The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-9, Page 516.
Pearn McFarland
Wailaceburg, Ont.
Comfort and Relief
Given to Rejoicing Parents
AChild's Health and Strength Built
Up by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
The gratitude which is felt by pa-
rents over the recovery of their children
from distressing diseases it is hardly
,possible to express in words. Many
,lathers and mothers have seen the good
effects of Hood's Sarsaparilla in restor-
:l g their children to health, and they
,have written gladly of their great joy
and thankfulness for the virtues of this
medicine. Following is such a case:
" My little girl, aged 4, weighed but 3
:pounds at her birth. During the first
three years and a quarter she was not well
ti single day. I was recommended to try
a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had little
faith in the medicine, but as I bad tried
all other medicines, I thought I would
give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, and I
began giving it to the child according to
directions. The result is that she
Has Not Had a Sick Day
takingthe first bottle,which was
You do not kno
months ago. w
maven g
what a comfort and relief it is to my wife
and myself to have her restored to health.
She is now robust and weighs as much as
any child of her age in town." GnoRaE
iliforauLAND, Wallaoeburg, Ontario.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
flood's pills easy to bay, easy to take,
s7 La effect. 26e.
For Over Fifty Mears.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per -
feet success. It soothes the child, softens
thegnms, allays all pain, curds wind collo
and is the best remedy for Diarrhea. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In.
every part of the World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
e--Proprletor oy
Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a specialty
A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block.
Tie People's
Man St., - - - Exeter.
Tweeds and Worsteds.
I have a complete line .
of samples of all the latest
designs and patterns in
English, Scotch, Canad-
ian and American Tweeds.
Trouserings, Snitings, Coatings.
Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a Gen
Ural Store in the stand lately occupied
ey Brook'S Harness Shop with a ful
Stook ck daf
The Important events in a',['ow 1,Yords. For
Iles Readers.
A winter carnival is being proposed in
Rain is interfering with the exhibition
at :Regina.
Chatiunit paid ovor,tho $1,405,000 for
the local water -works plant on Saturday.
There were 57 deaths during July in
The now Mount Hamilton incline rail-
way has boon completed, •
Government land at Yale,B4O., is to be
offered at $1 per acre"
Stables and out -buildings on Lord Aber-
deen's ranch in British Columbia have
boon destroyed by fire,.
There aro already'thxee oases of murder
for the September sittings of the Court of
Qaeoen's Bench ,at Montreal.
Sonne important arrests aro promised
'connection with the tobaeoo smuggling be-
tween this city, Boston and Now York.
Mrs. Gladstone, according to Pearson's
owns throe acres of land at Niagara Falls;
worth about $5,000 per acre.
The new telegraph cable has arrived
from England for the Grosse Isle quaran-
tine servioe.
Dr. Clark, superintendent of the Rock-
wood asylum, Kingston, agrees that
Shortiss, the Valloyflold murderer, is in-
7.10 rum•
1 Government has granted Messrs.
G o 0
Walhank & Pringle pel'nlission to con-
struct dams and power houses along the
Lachine canal, -
It is understood that the Kansas City
Consolidated Smelting and Refining Com -
Deny have decided to erect a largo smelt-
ing plant at Kakusp in West Kootenay.
Tho Cilston'ts Department received a bag
of gold dust to the value of $8,963 from
Yukon in payment of oustoins duties on
Mr. Louis Papineau, a descendant of
the great Fronch-Canadian leador,has sub-
scribed ono hundred dollars towards the
(Merrier lnonunlont in Montreal
Tho Municipal Council of Springfield,
Man., has taken action to recover $1, 475
in taxes from the Roman Catholic church
authorities of St. Boniface.
It is rumoured in Montreal that, owing
to seine misunderstanding with theauth-
orities., the Rev. Abbe Pronix. vice -rector
of Laval University, has tendered his re-
The Montreal Dry Goods Review says
that all the cotton shirtings, four of the
better grades of tiokings, and one special
of cottonades will be advanced five per
cent. this week.
The total duty collected at the port of
Toronto for the month of July last
amounted to $329,243. Last year the
amount for the sarnemonth was 8286,214,
an increase of $42,829.
Thirty superannuations in all in the out-
side customs service wore made during
July. Sir Adolphe Caron will act as Min-
ister of the Interior and Minister' of Mili-
tia during the absence of Mr. Daly and
Mr. Dickey.
Robert Wycott, of Odessa, oharged with
the manslaughter of W.A. Castoll,by strik-
ing him with a baseball bat at Sydden-
hant, July 24, was convicted at Kingston,
but in view of the circumstances, allowed
his liberty -on suspended sentence.
Mr. George E. Jacques,: the well-known
forwarder and manager of the Merchants'
lino of steamers, and ono of Montreal's best-
known citizens, died very suddenly in that
city on Saturday night, aged 58. He leaves
a widow and family of four children.
Mr. Jules He111ronnor, editor of the
Montreal Presse. has taken an action for
ten thousand dollars damages against the
Monde on account of an article in which,
the plaintiff alleges. he was referred to as,
the "Judas" of the Presse.
Friday morning Capt. Chas. F. Cox,
assistant engineer in the Department of
Marine and Fisheries, was drowned at
Gatineau Point., three miles below Otta-
wa. Ho wont for his customary swim,was
seized with cramps, and was drowned in
the presence of his wife and daughter.
Dr. John MoConnell,of Toronto, a dele-
gate to the Forrestcrs' Convention, fell
dead in St. Martin's Town hall,London,at
five o'clock Friday afternoon. A few iia-
utes previous he was chatting with other
delegates, and made no complaint as ho
walked into the corridor, where he was
found dead. It is supposed that apoplexy
was the cause.
Mr. Coulson, South London, Ont., on
Wednesday evening snatched from the
stove in his house a vessel containing a
liquid that had caught fire, and threw the
contents outside of the door. His infant
son,nged eighteen months, was sitting un-
observed in front of the door; - and the
father unwittingly throw tho blazing fluid
over the goy, who was terribly burned.
The doctor gives little hope that the child
will recover.
Disastrous floods continue in Colorado.
Parts of Michigan have boon visited by
a frost.
Mark Twain has $30,000 in judgments
standing against him.
The annual drink bill of Cleveland, O., is
said to be $10,000,000.
John Hancock's grave is at last to be
marked with a suitable monument.
Seventy-fivo per cont. of the enlistments
in the regular army last year were of
Work has been coninlenned on the elec-
tric: railway line between Baltimore and
Two men recently found in a Mississippi
river sand bar a hulk of a wrecked steam-
er containing 100 barrels of whiskey.
'Preduce taken in exchange for goods
F. R. Knight.
George Allen, who, with others, reocntly
abdalotod Lawyer Cottle at 13utYa1o, was ar-
rested in the Mansion House,. :Buffalo,
Mozlarite,a rare mineral, whleh neither
molts nor burns, is found in the rich me -
bailie heart of. Appalachian mountains
that lie in North Oarelina.
The Y, M. C. A. of Cambridge, Mass,,
raised $30,000 for the "erection of a now
building at a banquet one - evening last
Gov. Morrill believes that the old-fash-
ioned temperance pledge will do more to
secure prohibition in Kansas than all sta-
Paul Geo, of Lomat, Mo., Is a' colored
man 85 years of age, who has thirty-eight
children distributee: over Virignite and
Harriet Jayne has boon a patient of
Bellevue 1oGpltel+ Now Y
ork, for forty
Vents and has been admitted for treat-
ment at least 100 times,
A firm in Augusta, Me., sends to pot
OHO abroad. phbtographs of places of
note, caul these Views aro artistically repro-.
dltced on pieces of china.
United States, Congressman Hilborn,
who has returned to San Francisco froth
Hawaii, is opposed to the annexation of
that island, but favours a oomnxerolal
Ono of the commercial new women has
at one of the seashore resorts au electric'
fan for drying the hair of women bathers
and is overrun by oustobnors.
Mrs. Leo Grand Buell, of Holly, Mioh.,
preached tho sormon at the .ohproh service
over the body of hor husband, and usodhis.
bibulous habits to point a moral.
Mrs. Baker, 60 years old, of . Dickinson
Court House, Va., has just obtained the
position of mail rider in her disbrict,whieli
is one of the wildest in Virginia.. .
The late Rufus Waterhouse,a Now York
manufacturer, has left $,200,000 to found
a ward in. St. Luke's hospital 'for con-
sniuptive and worn out seamstresses.
Lulu R,Georgo, a wallpaper designer in
New York, draw a Chinese pattern which
proved so popular that three huildredthou-
sand rolls of the paper have been sold.
Captain Bradford, of Hackensack, N
J , is about to test in' tho courts the ques-
tion whether a olarionot, played by the
hour by a neighbour,is or not an abatable
n n'isane°.
Dr.Paul Pasquin,of St. Louis, discover-
er of the consumptive serum, is breeding
guinea pigs on which to experiment, the
demand having exhausted the supply in
that oity.
The village•authoritiosof Babylon, Long
Islancl,havo ordered that anyone hereafter
through the
atom Still to ride a bicycle t
village streets on Sundas shall be arrest-
Mayor Strong, or New York,adnnitithat
ho took note at religious beliefs in filling
municipal offices, and is the first chief ex-
ecutive of that city to make such an ad-
A sign put in the Philadelphia trolley
csrS a few -days -ago requests passengers to'
"remain seated until the ear stops, and'
than got off in the direction the car is
Gen. Francis E. Spinner, who was Trea-
surer of the TJnitod States for so many
years, and whose antogrnph was a puzzle
to most people, is to have a bronze statue
in Philadelphia.
A. farmer near Sandwich, Ill., while
ploughing the other day in a field un-
earthed a deer's rib. An Indian arrow-
head was fastened in the rib so tightly
that it could not bo removed.
There are twenty-two Chinese women of
full -blood in New York, and sixteen who
are half-breeds. Thera are nearly 100
Chinese babies, about two-thirds of whom
have American mothers.
Elizabeth oth Flagfor, aged 23, daughter
Gen. Flagler, of the United States Ordin-
ance Department at Washington, yester-
day shot and killed a negro boy who was
stealing fruit. Tho woman gave herself
up but was' afterwards released.
Two men, Frank Butler and Timothy
F. Sweeney, of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; were
thrown into the river above the Falls from
their sailboats during a squall on Satur-
day, and carried over the American Falls.
Their bodies have not been recoverd.
C.R. Bennett,who is now a prisoner in
the Alameda jall,in California, saysthat
he has discovered a typographical error in
the Bible. As there is a standing offer of
$500 by the printers of the book for the
discovery of such an error, Bennett expects
to turn his temporary reading of ettheBerip-
tures,to material profit.'
Rev. John G. Gibson, pastor of the Em-
• annel Baptist church; SanFranelson, where
tho horrible girl murders took place not
very long ago, addressed a throng in a
public hall last Sunday night in defence
of himself against his critics. A hypno-
tist named Tyndall challenged him to Mb -
mit to a mesmeric test of his innocence
and the pastor refused. The incident
created excitement.
Krasnovdsk,the noted Russian military
post on the Caspian sea,was shocked by an
earthquake yesterday.
Fresh detachments of French troops are
to be sent to Madagascar to replace the in-
valided troops who are ordered home.
See My New Dress;
T.t used tobe my
mamma's old cashmere,
which she took to pieces
and dyed with Dia,.
nioisd Dyes and
made me two new
dresses, a blue and a
brown. Brother's got a
new suit too; it's made
from Uncle Jack's old
coat dyed over; mamma
said 'twas easy to dye with Diamond
Dyes, -that anybody can use them.'
Diamond Dyes are made for home
use. Absolutely reliable. Any color.
Sold everywhere. 19 cis. a package, Irir- Dime -
Min book sad 40 samples of colored cloth iron
WELLS & llxC.P erinSon Co , Montreal, P.Q.
Senators and Deputies have addressed a
protest to the Spanish Government against
the payment of the Mora claim to the
United States without first obtaining the
sanction of the Cortes.
English Chancery the- Itng Cour t Lady
Henry Somerset was informed that she
must not prevent the renewal of a liquor
license in a hotel upon her estate in Rei-
The International Geographical Con-
gress at its session in London adopted the
resolution of the vice-presidents recom-
mending Berlin as the place for the meet-
ing of the congress next year.
At a meeting of Cuban sympathizers in
Philadelphia on Wednesday night,the dar-
ing proposition was made to steal the.
United States dynamite cruiser Vesuvius,
proceed to Havana, and lay Moro castle in
Washington that
not believed in Washin g
It is
the protest of Count de la Buissiere against
tho annexation of TrinidadebyGreat Brit-
ain will cause the active intervention of
the State Department of the United
Mr. James E.Huddart, the promoter of
the new Canadian steamship line to Au-
stralia via England, has become sangninp
of success. He iaelieves that Mr. 'Joseph
Chamberlain will look favorably upon
the sch+,.11o.
Dr. Cornelius Herz, who is dying at
Bournemouth, claims that ho has an in-
vention by which one hundred thousand
words can be transmitted by long sub-
marine cables in the same time that toren-
ty words can be sent now.
The Queen will give two state banquets
at Osborne in honour of Emperor William
• of Germany, who will arrive in England
to -day for the Cowes regatta, and his Ma-
jesty will also be entertained on board the
ht Osborne royal yac Oby the Prince of
The commission which was appointed to
take evidence in Ireland regarding the
mental condition of Shortis, the Valley-
field murderer, will sail for Canada to-
day, The examination establishes that
Shortis was reckless in his use of firearms,
and that his grandfather and other mem-
bers of the oro insane,
0 lain il
y v
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of
State for the Colonies, has written an im-
portant letter, in which he says he has
taken office with the object of seeing
whether something cannot be done to
bring the self-governing colonies and Groat
Britain closer together, and to attempt to
develop the resotircos of the Crown in the
colonies, and especially to increase the
trade beween ttzcni• and the Mother Coun-
.Lice Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment on Aug, 1st, at 10 o'clock a, 'm.
All members present. Minutes of the
last meeting read and signed. In re
gard to the cleaning out of the Zurich
drain, after hearing evidences by the
interested parties who were present, no
tionh fol-
was taken at the. time.The fc
lowing amounts are required for the
current year: -For County purposes
$3439 00; for general Township -pur-
poses, exclusive of other assets, $2674.
54;;- for Legislative school equivalent
and general school date, $1976 36; and
amounts in accordance with requisi-
tions from Trustees of several school
sections. The rates were struck by
the Council as follows: -County rate
one and four-fifths on the dollar; Town
sip rate one and two -fifth mills on the
dollar; for general school rate and Leg -
Isla tive
eg"Islative equivalent one and three-tiftyth
mills on the dollar. A by-law confirm,
ii'ig the above rates was duly passed.
The following" accounts were ordered to
be paid and cheques issued for the
same:- 0. Penhale, rep. Howards
Bridge $13 05; Wm. Caldwell, rep. cul-
vert C. R. 75e. ; A. Skipper, rep. cul
vert S.B. $1 50; D. Surerus, grant side
line $3 00; H. Bender reps, culvert con.
14, $1 50; S. Trefl'ry, rep. Heyrocks
bridge $1 00; D. Hang, tile S. B. $12 00;
G. Wisner, rep. 2 culverts, 75c.; R.
Bell, lonelier $3 37 M. McTaggart,
culvert, London Road, $5.94: Schmaus
and Campbell printing, $3 00; r. Nee-
lands,printing, $475; R. Carlisle, break-
ing stone C. R. $7 25; J. Wagner, corn
mission work S. B. $6.25; H.Kalbfleiseh
work on side line $4 00; J. Weide reps.
3 culverts $1 50; R. Adams contract S.
ui � o
B. $47 00; F. Hess. Sr., registering B.
M. and Deaths, $6.50; F. Hess, Sr,, Port-
age and Stationery $7 07. Council
will meet again on. Aug. 26th next, at
10 o'clock a. m. There are several
school sections in which the requisitions
have not been sent in. They will
please do so at once to save trouble.
Pathreasters will also bear in mind that
they might be charged 'with all the
Statute Laboron their list if not return -
en before Sept. lst.
FRED Hnss, Sit. Clerk.
Usborne Council.
The Council met ou the 3rd inst.
All members were present. The min-
utes of the previous meeting were read
and approved. The following com-
munications were laid on the table viz.
Five tenders for Fish reek bridge,
complaint of W. Horton re a certain
claim -
ditch, a letter from Dr. Thompson
ing pay for visits to School Sections Nos.
2 and 3, plans and specifications for
Fish Creek bridge. Hunter-Keddy,
that the following rates be levied on
the rateable property of the Municipal
ity fur the current year viz. 2.07 mills
on the dollar to raise the sum of $3,828,
85, for County rate and Legislative
School Equivalent; 1.1 mills on the
dollar to raise the aunt of $2036.75 for
Township purposes, and .54 of a mill
on the dollar to raise the sum of $1,000.
00 as a special school rate per see. 109
chap 55 S. 0. 1891. -Carried. Delbrid-
ge-Gardiner, that the several amounts
required by the Trustees of the School
Sections of the Townships be levied,
and entered on the collector's Roll and
collected with ,the other' rates. Carried.
Hunter-Delbidge, that a by-law be
drafted legalizing the levying of the
r finer-
- ri a d
rates. C
ar ed G
Delbridge. that E. Hewitt receive the
sum of $4 for inspecting bridge on side
road between lots No 1U & 11. con. 14,
and for drawing; plans and speeifica
tious for new bridge' at the same place.
Carried. Keddy-Hunter, that Mr.
James Handford be appointed a mem-
ber of the Local Board of Health for the
Municipality of Usborne for 1895 in
place of Leonard Hunter Esq., deeeas-.
t;d, and that a by-law be drafted con-
firming said appointment. -Carried.
Gardiner -Hunter, that the tender of
E, Hewitt for building a cedar Truss
bridge over Fish Creek between lot 10
and 11 con. 14, according to plans and
specifications provided, at $174.00 be
accepted, it being the lowest, and that
the Reeve and Mi. W, Delbridge'in-
spect the same, -Carried. Keddy-
Hunter, that re the communication of
Dr. Thompson claiming remuneration
for services rendered School Sections
Nos. 2 and 3 while acting in the capaci
ty of Medical Health oll'ice, rye decline
to assume the responsibility of the
same, his' services not having been call
ed in either by the Council or the Boat d
of Health. --Carried, Delbridge-Gar-
be notified to
diner, that the collector
prepare his bond and lay the Sarne be-
fore this council at its next meeting. -
Carried, Tho clerk was iustruotcd to
pursue the usual course regarding Mr.
Morton s cotnplaiut re ditch. Gardiner
-Hunter, the Council adjourned to
meet again Saturday Oct, 5th at 1
o'clock p. m,
GEO, W. Ho.r;biAN Clerk,
81 S ill li _........osillek.
Are showing special line
for the next two weeks in
McKillop: Mr. James Brotherston
has sold his farm on the 12th conces-
sion of;l IcKillop, to Mr. John Crozier, a
neighbor, of 3 000,
b �
r, , f r 1P ,
Everywhere We bio
We find some one who has been . cured
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and people ou
ill tends are praising this great medi
Anelfor what it has done for them and
:heir friends. Taken in time Hood's
Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by
keeping the blood pure and all the or-
gans in a healthy condition. It is the
great blood purifier.
Hood's Pills
become the favorite
cathartic with every one who tries
them, 25e. box. •
St. Marys: Chas. Welsh, of Strat- ,
ford, had a narrow escape from being
killed on the track by being run into '
by a horse while riding his wheel.
cIjzIc Y.
To all Points West of Winnipeg to
Upon proper Certification passeng-
ers will be returned to starting point
on payment of 8±18.00.
W, J. CARLING, Agent.
St. Marys: George Porter some three
years ago teller in the Bank of Montre-
al, St. Marys, later of Stratford and at
present teller in the local branch of the
Bank of Montreal at Quebec, was ar-
rested at his summer house, Isle of Or-
leans, Tuesday for stealing it is said
$20,000 from the bank there, most of
which however has been recovered.
Porter was drunk and resisted arrest.
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING NoRTx- Passenger.
London, depart......... 8.05 A x 4,30 r la-
Centralia 9.07 5.47
EXETER 9.2E G,00
Hensall 9.37 015
Kippen 9:44 6,20
Brucefield 9.52 6.28
Clinton 10.12 6.55
Londesboro .. 10.29 7.14
Myth.-....................... 10.38 7.23
Belgrave 10.52 7.37
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
GOiNG SOUTH- Passenger
Wingham, depart x.35 A M 3.25 r M
Belgrave 6 3.47
Blyth 7.030
Londesboro 7.10 4.08
Clinton 7.80 4.28
iiru.,etield............... 7.49 446
Tipper 7.57 4,53
Hensal ................... 8.06 4.58
EXETE, . 8.25 5.12
Centralia 8.40 5.28
••Ra . To t1i Or irregnlnrity and 1tin. 7l,
'F°'+fes 7;exp tLe m•p;mswhnnithy wndltiun. Tdu
:+3 Wates at' "LIA, Suvo,a' to ymmgwomen.
n12 ararAfnl development, provide polo.
" leas. levier p Srlede. Ask for Tito Detroit
,lend lets sell lawn at 1 per
brawl, All -a
box. $obettor rutuedyLtrwomoalmnWn.
Christie s ,�
First-olass Rigs and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable,(Christe's old Stand)
will receive prompt at-
tention. . . . .
. etc hone
Terms Reasonably Conrtaction
Til '.
The Brantford won
-239 first prizes,,
-148 second 'E
88 third ""
and holds nearly every
Championship frotnthe •
Atlantic to the Pacific.
Perk!ns Marin.
The Great English itemede
., . Sia Packages Ottarant3D3:to
> se. promptly, and permanently
�'• cure all forms of .Nornosss
y (1 Weakness, Emissionsolper,. e -
at rh a4 aid
or o
r,;8'ects of Abuser or Es,.rsaes,
►a� !!
Mental Worry, ercenin3otse
Before ai+.t�i.flfte9 e'I Tobacco, 0pinneorsu,nn,.
deals, which soon2easl40 %a-
jlm ity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grate.
Has been prescribed over 38 years In thousands of
cases; is the only Itel;abte and, Honest ]Itedfcine
known. , skdruggistfor Wood's Phhospltedinetir
he offers some worthless medicine in place of this,
inclose price In letter, and we will send by return.
mail Price, one package, 81; st r, $5. One v4
please, six, will t• v rr. Painphle is fres to anya2dressl
'rite Wood Cosn ,ah'9s
Windsor, Out., Camas.
A'4,: IN lam, L
s we are -tilling hogs regular we are
Pre �viit3l
'ill crocks or pails
prepared to
new lard.
Tender loin 9 cents perms
Spare ribs 2
Hams, smoked 12
Backs 11 •`
B. Bacon 12 'e
H .44
Roast pork 10 `c
Lard in crocks 11 s'
Clear Bacon 9 to 1t)
Spiced roll 10
Pigs feet 15 " per dos -
C. SNELL, _ Prop.
11'$ LIFE
Finally into Consumptaeg.
Pyny- Pectoral
!►, 1
•Y U•,NO
HOARszNI35. writ,
large Bottle. 26iCts.
114 alf
A„ pox55
ssnD f ine...sate
'TI'1EAt. OFleib'G
' 11„ S IN. UsIND
aoL� oG./
,1 EN1'HOL
pl JnSTEA.
in this community to sell specialties
in our line, Trees that bear seedless PI.
Apple Trees .. hardy as oaks. "
Crab as large as an Apple. Cherry trees
proof against black -knot. Plumtrees enlist
affected by
Curculio. Tree Currauta.
do not mil•ilew.
,Blackberry Mathes
us to further enumerate, Tree Roses, 4
BUT our stock talks for
itself. Prices right.
Handsome book of
plates and complete ll it :5
outfit furnished free of charge. Write Soo
terms and particulars.
Tes "OLD itsLIs I".i " NURSERYMEN,
.Doak. -One teMpeonfgl tea halt gide of
AS many good things are like,
to. But you are safe in. running
the risk if you keep a bottleitd'.
Perry Davis:
at hand. It's a never -failing
antidote for pains or all sorts.
Sold by all Druggists. '
water or mill' tevaihrt it oattvenient.l..