The Exeter Advocate, 1895-11-1, Page 5'd 4 ( h ......... -.o Is the o T'oiindation of the W'ouderful Cures by Sar a arilia That is Why the cures Rood'S. 4eirsaparilla are CURES. That. is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla basitivelydoes cure the severest cases of Scrofula,1 Salt Rheum and all other blood diseases, even ve when all other preparations and prescriptions fail. That is Why the testimonials in behalfof' Tltodsars 1a are larilla r o solid facts, and will stand the closest investigation. That is Why the people have con. fidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and );now that whatever appears in its advertising is strictly true. . That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla is recognized, by all as the standard building-np medicine. That is Why it overcomes That iTired Foeliny, ewes energy in place sof exhaustion, life lnsteas1 of languor. That is Why the sales of Hood's ;Sarsaparilla have increased year after year, while other preparations of less merit have come, held a little tem. poraryfavor, and are beard of no more. That is Whey hood's Sarsaparilla 'requires for its producrlor't the largest Laboratory in the world. That is Why it is a true nerve tonic., cures nervousness by feeding the nerves en pure blood, and build:, up all the organs stud tissues of the body. 0 That is Why Hood's Sareaparenia Esc Only Ts1Ae Wood Purifive Prominently in the public eye toduy. De sure to get Hood's and only Hood's. Is out ot or- der if you have bitter taste, offen- sive breath, sick headache, slight foyer, weight or full- ness in the etet stomach,. heartburn, or nausea. good's Pills rouse the liver, cure biliousness, restore proper digestion, expel accumulated impurities, eureconsuipation. 25 cants. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, U. S. A. CENTRAL a:aaUUE Si 1 Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs. colds, and bronchitis tr.oribles. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses, the best in the market, al- ways on hand; also Aceto- benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Pfir. Chas. Munroe, Paikhiil, in this and other towns, in treating and cur- ing various disc aces. For sale here, C. LUTZ, Druggist. Tilo gin CUTTER & FITTER. o ar " A ..: " • � N ..... Joi.�i MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St., - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete lino of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian and American Tweeds. Trou.serings, Suitin�gs, Cooatings, A. 1d 1i71INTELL FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. THE COOK'S BET FRIEND LARC,i:,S1 SALE Ii CAI',AD.,. BwfulLoss Of Lice. The EBen 's Favorite Season. Viotinns of Riteumatis taken off Euery Day. Paine's Celery Compound a 'Per feet Cure for matism. Are you numbered in the the vast army of rheumatics? If you are, be warned in time. This is the season most fatal to„all who suffer from rheu- matism. Already-. alarm and 'conster- nation conster-nation is spreading in the of the suffer- ing and disabled, TO -day sunshine cheers you; to -morrow and succeeding days cold. damp, chilling and piercing winds may briug you to the verge of despair, from agonies and excrueiatine pains. Can you afford to go on bearing agon- ies that may prove fatal atony moment? Oen you afford to experiment with use- less medicines when you know of Paine's Celery* Cotnoouud, and the wonders it has done for others? It you value life, make trial today of the only medicine under heaven can ban- ish your terrible aflietion. Each bottle ofair '� P re � Celery Compound is full of life giving virtue and power. It can- not fail in your case; a cure is guaran- teed; what stronger promise can you desire? Your friends and neighbors have been curer) by Paine's Celery. Compound. Many of them lingered in pain for years, and fai.led`with scores o medicines; but victory was theirs afte using Paine's Celerey Compound Health, strength, perfect vigor an complete victory will also be yours you take hold of the same great curin agent. Mitchell: Mr. John Smith, enginee at Mr. Stuart's mill had a finger take, off last Thursday by being caught i the machinery. Look out for colds at this season Keep yourself well and strong llq tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great torsi and blood purifier. McGillivray: Diphtheria has again broken out in S. S. No. 18• This tim the dread disease has made its appear ante in the home of Mr. Chas. Thompson 18th con., two or three of his family be ing ill with it. Wingham: John Elliott, an employ at the chair factory, while engaged a a rip saw on Friday last was struck in the throat by a piece of wood which flew back from the saw. He wa knocked over and was unable to speal for over a day. Although receiving such a blow there was but a slight ab rasion of the skin. Wingham: A very pretty wedding took place at the manse, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock when John Fife Turnberry. and Louisa, daughter o Lawrence Treaey, were united in mar riage in the presence of a few invited guests. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a visit among friends in Hensel, Exeter and othei Goderich: A farmer named Hender• son lost a span of horses on Tuesday night. He was taking' a load of dam- aged wheat to Clarke's farm and left his tenni untied, which running away turned the wrong, concession and ran into the 10 p. m. train, One horse was killed outright and the other died on Wednesday. The train men knew nothing of the accident. Clinton: Invitations are out for a couple of interesting events that will take place as the residence of Mr. W. S. Marland an the 30th inst. These are the marriages of his sister-in•Iaw, Miss Carrie M, T. Simpson, to Mr. James Elliott, of East Wawanosh; and of his niece, Miss Mason, of East CVawanosh, to 112r, M. Tillett. of the same township. A coincidence that does not often oc- cur is the fact that both of the intend- ed brides are related, as are also both the grooms. • A boy working' in a bicycle factory at Indiauapolis laid aside apiece at a time until he. finally had enough to build himself a bicycle. The firm dis- covered the fact and arrested the bot on the charge of grand larceny. The boy's lawyer proved by actual facts, gleaned from the tient themsOlves, and from the employees, that it cost hot 7ev.i,50 to put on the mnrket an $S0 bicycle, and there, fore the material stolen by the, boy did not amount to enough to convict hits of grand larceni, TOPICS OF A. WEEK. The 1a tportan t atvente in a Few Words For lawn, Itoedors. o N v FR t'v I'Fj,N. Typhoid Is spreading in South London. Tho Banque au People re -opens for business Nov. ;3, The London gas oempany have appealed agaainsttheir assessenlou't of $ 120,000.' Four now men will be sadded. to the Hamilton polios force, making 50 in all, The readiugroom of the new free lib- rary, London, will be opened to the public November 1. Mark Spencely,.Petorborough,isreported to have fallen heir to $100,000 by the death of an aunt in England. The Monde says the French rano will re conquer Canada and that before 25 years all the oastern townships will be French '''here were eleven degrees of frost in Loudon Thursday morning, and the cold in the North of England was very severe. Ab banquet will be n Hall tendered o to 1F1r. qr d . Caine on his return to Ottawa by inen of letters at the capital. Mr. Caine has signi- fied his acceptance, Mr. Haggart states that the report for the Intereolonial railway, which has just reached the department, shows that lase year the railway was soil -sustaining, The body of the woman found in the Detroit River Sept, 30th has been idents= fled as that of Miss Carleton, of St. Clair, Mich. Meader is strongly suspected. Major-General (Gascoigne, commander of the Canadian militia, was tendereda mess dinner on Saturday night •by the officers of tho Montreal brigade of active militia. Bernie and Tony Koch, two of the obit - dr; n who were in the Queen's hotel'flreat Hamilton last Tuesday night, suoccumb- od Thursday aftorhoou. The little girl, Hattie, is very low. 'Montreal marine insurance companies have petitioned the Deputy. Minister of 'Marine to provide telegraph communica- tion and to place lighthouses on the Straits of Belle Isle. The presiding judge at the trial of Iur schinski, on the charge of murcior, Held at Berlin, Ont., Friday, decided to stretch a piiint in the prisoner's favor, and put off the trial till the Spring Assizes. It is estimated that before the close of navigation on the St. Lawrence River 50,- 000 dead of cattle will have been shipped from the West to the European markets. Last season the number was 30,000. Lieut -Col, Gibson has retired f ec reel the command of the 18th of Hamilton, and the Militia Department, to shote apprecia- tion of hie long service, has allowed him to retain the rank of lieutenant -colonel on the active force. Seven out of tweniy-five Canadian horses offered for sale',. riday in London '' averaged twenty six guineas each. Owing • to the large number of Canadian horses d offered for said recently, the demand was if weak. g The fourth victim of the fatal flre at the Queen's hotel in Hamilton died early Fri- day in the person of Hattie Koch, aged ✓ ton. The funeral of the late proprietor, Mr. Anton Koch, and his three children n was held Friday. Mr. James Mcl5voy, of the Geological. Survey, has returned to Ottawa from the • Shuswap district, British Columbia, He -. states that the distrioi situated on the C Thompson river watershed contains splen- did agricultural land. International complications, it is said, e may arise out of the building of a dam in the Rainy River at Rat Portage and the anticipated Hooding of some thousands of acres of fertile land beloncing to the Unit- - eel. States by the rise in the level of the lake. o James T. Seymour, of Paisley, Ont., t who had been attending Harriston High school, mysteriously disappeared last Sun- day morning from his father's home and has not been heard of since, although a diligent search has been made by relatives ` and friends. Mgr. O'Bryan, a member of the 'Papal - Council, died suddenly in Montreal, Fri- day. He was seized with a fainting fit while saying mass on Sunday, but rallied, , and appeared so Well that he was contem- plating going out for a walk, when he f dropped dead. Miss Annie Cavanaugh, of Cardinal, Ont., died in Buffalo Thursday as the re- sult, it is charged,of acriminal operation, performed upon her by Dr. J.G. Harper, a practising physician cif Buffalo. Appear- , anoos would indicate that Miss Cava- naugh was a woman of wealth and refine- ment. Dr.Harper is under arrest. The Rev. Dr. Laidlaw, pastor of St: Pauls Presbyterian au cb ch, Hamilton, , On, died Thursday at the farm residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Angus ;McColl, near Georgetown, He had been ill for abort two years with consumption. i9HaJte Yourself Strong If you would resist pneumonia, bron- cbitis, typhoid fever, and persistant coughs tied colds, These ills attack the weak and run do;vn system, They. can hnd no foolhn'c1 where the the hood is kopt pure. rich and full of vitality, the appetite g'nod a.ntl di,.i'e;5tinn vigorous, with iTood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blond puri tier. Hood's Pilis cure liver ills, eonstipa- tioli, blllonsues., jaundice, :l1ck ki'ad• aeho. A Kingston paper publishes a statement that on Wednesday a Methodist clergyman could not bo secured to conduct the ter- vice at the funeral of a • life-long adherent of that church. They either had prior en- gagements, or desired to see the Macdon- ald lnonu,nont unveiled. Tho undertaker was compelled to read the service. It appears there i3 a promising market for Canadian cider in Great Britain. If not at present, at all events in the near '.'till re our farmers must hake much mon, out of their orchards than they ever did in the past. The tremendous waste of windfalls . i now pretty well saved by the evaporat7 a, which turns to account even the peel illgs and gores of the poorer apples. The choicer fall apples it will soon be pos- sible to, ship to England without loss, through the application of cold storage. Ail other appjes nob suitable for drying or shipping can bo made into eider. There remain ouly the fine hard fruit, for which thorn le always a good market in England. Thu economies introduced or now coming into the apple factory should make it a very profitable one, marline a STATES. Chioago is threatened with a coat fanl- ing, Burglar-proof cars now carry mails be- tween New 'York and St, Louis. A Reading, Pa., woman bled to death after having sixteen teeth extracted. There Is talk of the restoration on the nr Missouri Pacific of the wages of two years sa age There aro 24 creameries in Maine that I yl do nothing but nianutacturo butter the it 'file Carnegie Conipany� at Pittsburg has an extensive contraot for supplying' aria or -plate to Russia, 9. New York newspaper predicts that stalrllartl blvyoles will be. sold next year .*1 , ' for 141 Abu t.i, ialsl less. o.� , 1 rich til de posit of gold and silver is re- potted to have been discovered recently on 0 farm 1n Chatham, N, H. .It is said that the ileal estimate of wheat by the United Status . Government will be 4013,000,000 bushels. Steps aro being taken to hold an Ocoi- dental and Oriental fair in 'Tacoma, Wash., in the summer of 1000. The colonels of the 'United States army got a salary of 24,500 a year, lieutenant• colonels $4,000, and majors 28, 500.. ltopubiioans met at Washington Deo, 10th to designate a time and place for the meeting of the National Convention in 13913, AMiissouri'ranks first in mules, having in the hast census year 251,714;'the next being Texas, with 227, 432, and the elect Tennessee, with 203, 639, The Library a Denial y deet f Chicagois spend- ing sp n ing 240,000 in decorations on the new lib- rary for j;hat city. Every floor will be of white colored marble. The battle field of Chickamauga, in 'Tennessee, whore 12 years ago, thirty thousand dead and wounded lay, has boon dedioatod as a pleasure pant. The Legislature of South Carolina has resolved that there shall be no divorao for any cause whatsoever,. Oklahoma teal- tory gods to the other extreme. The people of New York state are to veto next September on a proposition to spond $9,000,000 in deepening the canals. of the state from seven foot to nine feet. It is estimated that the electric car and the bicycle are responsible for a falling off in the denianal for oabs in the United States, amounting to 100,000,000 bushels a year: Levi Thornton and Mrs. Linda Fiddler; of Coal Itun, Ky., were wedded the other day. The groom was 81 years old, the bride 80, and each had been married five times previously. A Pennsylvania couple wore married the other day after an ongagemenb of 60 years. The briclegroom, who was S0 years old, had boon working all that tirne to a mass a competency. Capt L:ainonth, of Mississippi, who claim a title to the greater part of the present site of London, by deed given his tether, is expeotecl in that city shortly in an attempt ro establish his claim. , Some idea of the quantity of salmon in the. Columbia , -Aver, 0 or at roast of the quantity Iaken out, may be learned from tho fent that sono of the big canneries there put up in cans an average of ton tons of the fish every day. ` Ambassador Bayard's family have been holding office continually under the United States Government for 100 years, James Bayard, the Ambassador's grand- father, having been elected a delegate to the Federal Congress in 1796. 'Theodore Roosevelt has made a collet- tion of all the cartoons about himself that he could get hold of, and has pasted thom on the walls of a room at his home. He says he gets lots of fun out of showing his. "cartoon room” to his friends. Lowell, Mass , has on one of her road- sides a largo urn,whiob is kept constantly filled with fresh flowers at the expense of a wealthy lady who resides in the vicinity as a menioriat to, her pet poodle, who was killed by.the cars ,at that spot. The world's record for railway speed over a groat aistanee was broken Thurs- day by a special train on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, which ran from Chicago to Buifalo,a distance of five hundred and ten miles, in four hund- red and eighty-one minutes and seven sec- onds, -an average speed of 63.60 miles an hour. The oourfs of Santa maina, Car.,are call•. ed on •to settle a host perplexing clues- tion. The First National Bank there held a mortgage of $6,300 on a flock of sheep, and since the mortgage was given the flock increased by ono thousand lambs, which have been sold for 4500. The bank claims lambs aro covered by the mortgage, and is suing for the value of the same. l Ot EIGN Cholera is spreading in Egypt. The Austrian parliament has opened. The Empress of Germany continues in very delicate health. . It is announced that Mgr. Satolli will be matte a cardinal at the next consistory, bo he held in November. A despatch from Constantinople repro - ants the liberal movement there as being more marked than ever. The French transport Canton has arriv- ed at Algiers from Madagascar with a large num her of invalid soldiers. Tho condition of the Czarewitah of Russia has become very much .worse, and he is not now able to proceed to Nice. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather the Queen every day takes long drives. A few days ago she drove twelve miles in a regular snowstorm. Sir Charles Halle, tate well-known pian- ist, conductor, and composer, died Satur• day ab Manchester, England, at the ad- vanced age of seventy-six years. The French Budget Committee Satur- day rejected the naval credit asked by Ad- miral Besnarcl, involving an annual out- lay of $200,000, for the next 12 years. An order will shortly be issued by the British Admiralty forbiddkng the entry of any foreign officer into the Naval College at Greenwich or on board British war- ships. The Lorean revolution and murder of tine Queen are attributed to Prince Pak, who was banished by the late Queen's commands, and who is now all exile 3n America. A plot has been discovered among the oflioiels of the Sultan's palace in Constan- tinople, and in consequence numerous ar- rests have been rnacle, and residences of tho Ministers are now guarded by troops, London nets about $140,000 a year on the gleanings from its dust chutes, and, it is estimated that under a proper system the state of Neve Fork would give the city a gross'revenue of about $700,000 a year. The trial of J''abez Balfour, formerly a ember of the Imperial' parliament, and alcl to be the prime mover 'n the ani -- l novo i e 1n ip aliens which resulted in disaster to the ,iboraitee group of companies, oominenced 1 London Saturday. year round A burglar diecovered In apartments at '170 New York fell from a slx-story window in and was killed. i The estimated cost on both sides of the pr) 'great (Aril War of the baited States was co $6,500,000,000, th A Maine Mother has an old slimior,still o itt use, which has spanked six generations sh of her triinily. • aiaiaat' P Robinson Crusoe's island hits been ine stigatod recently by the Cbilinn Govern enti, The commission sent to ongttiro in its oondltion found that the former pulatron had dwindled to 20, Several nrercial experiments have boon tried on o, island, but they have all fulled. The. ,tatnission repotted, however, that Chili dui<l fortify the Island for strategic par' 0808: Ordered Out his Ad, Circe on a time a man there wa8 Wllo str'ong'ly did desire, A fest to take, from business eftres -- , In short, get out, retire. lie told lies file:Id, of his ititemt; Ile get out; in ver.* fact, To close lets stock and business out He used his utmost tact, But strange to say, his trade hold New goods lie had to buy;` It looked as if he couldn't quit, No matter how he'd try. Until one, clay a friend explained 4'4'hy he such trade had had, Awl now he's out of it for keeps -•- lie ordered out bleed! up, Mitchell: A tea 11On the 'i •. t 19th ins t., I t., after a few weeks illness, Jaynes Graham died at his home in West ''Gard. liar, Gra- ham was nearly 04 years of age. and had beau a resident.of Logan and Mit- chell for many tears. tiwanows have been soon at sea over one thousands milds from land, It was the custom, years ago, for the Japanese ladies to gild their teeth. At a sale of relies in England in the year 1816 a tooth of Sir Issac Newton was sold for a stun equal to $8,000. People smell bettor with their mouths shut because all the air for the use of the lungs must then bo drawn through the 11080. '1910 smallest measure of weight i> . use, the grain, took its name from being orig- inally tbq weight of a well -dried grain of wheat. Have You Heard the O'er We Offer TLI O Ori ©jg •i®I tLIL]J ' l, t.l rrJ. ���Ct2: lr ,1":!--;;13 rritzjj..:ajh TO ALL WHO SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE • A Daily Paper for 75c. There are a number of our subscrib- ers who have already taken advantage of what may be called the greatest offer 'ever made by a' paper in this county. The question in everyone's mind is, "How can we otter The AvvocaTB and The Toronto News both a year for $1.75 ? The price of The AvvoeAT0 as everybody knows. is $1.00, and the price.of The News is $300; the two papers bought separately would be $4.00; but any one sending us $1:75 we will send to their address The Ar- voceTn every week, and The Toronto Daily News every day. This offer wik. not hold long. Those who have not taken: advantage of this ot]'ir had better do so at once. Cooke Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and lime of weed." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for 5F'te,e e and fu l particulars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 3g years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3 --No, 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. bb Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale: and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollare prbox. A. HAS 'NCS, Proprietor of THE CENTRAL BARBERSHOP. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and SHAVING. TRY FOR BAGMCRE RHEutatisa LUMBAGO NEURALGIA TMS ISA PICTURg, OF Me FAMous OUR",, FPR SCIATIC PAINS A Vag 1' r FOR ilt,3cui,40 PAINS AND ACHES EACH IN AIR TIGHT TIN BOX 2 C, �(11�NTHOL pL.ASTL•'�f•�1f7 Vertil "-:1::(7d:3±e1 a I li i il Pi _ ;Mr Ail T !'/1111' � r -1111161111, 1111 jes AMIE- 1 10 I NNA, In the system, strains the lungs .and Prepares a way for pneumonia, ettoa- times consumption, PYIY-PECTORAL positively cures coughs and colds in a surprisingly short tune. It's a scien- 1111ccertainty, tried and true, scrota- , ing and healing in its effects. LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENTS. .Are S1iSSl=j„i r E. for the rept t3',1, Nve el.;~ in PARLOR TABLE, CORS IV,A1 POLES, ESQ MID PICTURE TOP lati:11.6,5, S, &JDLEY SOS 9 OBD FELLOW'S Bloti IS HANDLED 33 PRFs AND - MARTIN, AGENTS FON, BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES. ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won o —289 first prizes, —148 second ” 8S third .0 and holds nearly every Championship from the, Atlantic to the Pacific.. Penins & Martin. EXETER PACKING ROUSE. HOGS Wan FOR 19EIVRY VItY MONDAY A. M. As we are killing' hogs regular we are prepared to fill crocks or pails with new lard. PRICE LIST:— Tender IST:--Tender loin Spare ribs Roast pork Lard to crocks Hams, smoked Barka 'a 9 cents per 3t, et it 13. Bacon " 19 " Clear Bacon 9 to 10 0 Spiced roll 10 " .' Pigs feet 15 `" per doz. THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE Ladies' and Children'sl-laircuttinga specialty, A. IIASTINGS, Fanson's Block, 9 L L ,a P < op f, :t 44 M u •., t55cratcbs,. .r,„‘„,,,,, 5 ' praipss .y , and all pains, external al�5t • `, Vie• or internal, are ii'i5taut s.,,,„,.:,ly rt ievt d by ,,/ PERRY DAVIS' t. v • Pain il�:e°ta This old remedy is known, n5ext and sold everi'iv ere. Get itanrl $fell it by you, 7 it