The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-14, Page 5Joy Inexpressible Another Boy's. life Saved Health Slighted by Scrofula and Hip Disease Perfect Cure, Happiness and Health Glren by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Bxeter, N. 1L "C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mss.: " I cannot praise Ilooci's Sarsaparilla enough for what it has done for my boy. Some four years ago, when six years old, George was attacked by hip th :e nso in bis right leg. 'We had to get hint a pair of crutches, with which Ire was able to move about, but became • t hadlydeforme(i. 'We had to hue his right iea lanced just above the knee. In a few weeks second sore broke out, both discharging freely. Agonising pains afflicted ]rim, he could not bear to be Moved, his growth was stopped and na vmiu!!. einiSlCHAfIGEDRI'fN19UNDER OYERSTUDY AND TOO RAPID OMR OF- TEN PROMOTE DISEASE. We see Sallow and Boodles Faces and Attenuated and Lank Bodies. Fie Was a More Skeleton. He had no appetite, and it was hard work to make liim eat enough to keep him alive. .A. few weeks later we had his hip lanced, and follow- ing this feat other eruptions broke out, making eight running sores in all. Wo did all we could for him, but he grow weaker every day, al- though we had three of the best physicians. As a last resort we were prevailed upon by relatives who had taken I ooci's Sarsa- parilla with beneficial results to give the medi- cine a trial. We got one bottle about the first of March, 1892, and he had taken the medicine only a few days when his appetite began to Sie improve. When he hnd taken one bottle he could move about a little with his crutches, which he had not been able to use for the 1/re- ceding three months. We continued faithfully witttllood's Sarsaparilla, and in 0 mouths he was Able to Co !Dressed and go about the house without the crutches. He has now taken Mod'sSarsaparilla regularly for eighteen months, and for tbe past six months has been without the crutches, which he has outgrown by several inches. The sores have all healed with the exception of one which is rapidly closing, only the scars and an occasional limp remaining as reminders of his suffering. lifood'ssaPCures Hood's Sarsaparilla in his ease has truly done wonders, and he is claily gaining in flesh and good color, IIe runs about and plays as lively as any child. We feel an inexpressible joy at having our bey restored to health, and we Srsila' in the terms otaaaparlMits. IIEnYMUlPY Exeter, New Hampshire. Mothers Not 847ciently on the Alert to Guide and Coun- sel Their Daughters. Hood's P lits are prompt and efficient, yet easy in action. Soid.by all druggists. 25c. • CURES WiitllE ALL ELSE FAiLS. Best Cough Syrup. 'tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists et, . r fi.. , ya A . .4 Paine's Celery Compound The Great Brain Food and Flesh -Builder for all Young Girls.. The Hyams Brothers, of 'reroute, Are Under Arrest. Overstudy in school and in the home, confinement for hours cacti day badly ventilated buildings, and a too rapid growth of body, very often pro. mote disease and suffering. 'I•housauds of young girls are sullbi'ing to -day. •They may be seen goiub to and coin mg from school. Their sallow, bloodless faces, their attenuated. Or lank forms indicate disease. Mothers are to blame for the unhap pj aid dangerous condition of their girls. They streegly encourage their slaughters itt one dirt'etiou--cramming' the braiu— but uegleet to warn them of the rocks stud quiuksauds on which many precious lives are wrecked. The results are often terrible. Headache, nervous prostration, debility, irregular itiesof rhe syste m, dyspepsia, liver troubles and other forms of disease, bring quite en artily of young girls to the grave every year. Wise and prudent mothers, when env symptoms of danger assail their girls, iuvarsbly use that great brain food and flesh builder, Paiu's eatery Compound. This wonderful medicine enriches the blood aud gives it a free and healthy circulation; it braces the nerves gives physicial strength, promotes good di gestion, aud' gives sweet natural sleep. SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANC'E.S Over a Year Ago the Alleged. Vidian Was lydund Peal—tie Was the Brother i u -Law of Ou,e of the Arrested parties and Was Heavi. ty Inured. TORONTO, Feb, 13.—Dallas T. Hyams, aged 35, aud Harry 1a. Hyams, aged 89, both brothers and both Americans, who have been residents in the city for nine years, coming here front New Orleans, were last night arrested on a charge of murder. The alleged victim was a young Englisltmttn named William C. Wells, who on Janitary 16, 1893, was found tyin dead at the bottom of the elevator shaft of the warehouse on Colborne street of Hyams Bros., with whom' be had beeu employed as a bookkeeper. Deceased was 22 years of age. The explanation of the death at the time was that Wells )vas making some repairs at the foot of the hoist and it fell upon his bead. A coroner investigated the case and concluded no inquest was necessary. Deceased was insured for $86,000, $31,000, being carried by the 9ltttual Life Insur- ance Company of New York and the balance in the Mutual Aoeideut Associa,- tics. The policies were payable to deceased's sister, Martha, who at the time was engaged to be married to Harry Hyams. The policies had been issued but a couple of mouths previous. 7:he New York cone pany investigated the case, but found no evidence of foul play, and the honey was paid to Miss Wells, and in May last she was married to Harry Hyams, and they shortly afterwards removed to Montreal, returning to Toronto weeks ago and took up residence with Dallas Hyams, at 57 Gould street, where last night they were arrested• The police refuse to disclose the Nature of the evidence, but it is understood the following facts are counted against Harry Hymns: The premiums on the policy were paid by him, amounting to $384, and he was atone in the warehouse with deceased when the fatal accident occurred, Since thou it has been learued that Evens en- deavored to get insurance policies on his wife, the alias Wells that Was, to the ex- tent of $300,000 in different American and English companies, and this fact imsy have an import,•nt bearing on the arrest. i11rs. James 'Thomson of Camille was fatally hurt by a bullet from a rifle in the hand of the hired man. S+'or Over Fifty rears. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED 1$ETtEiw.—Mrs Winslow'srlcothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their eholiren while teething,with per - feet suooess. It soothes the chd, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Dlarrlieia. is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Lruggiete In. every part of the World. Twenty -live cents a bottle. Its value is inualeulable. 13e sure and ask fur Aire, Wiaebow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind Now is the Time. The benefit to be derived from a good medicine in eerily spring is3 un- doubted. but many people neglect tak- ing any until the apprt ash of warmer weather they wilt like a tender flower in a hot sun. Something must be done to purify the blood, overcome that tired feelhtg and give necessary sreugth. Vacation is eaurestly longed for, but many week, perhaps month:l, must elap se' before rest can be indulged in To impart strength, an 1 to givit a, feeliug of health and vis•ur throughout the sys- tem, tht're is nothi g t,quol to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It seems perfectly adap- ted to overcome that prostration caused by change of season, eau ate or life., and itt hike it tones and sustaius the sys- tem it purifies aud renovatest he blood, H. M. S. liambler will be added to the North Amerman ague dr n this year. She is a third-class gunboat. London, Huron and Bruce. Tina TABLu ( 0INGNottrx— Landon depart 8.06 A nt 4.80 r lit Centralia- 9.07 5:17 EXETER, 9,22 6 00 Heneail • 9.87 0 is Hippon 944 6,20 Brucefleid. 9.52 6.28 Clinton ... 10.12 6,56 Lnmlesboro . • 10.29 7.14 Blyth1b 98 1,28 B elgrave 10,62 737 Wi n g h am arrive........ 11.10 8.00 GOING Souris— Passenger 5.85AEt 8.261'(1 8 60 3.47 Passenger. dROTHERHOQD OF ST.' ANPREW, The Oiileerr %r 1>e4•41irsrr—Qfop t1,, Vvfltiof Wooes'roczr, Feb,on11O,-•-The. convention of the l3rotheritood of St. Andrew opened on Saturday With corporate yo)ninullion, at which the Lord Bishop of Huron was the . 'lebraut. Afterwards the members eeeembled at the town hall for business, when questions of importance be the. brotherhood were taken up and discussed. At the final business session, R, V, B. e RCoogmemrsittQee.Co,f 1RReusgosluo, ncsh, aprmsneodf the eotntnittee's report Among the re- solutions passed was one recommending the bolding of the next Annual convention at Montreal In the fall of 1896, and also recommending provincial conventions for the coming autumn. W. P. Robluson, Woodstock, presented the report of the Committee on Representation, showing that 15$ delegates representing 58 chapters had been present. T. R. Clougher, chairman of the Nomi- nating Committee, presented the report recommending the following for the coun- cil; N. Ferrer Davidson, C. B. Wattsa, '1'. R. Clouah, R. Montgomery, Spencer GOVERNOR O'BRIEN RESIGNS - Because Ile Was 'Not in IIar,nony With the vvbiteway Govesaniient. ST. Jolla, Feb, 13.—Sydney Woocls,Jolin Dunphy, George Tessier and Thos. Jack- men ackmho will resign their seats in the Assem- bly to perinit Hoary Woods, George Emer- win, Plclwarcl Morris and Robert Bond to obtain seats. The election; will be hold about lurch 20. No opposition is antici- pated in any constituency. It is reported that Gov. O'Brien has ten- dered his resignation to the Iutperal au- thorities. The rea0ou asstMired for this step is that he. feels that he i.s not fn • har- mony with the Whiten -ay ministry. • The nig 1 ire at Harrow. WlonsOlt, Feb. 13.—The town of Har rove, located about thirty miles from Windsor, ou the L. I, and H. R. R., stif-• ferecl a severe conflagration yesterday morning. The fire started just before one Waugh, R. B. Street, J. C. Gatto and L. H. Baldwin, Toronto; A.. B. Wiswell, Halifax; H. C. Tilley, St. John, N'.B, ; W. Wells, Montreal; John F. Orde, Ottawa;, R. Vashon Rogers, Q.C., Kingston ; W. P. Sweatman, Winnipeg; 0. F. Yates, Van - waiver ; Wm, Baker, Niagara falls ; and: W. P. Robinson, Woodstock;, aud they were accordingly elected at the meeting, of the uew council held subsequently. N. Ferrer Davidson was elected president„ R. Vashon Rogers, Q.C., 1st vice-presi- dent; A. R. Wiswell, end vice-presideut;• Spencer Waugh, secretary ; and R, O. Montgomery, treasurer. Yesterday the aunual sermon was preached by Bishop Baldwin, He took as Ms text from Romans: "A Servant of Christ Jesus." In the afternoon fully one thousand men assembled in the Opera House at the mass meeting for men. At the final service, Rev, G. G. McKenzie, Brantford and Rev. J. C. Davidson deli- vered the closing sermons. The farewell service was conducted by the rector, Rev. X Farthing and WAS most solemn and No other medicine in the world eau o'clock in 'i`''eston's taller shop, anti the flames spread witia great rapidity to the adjoining stores and dwellings, 'ihe list of stores aud dwellings destroyed in elude Webster's tailor shop, Burrell & Wright's barbershop, SGi1t1rGO. 5"ell'general. store, Roseburg's harness shop and dwelling, and the bakery aud dwelling of W. S. Wright. There were also a number of bares and sheds burned. The damage and insurance as nearly as obtainable is as follows : Ed. Webster, dame e 3800, no in- surance Straith & Co., 512,500, insurance 34,000; W. S. Wright, 82,000, insurance, 31,000 • Roseburg $3,000 insurance 91,000; Burrell & Wright, $1,500, insurance 9300. The origin of. the fire is a mystery. give the tatisfactory results that flow from the use of Paine's Celery Com- pound. It should be the (those') medi- cine for every young girl who is deli sate, weak and sickly. Mrs, A. R. Stinchcombe, 19 William l;t., London, Out , writes as follows: -- Dear Sirs: -1 think it a duty to writs you for the benefit of all who have del- icate children, and to make knowu what Paiee's Celery Componnd has doue for my girl. She has been deli- cate all her life. 1 have tried many medicines, and have had her under al- -opatltic and homoeopathic treatment, Ai, Old Bliser's death. with but little belle*. Almost in des TORONTO, Fell. 13,=Iu a little lint on pair, and as a last resort,' tried Paiue's Pape avenue Timothy Lynch was found Celery Compound, and after using three dead. he is an old man who has lived bottles she is now perfectly well slid there by himself for seine years. In the strong. I have also used your medi summer he made it living by market cine myself for complications arisis.g gardening. In the rear of the house is an from ot erwork and loss of rest, aud ani orchard, and last fall, it will be remember - greatly beuetitted thereby. I would ed, he shot it lad wbo was stealing, bis strouglt urge all who are in any way fruit. Lynch has led a miser's life for some time. The place in which he has been living is a miserable hovel with all the windows boarded up and the place desolate. The neighbors did not notice au y smoke coming from the chimney and Win MIA in, depart Belgrave BIy*1• 7.03. • 1.01 Lonrlesboro, 710 4,08 Clinton 7,30 - 4.28 Brueefield 140 4 46 $ippon .. 7 57 4,53 flee salt ........ 306 458 E xS'ri]It 8.26 6,12 Centralia .......... 9,40 . 5.28 FOR TWENTY-FIVE YE0RSO NN'S BAh _. . POWDE THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND' LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. impressive. 'Farewell addresses were given, at the close of which the delegates departed. • The convention, besides being more largely attended than any other previous, was also marked by greater enthusiasm and spirituality among delegates, As traffic is almost suspended here the dele- gates will not be able to get home for some days. NOT PLEURO -PNEUMONIA. afflicted to d as I have done, "try Paine's Celery Compound," and be cou- viuced of its wouderly curing power. Notice is gazetted of the iuccrpora• tion of the Batik of ' b1'innf ea on investigation found the old man stark Winnipeg, and cold. A savage watch clog, which he Common sense. kept to frighten orf intruders, bad to be Should be used in attempting to cure allot before the house could be entered. fluoftess of Oxrom Sages THE MOST MODERN ATTRACTIVE HANOES, EVER PUT ON THE IQA6%ETt a Our Patent Duplex Flue Insures an oven that works uniformly in all parts and is perfectly ventilated. The Fire Lining Procted "by the draft 'roI the Puplex Flue. Last* double the n ual tide. • A Perfect Stove Guaranteed in all respects. MANUFACTURED FIT . The Gurney Foundry Co., L'trd Toronto, 011L For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter. An Expert's opinion of the Cattle—Imper- ial Elea e !lutes. LONDON, Feb. 18.—Professor Nochard, the eminent French expert, has examined pieces of the lungs of a suspected Canadian animal, lauded at Autwerp, and upon which the Belgian Govermeent placed, Canada upon the cattle schedule, The professor is unable to say that the disease is really pleura -pneumonia. Indeed, be throws much doubt upon the assertion that it is. This report, in connection with the ab- sence of the • disease among the recent arrivals of Cauadieu cattle here, should cleaned the Scottiscleaneduwhich the farmers 10511 ahipmen are 'walking for the. removal of the British embargo. In the House of Commons yesterday Right Hon, Herbert Gardner, replying to Mr. John Ellie, hL'1'., said:leere were three cases of inspected Canadian cattle discovered at Antwerp, from the ships Hispauia and the Scilia. He adds that one of these was a lord case. His authority for so saying was the fact that a large ilninber of the most experienced experts were consulted and they appeared uu animousin the eouel usio n that the disease was contagious pleuro- pneumonia. Cousequently, bir. Gardner said, Belgium prohibited live cattle im- ports front Canada. In the House of Commons yesterday llr. William Metonym, M.P., Ayr district Liberal, desired the Government to pro- mise to refuse to assent to the Canadian Copyright Act, and request Canada t0 insert a clause making the assent of an author a coudition precedent to the appropriation of a copyright by a Cana- dian public here, • Mr. Sydney Buxton, Parliamentary Secretary, replying, said the Secretary of State for the colonies was slow considering the correspondence. Be could make no statement at present. that very disegrteable disease, catarrh As catarrh origin Lees in impurities in the blood, local applications can do no permanent good. The common souse method of treatment is to purify the blood, and for this purpose there is no prepara:iou superior to hood's Sarsa parilla. Hood's Pills cure constipation by re- storing peridtalti4 action to the alimen- tary caItal, There is no news yet of the missing steamer La Gaeogne. EXETER PORK PACKING ..OUSE. Government Aid to Dairymen. MOicTuEAL, Feb, 13. --Mr. Angers, Min- ister of Agriculture in the Dominion Cabinet,adelressing a meeting of dairymen yesterday, said that the Government had decided to assist the butter -makers by accepting through the Department of Agriculture all winter butter at 20 cents apound, which voul•t be shi pp edt o the English market, The announcement was received with much satisfaction:. Shot the Itui•glar. OTTAWA, Feb. 13.—Wtn. Mortimer, of Monerual, and A. Winslow, 'Toronto, two r n• engaged in tr - • en a e •were y b t lain u g fa professionala 'e at iug to crack the safe in the postofptc Gatineau Point, when Smith, the post- master, tired on them, wounding Mortimer in the leg. Winslow got away. Mortimer is now in !lull jail. A Chesley Woman Suicides. CHESLEY, Ont., Feb. 13. --Mrs. William Cruickshanks committed suicide while la)oritg under mental depression. She lads found suspended by the neck with a scurf tied to a bedpost in her bedroom. Live Hogs Wanted ,that will abed found life was exbtnet. She leaves weigh from 120 to 220 ° hnsbatul ai,d tt large family of children Will W b to mourn her rash tat. pounds each. I am selling at the Packing Hottse Store, spars' ribs, tenderloin cut- tings„ pickled pigs' feet, pressed totsgue, head cheese, sausage, be - eon, dried beef and pork. As I haye engaged &Ira -Harness to attrii)d to title part, our custom- ers will find all to he first class in every respect at lowostcash pri3eS. Now is the tittle to get your crock or pail filled with pure . lard aS prices are liable to go up. Ci. mi Prop. FIRE AT PORT HOPE. he bad a pain. and can grin when ban. once by using Panalt Davis' • maggneasaseemeassiselalealeinalla 9A Sold and used everywhere. Awbole medicine'ehest nG, by itself. Kills every form of external or internal pain. Doss:—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or mills (worm I eoweenleut). ook s CottoliRoo Bicycles, • • COMPOUND. Sewing Machines, A recent discovery by an old -s' d• f1 dye h i Successfully used Baby C ary.,Ca es physician, monthly by thousands of safe andretiablemedieine lis- And Musical l e ew covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for A v ys7 v Y p Cooh'e Cotton11001 compound, take nosubati- IJd,.a,t7t1 XJ..1ta,.`K>-L6 o• ' °` tate, or inclose 51 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by returnesaf. Ful se particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. a stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, ont., Canada. 'old iuE:eaterby.i. W 1 iowi,ing, i•reggist Ladies. Is the only perfectly {M • Charles Gingras, a 18 -year-old Montreal boy, was smothered by tho caving in of a give the people of Exeter snow house on Thursday. Two other boys and vicinity,— wereburt. , C B 1.' 'd and Heard We are the only firm who, make a specialty of the above named goods;, and therefore claim that, we can ongressmeu rec'turl gt • came to blows and caused a commotion in Greater Bargains! the House of Representatives at Washing ton on Friday. i- Choice John M. Lord, ex -treasurer of Loudon Greater West, pleaded guilty of stealing 81,700 from the municipality, and will be sent- ' Lowest Prices. enced on Thursday. Mr, Thomas J. Watters, acting Commis- sioner of Customs at Ottawa, has been arrested on a charge of embezzlement of Government motley. Near Ornen)oe on Thursday night Thos. Foster seized an iron poker, knocked Wm, Faulkner down, and beat Andrew Faulk- ner almost to death. At Sutton Falls, Que., on Friday, Mrs. William Bates was struck by a train back- ing up water; and mangled frightfully, htfnll y , dying in about an hour. It is said ex -Detective Fahey, of Mont- real, will soou be liberated from peniten- tiary. IIe was sent for fourteen years, and has served half that time. The Brooklyn Board of Alderrueu have passed a resolt'ttion revoking the franchises lR•=fl A R B and licenses of the trolley railroad com- panies i> by a vote of ten to eight, John Dugar was blown to death and five other menseriously injured at the S HOP! Westiughouse electric works at Brinton, Pa. Gas generated in an alcohol barrel and exploded. It is rumored in Hamilton Oaten agree- meat has been made in New York by which the T., H. & B. Railway would be taken over and run by the New York Central Railway Company. Trinity College Scheid 'Burned to the Ground -fully Insured. PORT Flory, Feb. 11. -tire broke out in Tranity College school at 11.30 on Saturday :sight. The fire originated in the room of Prof, Watson by a coal falling from a .cove, Mr. Watson bad left his apart- ment only 15 minutes when he • was alarmed by the smell of smoke aud rush - am: back he found his room in a blaze. It is thought that the ltu'np in the room ex- •.loded as soon as the Blaze •reached it and alcreased the volume of the flames, The tire had gained such headway that the efforts of tbe masters could not check the lrogress of the flames. The occupants, .ucluding one- hundred and fifty boys and sweaty -five plasters and attendants were .eon aroused, tend escaped with very little eottiing. Most of their trunks were car- ried ons, but the loss to personal property is considerable. Mr. Watson lost his per - At tial effects on which there was no iusur- ace • ie taken to the hotels boys were tri . The ;end to the residences of citizens. The school Was insured for $45,000. The in- surance was divided between the follow - ;ug companies: Royal,Engiand Liverpool a11(1 Loudon and Globe and Caledonian. 'l.'ttera was an insurance of $16,000 on con- tents of building aud chapel. The total 1 •na5u loss is estimated at over . , c00. The work. , ischool will reltv interruption. the St, Lawycehalha- ing been secured for this purposes and the tsetool building will be immediately re- built. Thanks to the efforts of firemen and citizens Dr. Bethutte's handsome residence on the school grounds was saved from the flames. , A. Seat on the Bencit. for Curran. MON'rlr'tIAL, Feb. 13. --It is generally stated in Conservative circles here, and accepted as well-fottnfled, that }lou. J. J. Curran, Solicitor -General, is about to ire raised to the Superior Court beach to fill the vacancy wised by the death of Sir Francis Jahnsoar. {Vent ))OWI* 11 itit all Hands. ri.ktrt'A;t, Feb, 11.—A despatch received from Liverpool states that an American schooner, supposed to lit, the Clara 1. hiend,• Was totally wteckecl near there and her entire• crew drowned. Already Seven bodies have been wasaled ashore au 11101e p1lr1tiottlatrs are available, t,% The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store PEIIKU4S ; Celebrating Lincoln's Anniversary. CtrloAcao, Feb. 13,e -The 88th anniversary of Lincoln's birthday wits observed here yesterday With more oeceniony than usual. The banks, Board ofi'racle, stock exchange and 411 the city and county offices, with rhe exception of the police and fire depart - meets, were closed, The schools were open, but the sessions were devoted bo par tattle songs enc! recitals. 11111 Cook Will 11° No Dior° Mibolilef. Porth Sri11TI1, Ark,, Feb. 13,—XI», the United States court yesterday Bill Cook, the notorious outlaw, was found guilty on hall a dozer} counts and seiiteuced to 50at Alban-, ting u ten , ' t the e i y y years )r t p N.Y. no will start for Albany today. A lei{; gotta llleritrOyed, MT, HOLM, N. J., Feb. 13.—The large' winter hotel owned by the Forest Spritfgs Hotel Company was destroyed by fire year terday, Loss;$1501000; insurance unknown. , a p r yk .,71/47 p41 11 Jp h. .. .l~a ire `at. i+aXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock a -0 0=S* * IN THE FOLL,OWING LINES: West of England Suitinga andTroll eriuge, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser u g's, 'P'rench and English Worsted Clot All wade up in the Latest 4tyle.at best Raets. .►a.. r 'SWELL • sd,a;o l ,92.X09'8i1111911 8151Q NM B 4 you go any place to get shaved and hair rut, give Ike Dearing a trial. He is located OLIO door south of Central Ho- tel in Bissetts old stand. Special Attention is given to ladies and childreu hair cutting, ladies bang's trimmed and curled latest style for 10 ate Hair work such as' switches Bangs curls Puffs. Wigs and topics a trial Selected. 01119V ONti stied tnInoSnyi 804 ti 'atom elivie9 VOA 'ltrn6 snout )01941 VV4l 0111 vtsrnJnt 09Y9Wn'j W911VWii3141 3N9YH5Y11 80.1 if f3I, 1.J.Dcarir g BRANTFORD STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent linen you want your hn en to look whiter than snow, take it to . , . iaV1 and 9L. ugsTIIILiS, • • EXETER'S Poplar TTouaorial 1rtis Ladies' and. Children' Haircutting, ' r Specialty. badman's COMMERCIAL LIVERY First-class Rigs and Ho r ;S Orders leftat Hawkshalvls Hotel, or at the Livery w 1 St ,Na.,a`Chrlste S o 1 Stand) ;f1d) wall receive prompt at- tention. ion. • Y r q,' ormItesslatoutbbit, • ietcDItont r1. t. Connec'k(oirt