The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-14, Page 100.
The Molsons Bank.
• (Chartered by Parliament, ma)
Paid up Capital. ,.. $2,000,000
Rest Fund .... 1,200,000
Head office Montreal.
Money e.dvancrei . auod Farmer's oi their
own notes sr: one or more endorsers at 7
per oent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day trona 10 a. 3 p.
m,,'Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 p.m
Ageueral banking business transacted
CURRENT ,RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Reeeipts, Savings Bank at
per oent,
Exeter. Jan 28, '88. Manager
-0.5zecter Abrat',
IN published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per aunurn if paid in Advance
01,50 if not so paid,
No paper diseontinued um til all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specifics
directions will be published till forbid and
el:Large& aims ordingly. Liberal discoent made
for transcient advertleemenVs inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates ()beg ues, ra oney ord-
ere. &c. for advertising, subscriptions,
bernade•payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Church Directory.
'return' Ifemogim, Cnunon.--Rev, E W.
Hunt, Rector. Sunday Servioes, 11 a. m
and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class
for Adults, 3 r., m Holy'Comn.union, let
Sunday of eaeh month at morning service
MEMEODisT Ciluicvn-Jaraes-st • ilev.j. G.
ZAC).CSON Pastor:SuctlayServiees, 1.0.30 a.ra,
and 6.30 p. m. §alt.itsth School, 2.80 p. m.
MAIN STREET Rai: H. W. Looke, Past-
or. Suniay Services, 1080 a. mc and 6,30 p.m
Sabbath School 11.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a, m. and 6,80 p,
m. Sabbath School, 9.43 a, in
Proreoslonat Cards.
R. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Bloch
two doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER, extracts teeth
without pain. Away at Lucan every Wed-
nesday, Hee sell 1st Friday; Blyth, first Mon-
day Ind Zurich on last Thursday of each
. College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter., Out. A safe anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine oda.
Fillings as required.
- • -
Graduate of the Royal College of Dent-
al Surgupns of Ontario" and Graduate of the
Toronto University (with honors). Special
attention given to preservation of thes•na,t-
tiral te4h. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law
office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter.
has moved one dear sputh.
Residenees, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main St.
Dr, Rollins office; same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south
door. May ist. 1893
3. A Rollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, 3I.D
the College Of Physicians isnd Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoh-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont,
Catalogue sent free on appli-
Large sums ottnoney to loan on farmlands
at fiye and a half per cent. Private funds
Apply to
Solicitors &e., Exeter.
1.1). OR, Conveyancer, Notary. Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court', Notary Public, Con-
veyan eer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
0 flice-Fanson's Block,Exeter
.124 'itors, Conveyanders, &o.
BROWN1Winchelsea. Licensed Allot-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms roa-
sonbile.Sales arranged at Post office. Win-
NO 396
Hay School Report.
The January report of the pupils of
S. S. No. 2, }lay, is as follows. Names
are in order of merit. V: -R F. Chap
man, Sr. IV; -F. E. Ross, Nellie Gould,
Nellie V. O'Brien, Jr. IV: -J. M. Todd,
M. M. Rustled, Beckie Northcott. IIL
Sarah J, Northcott, RiJ. F. Busch, W.
13. Warreu. Sr, IL -B. E. O'Brien, W.
H. Busch, Jessie G. Meu.n. Jr. II: -
Ethel M N rthcott, J. R. Northcott, J.
Jackson, Sr Sec. Pt -Nelson Stahel'.
by, Eddie Gould, Nellie O'Brien. Jr
Sec. Pt: -Louisa Armstrong, Lulla
Munn. P. I:-- Frankie Northeett, Ar-
chie Busch. The best spellers in the
monthly spelling watches were: -Sr.
IV; )1iiud I. Russell; Jr. IV; Willie
Jacksen; III; Sarah J. Northcott; Sr
II; Bertie O'Brien; Jr. II; Ethel M
Northeott; Sec. Pt, Louisa Armstrong
Pursuant to Sec. 36 of Chapter 110 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1887, in:Sties is
hereby given that all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of Mary
Lamb, late of the Township of Bay, in the
County °Micron, widow, who died on or
about the 15th day of May A. D.1894, are on
or before the
1ST DAY OF MARCH, A, D, 1895,!
to send by post. pre -paid, to Elliot & Elliot
Solicitors for the Executors of the said de-
eeased their cliristiam n am es and surnames,
addresses and deseriptions the full. 'earth ti-
lers of their claire s, a statement of their Re-
counts and the nature of the securities (If
any) held by them, and that aster the day
last aforesaid the said Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased am on g the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to such claims of which I
notice shall have been given as above re-
cuired, and the said Executors will not be i
ha4ile for the said assets or any part thereof,
to any -person or persons of whose claim or
Claims notice shall not bays been received.
by them at the time of such distribution.
Dated at 'Exeter this flOth day of -January
A. D. 0395.
Ettro'r & ELT,IOT Solicitors for
• Jam es Murray and
William Jecskell, Executors.
TJ BOSSENBERRY, Hansen Ontario. Lie -
.U.J• ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
RED.Ix.r.FARN00111.13, Provincial Land
J. • Surveyor and Civil Engineer. ()ince,
Over Post Office, Main street. Exeter, Ont.
IfiDWARD 0. sreetet, P. L. S. Ontario
124 Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
Goderich, Ont.
BEFERENCES: St, Marys, Journal; and the
Rectory, Kirkton.
Insurance Agent,
Anchor, Allan, Allan State, Beaver, Dom
inion, American., Wbite Star,Nether-
lands, and AM Oilcan Lines to England,
Xre1and., Scotland, Holland, Germany,
Cape, Australia and New Zealand.
Lencashire, London and Lancashire
Northern Nerth British aAirl Mercentile:
ancl Perth' Mutual Piro Insuranee Co's.
London and Lancashire Life Insur. Co.
• London Guarantee and Accident Co
LOWEST ItwERS, cant. Geo. Kemp
Pursuant to Sec. 00 o.i.Ghaptet 110 of the
Revised citatutet of Ontario, 1887, notice is
hereby given that all oneditors anci others
having claims tr4ais1st the estate of Henry
1-Tockey, late pftbe townststp of Stephen, in
the Cuntydf,iiinron„ Retired Farmer who
died on•orAbetit the -20th. day of December,
A. D,1B94,.are, calor before the
1St Day of March, 1895,
tr) send, by pest,:pre-paidi to lllhiot &
Exeter, 'Solicitors for the Executors of the
the said deceased their oltristian names and
sornarnes, addresses and descriptions. the
full particulars of their claims, a statement
of their accounts and tee nature of the se-
curities cif any) held by them, verified by
declaration and after the daY last afOrOSaid
the said Executors will proceed to distribute
the assets of the self.' deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
to such claims of which notice shall have
been given as above required, and the said
Executors will not beliable for the said as-
sets or any part thereof, to any person or
persons of whose claim or claim s notice shall
not have been receiveci hy their Solicitors at
the time of such distribution.
Soicitors for Executors
(Changed every Wednesday)
Wheat per bushel .. • .. 00.55 to 0.57
Barley . . 38 to 40
Oats , . to 28
Peas .. • . . 55 to 55
Butter 00,1100, 1.01••• 606* 4.0 • 10
Eggb • . ..... ... 15
Potatoes per pus ,... 85 to 40
Hay per ton „ 6.50 to .700
Duelts per pound. „ ;Oa
Ge,efle per . .05
Turkeys per ponud, ....• .07
Alsike per bushel, .. $4.25 to $5.25
• Red Clover " 4.25 to 5.25
Timothy " . 1.75 to 2.15
Dated at Exeter, this 21th
day ofJanuary A. D., 1895.
• Farquhar.
Mr. Harry Westlake. of Lumley, le
spending a'efew days with his brother
John. -While Mr. William Moody was
assisting one of his neighbors- in tear-
ing down an old log bagestWittil. the
misfortune to get one of Iiiit'eeeetettam-
med between two logs.- MisiaelJoan
Dungan, ±who has been somewhat indis
posed with cold is getting better. -
Mr. William Bray hid a monster wood
cutting bee one day last week, -Mr.
And. Ilodgert had the misfortune to
lose two of his best horses last week, -
The Farquhar Dramatic Co. took a
prominent part at an entertainment
held in connection with an oyster sup
per at Russeldale last Thursday even-
itige-Mr. Robe Gardiner, mail carrier
between Farquhar and Dublin, has had
some rough roads to travel during the
severe snowstorm.
The cold snap is over, or at least we
hope so. It was so cold your corree,
potelent could not write. The roads
are almost blockaded, and in rpanv
places the snow is four to eight feet
high -the worst storm.for*fifty years,
se sais the old settlers -The S. S. C011
vention was a success. The . addresses
delivered by the Rev. gentlemen being
interesting as well as instructive,- Mr.
Levi Stahls lost by fire on Saturday
night his wood shed. -Mrs. James Hill
is still on the sick list.-eirs. Shear
Owe is somewhat better. -Mrs Sweet,
who has beeu ailing for some time
past, died Saturday evening - arid was
buried on Tuesday at the Eater 'eem-
etery. Funeettleiefestlie residence of
T hosnas -,Chleabers,=Quite s number
coMplein • of coughs endeeeelelestiesate.
ladies of Maccabees held their oyster
supper Thursday evening and report
having had a good time.
New "Ads',
J. A. STEWART.--Are you looking
for snaps.
R. PICKARD & SON -Great 15 days
cash sale.
Spring Goods. •
Fullerton: On Wednesday while
helping Mr. Wm, Baker to cut straw,
Wm. Balfour had the misfortune to get
his foot caught in the horsepower and
had several of his toes badly mangled.
Parkhill: On Saturday as Mrs. Clarke
of the 7th con. of McGillivray, was com-
ing out of Mr. Lindsay's store she fell
and had her hip injured She was at
once taken to Dr. Caw's office where
she was attended to, and then removed
to Mr.Sloan Bolan's. At lastreports
the patient was doing nicely.
Mitchell: Mr, Fred Davis, - who has
conducted a most successful grocery
business in Mitchell since February
1889, has disposed of his stock to Mr,
Robert Barley, one of the leading yoting
men of this town. Mr. Davis, • will for
the next few months, devote his time
to the collection of his accounts, after
which he may embark in some other
line of business in town,.
• e
McGillivray School Report.
The report of S. S. No. 1,McUray
for the month of January is as follows.
IV class. -Maud Beyhan, 88; Jas. J.
Quarry, 69; Mac Curtin, 58; Pattie
O'Dwyre, 56; Willie Kelly, 47, III
cless,--Willie Bey hen, 79; J. Len. Cur
tin, 74; John J. 13eyhan, 40 II class. -
Elsie Webb, 91; Philip O'Dwyre, 57.
Pt. II class. --Cora Webb, 90; Frank
Faamer, 75; Joseph Farmer 58; Mary
Curtin 50, Pt. I class.-Irine Curtin,
76; Gertrude ronin; 70. Coudutet.-
Wilile Mac Curtin, Pattie
OBITUARY. -The many friends of
Reeve Arch Malloy, of Colborne were
startled to hear on Tuesday last that he
bad died early that morning He had
been ailing for some weeks with ty-
phoid fever, hut was reeking good head-
way to recovery, when with a few min-
utes warning he passed away. Deceased
had been deputy reeve and then reeve
of the township. for several years, and
had many friends in this county. He
was a member of the Foresters, Work.
111011 and Sons of Scotland and the fun-
eral yesterday' was conducted under
the auspices of these bodies.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. Sid.
Wilson, who has been confined to his
bed for some time is able to be out
again. -During the prayer meeting
which was being held in the Elimville
church on Sunday last. a number of
mischievous boys congregated outside
and heaped up huge banks of snow
and caused much inconvenience to
the neoplu on coming out of church.
Mayor Vale was notified and after coti.
tiderable difficuityethe obstruction was
removed. If the like COMPS Again the
perpetrators will certainly get into
trouble. -Miss Ida eloper, of Exeter,
visited friends in this vicinity on Sun
day last. (Pin)com(b)e again Ida. -
A large number attended the anniver-
sary services in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday last. -Mr. Wm. Batman
furnished the Ceatral Hotel. Exeter,
with their season's supply of ice. The
contractors cutting- the ice report a
most unique experience. The weath-
er being extremely cold the saws be-
came frozen in the ice while at work
and they were unable to proceed furth-
er. A seheme then had to be devised
in order to coneinne the work, when it
was found necessary to go to Exeter
and apply to the purchaser of theice to
relieve them of their difficulty, where-
upon the proprietor seeing their pre-
dicament and wishing the contract
completed, gave them a bottle of aqua
vital. They then returued to -their
frenzied quarters, and after "punish
iog" the remedy, rubbed the bottle on
the saws, both having a wonderful ef-
fect. The work was then completed
and everything passed off 0.K (e.)
A very severe storm leveed here on
Friday last accompanied bby snow aud
frost, making it equal, we think, to
any Prairie blizzard. Several people
that were exposed to it on that day re-
port having part of their face frozen.--
Alr. J. D. Pollock met with a loss on
Tuesday night of last week by one of
his horses getting loose and causing a
cow to hang itself by the (Alan] which
it was fasteued with. -Mr: Joseph
Sherrow and John Love attended the
convention held at Ai Ise Crates on Tues
day..lase-Mr, W. Oliyer had made ar
rangements for a party at hrs fathers,
buerewing to the inclemency of the
weatber, it was postponed till Tuesday
of tbfs week. A good time was report-
ed by all present. -Mrs. John English,
rlui is lying sick at her mother's home
at. Drt,-sartleis reported to be no better.
-Mr. James Cronan gave his wedding
party on Tuesday evening last week
and a jovial times was spent. -Mr.
H. Love had a horse severely kicked
oneirsday lase -Mrs. Michel Cron -
an, Who has been in' very poor health.
foe sii‘Me time past, visited a physician
en.Irishtown four miles east of Seaforth
with.4'the anticipation of complete re-
coyeey.-A band of men worked all
foreiloon of Monday to get the road
-pesse.ble aftses the_ big blow on Friday.
-Mr Jaime Mollard's atiEtion Sale is
expected to take place about the 25th
of this month. Mr. H. Eil bey, auctioneer.
-Two of Gratid Bend citizens were
swamped in a snow bank at the cerner
of the Crediton road at the 21st con. on
Sunday last. After getting their horse
over the end of the bridge they had to
unhitch it before they ecould get him
released - Miss Annie Love and Miss
Ada May Clarke paid their friends
a flyb, visit ou Tuesday evening last.
-Mr. John Dalziel, of Sarnia, passed
through our burg ou his way to Grand
Bend on Monday on a business trip.
A.slafield,f County Patron Association.
SUDDEN DnierR,--Mr. Geo, Nixon,
Aslitield, retired to his room on Monday
night last about the usual hour, and,
having forgotten something down
stairs, went to return, but ou arriving
near the stairs lost his way and fell
over the bannister, breaking his skull,
from the effects of which he died in a
few minutes. • Deceased was an old
resident, and was in his 68th year.
Big sale of damaged goods 25
pieces Scotch and Canadian
10 pieces overcoating 5 pieces lining a lot of pants
• and vests all these goods are damaged by water and
Smoke at the fire on the 28th of January and we are
clearing them out from 250 per yard and upwards, and
must be sold out at once to make room for our new
• spring stock. Come at onee and get a bargain,
Stand 1 door south of Sonicrs photo gallery,
J. H. CREIVE Merchant Tailor.
Rills Green.
The dedication of the new Presbyter-
ian church here took place Sabbath
week. Eloquent and appropriate (Its.
courses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Mc-
Donald, of Seaforth, in the morning and
evening, and by Rev. J. S. Henderson,
of kiensall, in the afternoon. Dr. Mc-
Donal'i also conducted the service at
an overflow meeting in the basement
in the afternoon, and the pastor, Mr
Acheson. a similar service iu the even -
hg. Hills Green never before saw
such large gatherings of people of
every denomination going up unitedly
to worship the Lord of Hosts. It was
'indeed a joyous sight, and it seemed as
if the millenium were drawing* near
0n the followinr, Monday, the.good lad,
les had a magnificeut feast prepared
for the occasion. After the guests had
refreshed their bridles in the hall, they
repared to the church, where the in-
tellectualman was well cared for with
appropriate addresses by Rev. Messrs.
Swan, Walker and Hendeason, of Hen-
sall„J. A. McDonald, of Varna, and Dr.
McDonald of Sea forth. A wortby elder
of a neighboring congregation, was
heard to remark at the close of the
meeting that he never heard better ad-
dresses at a tea meeting. The Bruce -
field choir, ut der the able leadership of
Mr. Jamieson, assisted by the choir of
the congregation, discoursed the finest
music at all the services. The church
was literally packed and even then all
could not fled entrance to the audience
chamber. On the Tuesday evening a
(rood social was held with splendid tal.
elle concerning whieh your reporter
has not time just now to write. Suffice
to say that the proceeds of all the meet-
ings amounted to over $190. The edi
tic() is of white brick and presents 'a
fine a•ppearatice. The contractor, Mr
Patterson, of Hemet% did his work well.
The church is ferniehed with a good
basetnent and furnece, and in every
way is well adapted for the furtherance
of the gopel. The pastor and emigre'
gation are to be congratulated on the
erection of such a beautiful place of
worship, and we trust that as the days
go by much will be done here for the
glory of the master and the good of
Mrs. Hill is still quite ill. -Mr,
Wioer is very sick. -Mr. Kennedy anti
daughter from Edon, oear Tilsonburg
are visiting their daughter and sister,
Mrs. Walter Tero. -Wm. Haggith,
who attended the S. S. convention at
Crediton last week as a delegate gave
a very interesting report of proceedings
to his Sunday School on Sunday' last. -
Between fifty and sixty persons attend
ed the Epworth League prayer meeting*
on Tuesday evening, which was led by
Misses Martha Hill and Mary Hand-
ford -The m ssionary meeting which
was to have been held last Sunday, has
been postponed for two weeks, owing to
the severe storm of last week, which
blockaded the roads, so that not a single
rig was seen ia the church -shed. The
evening congregation, however, was
large, the people tramping across the
fields and over snow banks as if they
enjoyed the fun. -John Barry and sis-
ter who live about a mile s nith of this
village had their home destroyed by
fire on Thtusday evening last, between
nine and ten o'cloek. The lire origin
ated in the woodshed and spread with
great rapidity until the whole strue
ture was consumed The greater part
of the funiture however was saved, but
it was an awful night to be driven out
of home by the firey element. They
found shelter for the night at Mr. Jas.
Oke's, their nearest neighbor. -Mr. Eph
Butt of Clinton iseivisiting his brother
Rev. W. H. Butt.
The Mrron County Aesoelation, Pat-
roas of Industry, rnet in the Couneil
1.7'hamber, Clintou, on Tuesday last, Feb.
5th, The meeting for some time pre-
vious, promised to be a success, but the
stormy weather and bad coeditioa of
the roads militated much against it, as
many of the delegates riecessarily had.
to drive, and 'even those who could
come by train, and were prevented
from being .on time, owing to the early
train betweea Kincardine and Wing -
barn being cancelled. Go this account
Mr. Gaunt, Co. President, 'aed Mr
Gardner, Co. Secretary, could not get
here until 4.20 pee, iustead of at. 10
at which time the meeting should have
opened. l'his of course, sawed the ,
meeting to be prolouged into the wee
small hours of morning, However,
considering those drawbacks, the coun-
ty meeting although somewhat small-
ernumbers in than on previoas occas-
ions, was a success, and many quest-
ions of vital importance to the order,
were discussed in an agreeable and
masterly spirit. What lacked in num-
bers was ceunterbalaileed by enthusiasm
There were preseut delegates froin the
extreme uorthern corner of Howiek,
and also from the extreme south of Hay,
as well as from north of Ashfield at'd
intervening points showing that Pat-
ronism is stilt very much alive in this
county. The following officers were
elected for 1895: -
Co. President -A. T. Bean, Dashwood
Co. Vice Pres -J. Go vet, lock, Seaforth
Co. Sec- Tre.-W. S Lawrence, Clinton
Co. Sentinel -J. S. Brown, Staforth
CAuditors J.S. Philips,Kippen.
o, {
• R. Common, Seaforth
Delig.ate to Grand Asso'tion-R. Com-
mon Altenate, James Connolly,
Hohnesville After the eleetion of
officers, alr. Forrester, Patron candidate
for the 00111170011S for West Huron, was
called upon, who ire his usual able man-
ner, addressed the meetng to sume
length, and partly outlined his position,
and who would have entertained the
meeting ouch longer to its profit and
satisfaction, had it not been for the late-
ness of tbe hour.
Mr. R. Common, the rairon candidate
for the Commons in South Huron, was
then ceded oiew ho had also to curtail his
remarks, owlets to the night being far
spent. What h • did say, however, was
to the whit aim went to show to the
Patrons of South Huron that they had
a candieate of whom they need not be
ashamed, and he is a good, clear epeak-
er and close reasoner.
The fohowinee motion was then pass.
ed: -Moved by.W. S. Lawrence, -Clint-
on, sec'd by J. Northcott, Exe.e.r, that
this County Association tender its
thanks to the Town Council of Clinton,
for its kindness in allowing us the free
use of the hall for our meeting, after
which the assoeia ion acljouraed, to
meet in ()linten the first Tuesday in
February, 1896.
A public meeting was held in the
town hall, 'Monday eight 4th inst., for
the purpose of forming a Joint Stock
Company to build a fax mill next
summer. We understand upwards of
$7,000 is already subscribed. If it should
io ou it will be a help to the village
and also to the fertners. A Committee
was appointed --Mr Daniel McCormick
and Ws wife celebrated their birthday
Saturday, February 2ud, and on the
same day his wife presented him with
a bouncing baby girl. In future, as
lona as they live, father, mother and
child will celebrate their birthdays on
tfie-kh me day.--Theie has been more
ice stored here than ever before. Cold
drinks will be served in plenty next
summer. -J. C. Kalbfleiseli is preparing.
to build a flax mill next summer. He,
can put one into operation very cheap-
ly, as he has tbe power in his planing
mill and will build there. We wish
him success in his new enterprise -
Miss Maggie Well came home last week
and will stay till spring -Mr. Chris.
Rupp and wife, from Forest, spent last
Sunday with her brother flenry.-Mr.
Jacob Edighoffer has gone to Berne,
Michigam to attend the funeral of his
grandfather, Mr. Jacob Schatz. -Mr.
Wm. Schatz, has just returned from a
trip to Michigau to see his sick father
for the last time. The old gentleman
has since died.
McGillivray Council,
Town Hall, 'McGillivray 21st January
1892. Council met pursuant to sta
tutes. The following named gentle-
men subscribed to their qualification
and declaration of officers, viz: Wm. L.
Corbett, Reeve; John D. Drummond, Ise
Deputy Reeve; Thomas Prest, 2nd,
Deputy Reeve; Ninian Grieve and Rob-
ert Hutchinson Councilors Minutes of
last meeting read approved of and
signed. Hut•chinson-Drurninond; that
by-law No. 1, of, 1895, appointing Jos
epb Witherspoon assessor at a salary of
$65, payable at the last meeting of
Counsel, as read a first and second time,
be now read a third time and passed,
that Alexander Smith, James, Miller
and John Ferguson, be and they are
hereby appointed members of the Board
of Health and James Sutton, M. D,,
Medical Health Officer. -Carried.
Drummond -Grieve, that the tender of
Wm el, Pearson for the building of
Bloomfield's bridge Inc the sum of $675
be accepted, suoject to whatever adieu
may be taken by the County Council
at January session, providing the nec-
essary bonds be signed and satisfaetory
security given for the completion of the
work, according to plan and specifica-
tiona-Carried. Prest-Grieve, that a
gravel grant of $50 be made to be ex-
pended on North Town Line west of
Greenway, providing Stephen Council.
make a similar grout and also a grant
of $20 to be expended on the 27th, con-
cession; and that Robert Hutchinson,
oversee the expenditure of botheerants,
-Carried. Drummond -Prest, that
the hereinafter named individuals be
paid the several ainounts as set forth
vie: -R 0. Rourke, $1450; J. Miller,
$16.50; A Campbell, $5 33; Bownian,
$3 83; J H. Antos, $7 00; R. Tweedle,
$2.00; G. Lewis, $2B44; R. Sellars,
$2*50; D. F. Stewart, $26,80; IL Hen-
derson $9.2811. Henderson, $L080; S.
Reid, $8,00; G. Lewis $40.00. --Carried,
Prese-Gtiene, that the council ad -
Jour to meet in the Town Hall, first
Monday in March at 10 o'clock ir,
Carried. Wm. FRASER. To, Clerk
Fullerton:Sir, W. Ward sold his fifty
acre farm last week to Mr. Alf Ross
for $2,400.
MOWBRAY. -In Lucan, on the 3rd lest.,
the wife of Mr. Mow bray of a daugh-
SCHWARTZ.-In Stephen, on the 7th
inst., the wife of Jacob Schwarty of a
iViAQUIR131-BROWN. -On the 30th ult.,
Mr. David Maguire, of Ingersoll, to
Miss Joenie Brown, of Lucan,
Hurons:es GateleCITH -At the rest -
deuce of the bride's father, on the
31st haste by the Rev. John Holmes
Miss Sadie Griffeth, daughter of John
Griffeth, Esq. to Mr. F. J. Hutchins,
Postmaster, son of W. H. Hutchins,
Esq., M. P.
Ron -KEEN-- At the residence of the
bride's permits, on Jauuary 80th, by
the Rev. W J. Taylor, Mr. Thomas
P. Roe, of Milverton, to Miss Susie,
daaghter of John Keen, Esq., St
deems of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, Ailsa
Craig, on 'Wednesday, Feb. 6th, 1895,
by Rev. W. Avers, Mr. Wm. Leonard,
Aylmer, to Mrs. David Jefferson,
Ailsa Craig.
HICES.-In Exeter, on the 9th jive.,
Euna Grace, infant daughter of the
late Andrew Hicks, aged 7 months
and 10 days.
Campbell n Tuckersmith, on Feb-
ruary 8rd, Agnes Scott, relict of the
late William Campbell, aged 62
years. f
REiD.-111 Parkhill, on the 3rd inst,
Sarah Jane, beloved wife of John
Reid, aged 68 years and, 10 months.,
WreteresiSott-In St. 'Marys, on Feb.
• 3rd, Victor Williamson, sou of Thom-
as Williamson, aged 5 months and 4
McKAY. -in Blanshard, on Saturdey
February 2aid, John McKay aged 84
•'years, 9 months and 21 days.,
Hexteleue-At Ailsa Craig, on Tuesday
Feb, 5th, 1895, Mary Ann Harmer,
(widow of the late Charles Harmer)
aged 68 years and 10 months.
Bucnis,--At Lot 82, Core 4, in. the
Township, of McGillivray, on Mon*
day Feb. 4111, 1895, Edward Hughes,
hi the 50th year of his age,