The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-21, Page 5Saved My Arm A Severe Case of Blood. Poisoning 1vorf+ect Cure lay Hood'sSarsteparlflse Poisoned Blood causes great Suffering. It cannot be otherwise, because the blood is the vital fluid, the -current of life. The following case illustrates the terrible erects of poisoned blood and the wonderful flower of Hood's Sarsaparilla in curing this trouble: TOPICS Tt.'l S OVA A WEER EER. Tr. lrtxartantJ.vA Mioa'Pew 'agoras Woe BOW Readers. • ANADI4AN,. Fort Erie has another new gas well. Farmers at Morden, Man., aro cutting oats and barley, The body of Uogan,tbe colored inoendi- a try, was found in the canal at St. Cathar- ines. William Morton and W. S. Barry, customs officers at Windsor, have boon superannu- ated. Nearly 5,000 entries havo been received for the Regina exhibition which opens Monday. Elgin county fair directors will offer a prize co biding) a couple to be married in front of the grand stand. Preparations are being made for the Dominion Trades Congress, which opens in London September 3. The authorities have removed the dam acorss Big Creak in Port Rowan, used to flood. the marsh, The daily Dost of rations per prisoner at Elgin county gaol last quarter was only .five and three-fifths cents. The work of surveying for tho now stool bridges over the L.&P.St. near St. Thomas has boon conninonced. The C. P. R. authorities havo applica- tions from Manitoba fanners for 2,000 men to work in the harvest fields. The imports at Point Edward for the year just ended were $80;100, the exports $15,204, the duties on imports $22,4553,- 80. "My blood became poisoned by getting dye into my blood by a little scratch on my arm. I called in the doctor and he told mato poultice it, but he did not give me any medicine for my blood. Finally the poison broke out on my other arm. I then told the physician that . I wanted something for my blood. He told me to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and began taking it. After using four bottles, my, arm is entirely well and I have never since been troubled with blood poisoning, I firmly believe that Hood's Sarsaparilla prevented me losing my arm." Mits. R. WmLsox, 243 Manning Ave., Toronto, Ont. Mood Impure. "For more than a year I was troubled with a distressing pain in my side. Some of the time itwas very severe. I was also afliicted with severe headaches. My blood. was out of order and, in fact, my consti- tution was generally run down. Having read how others had been benefited by Food's Sarsaparilla, I thought I would try ft, and before the second bottle was all gone I was entirely cured." Miss MAs FLANNIGAN, Manning Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier And standard Building-upMedicine. It creates an appetite and overcomes that tired feeling. Be sure to get Hood's. il HoodtS -_ ' fsmily cathartio.pt2 a :for Over Fifty Ti ears. A8 OLD AND WELL -TRIED 'REAMDT.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their 'children while teething. with per- fectsuecess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind A. HASTINGS, e Proprietor oy THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and Miss Regan, slaughter of D. Regan, has boon awarded first prize by au American journal for an essay on George Washing- ton. The pedestal for the Macdonald memori- al at Kingston will not bo ready in time for the unveiling to take place on Labor day. Shortis, the Valleyfield murderer, will bo examined as to his mental condition by Dr. Clarke, of the Rockwood asylum, lulu gston. HAIRCUTTING.° Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a specialty A. HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. Tlie People's CUTTER & FITTER. THE WESTERN FAIR Canada.'$ ravorite ' Live Stock: Eeehibitiort The wand std ertiserrleut of the Western Fair has "been received, and appears in another place in this issue. Tho Directors aro determaped to give the people of tills Province such au ad- vanced and educative exhibition as has not been witnessed upon their grounds. It is their aim to so change the Fait' in every possible particular that it shall be devoid of any stale or worn out repetition of former years, but au the contrary to snake it a live, progres sive, Show, replete with new and in- teresting exhibits, and special features that are pleasing and entertaining be cause of their immense proportions and rarity. The, Prize List has boon care fully and thoroughly reviewed, revised and amended, and is now complete and exhaustive, The wants of the Exhib- itors have been carefully studied, and concessions made wherever the Exhib- ition could be proportionately strength- ened -liberality being displayed in the Prizes (Aimed with a view to the ex- pansion of the numbered and quality of the exhibits. It is therefore reason- able to expect the Show will be one of unusual high order and merit. The aceomodationa provided for, bold- ing this Fair are second to none--lenty of well arranged stalls and pens. good water and plenty of stew for exhibitors of Live Stock, spacious 'buildings for other displays and exhibits, and the .most beautiful grounds, with the best arrangements for the public comfort, cheap railway and express rates, elec- tric cars to the grounds, live stock:, machinery and.goods of all kinds de- livered by the G. T. R. ears In the grounds, the vary hest live stock market available, the choicest animals for sale and a large number of buyerys in at tendance. The Secretary states that Special At• tractions have been carefully selected and contracted for without regard to cost, procuring the very best available, the aim of the management being .to satisfy the people, and though they may expend more: for the pleasure and education of their patrons than may be directly returned this year they know it swill result beneficially in the future. The Great Wild East Show, consist • the. of 50 people, first-class artist in their respective lines--Arabians,Turks, Syrians, Bednuins, and Ladies of the Turkish Palace, with their Horses,- Catnels and Donkeys, will be the sali- ent feature of the hair, and is the large est and most expensive special attrac- tion ever offered a Canadian public. The program is too long to detail, but the leading feats cousist of Human Pyramids, Sword Combats, Musket, Gun ann•exercises, racing wrestling, Beduoin Tumbling and dancing, and the Genuine Whirling, Howling Der- vishes and "Turkish Harem." Ajax, the Diver from a tower of 75 feet in small tank of water;Alvini, fired from a Cannon attached to the Baloon; Partello Comedy Company; Marcella,: the Swinging Wire Artist; Samson the strongost man in the world; trained animals, etc.; the most elaborate Dis- play of fireworks each evening. Those who desire Prize Lists or Pro- grams giving full infortnation of the attractions, and conditions of sale of privileges should address the Secretary, Mr. Thos. A. Browne, who will be pleased to send them free to any ad- dress. The Forty -Seventh Battalion has been thoroughly reorganized. Thorn will now be only seven companies. instead of ten, as before. The crop bulletin about to be issued by' the Department of Agriculture of Mani- toba will estimate the wheat crop at thir- ty million bushels. TheQueon's avenue Methodist church, London, in course of erection is to be known as the "London Metropolitan Metlhodist Church." Prot 1•IcEaohran who bas returned to Ottawa from the North-West, reports that tho cattle business in Alberta is in a most flourishing condition. Friday was set apart by the Roman Catholic clergy in Montreal toimplorotho mercy of laud on this country, and the protection of our crops. The Dominion Trades Congress will he held in London during the week com- mencing September 2 About one hun- dred and fifty delegates are expected. Cacho lake, more than one hundred and sixty miles from Ottawa, is expected to be the Eastern terminus of the Ottawa, Arnprior, and Parry Sound rally/ay for next winter. J.SNELL At Chatham, on Monday, William Chambers, a Waterloo veteran, died at the age 02.108. Ho retained his faculties to a• wonderful extent, and could talk briskly just before his death. The fruit crop in Middlesex county is almost a complete failure, but the rains of the past two weeks have had a good effect on grain, and prospects for both wheat and oats are splendid. Tho auditors of the suspended Banque du Peuple are preparing a statement of the financial position of the institution. It is said that hopes are entertained of a comparatively favorable settlement. The general superintendent of the Cana- dian Pacific railway has received very fa- vorable reports as to the condition of the crops in the provinces and territories. Hay, however, in most places in Ontario, is a total failure. The jury in the inquest on Mrs. Mary A. Smith of Aurora, the supposed victim of a criminal operation, returned a verdict that death resulted from Bright's disease. Dr. Stevenson who attended deceased was fully exonerated. The riflemen of Montreal havo called a meeting to make arrangements for a re ceetion to Pte. Hayhurst of the 13th Bat- talion Hamilton, winner of the Queen's prize at Bisley. A net onal testimonial will also be given Pte. Hayhurst. A deal has been consummated whereby the Rat Portage reduction works, on the Lake of the Woods, together with all other plant and claims belonging to the Black Jack Mining Company, have boon trans- ferred to an English syndicate. It is an- nounced that the works will in all pro- bability be started within sixty days, and that a number of other important sales will follow within a short time. The re- opening of the reduction works will be welcomed by the.miners of the district, and will, without doubt, conduce greatly to the development of the mining claims in the surrounding region. UNITED STATES. The Union steel mills at Bridgeport, Chicago, closed down in 1802, have been started up employing 1,'1.00 men. A Salt Lake City despatch says the story of the killing of twenty whites at Jackson's Holo on Tuesday is not bolioV- ed. Funeral services were 'held Friday at Lapaz, Ind., for Mrs. Blaokmire, who en- joyed the unique record of having had 12 husbands. Authorities at Washington have decided that there is no law to prevent the impor- tation of bulls for tho proposed bull fight at Atlanta, Georgia. A. feature of the G. A. R. encampment at Louisville will be a parade of 5,000 Confederate votorans,witlr General Simon Bolivar Buckner as grand marshal. . MERCHANT TAILOR, Main St., - - - Exeter. Tweeds and Worsteds. I have a complete line of samples of all the latest designs and patterns in English, Scotch, Canad- ian tan and American Tweeds. Trouserings, Suitings, Coatings. A. J SPELL. KNIQHTI EXETER NORTH STORE Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a Genp bral Store in the stand lately occupied ey Brook's Harness Shop with a full stool: of GENERAL GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES, BA.RDWARE, STATIONARY, ETC. Predaice taken in exchange for goods Fd Re Knight. Winghahn: On Thursday Mrs, pa, too had both of her arMS broken at the wrist 10 a runaway accident, having fallen over the front of the dashboard, rd , M1, Pilton who accompanied ler was also badly cut and, bruised. Wingbarre Old. Mrs, Wadby, who had her leg broken some time ago, is: recovering nicely, .notwithstanding her age. The broken leg will be a couple of inches shorter than the other, The old lady eau get along on crutches, with dome assistance. Wingham: The by-law to grant aid to the Union Furniture Co., to assist them in rebuilding their factory lately destroyed by lire, was carried last week by a vote of 292 to 15, being 20 more than two-thirds of the qualified voters on the assessment roil of 1895. Hensel!: Sunday, while Mr. Stark of Seaforth was riding into this piece from Zurich on his bike, the front axle broke, throwing him with great force into the ditch. The fall fractured his shoulder blade and he was obliged to call on Dr.' Thompson, who fixed hien up and he was driyen home the same evening, Mitchell: To any and eyery one who has a particle of pride in their town, who likes to hear praises sound- ed and who would like to see her pro- gress, it must be a matter for sorrow to walk around some of our streets and see the rubbish that lies there. Brush, lumber and old vehicles are not uncommon. What might have been a serious ac- cident occurred on Saturday evening last. While Mr. 'Wm. Dickson, ac- companied by his son Ernie, Mr. A. W. Varley, and Austin Vanalstine, were returning from Grand Bend they had the misfortune to collide with two other rigs which were attempting to pass each other on a narrow road. Mr. Dickson's buggy, along with one of the others, was upset, throwing the occu• pants into the ditch. With the excep- tion of a few bruises no one was hurt, but the three rigs were badly damaged. -Forest Standard. A. If. Parnell, of Rochester, N.Y., a son of Archdeacon Parnoll,forinorly cleri- cal secretary of the Ontario Diocese, was drowned froin the steamer Bon Voyage, which was on her cora o from Oswego to Kingston, on Thursday night. Tho de- ceased was about twenty-four years of age, The investigations of the. lee ice at Chic- ago and elsewhere show Mita Holmes, With some associates, has het n guilty of IN long series of other crimes in addition to those already reported '1'he domedve depart- moue of Toronto is in a p0,sition to com- plete its case, and will not tient ble about wiz furter ei'lden0e. -THE ONE OF THE U�I' FOTU$RTES? Are you suffering when you Should be well Goderich Tp: Thursday an accident happened at the farm of Mr Joseph Whitely, ex -reeve, which came very near being attended with serious con segences. Mr. George Falconer was digging a well, and was overcome by foul air at a depth of about fifty feet, Mr. Joseph Whitely, jr., started down to bis assistance, when something broke, allowing him to fall nearly the whole distance. The air was so bad he had to come out, and making a fresh attempt to reach Falconer had to as- cend to fresh air without accomplish ing his rescue. In the third descent he was successful and brought Falcon- er to the surface, who was unconscious, but soon revived. Hensall has two of the fastest flax pullers in Huron County, and they are open to a challenge from persons hold- ing a record. Hensall: Mr. J. McArthur, hardware merchant, is recovering nicely from his recent accident, but is still unable to nut weight on his foot. Hensall: Mr. Jno. Buchanan, son of Mr. W. Buchanan, bas been appointed secretary to the experimentalist at the Agricultural College, Guelph. Mr. Win. Lawson, who has been en- gaged in the shoe bnsiness at Granton for a number of years, has disposed of his property and left. for Calgary, N. W. T. Hensall: The friends of Mr. J. T. Wren now of Keewatin, Algoma, will be pleased to learn, that he has been appointed to the position of assistant postmaster at that place. Woodham: While practicing some atheletic sports on Monday evening last, Master Luttle Mills had the mis- fortune to break his left arm. Luttle is rather unfortunate as this is the second time inside of about six months that he has broken this limb. Forest J. A. Rhumor, an old Forest boy, who has gained fame in the aquatic world, passed through here Wednesday, on his way to St. Clair, where he will row in the Northwest Regatta. Toronto sports are sanguine that he will win back for Canada the world's championship. Hensall; A lage and exciting . rais• • was here re on Tuesday y evening in connection with Mr. McEwen & Geiger's large flax barn, and which is the third and largest one for the carry- ing on of their ever increasing business. The captains were Messers. Donald Burns and Robert Carlile, jr.. and after a keenly contested race from start to finish, Donald Burns' men, or the north side, won. Mr. McBetb was the framer and contractor, and had everything, as usual, in good shape. Paine's Celery Compound will Bestow the Health You need. Nlen and women during the heated term of summer, who have those tired, linguid and despondent feelings that indicate depleted blood, and a feeble condition of the nervous system, need Paine's Celery Compound, that remark- able nerve strengthener and flesh build- ers now so generally proscribed by the best physieiaus. Sick ilradackes, nervous prostration, irritabiiiiy, languor, sleeplessness, "and a general feeling of mental and physi- cal depression are prevalent and com- mon in hot weather, Life is made miserable, and thousands suffer intense agony. Paine's Celery Compound quickly and surely repairs the wasted, worn- out, nervous tissues calms and repel, lates nervous action. and brings that sweet rest and refreshening sleep that makes recoverd easy and quick. • Men and women all over Canada, are regularly using Paine's Celery Com- pound, for renewing; their systems and storing the nerve centres with strength and energy. The medicine that in the past has done such grand work for others, is certainly what you shoulduse. Paine's Celery Compound curds posit- ively and permanently. Swallows have been seen at sea over one thousands miles from land. It was the custom, years ago, for the Japanese ladies to gild their teeth. At a sale of relies in England in the year 1816 a tootle of Sir Issac Newton was sold for a sura equal to $3,000. People smell bettor with their mouths shut because all the air for the use of the lungs must then be drawn through the nose. The smallest measure of weight in use, the grain, took its nalne from being orig- inally the weight of a well -dried grain of whehaat. ' e anoient Egyptian cats were yellow with reddish stripes -such as are occas- ionally seen nowadays, and called by some Venetian cats. The cat was domesticated in;Europe shortly after the Christian era, and the first specimens brought into Eng- iaud were very highly valued. That Tired keeling Is a common complaint and it is" a dangerous sympton. It means that the systent it debilitated because of impure blood, and in this condition it is especially liable to attacks of dis- ease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the rem- edy for this conditon, and also for that weakness which prevails at the change of season, climate or life, Clinton: Several tramps were re- ported last week to be sleeping in an empty box car near the old L. H. & B. station, and giving people consider- able uneasiness by attempting to en• ter houses, so a party was organized one night last week to hunt them out. Among the twenty or more persons who• joined in the expedition were the Chief` of Police, Bell' Ringer, Town Clerk and License Inspector and prop- erly armed and equipped they started out, . It was none too light to see well but after skirmishing. around for some time, they returned without making any captures, the tramps evidently be- ing frightened away by such an over whelming force. On Wednesday Messrs. Wheatly & Welsh had an excit ing time in attempting to arrest or drive away a couple of these undesir- able gentry, Seaforth: Other crimes are being laid against H. H. Holmes, who now languishes in jail in Philadelphia. Thelatest is that the murder of Miss Minnie Williams, with whom Holmes lived in Chicago With this latter case Mr. C. E. Davis, jeweller, of Chic- ago son of Mr. W. R. Davis, of Mitchell, and brother of Mr. Fred Davis of this place, has become a party to the suit. Mr. Davis has a store in the same building as that in which Holmes kept a drug store, and in which he and the Williams girl lived. In this building the charred remains of human bodies ol were found, and also a part of a gold chain which Mr. Davis positively identifies as belonging to Miss Williams. Mr, Davis has also in his possession the only photo of Miss Williams that is know to the police exist. He is hold- ing it as a high ransom, and' it is prob- able that he will receive a good sum from the authorities, who are very de- sirous of getting possession of it. Clinton Record: The bricklayers, Messrs. Heywood & Prior, have com- pleted their work of the walling of the House and it is admitted by all who see it that they have sustained their de- servedly good reputation as first-class mechauics. Contractor S. S. Cooper has erected the roof, which is well braced and strong and from its hipped form offers the least resistance to the force of the winds which must necessar- ily be very strong at so great an ele- vation. A very fine view of the sur- rounding country is afforded from the roof. The slate is now on its way and it is expected to be all closed in tight by the first of next month. 'Po satisfy enquirers as to why the build- ing was carried no higher a most pot- ent reason is that the Government re- gulations do not favor the erection of a third story on this Blass of building, a most humane rule when it isborne in mind that the class of inmates are principally the old, decrepit and feeble, to whom the climbing of stairs is a task of pain and difficulty. The building now stands forty-two feet above the grade line, and only looks somewhat fiat on account of its great length. Contractor McBeth is to be on the barn in full force this week. T. Walker has built the foundation in 'a most satisfac- tory way, the only pity being that the barn should have been finished by now. Hensall: Mr, D. Nablo, who for the past three years bas carried on a mer- chant tailoring business here. left town for Algia Craig this week, where he be- ieives there is a good opeuing. While here Mr. Nablo.has made teeny friends, and we feel that he will do likewise in Craig, as his peasant manlier and up- right methods of doing business win him friends whereyer he gods. While we regret his departure from here, eve wish him every suceetts in his new home. e Bra ffi.pd Bieveie, IS HANDLED BY PERKINS . AND•--------^ MARTIN , AGENTS FOH BICYCLES, SEVVINS MACHINES ORGANS, ETC. The Brantford won -239 first prizes, -1413 second " 88 third e0 and holds nearly every Championship from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Perkins & Martin. woo o'l gjosp",f-aOI tr.. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed*, promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Entissions,Speraa- atorncca, Ianpotenctand d7i areas of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive ase Be'pore and After. of Tobacco, Opiunor Stimu- J ✓ lants, which soon lead 00.1a- ,tir,nity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Fes been prescribed over 35 years in thousands et cases; is the only Reliable and honest DTediciae known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosehodine;it ho offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail Price, one package, 51; six, 55. 'One toa please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to anyaddresy The wood Company, Windsor, Oat., Canada. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficently on the bowels and liver. 25e. London, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE. Passenger. 8.08 A AC 4,30 P M 9.07 5,47 9.22 6,00 GOING NOwrii- . London, depart Centralia EXETER Hensall Kippers Brucefield Clinton Londesboro....:....... Blyth Belgrave Wingham arrive GOING SOUTn- 9 44 9.52 10.12 10.29 10.38 10.52 11.10 6,20 6.28 6.85 7.14 7.25 737 8.00 Passen ger Wingham, depart 6.35 A x 3,25 P ;u Belgrave 6.3 447 Blyth Londesboro.. 7.10 4..08 Clinton 7.30 4.28 Bru..elield. 7.49 446 ICsppen 7,57 4,53 Hensall-.. 8.06 4.58 EXETER 8.25 5.12 Centralia), 8,10 5.23 WOMEN IN DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENNYROYAL WAFERS 9'o correct irrecui:n ill and \vaak,wss. keep the orKmsl n healthy condition. The Waters aro "IAN Savers" to young women, aid greerful development. provide pain. leso,l opium period.. Ask for Tho Detroit baud. 111 , rn alota soil them at GI par box. No better remedy iorwomen knows. Christie's 1.14111111 Exeter Packing House, OI1Ce Par ies wishing fresh tenderloin fresh pork, spare. ribs, sbanl*s- and pig's feet. can get them Wednesday mornings. A good supply of Bams, Rolls, backs, Bellies, Shoulders and -salt bacon on band at lowest cash prices. LIVE HOGS WANTED 1 Every Monday morning for de- livery. e- livery. Ca SNELL , -. Prop, J('Yb.' , o/, COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stahl e„Chrlste's old Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. . . • . • Terms Reasonable TBleph one Connection f1U //.1 //.1/1/,1////)4 - •4% f Kal- often bring coughs and colds, /hile PYNY - PECTORAL brings quick relief. Cures all in- flammation of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No un- certainty. Relieves, soothes, heats promptly. . A Large Bottle for 25 Cent& CAWS & LAWRENCE CO.: LIN. tsoralzTORL MONTREAL.. 4 ',HIS ISA PICTURE or THE FAMOUS cusp Fpq SCUTIC PAINS. Tay IT fOR BACKACHE Blume nsM LUMBAGO NEURALGIA use aT rOR Musoulblt Pees AND ACHES EACH IN AIR TIGHT TIN 80X 2 a. WE WANT A MAN AT ONCE in this community to sell specialties in our line. Trees that bear seedless Pears. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior'. 8 Crab as large as an Apple. Cherry trees proof against black -knot. Plum treesnet affected by Curculio. Tree Currants. Gooseberries w do not mildew.. Blackberry Bushes without thorax. Space will not allow ustofurh Lt 'herenumerate, Tree Roses, etc, BUT our stock talks forili so itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and complete outfit furnished free of charge. Write for terms and particulars, CHASE BROTHERS' COM , Chat. THE "OLD RELIABLE" NURSERYMEN. ewe Cuts, 5cratcbs, 5praiis, and all pains, external olyr internalrelicvcd, areby instant - PERRY DAVIS' Pain Killer. This' old remedy is known. used - and sold evereweete, Get ltand keep it by you.