The Exeter Advocate, 1894-12-20, Page 5Saved tiler Life Surgical, Operations and Best Medical Treatment la's�ilc� An Almost 11111raculo Curt bjl Hood's Sttreapariilei. Chicago, Illinois, "C. I, Hood Ss Co., Lowell, Mass. t "'Ileglening, in leebruary, !92, I \ves vory sick For two mouths. Slowly T got better but was •eonllnecl to my bell. A physician paid I l:ad.a Pelvic eb?G: s iii rifiy Gide a Alter an operation I did not improve, the ab - nese coutinui zg to discharge even more freely than before. la two months time three opera- tions Stere performed ant Meta to inserted to serf' y off the impurities, but ail to taut. Finally it was decided that my life depended upon another operation and that 1 must be removed to the hospital. About Vane weeks previous to this I had noticed an advs,,rtisement in the Daily News of o ceso where Ito 1 Sr.rstoariiht had cured a - hov so m wht t sin -litany iirt+e to d in front 3n 1v . 5., ausl 1 dechlvtl to give it a trial. Ns/lien the time (':erLied, upon for t to go te the hospit 1 arrived 1 had been taking. hood's Sc. - sapsrwala About two wet: e. I Was Getting Better and the abscess laol air<at'r he ;at. a disobarge Less freely. 1 felO. st. en: r reel u .i, a terrible appetite.. Provnada to this I had Fri eft ep t.) die. When I hacl tn' a itn' scemel .et s able to aft up ted aC C e ,t�,, + e ,., flia taken t) the hospital and tles flea' or v:eel. was deferred. Now I bavo t',r a sic betties and the a'-tacess hasentrfly len .rI rue r+ ,and r c Every where. 11ylei Owls Ltrht t le arr;vietohave mer •,edea tt + a a t again so 1«a.,' f a a 1d even younger la looks than ueiure my siakLleas. Fee! -letter Than Ever a diol in my lira and weigh over 1$0 pounds, the heaviest st In m; Me. : du a big day's workand ar. gaining1n strength every day. My mother worried and worke.1 herself ah a t sink in car- eoe nue iSa lose s .:fes• t..lteo Hood's S r a- pa..rt,l•t end it I'M. c. , 110e much good. We �yraise Iiool'^ Sdireaparilia to everybody, for cr':4tow 1'' Slaved l' y Life. 'IP/1 am 27 years old, and a stranger to look at me POW would not tlaink I ever had a clay's sick- ness. Lyon the doctors pre, .eurprhot at the ;!uceecs Of Tia xt e E�.sat ° i,v wird in. my ease. .i other and znysuls ceeti:1ue LO take the vita- :79 ied- •i7,�,t,.,yy. refer �PVIR + sz, nine regularly and we enenestly reconmlend bSosEin. lco Inoi." et i tenth Street, P,llis Coeseeleetteett3Si e'Yt& Above, "C. I Heed d; Ce., Lowell, 11x'ss 7 t sold r cl 1 c have Deer 1 -aia�tu,,. 77011:0 )7 t iz : y t t, _, OZ -rood's Sar- sal,d tt ±eat 1. L t 6 `5a3 cured by the use vs 1(' h. t:, d f. .SACS, 530 W0St Iighw •ath ;ot Lu, Cilie a ; o t{,,,oc -V4i . aY s :'ure liver i11,; +v*'aitiee, bil- iousness, Sick headache :Las Constipation. 25c... Jonas Knechtel, a prominent archi- tect of Berlin, Ont. is dead from typhoid fever. . Rangoon, Burmah, has been shaken by severe and repeated earthquake shocks. Piso's Pemedy for Catarrh is the Hest. Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or seat by mail, 50e. iy T. ln'szeltlna Warren, Pa. ll ORIEL IIHER, A Montreal Lady Plainly Told That There Was No Hope For JIer. Discharged From the Hospital as. Incurable. A STRIKING PROOF OF THE VALUEOFPAINES OELERY COMPOUND. Bright's Disease Banished and a Life Saved. "Paine's Celery Compound saved my life, and I will always gratefully re- memberthe fact." Mrs. P. Kelly, N. 68Williamstreet, ,fontaeal, made the above statement with a wonderful degree of thankful- ness end joy, after being cured of a most dangerous disease that bad firmly laid hold on her, and defied the best ef- forts of physicians. • Su/rinsee from T3right's disease, Mrs. Kelly was taken to the hospital in or- der to secure the most approved treat- nient known to the medical fatuity. After spending some time in hospital, Mrs. Kelly became worse, and the phy- sicians plainly told her that she was 'incurable, and she was discharged- sent home to die. When hope had almost fled, when the body was weak and frail, and life almost extinguished, Mrs. Kelly heard • the glad news of Paine's Celery Corn - pound -was told what it had done for others who had been pronounced in- curable, and slie at once determined to test its powers. After using three bottles of the life- giving Compound, Mrs. Kelly felt that there was a•wondrous power to infuse new life. The medicine was continued from day to day, until a perfect cure was effected, Mrs. Kelly, now as strong as sbo ever was in her life, wishes to direct the at tention of other sufferers to the medic- ine that cured her. ;She writes as fol. lows:- "I ani of opinion. that I shall be con- ferrrng good upon my fellow creatures by informing them of what Paines Cel- ery Compound has done for me in the past. "Two and a half years ago I had a severe pain in my left side, which be. came serious and alarming. I was in- formed o ftorwards by my doctor that I had Bright's disease;; indeed this'was generally a :kuowiedged by all who know me. "I was under the doctor's care and taking medicine for a long time with- out,reeeiving any relief. Getting wor- se I was sent to the Montreal General Hospital, where I was treated by the best doctors, After remaining in the hospital for some time, I was sent away, as they told me there was no cure for me, "I continued doctoring atbhorne for nearly a year, but grew weaker and frailer. At this time I was urged by my brother -in. -law to try Paine's Celery Compound, The first bottle used gave me great relief. I contioued the use of the Compouud, and to -day can truly say that I ani perfectly cured, and Feel as strong as ever before 'in m7 life. Paine's Celery Compound saved my life, and I will always gratefully' re- member the fact." Farmers are ploughing every day in the neighborhood of Belleville, Adjutant General Josiah Porter died in New York last night, of apoplexy.` The Paine of Rheumatism. According to the best authorities, originate in a morbid condition of the blood. Lactic acid, caused by the de composition of the gelatinous and al-. buniitious tissuos, circulates with the blood and attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly in the joints, and thus causes the local manifestations of the disease. The back and shoulders are the parts us:trolly affected by rheurna- tssm; and the joints at the knees, ank- les, hips and wrist are also sometimes attacked. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and permanent cure for rheumatism, It' has had remarkable success ia cur- ing the most severe cases. The secret of its, success lies in the fact that it at- tacks at once the cause of the disease by neutralizing .the lactic acid and purifyitg the blood, as well as strength ening every function -of the body. There is a demand for dwelling houses in Owen Sound,' George Hooper, a notorious bandit has been jailed at Brockville. Three million Dollars in gold will be shipped from New York to -day for Fur • opo. When Others Fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla builds un the 1 shattered system by giving vigorous action to the digestiye organs, creating an appetite andpurifying the blood It is prepared by modern methods, pos- sesses the greatest curative powers,, and has the most wonderful record of actual cures of any hediicine in exis- tence. Talte only Hood's. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not ptu•go, pain or gripe. 25e, Prince Hohonlohe, the new 'German Chancellor, is ill and confined to bed,. from a cold. Daniel NI, Robertson, a wife murder er, was Banged at New Bedford, Niass.r yesterday. Thomas Armstrong, 'a night mail. clerk at Hamilton, was run over in the Grand Trunk yard there yestotday and had both legs taken off. 1Por Over P+irty 5'emrs. AN' OLD ATM WE TRIED, Il.eeeens.=hies Winslow'sSooting Syruphas been used for over fiftyyears by millions of mothers for their ohildreri while teething, with per- fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, 0uros wind colic and es the best remedy for Diarrhoea, ie pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In. every part of theWorld. Twenty-five sen is a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind • 44 21R111 SHIL �YY • PERSONALS OF ROYALTY, Tho queen of England always ales ps with leer bedroom winnow open. Among his many accomplishments the fluke of Edinburgh can speak seven (liifer- ent languages, Sir Edwin Arnold said the other day that he widened a remark once made by Chaunoey lit Dspewi "Frame depends on being civil to interviewers," The duke of York has never conquered his tendency to seasickness, and although he does a great deal of yachting with hie father it is not all plain sailing with him,. Lord Aberdeen forst met hie wife on. Guisachan, her tether's estate, when he was,a lad, and, haviggloot himself on the. hills, begged shelter at: the lodge for him- self and his pony. Hereis a goocl story which is told. of Sir Arthur Sullivan: It was at dinner, and a young lady inquired of Sir Arthur whether Bach was composing anything at present. ".No," he replied; "at present he is de- composing," The duke of York, who is an enthusi- astic stamp collector, recently applied to the agent general of the colonies for speci- mens of the issues of their countries. In reply stamps have been sant to him by the sheet, and in some oases issues with- drawn have beeu reprinted for him. C. LTTTZ. PROP lr'ansoa 's Block Bteter. Fa :lily Receipts and Prescrip o isg. carefully prepared, U 4 A complete stock of drugs patent medicines; .Drug- gists' supplies, perfumes, toilet soaps, hair brushes, tooth brushes, combs and all articles to be found in a i1rst•class Drug Store. Dir. C.. LUTZ, DY'uggist, WHY AND WHEREFORE. Clouds that move in the direction op. posits to that of the surface current indi- cats a change of weather, because they prove the existence of twd air currents, one warm and the other cold, and the mingling of these often causes rain.. The strongest muscle is in the calf of the leg, because locomotion is one of the most necessary funatione Tlie great mus - ole of the calf has been found by actual experiment, to be capable of sustaining seven times, the weight of the body. Many persons lay a poker across the top of a grate to make the fire burn, because of a popular superstition, once credited, that a stubborn lire was due to the devil. Two pokers were used, and Were laid across the fire in the form of a cross. The human system can endure a heat of two hundred and twelve degrees,the boil- ing point of water, because the skin is a bad conductor and because the perspira- tion souls the body. -llleu have Withstood without injury a heat of three hundred degrees for several miuutes. WORK AND WAGES. An engraver in Rio de Janeiro can make $12 per week. . A blacksmith in Jerusalem can make $1.92 per week. The King of Bavaria has a salary of $1,412,000 a year. - A printer in. Peru can make from $1,25 to 81.80 a clay. Shop girls in Prance receive an average of $100 a year. In Mexico seamstresses are paid: 3'7 cents w a day; weavers, 0 cents. 5 Bookkeepers in Germany receive from $800 to $800 a year. Teachers in Hamburg receive from ,$11 to $28 per month. • Fig packers in Asia Minor, if skillful, can make 20 cents a day. A camel owner and his beast in Palestine are worth $1 a day. Railroad clerks in Germany are paid an average of 52 cents a day. Houses for working people in Germany rent for $25 to $45 a year. • GOSPEL HYMNS. "Drooping souls, uo longer mourn," was the work of Thomas Hastings, the, au- thor of more than six hundred sacred lyrics, and even better known as a com- poser of church music for use in popular religiose assemblies. "Come, 0 Thou All Victorious Lord," is by Charles Wesley. It was written for the quarrymen of Portland, and contained several allusions to their; business, which were readily recognized and heartily ap- preciated. "0 Love divine that stooped to share," was by Oliver Wendell Holmes, and first appeared in one of the series of papers en- titled "The .Professor at the Breakfast Table," published in the Atlantic Monthly for November, 1850.. • "I'll praise my Maker while I've breath" came from the pen of Watte. it was a favorite hymn with Sohn Wesley. The clay before lie died lie sang it through, and the night of his death he -vainly :attempted several times to repeat its words. MEN OF MONEY. -William 'Waldorf Astor has an income of eight million nine hundred thousand dollars a year. Princess Toon is an Alaska Indian wo- man, She is the rlehest of her race in the far northwest, She is a shrewd trader and wears upon her aeon thirty bracelets made of twentydollar gold pieces. M. Schneider, the head of the great Creusot fonudries, was married the other day in Paris. Cfeusot has grown in sixty years from a village of five hundred in- habitants to a town of thirty thousand - er than lira Essen. people -larger pp s town of Jessen. Heury W. Cramp, secretary of the great Cramp Shipbuilding company, ie an en- thusiastie botanist, and is particularly in- terested in ferns •and palms. Iris father, Charles H. Cramp, is said to be one of ,the best posted men in the country on the Mato,ereiel and utilitarian V41r10 of the various woods df tee Uuitecl States, MISSING LINKS. .A. piano contains nearly a mile of wire. There are 147 Indian reservations in the United States A Bubetniaa monk,. in 1754, invented the Best lightning 'conductor, Recruits for the 01 .nes, array will not be acoepted unless they can leap a ditch six foot wick. Philadelphia makes its own gas at the cost of 77 cents a thousand feet, and it 10 sulci to constttpe r s tit $1,25, lynglruii'l has forty ships engaged in South .African traffic, Gcr,nany eight and the united States only two. AN ODE TO DIAMOND DYF,8, Ant; 1i0Nam 1)oort 0', Diamond Dyes, ye colors fair, Prepared with 801011ci50 care, Ye joy of every woman's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, o'er depart, Ye ate ourehoiae, our joy and pride.. Forever in our homes abide, pewits, That, ve may show your marvilous When time brings on our dyeing hours. In vain have speculators titled '1'o mar thy worth, thy fame deride; But .women's ' heart' so warn air true, !forever loyal are to you. Shine on; shine on !ye stars of light, Yy Diamond Dyes so fast and bright, Ye gems of true economy, May netnews ret be bless'd. by thee. London, 7E.urou and Bruce. TIMID TA11LB• • a0INC, NORTri- Passenger. London, depart ..... .,.. 8.05A of 4.30 int (: entralia 9.07 XETnit 0.22 lzoneail 9.77 Kippeu........ .. 0:44 firiacelield 9.59 Minton ' 10.12 Loudosboro 10,29 I;iyth 10,88 N ell, ra v o ,..... 10,52 Wingbam arrive : 11.10 8,00 Passenger s.35Aat x2517 9.50 9,•17 4.01 4.05 4,148 440 4„58 4.58 5.12 5,23 5.47 0:00 cl 15. 0,20 0,28 0.55 7.14 7,23 7 87 0•0111G SOUTH- Wingliam, depart,...., Belgrave Blyt1- 7.03 Loudesboro 7.10 Clinton 7.30 Braicoiiold 7.40 I:ippee '157 Jlonsall ............... 5.00' I±:XLOTBR 8.25 Centralia 8:40 ' Our Clubbing Offer. The ADVOCATE is anxious that its sub- scribers should have the advantage of the Agents feeson city weeklies and with this enol in view we have arranged with the fol- lowing papers to be clubbed with the An VOCATE. We will furnish the ADVOCATE and any of the fol lowing papers at the price set opposite: - Free Press.. $1.75 Advertiser.: .. 150 Empire 175 Ghbe.... 1.65 Witness (Montreal)... .. .. 1 r5 News (Toronto) I: 75 ie DAILY 1.75 Mail 1..7fi ar (Montreal).. , ... 1.75 armers' Advocate., ... 1.75 armors' Sun (Patron)._.. 1;50 With the exception of the Daily News the valance of 7894 will be given free. • 1oadm'sad First-class Rigs and. Horses Orders left at Hawlishaws' Hotel, or at the Livery Stable,(Christesold Stand) will receive prompt at- tention. , • . . Terms at Iteasona' le Telephone Connection Toa DIICft$S of Oxford THE MOST MODERN 4f! ATTRACTIVE RAWgES,, ' EVER PUT ON TSE MARKET L-..epz Our Patent Duplex Flue The Fire L nings Insures an oven that work;? Proofed by the draft from uniformly in all parts and is the' Duplex Flue. Lasts. perfectly ventilated. , double the usual tune. A Perf ct Stove Guarantad in all resp ects. MANUFACTURED BY . , - The Gurney Foundr Co,L't'd Tore- toS Ont. :� For sale by H. BISHOP & SON. Exeter.. BRAY ' ., Manufacturers and Dealers in Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters Root Pulver -C. -Knife spot cash 10 0 Also general Boun- ° ° dry work. Castings in iron and brass to order. - 1000 cords ot..ard and soft wood for sale. JAS. MURRAY & CO. BBA T O D STEAM LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent If you want your linen t " look whiter than snow, take it to . . PI iiqqnll�STLJS, EXETER'S Popular Touscr'ial Arils Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. rc - KOFFI+drL N'S d�E`a 9lAF,jP4WI E1RS cure ALL eStOta. HEADACHE, faH� �are not c2var. timed to ours every. 34uEay,ba t atok .1y hcad- acRes. 0i'y thou, 40 wilt cost but 2011 oe7zta fur a box rami uses; 4,,0 •.air+a ! Thevare eats e�'! 0 'cycles, . . Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages • And Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity, - Greater Bargains! Greater Choice ! Lowestr ce, i. The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods 'can be had by calling at our ware -rooms, -One door north Dr. Lu ti's drug store lEiSTI El fE E 7I iii '0L (If gi ia� Ing 110 IL Vsi u al :SOsr 1is -gi. ttE ��!` lairz�Fo E 771. �c Flu To airons n, fl �tjr��L?ip�.1_ ti -1 --d! -te-':L1 fEig CorKa { • are.s^, ?4.^;t' °'"" ease ,7.. le `' eese '•=r4er.-ecokts'•I,avga;."'•i �., '.s 1-a r3 ses We will give THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS trait our own weekly for one year for One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents 0 FOR The regular price of The News has until recently been $3 a year, and you can, by accepting this offer now, get T H E BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY in.the province for $ 1.75 a year. roc m-LuniaLtil a. a Or -1F f ,i •il_ 7 L(f� urn 1 C l o : tett. .� w gel F;7'�+ jt ilr.r.0 , [1.43 fl EiriEfir os. -TE, -. tVon't Last tong 111 g fiCr. -.. 1 - - ��- Ta .111).7.- r...-1 ' xc zl' r`C 1 :,e `7 vii' r v ,i 017,r2'.1 1 ie " - ::i S rifl ig..1 `L. i �. �?'t. -C, t __. I ont wait, our face d t a a the money as the offer will not remain open long