The Exeter Advocate, 1894-12-20, Page 1OL. VI ,1, EXETER, ONTARIO. THTJRSDAY, DECEMBER 20 The R4 !sons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1866.) Paid up Capital, . , , , . , .. $2,000,000 Rest 2 and , .. ...... 1,200,000 Head office Montreal. F, WOLFEItSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GemanAL i�i.1NA( 1.Ti Money 'w euod Farmer's on their own notes w. if, ono or more endorsers at 7 14 percent per annum. Exeter Branch. •Open every lawful day from i4) a. m. to. 8 p. re', Saturdays i(E a. m, to 1 p.m Ageuera1banking business transacted CURRENT BATES allawedfor mon- ey ou Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3 per Gent. E. E. WARD, Exeter. Jan 28; '88, Sub Manager • THE eXtter rorate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Mee, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER, B.v the -- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 461.50 if not so paid. Adz ertio5xi� :Maters on Sipplycra- t3osr. No paper disoontdulieduntil allarrearages are, paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transelent advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every description of TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates Ghee ues,money ord- ers. &o. for advertising, subseriptions,etc.t o be made payable to Sanders & Dyer ?B.OPIIIETORS Church. IDIretitor y. TRIVITT MEMORIAL OnunO$.--Bev. E.W. Hunt, Ree tor. Sunday Services. 11 a. m and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Bible Class for Adults, 3 . m. Holy Communion, 1st Sunday Sean"). month at morning service MA.TIIon1 ST 01It11awa-4am es-st , Rev. J. G. JACKSON Pastor.SundayServioes,10.3e a.nt, and 8.30 p. m. Sa bbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET Rev. H. W. Locke, Past- or. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. and 6.30 pm Sabbath Schoo12.30 p. m. 'PRESBYTERIAN O.aml01i.-Rev. W. Martin, 0 .'astor. Sunday Serviees,11 a. re.. and 6.30 p. a. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m 'Professional Cards. H. RINSit1AN,L.D.S, Fanson's Bloc]; ,A two doors north :of Darling Store MAIN ST, EXETER extracts teeth without pain. Away at Lucan every Wecl- nesda,v, llensall est Friday; Blyth, first Mon- day and Zurich on last 'Thursday of each month. r(( H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal kJ. College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings, Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetic. given for the painless extraction of teeth. bine Gold Fillings asreciuired. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dent- al Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of the Toronto University (with honors). Special attention given to preservation' of the nat- ural teeth. Office over Elliot & E11i ot's law oflieo—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. file:81cal ' R. G. S'FTOULTS, CENTRALIA, Orrice: Opposite Methodist Parsonage .Drs. 3. A. ROLL'ENS & T A. AM05. LJ Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main 3t. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formeriy—north door. Dr, Amos' office, same building—south door. May 1st. 1828 3. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, Si. D T a.T. P. MoLAUG7tLIN, MEMBER OF xi' the College of Physicians and Stugeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Aceouoli- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. • Rreai, 1D H. COLLINS, BARRISTEB,SOLICIT- 0 01I, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Stoney to Loan.. ~ ELDIO� 1ISON,BA.ERISTI:B,SOLICIT0R, .11„ of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, T,ommissioner, &c. Money to loran Office—Ranson's Block ,Exeter. onnaieunaciescrwrnta • CILLIOT&ELLIOT,BARRISTEES,SOLIC itors, Conveyancers, &c. B. V. ELLioT. 7iusnrRxex Eznrop A4ucti.oneters egg BaOWN, wincheisea. Licensed A.iZct- e ioneer for the Bounties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- son hal a,Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. "LI BOSSENBERRX,Henson Ontario .Lie - o ensod Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Porth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Surveyors. l RED. W. FAUN 001113, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office, Over Post Office, 14Iain street, Exeter, Ont, Tj'DWARD 0. S PEELS, P. L.S. Ontario i2../ Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Goilerleh, Ont: BEnsarr0Es: St, Marys, Journal; and the Rectory, Rirkton. 1lltssuranee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter STEAMSHIP & INSITRANCE AGENT* Anchor, Allan, Allan State Beaver, Dom inion, American, White Star, Nether- lands, and American .Cines to England, Ireland, Scotland,. 'Tolland, Germany, Cape, Australia and New Zealand. Lancashire London and Lancashire, ' Northern, North British and Mercantile, and Perth Mutual Eire Insurance Co's, Loudon and Lancashire Lifts ensue, co. London Guarantao and Aocidont Co. stow ixelr ittegeesIte, cant, (axe). Keil p ., EXETERKETS. , (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel 60,55 to 0,57 Barley , ... 36 to 38 Oats ... 26 to 27 Butter ,�.:, ...... ,, Eggs ... Potatoes per nus xray per ton• , ,• 1)uelks per poiind,.... Geese per pound...... Turlteye per ponud , . Alsike per bushel. , .. Seed Clover a° .. . Timothy 16 ,lr:.. 15. ... , 35 to .40 6.50 to 400 .06 ,05 .07 .$1.25 to $5.25 . 4.25 to 5,25 . 1.75 to 2.15 MUSICAL EXCELLENCE. ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS-FEILO-RQGER, co LJltv'1CO6x13oL ....�.r. W mow... ,W...,,tlio...assw.an. NOMINATION NO TIOE, The nomination meeting for the township of Stephen for the pnspase of nominating Reeve, Deputy -Reeves and Councillors for 1895, will be held in Town Hall, in Orediton, on Monday the 81st catty of December, 1894, ommenoing at 12 o'clock (noon.) CARD OF THANKS. gTo the neighbors and many friends, we bog tratefuliy to tender our sincere thanks, for heir 'willing and volunteered assistance and many kindnesses during the illness of our dear departed daughter, Hannah. We sin- cerely hope that their good deeds may be re- warded by the great God above. War. B.r,NEs MR&. BANES. School Board. etinutee. Nov. 7th—absent T. Fitton. Minu- tes of previous meeting duly sustained• Per P. Frayne and W. J. Carling, chair- man's expenses, $7.10 be paid. Per E. Howard and P. Frayne, orders' for the following accounts:—.9. Sweet, repairs $3. Per Dr, Lutz, ad.lourment. Dec. 12.—Meeting held in Town Hall. AU present. The following are the motions duly carried:—Minutes of previous meeting; per T. Fitton and P. Frayrre,, adoption 0r Inspector's report as read;ad• per T. Fitton and P. Frayne, depart- ment sections of Inspector's report to be submitted to the teacher in charge; per D. Lutz and T. Fitton, the chairman, P. Frayne and E. Howard to be a re. pairs and Inspection committee with power; per Dr, Lutz and E. Howard that P. Frayne and W. J. Carling he a wood committee with power; per T. Fit- ton and Dr. •Lutz, the following ac- counts be paid:—E. Fo]lick, sundries 79c; J. Nfoore, rep. pump $1; White & Son, printing (3 years) $12.75. Per T. Fitton and P. Frayne, that M, Eaarett be requested to take the chair at the annual meeting: per Dr. Lutz and W. J. Carling, that the annual meeting be Held in the school house on Wrednes- day, Dec 26th, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, as requested by law; per T. Fit- ton and P. Frayne, that W. D. Weekes be auditor for the Board; per W. J. Car- ling and E. Howard, that the Board meet in the Town Hall at 10 a. m., Wednesday, Dec. 26th; per T. Fitton adjournment. J. GleIGa, SEC'Y. Winchelsea. The school flag was flying ,at half mast on Friday in honor of our dead Premier, Right Honorable Sir John Thompson.—The public examination of the pupils of S. S. No. G, Usborne, will be held on Friday next 21st inst, Visitors cordially invited. -Mrs. Clarke has causeda new wire fence to be erected in front of her place which is a great improvement on the old rail fence.-Doa't forgot the Sunshine Xmas tree entertainment on Xmas night. Old Santa ClausEhas promised to be there with toys by the wholesale for good boys and girls,—A telegram was received here on Saturday by Mrs Camm anounncing the death in Michi- gan from typhoid fever of her eldest son John. Deceased had been a resi- dent of that state for about sixteen years and was in good circumstances. He leaves a wife and fatlr children to mourn his loss besides a host of rela- tives in Canada and his adopted coun- try. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. Ile was only 41 years of age and a good citizen and genial friend. Ray, miss R. h., of Exeter, is at present engaged at the residence of a Mr. W. 0„ 3rd con., preparing ominous looking garments for Miss J. Further develop- ments shortly. If you can't wait en quire of G. H, Lowson Gad,—Coat: Parkhill. At the regular meeting; of Parkhill L. 0. L„ No. 1097, held on Mcanday, 10th Doc., the following officers Were elected for 1895:—W. M., Jas. fathers; D. M., Hiram .bee; Chan., Geo. Martin; R. Sec. Hugh Stilson; I'in, Scc,, Joseph Strap son; Teas., M. Jackson; D. of 0,, J. Halls; Lectirer, L. Janlson; Commit- tee, G. Taylor, J Wilson,' Geo. Watsou, W, Iophy, J. Gray. • The officers were then installed by D. M., J. Neil, of Cen- tralia Farquhar. Mr. And, Campbell has returned af- ter a few days visiting in Soaforth•— While Mrs. Alex. Turnbull was dip- ping hot water out of a boiler on the stove, the children playing about her at the same time, a 7 year old boy came in contact with the pail, upsetting it and scalding it most severely. At last accounts the little fellow is doing as well as can be expected. There has been an unusual stir going on in one of our neighboring houses, Full par titulars next week.—Mr. Rich Tasker spent Sunday last with his parents in Hullett, Stephen Council. Council met 1511i Doc, 1895, all pres- ent, minutes of previous meeting read and Riglied. See posters for places 'for holding election (if any) and Deputies. Time for collecting taxes is extended to first month in Jaisuary, 1895. 1. per cent. additional per month charged ou taxes not then paid. Communication from F. Hess to lay over to next meet- ing. A large member of orders were passed, but as the financial report will be distributed shortly, we do not deem it necessary to publish that particular part of the minutes. C. Prouty, Clerk. Greenway. . Mr. William Bush is Visitinghis daughter in Innerkip this *reel:.—Miss Betsey Bush, of Hay, is i isiting her friends in this vicinity —We are hay ing beautiful fall weather for Decem ber. A. number are plowing.—Mrs. A. M. Wileou returned home last Friday arid reports her sister, Mrs. Welker some better,—The Ladies Brigade with harmless weapons of war, will be one of the special attractions, Tuesday night, Dec. 25th. They have been drilling; in true military_ style daring the past three months.—A number of our citizens attended the Christmas tree entertainment at Salem last week and were highly pleased with its suc- cess. The temperance meeting last Thursday evening was well .attended. 10 new members joined. The next meeting will be lst Friday in Jaunary 1895. Hensall. MASONIC OITICEzic.—At the last reg- ular meeting of Zurich Lodge, No. 224, A. F. &. A. M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term:— W. M., Duncan McEwen : S W:, W. C. Davis; J. W.,,D. Weismiller; See., Jas. Bonthrou; Treas., G. McEwen; Chap, W. 11. Hodgins; S. D,, Jos. Ellis; J. D., W. Peine; L G., Donald Burns:Tyler, J T. Wren Sen. Stew., Dr. Thompson; Jr.. Stew. E. Butts; D. of C. John McNeyin. —Wo have this week to chronicle the death of P.lr, Sole, (father of Mrs. W. H. Reynoldsof this village,) which occur• red on Wednesday. The deceased was over 91 years of age and up to within a week of his demise was is his usual good health and spirits, for,. being pos- sessed of a fine, rugged constitution, he scarcely new what illness meant, and although the oldest person in our vil- lage, his apperance did not by any mesas indicate his extreme age, 01R'i R01 Our goods are marked in plain figures and marked away down to shit the hard times: We have a big lot of tweeds right at manufacturers' prices and away below any other house in the country, See our Our WorstedSuiting's AND Scoteh Tweed Suitin s, and Compare our vices with so-called half -priced goods and you wall find ours away below: The only thing we advertise at half price is a big lot of tweed remnants ranging from1 to 6 ya,rcls. Come andsae what we are doing before you buy and if .you want goods by the ya1°d, we have thein from 30 cents up. 'We out our goods :Free of charge, Bring alongour, g b � , boys and have them suited. Grigg's Old Stand, J H. GRIEVE. Varna. , We are sorry to learn that Mr. Me - Naughton, one of our most popular blacksmiths, and a very highly esteem- ed citizen and neighbor, has, owing to failing health, been obliged to discon- tinue his business for a while and has rented his shop to a Mr, Bayes, who, with his wife and family, moved here last week from Forest. They Occupy the house opposite the Methodist church veal Ilia cemetery. We hope Mr. Mc Naughton wilt soon be fully restored to health, and Mr. Bayes will have no oecasion to regret his ccming among us,;—Weddings were the order of the day on Wednesday of last week in this locality, no less than two occuring on' the evening of that day, within a distance of about three miles of each other. • Mr, Francis Kays and Miss Mc- Naughton, of Stanley, being one coup- le and Mr W. H. Beacom and Miss Rathweil, of Qoderich township, being the other couple. These young people who have so recently gone into union of hands and hearts, have the congrat ulations and best wishes of a large cir- cle of friends and acquaintances. Bash vv Fine weather still continuos and no one expects a ride over the "beautiful" on or before Christmas,—Mr. Conrad Pfaff. who recently sold his farm, had his stable movedito his' lot in the vii lige on Friday afternoon.—The Sun. day S`. hoof 'of the Evangelical Church are preparing themselves for the Xmsts eutertainnlent to be given in the. church on Mum. night. A good time may: be expected. —Mr, Henry Neeb is engaged cutting straw and crashing grain for the farmers at preseht. Any one having work in this line will do well to employ Harry as hci.has a good machine and a good straightforward fellow i mseif will no doubt u1 vo sat- isfaction to those for whom be works.- Wonder how the man, who liyes not 50 miles from here in a Southern direc- tion, would like to prove his assertions which he has So loudly proclaimed? Let me tell you right here that you will be called upon to do so unless you close your "trap," Ihave not mentioned your name in this, nor have I ever written or printed your name in my life• I have not considered it worth my while. Bethesda. (To hate for last week.) The Patrons of Industry of this place held their annual oyster supper and concert un Friday evening the,7th Inst, The weather was unfavorably but nevertheless they came from all quart- ers and a large number partook of the unstinted eupoly of bivalves. The eon - cert as well as the supper was of a high order, and was taken part in by such talent as Messrs Dempsey, of Eden, Crawford and Miller, of Hensall, Misses Davidson, of Exeter, McLean, of Hen- sel' and Cobbledick, of Clandeboye, Miss K.eddy also did good service as acco:npaniest. These all acquitted themselves admirablyand won much applause and many encores. Besides these there was a splendid array of lo- cal talent who helped considerably to make the program a success. Mr. G. W. Holman was the chairman, and all agree that he performed bis duties ful- ly up to his usual form, his witty and timely stories were well calculated to keep the large assembly in the best of good humor, Much credit is due Mr. W. Keddy and his able baud of assist- ants for the success of the entertain meat. The boys were all there, Arthur and George, John and Daye and Kitty with her milking pail. Centralia. Miss Mary C'olwill was out to Church Sunday morning, the first time since her prolonged sickness.—Mrs. Fero, sen. has returned from Eden, near Tilson burg, where she had been visiting for some time. --Dr. Shoults has moved in- to Mrs. Murley's house, the latter hav ing gone to love with her daughter in Biddulph, Mrs. Atkinson.—Abbott's evaporator is closed down for the sea son, and the ernyloyos were treated to an oyster supper a few evenings ago. Tho business of the season was very successful.—Our village tailor has left for parts unknown to the deep sorrow and bitter regret of sonic parties who were too confiding, -The open meeting of the Epworth League on Tuesday evening was largely attended and the program was very creditable to the So- cicty.--Election of officers of L. 0.• L., No. G10,for 1895: W. M., Josh Iluxtabie; D. M., A Novins; Chap., F. Davis; R. S., Jno, Neil; F. S., Sam'l Davis; Trees, Jno McFails; D. of C„ R. Handford; Lecturer, N. 13, Davis; Committee, T1, 14IcFalls, G. G. Essery, J, C. Sh.eardowu Jas, Neil, Wm. Davis; Tylers, J. Her man and F. Anderson. The officers were duly installed by D. M,, J. Neil, after which each officer responded in a t neat speech, thanking; the members for a the honor conferred on them.—The R. h T, of T's have elected the following y officers for the ensuing` term:—Select w Councillor, C. Fatellall; The Cotincilior Miss Flora Emory: Rec See.,, Miss Maud t Hicks; Fin. See,, Mrs, J. Evans; Treas., g R. Cobbloigh; Herald, Ralph Handford; Chap., Elijah Colwill; Guard, Jas. Oke; a Sentinel, Ed atePyin, • t 1894. (Tsborne Council. Council met on 15th that, all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Gnicliuer--Keddy that by law No. 7, 1894, appointing polling pieces and Deputy Returning officers as now read be passed.—Carried, Shier —Halls that Mrs Skinner receive the sum of $L.06 for relief.• --Carried. Halls iiecily akar 150 copies of the minutes of the proceedings of the Council for 1884, be printed in pamphlet form ftsr distribution.—Carried. Halls—Shier that after hearing the report of the Reeve and Air Gardiner with refer- ence to the agreement between A. Hodgert and J. M. McCullagh with re- gard to the grading on the side road between lots 15 and 16, con, 10, that said work be laid over till spring., the said A. Hodgert and J. McCullagh each agreeing to give the work of Iran and team for 3 days, the council agreeing to complete the work.— Carried. Gard iner—Reddy that sum of $18, being difference between former special grant of $$40, to said section and the amount received per special graut.—Carried Mr. T. Veal made application to; the Council for assistance on behalf of one Miss Smallaconibe at present boarding with him. Gardiner --Shier that' with reference to the application of Mr. Veal that action be deferred till nest meet- ing of Council, and that in the mean- time Mr. Halls make inquiries with re- ference to the matter. -Carried, Gard- iner—Kenny that whereas the owner of lot 16, Con, 7 has not removed his I fence from the road allowance between Lots 15 aid 16 Con. 7, according to F. W. I+arncomini's survey, and notice thereof duly given. that said owner be notiFed to remove said fence forthwith or appear at next meeting of Council on Dec, 31st inst. to give reasons if any why said fence has not been removed, Oa motion of J. Halls seconded by W. Reddy, the council adjourned to meet againr u Monday, 31st iust ,after no i - nation is closed. G. W. Holman, Clerk. NO 370 Gociericii December Assizes Timmins vs. Honey, au action for goods sold and delivered. By consent the matter in question were referred. to J. 4. Morton, of Wingham, for en- quiry and report. P. Holt for plff; E. Dickenson for deft. Miller vs. Mutual Life Ins. Co, an action to recoeer the amount of a promissory note given by plff. After hearing quite a number of witnesses and the examination of a large number of documents, the partiesarrivrd at a settlement Lind the case was withdrawn. L. E. Dancy for plff; sir. Bristol for deft. Scott vs. Geary. an action for the price of an organ. The case commenc- ed at 9.30 on Wednesday and lasted until noon yesterday. The jury return- ed a verdict for deft. and His Honor dismissed the action with costs. Gar - row and R. S. Hays for plff.; R. H. Col - line for deft, " Currie vs, Lucknow, was an action for alleged negligence in the construct ion of a crossing. Case not finished when report closed. The grand jury's presentment, re- ported 26 persons in jail, classified as follows; I8 males and S females. Of the latter 2 are insane and waiting remov- al. having been reported; 2 are com- mitted for street waiking and 8 as gag - rants who are aged and totally unfit to earn a living. 0f the males 3 are in- sane and waiting removal, one Zander sentence for attempted rape, one await- ing trial. and 13 serving as vagrants, of whom 8 are a•ad and helpless. The jury recommended as follows: 1. We would recommend that the insane be removed to the asylum as speedily as possibly, as we are informed the new asylum at Brockville is com- pleted and will leave more room in that of London and Hamilton. 2. That the two old women, in for no cause but age and poverty, be 're- moved to more comfortable quarters upstairs, where we find two spacious rooms unoccupied; we make this sug. gestion for their protection; because they. are at present associated with in- sane women who are at times violent. 8. We strongly suggest that the board of health of the town of Goderich exercise more vigilance regarding the sanitary condition of the premises of 'the gaol, as we find the sewage in the yard emitting a most offensive eii7u- via, which. in our, judgement, contains and will disseminate the germs of con- tageous disease. In .this connection we suggest that a drain be made to cofnect with the main sewer or the ri ver, We find the beds and cells in a fair- ly gond condition and the floors' and walls clean. 5, We were courteously received by the gaoler, Mr Dickson, and the matron his wife, and we are of the opinion they are discharging their duties faithfully. Off to the Penitentiary. Wm, Bean and Samuel Jackson were ikon to Kingston Penitentiary' at 4 m. Saturday, by Sheriff's Officer Gra- am and an assistant, Bean is the oung man from McGillivt iv township ho got five years for breaking into armcr Mount's house, and at whose vial musts sensational evidence was iven. Samuel Jaekson is the colored main who broke into two farm houses, nd got three years for each offense, he sentences to run concurrently, Ed. Shouldice Gets 121onths, A year in the Central prison was the fate that met young Edward Shout- dice, Wednesday, Dec. 12, Shouldice confessed to having. stolen throe pairs of boots from the store of Frederick Brown, of Clandeboy e, over a month. ago. He is also one of the three prix- overs charged with having broken in- to and robbed. Muir's woollen mill at Exeter in May last of some $400 worth of goods, The prisoner is a guiltless looking youth of 15 years. H'e, however, ad- mitted this particular offence before the. Magistrate at Clandeboyo, and again before the Judge, William Elliott here, and for a month past has been await- ing sentence, in order that the mill robbery might be investigated first. But owing to the failure to get a jury- at uryat the December sessions .that ease had to be traversed to the next assize. ,And so it became necessary to seutence Shouidiee at once. Crown Attoruey .Magee moved for sentence en the pri;nner when Jailer Kelly broughthirn"handeutfed into the Judge's chambers, AN UNHAPPY MOTHER, Mrs, Shouldice was already in, and was weeping bitterly. Her lot is a sad or,e. Liviug in a small house in the little village of I3rinsley, ill McGillivray • township, with a largo family about her, the poor woman has had to strut - gle.hard in the effort to maintain and rear her children in respectability, And now when her eldest boys are reaching manhoo:l, to hare one of them doomed to a year in (:antral Filson, and the other awaiting trial for an equally astir• ious offence, is stirelV enough load for a widowed mother's heart. Until the sentence had been pronouuee t Mrs. Shouldice bore up bravely, although she had ex prsled the gravest fears for her boy after being present in court Tuesday, when. Wm, Bean got five years in he penitentiary, and Samuel Jackson was sentenced to three years, After the sentence, however, and par- ticularly when parting with the lad at the jail, the scene was most affecting. Judge Elliott asked the prisoner if he had anything to say, but the youth fastened his eyes on the floor and did not speak. IIs Honor then referred to the very numerous crimes which had been committed in the neighborhood in which the prisouer lived and for which no one had been convicted previously. It would rot be right to say that he was guilty of these crimes, but still they have been committed.- The crime of stealing three paha of boots was not in itself so serious an offence. But the prisoner had entered the store by re- moving a pane of glass. He did not desire to pass lightly over the offence, although he did not intend to infiiet . nearly as heavy a sentence ashe might But the sentence must be such as would have a d,nteiring effect upon others. The seateuce was that he be confined in the Central Prison at To- one) for one year. Shouldice was then reniaved back to jail He will be taken to Toronto in the course of a few days. He will like- ly be brought back again to stand his trial for complicity in the woollen mill robbery. Lawyers in the West End London, who has been engaged in the recent cases look upon all the sentences as un- usually severe, and remark theCoanty Judges are evidently determined to make the law more than ever a terror to the evil doers. Colborne: The other day a 7 -year old son of Mr. W. Hilt was kicked on the forehead by a horse, sustaining a fracture of the skull, through which there was a partial loss of brain matter, Under medical treatment he is doing as well as can be expected. 4:IltTHila.,,°. CARLroG,-In Clinton, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. T. M. Carling, of a Son. BAwncx—In Exeter, on the Brd inst, the wife of George Bawden, of a daughter. GLAvree—In McGillivray, on the 16th, inst., the wife .ofThos. Glavin, of a. son. Coore.-At Winchelsea, on t he 17th inst, the wife of Enos Cook, of a daughter HA At11.111A.GSS. YORE—ELr.isoN--On Wednesday, Dec, 5th, 1894, at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev, J, II.,Ilunter, B. A, Daniel Yorke, of Parkhill, to Margaret J. Ellison, of McGillivray. 110.113A32 asci CHINE.—In Thornhill. Man., on the, 14th inst., Sarah Ann, beloved wife • of John Ching, aged 48 years. JoTneeTON.—In Mitchell, on the 13th inst., beloved wife of Mr, Wm. John. Ston, aged 31. years. i' i'illant7Aer.—In St, Marys, 001 the 1.1th inst., Anne Amelia, beloved wife. of Mr. P. Whethan, Esq., Registrar, aged 61 years. No t :'- Tta i rl ehcll, on the 7th 'haste Thos, Neal, aged 69 years 5 months. and 7 days, MONTER --Iu Mitchell, 011 the Loth Inst, John Morter, aged 70 years, 8 months and 18 days; .Entlgcts,----Tri li'ullarten, on the Mtn ins;., Captain Francis, aged 6T years.