduate To- ronto Veterinary College. Olflee and residence at the old stand,' one block Ease S, J.Spaaokmun's Store. Dehorning a pecialty. .r .......,..,,....waw..,, .,.. M.a... ....a, .e.>..r Legal. p El. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOL'ICIT- ,11+. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Office—over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. 1 fLDTOKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR, 1.4 • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, etc. Money to loan Office—.Fanson's B1ook,Exeter ELLIOT et ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., Gonveyaaeing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at IReneall every ritursday.. B. V. ELLIOT. FniniRICK ELLIOT Auctioneers 11 f8 t0WN, Wiuehetsee, Licensed Auct- ioneer for the Counties of forth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- son bet e,Salos arranged at Post office. Win- ohelees, #- OHN T. WESTOOTT, Exeter, Ontario, Auctioneer for the County of Huron.pedal attention given to farms and farm stock sales. Charges moderate. Parties eon tem plating having sales this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders left at the ADVQCATI: Office, Exeter, will receive prompt attention. Surveyors. RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter Q TEAMSEIP & JNSURAl NCE AGENT - Anchor, Anchor, Allan, Allan State, tDominion, .American, White Sear, and Clyde Lines to England, Ire1aed, Scotland, Germany, Franc , Cape Colony, Australia and New Zealand.. Prepaid tickets issued to parties wishing to send fur their friends. Lancashire, London and Lancashire, Northern, North British and Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co's. London anti Lancashire Life Insur. Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co LOWEST RATES. Capt, Geo. Kemp The Same Old Story: ' Every week we continue to tell you the same old story of the ex- cellence of our goods and fits. Its an old story perhaps—we have been been telling it for a long time—but a good story will bear constant re -telling and we propose constantly re -telling it. We Personally "Cut" Every Garment that's made up at ,this establish- ment—as well as fit it and all the details. This is the only ONE reason why our prices are moder ate. Don't' Catch Cold. Winter is here and you want to keep warm. We shall be pleased to show you -yes make you -one of onr "swell" and durable overcoats. Each coat afit Each coat a daisy - BERT. aisyBERT 1{11CllT.. One Door North of Browning's drug store. WANT IF YOU NT TO TRAVEL Try Bissett•s 'Livery for a nobby out- fit. We give you the best and at reasonable rates. A ` CALL . SOLICITED Bissett, W. G. t, Ueaitls Restored..by ISood'S Cranbrook, Ont,, Jan. 2, 1806. Last spring I had no appetite and could not sleep all night, and I was so tired tbat I could > hardly walk, I saw Hocd's Sarsaparilla and procured four bottles." My health is now better that it has ever been since 1 way a child, and I have not been suck since last spring. Miss Jessie Turnbull. Hood's Pilss cure biliousLiess, indi- gestion. Adam Graytoii, a. Chatham tad, re- cently fell into a 6C -Foot unused- well, eucl escaped with e scalp wound, Dr, Baker attended him, The annualreport of Ethel cheese fa'etoly shows that 1,118,0:0 pounds of milk was received making 108.543 pounds of cheese, which realized $8.- 413 08. The expenses amnunted to $1, 965 S6, leaving; the patrons $6,462 14 n , On Thursday, while Walter Sieger was out shooting rabbits near Otter- vilte, he stumbled and fell. His glen went off, and the charge lodged in the side ififace,andone oflin h n . de of h 1 tum s was shattered. It is feared he will lose one eye, He was sriiil Unconscious This mishap will disable him for life, as he had three fingers cut ori' the outer hand a few years ago. While returning from work recently at Blenheim, Mr John Scott discovered the body of a male infant, wrapped in a stump near Nagle's bush. At the core• ner's inquest held Wednesday the evi dence showed the infant was born alive, and had died from loss of blood, occa stoned by the act of some person un- known. A verdict in accordance was rendered, A meeting of the creditors of Danford Roach & Co., general merchants, of Newmarket and Woodstock was held Friday, The statement presented show- ed ordinary clangs agaiust the firm of $34.196 16 and preferred claims of $1, 245 50. The assets, consisting almost of stocks in the Woodstock and. New. market houses, are va'-uecl at $23,003 69, An offer from the firm of 90 cents on the dollar was declined, for the present, Quite a sensation was created in Blenheim on Friday when word was received by Coroner Hanks, M. D., to proceed to Cedar Springs and hold an is quest on the body of a seven -months' child found frozen stiff in the woods at Nagle's grove. A. jury was soon em- panelled, and after viewing the body and learning the evidence of John Scott, who found the body while pass. ing through the grove, wrapped up in papers, in a pillow case, frozen stiff, having been left in the woods by some person unknown. Drs. Langford and Hanks then examined the body and from external marks came to the core elusion that the child had beeu alive, but through criminal negligence or stupidity hadbled to death. They brought in a verdict accordingly, and that the body had, after death; been disposed as above. Saved My Arm A Severe Case of Blood Poisoning Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla„ Poisoned Blood causes great Buffering. It cannot be otherwise, because the blood is the vital fluid, the current of life. The following case illustrates the terrible effects of poisoned blood and the wonderful power of Hood's Sarsaparilla in curing this trouble: "My blood became poisoned by getting dye into my blood by a little scratch on my arm. I called in the doctor and he told me to 1:oultice it, but lie did not give me any medicine for my blood. Finally the poison broke out on my other arm. I then told the physician that I wanted something for my blood. He told me to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. ldid so and began taking it. After using four bottles, my arm is entirely well and'I have never since been troubled' with blood poisoning. I firmly believe that Hood's Sarsaparilla prevented me losing my aria." Mss. R. WILei • , 243 Manning Ave., Toronto, Ont. Blood impure. " For more than a year I was troubled with a distressing pain in' my side.: Soule of the tinge it was very severe. I was also afflicted with severe headaches. My blood was out<of order and, in fact, my consti- tution' was generally run down. Having read how others had been benefited b;, Hood's Sarsaparilla, I thought I would try it, and before the sevond bottle was all gone I was entirely cured," MTss MAY FLANNIGANt Manning Ave., Toronto, Ontario., Remember ®pi's Sarsaparg,BIa is the Only True Brood urmf6er And standard Building -up Medicine. It creates an appetite and overcomes that tired feeling. Be Duro to get Hood's. i tho'attor.dinner pili and EOod s �Ill$,jylp cathartic, me. 185. 116 delleli al! 4 SheSpecially , Recommends Celery ' Compound eTor 1 , 4 Prgil ;Hiss Minnie McBrine, of Bethany, Ont., positively decalitres that Paine's Celery Compound is worth its weight in gold for sick people, This staletnelit coming from one who was raised up to health and yi er eatntpands the closest. attention. Past failures with worthless medicines and perfect success with Paiue's Celery Compound, is a strong and clear demonstration that the popu- lar eompound, can be trusted in every case. Read the following letter written in• Miss tMeI3rine, and then honestly decide whether Paine's Celery Compound i$ worthy of a trial as far as your case is concerned: Paine ,c It 18 With the greatest pleasure that I add my testimony to the volumes you have already on fele ill favor of Paine's celery Compound. After suffering 5 r a lenge h of time, and having met with many disappointments in the use of wndiciues in general, I commenced to use Paine's Celery Compound which proved a complete success in my case: 'Your niedieino cured me completely, and I feel as well as ever before in my iffy "Paine's Celery Compound is worth its weiebt in gold for sack people; I would specially recommend it to all wreak and nervous people." The relieving officer of Brantford ex- presses thanks for the receipt of an order from the curling club for 250 loaves of bread to be distributed among the poor of the city. On Saturday, while skating on the bay at Sarnia, Miss Lizzie Vidal fell and broke one of the small bones in her arm, and also ruptured a blood vessel in the wrist. Mrs, Gale, of Southwold, near Fingal, is suffering from blood poisoning,caused by running a needle in her thumb. The needle broke and part of it re- mains in her thumb Mrs. Wettlaufer, of Listowel, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, H. ltoedding, of Tavistock. The old lady has passed her 91st birthday, slid can ead without the use of spectacles, WORLD'S WAGES. ( A bird should be given its bath, its food and a clean cage at the same hour each day, and by the same persou. After a bird takes his water bath be I should have a sun bath if there is it spot in i the house where the sun shines. ICuttle bone is an important artiele of diet for hard -billed birds. There is a salty taste to it which seems to be a tonic 1 for feathered bipeds. The health of all birds depends upon • three things, regularity in being fed and given its bath, good food and absolute pro ILection from draughts,. A Spanish plumber, by labor as hard:as his constitution will endure makes $.3,25 a week. Cinnamon strippers, who heel tbe2bark from the shoots in Ceylon, earn about 25 cents a day. A skilled workman on the docks of Holland makes from $4 to $4.80 a week the year round. Cigarmakers in Spain receive $4,80 a week; in France, $4,65; in Germany, $3.63, and in Italy, $3. ' In Berlin a skilful 'machine-rnaker, with constant work, earns no more than *50.60 per annum. Laborers in the shipyards of North Ire- land realize no more than $3.77 for a week's bard work. A farm laborer in India is fortunate 11 he receives 10 cents a day for laboring from dawn until dark. Tea rollers,who 'with their fingers roll the tea leays into pellets, earn,from. 7c to 10c a day. Printers In New South Wales receive $14.10 a week; in England $7.17; in It- aly, $4.60; in Spain, $4.50. .An expert tea ,nixer in China com- mands high wages, being paid from 60o to $1 a day for his work. Skilled female labor in Munich, in whatever calling, is rarely paid at a higher rate than 72o a day. Carriage drivers in France receive $4.82 a week; in England, $5.15; in Ger- many, $3,21, and.in Italy, $2.60., In Holland the average rate of wages for skilled laborers of every description is from 8c -to SOc an hour. In New South Wales bikers are paid* $12.6 a week; In Switzerland they re- ceive $3.88; in Spain, $4.50. Distillers in• Victoria, Australia, re- ceive $9.75 a .week; in Germany, $3.56; in Denmark, *3.00, and in Spain, $4 25. Confectioners in Franca receive $4.85 a week; in Germany, $3.40; in Italy, $3.75; in New South Wales, $33.40. Shoemakers in New South Wales earn $9.80 week; In New Zealand, $11.68; in eiermany, $3; in Spain, $3.30. Jewelers in New South Wales receive $22.80 a week; in Switzerland, $6,25; in Germany, $.5.21, and in France, $6.24. A street waterer in Calcutta, who sprinkles the streets from a water -skin carried on his shoulders, is paid 60 a day. A plumber hi Bremen or Hamburg, by hard labor and 3n a favorable sea- son, can make no, more than $5.40 a weak.' A German bookbinder receives $4.20 a week; in Switzerland the sae class of labor is paid $4,r . and in Italy, 23.80 - Brewers 3. 0.Brewers in England 'receive $6,85 a week; in Germany they are paid $5; in Holland, $6; in New South Wales they receive $23, An Italian tailor, in constant employ- ment, will make from $2.40 to $4.20 a week,' out of which he provides his own macaroni. Drivers on the street cars in Amster- dant and Rotterdam receive from $4,05 to $G. 68 per week while the conductor gets *5.25. Grape treaders in Portugal, who tread out the juiba with their bare feet, get ii0o a day, a hicb rate,' as they claim leo juice is apt to make the fent sore. laneliatr laborers, taken the .country over, average ,item t $4.86 a week. from v Lich they are: expected rn board, and clothe themselves and their fsti}ilie,; CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS. The "devil's looking glass" is a smooth stone formation one hundred feet wide,. and rising two hundred feet out of the Nolael nosy river in Tennessee. The. Rindoo god of marriage is repre- sented with a human body and elephant's head, seated on a throne resting on a circle of human skulls. Thirty-five years ago Mrs. Milton Steven- son, of Georgetown, Ey., ran a piece of broken glass into her hand. Last week the glass was taken out at the elbow. The New Jersey society of Cincinnati devotes the income of a fund of thirty thousand dollars for the marking of places in that gate made historic by the war of the revolution. There is a wild flower in Turkey that is the exact image of a humming bite!. The breast is green, the wings are a deep rose color, the throat yellow, the head and beak almost black. At the lunch given by the municipality of Rome to the physicians who attended the recent international congress, six thousand bottles and three hnedred and sixty flasks or wine were consumed. THE GREAT ARTIST. Rembrandt's real name was Rembrandt Hermanszoon. He was the son of a mil- ler, Miguard was a doctor who abandoned his pill boxes for the palette and brushes, Correggio, in spite of the greatness of bis works, lived and died in almost pitiful poverty. Falcone was the first great battle -paint- er. He was a turbulent character, and more than once was expe'led by the auth- orities of Naples for parti:;ipating in re- volutionary movements, Cimabue's Madonna, now in the Church of S. Maria Novella in Florence, when finished, was carried from his house to the church in solemn procession, with bands of music and great pomp. Udine was the greatest frnit, flower and animal painter of the fifteenth century. He gave the same attention to botany and zoology that Michael Angelo gave to anat- omy, and with the same results. HINTS FOR THE CUISINE. All young xneats should be well cooked. Veal cutlets are improved by a tomato sauce poured over, them. Fish and eggs aro the diet for stuumer, as nature plainly intimated when she pro- vided them in such plenty at this season. Peas a L'Anglaise.—Boil the peas until tender, and put them into a saucepan. ul lowing an ounce of butter to a pint of peas, Set on the stove, stir 'gently till thoroughly hot; add' a little chopped parsley and the yolk of one egg, and serve. Velvet Cake.—One pound of fiver, one pound of sugar, half a, pound of better, five eggs beaten separately,, then poured together and beaten again,' half a tea- spoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of cream of tartar; flavor with vanilla, wineglass of wine or brandy. MISSING LINKS. The lungs bold five quarts of air. England has a tax on gravestones. A. Leavy dew is the.precnrsor of rain, Queen Anne invented newspaper duties. A flash of lightning equals 12,000 horse power. PAI:; -KILLER TRE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken. Internally, It Cures Dar'nccna, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc„ etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet,. No article eve, attained to such unbounded. popular- W.—Solent Ot'e rrer. aye eau bear testimony to the efaeacy of the Pain. Killer. We have so n its magfe cheers in soothing the severest pain, and know it to be good article.—Ciacin. uti Al ah Nati t , ,pu Nothing has t surpassed Is to which the most v luabr.familymoddt,lnauowinuse..Tsuntnees Organ. ithas real acquie as means ofal.removingPer Perryno rain- nc has acquired a reputation abwtt to Perry Davis' i'afnd(tII. r. Newport Neu,. aeras nrfmtu,tions. guy only the genuine "P1P4' levee Sola ovorywhere;. largo battles, pc. NOTICE. Live Hogs Wanted at the Exeter Packing House SPARE RIBS ETC. As we are cutting up hogs every day we will have a large supply of Spare ribs, Tenderloin, roast Pork, Head Cheese, Fresh Pork Sansague, Balogna Cuttings, Pigs Feet, and Shanks, at lowest price for cash. LARD, As we are rendering pure fresh lard every day we are prepared to fill pails or crocks at a low price. Parties want- ing fresh and good lard should call 'at THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE C. S ELL, - Prop. Nj ,AB ELINE, THE WOMAN'S FRIEND Has cured: others! Will cure you Ash your Druggist for Mabeline MABELINE is a positive cure for all uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. Itis the general cus- tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisingmediunt with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms and forms of disease, scion tiffical - ly, and in such a way as 'GO involve the read- er in a mare of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick it is presumed that you know oftlie fact and can form some idea of what your aament is, and we can only ad- vise youenerally. MAI3ELINI. is vegetable compound and cannot injure the most delicate and can be used with perfect safety. MABELINE is ,placed in capsules. and they are applied directly to the diseased parts. Full directions, how to apply on ever box. Send' 81 for one month's treatment. 2i capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you can buy Mabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to THE SALIJTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. WOMEN Is DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS To correct irregularity and weakness. keep the organs it healthy condition,. 'rho Wafers aro "Life :;avers"to young women, aid go,eefel development, provide pain. less,, egulor pporiods. Ask for The Detroit. brand. All ,lrnorists sell them at e1 per bog,. Nobetter remudyfor women known, PYNY -, PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. ft's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. MOCOMIIER & Soli, Bouehette, Que., report In a letter that PynyPectornt cured afro. 0. Gareean of chronic cold ,n chest and bronchial tubes, and also cured W. G. dfeComber of a long-standin4 cold. Ma. J. 3I. HvTT;, Chemist, 5¢8 Yonge St., "Toronto, writes: " Asa general cough and lung syrup ;lay - Pectoral is a most invaluable preparation.. It has given the utmost satisfaction to all who have tried it,. many having spoken to me of the benefits derived from: its use in their families. It is suitable for old or young, being pleasant. to the taste. Its sa]e-}Pith inc ms berm wonderful. and I ran always recomtucncl it us a safe and. reliable cough medicine." largo Bettie, Pe as. DAVIS Sc LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Solo Proprietors MoertmaL Know What You. Chew Jr Plua Is free from the Inlurinus cola; far;. The more you Use of it the better you like !lilt GE0. E. T,UCISETT & 50111 CO.. r,.T•t,` 3Alt i.TO1B, ON.T. EXETER MARKET (Cbttnge,l every Wet iesdayj' Wlliat ver bulttcl:..:.. .,, sese to 71 Bitriey 3i7 to 811 gaits 22 tv 28 Peds ea to 4S Bettor. :.... :.......... ...... it to 10 Egg. 14 catoua Iter bag ...t& Elias porton 14UYto1I,OU t to 3h 4ytu 6 ato Turlce4, per 10. Gevse Packs Chicken.., CUTTER & FITTER. �t ,, "3P' :l� p .. r MERCHANT SAILOR, Main St., - - Exete Tweed and Worste -s. I have a complete lila of samples of all the late t designs and patterns English, Scotell, Cana .- ian and American Twee s. Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings. A. W MI K LEY • Are showing special line for the next two weeks in PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN PULES, AND PICTURE MIENS, S. GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Blotl The Brar!Hrn?cl Bieuele, I3 HANDLED RY PERKIIMS AND-- MARTIN, ND---- MARTIN, AGENTS FOR BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won —239 first prizes, —143 second i° 88 third and holds nearly everlc Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific, Perkins & Karlin. CENTRAL * - DRUG STORE•. Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition - and cough powders for horses, the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also 'Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine s0 successfully' used by :Mr. Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and ` cur- ing' various diseases. For sale here, C. LUTZ, Druggist, FOR TWE NTY-SIX ' YEARS. BAKIN POWDE THECOOICS BEST FRIEND t.ARGcST SA1,g tr4 QAI'.AD;,.