The Exeter Advocate, 1895-2-7, Page 8MRS III .
Oar first Annual Christmas Fair,
will continence Wednesday Dee. 1 i ,
at moon hull coutintlo ulatil Monday,
December 31, closing with the old
d Chicano Street arab lately found by the
marline, lying for greater warmth. underneath
t&esi.dowatk,ha" gained for himself, name
mad i'amo through the oare shown for a dove
found partially • hidden in the rags that
'rarely protected his bosons, and which he
1 cl reared and fed with a portion at the few
%rusts he bad been cable to. aeoure for himself
His future is made.
A good deal of that s Crit remains with us
and notwithstanding the depression which
lads saffected nearly all classes, eine Christ-
rxms."and its mein orteswill not be allowed
to die; hat for the sake of the greater gift
our lesser ones will ilow• ani be scattered
broadcast leaving ns none the poorer though
many be muds richer, Sabbath'Schools, Pub -
Ito Sohools
I oSchools anis private parties of all olassea
will give and find ib more blessed to do so
than receive, though: the pocket be light and
pence few, we would like to help and for this
purpose propose our first Christmas Fair,
ax d. for once at the bare coat of handling
tbgoods making it nnneeessary for you to
iult of .Eaton. McKendry, Mara or Woods,
we. can duriug that Fair, help you as well as
they. Eaton has been visited. and we know
what we_propose, we will help you to help
users, itensem bog the date.
Have just open -
e d up several
large consign-
ments of n e w
goods all of
which were bo't
for spot cash.
Customers will
get the benefit
of small prices.
New Prints!
We have them in all the correct col-
ors, shades, patterns and desigus Send
the cloth is the best made by Crombe,
being 32 incises wide. Every piece
is guaranteed perfectly fast by rhe
maker. They are going fast:! 1f
Ton intend having a print dress, •see
our stock at once;
Boots and Shoes!
We have just passed into stodk a
very large .consignment of boots and
shoes. We bo't thcsn at a factory in
Montreal at oar own figures We
can save you 25 per cent. on boots'
and shoes, Ask to see them.
Ordered Clothing!
Are you in need of a suit or over-
coat? We can save you big money'
on either. We have purchased a
very large stock of tweeds etc., at
less than mill prices. Yon are wel-
come to inspect our stock.
Heavy Winter ter Goods.
We are clearing all fur goods, over-
coate, mantles, undearclothirig, etc,
regardless of east. It will pay you,
to buy any o€ithese.lines ,now.
R. Pickard
.Direct Importers.
4th Sunday after Epiphany.
p.m. Specis.ISarroon.on Prayer Book
of the Church of England.
-1. The bible testimony to written prayer.
S '.Written :forms .of prayer versus extem-
pore graver.
3. ;X Sect of praycr. hook,on National Ids -
tory past and present.
rtE sm. ve..HUNT, rector.
The following officers of Exeter.
'Lod'ge, .? o, 67, Independent Order of.
Odd Fellows were: duly installed by Si,
'Poplestone, D. D. G. M., fee the current;;
m:—Jokn Atkins
ter J on, J. P. G.; It. N.
Taylor, N, G.; Geo. Jewell, V. 3.,; S.
Poplestone, lt. S.; A. E. P'uke, P. 8.; PI,v
Lan+brook,Treas.: W. Johns., War„ Alf
Beatings, Con.; Robert Bowe, i. G.
0..3.t }1s, l3ucitin mlram It 5. N.G, ; JaS
f i."ve L. 8 X. G.' Joseph Cobhledi .:
G:1tC , 1i 1? ek,
R. B. V. 0.;'T. Prior, L S. V. G.; John
,Evans, R. 8 $.t Win, Atkinson, L.S. S•
Wm. Howard, (iiia , This Lodge ha
p g
beenbooming thie omit year and from
ulster .uture roe ett will greatly eniarge
Ate members); p in L$ 5.
A ewe belonging to li'Ir,Thos, Bissett
droppedtwo tine lams last week.
Alr, Omo. Barnwell lost a roll of i'Ltls
on Moudity last containing $50, Nu
trace has yet been heard el it.
Ou Mouday last while handling ice
on the pond Mr. A, Bowey accidently
let a large piece slip from his hands on
his feet and smashed one of his big
toes badly,
J. W. Broderick's half prier sales of
mous underwear, Shirts and drawers,
top shirts, ()laths and Tweeds, will con-
tinue all this week. The cheap store
Is the spot fur bargains.
Many people wondered why the
Trivitt Memorial Ghurc:h bells were
rung after the service our Sunday eye-
Meg last. Doubtless they were not
aware that a newly wedded couple was
Owing to the steady increase of busi
Hess, Mr, W. H. Parsons finds it news
sary to enlarge his premises, and also
his manufacturing facilities. We un-
derstand he intends making an addition
of about fifty feet at the rear of his shop.
The Huron District Council of Royal
Templers of Temperance was neld in the
Me.thcdist church, Holmesville, on Tues.
day last. A large delegation, number-
ing about a hundred, was iu attend -
an, a and the meeting was a most har-
monious one Reeve T. H. McCallum
was the delegate from Exeter lodge.
Coe ur it n oetlbg G'R-morro:w (1rrfelay)
eveulug. '
Mr Ds Davis drove to London ' :'es-
terdtty (Wed) with a large load of bogs
and bet to sllou the marltst,.
oue day last week white Adolphus
son of Mr. Jnliu Evans, waseu joyike a
skate he accidently fell and brok hie.
arm at the wrist.
A large load of Sabbath school y.4 rl -
ere of the two Methodiet churches here
attended tie Convention ,held at3Credf-
toll yesterdi y, (Weduesda,)
The result of the election of School
Trustees, yesterday (Wed) resulted in
returuiun the old beard, 1)r, Lutz, T.
Fatal', L', S. Howard, for auother ye: r.
Mr. Geo. Mantle has purehased a
piece of the old l tr ' lisp Church rectory
laud and intends erecting a briek rest -
deuce thereou as soou as the weather
Will permit:
Owitig to a sudden illness Mrs. (Rev.)
Huta was unable to. cbmplete her dot
ies at the organ in :he Trivitt Memer
ial Church en Sunday morning, last.
However, the vacancy was very ac
ceptably filled by the Rev.. Hunt, who
also presided in the evening, and Mi.
R, I-1 Collins read the lessons very ad-
mirabiy. Mrs. Elunt still continues.
very i11 and has been under medical
treatinont ever since. Pleurisy seems
to he the ceuso: We hope to hear of
het speedy rec wevy.
Great clearing sale of all winter
goods now on. 5 only gents fur
coats; 1 only ladies fur net extra
quality; 1 only grey persian lamb
cape; 3 only goat robes, about
Twenty ladies and gents fur caps;
several fur muffs; 40 gents sealett
caps; about one hundred ladies
jackets; 50 gents over coats; 23
boys over coats and 15 pr. blank-
ets. Now fur a grand clearing out
sacrifice and slaughter is the order
front head quarters No reserve.
All winter goods must go. Drop
iu and see what, we are doing.
We found while stock taking near-
ly a thousand remnants, one kind
and another. Don't blame us if
you don't get some of the plunder.
They are going fast. Is it too ear-
ly to talk sugar? ,We can tell y.ou
something about the sweet goods if
you enquire. However, we're not '
over anxious, to tell at present.
We think there is going to be a
quick change in price. Look gout
for a sudden up! up! up! its got to
The ice harvest has begun in earnest
and a vast number of loads are being
hauled daily into town.
Wood Bros. shipped a carload of cattle
to Montreal on Monday.—Wm. Balkwill
carload hogs to Toronto last week.—I
Armstrong a carload hogs to Toronto en
Friday.—Rollins & Williams two cars
flour to Quebec.
A crayon portrait swindler has been
gulling the people of Shelburne,Orang •.
vine and other places. He is a man of
medium height, thin, spare face. sandy
complexion, wears his hat on the back of
his head, and looks like a professional
dead beat. Pass him on.
Tuesday night was the coldest of the
season thus far,—in fact it is several
years since the mercury in tbis clime
has been so low. The thermometer
registered during the morning 16 de.
grees below zero. In London at the
etservatory it registered 19.
A team belonging to Mr Samuel Par-
sons ran away on Main Street Thurs-
day last, but before going far collided
with a telegraph post which brought
them to a standstill, the tongue of the
sl- igh being broken and one of the
horses knees slightly injured.
Mrs Moss. the spiritualistic medium,
has turned up at another seance row
in Cleveland. Wish a number of wo-
men and men she threatened to mob a
young man named Adelstein, who was
endeavoring to get an opportunity to
expose the alleged spiritualist fraud.
Grand Patriarch Puke installed. on
Thursday night the officers of Exeter
Encampment. No. 83,. Pat. Hastings
0. P.; Pat Taylor, S. W.; Pat.' Grieve,
.T. W.; Pat. Buckingham, Sceibe; Pat.
Sparkniair, Trea'.; Pat, Popplestone
Guide; Pa t. Beaman, H.P.; Pat Crocker
I. S. This part of Odd -Fellowship has
been growing rapidly of late and Exe-
ter is among the progressive and is
ever increasing its membership.
The following tribute to winter is of
unknown origin. "It snows and it
blows and it stings yotir nose—makes
allecreation shiver: it bites your toes,
increases your woes and freezes up the
river; '1"he frost nips all, both great and
small; the dismal, dreary wit.ter, free
zits tapas, it bursts the, pipes, and vexes
sore the .printer. So 'let her roll --we
mean the coal -it takes the cash in
.winter„ so please be kind and make up
your mind to settle with the printer.
The Berlin DailyNews in its obituary
notice on the death of the late Rev. F.
W. Turk hes this to say- of two well
known former residents cf Exeter.
"'When in SL'bringville he celebrated
the marriage l,otween Mr,Able We 'per
tied Miss Catharine Deurheu't, on ;he
28th Dee. 7856.. This is our Mr. Walper
who•isso ,papular and well :known in
Western Ontario and who hasdone so
much in beautifying our town by the
erection of the Walper Hotel Block,.
Thtre are 325 cheese factories in the
:district within ,the jurisdiction of the
Dairymen's Assceiation of Western On-
tario and about 152.000 cows are drawn
upon for the milk to thele factories.
In 1693 the roduet of each on h
A cow, , to
average, yielded a: little over $34e and
in seine Cases as haf;'li as $65 was ob
rained from one animal. When suet
returns as these can be obtained as the
result of intelligent effort there is ns:
reason why dairying should not be
made the greatest and mostrofitable
ndustry in the Proyinee, p
The Rev. I. W. Hodgius, of Seafor"t.h,
will (D. V.) officiate and preach the
Annual ?Missiouary Benton in St. Pat -
ricks Church, Biddulph, on Sunday
Feb 10th at 11 a. in. it was postponed
from last month owing to the heavy
storm. A liberal offertory is requested
in aid of the Diocesan Mission Fund.
It is said that a few 'weeks ago a
gentleman of Clinton, who had $1.300
on deposit at one, of the banks there at
4 per cent., withdrew it, and deposited
it at Blyth, where he was to receive
per cent. A few days afterwards the
Blyth hank closed its doors and he twill
likely lose a portion of it in the settle
Oncutting down a large 'oak tree
in Mrs. John Golud's swamp in lay
Towuship, on Saturday last, Mr. ':'hos.
Hartnol I discovered a unique curiosity
in the shape of a living• and thrifty
looking currant bush growing out of a
limb that had been broken off and be
chine slightly rotton at the top of the
tree. It is indeed a mystery how .it
got there. "�
A Western town has a unique and
novel scheme which knocks out the
tramp. It acts like a dose of small-
pox. The authorities recently hunted
up the skeleton of a man out on the
prairieand brought it into town for
ideutilicetion. For safe keeping they
placed it in one of the cells of the
'lack up. When they get a tramp in
the town they .introduce him to the fel-
low -lodger, the grinning skeleton. It
is only a matter of seconds before the
tramp decides to leave for more con
genial fielde,
M. E. Comp. J. R. Robertson, Gr. Z of
the Grand Chapter of Regal Arch Ma
sons of Canada, (Toronto,) performed
the iustallation ceremonies on the offi-
cers of Exeter Chapter, No. 85, G. R. C,
Friday evening, as'foilor :--f1, Speck
Haan' 1st Prin. Z; W. H. Lovett 2nd
Prin. H; Samuel Sweet 3rd: Prin. J; G.
A. R. McLeod Scribe E; B S O'Neil
Scribe N and 'Prean,; J. A. Stewart
Prin. Sup; Wrr,. Brooks, Janitor.—The
Brethren report a pleasant, profitable
and most instructive evening, Mr.
Robertson purposes returning in the
near future
A Hensel" correspondent comment-
ing on the marriage of one of our Citi-
zeas says:— A very pleasant event tact:
place at the manse on Wednesday eve
niva, January 23rd, being the mar
riage of gr Alfred Taylor, e y , of Exeter,
to Miss Isa Bell, of Hansen. Miss
Aggie Kerr acted as maid . of honor,.
and Mr. Ezra Atoudding, our popu-
lar boot and shoe maker, as best man.
The ceremony Was performed by Rey.
J, S Henderson. After the ceremony
the happy couple started to drive'
eter. The procession was led • b,y, ,Mr
Rnedding and Miss Aggic .,IXeri•,; It
was a: very stormy night and the roads
driltett. But after a couple • ofupsets
they arived safely, feeling none the
worse for their journey. After pertak'-
ing of the good"tlritigs which welee pro-
vided for them, the enjoyed thetneelvtls
with games, etc. Cur •i'aatest's l'i•prist
was a to see the bridesmaid -
and {,'�� routine;,
man returniieg the nest day;, ..on:, the.
train, having left their horse, and
ter behind. We wish the newl-
y mar
ried couple alt the prosperity., of mar-
ried life.
alit .Lost..
Dog skin mit lost between Tennaiit's
Office and Wa l per's
p old farm,
day week, .Finder will leave at Fish's
barber shop, .
0� 1�C
On all Winter Goods!
2 only good coon skin
coat; 1 only. lady's astra_
chan coat; 5 only fur
robes; 5 only beaver caps
2 only ladies' capes, will
possibly be sold less
than wholesale cost.
Don't miss a chance to
get a genuino good bar -
(rain as the above lines
will be cleared no matter
what our loss. 20 seal-
ette capes were $1..25,
now 75 cents. All ends
at; half price stock tak-
ing time,
Orient Tea, which
found such favor is now
in stock. Try a package!
G. G. JOHNSTON, Fxeter.
The lecture in the Main Street Meth
odist Church by Mr. J. H. Aiken on
South Africa was well attended on Fri-
dtiy. night last, and all were highly
pleased with the .instructive discourse
illustrated by the beautiful and large
variety of views thrown, on a back-
ground -by a powerful magic lantern.
The. speaker, though laboring under
a severe cold, was indeed interesting
and his hearers departed with a much
better and enlightened opinion of South
Africa than before: The .singing by
Miss•Gilmore and Mr. Carter was also
much appreciated.,
A team owned byr Mr. John Treble
and driven by his son Robert, while
coming into town Tuesday morning'' be
came fractious and after kicking sever-
al times ran away. , "Bob" was thrown
out of the cutter with terrible force and
after the furiated animals freed them
selves from the rig they ran up Main
street at a rapid rate, until turning
the corner leading to the Jaynes Street
Methodist Church were they collided
with a telephone pole •and from the
abrupt stop oue of them was tossed in-
to the old open cellar on the corner.
Luckily the horses escaped with a few
Slight bruises, while the cutter and
harness was badly broken. Robert al-
so escaped without much injury.
Not Legal. ,
.Many peop'e are under the impres
sion that public positions, such as as
sessor,, collector, etc., either in town or
rural muureipalities, can be let by ten-
der, and the man offering to do the
work for the lowest amount, to receive
it. :'his is incorrect. The municipal
Act clearly status that the Council
must fix the salary, and ask fox appli-
cants or not, ,just as it likes,
% lively
Ilan away.
On Friday evening last while Andy
Oke was engaged breaking in a team
of colts belonging to Mr. Joseph Haw-
kins, of Usborn.e, the animals became
frightened while in front of the Cent-
ral Hotel, and rao awav, Andy was
soon ditched and the furiated brutes
rushed madly down by the Methodist
church where they kicked themselves
free from the rig and then continued
their lively pace until they reached
Mr. B. Higgins' gate on the 2nd con-
cession of tTsborne where they were
found standing. .The cutter was badly
smashed, while Andy' and the horses
were but little the worse for their ex-'
The Fancy Dress carnival: held in
the Exeter skating rink, on Monday.
night was a success in ,every point .of.
view. A goodly number was present
and a large variety of elegant doscumeg
were ex hi tired. In the boys' race there
were eight entrees, but Jbhn Spackman
eeiried of 1st with ease, while Ed, Dig-
nan.took 2ncd. 'The, potatoe race was
very exciting from start to finish, Ed;
Treble wiunieg 1st and Will Browning
2nd: The .other prises were awarded
as follows: -Comic costume, J,Tapp 1st
and It Howard. 2nd. Ladies fancy
dress, ,Mies Nichol let and [''rank Fish
2nd. Mrs ESE, Ward 1st and' Mrs, . T.
Wr Iiawkalia4 2'nd.
T)id you remember What your wife
said about calling at CARLING
BROS. and ordering some . of those
PRINTS whichr creating
a e _. so much
talk and those CHAMBRAYS they..
are daisies, COME?
Get your choke e before they areall gone.
Carling Bros.
SUNDAY, Go to Church,
Collection 25c.
MONDAY, Do your Washing,
Soap at all prices,
TUESDAY, Do your Ironing,
AStarch of all Makes,
WEDNESDAY, Do your Mending,
WEEK'S Wool of all Sorts,
THURSDAY, Do your cleaning,
TOIL. •• Silver Polish,
FRIDAY, Do your Sweeping,
Brooms the best,
SATURDAY, Do your Baking,
Strong's Baking Powder,.
E. J. S Pr A C K M A N & CO., SamFell's Block, Exeter
What's the use of waiting for it to turn np, and then not be able to 'fill the bill.'
In the interval get yourselfin shape by taking a course in the
We lay great stress on our practical course. See for proof our successful stu-
dents. A. M. Stewart has received the position of travelling auditor with the
lvIeCornsack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue and particulars
addressing carefully,
1Per•Noarati i)1eniton.
Mr. John Trick, of Toronto, was vis
iting friends here last week. —Mr. Sam
uel Cudmore, of Kipper, is visiting.
friends and relatives in town, the gues
of his cousin, Miss Millie Cudmore.
Miss Eurith Myers, is yisiting friends
in London.—Bert Elliott, of London,
spent a few days in town last week.—
Mr. W. H. Moucur, who injured his
back by a heavy lift lest week has suf-
ficiently recovered as to be able to at-
tend to his duties again.—Miss Bennett
who has been the guest of her brother
for sometime, left Tuesday for her home
iu Orangeville,—Mr. J. Higginbottom,
general auditor for the G. P. R., made
his official visit to the Exeter station ore
Monday. He found the books in a most
satisfactory condition.—Mr. Dixon, of
Brucefield, is visiting his daughter
Mrs, Thos. Snell, Gidley street, -The
Advocate received a pleasant call from
.Bro. Knight of the Quill, A. M: Todd,
editor of the Clinton News Record, and
Dr J S. Freeborn, of the same town, on
T. esr.ay. They were attending the
euuual County meeting of the L 0. L.
--Mr. R. Pickard, of London, was in
town this week representing the Fann-
ers' Advocate.-- Mv, Geo: Samwell who
was visiting friends in Ingersoll, re
turned home last week.—Mr. D. Wood,
who has been suffering from an acute
attack of inflammation is, we are
pleased to say ou the mend—Mrs.
Etna, of West Toronto Junction, is
home at pfeaeut owing to thl. severe itl-
uess of her father, Mr. Isaac Carling who
still eoutinues in a very low couditiou.
--Mr. arta. Mrs. Wm. 'Nilson, of Thorn-
bury, fnemerly of tine place, were re
'towing acquaintances in town • a few
days this week.. They are enjoying
the best of health and were much
pleased to meet their many old friends
—P. B. Dip, oat! B Spicer spent a
few days in Clinton last week —Hugh
Ross,•who bas been engaged fur some
time with Mr, W. 1:I. Trott as shoe-
maker, has been compelled to quit work
o%\llig to sufferinrn From severe rheum-
atiyh.i ancl'has left for his home. -'W. J
Caldwell, who has beers clerking for
Mr, J. !',.Ross has ;'oue to 'Toronto.
Chas. Ewing, who has been visiting at,
his home in Teeswater, returned Tues
diiy and resumed his position with Mr.
0, 0, Jnhi,r'on,--Mr, Munroe,
law of Mr, Wm. Tolland and his wife present very ill and confined to
thole bed. This -makes three invalids
in the one house, Mr: F' Ilan bavin
o d v g
been afflicted for some, titre with
cancer in the threat. ..
—Yard wide all wool flannel sheeting
30 cents worth 40 cents.
—25 per cent. off all underwear,
—Hats and caps selling at cost.
—Tweed pants at $1.25.
—Ready made clothing 25p er c. off.
A cut in
—33 tbs raw sugar for $1:00
-25 granulated sugar for 1.00
— 3 " box 'biscuits ,17
— 3 " figs .25
Raisins, currants, prunes and
syrups all at cut price.
John Matheson.
"Lo9 kLaa Laudanum.
The home of Mrs Piper, of this town,
was thrown into a most deplorable
state of excitement on Monday night ,
last when it' became known that her
daughter Eva had swallowed a. large
dose of laudanum, It appears Miss
Eva, e bas been in a demented state
of mind for some time caused by con-
tinued fits, wont out to spend the after.
noon at •the residence of Mr. John Moore
a neighbor, and after being there a
:More time 'started to do some chores
arettnd tho' liblaso, dgsting, etc. In the
course of her work hhe came across a
bottle, which she says, she thought was
.soothing syrup arid drank part of its
contents, ; :Not.long after swallowing
the deedly, drug she complained of
kein e, sieI dnd said she had taken SOMA
stuff nut. of a bottle, Mrs. Moore soon
• discoverers lust such was the case and
that a large amount had been taken,.
Indices aid was summoned and She,
although yery sick, is now on a fair
ay to rdeovoi•y., Doubtiesa had she
taken less the result would have prof-
ed fatal,
The best thing you can do to pre-
serve DOMESTIC peace is to DO IT
NOW without delay.. Have you seen
our ladies foot wear? They •are the
'finest we have ever shown. The latest!
newest!! beet!!! For gentlemen's foot
wear we have no equal. It is not a
,question of importance to you whether
re import or pay spot cash. The ques-
tion is where can I get goods the nheap-
est? Allow us to fell you at .Darting
Carling Bros.
SUNDAY, Go to Church,
Collection 25c.
MONDAY, Do your Washing,
Soap at all prices,
TUESDAY, Do your Ironing,
AStarch of all Makes,
WEDNESDAY, Do your Mending,
WEEK'S Wool of all Sorts,
THURSDAY, Do your cleaning,
TOIL. •• Silver Polish,
FRIDAY, Do your Sweeping,
Brooms the best,
SATURDAY, Do your Baking,
Strong's Baking Powder,.
E. J. S Pr A C K M A N & CO., SamFell's Block, Exeter
What's the use of waiting for it to turn np, and then not be able to 'fill the bill.'
In the interval get yourselfin shape by taking a course in the
We lay great stress on our practical course. See for proof our successful stu-
dents. A. M. Stewart has received the position of travelling auditor with the
lvIeCornsack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue and particulars
addressing carefully,
1Per•Noarati i)1eniton.
Mr. John Trick, of Toronto, was vis
iting friends here last week. —Mr. Sam
uel Cudmore, of Kipper, is visiting.
friends and relatives in town, the gues
of his cousin, Miss Millie Cudmore.
Miss Eurith Myers, is yisiting friends
in London.—Bert Elliott, of London,
spent a few days in town last week.—
Mr. W. H. Moucur, who injured his
back by a heavy lift lest week has suf-
ficiently recovered as to be able to at-
tend to his duties again.—Miss Bennett
who has been the guest of her brother
for sometime, left Tuesday for her home
iu Orangeville,—Mr. J. Higginbottom,
general auditor for the G. P. R., made
his official visit to the Exeter station ore
Monday. He found the books in a most
satisfactory condition.—Mr. Dixon, of
Brucefield, is visiting his daughter
Mrs, Thos. Snell, Gidley street, -The
Advocate received a pleasant call from
.Bro. Knight of the Quill, A. M: Todd,
editor of the Clinton News Record, and
Dr J S. Freeborn, of the same town, on
T. esr.ay. They were attending the
euuual County meeting of the L 0. L.
--Mr. R. Pickard, of London, was in
town this week representing the Fann-
ers' Advocate.-- Mv, Geo: Samwell who
was visiting friends in Ingersoll, re
turned home last week.—Mr. D. Wood,
who has been suffering from an acute
attack of inflammation is, we are
pleased to say ou the mend—Mrs.
Etna, of West Toronto Junction, is
home at pfeaeut owing to thl. severe itl-
uess of her father, Mr. Isaac Carling who
still eoutinues in a very low couditiou.
--Mr. arta. Mrs. Wm. 'Nilson, of Thorn-
bury, fnemerly of tine place, were re
'towing acquaintances in town • a few
days this week.. They are enjoying
the best of health and were much
pleased to meet their many old friends
—P. B. Dip, oat! B Spicer spent a
few days in Clinton last week —Hugh
Ross,•who bas been engaged fur some
time with Mr, W. 1:I. Trott as shoe-
maker, has been compelled to quit work
o%\llig to sufferinrn From severe rheum-
atiyh.i ancl'has left for his home. -'W. J
Caldwell, who has beers clerking for
Mr, J. !',.Ross has ;'oue to 'Toronto.
Chas. Ewing, who has been visiting at,
his home in Teeswater, returned Tues
diiy and resumed his position with Mr.
0, 0, Jnhi,r'on,--Mr, Munroe,
law of Mr, Wm. Tolland and his wife present very ill and confined to
thole bed. This -makes three invalids
in the one house, Mr: F' Ilan bavin
o d v g
been afflicted for some, titre with
cancer in the threat. ..
—Yard wide all wool flannel sheeting
30 cents worth 40 cents.
—25 per cent. off all underwear,
—Hats and caps selling at cost.
—Tweed pants at $1.25.
—Ready made clothing 25p er c. off.
A cut in
—33 tbs raw sugar for $1:00
-25 granulated sugar for 1.00
— 3 " box 'biscuits ,17
— 3 " figs .25
Raisins, currants, prunes and
syrups all at cut price.
John Matheson.
"Lo9 kLaa Laudanum.
The home of Mrs Piper, of this town,
was thrown into a most deplorable
state of excitement on Monday night ,
last when it' became known that her
daughter Eva had swallowed a. large
dose of laudanum, It appears Miss
Eva, e bas been in a demented state
of mind for some time caused by con-
tinued fits, wont out to spend the after.
noon at •the residence of Mr. John Moore
a neighbor, and after being there a
:More time 'started to do some chores
arettnd tho' liblaso, dgsting, etc. In the
course of her work hhe came across a
bottle, which she says, she thought was
.soothing syrup arid drank part of its
contents, ; :Not.long after swallowing
the deedly, drug she complained of
kein e, sieI dnd said she had taken SOMA
stuff nut. of a bottle, Mrs. Moore soon
• discoverers lust such was the case and
that a large amount had been taken,.
Indices aid was summoned and She,
although yery sick, is now on a fair
ay to rdeovoi•y., Doubtiesa had she
taken less the result would have prof-
ed fatal,