The Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-16, Page 2feubseribers who do not reeeive thelr
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Tins Important If:vents in VOW WOrdO Vat
BUSY VeadeVat
TH-13SDAY, NOV. 14, 189t.i.
_ .
The Colted States uses aunnally 1,000,.
000 pouuds of furu maleing bats.
George Q, Canon, has translated the
Books of Mormon tato the Hawaiian len,
Mgr. Satan:, the Papal delegate, has re-
13urglaries are becoming numerous tn
eeived nottfleation of Ida elevation to the
a Mary's. cardinalete,
The It"' 1"etem414° (Ilea 1° his restaa"ce The new system of operatlag' ante' beats
eliagera, on leionelay, aged 75 years. by eleotricite has been sinateesfully tested
A free dairy school is to be estahnshed froemeanna ;ea ea
The Week's ComMereial Saluntary.
The hide naaaket is in a demoralizee
state. Torcuto dealers on Monday re -
dittoed the prices of green est, ane No, 1
are now qaoted at Ole•
Farmers. continue to hole lm.elt their
wheat, and this acconnis for Toronto
-prices; being fuly 12c a bushel higher
bleu Obittago.
Fitt eothree failures are report ^ d the
Dontielon last weele, fifteen more. than
the previous v et k and. three inure than
same week last year.
The out'ook is can i'ered promising,
with stocks t mercer [Indies in. the country
within bounds. Retail merchants o n-
tinue to buy cantionsly, anti are thus
enabled the better to meet maturing
Thsre was a fair erop a wheat in On-
tario the past s aeon, ann. the large Mani-
toba. crap ought to distel any fear that
might exist as to Canadairnporting wheat
within the pre t ent cereal year. Coarse
grains are also higher, particularly °ate
and peas.
The visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada increased four
and a half millions last week, and the
total is now 50,480,000 bushels, as
against 76,274,0 0 a year ago, and 69,-
845,000 two ye ars ago. The amount on
passage to Europe ie 24,960.000 bushels,
as against 25,28J,000 bushels a year ago.
The amount of -wheat in store at Fort
WiDiauii gradualey inereasing and now
is '2-,076,48e bushes:5. extta fl of
steaniers RM. 'be put cn next month to
take some of the grain east, as a gl eat
portion of the elevate r capacity at Feet
leeilliam -will be required. to held what is
already -stored in smaller elevators west
of Winnipeg.
A new banking law goes int e effect in
New York State on Nov. 1st. (1It provides
4 er , g t
of a bank can borrow maley from the
an i t
the vonsent of the board ot directors, and
it providte that hereafter no sa-viags
beak shall be located in the same rectos
communicating -with a discount bat k.
It compels the et:replete paying in of tire
capital steck ot a bank before it sleet
begin busier se. It fcrhids a majority of
the board of trust 55 01 any savings. tank
to belong to the board of directors of auy
-discount bank.
Our advices from the two chief co a-
raercial agenciee in New York as to the
condition of trade in the United States
indicate no decided change either way.
11 anythieg, the volume et general busi-
ness has deen rather EmaltPr, though
there is a better demand. for many manu-
factured produots, and the retail listutnii
is fair. The report of works in. &IT ri nt
parts of the United. Stetes closit g is by
no means unusual at this sea'o.ot the
year. wbich in trade is always a time of
comparative uncertainty. Cottoa bag
made another decided advar cat and th
/nine are reporte 1 to contaiu °nee- moder-
ate stocks. There is increasel activity
in iron and etel. though some grades are
weak in priee. Minsr metals ara also a
shade lower. Some shoe factories are
closiog. The commercial fai.ures for
the week in. the United. Stet as are 278
compared with 249 for the
week last year.
IIere and There.
The Duke of Marlborough is 11.0W
among the landed gentry.
at Winnipeg by the Manitoba Omen- The State Veterinary Department of
meat. Ioeva bas decided that tuberculosis in '
The petition for the curfew bell will cattle is eot hereditary,
shortly be presented to the London City ur, John te.Foster, wee acted, as agent
Connell. for the Chinese in the peace negotiations
Curran, the Dominion Goverment am- is an advooate for ern:els:Ix missisms
ploye at Regina, charged with inoendiar-
Yesterday President Cleveland issued a
ism, has been sentenced to five years. .
The Rev. Peter Roe, late of Inverness,
Qne., died at his resideuce at Niagara,
Ont., Monday night, aged seventy-five.
Mrs. .Andrew, the fifth victim of the
tire at the Queen's aotel in Hamilton ten
days ago, died on Saturday at the hospi-
The report of Engineer Keating on
Hamilton's water works recommends
changes that will cost the city about V75,-
After a delay of upwards of three and a
half months La Banque du People wits
again opened for business in Montreal
Monday in timing.
The eighteeth auntie' convention at the
W. C. T. U. of Ontario closed its sessions
Friday in Hamilton. It was decided to
meet next year in Pembroke.
The Executive Consmittee of the Toron-
to City Council, refused by six votes to
three to aubmit to the popular vote a by-
law for closing saloons 0 p.m..,
The annual statement of the Montreal,
Street Railway Company, shows a net pro-
fit for the past year of $351,319, as against
$214,021 for the previous year,
A Brooklyn,N.Y., manfacturer of vase-
line,v1sited Ottawa last week to Interview
the Government and to suggest a change
in the Canadian tariff on his goods.
Mr. James Manseegh, the eminent Eng.
lish engineer, who has been engaged to re-
port on the Toronto water supply, arrived
at this city on Saturday night from New
The revenue of the Montreal Street
Railway Company for the past six months
amounted to $713,11e, an increase of
$121, 790 on the corresponding six months
of last year.
• On Wednesday Mr. John Mitchell, of ;
Dorchester township, celebrated his 102nd
! birthday. He is still active and in good
health and is in full possession of all his
• The duties (inflected at the Port of Tor-
onto for the month of October amounted
to KIK 'Wine, against $271,543.86 in Oc-
tober of last year, being an increase of
William Collins, formerly of Toronto,
Inventor of what is known as the Lapin
brake shoe, which is used on the elevated.
railways of Now York city, died suddenly
on Sunday night.
; Mrs.W. C. Macleod. of Woodstock Ont.,
has presented two thousand five hundred
dollars to Chalmer's Presbyterian °Mirth,
of that place, and one thousand dollars to
the Woodstock General hospital.
A 'Vault in the Roman Catholic cense.
• tery at Kingston was broken into on Sat-
urday night, and two bodies were carried
off. There is no clue to the perpetrators,
but inedieal students are blamed.
Mr. Arthur -Maguire, Consul -General
at Montreal for the Argentine Republic,
is endeavoring to induce a number of cap-
italists to join hirn in Introducing trolley
cars into Buenos Ayres, which hasit popu-
lation of mere tban seven hundred thoo-
Mr. Frank J. Nicholson, a vvell-known
baker, of Cornwall. Ont„ was accidental-
; ly shot by his companion, Mr. H. Yates, a
merchant of Cornwall, while duck -shoot-
ing on Lake St Frances. Mr. Nicholson
died, when about half a mile from the
The quarterly rePort of the Department
of Trade and Clommerce gives details of it
gratifying increase in Canada's trade dur-
ing the first three months of the fiscal
year. The live stock and dairy trade has
been the chief gather by this improvement
In business.
A. deputation waited upon Sir Mackenzie
Bowen, Mr. Foster, and Mr. lves, on Mon-
day withit proposition from the Beaver
Line to place upon the route between St.
John, N. B. and Liverpool it line of
steamers during the winter, provided the
Govornsnent ...ranted a subsidy of twenty-
five thousanddollars a, year.
As regards the proposed line of fast
steamers between England and Canada.
Mr. Chamberlain will, shortly see Mr,
Huddart, the promoter of the scheme. It
Is not considered likely that the Imperial
Government will give a direct subsidy,
but it will give the line the carriage of a
portion of the moils on paying terms.
An inventor has perfected a ma th inc
which will turn out 300 cigarettes min-
ute. Fortunately, the product of iiis it -
vention will not turn out idiots (piste so
rapid y.
In Pennsylva,niait tramp has hist di d
at the age of fel • never having done it
. day's work in his life. Th's gives evi-
dence of what cold victuals and the lack
of worry will do for a man.
A new woman at Bridgeport. Co, n..
climbed a telegraph pole to .Rx a ver'.
aceidentally tutu:teed an electric light
whet and was nearly electroeuted A
woman elimh a. telegea,ph pole? How
Tlsose Dallas sporting Teen who ex-
pended $70 OW in preparing for that greet
physical oulture entertainment are not
talking for publication. They are talk-
ing. but their remarks would not look
well in. print.
Miss Frances Willard's belief that bi-
oyeles have a, tendeney to decrease the
drink habit is well founded. By the time
the average young man pays for repairs
an his wheel he hasn't much left to blow
in at saloons.
A Boston paper mentions that burglars
atre usually more cowardly when iu the
pretence of women then. men. The sup-
position is eaeily explained. In the pres-
ence of it Boston woman a burglar's
shivering is attributed to fright, when it
is really the result of cold.
A clergyman in St. Paul, Minn., has
been eensured by the governing body of
his ehurch for kissing a female meaelser
of his flock 011 the forehead. Served hica
right. Any chump oughe to have known.
'better than to kiss a woman on th
orehead when her lips were within eas
'The idiocy of olde persons who giv
their property to somebody to supper
proelama ion designating Thuvsday, No-
vember fleth, as Tbaoksgiving day,
An Arkansas lover to his sweetheart:
"There is not a globule of blood in my
heart that does not beets your photograph."
Edna Solimidt, the youngest daughter
1 K. G. Schmidt, the Ohittago milionaire
brewer, has eloped with her father's coach-
.A.COrding to an estimate printed iait
Boston paper, the profits of Wanamakey's
Philadelphia store reached $9,000,000 last
Several London and Liverpool news-
papers are now printod on American wool
pulp paper, which is sold cheaper than
any other.
It is asserted. in Chicago that ex -Mayor
Hopkins of that city, devised the great
railroad strike of last year. The state-
ment is confirmed by Debs.
The smallest man in Chibago is George
Wili•ain f .newsboy,"eo
years of age. George is forty-two inches
In height and weighs fifty pounds.
e John S. Bolton, a blind Mail in Phila-
delphia asylum, has built for himself
folding bed, in the beak of which is a mir-
ror, before which he stands while shav-
The records of attendance at the Public
sehools of the 'United States during the
last year gives it total of 15,550,268 pupils,
a figure larger than that of any other na-
The Alaskan boundary question is still
causing the people of the United States in
that vicinity much uneasiness. The latest
reports say that the Canadian Government
is establishing well-equipped fortiftcations
on eoanding bluffs overlookine strat-
egio points on leerier Mile creek and else-
where along the supposed international
boundary line.
The big steel. dredge of the firm of Lar-
kin, Connolly Se Go, now at Kingston,
valued at $85,000 has been siz
aed in satis-
faction of judgment of $35,000 held by
the Government. The sheriff of Montreal
has also been instrueted to selee the stook
held by N. K. &M. Connolly in the
Richelieu 8s Ontario Navigation Com-
e ' The Toronto garrison paraded. Sunday
y afternoon for divine service. The sveather
WW1 fine, and thousands of people watched
the march of the troops. The 'total
e , number of men in line was 2,041. Major
11 General Gascoigne, the newly -appointed
theta the rest of then- lives appeoaehes in 1 commander of the Ceritalian militia, view -
its sulsliraity that of the parents who ed the troops. ':rhe service was held in
leave little children looked in the house Massey hall, and the Rev, Canon Du
alone, In the instance of the old people, • Moulin prettebed the sermon,
the suffering falls upon the culpable The suit of the Equitable 'Inentatice
parties. They ought to kno vs better In Company against .Alger for the on
the other instance, likewiee, it; is pro- collation of it policy ott the life of bis late
• UM° that those most to blame get the wife came to an abrupt termination on
worst a it,. inasmuch as it is doubtful if Saturday at Osgood() hall, when Mr
children with such parente might not Oster, on WWI' or Alget, consented to it
'better be dead and clone with it, • judgment cancelling the policy. At the
cobalt -mem of Wm case Alms wais aestA,1;10.iete
For Nine Years.—Mr. Sanruel Bryan
• President Cleveland appointed three
commissioners to make enquiry and report
upon the feasibility of a deep water canal
between the great lakes and the Atlanuo
Theodore Durant, of San Francisco,
charged with the murder of Blanche La-
mont, was found guilty of murder in the
first degree,
The Aenerican Tract Society is building
a home for itself in New York twenty-two
stories high, and has borrowed on the
building $1,250,000, at about '4 1-9 per
cent. interest.
In the living picture in which she ap-
peared at Newport, that of it sultana, Miss
Blight, a great beauty, did not wear either:
shoes or stockings. Her feet and ankles
were bare.
Employes of the 'Union Pacific railroad
have resolved to dispense with the walk-
ing delegate, and will hereafter conduct ;
their tiegnfiations and business with the '
cornpany directly.
A Methodist church at Cold Springs
Harbour L. I., paid its pastor only $250 a
year,and, then discbarged hint because his
clothes got so seedy that his congregation
got ashamed of him.
Bev. William C. 'Winslow, of Boston,.
vice-president ot the Egypt Exploration
fund, has received the decoration of the :
Society of Science and Art of great Brit- ;
ain for honorary fellowship.
The great Chicago drainage canal, when
completed, will take away from the lake i
six hrindred thousand cubic feet of water!
per minute, and will seriously interfere ,
with navigation on the St. Lawrence.
Chautauqua people are in it great state
of excitement over the purchase by the
American Brewing Company of Chicago
of 105eacres of gronnd adjoining the
grounds of the Chautauqua Assembly,
New York.
The Masons of Mississippi have made a
rule that "no Mason, either un ;
agent, employe or in any other eapacity,
shall sell intoiicating liquors to be used '
as a beverage, and the penalty thereon
shall be expnision."
• Lord Rosebery has numerous' interests
on tbis side of the Atlantic), among others ;
a cotton mill in the South. It is said that
some of his ventures have not been very
successful, and having several obligations
to meet, he intends to (tome over shortly '
and investigate his affairs himself.
At the Wayfarers* Inn, New York' city, '
indigents can get a "square meal" by
working up one -sixteenth of it cord of
wood into condition for the stove, and a ;
• night's lodging and two meals require that
• one-eighth of a cord be so treated. Last '
year 25,000 men found food and shelter at
the inn.
The big whaleback steamship, City of
Everett, the largest vessel of the twee ever
built, whloh was recently launched from
it State of 'Washington shipyard, has been
put on the route between San Francisco
and Panama as an experiment 'to deter.
mine the value of the whaleback type of
steamship 'in the ocean carrying trade
from the standpoint of economy and speed,
as well as seaworthiness.
The German Asiatic fleet hag Preen order-
ed to concentrate at Sevalon and Amoy.
• Cardinal Benito Sans y •FOME, Arch-
biShop of Seville, is dead. He was born in
MS and was created eardinal in 'ism.
M. 13ourgeois has undertaleen tbe task
Of forming it new French Ministry. He
Will himself take the portfolio of Minister
of the Interior.
The marriage of Princess Maud and
Prince gharles of Denmark will take place
in six months. Prince Charles will shorv.
ly visit England.
The King of A.shanti has rejected the
British ultimatum. He says be will. fight,
and that be is ptepared for the struagle.
A Britieli expedition will be gent agaitist
him in the middle of Decenthey.
iteosatioe has beet calmed in Con-
stantinople by the report that thee° Ar-
menian notabilities of Treisizoode areto be
executed on the gromul that they ere re-
sponsible. for the reeen t, riotIng there.
The Dthke of Gem bridge, upon his• re-;
tiremetit from the post of complander-ita
ohief of the forces, tuts been gazetted chief
personae aide-neetatep tc; the Queen and
honOtary colon el- in -ch i ef to th e eorces,
The post of poet la useate is still amen&
Swiabutise ancl Morrie are out of the min-
Olitoltety Dian* Velars,
The Diao who logs e melee beMe
And tiade it isn't ripe
is eery ma re wank some things,
That look like these f 1
1f type.
The pa who carries a babe at night
All through the bowie and beek
Is apt to speak this sentenee
Ile It7p+s' (11)011 11
The lady who going out
Ilas callers come and stay:
She Wee to lightly chat but this
Is went she'd like to say,
I.Tpon a smooth ha:mum .peel
• A deaeon chauced to tread,
And here's a brief, shoialittent report—
* t ***t _***_
Of what the deacon said.
A lady trith her parasol •
A. passer's eaeight.
Be said ; 'Piety do ;tot metal= it,"
But here ! ! I.*** t
f 1 *— Is what he thought.
tep froweirnitat:e south with the speed. of the
A robin came here morning,
Down trom the tante) a Mimed arrived,
.4..11 weathers,' Ise prophets ...vein
''Twill be warm to -day r Probabilities
And the robin wak frozen sr i If and dead.
A Dial e r P lie—Many lersons se ffer
excrecia ny af er partaking ol:
a hearts, dixner. The food pa t I -a a
is ike a ball of lead epcn the st mech,
ard etc' of being it hea thy a tr -
meat it becomes a poison be the sj stem
Dr. Peluso ee's Vegetable Pas are on-
derful ocrree ives of such troubles. They
ec rr et i y, open the se -rations atici
COUT* rt tbe fold partaken a into hen thy
nutiiment, They are just the me lotus
to take if troubled with, indigestion or
Not To Their Liking.
.A. man was rresntly sitting in Mount
Morris Park with a dog of very doubtful
breed crouching beside bin.
Two little urchins stopped and looked
intently at the animal for a few mo-
ments then one said te she other, "Bill,
wish!that was mine, don't your)
The Man, hearing the remae k of the
boy, aril bate,' sunewhat pleased, in-
"And what would you do with it if it
wera yeurs, eh?"
The lad Icoleed at his eompanion, and
then seeing that the coast was dear,
wickedly replied:
"I should sell it and buy a, dog." After
which he and his ecmpanion hurriedly
reetoria, Peetorla. Pectoria.
Are you suffering from cough or cold
=your lungs. Ask yoar druggist for
Pectoria,and take no other, Just try and
see for yourself how soon • Pectorie, will
cure you. Send to Allan St Co., 53 Front
ee ts bot-
Women Shordirters.
Acct riling to a. Fr h writer, no ;
baiter than 4,000 weir. n • are eaught ,
ever a ter etottline cluriag their shop- '
liftin espedi ime. The number of
titled. ladies seized with this strange
malady is, he us, almost incredible.
Among the more recent cuipri• s -tetra a
Russian er'nees :4, a French countess, an
English lay of title and tits daughter: at
a reigning sovereign. As e.. rule, those
more distingui Ind effen dere are let off
on, payment of a re: n tuns for the relief
of tee poor, which, a hen the shoplifter
is enown to be rieli, s matinees riees to
as muoh as 10,000 francs (9.100),
Mrs. Celeste 0 on, Syresuse, N.Y.,
writes : "For I teen 1 not at many
kinds of fool. without pro i tieing, a hom-
ing, excrueiating pain in my etomeeh. I
toek Parraelt e:s Pi Is aceo di. g to' di-
rections under th t head of 'Dysp psia. or
Indigestion' One box enth• „ly our d
roe. I cannow eat anything I choose,
with out di str seine ro e , he lease" ese
rills do not cense pain or gtiping, and
should be used. alaen it cathartic is re-
roil' LONG. WEAEY 11(ONTI1S.
Owl Reached it Stage Wliest He e, as
Unable to Turn in Bed Without Aid—
Hundreds of Dollare Spent in the
Sonveh for Relief—Dr. 'Will lams' Fink
Pills Again. Prove Their Wonderful
Heals/1.00111g Power..
Froln the Kentville, Chronicle,
Mr. David O. Corkum, of Scottie Bay
Road, is the owner of one of the best felons
• In King's Co., N.S., and is one of the best
• earown farmers in that eeetion of the
eounty. Ile is taturally hard working
• map, and when strong is alwaye to be
found busy on his place,: Last winter he
spent the whole Reason in the lumber
woods, wits strong and healthy and work-
' ed OS hard as anyone. But it bas not al-
ways been so. In feet it is the wonder of
the neighborhood that he is able M work
at all. Before inovIng to Scott's Bay
Road, Mr. •Cork= lived. at Chester, Lan-
enburg Co., N.S., and while there was a
great sufferer ,from rhetunatisna whiob
affected him in snob a way that he was
unable to do manual labor of any kind.
About this time he moved to his present
home, but he oould.not, gat,a. moment's
respite from the &tots of his disease,
Feeling that he must get well at any cost,
he had his old doctor brought from Ches-
ter to his relief, but be was unable to do
anything for Min. Re tried many kinds
of medicine hoping to receive benefit but
to no ayail. Being determined not to die
without a struggle he had doctors sum-
• moned frem Halifax. but still continued
to get worse. -about three years ago he
took to his bed and his case developed into
; bone and. muscle rheumatism of the worst
type. It spread through all bis bones, up
into. his. neck and into his arm, causing
partial paralysis of that limb, rendering it
; utterly useless since he could not lift it
, above his waist. All the strength left his
: muscles, and he was unable to turn in bed
without aid. He was able to stand upon
' Ms feet, but could not walk. Still the
dootors waited noon him and still ho took
• their medicine, but with no beneficial re-
sults, During this time Mr. Corkurn paid
out several hundred dollars in. hard clash
' for dootors' bills and medicine, all of
: which did hint not one particle of good.
After lying in bed for lateen months his
, case was pronounced hopeless and he was
given up by all About this time be heard
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as it last
resource he resolved to give them a trial.
The first four boxes produce& no notice -
elite effect, but at the fifth he began to
• notice it change. Feeling encouraged he
kept on and frein that time be rapidly im-
proved and after nsing the Pink Pills for
• a period of some twelve weeks he was re-
' stored to perfect health. much was the
wonderful story told a representative of
• Ilia Western Ohrooicle by Mr. Corkum
short time ago. Mr. Corkutri is now 50
' years of age and perfectly healthy and
What Made Her Tired.
With parted lips she bent forward.
Perhaps she had, not heard him aright.
"Fly with me," the lover repeated,
and his werds frees hr blood.
"No," she shrieked. when she had
found voice, Away.
"Then you, will not tit pe ?"
Like a marble statue she stood until
the sound of his footsteps was lost in the
Her lip culled se:Droning as she com-
muned with herself.
"—who can't forget to be economical
make me tired."
Agitation en the world tit 110m tepathi
, medicine has been its very. soul, of pro-
, gress, as in polities and. religion—the ti..t4-
cultiesi of opinion and. the individualities
of men have been parent to the disagree-
: ments by which the standard of these
bodies have been elevated. So *with most
! of our famous preparations—foremost in
• illustration of which truth stands the
. world.-fa,mous remedy to general debility
' and langour "Quinine Wince." and which,
when obtainable in its genuine strength,
is a miraculous ereator of appetite, vital-
, ity and stimulant, to the general fertility
of the system. Quinine Wine, and its
improvement, has, from the first discovery
; of the great virtues of Quinine as a medi-
cal agent, been one of the most thoroughly
discessecl remedies ever offered to the
public, 16 is one of the great tonics and
natural life-giving. stimulants which the
medical profession have been compelled.
to recognize and. presen e. Messrs,
NO -throe & Lyman of Toronto, haves given
to the preparation of their pure Quinine
Win.e the great care due to their
porbanoe, and the standard excellence
of e al to e I' • , ' p •
lie comes into the Ine;leet purged of all
the defeats which skillful observation and
'scientific opinion has pointed out it the
less perfect preparetions of the paste All
druggists sell it.
Thedford. writee t "For nine yeers i; °11a,rge af "wild' a/14 tC"
&ord. 'Theliminery investigation Will
suffered .with uleerated sorss on my lege pr
; -
1 expended ever $100 take place on Frldtty. physicieris, wad e.
tried every preparation heard of °ewe: At the waft Court itt Hamllton. Marie
reeommenacd for such disease, but eond istrate .Telfe admitted that lie had not, the
get no relief. I at last was recommend- Power to ledlet Mr P C Allan, ef Torened to give Di -
' Feleetrie Oil a te for penittry, mild the oharge was die
trial, which has reedited, after tiling . missed. Mr. .Allan theeateris to sue the
eaieht bottles (Oleg it int& rtial y and ex- 1?olice Magistrate for false Arrest. Against
it the est. fnedi0 ne in the World, and 'Magistrate chromitted Mr. Alletne eotalta
.1 write this to let °there know What It laW, A, .1, Ralston, for forgery. The
• has done !Or me, • Megisbtatia and Grown Attorney bed it
ternallyt a complete ewe. the v ce
feels younger and bette: • than lie has for
years and attributes his recovery solely
to the use of Dr Williams' Pills, and he is
willing to prove the truth of these state.
inents to aneeme who may call upon
I These pills are a positive cure for all
troubles arising from it vitiated condition
of the blood or a shattered nervous sets-
; tem. Sold by all dealers or by mall frora
; the 1 r. Medicine Company,
13rockville, Ont., or Soheneetady, N. Y.,at
50 cents a. box, or 6 boxes for Ise.50. There
; are numerous imitations and substitutes
• against -whites the public is cetationed.
, See Wasn't Sure.
• Mamma What is Willits trying
about ?
Bridget—Shure, ma'am, he Wanted to
go across the street to Tommy Brown's.
• Mamma—Well, why don't you let him
Bridget—They were havin' charades,
he said, rria'ern, and I wasn't sure as
Thee is money.
Hurry Up.—"What is the reason you
obarge twice as mach for my duffs as you
did formerly?"
Washerwoman, —"Becaase you have
begun making pencil notes on them." '
Berry Up. —"What difference does that
Washerwoman —" The girls waste so
muCh time in trying to make them out"
PrOVed a Lullaby..
"My wife will b ;ar witn ',es," said the
prisoner at the bar, "that at the very
time I am scsussd of entering Mr.
Smith's or misee I wa.e engaged in walk
ing the floor with my infant ehild in my
arms, eedeav, ring to soothe it by sing-
ing "Keck -a -bye, baby,"
The w itoner disehergecl," re-
merked the magistrate. "He can. prove
a lullaby."
Brains Not Supplied.
Speaking of the Double Chloride of
Gold tr attuent for alaoholism, the re-
mark is sometimes heard : ' Oh, the
Gold Cui•e may be all right for some men,
but it will not cure everybody. I know
a man who took the (tare and he is drink-
ing as badly as ever.' The accuracy of
thet first propo4ition depends upon the
institation where the treatment is ad-
ministe:red, for there ere Gold Cents and
so-attled Gold Cures. It has not so far
been alleged, truthfully, that the treat- ;
ment given at Lakehurst Instittite,•Oak-
ville, has failed in, any ea,se to effect a .
cure. The second proposition is undoubt-
edly true, but it is also true that every
• one of the few who have resumed drink-
. ing after having taken. the Oakvil'e treat-
ment, attributes his condition, to his own
: folly' or carelessness. So Ion as the
world revolves, alcohol will , from its very
' nature, netke men drenk if they drink it.
, So wie poison kill if introduced into the
! system in. sufficient q ',entities. The
1 treatment restowes to it healthy eolith -
i titaa, but dos 4 net supply brains, and
' only those ha;v:reg them should under-
take it. Toronto offiee, 28 Bank of COM -
Mace Buil ain E. 'Phone 1,163.
Tee Same Ouse.
t. lan'yer, having had. oocasion to sum-
mon an abusive cabman, was surprised
when his clerk informed lihn that tit
cabby, not recognizing him, had called
to know whether he would undertake his
. ciertainly ?" wae the reply with a ,
smile of aususement, "Tell him "we'll
get him off for $5."
It was the eabman's Wry). to be eurpris-
ed, however, on the action being with-
drawn, and his recognizing the pla,intiff
and the solicitor as one and the same
Why hang me if that ain't the cove I
gave a $5 bill to ! he .reraarked, failing
to see anything particularly humorous
about the matter. '
A Mistanderstandins..
Saptinith (terribly agitittedc—Oh, that
ifs• awful And will the poor fellah
never be able to Fee again ?"
Steele—See again? What are you
talking about ?"
":\iirliv, haven't you just told me that
Bertie Hyrdler had his eyes shot out
this in awnin,„0. ?"
"Nan- 1- said he had his iee-yaoh
out this morning."
An Exception.
"1 am very much afraid," said. th
kindly-faeed old gentleman, 'that yotin
Blykins is very, exceedingly fast."
"He may be in some things,." replie
the merchant,. "but he certainly ea* —"-e
over it when it comes to a matter of'
paying his bills."—A.xnerieiin Industries.
le Delicious.
Sold Only In Lead Packets.
A* Blizzard!
A Hurricane!
A Cyclone!
A Tornado!
Wouldn't be enough
to extinguish
E. B. Eddy's
when lit.
The best "light,"
for smokers in these
high autumn winds
Made only by
The E. B. EDDY Co.
by every person reading ibis papers_Groceries
and general supplies tor home use. write to us
for Flee list and buy your winter supply from
20 to 50 per cent eheaper than you are now
paying for your genes. An liew goods and at
wholesale prices. Nolo address.
Wholesale Groeer,
57 Front Street East, Tomato.
h fti
I I eys
H nge re
Order your Supplies of
Oak Tanned
• Leather Belting
' from us. We supply four grades, snit..
able for all classes of ma,ohynery. Every-
thing in above lines at Manufacturers?
First Cost Prices.
Lowest Prices
For Cash..
44 Bay Street, Torontor.
Two Schools 'Cinder One airtnaaemento.
Unquestionably. tbe leading Oommereitet
• Schools ot the Dominion ; advantages best
to Canada; moderate rates; students may
enter at any time, Write to either school for
cirenlars and mention this paper.
• SHAW & ELLIOTT, Principals -j'
Ore of Life
Founcl at Last.
Vitie.Ore is vety properly called Ore of
Noel, of Chicago, Geologist.
Lite. Ili was discovered by Professor Theo.
Cement for Mending Vir.ebrIelr. This ore makes an elixir which is Nature's
print 1 he recipe for simple mince t for '
To reply tn several inquiries, we se. it will reach the nidus him= diseases When
el -rent ;Remedy for the etne of mman .
armee ng I) rehrtek in stoves : To one part
of common ealts arid one part of powder-
soapetonc, and mix with water to a
stiff paste, :tr. powdered soapstone cannot
be obtained, corn iti all COO rt
pla$ter them tightly with tho cement
while they are still warm. Make a Oro
in the stove • as 8001) US the kicks ale
mended, as the heat hardens the comet
Bricks waded in thie way with the soap-
stone powder will last • a long time. A
cement of ashes aud Fait will not last so
, long.
31ing, the fernier for hie eerie l'adiet.ilisint Ite'd had 'eni yelt.L--Testv York jotirnal, .
The wars of the last tiOVVni VCO/l'q 11 hirer's office you need a thorOorh Basiatla Education
in order to timzeed Write'for the Annouucerneut
of this Northern Satinets Collee tar tall particulars.
Addrest-C. A. Fleming, l'rinmpal, °wet, Sound, Otit,'
and the latter for his socialistic ten-
deneiee. .Alfted Austin is mentioned. fa.
11 for the position:
News has been received ishet the japan.
(see have raptured the innate tosv of
'Itatchl, hi the esland eoetteszt. ' .he
position of the Blaokflegs is said to be des.
!•peitate, ;and the Japanese demantl their
• uneonditional suktender,
tugs an et. , tore's
greet reetorativa to triech nothing Is added.
It is pure, as it comes tem naturees laboratory.
Sohl only on direct orders or throueb local or
frgail agents. PriatICl 11a6Vs?' Litrir
• . n prep a y pa • t g o ct
on receipt of price. Send for dirett tars and hill
particulars to Vibe.Orc Depot, Adelaide
street west, Toronto. j. JOHNSTON', General
T. N. IL•
No. 87
lt matters not whether you are goltig to work on the
A Deep Loot Sehetne. feria, in the workshop, or the merchant's or manatee.
Cost, of War.
, . . aye
I , , „ cost lassie $ . , ant vos of
rid it IS &LA •(564,..000 10011
the deceit.. •' .
"r $4ti, riaggey, /0 pe Skt, dere's
microbes in binsic "
'Yes; da's why I don't go to tvoelc. If
did anythitier, dy'd pay Inc in bills, at'
then I'd ketel7
• "Isio " sobbed the iretty "Harold 1 '7' 00fl 000 1 11:
and I eitver speak new, a
through the machinations of
i S,ilIie Sr tirlitt "
I h by, what dia. the (10 ?,,
"She peranaded us to joili the sathe
• di ireoly e.heir," •