The Exeter Advocate, 1895-3-7, Page 510T t' d ° MR,CtEO•riERRETT ° • Toronto, Ontario. M Well as Ewer .After Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla it 4( Cured of a Serious Disease. "I was suffering from what is known as Bright's disease for five years, and for days at a time I have been unable to straighten myself up. I was in bed for three weeks; during that fame I had leeches applied and derived no bene- fit: Seeing Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised in the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found relief before I had finished taking half of a bot- tle. I got so Hutch help from taking tiro first bottle Haat I decided to try another, and since taking the second bottle 1 feel as well as ever I did inlay life." GEO. MEInULOTT, Toronto, Ont. In Dreadful Condition Almost a Complete Wreck After the Grip Can Hardly Express Sufficient Crat- ttude to i1ood's Sarsaparilla. "0: I. hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs -I felt it my duty to let you know the good Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I have been troubled with summer complaint for years, unable to do anything. I tried everything but seemed to get no relief. Then I became a victim of the grip and was left in a dreadful state, so weak I could scarcely work and when I did I worked in misery. The doctor said Iliad Bright's disease. My kidneys were in dreadful condition. I found ono of your papers at my door, and on reading it decided to HOOD' Sarsaparilla CUR give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial, thinking at the time it was not much use as nothing helped me before. But, thank God, I got relief after the first bottle. I kept on taking it and used five 'bottles; am now a cured man; never felt better. I have loudly recommended Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, for I owe my life to it and hope this may be the means of leading others ta give it a fair trial:" JosnuA SnuTH, Norwich Ave., Wood- stock, Ontario. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, jaundice, blllousness. siekheadache; indigestion. The C. P. R. pays a half -yearly dt+t- dend of 2 per ecus, on its preferred stock only. Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best. Easiest to Ttse, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mall, 60c. E T. Eateltiae. Warren, Pa. The strike is oyer on the T., H. & B' and the men have returned to work. leer over Piety Years. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY. -Mrs ' Winslow's Soo thing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic and is the best remedy 'for Diarrhoea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every' part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Lord Ros'hur,v is suffering from in- fluenza, but is improving slowly. A Humorous i"act About Hood's Sarsaparili-tt expels bod humor and creates gond humor. A battle for blood is what Hood's Sar- saparilla vignrnrnusiy fights, and it is always victo i us in expelling foul taints and giving this viral fluid the quality and quantity of pe,rseet ilt:alth. It cures scrofula, salt rl.eum, boils and other blood diseases Hoods' Pills act easil/, yet promptly and efficiently on the bowels and liver 25c. A quantity of new machinery for a cartridge factory to be e.srablirhed in Quebec will shortly he shipped from England. London, Huron and Bruce. TIME TABLE GOING London, depart depart Centralia EXETER, ... Hensall . Xippen BrucefioId Clinton Lon,Iosboro Myth Bel grave.... Wingham arrive GOING Soumn- Winuham, depart Belgrave I3lytl- Loncleshoro Clinton Brucefield 7 49 4 46 Rippon 757 4,53 Hensall...............,803 458 E7CC rEIL.................... 8.25 5 12 Centralia 8.40 5.23 Passenger. 8.05 A Si 4,80 P M 9.07 5.47 9 22 6 00 937 615 944 6,20 0.52 6.28 10.12 6.55 10.20 7.'4 10 38 7.23 . 10.52 7 37 11.10 8.00 Passenger 6.35 A M 3,25PM 6 50 3.47 7.03 4.01 7 l0 4.08 7.3'1 4.28 ( Mr. J. nettle has been elected Presi dent of bh, M tnitoba D air me,s Aao• dation. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEIS. RS DUNNS BAKI:r'� r. �: 0 PO"r tt. ' DER THECOOK*SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN C►ANALSA. _IIAPCI-3! Month When 'tis Easi- est to Regain Health, GET STRONG BEFORE DE- BILITATING SPRING COMES ON. Feed the Worn Out Brain with Paine's Celery Compound. LET CHANGING SEASON FIND SYSTEM IN HEALTH. 1110.:. THE GREAT REMEDY THAT MAKES PEOPLE WELL. A perfect healthy body has its parts completely norished ann its nerves con- stantly refreshed and stored with en- ergy from the vigorous blood that all the time bathes it But to do this important work of con- veying sufficient nutrition to the ,tis - suet., the blood must be kept rich and full of red corpuscles The only trouble with two thirds of the men and women whom the coming spring will claim for its victims, is a pitiful lack of proper nerve food. What these weak, nervous people need is a more general feeding and storing of their blood and tissues with fresh, high ty vitalized material, There is un doubtedly nothing that can compare with Prof. Phelps' remarkable discovery Paine's Celery Compound, for restoring health and strength. The great body of physicians through- out the United States, England and Canada, believe profoundly in it, and prescribe it in all cases of nervous weakness and debility. In preparing this greatest of all nerve tonics of blood renewers, the eminent professor of Dart mouth college, Edward E Phelps, M. D. LL. D. had in mind the countless men and women with brains overworked and neves unstrung by worry and lack of proper nutrition. Clerk, their employers, lawyers, doc- tors, mothers of families, hard working men and women in every country and province, and hosts of brain workers - the most intellectual part of the com- munity cures diseases of the important organs of digestion, ciaculation and excretion, by purifying the blood, by regulating 'he entire nervous system and supplying the body with strength to combat disease. Paige's Celery Compound makes peo- ple well. It takes away all the tremor and irritability from the nerves, and gives that calm strong feeling of as- sured health that invariably accom- panies a perfectly well-nour:shed bod- ily system. Get rid of languor, clear the muddy, unhealthy skin, plump out the body and get back to a nomal vigorous con dition with Paine's Celery Compound, and begin now. Royal Military College of Canada. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES. Tv HE ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS for Ca- detshf s iu the Royal Military College will take place at the Head Quart rs of the several Military Districts in which candi- dates reside. hi June each ,year. In addition to the facilities the College af- fords for an education in Military Subjects, the course of instruction is such as to afforrl a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all dope nients which are essent- ial to a High andmoderu education. The Civil Engineering Course is complete, and thorough in all ()ranches. Architecture forns a separate subject. The Course of Physics and Chemistry is such as to lead towards Electrical Engineer- ing, Meteorological Service, and other de- partments of applied science. Phe ObligatoryCourse of Surveying in - eludes what is laid down as necessary for the profession of Dominion land Surveyer. rhe Voluntary Course comprises the higher subjects required for the degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. Hydrographic sur- veying is also taught, Length of Course tour years. Four Com m issions in the fm perial Regular Army are awardod annually. Board and instruction 5100 for each term, consisting of ten mon ths' residence. For further information apply to tate Ad- jItantGeneral of Milita. Ottawa, beforei5th Department of Militia and Defence. • wit>3 a cough, cold or s, ii e1.......s. sore throat. Bee b remedy that relieves F1 from the start, soothes ectad 1U +OA y and heals the inflamed _ s c ti su sof the larynx or '^ bronchial tubes. PYNY-PECTORAL is a terrain remedy based on a clear know- ledge of the diseases it was created 80 cure LARGE BOTTLE 26 CENTS, Sylvan: Mr, Miles Nuttmet with rather a serious accident on Monday while sawing (Iowa a u•ee, he was bit on the head by a limb which was lodg- ed to the branches from a tree previous- ly cut and which became 14ose and fell without warning. Ile was picked up bleeding and unconscious but with the exception of a large eat over the eye is rapidly recovering acrd will soon be able to be around again. Hensall: Benjamin Iloggarth, of this place, has a wardrobe .chest blade in the year• 1688, the date being carved on the t?:ont,anti also the initials of the carpenter, who made it, "T. W." Tho chest is made of alk, and bas been iii the Hogga 'th family ever since the year 1b881j�being handed down from. father to sbn, and is yet in a perfect state of preservation, the wood being as hard as a bone, and to all appearan- ces good to last for as many more years, St. Marys; Tim St. Malys Council pay their officials the following salaries: Clerk. $250; treasurer, $25Q; chief con- stable, $400; night consta bre, $375; as- sessor, $125; collector, $125; auditors,. each $20. Mitchell othcials receive: Clerk with other duties, $375: assessor, $75; collector, $50; treasurer, $60; claw constable, $1300 and poundage fees; night constable, $2550; auditors; each, $15; electrician. $400; engineer, with free house and fuel,S325;Ere corn r'any, $350, Seafortlh: Just as Mrs W. Somer- ville, of this town, was about to retire on Sunday night, a lamp on the dining room table, the light of which she was about to blowout, exploded, the flames setting tire to her hair. Mr. Somerville was already in bed, and she rushed into the room where he was, a d before he could get up she had extinguished the flame with her hands. Nothing els caught Girt;, and, except for ..the shock to her nerves, caused by the fright, Mrs Somerville is little the worse for her unpleasant experience. The porcelain shade on the lamp was blown up into the air, and fell on the table, so that the explosion must have been quite a forcible one, and it is a wonder con siderab'.e damage was not done. Sexsmitb: "All things work togeth- er for good," etc., is a portion of Scrip- ture that a certain young gentleman who resides in this vicinity is some what sceptical of. The cause of his scepticism is the series of circumstanees recited below. The fairest girl in all the land -in his eyes at least -visited friends in St. Marys a short time ago, so our young friend, thinking it not well that man should live alone for too great a time, decided to pay her a visit, Accordingly, he purchased a ticket here for St. Marys and boarded the train. On his arrival there he found the f. g. afore said had gone to Kirkton Thereupon he hired a vehicle for a number of shekels and drove to Rirkton, to find that the lady had left for London. Nothing daunted, he returned to St. Marys and took the train for the city Imagine his chagrin when, upon his arrival in the Forest City, he found she had returned to Ki'rkton.; Now'he was„ mad, and said he. "She can go to Kirk ton or any other place she chooses; I will return to the scenes of my bo - hood:"‘ This, gentle reader, is why he thinks -if there is anything at allj in the quotation whish opens this para graph -there are exceptions to al. rules. Aud do you blame him? Parkhill: On Friday morning Mr Wm. Baird, of this town, received a telegram containing the sad news that his son -in law, Mr D. H. Cameron, of Southampton, died suddently on Thurs- day of heart failure. He left the same day for Southampton and reached his destination all right, but owing to the snow blockade caused by the storm that set in on Friday night the remains did not arrive here until l'nesday after noon. As the deceased was a Mason the remains were taken in charge by the Masonic Lodge and a deputation con- sisting of the Worshipful Master and. Brother Vincent, of Southanipton, ac- e. mpauied the body to Parkhilt The funeral took place at 3 o'cl eek on Tues- day and was attet,ded by a great many- of anyof our citizens and others. It was con ducted in accordance with Masonic rites and was very itnpressive. At about 3.30 the cortege left for the eeJnetery, the hearse being preceded by the lYlasot.s and Oddfeilows of the town. Mr. Cam- eron Was well known iti the town, hav- ing been re,ar'•d in West Williams and boiug a resident of Parkhill for several years. For a considerable time he was manager of Dr. McTaggart's private hank here. Being sociable and affable he was very popular and much regret is felt for his premature death Much svmpathv is felt for his wife and small chiltr,•, The Dominion Ministers concluded their tour for last week by holding meetings at Chatham Saturday afternoon and even- ing. Mr. Thomas Gordon, J.P., of Strathroy, Dominion Indian agent, died from drink- ing a dose of poison in mistake for medi- cine. Steps will be taken at once to rebuild the Queen's A venue Methodist Church at London, da.ca, tyed by fire on Saturday SOUTH PERTH PROTEST Mr. McNeil, who Defeated Ex -Speaker Ballantyne, Will Keep His Seat Toronto, Marelli 2 -The case of Mr, McNeil, member elect of. the 01110110 Legislature f : South Nina, camee u. p ibis meriting in (ls;nndt, Hall for float judgement. '1 he ease of petitioners were dismtsstd w it11 CAWS. Mr. J irt+ Burton was unable to be presentowing to t he result of injuries he recurved to the recent railway accident near Acton. Mr ,lustiee Osler, however, stated in giving Judgement that Justice Burton r1 greed with him 011 the point in which jrldgt1011 1 \las gitco, Mr, Osler asked n for 0 special a l port 110(150 00 curtain points, This was oppnsed by 1h'. Aylesworth, and the Court. refused the application. A11TOTh.SCFiOL cASE Argument by Me. Ewart on Bebalf of the Miuoyity. A DRAFT BILL PRESENTED Mr. 0, 1401100110 Makes u, Strong States anent in I; aver of the l'resentPublte. Schools -lily. MoCarthy will Go on With the Argu- ynan.t. OTTAWA, March 5. -Argument in the Manitoba appeal in behalf of the Catholic minority, was resented yesterday. Pre- mier Bowell presided, and the Ministers Present were Sir Charles Tupper, Hon. Messrs. Haggart, Foster, 'Montague, Dickey, Sir A. P. Caron, Hon. Angers, Calmat, Costigan and Solicitor -General Curran. Hon, 3, 0, Patterson was the only absentee, Rev. I' tber Allard, Rev. Father Cheuier and several senators and members were in attendance. Messrs. Evart, Q.C., for the Catholics, and McCarthy, Q.0., for the Manitoba Government, got side by side, and there was- no preliminary talk whatever. In continuing his argument Mr. Ewart said the pledges had been given at differ- ent times by.Peemie5 Greenway that the Separate schools should not be abolished. But he said 11 no such promises bad been made he would argue that relief should nevertheless be given the Roman Catho- lics, He maintained the difficulty of teaching Catholics and Protestants in the same schools by history. Henry 'VIIL, he said, was regarded by Catholics as the disturber of peace in the church, and Queen Mary wag designated by Protes- tants "Bloody Mary." Some people said that the whole. question should be left to the province. In other words, they want- ed it left to themselves. They were iu the majority and could do as they pleased. Was it for the purpose of being acted upon that the clause providing for reme- dial legislation was placed in the consti- tution, or was it put there as a piece of argument ? Was it to be used if the Catholics 'were in the majority, but not to be used when the Protestants were in the majority ? It was a constitutional guar- antee like many others which Canadians enjoyed under the constitution, and therefore the Governor-General in council was not only bouud to hear the appeal but to act upon it and extend relief. Proceeding, he said that his Excellency should not -decline to hear the appeal and when it was heard he was bound to ad- judicate upon it. What would it, he said, if the Supreme Court refused to hear a case for some reason or other, seeing that an appeal lay to that court ? On the same grounds, why should the Governor•Gene- ral in council refuse to hear an appeal be- cause it might be of a troublesome nature politically ? Here Mr. Ewart presented the. draft of a bill which he had prepared and which he said ought to be sent to the Manitoba Gov- ernment, asking them to pass it. That bill contained the measure of relief which the. Roman Catholics desired. It was similar to the Ontario Act and did not ask for the repeal of the Act of 1890. Mr, O'Donoghue, amember of the school' board of Winnipeg, a Roman Catholic; and a regular attendant at church, made a strong statement in favor of the present Pa 1ic,,,srlleolst. slotting that they would be acceptable to the Catholics -but for the intervention of the elergy. The French schools were inferior and Catholics got a better training in the old Protestant schools. Ile was elected to the board de- spite the protests of Bishop Langevin and. got 90 per cent. of the Catholic vote. , The voting was by ballot. Mr. McCarthy wanted time to get an- swers to the affidavits put in by Mr. Ewart, but the latter withdrew the affi- davits and therefore it was decided to ad- journ until to day, when Mr. McCarthy will go on with the argument. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. Candidates Selected to Contest ta. Coming Doaniniou Elections. LONDON, March 5. -At the Liberal .on- vention here last night Mr. C. S. Hyman was nominated to contest the city at the next Dominion elections. WELLAND,March 5. -Mr. William Mc- Cleary, of Thorold, was yesterday chosen by the Conservatives of Welland county as their candidate in the approaching Dominion elections. Although the clay was stormy and roads bacl a number of electors turned out. A resolution of con- dolence was passed to the widow of the late Sir John Thompson. BrockvILLE, March 5.-J. Leckie Wil- son, the Patron organizer, addressed a large meeting in Lansdowne, South Leeds, on Saturday. This is George Taylor's constituency, and he will be opposed by a farmer, H. Horton, in the Patron interest. If the Liberals place no candidate in the field a lively fight is promised the Govern meat whip. WINCHESTER SPRINGS, March 5. -The Conservative convention yesterday was largely attended. There were twelve nominated but all withdrew but Andrew Broder, Frank Tyrrell, H. H. Ross and Edwards. 'There will be another tneetiug on the 13th i)istaut to appoint delegates for each section. Those delegates will canvass their section and titeu meet on tee lath instant to decide who will be the mace. AYLMER, Ont., March 5. -The Liberals of East Elgin held their convention Here for the selection of a candidate for the House of Commons. The attendance of delegates was very representative, over 120 being present in spite of the heavy storm prevailing all day. Dr. Wilson was declared the choice of the convention on the first ballot and his nomination then made nuauiutous. STiNDEP.LAND, Ont., March 5.-A meet- ing of Cnuservatives was held in the town hall here yesterday. The meeting was addressed by the chairman, Dr. Gillespie, of Canningtou, followed by Mr. Frank Madill, M.P. Short addresses were also delivered by Major Seni Hughes, .M.P., of Lindsay, and lir. St. John, M.P.P., of To- ronto, who is well known here, this being bis native township, The speakers of the Hon. J. F. Wood ad• Ho i day then followed. e i dressed the audience at length on the policy of the Government in regard to the tartly', etc, N. Claris° Wallace was the last to address the crowd, dealing more especially with the administration of the customs department. The J\rassey-11orris Wotkd. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., il'I reli Osborne, a representative t,f the Mils:iey- Harris Company, of Toronto, had a lengthyt hY interview e v with the e 1ec taic al power people this afternoon, The resell has not been On0oullcod, bat it is believed the works of the Massey -.Harris Colnpac will be located here. i4e Duchess of �xiora anges 1 THE MOST MODERN App ATT-RACTIVE RANOEL EVER PUT ON THE MARKET ! -� Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly m all parts and is perfectlyventilated. The Fire '.,Linings Procted by the draft from the Duplex Flue. Lastly double the usual time, A Perfect Stove Guaranteed in all respects. MANUFACTURED BY . . The Gurney Foundry Co., L't'd Toronto, Out. For sale by BISHOP & SON. Exeter. r..KL, Cuts, 5cratcbs e pray s, and all pains, external, or internal, are instant- ly relieved by PERRY DAVIS' Pain K.Ier� This old remedy is known, used and sold everywhere. Lief hand, keep it by you. tx aok'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi- tute, or incloee 81 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we wlnsend, sealed, by return mail. Fulleealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Bold in Exeter by J. W. Browning, Druggist NEW-moiL HARNESS SHOP I Having leased the premises • vacated by Elliot & Elliot I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding coun- try that. I have opened np a new harness shop and will carry in stock a full. line of , HARNESS SUPPLIES, HORSE BLAKKETS, HORSE BRUSPES, CURRY COMBR, ETC, ETC, ETC. Harness repaired and made to order. A11 orders receive promptattention. First class 'work guaranteed. WM. COTTRILL1 Carlings Old Store. Christie's,-Aver C MMERCIAL LiVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses rders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christe's old Stand) Fill receive prompt at tendon. . lepone Terms Reasonable TeConhnection CLOTHI NG J. SijeiI Maim. st. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock - AL and WlNTEfl IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trou eringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ngs. French and English Worsted Clot A.11 made up in the Latest ' tyle,at best Raet s, ` A. J ' SNELL C. ,SHE, HAS I,,�A KACHE 5eAorea. the l 5 with muscular Paing,artd lla6 jut pul' on <'ltat Sani1lter of Backaches �t ' WWI Pl,ASTER 8lcLAcritAN, Point au Chen°, writes: Noth- ne better for Lame Back and Lumbago than the D. & L. Menthol. Piaster. . A. E. hlAct,sArr+vrites km Windsor. "The D. As L. Menthol Plaster is curing Sere flacks and Ithenmatioa1 at a great rate in this vicinity. 25e, each in airtight tin box. Bicycles, .. Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are the only firm. who make a specialty sof this above named goods and therefore claim that we eau give the people of Exeter and vicinity,- . . • Greater Bargains! Greater Choice 1.1 Lowest Prices. a The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store PEBKIWS &An Now Barber Scup. B 4 you go any place to get shaved and hair cut, give Ike Dearing a trial. He is located one door south of Central He - tet in Bissetts old stand.. Special Attention is given to ladies and children hair cutting, ladies bang's trimmed and curled latest style for 10 cts. Hair work such as switches Bangs curls Puffs. Wigs and topics a trial selected. IaJ.Dearing. A. HASTINGS, Proprietor 5 THE CENTRAL.. BARBER SHOP.. HAIRCUTTING, SHAMPOOING and HAIRCUTTING. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting axper-ialty„ A HAISTINGS, Fanson's Block. EXETER PORK PACKING HOUSE. Live Hogs waste 1 that wi wil' weigh from 120 to 22@ pounds each, I am selling at the Packing House Store, snail' ribs, tenderloin cut- tings, pickled pigs' foot, pressed tongue, head cheese, sausage, ba- con, dried beef and pork As I have engaged Mrs -Harness to attend to this part, our custom- ers will find all to he, first class in every respect at lowest cash privies. Now is the time to get your .crock or pail filled with pure lard ea tN ' le to OU . "ccs are itch nil„ P 0. S` N E L L, - Prop.