The Exeter Advocate, 1895-8-21, Page 2Subscribers who do net receive their paper •reguierly will paw notify Us At euce. Apply ta the office for advertising rates. THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1895. Week's COMmereial Sammary. The butter market is firPaer owing to limited receipts and hot dry weather. The world's vble supply of 'wheat decreased over a,000,oaa tashels the •past week.. Dealers in Toronto are paying 28 cents per pouud for fleeee wool , the highest price for some years. There is very little small fruit being received in Toronto, and prices are ex- eeptionally high for this season of the year. The French erop of wheat. it is estim- ated, will be 12,000,000 bushels less than. in. 1894. Tb.e visible sir ply of wheat in Canada and the United. States deereasecl 2,122,00U bushels the past week. The total is 41, - MAO bushels as against 53,151,000 year ago and. 69,826.000 two years ago. Here and there The fault if anything lies in the opro- site extreme, an aver refined delicacy. x x x And no one ever yet doubted that the mind of man is ooarser than that of woman. X X X A.9lictions,thereforela1l not so heavily on his as they do on the refined disposi- tion of women. X X X Of course, the hungry office -seekers ha,ve got their eyes fixed. on Ita.drid,where Grubb Is. x x x Now sensibility, whether of joy or misery, arises in proportion to our in- genuity or delicacy of mind. x x X The prudent sees only the difficulties, the bold only the advantage of great enterprise ; the hero sees both, dimin- ishing- those,. makes these predominate, and conqners. X X X The extension of our own personality by sympathy is just another word for progress, suc&i as is possible to us in this world, such as we hope for in another and brighter sphere. X X X 'Venezuela gives evidence that it knows a good. thing -when it sees it by proposing to copy the Columbian stamps'but they are big thingsn to be convenietly under- ' taken by so small a republic. x x x An hour of solitude, passed in sincere and earnest prayer, will teach us more of thought, will more effectually awaken the faculty, and form the habit of re- flection,thau a year's study in the schools without it. x x x During the witchcraft time, the Eng- lish burned about 20,000 womenwho were .generally poor and retired females that had nobody to aid or defend them. The form of trial was simple and efficacious. The victims were bound hand and foot, and thrown. into deep water. If they floated, they- were adjudged guilty of pos- sessing "evil magical power," and were takenout and. burned at tiles stake, "while theneighbors did sing psalms.' if the ac- cused sank and perished, they were de- elared to be innocent, and "it was a great pity that they were drowned." The best society is that in which each person both preserves and lives forth his own individuality, while having it con- tinually educated, stimulated, and cor- rected by others. Itt this way public opinion is steadily improved. Every one - is thus a factor in its progress. Society foolishly robs herself of the means of eultuxe when she ostracises any one for his independent thought. She throws away just the influence she needs to ex- pand her ideas and broaden her outlook. Take Notice. 1, Malcolm McBain, merchant tailor 21 'Queen St. West do certify that Dr. Caz- son's Stomach Bitters cured me of Dye- pepsia. I believe it to be the best medi- -eine for all Stomach and Liver troubles. At all Druggssts price 50c. Earn your daily bread; earn your com- fort; earn your pleasure; earn your social blessings; earn your privileges as a citi- zen ; earn everything you have by giving a fair equivalent for it. Be ashamed to hold anything that you have paid noth- ing for. Or, if you have been left prop- erty you have paid nothing for, take it and give an epuivalent forit in the using. Sick Beacialme. Is you life a burden to you from Sick Headache? Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is the best remedy used for stomach trouble. Send to Allan & Co., 53 Front St. Toronto, Proprietors or 'Ask your druggist. 50 cents a bottle. SAM JONES WIT. Pithy Sayings of a Bright Man. 'What is culture worth if it is but the whitewash on a rascal? I would. rather be in heaven learning my A. B. C. than sitting in hell reading Greek. There in no grace that -will make you sober man with a quart of whisky in your stomach. I need to think when a man mistreated me, why don't the Lord let me jump on him and beat him? The reason is the Lord don't want to protect that rascal. Be wants to protect me. My fellow-eitizens, it is not the liars and the thieves and cutthroats that are hurting your churches; itis the tide of worldliness that is sweeping over your churches and towns and damning your homes. There are more little 'possum—eared church members over this country than you can count. Try would be a gross injustice to eonfound that standard healing agent— Dr, Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil with the ordi- nary tingaents, lotions and salves. They are oftentimes inflammatory and astringent. This on LI, on the contrary, eminently nooling and soothing when ap- plied externally to relieve pain, and power - felly remedial When saialloWed, GENERAL NEWS NOTES. THE WEEK'S BIA,EFEEINGS. Interesting Item* tted bseldentee Pete portant 0,40. Inetruetive, Gathered Erout All Parte of the World, CANADIAN. Stratford has 30 lady bicyclists. Braeebridge jail is being enlarged. Trolley parties are popular in Sarnia, Windsor is to have free postal delivery. The curfew bell now rings at Eganville. Port Hope bets reduced the prioe of gas. Two fountains will be ereoted in Dun - 0 as. Ingersoll young boys play cards on Sun- day. Colliugwood averages flee weddings a week. Mesta Forest's rate of taxation is 22 mills. Grey county has voted against & poor- house. Last week a poroupine was killed in Barrie. Southampton wants a Division Court bailiff. The Roe organ factory, Aylmer, is to be rebuilt. Beaverton has had trees planted along its streets. Work has commenced On the new hospi- tal, Sarnia. Taxes will be collected half -yearly at Port Elgin. Guelph has defeated a water extension by-law. Sonia private residences are being built In Paris. Brantford pays its taxes in excess of the amount due. Sarnia will soon have a lawn tennis tournament. • Another new eighr factory is to be start- ed in Sinicoe. Ontario makes about $8,000,000 worth of cheese yearly. In London the Bell Telephone Company is burying its wires. There was a great Ohristadelphian pic- nic at Doon recently. Cynes Biatea brewer, Strathroy, left an estate worth $26,000. Woodstock's park is used as a pasturage by its roving cows. At Pelee Point 5,000 acres of marsh land have been reclaimed. Sarnia's front street will be paved with brick this summer. Excursion travel so far this season is the heaviest known for years. A man in Windsor is in jail two months for stealing 32 frogs' legs. The G.T.E. docks at Point Edward are in a dilapidated condition. A $100,000 company is talking of build- ing a dry dock at Windsor. Dominion Day is not a national holiday In the schools of Nova Scotia. Summer season is in full and glorious swing at the Thousand Islands. The G.T.E. staff at Point Edward is re- duced on account of less traffic. The Kingston election petition trials will take place Sep tember 165h. A dog in Newmarket is an adept in pulling bicyclists from their wheels. In one week Adam Waring, of Chillies, lost three children by diphtheria. The first burial of a Chinaman in Guelph took place there last week. The United.States consulate at Brant- ford was formally opened last week. Port Perry's population is 1,558, a de- orease of eight from that of last year. E. C. Horning G.T.R. ticket agent at Guelph, has been removed. to London. Petrolea wants the bonus to the subur- ban railway from Sarnia to Florence. At Windsor $41,000 was offered for the Crawford House, but was not accepted. The largest bank barn in Biddulph, Middlesex County, has been just raised. A Vapor Burner Conapany, with $20, 000 capital, has been organized in Paris. An old corduroy road has been unearth- ed at London, live feet below the surface. Miss Mary Ryan, of Seaforth, graduated in arts at Ann Arbor University, Michi- gan. Reports from grape districts are favor- able. J. G. Wallace has been appointed deputy judge in the absence of Judge Finkle of Oxford. Princetoia village has a. man 6 feet 4 inches tall, 26 years old, who is entirley bald. A Brockville tippler says he will sue anybody who gives him intoxicating drink. • Of a thousand appointments by the Methodist Conference, only two wee() pro- tested. A Quebec farmer ham -strung a flock of sheep to prevent them from jumping fences. Several members of the _Flying Roll colony of Detrol are seeking converts in Sarnia. It is said that Lord Aberdeen will lay the corner stone of the new post -office at Arnprior. The Kingston Kennel Club vrIll have a bench show in connection with the Mid- land Fair. There are seventeen applicants for the vacant county treasurer position in Wentworth. Wm. Wand, who died recently in Eng- land, was at one tirne a councilman in London, Ont, Kennedy, the horse thief, got from the Trenton magistrate three years in the penitentiary. A large pilgrimage to Ste. Anne de Beaupre will go from Ottawa and Pontiac counties on the 80th. A. gang of pickpockets and thieves are travelling with Barnum and Bailey's tar- tans, Look out for them I Because she was welded, little Amy Baxter,of Parkhill, ran away frorn home, but was oaught at Parolees At Brantford the Bradley-Garretson Publishing Company has been incorporat- ed with a capital of $75,000. A falling tree in the Arnprior cemetery has erusbed the mewl/tent of Daniel. Mo - Leann, foutder of the place. The Hamilton fuel inspector redently declined to receive a thousand tons of coal because it was not up to the bargain. Old river Men have a stiperstittion that this being the seVentli year the St, Lawrence is low, it will rfee eXt year. Bruce minty owes only $3,000. Tbere's an immense crop ca millers tide Beaten. Manitoba hes leglsitetect againet Sunda)! street cars. Hey this sewn is the lightest orop In • twenty ;, ears. itanitoba wheat orop reports continue inceuregina. Chicken thieves are getting in their work at Welland. Floods clia serious damage. an North &masa a week ago. About 55,000 pounds of wool nave been sold. in Mitohell this seem, A. lady basebell club from aTetyYork will play in Canada ibis summer, Last month 2,015 oars of live stocar passed through St. ThoinaS, Arthur Darlington, Cameron East, re- cently tried to (manilla suicide. A large pilgrimage left Montreal on Saturday for Lourdes, France on board the Labrador. , Kingston's National council of Women is waging war against thawing gum and cigarette pictures. Three young men in Galt have been fined $60 for scratching plate glass win- dows with a diamond. The foreign trade for June shows a de- crease of $650,000 over June last year, and in exports $2,658,000. Goosey, the yourte Indian who turned Queen's evidence the Heslop murder case three years ago, is a private in the 37th. Final returns of the section election for tbe selection of the county seat of .Nipiss- ing give North Bay a majority of eight votes. Thamesvilte people have been victimized by a number of counterfeit bills on the Commercial National Bank of Provi- dence. In the new Berlin park there is a tree with two trunks branohing out four feet from the ground, one being an elm, the other an oak. John Haynes and Charles Jenkins' the two men wader arrest at Montrealfor suspected incendiarism, were refused bail on Saturday. Japan appears to be experiencing more trouble in conquering the Island of For- mosa than she experienced in thrashing the whole Chinese empire. Tim importation of asphalt increased from $86,000 in 1893 to $111,000 in 1894. The movement for good roads appears to be making progress in eities,at all events. Lieutenant -Governor Daly, of Nova Scotia, whose terin of oface expired on the first of this month, has been reappointed for a second term A monster pilgrimage of English-speak- ing Catholics from Eastern Ontario Ste. Anne de Beaupre has been arranged for July 80, Three thousand pilgrims are ex- pected. The dense fog prevailing on Lake On- tario Monday morning caused consider- able inconvenience to the shipping, and at Toronto several vessels went ashore, but no damage was done. A prisoner named Barquis, undergoing a terra in the Central prison, Toronto, for forgery, attempted to com imt suicide Mon- day by cutting his throat with a coop- er's knife. Be will recover. Sir Adolphe Caron has entered an action for twenty-five thousand dollars damages against the Montreal Herald on the ground that he has been libelled by that journal in connection with recent political events. On Saturday afternoon the bodies of the two Pitezel girls found in the cellar of a house on St.Vincent street were buried in Et. James' cemetery. Toronto, in the presence of Mrs. Pitezel and several offi- cials. The great aemand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met with in Bickle's Anti-Consuraptive ,Syrup. It is a purely Vegetable Compound and. acts promptly and magically in subduing all coughs, cold, hronchitisanflanamation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable •that a child will not refuse it, and it is put at a price that will not exclude the poor from its benefits. The Canadian trade returns for the past twelve months are now complete,andthey show that the decrease in Canadian im- ports and exports was not nearly as great as naight be expected during the late de- pression. The official contract disposing of To- ronto 3% per cent. bonds to Heidelbaell, Ickeiheimer & Co., of New York, was signed on Saturday in Toronto, Mr. token heimer representing the firm. The sale is the best ever made by any city in Can- ada. In his Vegetable Pills, Dr. Parmelee has given to the world the fruits of long scientific research in the whole realm of medical science, combined with new and valuable discoveries never before known to man. For delicate and Debilitated Constitutions Parmelee's Pills act like a charm. Taken in small doses, the effeet is both a tonic and a stimulant, mildly exciting the secretions of the body, giving tone and yigor, UNITED STATES. Clarence Sedgewick, of New York, sun °Wed in Paris Saturday. James Vaughan, a telephone lineman, was killsd by a live wire at Providence, R.I, Saturday. A Philadelphia fireman fell off thwhose cart and was killed while enroute to a fire Saturday. Rain, wind and hail storms overlarge sections of Iowa did muth damage to crops and property Thursday. A rear -end collision at Peoria, Ill., Sat- urday, killed M irtha Wright, of Eureka, III., and injured a dozen others. Those who have been paying $100 and upwards for bicycles will be interested in the opinion of a New 'York industrial and mechancial expert that the whet's,' Can be profitably realized at less than $50, that as a matter of fact, it costs less than CIO to make the very best of them now and that by this time next year $80 will be the conunon retail price for a first-class wheel, Like type -writers ana sewing machines, bicycles have long been, sold at inflated peloes. Parmelee's Pills possess the power of acting specifieally upon the diseased organs, stimulating to action the dorniani energies of the systems, thereby remov- ing disease). In fact, so great is the powel of this medicine to cleanse and purify, that disease of almost every name and nature are driver* from the body, Mr, D. Carswell, (farewell P. 0., Ont.?' 'writes : "I have tried Parinelee's PHU and fled them an excellent medicine, and one that will sell well. .f101i$E COIVIIIIONS.,. ter,IsaRtviere saithe questioto be deeitied according to the law and the 'R constitution. He usked, what had the handful of oman Catholic's id (nonareastoiiaa: they should be deeieu their rights under the oonstitutiou? They wanted the same privileges in Manitoba that the Protest- ants eujoyed in Quebec). Mr. MeNeill contended that the resolu- tion seould go further, and condemn any attempt to fore@ separate schools on Mani- toba on the lines of the remedial order. MaWallace said that the proposal of the Dominion Government to see if some way cannot be devised by their oo-operation witlx the Legislature of Manitoba should meet with the approbation of the mass of tee people. Mr. Weldon said the polloY of the Oppo- sition now wa a pony of sileime. then entered into a disouseion of the legal points and interpretation, in whieh he agreed in the main with Mr. McNeil. His view was that there was no legal or moral compulsion to restore Separate Schools in Manitoba. Mr. Masson contended for the right of every man to civil and religious liberty, wheal embraced the right of a parent to have his children given a religious eduoae tion itt the sthools towards the expense of which he contributed. Mr. Maelean protested against the Gov- ernment declaring lay the remedial order that coeroion, as applied to the province of Manitoba and sin the matter of education, was a part of the constitution of the coun- try or of the policy of the Government. Mr. Laurier stood on the ground laid down by him in 1893, that there could be no hesitation itt admitting that a minori- ty in any province which had enjoyed a system of Separate Soliools, and felt ag- grieved by any subsequent legislation of that province, had the right to appeal to the Canadian Executive. Ile hoped they would be spared the spectacle, which must come if this question was to be settled in parliament, of party lines being broken and Protestant being arrayed against Catholic. On the ayes and nays being called for only Mr. McCarthy and Mr. O'Brien stood, up and the division was not taken. The naotion was declared carried. The Cattle Schedule. Mr. Sproule enquired whether, in view of the change of Government in England, and the appointment of a new President of the Board of Agriculture, it is the in- tention of the Governmset to renew the application for the removal of the schedule against the importation of Canadian cattle to that country without having them slaughtered at the port of debarkation. Mr. ()ulna -The correspondence al- ready set on foot with the Imperial auth- orities is not concluded, an anewer not having been received to the tepresentations made in the last repose by the Minister of A grioniture. It is the intention to con- tinue to press the claim of Canada in this matter. Publication of Bets. Sir Charles II. Tupper,in Connnittee of the Whole, proposed to anaend the clause of the Criminal Code relating to betting and betting houses by making it clear that newspapers may publish all the re- sults of races, etc., without canning within the provisions of the code respecting houses kept for that purpose. The amendment was carried, and the committee reported progress. Branding of Cheese. Mr. Montague moved the second reading of the bill to amend the Dairy Products Act. It had for its object the branding of cbeese with the month of manufacture, the idea being to prevent the lowering of the reputation of Canadian products by selling the making of one month as that of another. The opinion against this proposal was strong enough to warrant the Agriculture Committee in not reporting any particular decision to the House. Mr. McLennan said that out of 778 re- plies to ciroulars sent out only 64 were opposed to branding cheese. It was unfair Prof. Robertson's opinion should prevail against the opinion of the farmers and cheesemen of the country. Mr. Foster in moving that the debate be adjourned said there was considerable opposition to the bill in the country, and that the best thing to do was to consider it raore carefully and deal with it next ses- sion probably. The motion was carried. B. C. Representation. Mr. Prior, in Committee of Ways and Means urged the importance of a rep- resentative or British Columbia being taken into the Cabinet, He thought rep- resentatipn in the Cabinet should. go by locality and not merit only. Mr. Foster said the matter was one of great delicacy. The Government had aecognized the claims of British Columiba in the estab- lishment of the trans -Pacific line of steamers. Belgian Cattle Embargo. Mr. Lachapelle asked if it was true that the Belgian embargo on Canadian cattle had been raised. Mr. Foster said the Belgian Government would permit experi- mental shipnaents of Canadian cattle dur- ing October, November and December, and would remove the embargo altogether if no pleuro-pneurrionia was discoyered. Parliament Prorogued. Ottawa, July ea—The fifth session of the seventh Parliament of Canada was prorogued this afternoon by his Excellncy tbe Governor-General, after a session of thirteen weeks and a half, during which time the House actually sat sixty-five days. Owing to the unoertainty as to the hour of prorogation the crowd outside the building was not nearly as large as usual, and the attendance on the floor of the Sen- ate was very small, although the galleries were fairly well filled. . Tile ministers present in uniforme ere Sir Mackenzie Bowen, Sir Frank Smith, and Sir Adolphe Caron. Lady Aberdeen was present, ancl after prorogation an informal reception was held by their &mellow: es. . A Simple Calculation. '1 calculate that I saved the whole cost of ray treatment in less than three months after I came home from Oak - Ville," This ie the statement to us of a inan' who previously wrote him- self dowit a. '‘ moderate drinker,'' at forty' to Aity dollars per month expense. He took our treat- ment three years ago, and has been sav- ing at the same rate ever since. He is, therefore, $1800 ahead, mud the beer and whiskey interests are correspond- ingly short. Every hard drinker or Moderate drinker may figure it out for himself The inevitable conolusion will be that Lakehurst Satitariuni treatment p.y' bee -rise me dividends. Toronto Office, aS J,ult of Corrimerce Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure mire. If you love your child why do you let it, suffer when a, rernedy is to near at hand. 2 THE TERRORS OF DYSP1P311 A DISEASE THAT MAKES THE OE ITS yierims .4.140$T - UNBEARABLE. A Sufferer for Year* Tells How She Ob- tained Rollet -A. Bright Ray of Hope for Those Sbullarly Afflicted. From the Bownianville News. The editor of the Notes, tn company wlth M. Jury, of the well Yawn firm of Stott & Jury, visited the home of Samuel Wood, in the Township of Darlington, for the purpose , of ascertaining the par - Colliers of another of those remarkable cures happily !smelt about by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It wits Airs. Wood who had thus been re- leased from suffering, anci when the news - miner man made known his mission she al 1, "Ye, I can give you a bright testi- mony in feed of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for I believe that if they did not save my life, they atall events released me from untold misery. Sonne three year ages dys- pepsia (Arne upon me in a severe form. cioctored with one of the local doctors for more than a tease, but all the time was growing steedily worse. The medicine I took oost ine a dollar a bottle, and the ex- penditure was worse than useless for it did me no geed. Then my husband thought as 1 was growing worse,it would be better to try something else,as they felt that un- less a change soon Oallle I was doomed to live through the terrors of a dyspeptic's life. Sometimes I would be fairly doubled up with pain and it seemed as if a knife was cutting into me. I then tried a nuns- ber,of medicines recommended for dyspep sta, but none of them brought the hope tor relief. We had so often read of the re- markable ewes aohievedaby Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I determine to give them a trial. I got a supply and before the second box was gone I found myself get- ting better. I continued the ure of the pills until I had taken eleven boxes when I was fully recovered. This was a couple of years ago, and I have not now the least sign of dyspepsia." Mrs. Wood further said that her husband had been a victim of kidney trouble for a long time and had taken a great deal of medicine for its cure but to no avail. When set was seen that Pink Pills woredoing his wife so Inuoh geed, Mr. Wood determined to try them, and they acted like a charm as he is now entirely free from his complaint, and he attributed all to thesuse of Pink Pills and would not be without them in the house. Stott & Jury informed the News that Pink Pills have an enormous sale. They have handled Pink Pills for years and say that they cannot recall a single instance in which a customer came back and sad they were not perfectly eatisaed with the results. This is certainly a remarkable record, but then Dr. Willams' Pink Pills is a remarkable inedicineeand cures when other medicines fail. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink),and may be'had of all druggists or direct by mall of Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brook- ville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 :wits a box, or six boxed; for $2. 50 Exchange of Courtesies. Little Miss Hubb—If you come to see ins 111 take you to Cambridge and. show you our old homestead. Litale Mise Gotham—That will be nice. And if you visit me, I'll take you over to cemetery and. show you the grave of the Janitor of the first at we ever lived in. WAS HIS OWN GRANDFATHER. A Pennsylvania Man Tried to Vigure it Out But Suicided. The most interresting topic of discus- sion in Titusville, Pa.., just at this time Is the peculiarly sad circumstances sur- roundiug the suicide of a man the other night, who Was much mixed up in re- lationship. He married& widow who had a grown daughter. His father fell itt love with the latter and inarried her, whereupon the unfortunate man sat down to figure out his relationship to everybody else in the family and to him- self. After pondering over it for days and weeks he at last grew despondent and one day gave it up and the ghost at the sante time. After his death ti e fol- lowing letter was found: "My father be- came my son -in -la* and my step -daughter my mother, because she was my father's wife. Some time afterward my wife had a son. Ho was my father's brother-in-law and my uncle, for he was the brother of my stepmother. My father's wife—that is, my step-daughter—had also a son. He was, of course, my brother, and in the meantime my grand -child, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother's mother. I was my wife's hus- band and grandchild at the same time. And as the husband of a person's grand- mother is his grandfather, I was mysown grandfather." They Told Stories. Three women sat together the otber day "capping stories." The stories con- tained the tastes and appreciations of other. people. Sgid the first women: " I was in a picture -dealer's yesterday, when a woman came in and said she wanted a picture. 'Wbat kind of a picture, mad- am asted the clerk. 'An etching, painting, engraving petit& or — 'Oh, I don't care what kind it is,' interrupted the woman, 'just so it's a long picture. You see I have a long narrow spew right between my parlor mantel and bask shelves, and I want a picture that will MI it up " "Well," said the second woman. "that's almost equal to a neigh- bor of ours who built a magnificent house containing a magnificent room that he was pleased to oall a library. This 'library' was shelved front floor to calling and when the house was finished its owner went to a bookseller and said: 'See here, I'm going to give you the contract to fill the shelves of my library with books. I don't care what kind of books, you mat in, just so's every' shelf is full and so long as they have nice -looking backs.'" Then the third woman told her story. "It was at one of our club meet- ings. One of the members whom I know but slightly came to me and said: 'Oh, Miss Blank, I've just finished such at charming book! You ought to read it' 'What is its name?' I asked. 'Oh I don't remember its name. Mrs. Blneatooking told me about It; it's an awfully elever book you keow. ' I asked the name of the author. 'Oh 1 don't remember the au- thor's name. Mrs. Bluestocking will know. Oh, it's so well written 'asked if it were a book of travel or of criticism, philosophy or fietion? 'Oh, I really don't know that I can tell you that. It's an awfully clever beek you know, and eo ln structive—oh I learned lots from that book, Mrs. Bluestocking can tell you all about it.' " DIZZINESS IN THE HEAD. Title Is a Sure Precursor er Apoplexy, “nd Dr, A.gnews Cure for the Hear* at Once tobe Taken. No one cen read the aaily papers with, out being seriously impressed with the fad that a largo number of people in tho present age have within their system the , evidence ef apoplexy. This is seettaud felt Often In a trembling and Uncertainty of the limbs, and frequently in an unplea- sea dizziness and ligbtness ot the head. Ho is a very unwise man who, knowing these symptoms to exist, does not prompt- ly take measures to bases them removed. We kpow of no remedy that has aeon so reinarkabla suoCessful in this particular as Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.' Prinutrily it Is a heart Cure, but it is equally effective in whet is to some extent a parallel diease, apoplectic symptoms. In e season when unusual heat prevails and exeitoment often runs high, we are doing a kindness to men and women by letting them know of this remarkable medicine. Ypu don't believe what you don't see. Did you ever see your backbone? Some men bVieve they have a backbone, when it is nothe- inbut a cotton string run up . . their hacks. porli ntonIsTANT AND CATHOLIC) CLERGYMEN Are of one Mind Touching the Rentedial Character of Dr. Agnetv's Catarreal Powder. While Protestants and RomanCatholies are wide apart as to certain remedial mea- sures proposed just nevi, they find com- mon meeting ground in Dr. A.gnetv'e Catarrhal Powder, Take Hamilton alone. This medicine has been used by Presby- terians like the Rev. 'gunge Fraser, A.D., and Rev. John Scott, D,D., by Episcopal- ians as with the Rev. W. H. Wade, and Rev. Chas. E. Whitoombe; by the well known Baptist Rev. G. Anderson; by pronaneut members of the Methodist church, and by the Rev. Father Hinehey, and many of his parishioners. They all tell the one story of the great good this medicine has doue them. The same story bas come from the most prominent clergy- men in Toronto and elsewhere. It is unlike any other catarrhal remedy, simple, easy and pleasant to take, and quick in a cure. It will give reaef within ten minutes in II ay Aver. Sold by all Druggists. Sample Bottle and Blower sent on receipt of two 3 -cent stamps. S. G. Detohon, 14 Church street, Toronto. When a man says, "It is all I can do to manage ray own affairs ; I have no time to talk about anybody else." he is on. the biggest, broadest road to hell. DO NOT SIMMER With Kidney Complaint—Yon Can Be Relieved Within. Six Hours. I take much pleasure itt stating that I have been using South Americas:1. Kidney Cure, and iound relief within six hours after first dose taxen. I became sick in January,1893, e hen I employed several of the local physicians, and was treated by them until the Fall of 1893 -without re- ceiving much benefit. I then began using South American Kidney Cure and have found great benefit, and am almost, if not quite, cured. I have not been taking any of the medicine for seven weeks, and. feel as well as ever. MRS. A.E.YOUNG, BARNSTON, P. Q. I love all the old maids. Whenever you see an old maid it is because some man has not done his duty, or she was too particular. A. Family Suffers For Want of a Moth - era Attention. Mr. Neil Morrison, St, John, N. B. "My daughter, Mrs. Gregory, has had rheumatism so bad during the last year that she was tillable to help her children, or attend to her household duties. Every- thing imaginable was tried, but to no pur- pose. I was at last recommended to get South American Rheumatic Cure. One bottle oured my daughter within four days, and I take much pleasure in giving this:recommendation." * Agitation 1St the world. 0± homcepathie medicine has hen its very soul of pro- gress, as in politics and religion—the difti- °aides of opinion and the individualities of men have been parent to the disagree- ments by which the standard of these bodies have been elevated. So with most of our famous preparations—foremost itt illustration of which truth tands the world-famous remedy to general debility and. langour "Quinine Wins," and which, when obtainable in its genuine strength, is a miraculous creator of appetite, vital- ity and stireulant, to the general fertility of the system. Quinine Wine, and its improvement, has, from the first discovery of the great virtues of Quinine as a medi- al agent, been one of the most thoroughly discussed remedies ever offered to the public. It is one of the great tonics arid natural life-giving stimulants which the medical profession have been compelled to recognize and prescribe. Messrs. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the preparation of their pure Quinine Wine the great care due to their im- portance, and the standard excellence of the article which they offer to the pub- lic comOs into the market purged ef all the defects which skillful observation and scientific opinion has *pointed out in the less perfect preparations of the past. All druggists sell it. , What is a German! It is hugging set to music, and the ante room to eternal disgrace. And what is eternal disgrace! Et is hell-fire—that's it. Whenever you hear that I have had a little party at my house, you can just say that ;Jones Is dead. He died last night. A Turli isb Cave, They heve a mammoth cave in Turkey which take % all the brag out of Ketitneky. It is near Selefkeh. And where is Selef- keh? Well; it is near that part of the Turkish coast which is just exactly north of the Island of Cypress. One of the natives went in with a party and roamed around for five dais, and when he came out he said lie had tramped fully twenty. flee miles =WI he came to a large lake with great cliffs rising up in it. Having no boat. he had to turn back. Of course, he was a Turk, atee perhaps we should be' a little careful about accepting his idea of dittance too literaly; still it is probable that the exit of the cave is at Cape Lissa el Kabeh, fifteen miles eastward of Selefkeh, right on the sea, where the waves dash in the mouth with a rush and a roar, which has given the piece the name a "The Roaring Holt." If one stands at the en- tatnee at Selefkele he can hear a dull, booming roar, which is ir, all probability the waves at Cape Lisau el Ke.beh, rush- ing into the Roaring Hol.—SL Louis Republits.