The Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-22, Page 68ubsc:ribers who d-' not reeetve their papers t WEEK. regularly will please, notify: us at once, ► OPICS OF A. 1'r 1J.i'l.[l.
Calk at the office far advertising' rates.
THURSDAY, NOV. ":?,1, 1.8e5,
Tho Week's Conunereial. Suuunnry.
Forty-nine failures are reported for the
Dominion last week, against fifty-three
the previous week.
The stock of wheat at Port Arthur is
1.,940,951 bushels, as compared with la
421,5800 bushels a year ago.
The deliveries of barley are small,
while there is an improved demand for
martin; qualities, and prices are higher.
\White and red wheat are held firmly
by fariners throughout the Province, but
there are iudivatiens of a little freer
foreign money markets show a harden
ing tendency, owing to increased timidity
in financial affairs, Supplies of idle
money are very large.
The exports of sheep from Canada in
1895 are the largest iu the history of the
export trade. the' total being 171,268
head. Exports of c,.ttle, 831,480 head, as
compared with 79,89u in 1894.
The earnings of the Canadian Pecifxo l
Railway for the mouth of October show
an increase of 8111,000 as compared with
same month last year, They were larger
than any previous month.
The offerings of Ontario wheat are said
to have increased and the feeling is a '
little weaker. Prices are relatively high-
er than elsewhere, and holders should be
willing to sell at least a part of their
In the United States business has been
to a certain extent interfered with by the
election fever. At this time of year the
trade movement has comparatively little
significance in regard to the immediate
future. There is a fair seasonable move-
ment in the principal commercial centers,
but low prices geuc ra 11y prevail., Still,
the immediate outlook is encouraging,
and orders for Uhrisrmas and New Year
specialties are assuming satisfactory pro- '
portions. Several woollen mills have
closed, though there is a by no means poor
demand for seasonable dress goods; stocks j
of foreign wool are large. In the• United
States there have been '2S,) commercial
failures. as compared with •261 in the cor-
responding week of 1804.
The trade situation at Montreal is not •
greatly altered since a week ago. The
unusually fine weather. of an Indian i
summer character, still. acts unfavorably'
to the active disposal of heavy dry goods,
and wholesalers consequently do not re -1,
port sorting business as very brisk in
these lines, though a fair proportion of
orders for spring goods are being booked.
Some other mills. in addition to those ;
noted. last week. have given notice of an
advance in knitted underwear. In gro-
ceries there is a moderate distribution, 1
principally in small orders ; there has
been a dearth in currants and raisins,
which are advanced in price, but new
supplies are just at hand.
Tho milder weather is detrimental to
trade interests. and in a measure it has
worked adversely with regard to the
general feeling in the business commune
ity. While there is a hopeful feeling
prevailing among merchants of Toronto,
the trade of the week has been somewhat
unsatisfactory. Orders in most lines
have been for very small parcels, as
stocks in the country have not yet been
broken to any extent. The slow move-
ment of grain accounts for the backward-
ness of remittances. Some merchants,
however, report these as satisfactory, but
renewals are still -very numerous. Prices
.of general merchandise as a rule are un-
changed this week.
The coughing and wheezing of persons
troubled with bronchitis or the asthma is
exce$sively harrassing to themselves and
annoying to others, Dr. Thomas' Eclec
trio Oil obviates all this entirely, safely
and speedily, and is a benign remedy for
lameness, sores. injuries. biles, kidney
and spinal troubles.
Isere and There.
Vanity speaks for itself.
A fault acknowleclgecl is a fault repair-
Poverty shared is usually poverty
People who deserve sympathy are not
apt to ask for it.
A woman always expects to patch an
injury with a. smite.
The husband who ie proud of his wife
should occasionally tell her so.
Tile Important J vee te in a row Words icor
Busy Benders..
CA.NADt).'1\. •
Burglars ars taotive in Chatham.
Uniform text -books have been adopted
by the Separate schools of Ottawa,
It is reported that Madame de Chene, a
resident of St^ Beulabo, eh ebeo, has fasted
65 days.
A number of Canadian horses were sold
in London last week. Tho prices realized
were not as good as expected.
Students are amused of stealing two
bodies fromthe Homan Catholic: cemctet
in Kingston on Saturday night.
The gross receipts of the Montreal Street
Railway Oompauy for 1895 amounted to
81,102,777 against 8896,000 for 1894.
Sherds, who is under sentence of death
fur the Valleyfield murder, is reported to
be suffering from extreme nervousness, '
Mr. James Agnew, City Solicitor of
.Kingston, Ont., died on Sunday night,
aged sixty-nine. He became City Solicitor
in 1858.
0, Olsen, a Norwegian settler in Mani-
toba will shortly return to his native land
for the purpose of bringing out a large
party to Canada.
More than half a million bushels of
grain, consigned to Montreal shippers,
are now lying in the Cornwall canal, un-
able to reach the pity.
The quarterly reports of the Department
of Trade and Commerce shows a gratify-
ing increase in trade during the first three
months of the fiscal year.
The steamship Vancouver orashed into
her dock on Monday at Montreal. Fully
'forty feet of the wharf were out through
before the vessel was stopped.
It is rumored that the Dominion Gov-
ernment intends putting two hundred
thousand dollars in the next estimates for
a new Custom house in Ottawa.
In the Kingston penitentiary are two
men, father and son, each under sentence
of seven years, the former for killing a
man, and the latter for killing a cow.
W, Clendinneng S: Son; Montreal, made
,an assignment Thursday at the instance
of the Banque du People. The liabilities
are about 8475,000, of which 8418,000 due
is to the bank.
The improvement in the finances of the
Dominion is becoming more marked. For
October the revenue was 83,17r 7,401,
against $2,8055,552, for the corresponding
month last year
At Port Colborne the water in the canal
is lower than it has been for thirty-five
years. The depth of water on the look sill
of the Welland canal is 11 feet 11 inohes,
• whereas it should be 14 feet.
According to the report of the Controller
of Inland Revenue, which has just been
issued, Canadians are drinking less spirits
and beer and more wine,and smoking les
tobaoco, than they did a year ago.
The long overdue steamer Missoula
foundered in Lake Superior a week ago
last Saturday, after drifting about in a
helpless condition for two days. The crew
took to the life boats and were saved.
• A deputation representing the adminis-
tration of the Boston Police Department
arrived in Montreal Saturday morning to
investigate the police system, with spe-
cial references to tha patrol and police
alarm service.
Two shipments of Canadian tomatoes
to Great Britain, glade as an experiment,
have been reported upon. While not an
, entire success, they have demonstrated the
possibility of developing an important
1 trade in this respect.
It is reported to the Dominion Marine
' and Fisheries Department that the united
' 'States fishing tug which was seized on
Saturday on Lake Erie, near Amherst -
burg, was at least seven miles within the
territorial waters of Canada.
Major-General Gascoigne, who has re-
turned to Ottawa after inspecting the vol-
' ' unteers at Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec,
1' expresses himself as highly pleased. He
has been agreeably surprised to find such
excellent corps under his command.
The number of emigrants from Great
, Britian to the Dominion of Canada dor-
ing.the month of October, according e4er
the official returns, was 1,768, The num-
' ber emigrating to Canada during the ten
months ended October 31 was 21,215.
A deputation, headed by Mr. McLeod'
Stewart, of Ottawa, waited upon the On-'
Mario Government, and asked for aid in
the construction of the Montreal, Ottawa,
and Georgian bay canal. The Government
promised consideration of the request.
The proposed line of steamers bewteen
Vancouver and New Zealand has been •
offered by the New Zealand Government
subsidy of thirty thousand pounds a year
if the terminal point is in New Zealand, •
twenty thousand pounds if it is in Aus-
The Government steamer Petrel seized
the tug Telephone for fishing in Canadian
waters on Lake Erie, and took her to Am- •
herstburg, Ont„ Saturday night. The Tele.
phone, which had a quantity of fish on
board, is owned by Kishman Bros., of
Vermillion, Ohio.
At a meeting of the Corn Exchange in
Montreal a resolution was adopted and
sent to Mr. John Haggart, Minister of
Railways and Canals, urging that no
water be used from the canals between
Cardinal and Cornwall for manufacturing
purposes until after the navigation season •
is closed
• The statement recently sent out from
Utah, that Mormons in Alberta, North-
West Territories, were, by agreement with
the Dominion Government, permitted to
praotise polygamy, is entirely false. Tho
Mormon settlers neither in spirit nor in
letter violate the law in this respect.
Lieut. O.H. McLean, of Pennyoross, an
officer of the 48th Highlanders, has passed
the examination for a commission in the
British army. Tbis is the first i.nstenoe.of
an officer of the f"anaclian militia securing
a commission in the British service under
the new rules governing the oornnlipsion-
ing of officers.
United States Consul -General Riley, in
Ottawa, was informed by the Minister of
Marine that the damages in commotion
with the seizure of the John le Nicholson,
of Gloucester, Masse would be reduced
from one thousand dollars which was first
imposed, to five hundred dollars.
On Wednesday night William Coe, a
blacksmith, of Cobourg, Ont,, presented
himself at the door of a neighbor oovored
with blood, and in an exhausted dandle
don. 'There was a tad filo wound over big
left temple. Coe refuses to say who was
his assailant. He will likely recover,
A young woman in Montreal was
charged on Saturday with masquerading
in male attire, She lived with her sister
and had worked as a mean for several
years, by this means supporting her sie'-
ter'e fam nee The recorder sentenced her
to one month's imprisonment and a fine,
of ten dollars.
Talmage assured a Pittsburg audience
that "there is plenty of room in heaven."
'Wings do not take up as much space as ,
balloon sleeves.
The wife of Lord Sholto Douglass, it
seems, has repented and wants to reform.
She has asked for her old position on -the
variety stage.
The superintendent of the Kansas deaf
and dumb asylum has been removed from
office, but it will probably be some time
before the inmates will hear of it.
A Leavenworth, Ilan., paper has caus-
ed much adverse criticism by "printing
on its first page an advertisement show- 4
ing an illustration of union flannel suits."
How shameless ! 'We trust that paper's
piano advertisements never show piano
legs unless they are decorously covered
with pantalettes.
11 -fitting h. ors aid :hoes eau a corns.
H Noway e Corn Cure is the art.cle to.
use. Get a bottle at once and cure your
Pectoria. Peetoria,1.'oetoria.
Are you suffering from cough or cold
on your lungs. Ask your druggist for
t i nd take noother. Just t and
Pec oria,a .ry
see for yourself how soon Tectoria will
cure you. Send to Allen & Co., 58 Front
Toronto, Proprietors, 25 cents a bot-
They Never 1eaele--Mr. 5. M. Bough-
ner, Langton, writes "For about two
years I was troubled with inward 'Aloe,
but by using.Parmelee's :Pills I was cow-
pletely' aired, and although four years
have elapsed eines then they have not re-
turned." Parnie1e 's fills ,arae. anti=
bilioas and a specific for the ertrc:of liver
and kidney complaints, dyspepsia, cos-
tiveness, headaeho, piles, etc:, •end will
regulate the secretions and -a'eelebite ale
bilious matter
It is said at Winnipeg that the Manitoba.
legislature- will meet before the date of
the greeting of parliament bo consider the
reply to, the last oornmunieation Trona Ot-
tawa on the school question,
The hearing of the ease of Moi)onald v,
Boswell and liiordon was begun in Mon-
treal an Saturday.. The ease arises out of
an action for 8200,000 taken by Mr. el, R.
MoDoilald, superintendent of the: Interooi-
oniel railway, and president of the Temi-
scovata railway, against elossrs, Boswell
and I3iordon, who built the road, and the,
estate of the late John J. McDonald.,
Sleeplessness is due to nervous excite-
ment. The delieatsly constituted, the
financier, the business man, and, those
whose occupation
on necessitatesg
eat na -
tal strain or worry, all suffer less or more
from it, Sleep is the great restorer of a
worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse
the stomach from all impurities with a
few doses of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,
gelatine coated, containing no mercury,
and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or
the money evil1 be .refunded,
Disastrous prairie fires Continue in In-
Over a million fent of lumber were de-
stroyed by fire at Alpena, Mich.,Friday.
All the Chicago morning papers are
now issued on week days at one cent
The clothing strike in Rochester, which
lasted for nearly throe months, is now
.A, subscription is being raised in Chicago
to educate the children of Eugene Field
the poet,
At Knoxville, Tenn, a mass meeting
was held to express sympathy for the
Cuban insurgents.
The mortal remains of Eugene Field,
the well•known poet, were laid to rest in
Grassland ceiuetery, Chicago.
The uomposition of the next United
States Senate will be as follows:—Repub-
licans, 44; Democrats, 39; Populists, 6;
vacant (Delaware), 1.
Minister Andrade, at Washington, bas
a pamphlet of three hundred pages in
press, giving exhaustive information on
the British -Venezuelan boundary conten-
Mrs. Shortis, accompanied by her law-
yer, left Montreal for Ottawa Monday to
present a petition for oleniency on behalf
of her son, now under sentenoe of death at
Beauharnois, Que.
A San Francisco paper says that the
celebrated. Fair will case has been settled
out of court, and what promised to be a
bitter contest over an estate valued at
forty million dollars has been abandoned.
Mayor Pingreo, .of Detroit has sent a
long communication to the Council favor-
ing the abrogation of that portion of the
treaty between Great Britain and the
United States whish prevents the building
of warships on the lakes.
Mr. Carpenter. who was formerly
editor of the Alaska News at Jeu-
neau, has just returned to San Fran-
cisco from the North, and says that the
people in the territory are in a fever of ex-
citement over the boundary question.
United States Ambassador Bayard de-
liverd the inaugural lecture Friday even-
ing before the Edinburgh Philosophical
Society on "Individual Liberty, the Germ
of National Progress and Permanency,"
in the course of which he denounced Sc-
cialisen and Protection.
Thirty-seven bodies have been taken out
of the ruins of the Detroit Journal build-
ing, destroyed on Wednesday morning by
a boiler explosion. It is expected that the
full death list' will reach forty-five. There
are besides nineteen persons more or less
seriously injured, two of them fatally.
Severe colds are easily cured by the use
of Biclle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, a
medicine of . extraordinary penetrating
and healing properties. It is acknowl-
edged by those who have used it as being
the best medicine sold for coughs, colds,
inflammation of the lungs.and all affec-
tions of the throat and chest. Its agree-
ableness to the taste makes it a favorite
with ladies and children,"
King Carlos of Portugal is the reigning
lion at present in London circles,
Suicides are becoming of almost' daily
occurence among Spanish army officers.
The British steamer Inchulva, from
Cardiff for Acapulco, is a total wreck at
Santa Maria.
Spain is arranging for the immediate
construction of two torpedo catchers They
will be built in England.
The Turkish Government has again
given instructions for the protection of
American missionaries at Bitlis.
The death is announced at London of
Mrs: Mary Anne Everett, nee Wood, a
well known authoress. She was born in
The French Radical and Socialist press
aro enthusiastic in their approval of the
address delivered in elle Chamber yester-
day by Premier Bourgeois.
The marriage of Sir Charles Rivers Wil-
son, president of the Grand Trunk rail-
way, took place on Saturday in London,
to the Hon, Beatrice Mostyn;
A portion of the newly oonstrueted
Schwanthaler passage at ieIunich collapsed
with a dreadful crash this Inorning bury-
ing 15 workmen under the ruins.
Lord Salisbury's installation as Warden
of the Cinque Ports will he made the oeca-
cion of a unique revial of the old style of
procession and other historical. practices.
It is Paris that the artfoles
of food and money supplied by the public
for the troops in•Madagasearwere not die -
Winded, as intended, but sold to them at
exorbitant rates.
The Berlin police confiscated the issue
of the Socialistic newspaper, the Vor-
waerts, on the ground that it contained
matter that was calculated to do harm by
its publioation,
The British Court will move from Bale
moral to Windsor eagle when Prince Karl
of Denmark will visit the Queen, and her
Majesty will give consent to his botrotloal
to Princess Mand of Wales.
The Prince of Wales' birthday was oele-
brated on Saturday in Loudon,. Windsor
and Sandringtiam with the customary
royal honors, and at night the west end of
London was illuminated.
A despatch to St. Petersburg from
Vladivostook says that the Russian war-
ship 'Yakut has eapturod seventeen foreign
sealers in the .Sea of Okhotsk, all with
slaughtered seals on board.
Independent reports received in Con=
stantinople from Armenia do not confirm
the official statement that the Armenians
provoked the different disturbances which
have taken piaoo there
'I'iie London Globe, commenting upon'
the resent olcobions' in the United States,
does not think that any question fs likely
to arise before the preeidonbial year that
Will bring the Demooriits back bo power,
TO HEAL' Tire.
Attacked With a 13aching Cough, Lose
of Appetite and GcnoraL k'eeling of
Lassitude --fink Pills Hostored liar
Health After Doctors Failed.
From the Charlottetown Patriot.
Tunes without number have we readof
the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Wile-
lanes' Pink. Pills, but generally the testi-
menials telling the tale hacl laid the scene
in some of the other r 1rovlaes, Tide tune,
however, the matter is brought directly
home, and the testimony comes from a
mush respected and Christian woman.
Mrs, Sarah Strickland,• now residing in
the suburbs of Cliarlottetpwn, has been
married many years, and blessed with a
large femily,and aithongh never enjoying
a robust constitution had, until a year
ago, been in oorperatively good health,
About that time she began to feel "run
down," her blood became thin and a gen-
eral feeling of lassitude took possession of
both her mind and body. Her family and.
friends viewed with alarm the gradual
development of her illness, and when a
cough—at first incipient, but afterwards
almost oonstant, especially at nights,
set in, doctors were summoned and every-
thing that loving, tender care and medi-
cal skill could do was resorted to in order
to save the affectionate wife and mother
whose days appeared to be numbered.
Her appetite was almost completely gone.
Food was partaken of without relish, and
Mrs. Strickland was unable to do even the
ordinary, lighter work of the household.
She became greatly emaciated and in order •
to partake of even the most dainty nour-
ishment a stimulant had at first to be ad-
ministered. While this gloom hung over
the home and the mother sorrowfully
thought of how soon she would have to
say farewell to her young family, she was
induced by a friend to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Though utterly discouraged,
and almost disgusted with medicine, she.
yielded more in a friendly way than in a
hopeful spirit. After using the pills for a
short time a gleam of hope, a wish to get
well again took possession of her , and the
treatment was cheerfully continued. It
was no false feeling but a genuine effort
nature was making to re -assert itself, and
before many boxes wereused the family
were joking their mother on her appetite,
her disappearing cough and the fright she
had given them. The use of the Pink
Pills was continued for some time longer,
and now Mrs.Strickland's elastin step and
general, excellent health, would lead you
to imagine that you were gazing upon a
different woman, not one who had been
snatched from the very jaws of death. She
was never in better health and spirits, and
no matter what others say she is firm in
her belief that Pink Pills saved her life
and restored her to her wonted health and
1 r, Williams' Pink Pills are an unfail-
ing cure for all troubles resulting from
poverty of the blood or shattered nerves,
and where given a fair trial they never fail
in oases like that above related. Sold b9
all dealers, or sent postpaid at 50 cents a
box, or 6 boxes for 82.50, by addressing
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. See that
the registered trade mark is on all peek -
Tombstone Rhymes.
It is common to say that ' makers of
gravestones have little regard fol the
truth; "monumental liars," they are
sometimes called. But though the good
side of the departed is generally—and pro-
perly—emphasized, there aro many in-
stances in which a spirit of frankness
seems to have possessed the village poets,
whose services are so Hauch in demand on
mortuary occasions.,
In a Vermont cemetery, according to an
exchange, one may read the following epi-
taph, which certainly does not err on the
side of flattery:
Here lies in silent clay
Miss Arabella Young,
Who, on the 214 of May,
Began to hold her tongue.
And here is a quatrain, never before in
print, of a curiously similar import:
Here lies the body of Hannah Thurber,
Once she talked, and a£one.00uld curb
Three husbands had she, all are dead,
They died of earache, so 'tis said,
In the same rural cemetery where this
last outspoken epitaph is found, visitors
sornetito es pause ho smniie at the ingenuous
grief of a widower whose change of mood
in the concluding couplet was perhaps
quite unintentional:
In memory of Susan Glover,
My wife most true and .kind;
Though I should marry ten times over
Her like I shall not find.
Grammatical correctness is perhaps too
much to ask of the unprofessional muse.
Meter and rhyme are hard taskmasters,
and while a man is intent upon minding
them, he is almost to be pardoned for
using a little too fnuoh of that very con-
venient article known as poetic license.
In a case like the :following we may praise.
tho smoothness 02 the verse rather than
laugh at the ruggedness of the grammati-•.
cal construction:
Pause, good friend, and drop a tear,
The body of John Pratt is here.
Think of the day when yea will be
finder the sod as deep' as me.
The amateur poet is troilbled not only
by the trammels of meter and rhyme, but
by the narrow space in whish he is obliged
to work, It is impossible to say every.
thing in four lines, and, as to oonsegnence,
m ea must be loft to the Understanding of
the reader. So it was, no doubt, with
the author of following:
1 a �
Beneath this steno Iles Will.i:am Bott,
lo the river he was drowned;
A squall cants up, his heat upset,
His bode' was never. found,
What Is Your Prefereaaoe2 '
Many inquirers respecting the Lake-
burst Instituto treatment for elooholisen
seem anxious to know what classes of
patients make the best sures. While
there ere exeept:ions to .every rule, we
have observed that men who were good
citizens, ambitio:la to do right, men who
were good husbands, fathers, brothers, or
sons, men who lead the ability to get
along in the world on their merits, before
they acquired the appetite for the• a0 -
=sod stuff', Kaye prufiteed ley their ex-
pericnce at Oakville, clad there are
amongst the graduates of our lustitution
during the last four year a goodly pro-.
portion who may be absolutely relied
upon tomaw total all t I r s• for the
n xe I U 1 S "13 ie U e
remeinder of their natural lives, for e
Masons Firstly, because one experience
as a drinking ma.n is quite enough for.
them ; and secondly, because liquor offers
absolutely no attraction or temptation to
them; their liking or 'appetite for it is
gone—completely gone. .Are not such
Men happy beyond description compared
with the -man who is fighting whiskey
every clay and is sober at all only because
he has just sufficient •strength at times to.
resist the desire to drink? Think this
over quietly. Toronto office, 28 Bank of
Commerce Chambers,. ':['hong 1,1(18.
Rellef in Six klonrs.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the South Ameri-
can Kidney Clue. This new remedy is a
groat surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving pain
in the bladder, kidneys, Mack;: and every
part of the urinary passages in male or
female, It relieves retention of water and
pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief and euro this is
your remedy. Sold by druggists.
An Empty Sentiment.
"I -wish," said the man who indulges
promiscuously in sentiment, "that I could
be a boy again."
'"And have to do your daily duties
whether you felt like it or not ?" inquired,
his practical friend..
re -yes,"
"And. have to ask permission every
time you go out at night ?"
"Of course. Think of the freedom from
responsibility; the--"
"Do you think you'd enjoy being told
to your face that you should be seen and
not heard ?"
"No, I can't say that would."
"Or being licked every time you were
caught in a prevarication and compelled
to go to bed because somebody else thinks
you are sleepy?"
"Of course not. I-er-you see—it doesn't
do to take auythiug in this life too literal-
ly. I was quoting poetry, you know."—
Washington Star.
'rake Notice.
I, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor, 3-
Queen St. West, do certify that Dr. Car-
son's Stomach Bitters cured me of dis-
pepsia. I believe it to be the best med.
cine for all Stomach and Liver troubles
At all Druggists. Price 5oc. •
There Wore Others,
"Look !" she almost shrieked in her
rage as she shook the paper under his
face. "Oh, villian, villian, I have found
you out in all your base perfidy."
"I --I beg your pardon," said the young
man, "but i am afraid L, don't quite fol-
low you."
wills is yore letter to me."
"It breathes the 'tenderest affection,
doesn't it ?"
"I flatter myself," he answered, with a
complacent bow, "that it does."
"It is ardent in its protestations of un-
dying devotion, isn't it 7"
`If it was as I intended it there's no
doubt about its being so,".
"Look—look here," she hissed, "and
then turn your face in shame. • Here are
the unmistakable traces of carbon paper.
This letter evas manifolded."
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the
system is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Druggists.
Parental Concessions.
Pater—You want to marry this Italian
about 'whom you know nothing
Fi.lia—You can't find any fault with
him. Don't you think he is entirely cap-
able of supporting a wife
Pater—Yes, yes—two or three of them,
I grant you.
Heart Disease Relieved in'30Minutes.
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic 'heart Disease in 80 minutes,
and speedily effect. a cure. It is a peer-
less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of
Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left
Side and all symptoms of a Diseased
Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by
He Saw Double.
Raclbourn—That was a funny thing
about Jagleigh.
Chesney—What was that ?
Radbourn—He went out and got full
the other clay, ee1hen lis got home and
met his wife he thought he had commit-
ted bigamy. He hasn't, touched a drop
If your children are t'oubled with
worm', eiv' teem Moth r Grave 'W•rap.
Extermieator; safe, s re, a, d eff, •teal.
Try i , and n..ark the improvementin
your child.
Modern Children.
Father (showing off his baby boy to
bachelor, friend) --Well, what do you
think of him ?
Bachelor friend—Yes ; very fine boy,
but he's bald. .Bub then (glancing at the
father's bald head), children are nob
satisfied nowadays unless they can begin
where their father's left off.
Catarrh. Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes.
One short puff of the breath throe .h
the Blower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this powder over the surface of the nasal
passages, Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instanbly, and por..manently
Cures Catarrh, Play Fever, Colds, road-
ache, Sore 'Throat, Tonsilide and Deaf-
ness. 60 cents. :Druggists.
Used Ten.
Riggs --Were you out west when that
oyclonc swept thi'ough the country?'
Brooklyn girl. --yes; iU never touched
Xiiggs---flow in the world did you es-
Brooklyn - .. .
aaklyn gni Ori,: tixa,. t s easy after
dodging J3rookl.yn trolley cars half your
If Tau Do Not
The story is by a popular
author, and is full of interest.
You will find the opening
chapter in this issue.
Be sure to read it.
honest Boy.
Old gentleman ,(benevolently)—Let me
see, I believe you are the boy I bought a
paper of yesterday, when l didn't have
•any change. I owe you a halfpenny.
Here it is.
Newsboy (who isn't the boy)—Never
mind, mister. Beep it for yor honesty 1
Is Delicious.
Sold Only In Lend Packets.
A Blizzard!
A Hurricane!
A Cyclone!
A Tornado!
Wouldn't be enough
to extinguish
E. B. Eddy's
when lit.
The best "light"
for smokers iii these
high autumn winds
Mads only by
The E. B. EDDY Co.
by every person reading this paper Groceries
and general supplies for home use. write to us
for pricelist and buy your winter supply from
20 to 50 per cent cheaper than you aro now
paying for your goods. All new goods and at
wholesale prices. Note address.
Wholesale Grocer,
57 Front Street East, Toronto.
Order your Supplies or
Oak Tanned
Leather Belting
from us. We supply four grades, suite
able, for all classrs of machinery. Every-
thing in above lines at Manufacturers°
First Cost Prices.
Lowest Prices'
• For Cash.
44 l;ay Street, Tororste..
Two Schools Under Ono management.
Unquestionably the leading Commerciale
Schwas of tlx Dominion; advantages beet
in Canada; moderate rates; students may
enter at any time, Write to either wheel far
circnlars and mention this saner.
SHAW & ELLIOTP, Principals.
Ore of Life
Found at Last.
Vitae -Ore is very properly called Ore of
Life. 11 was discovered by Professor Theo.
Noel, of Chicago, Geologist.
This ore makes an elixir which Is Nature's:,
()Teat reach for the cure of human ills.
It will each the nillus of human diseases when
drags and doctors' nostrums fall. It is nature'p
great restorative, to which nothing is added.
.it is pure as it comes from nature's laboratory.
Sold only on direct orders or through local or
general agents. Price Sl a package, or three
or 32.50. Sentrepaid to any part of the lobe
on receipt of price. Send for cirmilars and full
par•ticut rs to Vitte-Oro Depot, 140 Adelaide
street west, Toronto. J,, JOHNSTON', General
T. N. U. No. 88
DO YOU WANT Write to the NoleTxaiesP
TO LEARNT Sound, � � of nd, One, if yep Want
lrain Shorthand era practical $8uai'Inei,s2IrdyG13ecation.Course
Circulars free. C. A. 1t LEMING', Principal,
tusizotss Cotr.sGaa, Owec