The Exeter Advocate, 1894-5-17, Page 7HOTLY ORO
By the Seven Provinces of Our Dominion.
Pain's Celery Compound Honored and Esteemed Above
All Other Medicine.
A few years ago, that health giveng
and life-saving medicine, Paine's Cel
ery Compound, was given to the people
of Canada in a quiet; honest and unos-
tentatious way. This discovery, of a
giant intellect in medicine and science,
was given to the people of Canada with
confidence, and the happy results are
unparalleled in the annals of medical
The great mission of Paine's Com
pound was to root out and banish dis
•ease and suffering, and to give new
•health, strength, vim, energy and
activity to weak, nervous. sleepless
and run down men and women.
Up to the present,the•career of Paine's
Celery Compound has been astonish
finely grand and successful. In its
great battles and magnificent victories
over disease. this grand scientific agent
has driven to obscurity a host of quack
nostrums and deceptive medicines that
took away from the sick and afflicted
what little physical strength they pee-
sessed, and their hard-earned money as
Whenever and wherever the common
patent medicines of the day failed to
cure-when. deters, after honest• stay
gree up their patients as Incurable
--Patties Celery Compound, extended
the mighty right hand of power. and
saved from death and the grave those
who had faith to lay hold of the res
cuing held.
No other medicine holds such a re
cord of wonderful works and cures in
our young Dominion, and no other has
ever received such notices from physic-
ians and the press or the country.
The honors won by Paine's Celery Coin -
pound span this broad Domitlion, from
ocean to ocean. The seven provinces
have awarded it the palm of victory
for its marvellous and triumphant suc-
• This is a position at once high and
colnmauding-a monument of fame and
honor that time and circumstances eau
never dim or dethrone.
Readers, ye who are weary, brain
tired, sickly, suffering and diseased,
this gr>tud discovery in medicine is
offered specially for your troubles and
physical burdens,
It will restore to you the t,lessithgs you
so eagerly crave for—a healthy body,
a clear brain, bright eyes, the glow of
health in the face, and the quick and
elastic step. You must decide at once;
your coarse must be marked by pro
gress or retrogression. You have the
incontrovertible evidence and tesch
mon of thousands of our Canadian pee
ple to guide you; all have testified that
Paine's Celery Compound "makes peo-
ple well."
LOW'S \VORISSYRUP is the stan-
dard of E,,eellence Mothers recom
mead it. Children cry .:or it. Worms
fly from it.
*Evangelist Hunter and Crossley
have met with great success in their
series of meeting at Belleville.
I had a'severe cold, for which I took
Norway Pine Syrup. I find it •an ex-
cellent remedy, giving prompt relief
and pleasant to take.
J. Paynter, Huntsville. Ont.
The Governor-General ,has decided
to visit Belleville on Mvy 29 and 3D.
HOAST is the old Scotch name for a
cough. The English name for the
best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup.
It is reported that a revolutionary
outbreak has taken place in Buenos
Burdock Blood Bitters, cures Consti-
Burdock Blood Bitters, cures Bilious.
Burdock Brood Bitters cures Head-
Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the
clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus
paring Headaches and s:miliar coin-
The Canadian Lacrosse Aesociatiou
arranged the Ontario clubs into dis-
tricts yesterday.
Sirs.— I hall such a severe cough
t hat my throat felt as if scraped with a
rasp. On taking Norway Pine Syrup
1 found the first dose gave relief. and
the second bottle cornple,ely cured me.
Mise A. A, Downey, Eanotie, Out .
Miss Nora Clench, the violiniste, left
for New York yesterday, and will sail
.for Europe to -day.
NESS ANAEMIA, ete., are cured by
Milburn's Beef Iron and wine.
• Mr. James Gray, formerly Manager
of the 1 tt k of Mon treat at Piston, died
in that town yesterday.
Abort two months ago I was nearly
wild with hr'adeches. I started taking
Burcock Blond. Bitters, took two bottles
and my heedae hes have now altogether
disappeared I think it is a g•rdiud
medicine. • Eva Ftn.n,. Massey Station,
Rev. Robes t Fowler of Erin was last
night sleeted ,Meier of the Presbyterian
Sydod of Toronto and Kingston.
Steinitz defeated Lasker in yester-
day's chess game at Montreal.
Skin diseases are more or less direct-
Iv occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B.
cures the folloing Skin Diseases: Shing
les, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt
Rheum, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples,
Blotches by removing all impurities
from the blood from a common Pimple
to the tvorst Scrofulous Sore.
•The Fees Commission held a session
at Brantfoat yesterday.
cracked skin, sores, cuts, wounds and
bruises are promptly cured by Victoria
Carbolic Salve.
The Redemtorist Fathers baye decid
ed to erect a seminary of theology and
philosophy in Mout:eal,
Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Head-
ache, Constipation, variale Appetite,
Rising and Souring of Food, Palpita-
tion•of the Heart, Distress after Eating.
Burdock Blood Bitters are guaranteed
cure Dyspepsia,
i f faitnful(y used
according to di c ctious.
The Queen's Plate is believed to lie
bet weeu Joe Miller, Loehinyar, Thorn
cliffe, Dictator ard Lou Daly.
This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for
Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such
as Constipation, I-Ieadache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleat:Y
and harmless, ao l thoneh powerful to promotr a
healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken likepills.
Hr your tongue is roateel you treed thetas
AT ALL 5NltL S71'fl)ltl;8.
The employees of the Hamilton
Bridge Works have been given a
month's notiec'tinat the works will be
closed down.
Dor Over Fifty Years.
A OLI, AND WELL -TRIED Itzttnt)Y: lairs
Winslow's Soot1iiog Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by mMiens of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect success. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allay+ all pain; cures wind colic
sand is the bent remtd;y for Dtarrbam. is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In.
every part of the World. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Ifs value is inoaleulahle, Be sure
and ask for Mrd, Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
%Radicliffe. the hangman, has arrived
a,t It'gina to officiate at the execution
of the two Italian Murderers to -morrow.
.f nwJ t,
A N Kt��E
�,. ► —__• ". w=- 1T$ iEFFECT IS Il4AGICAL.
I. ro 'l ,lt l ultltit'r'+f Rill, .Is wgrs new nit
c +„cry shut erste tato worst pares pl
Notviats 1)ehitity Lost Visor µad
,i m flailing mauhowl; restores tee
} d 'S b:5 we:amins pY body, or mind caused
errors or z-
by ovut wool, or t 9
m� a.mri,s ceases at yotah. 'rills Remedy art
sotutnly enrol the zuost obstlaute Cayes when ell other
?'ittiA Mettle have felled oven to relieve. old by (rug.
('ilial at 41 per p aka o, o:' six. for Sy, of seat by :cadent
'at) , rnronto, On$. hi. rri'tt*'or TOE
bald La iN1G
1•1wor It
La -
POI' Sale liars Jl'a:etes l,y.:!<• i'b'. A a.! tor.
It is snowing hard in Scotland and
some parts of England, and the eold is
I3r1AIe r D sltnsu 14aur• nvisp Irl 30
MINuras:—All eases of organic or syr.
pathetic heart disease relieved in .30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr.
Agnew'sCure for the Heart. Ono dodo
convinces. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist,
Mr. Joseph Tait was last pie ht un
animoiisly nomiiineed as ` the Reform
candidate for the Legislature for North
"Cuts."—The best thing we know of
to heal a cut or wound into blind rip
the injured part with a cloth saturated
in Perry Davis' Pain -Killer. Only 52c.
for the New Big Bottle,
The American steamers. Visitor and
Leroy Brooks, with a party of passen-
gers who were fishing for black bass,
were seized at Belly's Isiaed, near
Point Pelee, Lake Erie, yesterday, by
the Canadian patrol:' yessel l;etrel. •
AB ovroH R n —
Boo* o s Dfna. Ono bottle
of English Spavin Liniment completely
removed a curb from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy,
as it acts with mysterious promptness
in the removal from horses of hard, soft
or calloused lumps, blood epavin,splints
curbs, sweetly,. stifles and i.prains
George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont.
Sold by C. Luti,'Druggist,
Astronomer T:` hh Ling of Chicago
announces the discovery of a new
comet about half a degree below Zeba
H} dra. '
ACP ilfiifA�I SS�ii•EilllliLllE
�- t otetrtt:RS
� care--t�1
17acpp are :•act waver -
Heed to cure every.
thing brtt,inapZy head.
aehat ; Ws -y them, it
rein eost but• k crate
fur arnteso. boas anti their a ••e
They are not s Cathartic.
The Synod of Montreal and Ottawa`
opened at Charleton Place Last night.
The Campell heresy case will be taken
up to day.
Rheumatism Cared in a Day..
South American Rheumatic .Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia; "radically
cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and myster-
ious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits.
25e. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr u; gist.
The Sharon conspiracy case came to
an end last evening. Pegg was dis-'
(hared before the case went to the,
jury. A verdict of guilty was returnedd.
against Mrs. Evans and Osmond. Sena
wars deferred. - e
Ilood'ts and Only ilooa'e..
Are you weak and weary, overwork-
ed arid tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla is
just the medicine you need to purify
and quicken your blood and to give
you appetite andstrength. If you de
tide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not
be induced to buy any other. Any
effort to substitute another remedy is
proof of the merit of Hood's.
Hood's Pills are the best after dinner
Pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
Try a pox.
The Irish Times of Dublin announ-
ces that the Ulster Steamship Co- pany
is about to commence direct comrnuui
cation between Canada and Dublin.
The first boat will leaye Montreal on
June 15.
ltelief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder di
seases relieyed in six hours by the
e sw (CRE." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physic
ians on account of its exceeding
promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or fe
male. It removes retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immed•
iately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
The British Gorvernment has issued
an order pirecting that Canadian cattle
be marked at the ports of arrival. and
that they be isolated and killed at spec-
ial abatoirs. The lungs of the cattle
are to be examined by special inspect-
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
(themselves nervous, weak arid ex-
dausted, who are broken down from
excess or overwork, resulting in many
of the following symptoms: Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
himness of sight, palpitation of the
•heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain
in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in
the face and body, itching or peculiar
sensation about the scrotum, .wasting
of the oagaus, dizziness, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness,depos-
its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-
derness of the scalp and spine, weak
and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipa
tion, dullness of hearing, loss of yoice,
desire for solitude, excitability of tem-
per, sunken eyes, surrounded with
trimmer crutteDS, Oily • looking stein,
etc.. are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lea:l to insanity unless cured,
The spring of vital force having lost
its tension every function wanes in
s who
abuse, committed ignorance, ros
ybe permanently emeed,Send your ad
dress for book oil disease" peculiar to
roan, sent free, sealed. Address M. V.
LCBON, 24 :1.lacdonnel Ave., Toronto,
Tho American malinger who hasengaged
Silvinslti, the pianist, sent him a cable de•
spatelt before departing;:• "Olt no account
have your hair east,
At the late jubilee in Carlsbad in honor
of Labitzky, the t,;atholie priest enlnpused
a festival hynen, e Protesttaumier
ales( rho words andthtare Jewish Syt iwgunist;;rua
furnished the singers, •
•Johann'Stranss, the celebrated.00mposer
Of waltz ilattsie, is shortly to. celebrate his
artistic jubilee in Vienna. Isle made his
debut its 1844 at the head of a dance band
in the tnrdous attaehod to a Viennese rose
Mute. Melba, the Australian • prima
donna, received one thousand dollars a
night fur each performance. at the Metro-
politan opera house, New York; tone.
Calve received nine hundred dollars, :and
Mule. Eames• Story six hundred dollars.
David '
13. Wood, who lhas been the
organist of St. Stepl,eu's Protestant Epis-
copal abuioh, Pitilatlelphin, for thirty
years,, has been blind sines his third year
(he is now 56). Only of his teachers ab the
institaticu fur the. blind in that city was
James G, Blaine.
;King Osutar composed an ode to the mem,
ory of Guuuod, whoao works he greatly
admired, itis majesty being himself a com-
poser enol (listing rished musician. The
icing, as Prince Oscar, was the first to in-
traduce church musk, into Sweden some
twenty years ego, till then unknown,
Leonean alio, the composer of "1 Pan-
liacci," has been requested
tiVillitoui be Empero
of Germany tocu pos-e a patriotic.
opera for the royal opera 'of Berlin. The
subject is to be taken from old Branden-
burg history, aucl the Elector Frederick II.
is the principal personage in the story.
Leoncavallo Inas laid aside all his other.
work to fulfill the kaisers wish.
The Santa Fe railroad is running regular
banana trains out of Galveston in connec-
•tion with the fruit steamers from Central
Least years shortage in the English hay
crop caused an importation into the United
Kingdom of 263,050 tons in 1893, against
61,2e7 in 1892.
, There has been
an u ituprovetuent in the
linen trade of Great Britain with Spain
aid Germany, but with France and
Italy there has been a considerable de,
a field one mile square on tire- estate
:OW. i F. Laritnore, Larimore, N. D., forty
five 'harvesters manned by one hundred
and fifty men set to work and before noon
half of it was harvested.
The gold product of West Australia
Iast year was duuble that of the previ-
ous twelve months. The total export
for the year was 110,391 ounces. The
prospects for the present year are most
The police census of Brooklyn's un-
employed shows that there are 56,676
persous out of work. Thedivision as to
sex is as follows: Male, 46,688; female,
9.988. The number of families affected is
18;824. •
'a Eight hundred tons of Australian butter
were lauded in London from one vessel a
.few days ago.
A company has been formed in New
Zealand to establish a whale station on the
Kermadec islands, in the Pacific ocean,
northwest of New Zealand.
Provision is to be made for greatly en-
larging the British museum. Five and a
half acres will be added to the nine acres
already oecnnied, through purchase from
the duke of Bedford.
A present of a hundred repeating rifles
and eight thousand cartridges has just
been niade by the Austrian ministry of
war to the Freeland association, which has
started a socialist colony in Africa to
preach and practice the protherhuod of
An international exhibition of book and
paper industries is to be opened iu Parisin
July next. It will comprise the various
branches of the manufacture of books and
paper, as well as the machinery. imple-
ments and material used in printing and
illustrating books.
M. Carnot completes his term of office as
president of the French republic on Dec-
ember 3 next.
Bismarck once refused some request
of Empress Eugenie, whereupon her ma-
jesty called hue the "wild man of the
The ameer of Afghanistan has abandoned
his proposed visit to England. His better
half couldn't agree upon which one of them
should go with him.
The fortune of Cecil Rhodes,
of Cape Coluuy, in Afrina, is setat some-
where from $60,000,000 to $75,000,000—
all made in the diamond mines of that
In the olden days when Prince Bismarck
was wont to make lengthy speeches in the
reichstag, a supply of refreshing drinks
was maintained by a relay of waiters run-
ning between the ministerial benches and
the kitohens of the building.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has jnst rented
Burkhurst hall, in Kent, England, an old
castle celebrated for its stately sandstone
All of the students of th violoncello at
present at the royal academy of music in
England are women. Women violin play-
ers have increased greatly iu number in
Europe of late years.
South Africa is having the hottest sum-
mer known in fifty years. During the
early part of last month the average shade
of temperature at Cape Town was 90 to 95
degrees, the beat in the sun ranging from
180 to 150.
The bine uniforms of the Austrian army
are to be abolished and a sober gray sub-
stituted. This is the decision of a •corn-
mittee of experts appointed to investigate
and settle the question of the best color
for soldiers' .clothes.
The Philadelphia board of health has
refused to declare consumption to be a
contagious disease.
A little machine for estimating the
trembling of nervous people has been de-
vised by 13r•. Quintard, a French physi-
truest DI. l.",triest hart, of the British ilIedirial
Jonrtntl declares that cholera will becotne
extinctinthe next thirty years because o
t f
3 3
the rn1 )id advance of sanitary science,
Atole, which a lIexlctnt plrysrvittn pre-
scribed for William L. Wilson, is said to
be very nutritious. Corn is ground
hand, the meal is then parched and sifted
into boiling water or milk, as mush is pie•
lured in the United Staters
An illuminated keyboleltas been invent-
ed fur the benefit of people who stay out
late at night and sometimes try to open the
door with a eorkeerew,
The Consolidated Clas company of New
York is about to begin furnishing gas in
tenement -houses through meters which
furnish twenty-five seats' worth of 'as
when a, silver quarter gas
is put in the slot.
One hundred domestic servants are kill-
ed annually in England in the process of
window cleaning. An invention recently
patented is a window of which the outside
may be (loaned without exposing the
cleaner to any chalice of a tumble.,
A St. Petersburg editor has bit upon the
notion of printing his journal on paper
suitable for making Cigarettes, It is said
that its circulation has been largely in-
creased by this means, fir the Russians are
largely given to smoking cigarettes which
they e make themselves,
Aut ''damp -detector" is the latest inven-
tion to make miserable the traveler's life.
It is a silver trinket, not unlike a compass
in appearance. At the back are scitall
holes` in the silver, through which the
clamp passes and moves the needle until
It points to the word "(astray," By
the aid. of this unairecl sheets eau be de-
Harry Furniss, the celebrated cartoon-
ist, has left the staff of Punch. He is to.
start a unblication of his own.
Sir Joshua Reynolds was often annoyed
by being requested to paint the portraits
of ugly women of quality. ,He said: "If
I paint them as they the they will hate me;
if I don't paint them as they are I shad
hate myself."
When Joseph Kenpler revisited Vienna,
his native city, a few years ago, an editor
there offered hitn a salary of fifty thousand
marks a year for his services, an amount,
deemed fabulous by the Viennese. The
artist in declining remarked that he was
earning two hundred thousand marks a
year in New York.
The Philadelphia academy of fine arts
has concluded negotiations for the pur-
chase of the "Portrait of Mr. Gladstone at
Downing street," by John MoLure Ham-
ilton, one of the features of the recent
sixt-third anneal exhibition. This is a
duplicate of the picture recently purchased
by the Luxembourg, the highest honor
which can be paid to any liviug artist,
A Japanese host or hostess never intrusts
the making of tea to the servants on coin-
pany occasions. Either he or she prepares
the decoction in the presence of the guests.
The Spaniard, however courteous he
may be, never invites a guest to dinner. In
Italy, too, the privacy of the family is sel-
dem invaded at the dinner hour. The
members eat in silence.
The Siamese believe that the human soul
requires seven days to journey from earth
to 'heaven; hence, the prayers of the
friends of the deceased person are con-
tinued for seven days after the individual
A quaint custom, which has been prac-
ticed far centuries. still prevails in Hol-
born, England. Tho time of night is hourly
shouted by the watchman, somewhat in
this style: "Past one o'clock, and a cold,
wet morning."
Names for babies are thus chosen in
Egypt: The parents of the child select
three candles, and to each candle the name
of some dignified personage is given. Tho
three are lighted, and the caudle that burns
the longest denotes the favored name.
Folios and gnartos were the favorite
sizes of books fur 200 years.
It is said that over 200,000 books have.
been written about the Bible.
The German book collectors give the
titles of 6,000 books about Goethe.
"Pilgrims' Progress" has been translated.
into 203 languages and dialects.
The "Poor Mast's Bible" was so•called
front the fact that itwas a cheap edition,
More copies of the Bible thanof any
other book have been sent out by the
The imperial library at Paris has 72,-
000 works treating of the French revolu-
The British museum has 732 histories
of Englund, covering every age of its
The publishers at first refused Pridesu's
"Connections" because the book had no
-Rhyming ends" were fashionable in the
hist century. Collections of difficult
rhymes were made and idle writers passed
inueh time in filling up the lines.
The old Jefferson Davis mansion in Rich-
mond is to be ns'd as a museum for relics
of the confederacy.
England has won eigbty•two per cent. of
the wars she has engaged in; but in over a
century she has defeated no white nation
single ;handed.
It costs Great Britain 820,000 to scrape
the barnacles off the bottom of one of its
big men of war and repaii:t it, and this has
to be done twice a year its the ease of near-
ly every vessel.
A devilish idea has just been saegested
by a Spaniard to "improve the art of war,"
It is to spread illness among an enemy by
showering them with bullets poisoned with
.germs of infectious diseases.
The American 1,0110., 0, y '' is offering
this year three prizes of $100,• 850 and $20
respectively for the three best essays ou
the "Economic Waste of War," to be
competed for by the members of the senior
and junior classes of the colleges of the
United States. Full information is given
its the January number of the Advocate of
Peace, Boston, Mass.
Queen Victoria has a wholesome dread
of fire, Whenever she goes abroad site al-
ways has a couple of fire e:a:inguishers
sent out in advance and fitted up in the
house where she will reside.
'When the Qceen ascended the British
throne more than forty-one per cent. of
the English people could not write
their'names. The proportion in that
condition has been reduced to seven per
Ex•Empress Eugenie, who was not Ming
ago tt guest at dinner with Queen Victoria;
has now only careworn lines and a sad,
dullish expression of the faire, whose
beautyWas onee the admiration
of L
The Queen has a splendid collection of
tablecloths, some of which are covered
with the most interesting tan
for instance, represents, the tied of Water-
loo, with tits: figures of Wellingtou and
'Remeluon faithfully portrayed.
):11T! TNIL
7 �
Fanson's Block 'rete r.
Family. Receipts
arid Prescriptions
Carefull v preps -r,'4
A complete stock of dr':x,
patent medicines, Dr:1 i i
gists' supplies, perfume.,.
toilet soaps, hair bru&'i1. ,
tooth brushes, combs :_ rF!
all articles to be found it
art- 1
fi s c DIb l
DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist.
Buy or Sell a Fa•1•:i
Buy or Sell Town Prope115
Borrow or Lend Morro.:.
Collections Maas'
Call at Mr. ilno. Spackman's
Real Estate Age
Business Transactions strictly rel
fidential. Intendin,; purchasers A, i:'"
receive the best adyice in selecti..,a
land or town ste.
Also agent for Allan Line
and State Line Steamsbi;lit-,
Office:- Main Street, Exeter. Ont.
Box -41
Sewing�' 'achincE..
Baby Carriages �� �a� a� es
And Musical
We are the only
who make a specialty of 1l
above named goods .ii s
therefore claim that we ca:
give the people of Eaei s
and vicinity, .
Greater Bargaii •.
Greater Choice !
Lowest Prices. !I,
The latest and newest di
tachments for all our good:•
can be had by calling. av
our ware-rooms,—One darts
north Dr. Lutz's drug stoi'r
PER!{IjS &
OF THE sem„®_,
Ai Std[� �11 ppNla,Gi PA ILLA
Faints of the Blood