The Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-29, Page 5el 4 • ie. xeter Is published every Thursday Morning, At the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXE'TER. —By the---.APVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if petid in Advanee 81-50 if not so paid. .211.clerortiolza.sr Me,o.tan cire tiosa. ^ ^ No paperdiscontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Aavertisexnents without specific directions will bo published till forbid and aliened accordingly. Liberal diseountinade for transcient adyertjsemexi ts inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Chegues,money ord- ers. kkel, for advertising, subscri ptions,ete.to be made paya ble to Chas. 11, Sanders EDITOR AND PROP imenomramommommor....mumvaw,..4,.....momessoundordemsmoom l'Xofessionall Cards. KINSMAN,L.D.S, Fans 011'8 13100k two doors north of Carling Store inane ST, EXETER, extracts teeth Without pain. Away at Parkhill every Tuesday, Luau every 'Wednesday end at Zurich on last Thursday of each month, DR.D. ALTON ANDBRSON,(D.D.S.,L,D,S) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pale. 4.111 modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law offiee-opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. 10•04.81.1•1•OMMatail•••••••.016.0,033•1•.•9.01.11•416,0•411111••• lied IC fit DR. G. SHOULTS, CENT.R.A LIA, Al has moved one door south, Drs. 1 A. ROLLINS'& T • Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, S paokm an, building, Main 5l. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formertv—nortb. door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. 3). T. A. Amos,..U.D DTILT. P. MoLA.T.JGRLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, 8urgeou and Ai:couch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Veterinary. yeereLIA.ei SWEET, VETER- inary Surgeon, Graduate To- ronto Veterinary College. Udine and residence at the old stand,. on e block East E. T. Spaekinan's Store. Dehorning speaiaLty. 1,eeral. ..40.1•111.111.111.• IP R. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT lb. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. .U.DIOIZeON,BAIlleiewwit,earaoreen, L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Coramissioner, Roney to loan Office-.Fansonts Block ,Exeter DLLIOT& ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, ETC., .121 Conyeyaucing, and Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Branch office at Houser! every Thursday. B. V. ELLIOT. PREDER ICE ELLIOT Auctioneers Mfokommaraim.11•risww•Mtar HBROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Mult- ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Us borne Bales promptly attended to and terms reit- sonbal e.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- . chelsea. ----- TORN T. WESTCOTT, Exeter, Ontario. EY Auctioneer for the County of Huron. • Special attention given to farms and farm stook stiles. Charges moderate. Parties contemplating having stiles this Fall should give him a trial. For further particulars, apply by letter to Exeter P. 0. Orders lett at the ADVOCATE Offlee, Exeter, will receiV9 prompt attention.r 41.1.x veyors. FRED. W. FARN COIRB, Provincial Land • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office. Main etreet. Exeter. Out. • E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter sTEA.BiSHIP dr, iNSURANCE AGENT. Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Dominion, American. White Sear, and Clyde Lines to Engiand, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Franc . Cape Colony, Australia and New Zealand. Prepaid tickets issued to parties wishing to send fur their friends. Laneashire, London and Lancashire Northern, North British and. Mercan and Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co'. London and Lancashire Life Izmir, Co. London Guarantee and Accident Co LOW`EST RATES. Capt. Geo. Kemp CHIHLI The new harness shop is' now opened for business. All kinds of Harness on hand, heavy double, light and single. Anything made to orde,r. Repairing prompt- ly attended to. Robes and blankets of all kinds; also Buff- alo robes, trunks, combs, brush- es and everything kept in the harness line, Vr4 Don%• fail to. call and see prices. COTTHILL. . Harness maker Mrs. Kleist. the wife of the turnkey of the jail at Walkerton, went to church on Sunday evening. (17th inste end to all out ward apnea re nce was in her or (limey eta te nf beau!), In en hour after rein home 'was a corpse. Allan, emi of Mr Samuel Bellamy, con. 7, of Chathem towuship4 while cleaning, a revel vee Wediteedev mornng accidentelly fired it ofe;the lodgingin the forehead. The lien was ex trite ted o nd I ho pe tient will recoi er. litoo Ws en wonderful. No less then wondeefel are the cures by Hood's Sersaparlla, Cyan after other prepare tjons,aI)d ph siciany •prescrip-, ton have fa I led, 1 he me eon. hown vete is simphe esehen the blood ie enriched and purified, disease Anse ppears and Hood's Sersaporilla is the one true blood perigee. . Hod' s Pills' are promp and efficieet and do not purge, pain or grip, 25e, always discern Merit, Quality and Worth in the won- derful DIAMOND DYES Made expressly for home use. Diamond Dyes are precious helps in city and town homes. To the farmer's wife and daughters they are invaluable agents of economy. Diamond Dyes come in forty-eight colors for wool, cotton, mixed goods, silk and feathers. They are easy to use, and give colors that neither sun or soapsuds will fade. Beware ofitnitations ; ask for the "Diamond," and see that you get them; all dealers sell them. Direction Book and sa,,,,oks of colored cloth _free; address WELts & RICHARDS=Co., Montreal, P.Q. James Clubb, of Embro, dreamed that his son was dead, and the next day he received a telegram stating that the boy had passed away, Around Merlin Wm, Hope claims to have 8,000 bushels of corn grown on 22 acres, and Wm. James has 3,000 bushels grown on 23 acres. The farm of Mr. Alex. McIvor, on the Sth con. of Stanley, was sold at auction in Clinton, and purchased by Mr. Mitch- ell for $3,220. It coe tains 100 acres. Rev. J. H. Patrier, of Merton, arrived in Winnipeg by the C. P. R. Monday with a carload of pure bred Lincoln rams and ewes, consigned to Souris, elan. James. F, Williams, at Sarnia, on Wednesday, was given one month in the county *Bier attempting to escape from custody. Judge Mackenzie pre- sided. Rev. J. Lindsay Robertson, of St. Marys, has declined the call tendered him some weeks ago by the Presbyter ian congregation of North Easthope and Hampstead. Miss M. Keen, of St. Marys has been engaged to teach the senior department of the Milverton village school for 1886, the present teacher, Mr. A. B. Chalmers having resigned, The salary is $400. Mr$, Harriet A, Haines died on Fri- day night at St. Thomas, Ont. She was within two months of being, one hundred years old- Her father ran the first steamer tin the Hudson river, the Experiment. The residence of Wm. Mack, on King street, Granton, had a narrow escape from destruction bse fire on Saturday morning, one of the center partitions being Carried out before the fire could be exttnguished. Mrs. John Farquhar, of Dorchester station, was house cleaning, and hav- ing to stand on a chair, slipped and fell fracturing three ribs, The accident is considered serious as the injured lady is well advanced in years. South Huron FAT STOCK SHOW TheeSouth Huron Agricultural Soc- iety will hold a show for the exhibition of Fat Stock and Poultry in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL — ON— Tuesday, December 17th, When the following very liberal pretni- ums will be offered for competition: CATTLE, mu nanens. let. 2nd. Steer 2 years old and tuider 3 • $10 $5 Steer 1 year old and undor 2 4 steer ealf under 1 year_. .. ... . • 4 2 Cow or heifer 6 4 GRADES AND THEIR CROSSES • ist. 2nd, 11rd. Steer, 2 and tinder 3 $5 $3 $2 Steer, 1 and under 4 2 1 q beer calf under 1 year 3 2 1 Cow 3 years or over 5 3 2 Heifer 2 years and under 0 3 2 'SHEEP. LONG WOOLED ANI) THEIR CROSSES, • let. 2nd. ara. Ewe, 2 years and over $3 $3 $t Ewe, J. year and Uflhjer2 3 2 1 Wether, 1 ;vett r and over-.3 2 1 Wether, under 1 year . 3 2 1 DOWNS 111E111CReS5Es. . 1st. 2nd. ard. Ewe, 2 years and over . . ,.... $3 $2 $1 Ewe, t year and under .... 3 2 1 :1)1 we un der 1 year 3 2 1 Webber, t year and over 3 2 1 Wether, under 1 year ..... , 3 2 1 • ' rsos. lot. and. :Rd. 13ti1'row, over 0 months and under 18 in on th s $4 $2 St Barrow, under 0 in °nth s . - 4 2 I Sew, over nine months anti under 18 months 4 2 1 Sow, under a TO 01.1th 8 ... .. 4 2 1 A sweepstakes.batlge will be awarded to' the best, beefing animal, sheep and oig of any ago or breed. ' Ago of all animals will be computed from date of show. , DRESSED eouLtilv, '_ lei,. Ind. era. Best pair of turkey (Melte' _ els hatched in 1895 . .... $0 53 Bet pale of turkey pu-ilets. hatched in .1893 .. . ... , .... ... 2 1 60 33es t and heaviest turley. of any age 2 Beet pair of geese ha ten ed ill Isns .2 1 '50 Best pale duelfs hatched in 1839 .... ..... i 73 50 Beet pair °oaken hi bate led • .... • • 79 Se Des t, pair pu ilo ts initch ed. 182.5.....• t 15 50 13.3St display e'rf nresse'd Th.eSSe;t 0;1 71 34 d'ilt A,T; n'd 1r d Am ;Ile 4901,te ()diet i bil wilt 1t peOV fns all animals and nonttre, lour-t‘tethee rules and pa rtieni ars see pestee,, . NrpraT,„\ Ze, 11, Ttrplrnirott, and marl(' .1 Seek° tary, Prosl.letit, • 1 leading we The latest newsin B The German weasels are the vicinity of Monkton. Windsor barbers are combining against the fellows who don't pay their debts, Harry I:Ailment, of Bluevale, took 5, 000 bushele of ternips from four acres of ground. Hog cholera is prevalent in Saud- wich East, and many hogs have died from the disease. F. Reissner, of Leaniington, has just completed a steam plow, aud will use it on his marsh farm. Charlie Clarke, of Aylmer, while en- gaged in a garne of football in Windsor had the misfortune to break his leg. Mr. John MeVertn. of Tilbury East, last week dehorned 248 head of cattle belonging to farmers around Tilbury. W. J. Gillies drygoods merchant, St. Marys, has made an aesisrnment, Summer, confectionere hag also gone up. rief LOCOMOTIVE PUFFS. I EXETER flARKETS. raing in ereat Britain's capital in 'United States • aailroads ie said to amount to $500 000 000 (012anert every VIreetne3d4V) P in - a for e a its ople ided ions t in are ried Inst de - ons. led otal and e of of the yin rail Debentures will be issued to run 30 years, for the purpose of raising $5,500 to erect the proposed new school in Blyth. Charles Wagner, aged 9 years, who resides with Henry Fulton, -South wold, fell Saturday morning, fracturing his Miss Tena Turnbull, of Efarpiev, has wedded Mr..Philip Schade and has re- ceived many beautiful presents for so doing. Mr. Michael Clancy, of Greenock, brought a head of cabbarre to Walker. ton the other day whice weighed 1181 pounds. John Morris. one of the pioneer sett- lers of Huron, is dead, aged years. He settled in the township of Colborne in 1834, Mr. John G. Crown, a farmer of Do ver township, while under the influence of liquoe, was frozen to death in a bush near his home. The Stratford council at their last meeting passed a by-law increasing the number of hotel licenses in the city from 16 to 17. Mr. John Dewan, of Cedar Vale. was married on Monday to Miss Mary Brown of St. Marys. The happy couple will live in Biddulph. It is expected that the Lambton House of Refuge will be located on the. Lowrie faim, at the outskirts of Sarnia, on the London road. Tuesday night, G. W. Kelly, Queen Street, Chatham, and his daughter Mabel narrowly escaped asphyxiation by gas from a baseburner, Mrs. David McCurdy and family bare left Wingham • for !Manitoba, where' they will join Mr. McCurdy, who has been there for some time. Tracy. the 12-ycar-old son ef Isaiah Coleman, of Amhorstbittg; NS'S'playing on the mill pend Saturday when ice gave way, and he was droWne Geo. Shaw is having! excava made for the block of fru/Mines, he build next summer in Wing"harn, the lot adjoining the H Jas. Scott, Jr., Seaforth, has had hydraulic ram placed ineartheRox River, and now has the water pum from the river to his stables, for stock. Mr. W. Knight, of the G. T. R., Thomas, while carrying some a from a car Sunday night, fell off the platform. breaking two ribs and injur- ed his back and shoulder. le lieneh government is about t trodnce a bill ailing railway compattle late trains. The first horse railroad was mad 374 1S29. Now every, country town ha street car line, and even Constantin and Jerusalem have such facilities. Oa some railroads the clue are Prov by the Bible society and other relig organizations with Bibles that are kep racks, end curiously enough the racks systematically robbed, The Central railroad. of Brazil car, 10,084,130 passengers in 1893, age 9,894,009 in 1899. The freight traffic creased from 007,800 tons to 591,700 t The number of locomotives has snored from 192 to 225. Japan's railroads at present have a t locomotive equipment of two hundred six engines, two hundred of which ar English, four of German and two American make. The last are of mogul type and were built at' the Bald works, The Gerinan engines are rack- ' locomotives built on the Abt system, .0CDS AND ENDS! The climate of the southern polar region is much more severe than that of corres- ponding regions in the north. Medieval doctors considered chips from the gallows on which, somebody had been hanged a good reinedy for ague. Ap the time of the Persian wars all Greek men wore long hair, tied on the top of the head in a knot and fastened with a hairpin, . .Palindrones, words or sentences whioh Spell or read the same backward as for- ward, in superstitious ages were supPosed to possess magical virtues, lu some of the hotels of Lucknove and Cawnpore, much frequented by foreign travelers. there are signs which read thus: "Please Do Not Strike the Servants." This year is 5654 of the Jewish era, 7402 in the Byzantine era; 2554 in the Japanese era; 1314 of the M0118111111edan, and the 27th year of the Dominion of Canada. The mariner's compass was used fo centuries by the Chinese before it w,a hro.ng,ht to Europe. Its inveution or in troduction is oredited to Flavio Gioja, in the fourteenth century. . HORTICULTURAL GEMS. The tallest tree on earth .is a gum tree Austrelia-four hundred and fifteen feeAt*curious growth is noted at Hartford, • Cello. A ouerimber vine has wound itself around the stalk of a large sunflower plant, and a cucumber has grown under the „leaves of the sunflower. • India has'perhaps a greater variety of plants than any other country in the world, having fifteen thousand native species, while the flora of the entire, continent She drope only embr.:ees about ten thousand. , . The 'gulf weed (fucns natans) which, lions 4viiillics hula round "berries,", is notem- will like the mistletoe in form, but of a brown- ish yellow color, has been thought to have °Lel: tio°sLive acquired the power of living afloat. its property of rooting on rocks and an The vine at Hampton Court is belieVed bpoer col 10bethe largest in Europe, its branches kis ex ending over a space of two thousand three' hundred feet. It was planted from a slip la the year 1768 and generally bears 81 Upward of two thousand bunches of grapes ehes of the black liambro' kind. ushel. .. Darle•-„,.. .... ...... all 94 to 05 01os ..... ........ ....... ..... lk)10 33 89 to 2S Pea.; 4510 50 Butter Eggs 14 to 19 Potatoes per bag . -----------------------------25. 14 Hay per ton1000 to 12 00 Turkeys pee Geese 0 to 014 4Y2to Ducks Chicken.-- ...... . ........ . . ....... 11 to 9 BTOTICE. Live Hogs Wanted at the Exeter Packing House IMIE.11M•PigININNIMANNINIMMIM•11 SPARE RIBS ETC. .As we are cutting. up hogs every day we will have a large supply of Spare ribs, Tenderloin, Roast Pork, Head Cheese, Fresh Pork Sansague, ,Balogna Cuttings, Pigs Feet, and Shanks, at lowest price for cash. LARD. As we are rendering pure fresh lard every day we are prepared to fill pails or crocks at a low price. Parties want- ing fresh and good lard should call at THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE O. SNELL, — Prop. TRY fOR &MOE ilimuumm LUMBAGO Nfteetteet TH4 13:11Ntrierimous ceet " FOR FAINP LIUE ST FOB MOSCOW. PAW APO ACHES EACH IN IR TIGHT TIN 60x 254, 021.1THOL PLASTE R, iirOilimifts ' alai I_..... i, .„, ,..._ sore throat. Me Vs With a cough, cold eee k, ,,,d3000 1 ,,I° remedy that rereness '?1/,t ilAlIGIA and heals the inflamed _.„,...-• tissues of the larynx for -, from the start, soothes bronchial tubes. 1 •Il PYNY-PECTORAL iS A certain remedy based on a clear know. ledge of the diseases 15 was createcl tap euro. LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. A BELINE GIBLEY THEWQMAN'S FRIEND Has cured others! Will cure you Ask your Druggist for Mabefine r MADELINE is a -positive cure for all s uterine troubles. It is not necessary to enumerate them here. It is the generia cue- - tom in describing a remedy to fill the ad- vertisingmedium with a medical treatise, describing, in a highly colored manner, symptoms andforms of disease, scientiffical- ly, and in such a way as to involve the read- er in a maze of theory and speculation. We avoid all this sensational way of advertis- ing. If you are sick it presumed that you know °him fact and can fbrin Borne idea of what your ailment is, and we elkii only 184. vise v o agenezally. - MADELINE is vegetable eorn pound and cannot; iejure the most delicate and. can be used with _perfect safety. they aro applied directly to the diseased parlft:BELINE is placed in capsules and Full directions, how to apply on every box. Send $1 for one nionth's treatment. 24 capsules in a box. Why pay three dollars for any other remedy when you. Gan buy Alabeline for one dollar? Address all communications to • THE SALUTINE CO. Box 230, Windsor, Ont. tramuem.truo,,inTg....aram.nro,yclaaMall.144Wita Mr. T. B. White, a highly respec citizen, of Collingwood township, dr ped dead of apoplexy in Longhea school house, in that municipality, cently. He was 71 years old. A petitiones in circulation in Win ham asking the council to submit a law to the vote of the ratepayers at t coming municipal elections reduci the number of councillors in each wa of the town from•three to two. John 1VIcEwen of Culloden, narrow escaped being recently by t overturning of a load of straw whi he was driving to George Wilson's Culloden from the Ingersoll mark He injured his leg, which he has brok twice already. On Thanksgiving Day Joseph Monteith, M. D., Stratford, was raarrie to Alice Mary, eldest daughter of M Richard Chowen. of Doweie. The cer mony was performed by Rev. Davi Williatns, rector of 81. -James' 'Chum} at the residence of the bride's fathe and was a very quiet affair. At Ingersoll, on Friday, Jas. Childs had a narrow escape from death. He was driving a colt hitched to a light road cart own King street when the box of the cart gave way, throwing Mr. Childs over the front, against the horse's lee*. The animal kicked vic- iously at the prostrate man, whose head was again and again grazed by - the colt's heels. Finally, in an almost miraculous manner, he managed to es- eape unhurt from his perilous predica- ment. INTER -OCEANIC SMILES. How about the new cook? Does she ted. make your favorite dishes now?" Mrs. op •Newecl--No, but she breaks a lot of them d 's re- "Miss Wayback carries her age wonder- fully well, doesn't she?" She -Yes, con- sidering the number of years in it. g- "Thatliorrid old Miss Blabton came of by - be good fatnily? I don't see why you think so." don't good. blood. always ng tell? "Yes, indeed." "Well, I never rd knew her to keep anything she happened ly to hear." he PI never saw such impudence as that Mr. Puffup at the five -cent counter dis- eh plays." "Well, what did he do?" "Really et. in presumed to act as if we were acqnaint- arms, when we were only engaged for a en month at the seashore." "Sneezer seemed to get no:painted with D. every one here the first day." "Yes, it d was a pretty clever scheme he worked to le bring it about." "What did he do?" 1, r, Allen, Craig; Miss Bertha Gilbert, second daughter of Mr. •Thos. Gilbert teacher, of Denfield, passed away here Friday afternoon after a few weeks' siceness, Miss Gilbert attended the model school in London in 1891, and from January to June 1895 attended the Toronto Normal, from which she graduated with honors, Since her re. turn trod) Toronto she has been teach- ing in this place, where she died. Miss Gilbert by her plenum manner and amicable ways soon won friends where - ever she went. Mr. Gilbert lost hie third daughter in August last. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and family have the deep sympathy of the host of friends who had the pleasure of knowing their, tieug•lt ter. our °nee. We would ask our reedere to watch our advertisement in another colinfin ur ellibbing rates with filo wkly papers. Took a violent cold and then everyone Wanted .an introduction so as to offer a remedy. NOVELTIES OF THE HOUR. The unicycle is expected by the inventor to go a mile in twenty seconds. The bicycle is coming into favor with the cowboys as a substitute for the horse. Lover will vvelcoine a new safety en- velope which has just been patented. It is so paeted and folded that it Cannot be opened *without being torn. A bosom shirt, which is open in front, and•roatle.to button like a coat, is a recent invention, It Was exhibited in a Broadway window the other day and attracted match attention. Steel caskets for the bodies of those who die suddenly on shipboard are being car- ried on tnany of the transatlantic 112108 The refrains are placed in them and hermetic- ally sealed, • RECENT PROVERBS. Soft snaps help to make hard times. In diplopiacy 1yieg, becomes a fine art. Value depends upon quality, not price. Truth and falsehood often seem twins. Study does not necessarily imply obsew vatioa. Theory without practice is always left handed. It is easier tO make a coegregation yawn . than yeaei, :Men will ebetition a principle to die for The biggest foole do not commit the greatest blunders. The premature alWaye in danger Of being frodbitten, HERE'S A CHANCE THE WEEKLY MAIL & EMPIRE and ADVOCATE c4 i S 301 6 pi To JANUARY 1st, 1S9 Emma HN K OF IT, AKE ADVANTAGE OF IT ELL THE NEIGHBORS ABOUT IT 9 To show our subscribers that we are looking after their hiterests, we have made arrangements with the Toronto Mail and Empire, which is the best, Weekly in Ontario, whereby we can send thP ADVOCATE and • the Toronto Mail and Empire from now to Jan. let 1897 for only $1.25. This is really a splendid offer, and to get the full bene- fit thereof subscribe at once. The Weekly Mail and Empire during the coming year -will contain ' Pictures of the Noted Bat- tles and Briti 1 V by Laud and Water, svictories IWith appropriate descriptive matter of the deeds of daring performed by our i bowie soldiers and sailors in every I1 quarter of the globe. These Pictures will not only revive historical remini- scences, bus will inspire the youth of this country with admiration for those who contributed to the greatness of the Mother Land. . Ie :mine parts of Bruce farmers are eoliecting leaves with which to bed their cattle. To ornoicers ci Are showing srccial for the next twoweelsjn PARLOR TABLES, CURTAIN POLES, AND PICTURE MOULD ti'GS, S. GIDLEY & SON, ODD FELLOW'S Mott The Brariffierd BitsEele, 13 HANDLED RI PERKINS AND MARTIN, AGENTS Fon. BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won -239 first prizes, -143 second " 88 third and holds uearly every Championship from the Atlantic to the Preeific. Perkins & Martin CENTRAL • DRUG , STORE Those who hav Med Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a, rernedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis trouble's. Win.an's condition and cough powders for :horses, the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- * benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Igunree, To meet the wishes of their customers The Parkhill in this and other Gee, E. Tuckett and Son Co. Ltd., Hamilton, 01,, have placed nee the market town.31 in treating o. and eur- ina. various disAases. For AOmbination Plug of "T to B" Smoking 'Tobacco This supplitis 9 font(' loft wa ht, i ein'tr tin' consumer one !() coot wr a 10 tent pl'c'- or at 5 cent piece ef the fnmeitt; -'1' & 11" brand of pure The till tag "T 13" IS OD Overy sale here, C.. LUT;, Driggist. OR TWENTY.FIVE YEARS. THECOOK'SBESTPRIOND LAAGEST SALE IN