The Exeter Advocate, 1894-5-3, Page 5PUBLISHER OF
What the Great Auicricau Catholic Monthly Owes
Celery Compound.
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Pine s
The name of Donohoe's Magazine,
Mounded by Mr. Patrick Donohoe, of
Boston, in 1879, is known and respec-
ted throughout the English-speaking
Within the past year it has achieyed
almost marvellous success, stands to-
day peerless in its field, doing 'splendid
work for greater religious tolerance
and better economic . conditions. This
success has been won under the direc-
tion of its new publisher, Hon. Daniel
P. Toomey, who, in addition, is at the
head of one of Boston's book publishing
companies and is a representative from
that citylin the legislature of Massa-
Mr. Toomey writes as follows in a
candid and interesting letter.
"I believe in Paine's Celery Com-
pound., If I, you may,
perhaps, wish to publish my words.
But even that does not deter me from
writing you the truth. I have on sym-
pathy with the man who helps tear
down 'the bridge that carried him over.,
Neither do I sympathize with the man
who hides facts just because their pub-
lican may promote the success of others,
Paine's Celery Compound helped me.
That's the fact of the case.
"Finding myself run down and get-
ting into a state of nervousness, recent-
ly, I took the advice of a medical friend,
and bought Paine's Celery Compound.
Its use gave me strength, energy and
buoyancy. Business cares. were made
lighter than before.
"I believe in the efficacy of Paine's
Celery Compound!"
Mr. Toomey's experience is like that
of thousands of others.
Brain workers, those who suffer from
delibity, exhaustion, mental depression,
sleeplessness, find Paine's Celery Com
pound. a certain rejuyenator of the
vital portions. Hard study among
students is a direct cause of debility.
?lLES area new 44.
oovery that pure rho Weser epees of
BEANSBEANS, p� Nervous Debility, Dost Tam; and
: ��ailiug Manhoodi recreme ttie
weakiessot body or maid oPu*'t
by over -work. Pr the errors oraz-
euisas of youth. This Remedy bb•.
wintery elan Dia utast obstinate cases when all other
tiintaTMji2 n have tailed even to reliavo, cold seems,
beta at $1 per package, or six for $5 or seat byMallon
receipt of pt•ICQ by addressing TI -fl ,JAMl d MI'1DIOI1 1
CO.. Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold la...
For Rale Ala E xeterby J. W, Atrowxting
Mr, Frank S, Malloch of Hamilton is
Do not neglect coughs,; colds, asth-
ma, and bronchitis, but cure them by
using Dr Wood' Norway Pine Syrup.,
Slight shocks of earthquake continue
in various parts of Greece.
leer Over Fifty Years.
Winslow's Soo thing Syrup has. been used
for over fifty years by millions of mothers
for their children while teething, with per-
fect su000ee. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, oures wind °olio
and is the best remedy for Diarrhea. is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Druggists In.
every part of the World, Twenty-five cents
a bottle., Its value is incalculable, Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind
John Pring, the petitioner in the
famous London election case is dead.
Energestia action cannot be kept twin
the brain al.d stomach at the same
time. If the mind be intently occupied
with profound thought' of nervous
power will concentrated in the brain
and the stomach being deprived of it
indigestion and disease ensue. Hence
the weak digestion and sallow.conplex
ion of literary men and their 'constant.
complaint of ill health.
It also true that a hopeful, man or
woman can do more work and get well
faster than one in despair. Froin the
first taking of Maine's Celery Compound
a feeling of confidence in recovery
comes over the invalid. New blood
and fresh nervous energy give a hope
ful outlook, Paine's Celery Compound
hastens convalescence wonderfully.
In the spring and early summer, if
ever, there is need of food for brain.
Paine's Celery Compound makes the
weak strong; makes people well. Try
Building operations are reported
lively in Winnipeg.
Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, pim-
ples, abcesses, ulcers, scrofula, etc.
Burdock Blood. Bitters cures bad blood
in any- form from a common pimple to
the worst scrofulous sore.
Gen. R, S. Granger, U.S.A.; retired,
died yesterday at Washington.
All disorders caused by a bilious
state of the systom can be cured by
using Carter's Little Liver Pills, No
pain, griping or discomfort attending
their use. - Try them.
Ald, Morris, Liberal, has retired from
the political contest in East Hamilton
LOW'S WORM SYRUP is itahe stan-
dard of Excellence. Mothers recoil'
amend it„ Children cry for it. Worms
div from it.
Mr. Angus McKinley, of Georgetown,
died yesterday afternoon and the ;town
Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs;
colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat
and diseases of the throat and lungs,
Price 25 and 50e.
The spbs�riptions to the new German
loan of 168,000,000 marks, amount. to
400,000,000 marks.
If you had taken t wo of Carter's Little
Liver Pills before retiring you would
not have had that coated tongue or bad
taste in the mouth this morning. Keep
*lea a vial with you for occasional effects..
Rev. James Carmichael, M.A,, died at
his home, the Presbyterian manse, Nor-
wood, yesterday, aged 64,
NESS ANAEMIA, etc., are cured by
Milburn's Beef Iron and wine.
The Esquesina spring show of horses
at Georgetown yesterday, was the moat
successful ever held there.
Burdock Blood Bitters, retires Consti-
Burdock Blood Hitters, cures Bilious-
Burdock Blood Bitters eures Read -
Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the
clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus
paring Headaches and similiar corn-
claints, •
Ryan and Wright, the Toronto scull-
trs, sailed from New York by the Maj
estic yesterday for England.
Harsh purgative remedies are fast
giving way to the gentle action and
mild effects of Carters Little Liver Pills.
If you them, they will certainly please
Lohman, the Brooklyn defaulting
cashier who was arrested in Toronto,
reached the City of Churches, yesterday
ai,d was met by his wife and son.
cracked skin, sores, cuts, wounds and
bruises are promptly cured•by Victoria
Carbolic Salve. •
There are now 2,400,000 bushels of
wheat in Port William and Port Arthur
elevators. At this time last year there
were over 3,000,000 bushels
I have been greatly troubled with
headache and bad blood for ten or
twelve years. -I started to take Bur-
dock Blood Bitters in•.July, 1892, and
now, (January, 1893), I am perfectly
cured. Hugh Drain, Norwood, Ont.
Admiral Hobkins,of the British North
Atlantic syuadrbe, has instructed his
commanders to aid in the destruction
of derelicts in the Atlantic Ocean.
I can highly praise Burdock Blood
Bitters `because it had a fair trial hi m v
case with wonderful success, My sync-
toms were dropsy, backache and sleep
lessness, and all these disappeared after
using two bottles of Burdock Blood
Bitters. I cannot praise its healing
powers to highly. Georgina Homes,
Wood Point, Saekyille, N, B.
The naval commander at Esgvimalt;
has been instructed to send a British
Worship to warn sealers in Behring sea
of the enforcement of the Paris award,
Forty carloads of magnificent fat
cattle from western ranches passed,
through Winnipeg last night en route
to the English markets,
Midnight Doctors are the most un,
welc01113 visitors—even the Doctor him-
self cures the luck that `compelled him • chasers, for their own safety, should in-
sist on getting Dodd's Kidney Pills, Sold
in 1agge boxes; price, fifty cents or six
boxes for $2.50. To be had of all. deal-
The Workingmen's Central Com-
mittee of Rome have decided to hold a
demonstration on May day in defiance
of the authorities, and the police are
prepairing for a conflict.
HOAST is the old Scotch name for a
cough. The English name for the
best cure for coughs is Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup.
The stone cutters employed in the
quarries at Rockland, Ont , owned by
Mr. Stewart, of Ottawa, have struck for
$3.00 a day and the cuarries are closed.
Thirty men are out,
MINUTES.—Ali cases of organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease relieved in 30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Hear:. One dose
convinces. Sold by C. Lutz, druggist,
The U.S. Senate Committee on Naval
Affairs has amended the Navel Appro
priation Bill by providing for the con-
struction of 15 Torpedo boats for coast
Equal to a Resurrection—Almost helpless
from Kidney Disease—A Burdon to Him-
self and his reDodd's Kidney
F Friends
Chathaam, April 30—The story of
Sherman Buchanan, living near Loam
ington, Is worthy of notice. He says
he was almost helpless, bloated and a
wreck with kidney disease. His dips
tive organs were powerless and he was
rapidly becoming a burden to himself
and his friends. Naturally he lost all
hopes of recovery, but a happy thought
suggested Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
these cured him. Dodd's was the first
kidney remedy in Pill form ever offered
the public. Its wonderful success in
curing all forms of kidney disease has
led to the introduction of numerous
cheap and worthless imitations, Por-
f� `, .1 COLDS.
` ee i e� e `, TEASPOONFUL Or
-v Aiv S S'
Ald, Morris, the temperance party's
candidate in East Hamilton, has deci-
ded not to enter the contest.
A Boon TO HORSBMBN,—One bottle
of English Spavin Liniment completely
removed a curb from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy,
as it acts with mysterious promptness
in the removal from horses of hard, soft
or calloused lumps,hlood spavin,splints
curbs, sweetly, stifles and sprains.
George Robb, Farmer, Markham, Ont.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
Ald. T. Nebit Robertson, one of the
proprietors of The St John, N.B., Globe,
died yesterday afternoon,
Thieumatism Cured in a Day.
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
eures in 1 to 3 days. ns action upon
the system is remarkable and myster-
ious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits.
25c. Sold by C. Lutz,Dr uggist.
Rev. Mr. Clay .of Moosejaw has re-
ceived a call to St. Andrews Presby
terian Church, Victoria, B. C.
to leave his comfortable bed. Suppose
you try our method. and keep a big
Bottle ofrirryi,Davis Pain Biller in
the house, and let Doctor Squills stay
in his bed and ett,,y,r'' himself.
T61E °`D.&
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
If you want your linen to
look whiter than snow, take
it to . ,
The consideration of the Wilson bill
by paragraphs was begun in the Unit-
ed States Senate yesterday.
Relief in Six if[ours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder di
ceases relieved in six hours by the
leBY Gunn." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physic
ians on account of its exceeding
promptness iu relieving pain in the
bladder, kidueyS,back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or fe
male. It removes retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immed-
iately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
The National Council of Women is
at present the subject of a lively con-
troversery in the French•Canadian
A Doctor's View.
EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist
and Children'
A Specialty.
One of the most noted physicians of
modern timg says:—"When the system
is surchased with bile and the liver
needs a powerful stimulus to excite it
to duty, then it is that we use powerful
cathartics to obtain the necessary re-
lief, often attended, however, with pros-
trating effects," and he might also add,
"often causing by their re -action worse
constipation and biliousness than be-
fore." Now this is not the ease with
Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. They do
not prostrate nor re -act. They act
gently yet powerfully. Those troubled
with Ironic constipation or a bilious
habit that has lasted for years must
continue their use for some time; but
they will do their work and permanent-
ly cure' those thus afflicted,
Mr J, Harley Brown of London, son
of Mr. Adam Brown, was married to
Miss Margaret Hobson at Hamilton
This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for
Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such
as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Impure Blood, etc. These Loxen es are pleasant
and harmless, and thoughpnwert'uI to promote a
healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills.
If your tongue is coated you Steed them_
, 5•i
it 4* •".;,
d'T ALL DREG troPti.'l.
ALL a Hair not tt a}� E.
tiled to cure every.
tkiny,but simply head-
aches. airy Mem, it
will cost but 25 cents
or a boas and they ayeharmless.
They are not a Cathartic.
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak and ex-
dausted, who are broken down from
excess or overwork, resulting in many
of the following symptoms: Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
himness of sight, palpitation of the.
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain
in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in
the face and body, itching or peculiar
sensation about the scrotum, wasting
of the oagans, dizziness, specks before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and. elsewhere, bashfulness, depos-
its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-
derness; of the scalp and spine, weal<
and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipa
tion, dullness of heating, loss of polars,
desire for solitude, excitability of tem-
per, sunken eyes, surrounded with
LBADEN OXRCLBs, oily looking • skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to insanity unless cured.
The spring of vital force having lost
its tension every function wanes in
consequence, Those who through
abuse, committed in ignorance, may
be permanently cured. Send your ad-
dress for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent free, sealed. Address M. V.
LUBON, 24 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto,
The great miners, strike in the State
continues to spread, Sortie 14,000 men
in the coke region have joined the
Self-Sueutng Cows. -
In reply to the question, how to break
a half-blood Jersey heifer from sucking
herself, F. E. Emery, of the North
Carolina experiment station, says;
We would not attempt a'cure on an
animal of ordinary value. Side bars or
nose contrivances will prevent the suck-
ing. but an ordinary beast is not worth
the trouble entailed. It isprobably one
chance in ten if your heifer freed from
the habit will yield enough to pay cost
of feed and risk and pay for herself.
Then add the trouble and expense to
overcome a vicious and -vexatious habit,
it is too much. We advise you to beef
her and put the beef moneyinto a young
cow free from bad habits. If the cow
was a full blooded and registered animal
it would be a different matter, but for
inferior stook it is not worth the
trouble. If you desire to save the heifer
and keep on the side bars continually
for a long time, two or three years, she
may forget it, but the first act of licking
an itching place may recall it even then,
end your trouble be all for naught.
Te"I '.&L.
CureThatCough, ,
PtttFlesh onYourBones
Prevent Consumption.
Exeter Liiiiiber
►S Panson's Block Exeter.
Family Receipts
and Prescriptions,
Carefully prepared..
A complete stock of drug. i,
patent medicines, Drug-
.r ug -
gists' supplies, perfume F,
toilet soaps, hair bru.sbc i ,
tooth brushes, combs al 1l
all articles to be found in
a first-class Drug Store,
DR. C. LUTZ, Druggist.
The undersigned wishes
to inform thegeneral public
that he keeps constantly in
stock all kinds of building
material, dressed and un-
dressed lumber .
B. C. Red, Ontario,
High h Land and
Pine Shingles..
Special notice is drawn
to B. C. Red Cedar which
is acknowledged to be the
most durable timber that
grows; especially for shing.
36 to 40a ears.. .
It is said by those 'who
know, that they will last
ears in an..
from 86y y
Jaws. Willis
General and Harms liability, •
Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects c..
Errors or Excesses in Old. or Young. Ro'at:_•'.
Noble Manhood fully Restored. How t,
Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped
Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un-
failing Home Treatment—Benefits in a day.
Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Coun-
tries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex-
planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
Boils, Pimples, Blotches,
Ulcers, Sores,
Scrofula 0) Skin iseases..
Dam fte. --I was covered with 1pimplos and
small boils and after obtainingno roiioflfroit
a doctor tried different rohtodos Withotit -xuo•
OOPS until Ono Sundae I was given s of a bbtdJ
of Burdock Blood B,tters, by the use of Which
the sores were sent flying in n,botit ono week's
time, I made up my mind never to be without
7313,23, in the House, and 1 can highly reoont-
mond it to all....
F1 ID. CABT11, lSaney,13. c.
I tan answer for tho truth of the above.
T. 0, NS1EIS'3•'1eb11, Fancy, 53.
NA____2141.1: TO TAKE
i I
The undersigned wishes
to inform thegeneral public
that he keeps constantly in
stock all kinds of building
material, dressed and un-
dressed lumber .
B. C. Red, Ontario,
High h Land and
Pine Shingles..
Special notice is drawn
to B. C. Red Cedar which
is acknowledged to be the
most durable timber that
grows; especially for shing.
36 to 40a ears.. .
It is said by those 'who
know, that they will last
ears in an..
from 86y y
Jaws. Willis
General and Harms liability, •
Weakness of Body and Mind, Effects c..
Errors or Excesses in Old. or Young. Ro'at:_•'.
Noble Manhood fully Restored. How t,
Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped
Organs and Parts of Body. Absolutely un-
failing Home Treatment—Benefits in a day.
Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Coun-
tries. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex-
planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
Boils, Pimples, Blotches,
Ulcers, Sores,
Scrofula 0) Skin iseases..
Dam fte. --I was covered with 1pimplos and
small boils and after obtainingno roiioflfroit
a doctor tried different rohtodos Withotit -xuo•
OOPS until Ono Sundae I was given s of a bbtdJ
of Burdock Blood B,tters, by the use of Which
the sores were sent flying in n,botit ono week's
time, I made up my mind never to be without
7313,23, in the House, and 1 can highly reoont-
mond it to all....
F1 ID. CABT11, lSaney,13. c.
I tan answer for tho truth of the above.
T. 0, NS1EIS'3•'1eb11, Fancy, 53.