The Exeter Advocate, 1895-3-14, Page 6• Subseriners who de uot revolve tbeir paper promptly win pleeee notify ue at ogee. SevertIsing retro on applieadon. THE EXETER .A.DYOCATE. THURSDAY, MARCH 147 1895, NEWSY CANADIAN ITEMS. Week's Commercial SuMenary. The locial trade in flour is very dull. The relative price of wheat is to high, and at current quotations 'flour shows loss. The failures in the Dominion last week were thirty-eight, six more than the pre- vious week and four less than the same week last year. Oats are higher owing to limited offer- ings. Sales are reporeed on theNorthern at 82e to 88c, and on the Midland at 3 I Cents. A cablegram was lately despatched from Manchester, England., to Victoria, B.O. and the answer was received in ninety seconds after the questioner first tonehed the wire. The entire distance traversed is 18,000 miles. The millinery openings and more spring-like weather have had a stimulat- ing effect ou milinery and similar lines at Toronto. The volume of business is said to be satisfactory, but profits are re- strictea on keen corapetition. The move- ment of staple dry goods is small, The fourth of March is regarded as a critical day in commercial circles, as a vast amount cif paper matures on that day. The banks, both in. Montreal and. Toronto, state that the payments en the whole were net in a most satiefactory nianner. and, in some cases, far better than last year. Prices of wheat went down until a new record was established for May options at 57 1-8. The weakness was even greater at Chicago, where the liquidation occurr- ed. which caused the break hare. Cash quotations also declined until No, 2 ele- vator touched 56, within two cents of the low water mark. The report of ship- ments from the Argentine for the year thus far which showed an increase of of 700,000 bushels over the same part f 1894, helped the decline. eUso the latest estimate of the R -us ian crdp, which al- lows axi exportable surplus of 120,000,000 bushels The amount of wheat on pass age at the end. of last week showed a (an- siderable increase, although the visible supply decreased: almost half a million for the week, and. compared with a year ago the st ck at Chicago and New York declined very heavily. THE. WiEK'S BAIT 1: NO'. t reetingiterias arid Incident*, Import- ant and lastructIve, eathered from dee Varneas Provinces. The London City Connell has accepted the street railway oomeany's offer for an electric franchise. Dr. Clarkson Freeman, ee-Meyot, of Milton, died suddenly on Saturday night after retiriag in apparently good health, The Manitoba Legislature on Thursday night passed a motion to out off all Gov- ernment House expendittuus after this year, The Chancery Divisional Court has de- cided that it is illegal to maintain a pool- room in. Ontario fur betting on foreign races. All the voters' lists,with, the exception i of three or four, are n. It is rumored that there will be but thirty days' notice of polling. Mr. Wellington Parliament, a respect- able farmer, whose house was near Con - sewn, ehot himself dead on Sunday morning. 111 -health is supposed to have unbalaneed his mind. Thomas Brown aged sixty-nine years, a prisoner in the Montreal jail on a seri- ous eharge preferred by his daughter, committed suicide Monday morning by cutting his throat with a razor. Here and There. rather lonesome Paradise would be a Place without work. x x x A preferred creditor—One who is in no hurry for his money. x x The oldest deaf and dumb the world—The grave. x x Stammering is practically among uncivilized people. x x is, with free passage, our canal will serve to relieve the congested state of business asylum in on St. Mary's River during the navigee tion season.' Wit regard to the charge diet the Grand Trunk railway, by paying a high eommission on all prepaid passengers rented. by way of Moutreal is attreeting tr neatlentic business to Montreal, to the detriment; of Now York and. the steamship companies whose vesseles eall into that port, Mr. Sergeant, the general manager of the Grand Trimk, says there is not the slightest geievance as a metter of fact, and that their action has been upheld. by all their colleagues in the association, Sir Oliver Mowat has given notice in the Ontario Legielature of a bill by whigh standard time w 11 be the legal time in all matters whatsoever wader the jerisclic- don of the Provincial Government, There is at present in some instences a slight exabiguity as to whether standard. or solar time should apply, notably in prosecutii ns against license -holders for remaining opexi after hours, and a jedg- ment ecently delivered by Sir Thomas Galt ' as made evident the desirability of settling the metter. The bill will there- fore provide that wherever, in any Pro- vincial statute, time of day is referred to, it shall be standard time. Property to the value of $1,000,000 was destroyed by fire on, Wednesday P orning at Halifax, N.S. All the immigration sheds, wharves, offices and. the elevator shoot, grain elevator, Sarmatian. Hotel and a dozen other buildings were burned. Several firem.en were injured. .A. heavy WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT. Lale spread the fire. Dartmouth sentte day Dr. Cavan gave the results of the At the Hyams trial, Toronto, on Satur- .e brigade to assist the city department, postmortera, and. expressed an emphatic and the fire was under control soon after 1 m Of the total loss of about $1,000,- 01/BB THE LINE. What Our Neighbors have Dope during the Past Week in Malang the Xlis- tory of the World.. unlenown opinion that the injuries o e could not have been caused by the means stated by the prisoners. Sheriff Armstrong of the District of Parry Sound., died his home in Parry Sound on Sunday, aged. forty-four. The deceased. had beexi appointed sheriff for the District of Parry Sound at the forma- tion of the judicial district in 1888. The shipment of Canadian eggs from Toronto to New Yirk has been so large during the last few days as to be very noticeable. On Wednesday and Thurs. day Express Agent Mallven'i force handled 425 cases, or 14,250 dozen. A regular life is the best philosophy; a pure conscience the best law. x Babies are described as coupons attach- ed to the bonds of matrimony. Early on Saturday morning fire broke out on the premises of Arthur A. Dicks, 'upholsterer, 226 St. Helen's avenue, To- ronto, and. when the firemen succeeded in subduing the flames they found the remains of Mrs. Dieks, burned almost beyond recognition. Warning; is sounded by the Monetary Times to insurance men to be on guard when Ald. Lamb's bill in favor of estab- lishing a civic fire insurance system is introduced in the local Legislature. It is said that the Toronto members will take no action whatever. During the past month the importa- tions into Buffalo from Canada increased largely as compared. with the correspond- ing month last year. Nearly double the quantity of Canadian barley,cattle, horses and farm produce, taking advantage of the new tariff, were imported. 000, the Dominion Government loses up- wards of $i00,000; uninsured. There is a loss on goods stored. in the burned sheds which will amount to about $1 0,000. Of this the city merchants lose $200,000. None of the firemen was fatally injured. x The young lady who was up -with the lark is now down with the rheumatism. x x There are persons who will drown them- selves in attempting to duck others. ing The dog can't vote, but if he could he would vote for his friends regardless of party x x x Toe worst way to measure your length is to take it horizontally on the sidewalk. x x x A. great many men who haven't a sec- ond suit of clothes have a fin encial theory. x An uptown Mrs. Malaprop looks at the paper every morning to see the weather 'predicament." x x x Incandeseent lamps on horses' heads, run by a battery under the seat of the vehicle, are comraon in Berlin. XXX Spanish names of Florida hotels are sornetixaes akin to a stumbling block to those weak in their pronunciation.. x x x Thomas McConkey, a gay young tailor from Pembroke, was arrested in Toronto for incendiarism. He paid no debts. and ha three boarding houses where he lived fires occurred. He is known to have used tongs for curling his hair, and re- sorted to complexion preparations in his toilet. The imports of gold at New Yea last week Amounted to $4,886,709; exports, $460,000. Attorney -General Haneocie has denied the application of the Central Labor Un- ion to begin proceedings to dissolve the Standard Oil Company.' At Valleyfield, Que., a young Irishman named Bertie Shards entered the office of the Montreal Cotton Company, when Mr. John Lowe, assisted by two of the office clerks, Loy and Wilson were making up the pay. After getting possession of Mr. Lowe's revolver, Shortis shot a,n,d wound- ed Wilson, fired a bullet into Loy's heart and shot at Mr. Lowe, who ran into the vault with the cash, about $12,000. The desperate criminal then turned his revol- ver on 'Watchman Lebeouff and killed him. The details of Shortis' hunt for poor, wounded Wilson, who had crawled away, and his cunning attempt to lure Mr. Lowe out of the vault, make up a story of crime seldom equalled in feroc- ity. Robbery appears to have been the motive. THE BANNER pITOrs-uoLE STORY. IF The fifty-third. United States .0ougress 'adjourned Monday at noon, without pass- ing the bill nroviding for the payment of the Buhring-Sea awards. The wall of an old six -storey building in New York, Iv hieh was being pullel down, fell with a amain killing and injur- ing many men who were at work. The entire season's output of the Mur- hy Lumber Company of Green Bay, is., about 18,000,0( 0 or 20,000,000 feet, has been bought by Buffalo dealers. That fire in Chicago Thursday demon- strates that the fire -drill autild be useful in factories in. which children are em- ployed at well as in the public. schools. Chief Justice Armour has reversed Chancellor Boydes decision that a tenant, upon leaving a house has no power to re- move fixtures. The Chief Justice evi- dently cared not so much how the law stood. on the point, as how it should stand, and thousands of citizens will be glad to hear of this important ruling. Toronto's assessment for 1395, as final- ly revised by the County judge, is $146,- 833,684. The Court of Revision's redac- tion from the assessor's returns totalled $2,054,918, and those by the judge, 8661.- 849 more. The Park Commission esti- mates that 825,958 is needed for park maintenance this year, exclusive of Ex- hibition Park. This allows $1,500 for the open air band concerts. gave it, One morning, however, he was en an ill-tempeinhand remarked gruffly to the beggar f 'Why don't you give some- body else a chance to be charitable once in a -while?" Walking behind Ingersoll was Fred Douglass. Taking Inaersoll's dollar out of the beggar's hand., he gave kt back to the skeptee and in its place slip- ped a crisp two dollar bill of his own, saying "It's my turn to -day, Colonel." As To aterriesitee. The l'eaestner building and a part of the Crane Elevator Works, in the west - side factory district of Chicago was burn- ed on 'Wednesday, and e600,000 damage was done. It is now proposed to introduce dancing into New York's school curriculum, and a number of leading clergymen have pre- nonneed in favor of it. Verily the world mo-ves rapidly in this age! The roads around Cheltenham might be somewhat improved if some of tlae pitch -holes -were filled in a little. The other day a farmer who drives a spirited horse and. who never tells a lie says he was d ' riving along the road., his horse be- ing hare to hold, when he came to a hole in the road so deep that his horse cleared it at one. bound, .and when he looked around he was surprised. to see a load of hay standing itt the bottom of the pitch - hole. Robbing graves is the onlyChinese j law for which the thief may ustly be killed. on the spot by any one finding him out. x x x Celluloid that is perfectly fireproof is now manufactured in. England by a new process from the spent- fibre of paper A man, representing himself as a bill- poster, has been going through York and adjoining counties buying the right to post bills on barns and fences along the route. The farmer is paid a small amount and is invariably asked to sign a receipt. This in nearly every case is done, and the document turns up itt the shapeof promissory notes, the amounts varying from $50 to $100. The farmer remains blissfully ignorant until he receives no- tice from some firm whichhas shaved his note demanding payment. LA GRTETE—ECOW TO AVERT IT. The naost eligible subjects for this dread malady are those whose health is "run dawn"' from any cause—the fact being patent that those in good physical condi- tion resist attack most successfully. The true method of prevention, therefore is by "building up" the system, and for this purpose 'Maltine" with Cod Liver Oil has been highly commended by the most competent authorities. In this preparation is comprised every principle necessary to fully repair waste, and. bring -up the system to full health. This condition established the "raicrobe" of infienza (or grippe) is rendered harmless. The preparation can be procured of any druggist. COuNTERFErrERS OAUGECT. A ruling of the postoffice department has been made public regarding lotteries, holding that a guessi tg contest is a lot- tery,. The annoancoment also says that it is nninatedal -whether the remit of a lottery drawing is published as news without pay or as an advertisement with pay, newspapers containing the result of the awarding of such prizes are non -mail- able. The only exception made are ire, the cases of newspapers publishing such matter in order to expose the concerns. It is held also that the awarding of a prize to the person guessing nearest the lawnber of seeds in a watermelon woul t be a lottery, though the guessi g of weight of a melon would not constitute a lottery if the guess were made after the melon had been lifted. The award of a prize to one guessing nearest the number of beans in a clear glass bottle, set in plain view, is also held to be a lottery.. It has been definitely ascertained that the report circulated that the keel of the new cup -defender contains an aperture for a centerboard is incorrect, There is no such opening, and the boat will have no centerboard. ThePresident has issued a proclamation postponing the effect of the new rules of the road at sea until some future date, in acrordance with the act of Congress. In the proclamation it is stated that this ac- tion is alren at the request of Great Brit- ain. Two of the three men who are suppos- ed. to have blown up the vault of the First National Bank at Griswold, Ia., on Sunday night, doing much damage to the building, but securing only a little plunder, were captured in Council Bluffs, Ia., on Monday. A. Chicago judge has refused to admit the evidence of a Chicago hotel regiter in a divoi ce case, remarking that 'evi- dence suggesting at most a vehement sus-. pichin is ineffectual to bring about the dissolution of the marriage relation.." They are 'becoming particular in Chicago nowadays. Praying; for Papa. "Did you see that, enister ?" said en elevated railroad guard. to a man who stood with him on the rear platform of ' the first ear the other night. . crest, "Well, then," added the guard, "you saw my three little children. Theywere kneeling at a trunk in front of the win- dow of that house we passed. Over them eteod their mother. She was about send- ing them to bed, but before they go she teaches 'am to pray for me. )es, and she brings 'era there so 1 ean see "And," he added, with a manly at- tempt to stifle a sob that welled. up in throat, "the has told me what she toile, 'em to say:" "What is it?" inquired the auditor. "I hope you won't think me foolish, air,. but, as I guess you are a married man and a father, you may care to hear it. You see, it is this way. The kids—they en to bed at 9. That's about the time my tP train pee by tho house. It's right on the line. So, just about that moment, she brings the little 'uns up to the trunk in their night gowns and make e 'em kneel down with their hands clasped on their faces. And them they eras and. pray—" "For you ?" was the interruptitm. "Yes, you're `right. They pray that papa will be good and kind and keep so- ber, and bring home all his money, and" —the big guard's voice trembled, bat he - continued after An effort: "Pm rough, tough, and all that, but r love- my wife and I love any children. They are the only ones of earth that keep me straight, '93leeek-e-e-e-er ! Good -night, sir,' and the train proceeded, leaving at least one man with tears in his eyes. Mrs. H, Hall, Navaxino, N.Y., writes: "For years I have been troubled with liver complaint. The doctors said my liver was hardenee and enlarged. I was troubled with dizziness, pain in my shoulder, constipation and gradually log- in flesh all the time, I was under the care of three physicians, but did not get any relief. A friend sent me a bottle of N. rthrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery, and the benefit I have received from it is far beyond my expectation. feel better now than I have done for years." At the Sign of the Owl. Editor—Look here ! How in the deuce did that objeet—mairimony adv. get in the "For Salo" column? Sub—She was only sixteen. I thought perhaps she might catch a bargain - hunter. He Has Tried it.—Mr. John Anderson, Kinloss, writes: "I venture to say few, if any, have received greater benefit from the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil than I have. I have used it regularly for over ten years, and have recommended. it to all sufierers I knew of, and they also annuli of great virtue in cases of severe bronchitis and incipient consumption." • You need not cough all night and. dis- turb your friends',there is no oceasion for you running the risk of contraeting inflammation of the lungs or con.stimp- don while you can get Bieltle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. This medicine eures coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs and all throat and ehest troubles. It promotes a free and. easy expectoration, whieh immediately relieves the throat and lnngs from viscid phlegm. She Didn't, Though. May—What have yon got to wear to the opera this season? Agr es—Nothing. May (sporty)—I dare you to wear it! It is said that Secretary Gresham has protested against the naval demonstra- tion -which France has been making against San Domingo. As the demon- stration has ceased and the San Domin- gan Government has agreed to settle the French claim, this protest seems to be a little behind time. Oregon is about to submit to popular vote a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote on equal terms with men. This is a fast age, and in view of the peaceful revolutions going on around. us 21 18 not to be wondered that some of the staid gentlemen of the old • school should ask themselves, Where are we at ? On Wednesday morning last Chief Young and. Detective Griffin of the On- tario police and. Sergt. Miller, of the Niagara Falls (N.Y.) force, located a trio of counterfeiters in an old house at Queenston, Ont., and made a clever and important capture. The mint had been in operation for some time, and several hundred dollars' worth of Suited States and Canadian 25, 10 and 5 -cent pieces are supposed to be in circulation. George Shaw and. Edward Clancy were caught in the act of "shoving the queer" at Lewis- ton, and were taken. to Buffalo to stand their trial. They made a full confession of their guilt, and state the spurious coins have been made at Shaw's house at the village of Queenston since last October. After the capture of the two confederates, the officers returned to Queenston and raided Shaw's house. Ixi one of the up - stair rooms they found Charles Bowers and his wife in charge of the mint. Some $40 in quarters in both Canadian and. American coins in the rough was con- fiscated, disci a, quantity of the metal and plaster of paris dies. Several blocks were found, in which the coins would be dressed in and polished. The Ontario police took Bowers in charge. At half -past twelve Sunday morning fire broke out in the fine new warehouse of Robere Simpson, on, the eor. of Yonge and Queen streetsToronto, and spread with amazing rapidity, until the whole place was destroyed. The flames leaped across the street and set fire to Jamie - son's clothing store, entirely destroying it and the dry goods premises of Sutcliffe & Co. Several other buildings were also seriously damaged, and the fine tower of Knox church totally 'destroyed. The to- tal loss is estimated at $750,000. A daring highway robbery was comma- nd two miles ',Above Waterloo on Satur- day night. Adana &Aligner, residing at St. Clements, attended the Berlin market on Saturday, and left for home about. 9 cielock in the evening. Near Black's Hill, two nailes above Waterloo, two men jumped on to the sleigh, and, pulling Schisner backward, one of them held him while the other went through his poekets, securing $28. One of them then struck Sehiener on the head -with the whip steck and the two decamped, running .towards Waterloo.. Detective Klippers is on the case. A Pet Query. .Jikniles- -The more a Man has the more he wants. Biskit—Did you 'ever . haee twins at your house? ' A temperance orator in Florida wants John L. Sullivan to sign the pledge and - then be starred as a horrible example. He argues that there are many good. peo- ple who will not visit Mr. Sullivan's en- tertainment while it is given in theaters, but who are anxious to see the once great one. He believes there is a barrel of money in the idea. The allotment of the new United States 4 per cent. bonds was completed. in New York cn February 23. J. P. Morgan stated that the subscriptions in London, according to his advices, amounted M $550,000,000, which, with the $200,000,000 subscribed here, ma,ko the total subscrip- tions $759,000,000. The loan was con- sequently thirteen times oversubscribed. judge Pryor, of New York, advocates the use of the marriage formula used by ex -Mayor A. Oakey Hall: "Till death or the divorce court do us part." He says no officer of the law should become acces- sory before the fact to martial perjury, and as divorce is provided for by law an.d does actually take place, to use the or- dinary form-ula is to take such respond.- bility. Colic and Kidney Difficulty.—Mr. .T. W. Wilder, 3.P.. tafargeville, N.Y., writes : "I 'am subjeet to severe attacks of colic, and kidneyil difficulty, and find Parmelee's Pale afford me great relief, while all other remedies have failed. They are the best medieine X have ever used." In fact so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and. purify, that diseases of almost every name and nature are driven from the body. l'ilore Than Likely. Mills—Old Jonah, who was blownehp in his naptha launch, was certainly a man of 'parts. t • • ,•1 trillS—Well, he is now, at any rate.. Willa—Yes; may he rest in pieces Worms derange the whole system, Mother Gravead Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the suffer- er, It only (waits 25 cents to tey it and be conninced. FOREIGN. Severe weather has returned to Great Britain and the northern part of the Continent. The Norwegian Storthing has rejected the Government bill providing for an in - Grease of the tobacco duty. Mr. John Morley, Chief Secretary for Ireland., Monday introduced in the House of Commons the new Irish Land Bill. Sir William Scevell Savory, F.R.S., Surgeon -Extraordinary to the Queen, and late president of the Royal College of Surgeons, is dead. The Grand Duke Alexis of Russia died at San Remo of consumption. John Sholto Douglas, Marquis of Queensbury. was arrested on a charge of having libelled Oscar Wide. Lord Roseberry and Mr. Balfour, though improving, are still confined to their homes witeinfluenza. Henry Irv- ing and his company returned to the Ly- ceunx theater on Friday evening, but the Charles Wyndham company are still un- able to perform. 1 A lady's Reasous for Net Dancing. 1. Dancing wculd lead ire into crowd- ed rooms and late hour, which are Wad riots to health and useiulness. 2. Dancing would lead. nee into very. close contact with very pernicious coni - p51»'; and evil communications corrupt good manners. 8. Dancing would require me to use and permit .freeciorns with the other sex of which 1 wonld be heartily asharaed, and which I belie.. e to be wrong. 4. Ministers and good people in general disapprove of dancing, and I think it is not safe to set myself aeainst them • if a thing be even doubtful., I wish to he on the safe side. 5. DOI:ming has a bad name, and I mean, to study things that are pure and loyal and of good report. 6. Dancing is generally accompanied by drinking, and drinking produces a great, deal of evil. 7. I am told dancing if a great tempta- tion and snare to young men, and I da not wish to have anything to do witk leading them astray. 8. There are plenty of graceful exer- eises and cheerful amusements which, have none of the objections connectee with them that lie against dancing. Don't Die Before Your Time. "Why will you die?" That is the question the scientist now asks the miser- able sufferer from consumption or lung trouble. The answer naturally is cause I can't help it." But the consump- tive can help ifi. Miller's Emulsion, made from Norwegian Cod Liver, and combined with the hypophosphites of lime and soda, will cure nine cases out of ten of consumption, and the tenth case can get a reprieve for a year or two. New blood is what the eonsuraptive re- quires, and Miller's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, when taken, producee it. Mil- ler's Emulsion is the great nerve strenghh- ener and 'blood maker, and. cures, coughs, colds, bronchitis, serofula and all lung affections. In big bottles, 50e, and $je at all drug storee. Not the Kind, Sand. in the boiler mused a terriee ex- plosion et Meleeighlin's ehemical and mineral -water establishment, Sherbourne street, Toronto, on Monday evening, the building, walls and all being insta,ntane- ()wily changed to a mass of debris. Every window in t he vicinity was shattered., and it bieyele standing on e next door veran- da was hurled clear across the street, and. street car traffie was stopped an hour, yet, strange to say, no one was killed. The strueture cost $5,000, and is a total loss to the owner, except $1,000 which he can recover as loss,from the fire follow- ing the explodon. The Dominion Government is consider- ing certain radical changes in its policy with reference to canal tolls. Although no formal order has been, passed, it le well tindersteod that the Soo Canal will be free, simply 'Weals° the Miehigari 0e,iial oxt the other eide of St. Mary's River ie free, "11 stands to reason," argues it Canadian contemporary, "thab if tolls are eharged for passage through the Canadian canal there would be little or nothing to do for the loekmeti, As it The marriage of Miss Anna Gould, daughter of the late Jay Gould, of New York., to Couiat Paul Ernest Boniface de Castellance, was solemnized Monday, at noon, Archbishop Corrigan officiating, at the residence of her brother, Mr. George 3. Gould, in New York. The bride's gown was a work of art, and the bridal gifts would out -value a King's ran- som. Secretary Morton has issued a state- ment relative to the meat trade of the United States. He says export American beef is making strides in England, where it is frequently sold as Scotch or Engli•h meat, He asserts that the herds of do- mestic animals of the United States are in excellent sanitary condition., and that there has not been a case of pleuro- pneumonia in that country during the past three years. A valuable painting, `representing the Pallas Athene, by Batticelli dated 1450, has been discovered in the Pitti palace at Florence. President Dale, of the Hawaiian pepub- lic, has commuted to imprisonment the death sentences passed upon the four leading rebels. Infienza is epidemic in Berlin, and the recent mild weather appears to have favored its spread. King Oscar on his return to Stockholm on Saturday: from Norway was given a most enthusiastic welcome. A despateh from Glasgow says that the wara3er weather has caused a thaw, and the Clyde is full of moving ice. Much damage has been done to shirping, !Ind should the ice jam there would be serious floods. M. Percher, one of the editors of the Paris Journal des Debats, was killed Sat- urday morning 2.a sword duel by M. Lachatelier, an officer of marines. Horticultural Notes. A garden of small fruit gives health of body and peace of mind. Too little moisture means a shrinking: and hardening of pla,nt fibre and a Cuttings off•of nutrition, and the plant dies of water starvation. Business men, professional men, teach- ers almost broken with care, may regain failing health, add years of pleasure te life and put money in their purses by growing small fruits. It does not hurt cabbage that are buried to freeze once, but if allowed to freeze and. thaw and freeze again, it is spoiled. Afters the ridge is frozen through, cover it with straw and it will not thaw out until spring. Some of the easiest plants to grow 2. the house in the winter are hyacinths as. they will perfect their flowers without sun. Another bulb of easy cultivation ie. Oxalis ceruna, or, as it is sometimes tb.e Bermuda buttereup oxalis. All it requires is to be placed when. potted in a cool, clerk place for a few weeks to root, and then move to the window, where it will soon flower. "Any parlor matches, lads' ?" he ask- ed as he offered a bundle of his wares. "Not yet," answered the mother of four ()Angleton, "but we hope to make some before spring," and She closed the door on the astonished' match vendor. Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get e bottle at once and be happy, All Fear Gone. Dominie—Sir, do you not fear hell? Leon—I'm too familiar with it. I mar- ried a hliloSteeking re former. A religious riot was brought on in Sa- vanagh, Ga., on Tuesday by the an.- nouncement that ex -Priest Slattery and his wife, described as an ex -nun, would lecture on Catholicism." Masonie Temple, where the lecture was to be given, was besieged by a mob, and eleven companies of nailitie were called out. Unsuccessful efforte were made to burn the temple, and four three-storey build- ings at Farm and Margaret streets were blown up, -whether by the rioters or not cannot be leatned. The club women in Boston are nearly ready to form a corporation to be known as the Woman's Club Rouse Association, The object of the association is to estab- lish and maintain a club home in Boston for the woman's clubs of Massachusetts, with reading rooms, librarieg and places for social meetings. It is desired to miles $500,000. The number of shares is 15,000 and these shares, the par value of whiela is $50, may be held. by individuals or by clubs. The club hi to be housed in a bailding that, when it is erected, will be known as the Woman's building. Frederick Douglass was a very client - able men, 011 Otte oceasion heeuce,eecled in rebuking even the speetacular generos- ity of Robert G. Ingersoll. Ingersoll had a daily pensioner, a beggar who met him at a certain carrier every morning and straek him for iv dollar. Ingersoll elivaye News of the insurrection in Cuba has been confirmed in Madrid, and. the Spanish Government has ordered the dis- patch of seven battalions of trocps to Havana. The French line steamer La Gascogne, which sailed from New York on February 26, arrived at Havre Saturday, and was given an enthusiastic reception. Trv It. Mrs: tundetSoll, 52 CaartniXon Street, says "t had weak lttege and a had cough. 1 was told to try rectoride Six 25 cent bottles cured tee eempletely,0 Allan & Co., Front St, Termite, preptie. tag, Aele druggists. Probably more than one-half of the failures with window gardening arise, from mistakes in watering. In theory, watering is a simple operation. All that, we are supposed to do is to give our pot- ted,plants the requisite moisture for their. needs, in lien of the rains and dews they enjoy out of doors and are deprived of. In, practice, however, this requisite "- amount calls for a good deal of judgment. Aside from certain elements absorbed from tlie air, all plants are fed and then growth provided for by various chemical substances found in the soil, and appro- priated by the plant's tissues. These, substances must be first dissolved and made diffusable by moisture ere they can be carried up in the form of sap. The . water not only conveys this food, but it is necessary in itself to fill out the tissues, and to give necessary fluidity to the sap. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea m one remedy, for all ills to whieh flesh is heir—the very let- tere of many curatives being; such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases roote4 in the system of ths patient --what would relieve one ill, in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when attainable in a sound un.adulterated state, a remedy for many and grievous ills. By its gradual and judscious use, the frailest systems are led into con- valescence and strength, by the influence which Quinine exerts oil Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chrome state ef morbid despondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tran- quilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated. co -fives throughout the veinier strengthening the healthy anierial func- tions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result, strengthen- ing the frame, and giving life to the di- gestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, improved appetite. Northrop &, Lyman, of To- ronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine At, the usual rate, atid, gaged by the opinions of scientists, this Wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All dreggists Bell Her Reason. Olaude—They say that Miss Justine is - going into a reinvent for life. jack—Yes; she has promised. to be a sister to so many of- us that she is going. to adopt it as a profession. Brought the Cigars Back. An up-to-date story of the woinan who, bought a box of cigars for her husband'a. Christmas present is furnished by it clerk in the cigar department of a dry gooda. store. "She came in here two days after Christ- man." said the clerk, "and said in awk- ward way: I bought these cigars for my hus- band and he doesn't like them. He says that he buys cigars that cost twie.:e as much. I &tight to have known better, and I feel ashamed of myself, but what can I do le "Four cigars had been taken out of the box—her husband had treated some friends before he diseovered the quelity— but we gave her the kind she wanted without charging her for the missing ones. So, you see, tbe husband got the cigars to suit him an.d four not quite so good. be - Bermuda farms bear three gimeessise 008 xii one year, Not Positive. "Brother, do you feel sure of your erotind now ?" asked. the evangelist of the new convert. "No, I can't say that 1 do," replied the, honest youtig farmer. "They's a mei- gidge on it for plirty nigh all it's wurth.” itoblelefs Obeleei Grandma—Now, Robbie, whale'. kind of' pie do youlike heat? ea". Robbie—I don't, know just what yeu'd. call it, but Ws just what take a Whole.. pie to make one piece. Thein that shines the brightest is the - one Mos€ apt to hill,